#Shadow World indeed
daisymeade · 10 months
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The boys got banished to the shadow realm.
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silo1013 · 1 year
what are your thoughts about krycek's kill in sleepless?
i think i made some kind of small post about this like a month ago but i'm going to get more into it now that you've sent me an ask about it specifically. unleashing the beast.
ok so i don't know if this is like. #controversial or whatever but i don't actually think he was faking his reaction to killing augustus cole! i do think that was baby's first murder.
in the LSG media x-files podcast, one of the hosts points out that, at the end of sleepless, krycek kind of has no choice but to kill cole. cole wants to die, and was going to die either way (he was clearly planning to jump off the ledge of the vehicle yard building before being confronted by mulder)--but he knows that mulder isn't going to do it, so he puts it on krycek by manipulating him into seeing the gun where the bible was. there's obviously no way for krycek to fake that, it's external. so if he thinks that his partner is about to get shot, what does he do? if he wasn't a spy, he'd do what he's supposed to do according to what they teach you at the FBI, which is to shoot cole (the hostile suspect) before he can shoot mulder (the LEO). he is a spy, but he still has to do what he's supposed to do, because if he doesn't, it'll blow his cover.
the conversation between krycek and the cigarette-smoking man in ascension makes it pretty obvious that krycek is like. at this point, basically an errand boy. a foot soldier AT MOST. the cigarette-smoking man tells krycek, among other things, that he "has no rights, only orders to be carried out," and that if he has problems with that, they'll "make other arrangements," which is like. very obviously a threat that krycek seems disquieted by, placing him in what is probably a relatively low position in the syndicate's hierarchy. he's a mole, someone who watches and passes along information--not the kind of operative that assassinates people.
we get basically nothing on krycek in terms of backstory/what he was doing before being introduced into the story (which in almost all cases i think is a plus) but to be honest i don't think there would have been any reason for him to have killed anybody before cole. krycek mentions in ascension that the cigarette-smoking man "had" him do something--we infer that this is related to the death of duane barry at the least, if not also what happened to the tram operator at skyland mountain--so we know that he wasn't doing that of his own accord, he was receiving orders. we see him doing the same thing in anasazi (before the cigarette-smoking man decides he's a loose end that needs to be tied), except now he seems to be being specifically ordered to carry out hits; likely because somebody, somewhere, saw what he did in ascension and decided that he could handle it. i don't believe that that was always his job, and i definitely don't think that it was anywhere NEAR his job during the period of time he was assigned to be mulder's partner. the confrontation the end of sleepless puts him in the position to kill someone when he wasn't intended to be, and he does it, and after they realize he can do it, he's put in positions where he has to do it more. if it helps the government cover up the fact that they've been doing fucked up experiments on people, that's an added bonus.
part of this can be attributed to nicholas lea being a good actor, obviously, but i think when it comes to determining this sort of thing, it's physical reactions that tend to sell it. at the end of the scene, right before the cut to mulder finding out his file's been stolen from the car, there's the shot of mulder and krycek leaning over cole's body in the vehicle yard building. it's the most well-lit part of the scene, and there's a long shot focusing on the bible lying at cole's side where he'd dropped it as he fell. it's pretty zoomed in, since the focus is on the book, but both mulder and krycek are partially visible in-shot. mulder, who we know has killed people before, doesn't enjoy it but is familiar with it, is very sober and still; krycek's hand is shaking so hard it's changing the reflections on the face of his wristwatch.
so yeah, i do think augustus cole was the first time he ever killed anyone, and i think his hesitations and reactions were real. frankly i think most of his reactions to things regarding the case were real; he might be part of the alien cover-up conspiracy but i feel like maybe that doesn't prepare you for war veterans that can kill people with their minds. i guess it's the sort of thing where it's like. he COULD have been faking it? "it" being the fear and anxiety and immediate shock of killing a person for the first time. even though i think the emotions that you must be experiencing after you kill someone for the first time, especially if you didn't necessarily want to do it--residual fear, sick adrenaline, some kind of fucked up relief--would be pretty difficult to fake, particularly if you're trying to fool one of the best psychologists in the bureau, i don't doubt that he could have gotten away with faking it if he'd had to. but i just think it's a little more interesting if he didn't
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princessnijireiki · 1 year
"it's the cloth mother actually, comfort but no substance!" it's not even that. it's pictures. it is a stranger you will never actually see playing pretend. a prerecorded gaze with no softness of touch. it is not even the simulacrum of being hugged back
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hyperfixated-homo · 2 years
Different worlds only buildings apart
Chapter 5 - The Scraping
Storms lead to sunny skies while the world wakes up. Six people start six stories, as different as can be. Or at least, it all seems so different. In reality, the world is much smaller than they might think, and what’s the difference between a horror story and a romantic comedy but a change in perspective?
Ao3 link
Chapter summary: What was on the other side of that door?
Warnings: Mentions of death, murder, murderers, uhhh dissociation?? possibly?? Tell me if I missed anything I'm sure I did
Word count: 952
There was a noise from the other side of a heavy wooden door, like something was scratching against it. In the eerily quiet atmosphere, the only thing that could be heard is breathing and the low, repetitive scratching. 
A man sat in the room that the door led to, still and silent. His head tilted back and his eyes were closed. It would have looked like he was sleeping, if you could look close enough at him to see that he was breathing. From too far away, he looked ghostly. Dead. He was sitting there, waiting. Waiting for what? Well, he didn’t quite know himself. Inspiration maybe. 
That was the reason he was here in the first place, alone in an abandoned house miles away from any actual civilization. Inspiration. He was waiting for something interesting to happen, for something - or maybe someone - to leap out of the shadows and take him by surprise. 
A single, lonely lightbulb lit the otherwise dark room as he sat there. There was nothing, nothing but the man and the darkness and the faint scratching noise on the other side of the door. 
He wondered, briefly, if this was worth the effort. Worth the time. Worth the money he spent on gas for his car, the fifty bucks for the motel room, all of it just so that he could be in this strange place in the middle of nowhere. He hadn’t done anything today, not really. He was just sat in the room. Quiet. Waiting. 
The man slowly raised his head as he heard the sound again outside the door. A slight scraping sound that was just a bit too loud to ignore. Could have been a small animal, he thought. It probably was. But not a rat, or any other small vermin. No, it wasn’t quite quiet enough to be that. 
Could he write about that scratch?
It seemed to scratch an itch in his brain. Gave him some stimulation other than the loneliness he felt at the time. It was the kind of noise that made him want to jump out of his seat and do something crazy…like tear off his skin. Maybe he would write about that. The urge to tear off his skin. He wondered if it were possible to do so. Probably not, not without some sort of weapon. 
Maybe the sound was caused by just that. A weapon. A knife or even something like a screwdriver. Maybe there was a murderer out there, using the knife to pick at the walls like they would later pick at his skull.
Maybe they’d already done it. Maybe he was dead already, killed by that scratchy scraping noise and he was reliving the moment. Over and over and over again for the rest of eternity. It didn't feel too different from being alive though. No, when he floated like this, with nothing to ground him in reality except the single lonely light and that loudly quiet scratching, being alive felt exactly like being dead. 
He could write about that feeling. The feeling of floating. The feeling of nothing. Nothing except the dark and the light and the scratching. Maybe he could write about this little room in an abandoned house miles away from any civilization. 
It was on the door, he realized now. Not beside or behind, the scratching came from the door itself. Like something was clawing it’s way through the wood, like the murderer was coming to torture him to death and eat his heart afterwards for supper. Maybe they were. Maybe this was how it ended. Maybe this was death. 
The man opened his eyes. The light was still shining, cold and lonely in the otherwise dark room. He stood up, not that he felt it. He didn’t really feel anything. He didn’t recognise the chill in his bones, or the feeling of his limbs moving. He stood and looked around the small room and realized that he was all alone. The scratching had stopped. Maybe it had disappeared. Maybe it had never existed in the first place. Maybe he was insane. 
He walked towards the heavy wooden door. He moved his fingers towards it, almost unconsciously, and then stopped himself. 
Why open the door? Why leave this place? Why should he go, when he had spent so much effort and time? What was the point of all the money he spent on gas for his car, the fifty bucks he spent on a motel?
Maybe it was for inspiration. Maybe it was for the experience. Maybe it was for the murderer who was waiting outside the door, waiting with a knife or a screwdriver. 
Maybe there was no reason. Maybe he didn’t come here for the inspiration at all, but for the quiet, the darkness, the nothingness. 
Maybe he came here for the scratching. For the noise that might not even exist. 
Maybe he should stop trying to make this something profound and just open the door. 
He reached his hand to the wood and pushed it open. It made a creaking sound as it swung on its hinges and there was the sound of silence immediately afterwards. 
There was darkness. Darkness lit only by two pinpricks of red light, coming from the face of the man made of nothing. His figure stood motionless and silent as he turned to look around the hallway and at the space outside the door, his frame lit only by a single, lonely light.
And he smiled. Eerie and silent, alone in an abandoned house, hours away from any civilization. 
Remus turned off the light, in his little lonely room, and he left. 
A knife stayed embedded in a thick wooden door.
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
DCxDP fan fic Idea: Danny Fenton's Ex
Danny wants to know that he did not go looking for a fight. He merely wanted to have some of the best hot dogs this side of the USA, in Tucker's words. The human world had changed a lot across differnt timelines but his best friend had assure him, this one was particually tasty.
He planned to pop in, hunt down the street cart filled with buns and meat, then pop out of Gotham. He was meant to visit for less than an hour at most.
He just happened to be at the wrong place and time. It really wasn't his fault! Danny had been minding his own business, using a paper map on the edge of a tall building (his phone had broken in the last ghost fight. Not that it would do any good since it wasn't connected to any living towers), squinting at the streets below, hoping to figure out where he was. The next thing he knew, an angry child leaped out at him with a sword.
Of course, he defended himself! The kid was doing some insane slashes in the air, and Danny had fought enough samurai ghosts to know not to underestimate how powerful a katana indeed was. He had been able to beat the child, encasing his arms in ecto-chains, after a full half hour of combat.
Danny had been dead tired- pun not intended- but just as he thought he was done, a second child had leaped out at him. This one carrying a bo-staff. It took another thirty minutes to beat this one, and just as he was gearing up for a lecture, a third child appeared.
She was wearing all purple and seemed to favor strong kicks. Danny had the bruise to prove it, but just as he could take her down—and stop the other two from escaping since they were attempting to do so—he was attacked by an actual shadow and her red bucket-head friend.
Now, those two were difficult to beat, especially when it was two vs. one. Shadow reacted as if she could predict all of his moves before he even made them, while Bucket Head made incredible shots with his guns covering her attacks.
Danny had already been expelled from his other two fights, so it was a miracle he was able to trick Shadow by allowing more of Phantom to bleed into his fighting style. She couldn't predict the dead!
He ended up on a roof with five children- okay, more like a child, two teenagers, and what could be the early twenties, but they were all young to him. Each was tied up securely with some of his own ecto-chains and glaring- he could feel the hate in their eyes even behind their masks- trying desperately to catch his breath.
"Oh boy, I'm not as young as I used to be. " He gasps between huffs. Maybe Sam was on to something when she lectured them for not having enough greens, normal exercise routines, or even taking vitamins. They really weren't teenagers anymore. "Ugh, I think I pulled something. I need to lie down..."
Just as Danny is allowing himself to slide to the floor, two more shadows jump at him. This time he's far too tired to dodge, and the blue one manages to land a drop kick to his chin. The force has Danny spinning in place, losing his balance, and slamming hard against the roof.
The tied-up children cheer, and if he wasn't a walking bruise right now, Danny would be half tempted to show them all a round two.
"Great Gatsby!" He cries out of reflex, rolling onto his back, ready to take a swing-
"Danny?" a new familiar voice cuts in. The sound is something Danny will never forget, even after all the years they have been apart. He used to fall asleep to that voice, muttering into his hair and warm arms wrapped around him, making promises never kept.
Danny whips his head around to see a man in a bat costume. He squits, studying the strong curve of a very familiar jaw and his voice-
"Wayne?" He blinks. Those lips- so familiar and different all in one- curve into a surprise, but please smile. Yes, that is definitely Bruce.
"Danny, I haven't seen you since-"
"You broke up with me through a letter on the hotel note-pad? A note-pad that I had to pay for since you touched it!?" Danny hisses, suddenly energized with pure, unadulterated rage. The man freezes.
"I, uh, see you're still upset about that." Wayne winces, shuffling on his feet- Bruce Wayne, the little human he found wandering the Infinite Realms, rescued, helped, trained, and had become human again to have the man dump him to "find himself."
Danny knew he found a lot of ladies on his self-discovery trip. He never forgave him. It has been embarrassing to have to return to the Realms to his friends' knowing eyes and his sister's sad shrug.
You knew a human could never understand or live with beings like us. We aren't like them anymore. She had told him. It was bond to end in disaster.
"What is happening?" The bow-staff kid asks
"I don't know, but I don't like it," Blue tells him.
Danny ignores them to glare at the man. "What the hell are you doing here, Wayne?"
Wayne frowns. "You used to call me Bruce."
"I used to do a lot of things, Wayne." Danny stands, gesturing to the group of people he has captured. "Can you kindly disappear again? I'm in the middle of something."
The man makes no move to leave. Instead, he tilts his head. "Those are my children."
"Of course they are." Danny rolls his eyes. "Tell them to not attack innocent tourists-"
"Are you here on vacation? Would you like me to give you a tour?"
The familiar words- the ones from their first date- make rage boil in his core. "Oh, go burn in the worst levels of hell!"
He doesn't stick around for a reply, twisting in a tight circle and ripping a hole into the Realms. He ignores Wayne's call of his name; it's too late- fifteen years too late- and shifts back into Phantom.
He prays he never sees that deadbeat again. Or the family his wife gave him. Not that Danny cares; it's been years, and he could care less what Bruce Wayne and his stupid kin got up to.
"Bruce, I say this with all my heart, what the fuck was that?"
"That was the one I let get away."
There is a moment of silence before Damian speaks up. "I demand to be taken out of my misery. Mercy, kill me now, Drake."
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illyrianbitch · 4 months
An Evening Reunion
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Pairing: Reader x Azriel
Summary: Azriel comes home from a mission. You talk to him about your day, but he’s far more interested in you—and your silk nightgown.
Warnings: 18+, established relationship fluff, lil domestic moments, az coming home from a mission, reader serving cunt in a nightgown, suggestive sexual content, basically dry humping, boners, and allusions to sex
Word Count: ~ 1.6k
based on this ask!! youve done the lords work!!
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The evening was still and quiet, a content feeling lingering in the air as if the world had enjoyed its day and was happily ready to yield to the night.
It had, indeed, been a good day, a really good day. You had no complaints— except one. You missed your mate. Azriel had been so busy recently, chasing fading whispers and potential leads. He was running himself ragged, returning every night exhausted and sore. What would make today perfect for you was something you were sure would make Azriel’s day end properly— a nice, warm embrace.
Faintly, your ears picked up the sound of the door opening, a small creaking that you’d grown to love. Your heart leapt as you pushed yourself out of bed, the floor cold against your bare feet as you made your way out of the bedroom and through the hallway.
A window was open in the living room, a decision you had made earlier to welcome the beautiful weather. You had forgotten about the decision until now, until the cool breeze met your body and you shivered, nipples hardening under the thin material of your silk nightgown.
A familiar scent of night-chilled leather and something uniquely him filled the room, carried by the gentle night breeze. You took in a deep breath, letting the air and the smell of your mate fill your senses. A smile began to gnaw at your lips as you rounded the corner, eyes landing on Azriel’s form.
His wings were folded tightly against his back as he shrugged off his jacket, shadows swirling and flickering around his form like restless children. You knew that they got tired on these long missions sometimes, too. Your heart ached at the sight of two beings you loved so dearly being so evidently exhausted.
Sensing your presence, Azriel’s eyes immediately found yours, and the weariness in his face softened into a look of pure affection. His movements stilled, shadows seemingly calming, then, as if sensing his relief. Within seconds, they surged towards you, encircling you in a cool, loving embrace. You laughed softly, the sensation tickling your skin.
You smiled at your mate. “Welcome home.”
His gaze softened even further, a deep warmth kindling within your chest as he tugged on your bond— that divine, beautiful bond.
“You’re a sight for sore eyes,” he murmured, crossing the room in a few long strides. He brought you into a quick, tight embrace, a hand placed on the back of your head as he pressed a faint kiss to your forehead.
When he broke apart with a sigh, you reached up to run a comforting hand over his arm. “Rough day?”
He shrugged, but his shoulders relaxed under your touch. “Better now.”
You gave him a sympathetic glance, brows furrowing at the tension etched into his features. You took his hand in yours, bringing it to your lips to place a kiss on his knuckles. “Let’s get you to bed.”
Azriel only nodded, a small smile gracing his lips as he followed you down into the hallway, closing the bedroom door with his heel as you pulled him inside.
Piece by piece, you helped him remove his leathers, fingers softly undoing the buckles and straps. You let out a small laugh at the motions, memories of the start of your relationship bubbling to the brink of your mind— a time where you’d struggle to remove these same buckles and straps, when you’d get so frustrated and curse both your mate and his clothing. Not that you knew he was your mate at that point, but something inside you had convinced you that he was worthy enough of the patience it took to navigate the countless aspects of his fighting leathers.
“What is it?” Azriel asked softly, “What's so funny?”
You shook your head, drawing your lips in between your teeth. “Just remembering a time when I couldn’t remove these damned things.”
Azriel let out a laugh then, too. “And now look, you’re an expert.”
You looked up to meet his eyes. “I know. Call me the mate of the century.”
He let out another small chuckle, a dimpled smile forming on his face. A wave of silence fell upon you as each piece of clothing fell to the floor with a soft clunk, a sound made from both the metal clasps and the hidden assortment of weapons inside. Picking it all up was a problem for tomorrow. You made a mental note of it and stored it away in your mind.
Azriel let out a sigh of relief as the final pieces of his armor fell away. He peeled off the rest of his clothing, leaving him in just his underwear as he took a step closer to you. You tried not to stare at the beautiful form before you, at the ripple of his muscles. Gods, it was a sight you’d never tire of.
“Come here,” he said, gently pulling you onto the bed with him. He laid back against the pillows, his wings spreading slightly to accommodate your weight as you settled yourself atop him, straddling his hips. His hands found your waist, fingers tracing idle patterns on the silk of your nightgown, a cool trail of shadows following and exaggerating his every move.
“Tell me about your day.”
You smiled, leaning in to press a kiss to his jaw. “Nesta and I walked around town for a bit. We found this little bookstore she loved. And then I baked with Elain. We made those dark chocolate cupcakes you like.”
He hummed appreciatively, hands rubbing gentle circles on your hips. “Sounds nice.”
You started to roll your hips, slowly, almost absentmindedly— a movement that you’d grown used to from other times spent in this same position. “It was. Elain sent some home for you.”
Azriel’s grip on your waist tightened slightly, his attention divided between your words and the steady, tantalizing motion of your body against his. “I can’t wait to try them.”
His fingers traced up your sides, one hand gently pushing your hair away from your neck to expose the sensitive skin to him. You shuddered at his touch, at the light brush of his fingertips. His hands were still cold from outside, and the tendrils of smoke, of shadow, that wrapped around his wrist made the feeling even stronger.
“And then we… oh,” you whispered, breath hitching as his nose brushed against your neck, face nuzzling into the crook of it. You felt the heat of his breath against your skin as he traced a path up your throat, a warm ripple of excitement running down your spine.
You tried to stay focused, asking him a question about his day and his input for tomorrow's plans. Cassian’s birthday was next week, and you and Az still had to decide on what you wanted to give him. The plan, supposedly, was to go out tomorrow and finalize your gifts. But your mate's attention seemed elsewhere. You let out a small laugh. “Az, are you even listening?”
He lifted his head just enough to meet your eyes, gaze dark with desire, pupils now blown out. “Baby,” he said, “How can I when you look so good, and smell fucking divine.”
You let out a breath as a blush crept up your cheeks, the warmth radiating throughout your body. His hands tightened on your hips as he pulled you closer, his arousal now evident beneath you, large and wanting. “No, no,” he murmured, his voice husky with need, “Keep talking.”
“Alright,” you responded quietly, but your heart was no longer in the conversation. Instead, you focused on his hardening length beneath you, at the movement of your hips and the growing heat in your stomach. Azriel’s breathing grew more labored beneath you and you wrapped your arms around his neck, drawing him closer. “And then we—”
You faltered as Azriel began to roll his hips, a whine leaving your lips as his hands slid up your back, fingers tangling in your hair. He pulled you into a searing kiss, mouth slotting over yours naturally— needy and eager.
Azriel groaned into your mouth, hands tightening around you as he urged you to continue moving against him— a request you gave into immediately, a pool of desire beginning to wet both your nightwear and his. He deepened the kiss, tongue brushing against yours, and there was a certain tremor in his muscles— a barely restrained hunger as he started to thrust up.
His hand tightened around your waist, the other sliding down to grab your ass, guiding you with a firm, insistent touch. His shadows coiled around your thighs as you parted from him, heavily breathing against his lips, “I'm getting the feeling that you’ve missed me.”
Azriel’s laugh was deep and rich, the sound vibrating through his chest as his lips remained pressed to yours. “Unbelievably so,” he muttered, capturing your lips in another hungry kiss, pulling you even closer.
You let out a sound of protest as he pulled away again, but it quickly turned into one of pleasure as his mouth trailed down to your collarbone, pressing heated kisses along your shoulder. The strap of your nightgown slipped down, baring more of your skin to his eager mouth.
"S'pretty," Az purred against your skin, fingers delicately tugging the strap down further. "I like this."
“Yeah?” Threading your fingers through his hair, you tugged lightly at his scalp, drawing his attention back to you. The intensity of his gaze sent a thrill through you and you throbbed as he ran his tongue over his lips. “Show me how much.”
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
whoever sent that ask....i love u and u got me writing faster than any deadline <3
permanent tag list 🫶🏻: @rhysandorian @itsswritten @milswrites @lilah-asteria @georgiadixon
@glam-targaryen @cheneyq
azriel tag list: @thisiskaylin
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critterbitter · 9 months
re: your thoughts on legendaries (which is very cool and based) what’s your take on the differences between legends:arceus giratina and platinum giratina, especially since you defined them as hating the world? specifically the bit where giratina (at least seemingly) actively defended the world from cyrus trying to destroy it, after trying to do the same thing with volo’s help centuries prior?
Weird ghost worm upon yee (AND MORE ART BELOW CUT!)
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Anyways, here’s my mad ramblings about Giratina and Arceus’s backstory.
Tldr: Giratina’s a conglomerate of angry souls scorned by Arceus.
(Here’s the playlist. It’s all about worms.)
How it Started.
The original one has chosen favorites over the passage of time. Heroes, legends, protagonists…
Arceus intervenes for those it loves, and the consequences of a god touching the mortal world is devastating in its entirety. One act of divine intervention causes entire civilizations to collapse. One whispered suggestion drives an entire legacy insane.
So Arceus, paralyzed by its love for the mortal world, acts very little, learning from its mistakes. Apathy soaks through every motion. And thus is the way of the world.
But people love the Originator. Religions are born from Arceus’s rare deeds, and generation on generation taught its benevolence. Imagine spending your entire life chasing after that golden light. Imagine knowing its real and there, and it loves you.
Imagine begging it for help, and seeing it turn away when you need it most.
I think those people would feel very abandoned indeed, if they spent their lives worshipping, and receiving no response at all.
Giratina is born from the abandoned, the lost, and the angry. They’re a hundred thousand souls who’s adoration turned to spite. They’re an entity who demands for Arceus to look at them, so they can finally rest.
Arcues can not look at them in full, because if it does Giratina will fade.
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(Scio, beloved. For I can not let you go.)
So the Original One banishes the Unwanted Beast into the distortion world, and Giratina seethes, and starves, and screams.
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(Here are two truths about the Beast Between Dimensions—
1. Some part of them still loves Arceus. Arceus is their anchor, after all— the sole reason why they exist, why they are. But Arceus can not love it back in a way that matters, and that hurts.
2. Giratina is made of a thousand voices. Some of these voices remember that there’s a world above. They miss it.)
Why Giratina attacked Hisui in PLA:
PLA Giratina’s not a new god, but they’re very, very bitter and barely coherent on a good day. Volo serves as a conduct to help unite the broiling mass of ghosts against Arceus, and thus Giratina’s hatred overcomes any flickering affections they have for the land.
It doesn’t help that Arceus intervened for Hisui, sending Akari to directly stop Volo from summoning Giratina.
(As for Volo, well.
Imagine being a child who was thrown into the future due to Palkia and Dialga’s fits, who learned his people (his world) no longer exist beyond a shadow in the history books and a single, bitter lore keeper.
Volo doesn’t remember his original culture beyond vague imprints and singing praises to Sinnoh, but he knew he was loved, and he knew his family is dust four hundred years in the past. There’s a special sort of rage in him that echoes Giratinas.)
(Why did you abandon my people, Arceus? What kind of god are you, to leave those who love you so callously behind?)
(Maybe some part of Giratina recognizes Volo, beyond a feeling of kinship.
Maybe some part of Giratina grieves because it recognized the child Volo was.)
When Volo gets his pound of flesh, (when he realizes Arceus is not beholden to him, that the inherent alien morality Arceus holds is not a personal slight), Giratina will finally rest.
Anyways what I’m trying to say is: Arceus is never a person, but a nebulous embodiment of the connection shared between pokemon and humans. It tries to experience what it’s supposed to embody, but millennia of watching people be and cease has given it choice paralysis, apathy, and a hoarding issue. If something lasts forever next to it? Good.
Giratina was once a person. (Correction, a LOT of persons.) They don’t think very linearly either, but they have context on mortal matters and are thus the more benevolent and malicious of the two. One day, time will smooth them into something like Arceus. We can only hope the two keep each other in check.
If the ancient version of giratina is an angry conglomerate of ghosts scorned by Arceus, the modern iteration of Giratina’s a creature that’s more settled in its skin and more assured in its duties. Giratina still has beef with Arceus, but they unionized into one being who’s love of the mortal world has triumphed over its ancestral grudge. One might even postulate they have shifted their anchor from Sinnoh the god, to Sinnoh the place.
((We call this character developement. Good for you, weird ghost worm!))
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(((FULL DISCLOSURE, VOLO BEING FROM THE PAST IS INSPIRED FROM FOXFALL. You know. The fic that got me into this fandom. Please give it some love.)))
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allthingsimagines · 6 months
So It Goes…
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“I��m yours to keep and I’m yours to lose. You know I’m not a bad girl, but I do bad things with you, so it goes” - So It Goes… by Taylor Swift
Feyd-Rautha x Pregnant!Atreides!Reader
summary: What will happen when orders are given and it pits the two people you love most against one another?
word count: 3.4k
warnings: Feyd being very ooc
a/n: I woke up this morning and cranked this out because I couldn’t get it out of my head
The Freman had attacked in unprecedented numbers. They bombed the city, the whole building rattling violently from the attacks. You had been in the throne room as they broke into the palace. The room filled with smoke as the revered Muad’dib made his way in front of the Emperor.
Your husband, na-Baron Feyd-Rautha, had kept you securely behind him the entire time. You clung to him like a shadow, holding the back of his tunic in one hand and your swollen stomach with the other. Muad’dib had made quick work of the disgusting Baron, which had left you feeling an overwhelming sense of relief.
You had prayed for the downfall of the Harkonnen’s since the moment they had murdered your entire family. They attacked with no warning and slaughtered everyone you had ever loved. You were the only survivor and the Baron took you to serve as a reminder of their great power. Certainly, you would have been dead in days if not for your husband’s possessive nature.
You had been promised to him since the day you were born as a show of peace between the families. When the Baron dragged you kicking and screaming back to Geidi Prime, Feyd had declared that you were his to do with as he pleased and no one would lay a hand on you. As humiliating as it was to be reduced to property by him, it was far better than whatever fate you would have had at the Baron’s hands.
Feyd-Rautha was a brutal man. He killed as he pleased and sent a wave of terror over every person he encountered. He had terrified you as well. He did not care for your feelings or desires. You were his wife now, and he could do as he pleased with you. One thing that you had not expected with Feyd was that despite his violent nature towards everyone else, it had never extended to you.
Perhaps it was the fact that he saw you as his to own, but it kept you safe and alive. You had not anticipated for love to bloom from your marriage to him, but you did love him in your own way. He would burn the world down for you and had killed anyone who had spoken ill of you. His brutal nature was alluring and you could not resist it.
He saw you as his property, but that changed once he started to see your own ambitions come to light. You wanted vengeance for your family and you silently plotted how best to take down the Baron. Feyd had thought you to be as meek as a mouse, but you were formidable indeed. You made quite the pair and the people of Geidi Prime adored their na-Baron and na-Baroness. What they didn’t know is that the two of you had been plotting how to take out the Baron for months to take control of the planet.
Seeing the Baron die had drove you to tears. People around you suspected it was because he was family or from the brutality of the kill as he bled out on the steps of the throne. You cried tears of relief for all that he had done to your family and to your husband.
You hardly even registered anything else that had happened in that throne room as you tried to pull yourself together. The Muad’dib then sent all of you to your rooms to be held as prisoners.
You only hoped he would spare you and your husband because of your condition. You were six months pregnant with a daughter and you couldn’t have been more nervous of what would come next.
You prayed the Emperor would die, along with the Reverend Mother that had plotted alongside him. She had hated your family since the day you and Paul were born. Your mother was only supposed to have a daughter and she had broke that promise. Paul had held all of the power the Bene Gesserit looked for in daughters. While you were still trained by your mother to use the voice, you never were anywhere close to what abilities Paul had.
Now, you hoped that evil woman would pay for all she had done.
You looked over from your spot on the bed only to find Feyd moving towards you at a hurried pace. Your heart rate increased at his tense form, “Yes, husband?”
“They’re calling all prisoners. You will stay by my side, understand?” Feyd said as you stood from your place to meet him.
His hand reached out to hold the side of your face while the other was splayed over your bump. You nodded and placed your hand over his own, “Will you promise me something?”
“Anything darling,” He said, stroking his thumb over your cheek bone.
“Don’t get yourself killed. I need you to try to stay out of whatever conflict arises. We need you Feyd,” You said with a shaky voice.
Feyd pressed his lips hungrily to yours and you moaned against them. He pulled away, leaving you breathless as he spoke, “No man will kill me today.”
A loud banging came from outside your door and Feyd let out a growl of annoyance. He pulled away and took your hand in his own as he led you out of the room, your ladies fearfully following behind. You followed Feyd out of the room and were met with Freman soldiers, who all tensed at the sight of your husband. You clutched onto Feyd’s hand tighter as the guards led you behind the Emperor, Princess Irulan, and the Bene Gesserit.
The guards opened the large doors to the room and you all followed in. You stuck close to Feyd’s side as you took in all of the Freman soldiers that surrounded the room. You stood in the middle of the crowd as Feyd stood slightly in front of you for protection.
“There is a mass armada in orbit. You’re facing a full invasion Freman,” the Emperor spoke as he came to a stop with the General’s signal.
The Muad’dib stood in the middle of the room facing away from you. You narrowed your eyes on his figure as he looked familiar to you.
“How can you be so sure the great houses are here for me? They might be curious to hear my side of the story, don’t you think?” the Muad’dib spoke before turning around to face the Emperor.
It was him. He was alive despite all of the odds. Paul.
You stepped forward without thinking as your eyes welled with tears at the sight of your brother. Once Feyd realized who he was he followed after you as you made your way to the front. Feyd kept his hand securely around your middle as you moved through the crowd.
“I am Paul Atreides. Son of Leto Atreides. Duke of Arrakis,” he spoke, but your brain could hardly register the words being spoke as you tried to get to him.
“Gurney, send a warning to all the ships. If the great houses attack, our atomics will bomb all of the spice fields.”
Your eyes widened as they found Gurney Halleck following Paul’s command. You couldn’t stop your tears as another one of your family members was alive.
“Are you out of your mind?” the Emperor said in shock as you made your way to the front.
“Consider what you’re about to do Paul Atreides,” the Reverend Mother said.
“Silence!” Paul shouted with the voice and you heard her fall to the ground.
Before anything else could be said or done, you pushed past a few of the nobles at the front to get a good look at your brother. You squeezed Feyd’s hand as he stood close behind you, “Paul.”
Paul’s eyes snapped to you and you saw his whole body tense. The room was silent as he stepped towards you in shock, “Sister?”
You let out a choked sob as you dropped Feyd’s hand and rushed towards your brother. He pulled you into a tight hug and you clutched onto him like a life line. He pulled away and you took a good look at your brother. His eyes were blue now from the spice and he looked much older than he did when you saw him last.
“I can’t believe you’re alive. How did you-“ you started, but Paul cut you off.
“Mother and I escaped. In all of my visions I never saw you alive, how are you here?” He asked, but all you heard was the fact that your mother was alive.
Your eyes darted around the room, but your eyes settled on the one woman of power in the room. Your mother stood next to Gurney, her hand planted on her own swollen stomach as she watched the two of you interact. She was dressed like a Mother Reverend would be, and based off of her new appearance and the group surrounding her you suspected that was right.
You pulled away from Paul and tearfully let go of him as you hurried to your mother. Lady Jessica pulled you into a tight embrace and held you close to her body.
“Mother, I missed you,” you said into her shoulder as she rubbed your back in the comforting way she had when you were a child.
You pulled away and both of you looked at your swollen stomachs before meeting eyes again. She placed her hand on yours and let out a soft sigh, “You survived, just like I taught you.”
You nodded, without all of her preparation when you were younger you certainly would have died. You looked over to find Gurney giving you a proud look that was filled with more emotion than you’d ever seen from him. You reached forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek before quickly pulling back, “It’s good to see you again, old man.”
Gurney chuckled and opened his mouth to speak, but he was cut off by Paul. “My own sister lives as a testament to our family’s strength. She is Y/N Atreides!”
The Freman cheered, but you only tensed as you stepped away from Gurney and your mother. Your husband would not keep his mouth shut at that. You were his wife after all.
“She is no longer an Atreides. She is Y/N Harkonnen now,” your husband spoke as you saw Paul’s eyes turn to him, filled with anger.
You quickly crossed the room and stood in front of your husband to defend him from Paul. The two had always hated each other and now it was at an all time high.
Paul watched as Feyd’s hand wrapped around your pregnant stomach securely, and you leaned back into his hold. Paul took a shaky breath to try to control his rage as you grabbed Feyd’s hand atop your stomach, “If he hadn’t married me, I would have died at the Baron’s hands months ago. He is the only reason I am still alive.”
Paul bit his lip to contain his own anger and turned to the Emperor as the two began shouting at one another. You let out a shaky breath as you tried to collect yourself. Feyd’s hand rubbed a gentle circle on your stomach as your daughter kicked against it.
You looked back at him and he moved his hand to your face. He gently wiped your tears and you pressed a kiss to his palm. You turned your attention back to Paul as he declared he would marry Princess Irulan.
“But you have to answer for what you did to my father,” Paul growled out as he stared down the Emperor.
“Do you know why I did it? It was because he was a man who believed in rules of the heart. But the heart is not meant to rule. In other words, your father was a weak man,” he spoke and the room sat in a tense silence as your anger bubbled.
Your father was not weak for loving your family. He was a strong man whose love for your family lasted until his dying day.
“Stand or choose your champion,” Paul said, his strength unwavering.
“Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. I choose him as my champion,” the Emperor spoke.
Your heart seized at his words and you looked up to meet your husband’s eyes, but they were set on the Emperor. He stepped away from you to follow the command, but you reached out to snag his hand.
“Feyd, you cannot do this. He is my brother,” you begged as he kept his eyes forward.
“I do not turn down fights, darling,” he said walking towards the Emperor to get his blade.
Gurney handed Paul a blade and he quickly took a fighting stance on the opposite side of the room. Feyd took the blade and moved to ready himself. You went to go to Feyd, but the Freman soldiers blocked your path. You glared in anger at them, “This is ridiculous! Feyd, don’t do this.”
Feyd kept his eyes forward on Paul as the two took their positions. Paul met your eyes before he looked back at Feyd and held his blade up just like Duncan always had before a fight, “May thy knife chip and shatter.”
Feyd turned his head to find your horrified look before turning back to Paul. He smirked before he repeated the phrase, “May thy knife chip and shatter.”
Then the fight began. The two fought brutally against one another and you could have been sick at the sight. You called out for them to stop, but they continued their violent dance. You looked over at the Emperor to find him watching with a pleasant look on his face. You growled as you moved towards him, “This is madness! Call off the fight!”
The sounds of swords clashing rang in your ears as you stared the old man down. He gave you an annoyed look before turning back to the fight, “Quiet woman.”
Your anger spiked and you opened your mouth to speak, but your head snapped to the fight as you found Paul on top of Feyd with his blade in his shoulder. Your mouth opened in horror as Feyd pushed Paul off of him and ripped the dagger out.
You turned to the Emperor to try to convince him, but an arm wrapped around your throat. The Emperor tightened his arm on your throat as you thrashed against him, “If they want to keep you alive, they’ll finish the fight.”
You fought against his hold, but quickly stopped as he pressed a blade to your stomach. You froze in his hold as your mother called out, “Paul! Feyd-Rautha!”
Paul turned his head to see what was the interruption only to find the Emperor holding you tightly to him. Feyd turned and his whole body filled with rage. The two men stepped away from one another and you smirked, “Now you’ve done it.”
The Emperor hated the look the men’s eyes as they made their way towards him. He tightened his hold on your throat and you grimaced, “Done what?”
Feyd was the angriest you’d ever seen him and Paul wasn’t much different, “You’ve united them in a common cause.”
The two men came towards you and everyone backed away. The Emperor pressed the knife harder against your stomach and you gasped in pain.
Feyd was filled with the urge to commit unspeakable violence at the sight of the Emperor holding a blade to his pregnant wife. You met Feyd’s eyes and tried to calm yourself down.
“I was willing to spare your life, but now you’ve threatened my sister,” Paul said, holding his blade up to the Emperor.
“Release my wife and I will make your death quick,” Feyd growled out as he stepped closer.
“You will continue the fight if you want her to live. I command it!” the Emperor shouted and pressed his arm tighter against your throat.
You gasped for air and Paul was quick to use the voice, “Release her!”
The Emperor quickly dropped the blade and let you go. You stumbled away from him, but before anyone else could act you snatched the blade from the floor and drove it into his stomach.
The Emperor gasped out in pain and stumbled as you drove the knife deeper. You met his pained eyes and glared, “For House Atreides.”
You drove the knife up higher into his stomach one last time before you stepped away and he fell to the floor. His daughter dropped to his side as he took his final breath and you turned back to face Paul. You steeled your nerves and met his eyes before you kneeled before him, “Emperor Paul Atreides.”
You heard everyone in the room kneel and your husband dropped to your side. You kept your eyes on the floor, but you reached over to grab his hand. Feyd squeezed your hand in his own as he stayed at your side. Paul began giving directions and everyone rose to their feet.
Feyd pulled you to your feet and was quick to pull you close to him. His eyes raked over your body as he scanned for any sign of injury. He took your face in his hands and met your eyes. You could tell he was furious at what had occurred as he inspected you.
“Are you hurt?” he growled out as he noticed the redness on your neck.
You placed your hands over his and let out a shaky breath, “I’m okay. We’re both okay Feyd.”
He nodded and moved to place a hand on your stomach protectively. He shakily sighed before giving you a proud look, “You did well there, I wasn’t sure if you would be able to do it.”
You sighed, leaning into his touch, “I did it out of love for my family. That includes you and our daughter, my love.”
A proud smirk appeared on his face, “You should kill more often. You look alluring when you do.”
Shaking your head at your husband, you spoke, “I’ll leave the violence to you, husband. I have other ways of gaining your attention.”
Feyd smirked before pulling you into a deep kiss. You groaned in response as you pulled yourself as close as you could to him with your bump in the way. You both pulled away and he brushed some stray hair from your face.
You both turned to face your brother, the new Emperor, as he stood in front of you with Gurney at his side. The room was full of commotion as people began to shout and head out.
“We’re taking the fight to the great houses. Can I trust that you will keep my sister safe while I am away?” Paul asked, doing his best to bridge the wedge between them.
You looked between them as Feyd contemplated his words. Feyd looked down at you and let out a sigh before looking back to Paul.
“I will gladly give my life to keep her and our daughter safe,” he declared as he returned your brother’s intense stare.
Paul reached his arm out and Feyd reached forward and clasped it. The two stood staring at each other before Feyd said, “Good luck Atreides.”
They dropped each other’s arms and Paul gave you a nod before he headed off to lead the charge. You let out a nervous sigh, but leaned into Feyd’s hold.
“You couldn’t call him Emperor?” You asked with a teasing lilt to your voice as you leaned against Feyd’s chest.
“Now what would be the fun in that?” he asked and you shook your head at him as he rubbed gentle circles on your waist.
“Will we be alright? The Imperium is going to be after all of us after today. Especially me, since it was my hand who killed the Emperor,” you asked and his hold tightened on you.
Feyd guided your chin up to meet his eyes. He looked like a man ready for battle with how intense he was looking at you, “You are my wife. If any one dares to try to lay a hand on you again or our daughter, they will wish they were dead when I get my hands on them.”
You let out a sigh as his violent words felt incredibly reassuring. You softly kissed him once more and smiled up at him, “Good. That was exactly what I hoped you would say.”
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reallyromealone · 4 months
Title: little god
Fandom: jjk
Characters: Gojo, Geto
Fic type: fluff
Pairings: -/-
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, dragon reader, child reader, fluff, god reader
Notes: uwuwuwuwu
(Name) Stretched his bones as he sunbathed in a garden he found, the dragon stretched out and his scales glimmered in the sunlight.
The lawn was soft, fancy grass that felt wonderful against his scales as he huffed sleepily, eyes blinking lazily and without a worry in the world as the ribbons in his little horns swished in the gentle breeze, the gold accessories on his head and horns jingling slightly with the wind chimes in the engawa a few feet away.
Dragons couldn't be seen by normal humans so (name) often made his way into gardens or sleeping on couches or chairs... Basically the little mythical reptile did as he pleased as he scratched his little whiskered face and sneezed a little and a flower bloomed where the golden dust hit, a single orchid grew up.
"Well you aren't a cursed spirit" a voice broke out and (name) looked up to see blue eyes and immediately the small cat sized dragon jumped up startled and ran behind a decorative rock "I take it you're the little one leaving tiny paw prints in my sand garden" the man was crouched as he smiled at the dragon who glared and grumbled at him, a little baby hiss.
Who was this?
Why was he seeing him?
(Name) Was only a toddler in human years, running on instinct as he got ready for a fight.
But the human seemed unphased.
Gojo cooed at the little guy, he knew there was something living in his garden but he never thought it would be a fortune god or a baby one at that "where's your mama little one" he asked sweetly and sat down as he grabbed the pieces of chicken he grabbed when he saw the little one lounging "want some chicken?" That got the little guys attention as he chirped, the sound of little chimes could be heard as he carefully walked towards the good smelling food and before Gojo could even blink the dragon took it and ran back behind the tree.
(Name) Sniffed the chicken he took and deemed it safe and began munching on the chicken, glancing at the human periodically to make sure he didn't take it.
"You're the one whose been sneaking around eating birds, probably the one eating my koi" he teased as he watched the dragon eat the chicken happily before coming back for more, batting his snoot against his hand "I got plenty of chicken and even some salmon inside if you want some" he offered the dragon who let himself be lifted up as he ate more chicken from the white haired human, very food driven indeed.
Gojo noticed a gold charm on the dragons forehead, (name), inscribed on it and the man hummed as they got more food for the little guy.
He loved watching (name), he was absolutely hilarious and precious!
(Name) Liked to do his own little thing, mainly fight his own shadow and chase bugs but he did his own thing regardless.
He had to show Geto!
"So you found a dragon..." Geto said as they watched (name) eat his new balanced diet, little face messy "you know he won't be a dragon fully forever right?" He said and Gojo shrugged "I'm his dad now, currently he eats raw chicken hearts and salmon but when he's bigger he can have tempura and rice" he said simply as (name) blinked up at them before trotting off "he does his own thing" Gojo said simply and Geto worried for Gojos... Could it even be seen as parenting?
He definitely had to keep an eye on this situation.
The following days went daily smooth as Gojo took time off to be with his new son, (name) having morning zoomies in the yard before breakfast and a nap, the sorcerer doing some work from home as the dragon slept in his lap, imprinting hard on him.
But the dragon would often wonder off, vanishing for periods of time before eventually returning and Gojo decided to follow him.
(Name) Was weirdly interested in under Gojos bed, the man had no clue why though until he looked under to find things from his jewelry to coins to soft blankets, all on top of the fluffy dog bed Gojo got his little buddy "there's my Rolex..." Gojo grumbled but let the little guy keep it, clearly he was very happy with it all.
Something Gojo noticed as well was he would have random coins in his pockets in pants, better hair days and he was feeling better and it wasn't until he saw his little... Son? Yeah son! Drop coins in his shoes and pockets and golden dust sprinkled on his mask after the dragon finished cuddling it "do you do have a bit of magic in ya" gojo lifted the dragon up whose hind legs curled up and his long tail curled between his legs, little head tilt before sneezing gold dust on his face.
Setting (name) down he checked his phone to see that meeting he was planning on being late too was cancelled "why thank you, son" Gojo pet the dragons little head and chuckled when he aggressively kicked his leg and leaned in to the touch.
Gojo did his research, Jujutsu sorcerer's kept documentation on God's and such, wasn't the first time they saw one and won't be the last and realized he would need to be ready for when he stopped being a little dragon full time and quickly grabbed his laptop and ordered away.
Gojo set up a bedroom for his adoptive dragon son, a toddler bed and toys that the little one played with kind of.
The room had everything he could need and even got pull-ups in case the kid couldn't figure out toilets.
Should he get a nanny?
Maybe he should look into that... And a tutor... His kid was not cut for public education.
It wasn't until four months in that he got woken to a tiny little hand, eyes snapping open to see a tiny face with big (color) eyes and scales that framed bits of his cheeks and forehead "papa, breakfast!" He said impatiently and gojo realized that this random child was the dragon he took in, the tiny tail swishing at the boy wore traditional clothes lined with gold "yeah? And what does my son want today?" He teased as he got up and lifted the boy into his arms, blessed energy radiating off him like an eclipse "hot dog!"
"A hot dog for breakfast? Thats not breakfast!" It was weird how easy he fell into the role of dad, making his son eggs and hot dogs as compromise and the boy devoured it happily.
Gojo was thankful he had the forethought to get the boy more clothes though the tot leaned towards more traditional robes than anything and Gojo assumed it had something to do with being a god.
"Fancy clothes for my fancy son" he said as he had the seamstress he typically went to put together a bunch of robes for the boy, his little one was so cute!
Geto came by frequently, (name) plenty used to him as the boy ate fancy chicken nuggets as his tail swished lazily "why is he dressed like royalty?"
"Why do you dress like a monk?"
"You know you can't hide him from the elders forever right?" Geto worried for the boy, the elders were assholes who would exploit the fact that the little one was the literal god of fortune, having done some research to find that (name) goes through "rebirth" periods, once he gets too old he just reverses his age and starts new, he wondered if he retained his memories....
"I would love for them to try" Gojo said coldly, a smile on his face as he pat his sons head fondly, the boy grinning at his dad and offering him some of his half eaten nugget "papas full, little man" he rejected kindly and (name) resumed eating as the adults spoke.
(Name) Was just happy to have more meat, Gojo always having the best food especially for the literal only other Gojo family member (if you try to tell him (name) wasn't you would be turned to a fine mist by the blue eyed man) who looked at him like he hung the stars and painted the moon.
"Oh? What's up?" Gojo asked and Geto looked confused as (name) suddenly handed him a few coins "he just has those" Gojo shrugged and Geto raised an eyebrow "he keeps using his magic to summon coins, he keeps giving them to the fridge though..." (Name) Practically worshipped the fridge, the tiny god hugging it often and mumbling "chicken..." Happily as Gojo took pictures of the little goober.
"Though he has granted a wish" Gojo said softly as Geto looked shocked, looking back at the tot who was full and sleepy, a soggy nugget in his hand "what did he grant?" He asked curiously and Gojo sipped his tea "he saw something on tv, I was watching the news and there was a report on a missing dog and the man looked distressed" setting his cup down and taking off his glasses as he continued '(name) touched the tv and poof, the dog was running to his owner" Geto still couldn't grasp the fact that he was sitting before a literal god, the god of fortune no less.
A being that could completely alter reality but all he wanted was chicken and getting to chase birds.
Eventually Geto left and Gojo brought his son for his afternoon nap, a stuffed lucky cat in his arms as he snoozed.
It was weird for Gojo to sit and think about the fact he was a dad... To a fucking dragon god!
But it was worth it because (name) was odd yes, but he looked at Gojo like he was his dad.
It's why he used his standing to put together papers so (name) would be a Gojo legally.
Now he just had to make sure the Zenin clan didn't go near him.
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xvysarene · 7 days
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𝔾𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝔻𝕖𝕖𝕕
Pairing: Sylus x Fem!Reader Prompt: “You’re pretty good at running away.” Words: ~2.8k Genre: Eventual fluff A/N: In a writing slump and kinda dislike how this one turns out but oh wells
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“Marry me,” you had said.
Those two words—whether they were your saving grace or the beginning of your damnation, you weren’t sure.
Then, he surprised you when he said, “Okay.”
Nothing more and nothing less.
It almost felt like he had anticipated your arrival, barreling your way into the base upon learning of your father’s, one of Onychinus’s highest-ranking partners’, demise.
Seeing your stupefied expression, he nonchalantly shrugged. “It’s a practical solution to an unfortunate situation.”
That wasn’t your first time meeting Sylus, and you’d be far too naïve to think he would ever do anything for free. Every favour, every exchange, came with an unspoken contract—an inevitable quid pro quo.
But it was a choice between marrying him or being eaten alive in the N109 Zone.
“Although, I must ask—have you truly thought this through?” Sylus inquired, his gaze sharp.
There was a reason why you chose to move to Goldwood City once you had the chance; far away from the lawless land to start anew, free from the shadow of your father’s association.
As if the death of your mother caused by his recklessness years ago wasn’t enough, the old man had to pull you back into the very world you had succeeded to leave behind.
Staying away was a luxury you no longer had with your old man’s enemies haunting you.
Head held high, you met his gaze directly. “I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t sure of my choice.”
Oh, little did you know, that your return to the N109 Zone as Onychinus’s leader’s wife, would mean putting your heart on the line as well.
Perhaps it all started that one evening, when a nightmare jolted you awake, haunting you with the vision of your mother’s lifeless eyes and being captured by the people your father had entangled himself with.
Without even realising it, you were already standing at Sylus’s doorway. 
“Why?” he questioned when you asked if you could stay the night in his. “Something wrong with your room?”
Indeed, he offered you your own space even though you were legally husband and wife now. It had been a relief at first, a perfect arrangement, until the nightmares escalated.
“It just feels too quiet tonight,” you lied, unready to fully bare your soul.
Sylus finally looked up from the papers he’d been reading, one eyebrow arched. “Not used to being alone at night back in Goldwood?”
Your face flushed at the implication. Just as you opened your mouth to deny it, something in his expression shifted.
It was so fleeting and subtle that you weren’t even sure if you had imagined it.
He raised a hand, halting your reply. “Actually, never mind about it.”
When he simply returned to his papers, offering no clear sign of whether you were welcome, you frowned.
You were about to take your bruised pride back to your room when you heard him let out a resigned sigh. “Are you coming or no? You’re letting the draft in,” he said, pulling back the duvet on the vacant side, inviting you to settle in.
His acceptance was surprising, but you quickly climbed into bed before he could change his mind, feeling a surge of relief and security with him close by.
If you were too close for comfort, he didn’t mention it.
Sylus was so warm that you shuddered from the sudden temperature change. The base, with its perpetual chill, was a stark contrast to his body heat.
“What are you reading?”
“Mundane proposals,” he muttered, tone laced with boredom as his eyes skimmed the pages in front of him.
With your interest piqued, you scooted even closer, your hair slightly brushing his arm. “Anything I should know about?”
When you told him that you wouldn’t settle for being a trophy wife, he offered you an administrative position in Onychinus, which you happily accepted.
“I feel that these are better off in the trash.”
A small chuckle escaped you, drawing Sylus’s attention. He cast a glance downward, amused by your reaction.
That somewhat prompted him to give a brief outline of the proposal, perhaps to get him through it too. And he was right, it was so dull that you felt your eyes fluttering closed, lulled by the deep timbre of his voice.
“—heard that the twins take good care of you.”
“Hm?” You peeked one of your eyes open, though it was futile as it soon closed again.
Whenever he was away, Luke or Kieran—often both—were always by your side, becoming more than just your guards; they were your mentors, teaching you the complexities of Onychinus’s operations, and they were slowly becoming your…
Friends. A foreign term to you.
Friendship had never been something you could afford, not with the constant paranoia of trusting the wrong person, no thanks to your father.
In your drowsy state, you remembered mumbling, “I feel at ease when I’m with them.”
“At ease, huh? That’s a rare concept around here.” Sylus’s voice cut through the fog of your drowsiness.
Your mind, still wrapped in the haze of sleep, seemed to speak for itself. “You also make me feel more comfortable than I expected.”
Looking back, you laughed mirthlessly at your own stupidness. Where was that defense mechanism you had sworn was ingrained within you?
You knew better than to allow yourself to be vulnerable, to let someone slip past your guard easily in such a short span of time.
Especially someone like Sylus—a man cloaked in power, whose intentions were always enigmatic.
“You’re pretty good at running away.” The voice, carried by the wind, reached your ears. “Pretty good, but not the best.”
“Here to claim your bargaining tool back?”
His footsteps stopped a few paces away from you. Refusing to meet his gaze, you remained looking ahead. The once vibrant colours of sunset faded into darkness, as if the sky itself mirrored the ache seeping deep inside your soul.
Sylus let out a deep sigh. “How much did you know?”
A few days ago, while you were sorting through Onychinus’s papers, you stumbled upon an old, yellowed document hidden deep on a neglected shelf, seemingly placed there to remain undiscovered.
As you read through the faded ink—an exchange made between your father and Sylus a long time ago, marked with their signs and bloodied fingerprints—it felt as though you heard your old man laughing from his grave, determined to terrorise you even in death.
That bastard had sold you to Sylus, bartering your life for a sliver of power within the N109 Zone.
“Did you have fun watching me pathetically beg you to marry me? Knowing all along that you’ve owned me anyway?”
The memory of his calmness that day burned in the back of your mind. Your intuition was right after all, he had anticipated you coming to him.
And if you were honest with yourself, it wasn't even your father you were so angry with—you’d always known what a monster he was.
No, what burned like a hot iron in your chest was the sense of betrayal, the sting of disappointment aimed squarely at Sylus. 
How could you have been so blind, so gullible to believe that this man could be anything more than another player in your father’s ruthless game?
“I asked you that day if it was what you truly wanted,” he calmly said, “I never forced you to marry me.”
You bristled. He was right, of course.
“But you would make sure that one way or another, you would claim me as your possession, wouldn't you? Even from the moment we first met,” you spat.
It was a few years ago when you were first introduced to Sylus. Your mother had begged you to accompany her to a function, and how could you refuse when the guilt of leaving her in the N109 Zone with your father still weighed heavily on you?
For whatever reason you couldn’t understand, she had refused to move in with you.
The function was a blur of faces and conversations that made your head spin, the air thick with the aroma of expensive cigars and the tang of power.
You felt out of place, an outsider in a world that had once been your cage.
“Darling, I want you to meet someone.” Your mother’s tone was a strange mixture of joy and nervousness. She gently took your arm and guided you through the crowd until you stood before a tall figure, his presence commanding.
“This is Sylus, the leader of Onychinus,” she introduced. “He’s agreed to work with your father on some very important matters.”
You blinked in surprise. Somehow, you expected the leader of the most prominent organisation to be someone closer to your father’s age, but he was only a couple of years older than you.
Sylus’s features were sharp and striking, though it was his eyes that held you captive. They were intense, piercing, as if he could see right through you.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Ms. Y/N,” Sylus greeted. He took your hand in his, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your knuckles.
Your mother’s keen eyes noticed the crimson that spread across your cheeks, her lips pursing to contain a smile.
“Oh, Sylus, no need for such formalities,” she said lightly, elbowing you to greet him back.
You tried to compose yourself, but his unexpected charm and the way he looked at you left you flustered. “I—uh, nice to meet you too," you managed to stammer.
“Your mother speaks highly of you,” his low voice sent tingling sensation on your insides.
The soft rustle of grass as Sylus settled beside you made your skin prickle. Stupidly, you still craved his closeness.
The nightmares had ceased when you began staying in his bedroom altogether, finding security in the steady rhythm of his breathing beside you. But since fleeing the base, they returned relentlessly, creeping back each time you managed to get a shut eye.
He stretched out his long legs, the fabric of his jacket brushing against you slightly, his gaze fixed on the distant city lights glimmering on the horizon.
“I didn't want you to find out like this,” he finally said, voice low and measured, as if he had carefully chosen each word.
“Then enlighten me, Sylus, what was your grand plan? To control me? To tame me into the docile wife you always wanted me to be?”
He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a sleek black box, pressing it into your hands. “This will explain better than any of my words.”
Slowly, you opened the latch, revealing a collection of emblems—some new, some tarnished—from various N109 Zone fractions. Resting on top of the seals was a folded envelope, its edges frayed.
Sylus nodded towards it, urging you to read the letter inside. As you unfolded the paper, the familiar handwriting of your mother’s came into view, despite the hurried and uneven scrawl.
What I could not say, his deeds will show. Have faith in him.
“Your mother approached me before the agreement with your father was finalised.” Sylus’s expression was unreadable. “She wanted me to protect you. From your father, and from anyone that might harm you.”
As the dots began to connect inside your spinning head, the realisation dawned. “And that’s why you asked for me in return? Why didn’t you tell me this when I first came to you?”
“Keeping you near would make it easier for me to ensure your safety, at least until I could handle all of your father’s enemies.” He shot you a sideways glance. “Do you think we’d be here now if I had laid it all out for you from the start?”
You both knew that if he had, you would have likely flipped him off and done everything in your power to escape his presence.
The cold metal emblems bit into your palm as you examined them, each one representing what had once been a looming threat. A deep understanding shifted your perspective entirely; this was what Sylus had been occupied with during the days he left you in the care of Luke and Kieran.
He had been thoroughly hunting down your father’s enemies, your nightmare, to ensure that you could finally be free from them.
It wasn’t his incompetence that had kept him from finding you days after your escape. No, he had been securing the final pieces of your freedom.
“What did you ask from my mother then? There must have been something you got, that’s how you grant wishes.”
Sylus gave a soft huff, as if he was on the verge of a chuckle, and shook his head. “Contrary to popular belief, I do grant wishes without expecting anything back.”
Your eyes flicked to him in surprise as he continued, “Nothing. I asked for nothing in return. Your mother earned my respect, and that was enough.”
Everyone understood that dealing with Sylus was a risk, a gamble that could even cost you your life.
Studying him intently, you searched for any trace of deception, but all you discovered was a grave sincerity. His eyes were unnervingly tender when he watched the shock painting your face.
“I’ve kept my promise to your mother. You're a free woman now, free to do whatever you want.” Sylus broke eye contact then, his voice dropping to a near whisper as he added, “We can also get a divorce.”
A divorce.
The word set something unsettling that clawed at your insides, sinking deep into your core, and catching you completely off guard.
For a moment, your mind replayed the way his intense red eyes met yours with kindness, to his touch that held a tenderness that couldn't be faked, and the subtle ways he had shown his care for nearly half a year now.
You hugged your knees tighter, the cold ground beneath you contrasting sharply with the warmth of your memories. “Is that what you want? For us to go separate ways?”
“What I want,” he began slowly, “never matters. This has always been about you. Your choice.”
A second passed, then ten, before you quietly whispered, “What if I choose to stay with you then?”
It was as if a wall had been erected again.
“You are not thinking with your head right now, but with your heart. You trusted me because you saw me as your only lifeline.” His voice was rough, edged with frustration.
“But what if underneath the leader of Onychinus, underneath the man that everyone fears, is the one I want to stay with, the one I feel at ease with? Not because of my father’s shadows nor his enemies.”
Sylus breath hitched, a sudden tension rippling through his frame as he struggled to keep his composure. “You don’t know me.”
His voice carried a warning, attempting to push you away, but you stood your ground.
In that moment, you understood why he often held himself back, creating distance whenever he found himself growing too close.
He was afraid of caring for you beyond what he thought his promise to your mother allowed, struggling to maintain the balance between his feelings and his commitment, fearing that crossing that line would mean violating his duty.
“Then show me.” You moved closer, invading his personal space. “Show me what’s behind all this.”
With resolve burning in your eyes, you cupped his face and leaned in. Your lips sought his, praying you hadn't misread him all this time.
That you wanted the warmth and tenderness you’d glimpsed in fleeting moments to be real and not just a reflection of your own desires.
For a breathless moment, he remained still. Then, something in him seemed to break, a crack in his armour. Strong, corded arms slid around you, pulling you closer until you both tumbled back onto the grass, entwined.
His hand brushed the back of your neck, fingers tangling in your hair as his lips pressed into yours with a ravenous need.
It was a kind of kiss that laid bare the truth, shattered every wall, and left you panting for air.
Your breaths intermingled when you pulled back just enough to look into his eyes. There was a vulnerable openness in there, a look concealed beneath the hardened exterior.
“You never read my mother’s letter, did you?” you suddenly asked him.
Confusion flickered in his eyes, his brows knitting together as he shook his head. With trembling fingers, you retrieved the letter from the box and held it up between you.
The dim light from the horizon cast soft shadows on the small message scribbled on the bottom of the paper.
Sylus’s eyes traced the words, his gaze shifting from the letter to your face as the message slowly registered.
Sylus—remember that you, too, deserve love just as much as she does.
It was as though your mother had not only seen the heart within him, but had also foreseen what he had struggled to admit.
With a gentle touch, your thumb brushed against his cheek, lips featherlight as it brushed against his once more. “Take me home, Sy.”
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dolicekiss · 4 months
Sweet Little Lamb
first attempt at this, also requests are open ^_^
PAIRING: Dad's best friend!Duncan x Innocent young!Female reader
CONTENT WARNING: smut (18+ only, minors dni), sort of taboo, age gap (reader is nineteen), rough sex, mention of uncle and usage of the word cunt, hair pulling, choking, subtle manipulation (manipulative Duncan), religious themes, blasphemy mentioned, virgin reader, dirty talk (talkative Duncan), praise and degradation, slight blood, fingering, unprotected sex, sir kink.
SYNOPSIS: Duncan and your father were high school best friends, always getting into trouble and enjoying their youth to the fullest but they soon parted ways — adhering to their own priorities in their adult lives. But when your father runs into Duncan at the store, he invites him home for dinner. Duncan didn't know his high school best friend was married and had such a beautiful daughter, you. As he laid his eyes on you, he began to lose his grip on his moral compass.
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Duncan was a mess.
No amount of cigarettes could calm the turmoil that had caused havoc in his mind and his body, all because of the daughter of his high school bestfriend; you.
The more he fought the disgusting thoughts, the more he felt repulsion crawl over him like a spider with its prickly legs, pinching into his skin. He felt sick and like a creep — preying on his best friend's daughter like that, thinking about you in such explicit ways. He'd excused himself from the family, using his unnecessary smoking habit as an excuse to get away from your sickeningly sweet presence.
He needed to calm his mind. He was all over the place, his mind a whirlpool of unwanted explicit thoughts regarding the girl. It wasn't the white dress that you adorned nor that you were a shadow of an angel but how innocent you truly were. Knowing his bestfriend, he was sure he must've kept you concealed from the outer world. Protecting you and forbidding you of the pleasures the outside world had to offer, keeping you safe against the darkness that lurked in the shadows.
But he didn't know he had brought darkness along with him, in the form of his bestfriend to his humble abode.
He let out a sigh of frustration, as he tossed his finished cigarette to the side. Before he flicked open his metal case to retrieve another one, he heard a soft voice interrupt his smoking session. “Uncle Duncan?‘
Oh how much he reveled in the feeling of you addressing to him as an uncle. You weren't related, no. But just the fact that he was older than you and you saw him as an uncle, it was enough to tighten his pants as he wondered just what sick and twisted part of him was clawing out to the surface.
“Yes, dear?” He always responded to you with such sweetness, his voice gruff but his tone soft and sweet. Like he didn't want to scare you away, like he didn't want his voice and tone to be an innuendo to his sick and twisted desires.
You smiled at him.
A fucking replica of the moon you were.
“Time for dinner, it's all set.” You said, hands conjoined behind your back as you stood with a rather shy posture — your demeanor dripping with the innocence that was an indirect invitation to the wolves of the winter.
To come and rip you apart. Limb by limb and piece by piece and oh, a wolf had indeed sniffed its way to your sweet energy, Duncan had found you.
You gestured for him to come inside before disappearing back inside the living room and he groaned in frustration, running a hand through his salt and pepper hair before walking in pursuit of you. You were such a dream, you glowed and he carried darkness that wished to bask in your light. Upon entering, he found the dinner table all set with his bestfriend already situated in the middle. He took a seat and then your mother and you joined as well.
You sat across Duncan.
Your gaze lingering over him now and then and you admitted, he was truly a handsome man. The fact made you flinch internally, as you had been told that finding another man handsome and attractive was a sin that god would never forgive. Your father had often told you to never indulge in boys or men, to never reciprocate their attention or love, to never ever pay them mind.
And you obliged.
You had never felt wanted in your life ever.
There sat a handsome man across you and it did things to you, things foreign to your small mind.
Your gaze found itself focused on how he extended out, his large hand covering the entirety of the glass of water as he drank it. The view did something to you, a weird feeling churning in your stomach. You found it alluring, that he was capable of completely having his way with you.
You shook your head, praying to God in your heart, begging for his forgiveness at the sinful thoughts that had consumed your mind in the presence of a man that was the same age as your father. You lifted your gaze up from the chicken you stabbed with your fork and a silent gasp escaped.
He was staring at you, as he ate the food your mother prepared.
Your heart leaped up into your throat and then you felt something against your leg, through the net material of your long, white dress. It was hard and rough, making you realize it was a shoe.
Duncan's shoe.
You swallowed the nervousness that was building in your throat. This felt wrong, this felt so forbidden but he wasn't touching you, was he? He wasn't directly touching you, it was his boot riding up your leg and then settling between your thighs. It wasn't sinful if he wasn't directly touching you. Your breath got stuck in your throat.
Duncan noticed the flushed reaction you gave and he suppressed the urge to let out a subtle grin. The tip of his boot pressed up against your clothed cunt, putting pressure against the sensitive area. You almost whimpered at the touch — at how repulsive it truly was. Guilt consumed you because you didn't feel gross, no. You felt good, as you parted your thighs open.
All while your parents ate their dinner, enjoying the company of the man that had sick intentions towards their daughter. Your fingers tightened around the fork as he pushed harder, the force causing pain to blossom on your cunt and you ached for more.
The dinner came to an end soon and your father insisted for Duncan to stay over, as a snow storm approached in all its glory and the man eventually gave in. You were told to show Duncan his room and you obliged, leading him upstairs. The vacant room was right besides yours and the moment you both traveled upstairs, all alone in each other's presence in the dimly lit hallway, the tension threatened to explode.
He acted as if he wasn't the cause of your aching cunt, as if he hadn't lured out a desire too sinful out of you. He only silently followed you and you stopped once you reached inside the room. “Here, I hope it is comfortable Uncle—”
You bit back your tongue. Calling him uncle didn't feel so appropriate anymore after your latest encounter with his boot pressed between my thighs. Duncan caught onto that and he leaned down at you, his muscular hand reaching to caress your cheek. His touch was so — gentle and full of tenderness. You didn't back off, when you obviously should've and it left you confused.
Did you crave someone's touch? Yearned for it secretly in your heart where no man could reach?
“Why'd you stop?”
You shook your head, the back of your calves pushed up against the drawer. You felt helpless in his grasp, like a lamb in the clutches of a wolf. “Feels— weird, Mr. Vizla.”
“Mr. Vizla is it now?” His voice had fallen a few octaves lower and you nodded. God, you were so fucking scared but there was excitement, sitting right next to the fear, smiling at it. Taunting it. His thumb swiped over your cheek and you let out a shuddered breath at the touch. The bare minimum but it had you breathless.
You'd never felt a man this close.
You'd never been this close to another man.
“W-What should I call you?” You stuttered, a mess you were. Your fingers conjoined behind your back, pressed into the drawer.
Duncan smiled. “How about sir? Try saying that, pretty girl.”
His compliment sent you over the edge, your mind clouded by the mist of a daze as you looked up at him. His dark, searing gaze incinerated you and your face burned when you made eye contact with him. His aura felt brooding and you couldn't tolerate it any further, feeling its hands choke you. Ridding you of any air left.
“Sir?” You asked, innocently tilting your head to the side.
He nodded and then stepped closer, shrinking the space between you two. “Did it feel good?”
You immediately nodded your head, as shy as you were. The feeling of his boot against your clothed center only increased your desire and curiosity to feel more, your body burning in need that was foreign to you. He leaned down, breath mingling with yours as his large hand dropped down to the curve of your throat. Circling around it, firmly but loose enough to allow you to breathe.
“Come to my room when everyone's asleep, Little lamb.” With that, he released you and walked off towards the bathroom leaving you completely out of breath.
You ran out of his room, into your own and immediately slammed the door shut, locking it. Your body felt different, like it was being burned but without the pain. You pressed your palm against your forehead, checking for a fever but there was nothing yet you felt so flushed. You dropped your frame onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling, hoping that God was not witnessing all this. That he was busy with his other creations and not noting down the sin you were about to commit by going into his room at night.
— ♡ —
Night crackled with the storm, its silence snatched from it and swallowed whole by the loud howls of the wind. Your parents had fallen asleep and you tossed and turned underneath the blankets, changed into your little night dress. A satin slip up your mother had bought for you, with a little bow attacthed to its front. Trailing your eyes across the clock, you swallowed.
1 AM.
You ran your tongue over your lips, stomach burning with anticipation and desire as you slowly lifted the blanket off you. You found yourself right in front of his room and then you knocked, lightly, your frail hand shivering from what you were about to do. Just what were you doing? Going into the room of a man twice your age, all alone at night, barely dressed in anything.
Before you could change your mind or think your actions through, the door had opened revealing the man. His bare chest exposed — the body hair littered everywhere in striking contrast to your own body and you stepped inside. He closed the door behind you and then you felt as though you had stepped outside in the cold, bare footed and naked waiting for it to consume you whole.
Duncan walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge, thighs expanded and parted as he gestured at you. “Come here.”
His tone reeked of dominance and you felt your knees give up on you. Nervously, you took a step and then another until you were right in between his thighs. His hands reached for your waist, holding the curve of it as he gazed at you.
“This is wrong.” You whispered.
He tilted his head, his hands slowly trailing upwards while he gazed at you. “Is it? Do you feel like you're committing a sin?”
You nodded and inhaled sharply, feeling guilt ridden because of how good his hands felt trailing up and down your sides. Duncan was wearing his glasses and you peeked behind him to find a book laying face down on the bed. He was reading. Was he keeping himself occupied for you?
“No, little lamb.” He reached for your hair with one hand, twisting the strands between his fingers. Caressing them with the pad of his thumb. “How is it a sin when God is all merciful? He understands you, he feels you, doesn't he? He's created you like this.”
His words were heaving down on your mind and you thought for a moment. He was right. You were not feeling this way on purpose, instead it was all coming naturally to you which meant that God had created you like this. In his image, and how could be his image wrong and sinful?
“But its a sin.”
“It is not if you don't tell anyone about it. If no one finds out about this, it'll only be an act buried in the past once its committed.” Duncan pulled you in closer with his one hand on your waist, his thumb caressing your stomach through the satin material. His hand on your hair traveled to your face as he brushed his thumb over your plump, saccharine lips.
“Open up, little lamb.”
And you obeyed, parting your lips in an invitation for him to press his thumb against the flat surface of your wet tongue. You stayed like that, awaiting his next order and command. “Suck now.”
You closed your lips around his thumb, sucking as you moved your head back and forth. Your eyes didn't shut, no. You stared at him all the while sucking on his finger and Duncan’s gaze felt heavy with lust, mimicking your own. He could see he had you, right where he wanted. Just a mindless little girl who couldn't even understand the needs of her own body.
How fucking cute. He thought.
You were so pliant, so sweet and so submissive. He enjoyed every bit of it and he wondered if he'd ever let go of you after defiling you for his own good and pleasure? Duncan pushed his thumb further into your mouth, all the way to the edge and you choked a little. Sputtering and making a mess of saliva on his hand. Tears sprung out and you closed your eyelids, allowing a few to stream down.
He retrieved his thumb from your mouth and looked at you. “Have you ever kissed anyone, hm?”
You could only shake your head. He smiled and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you onto his thigh. He loved how he was about to ruin your innocence, fucking mess you up and bask in the feeling of power over you. It was all too consuming and overwhelming, even for him.
You were perfect.
“Follow my lead, alright?”
You nodded, butterflies flapping their wings in stinging anticipation in your stomach. You felt his lips against yours and it felt, fucking, ecstatic. His lips were so soft, so plump and they felt like cushions against your own. One hand settled over your stomach, expanded palm caressing your flesh while the other slithered upto your hair, entangling in the softness of them.
He tugged and you whined into the kiss.
The vibration of it sending fire straight to his crotch, his own chest rumbling with desire as he kissed you. Gently prying your lips open, he entered your mouth and explored the untouched cavern of innocence with his vile tongue. Like a snake, he enveloped you and brought you deeper into the abyss.
“Sir—” You attempted to break the kiss but he didn't let you, delving deeper into it. His grip tightening on your hair causing you to cry out into the kiss, his tongue battling with yours. It felt so good, you could almost cry from how much pleasure only a mere kiss was giving you.
But Duncan knew there was more. And the more was as rough as he was.
His hands pulled back and then fell to the hem of your dress. “May I?”
You thought, for a single second before nodding your head. He immediately slipped it off you, discarding it to the side and then his gaze took you in. Your full, nude form. Your perky tits, the small bulge of your stomach, the pouch of fat resting there, how clean and unmarked your thighs were. Those little details drove him insane. He lost restraint — brawny hands grabbing at your tits and fondling them as you whimpered softly against him. It all felt too sinful, but too right to you.
Thumbs brushing over and over again against your hardnened peaks, standing erect demanding attention. He stalled for moment and took your small hand, bringing it to the raging boner protruding through the material of his jeans. You immediately gasped, shaking your head as you tried to pull back but he insisted. Grip tightening on your wrist.
“Feel it." He commanded.
You meekly nodded your head and then felt him, your palm pressed against how hard it was. The situation was so gross, so fucking repulsive but it felt amazing. How he toyed with your body, giving you pleasures you never even thought of. He pulled both of your thighs on each side of his lap, exposing your cunt.
Duncan almost growled at how it peeked out, pink and shaven.
He brought his fingers upto her mouth and tapped onto her lips. You were quick to catch the innuendo, parting your lips and sucking onto his digits. When he felt them wet enough, Duncan’s hand fell down and slithered between your thighs. His fingertips brushed against your clit and a loud squeal escaped you.
You quickly clamped your palm down your mouth, staring at him in confusion. It felt so amazing, a jolt of electricity sent through your veins when he brushed against your clit. He did it again but this time you were prepared and then slowly eased a finger into you. Your tightness around his mere finger let him know just how difficult you were gonna be, getting accustomed to his size.
“Sir, no. Hurts, please.” Your hand reached for his wrist, clawing and pushing at it but he didn't budge. He found your resistance adorable as he slid his finger whole and you cried out. Tears streaming down her face at the burning sensation but that was nothing in comparison to what the future held for you.
Duncan lightly tapped your cheek, a subtle slap. “You can take it, sweet lamb. It's one finger, you can't even take this?”
Voice laced with disappointment, he stared at you and you nodded softly, more tears streaming in rivulets. You back was arched and stiff, as he started moving his finger. To distract you from the burning sensation, he closed his lips around your peaked nipple, circling his tongue around it. The overwhelming pleasure sent you into a different world as your little body twitched.
He sucked and sucked, while slipping another finger and you pressed both hands against your mouth to supress your cries. You didn't wish to wake your parents, that was something you didn't want. It could put an end to this sweet pleasure that you desperately chased after.
“Gonna fuck your virgin cunt so good, I'm gonna dumb you down on my cock, little lamb.” He muttered against you wet peak, plunging his fingers in and out of you. You felt your stomach tighten, flipping in scary knots and the feeling was so strong that you could only cry. Hands falling from your mouth, they gripped tightly onto his salt and pepper hair, bunching them up in your fist. You buried your face in his neck and softly cried, the pleasure sending you into the oblivion.
All that at once — it was too much.
Your thighs convulsed, your body twitching and you could feel something coming, its intensity unbearable. “Sir, something's happening. I think I—” With a hot white intensit shooting through your core, you exploded. Your juices coating his fingers, his arm, his chest and more tears followed in pursuit of the trail left behind the old ones.
Your chest heaved up and down, body collapsing on top of his. Lips shuddering, releasing soft little pants as your arousal saturated everything.
His hand ran up and down your back, reassuring you, comforting you. As he slowly lifted you up, he laid you down on the bed and cupped your face. Brushing away the perspired strands of hair from your forehead and unveiling yourself to him. Duncan was going to explode at any minute and he needed to be inside you.
He discarded his own pants along with his briefs and exposed himself to you, his cock standing hard and curved against his stomach. It was too big and your eyes widening in horror gave away that much. Before he could proceed further, you had removed yourself from the bed, barely possessing any strength to stand still.
“It's too big.” You whispered, reaching for the door.
Duncan wasn't having it. You had your pleasure, now it was his turn and he felt entitled to his own orgasm. Before you could make an escape, he took a long stride in your direction and encircled his arms around you, throwing you right across the bed. Your body was still coming down from your orgasm, fear waking up in your eyes.
He fucking loved it. How panicked and scared you appeared, looking at him, realizing he had you trapped. “Be a good girl, little lamb. Let me have my taste of you.”
He crawled on top of you and your chest twisted in fear, eyes focused on his length. It was too much, you knew it but still you wondered, if his fingers could feel this good — just how good could his cock feel inside you?
Duncan parted open your thighs, delivering a little smack to your inner thigh causing you to flinch. “I'm fucking disappointed that you even thought for a single moment that you could escape me.”
His tone was full of annoyance, mixed with anger and heavy from lust. He aligned his tip at your hole, staring down at it like a madman, obsessed and infatuated. “I'm going to claim this pretty virgin cunt of yours and you'll take me like a good little girl, won't you, my dearest?”
You slowly dragged your head up and down, both fists resting at your chest in heavy anticipation. He slightly tapped his hand across your face, subtle but enough to let you know it was meant to be a damn slap. “I need words.”
“Yes sir."
“Good fucking—” he didn't finish his sentence, as he slid himself inside of you. He couldn't even get to feel you as a scream tore itself through your throat and the man quickly pressed his lips against you. Shutting you up, swallowing your screams and whimpers of pain that you so wholeheartedly were ready for the whole world to hear.
Your walls clamped down on him and Duncan felt as though you were gonna cut him in half from the sheer tightness of your pussy around him. He didn't move, breaking the kiss and slowly littering soft kisses all over your face, drinking up your tears. “You can do it, yeah? You're such a strong, beautiful girl.”
His words of affection warmed up your chest and you nodded, wrapping both your arms around his nape for support as you parted your thighs. An enticing invitation despite the throbbing sensation blossoming like a flower in your cunt. You braced yourself as Duncan moved and soon be bottomed out, a promise growl exploding from his chest.
How forbidden it was.
The girl that was barely half his age, calling him her uncle was now underneath him, naked and sweaty as he deflowered her little cunt. His thumb moved over your clit in tender little circles and your back arched off the bed, his cock shifting inside you. It pulsed and throbbed, becoming one with the throbbing of your own cunt.
“You're so pretty, so fucking beautiful. I want to claim your pussy every single day, ruin you to the point you only think about having my cock inside your little cunt.” He was a mess, forehead drenched in perspiration as he moved, his forearms resting on your sides. He pulled out, and you gasped at the loss but then he slammed himself back inside you. This time deeper, filling you up to the brim.
“Tell me, does the God you worship is capable of making you feel this good?” You shook her head, long gone in the wordly pleasures that consumed your mind. All you thought about was Duncan and how good his cock felt inside you. He began moving, snapping his hips and your walls clenched around him in need.
As he pushed — he encouraged a loud whimper out of you. High pitched and evident. Enough proof that he had found that specific sensitive spot and he rammed inside you, pounding you into the mattress. It was a blessing that your parent's room was downstairs, as they rested, oblivious to their daughter getting ruined by a man beyond her own years.
“Please— Duncan, it feels so good. Please keep going, give me more please sir.” You were a mess and hearing you moan his name made him go crazy. His hips picking up their pace, his cock pounding you into oblivion.
He stopped, turned you on your back and started fucking you relentlessly again. His hands reaching for your arms as he picked you up and pressed you flush against his brawny, scarred chest. This new position had more pleasure awaiting at its door and you couldn't even shut your mouth with your hands anymore, as he restrained you. Gripping your arms, fucking into your cunt.
“Such a good cunt.” He groaned, throwing his head back as he moved. “Takin’ me so well, like you were crafted for me. Pretty girl with a pretty cunt.”
His praises were so intoxicating and you were blitzed by now, without zero alcohol in your system. Duncan was fucking you so good, you'd lost all your senses besides ones that helped you in feeling him, hearing him, listening to him. You didn't care about your parents anymore, or God, or anyone. All you cared about getting fucked like some whore by Duncan.
Tears streamed down your face, your stomach once more churning in that sick feeling. Your thighs pressed against his, shivering and flinching everytime he thrusted up your cunt. Your heart was fucking throbbing in your chest, being able to feel its beating in your throat as he continuously bruised that spot of yours. Nearing you to your orgasm.
Duncan growled, right against your ear, leaving bite marks down your ear and nape, branding you. “You're mine, Little lamb. I'll visit your father more often just to fuck his little girl. You'll be ready for me, won't you? Let your uncle fuck you like this everytime he visits?”
You nodded, sobbing and sputtering broken sentences. Your face drenched in tears as you lost yourself in the bliss, body twitching and shaking from how overwhelmed you were. Then you felt him deliver a slap to your spine, grabbing your hair from behind. His rough demeanor sending a rush of need into your core.
“Say it,”
“Y-Yes, Uncle Duncan.” You cried out, your whole body had gone limp by now. The forbidden situation you'd gotten yourself in making you feel sick but instead calling him that name made your cunt tighten around his cock. “Please v-visit more— fuck me more, please sir.”
He felt himself close.
And so did you.
Both of them reached their highs but Duncan wanted her to cum first so his arm extended out, his hand sliding between your thighs to toy with your clit. He pinched and rubbed it, causing you to gasp. Eyes rolling back in pure bliss, your stomach tightening and cunt clenching around him. All hinting towards your upcoming orgasm.
And so you unraveled.
Eyes witnessing white, body ascending to heaven as intensity at its peak crashed down on you. All of it was too much and your body fell forward, face buried in the pillows and sheets to cry out the remnants of your orgasm.
Duncan picked up his face, feeling your juices coat his cock and then he soon reached his orgasm, his cock pumping loads of cum inside your little cunt. Filling you up to the brim, watching as some of it even leaked out and made a mess down on the sheets. He couldn't care less, his chest rumbling from gruff groans and moans. God, the high he felt with you was different — unique. Something he had never felt before.
He stared at you, spine exposed and erect as you laid across him, face buried in the pillows and he leaned down. Still inside you, he left bite marks down the bone of your spine, branding you as his. Claiming you as his forever. He felt something possessive consume him, something dark when he saw how vulnerable you were. He'd fucked you, defiled you, the blood of your virginity coating his cock mixed with your and his release but innocence still wafted off you.
It drove him insane.
Duncan fixed their position, laying next to you as he pulled you to him. You were out of it and he cupped your face, staring at you. A look of worry crossed his features, finding you this numb. “Little lamb, are you alright?”
You looked up at him and nodded. In reality, you were too fucked out. The ache in your cunt hasn't subsided at all and somewhere you craved for more. You leaned into his chest and wrapped your arms around him. “Sir, will you come back for me?”
“I might just kidnap you.”
You perked up at that. “Can I have my freedom then?”
Duncan let out a chuckle, nodding his head at her, aware of her living situation. “You can go anywhere you want, Little lamb. As long as it is with me.”
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pensbridgerton · 3 months
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On the sixth of April, in the year 1812—precisely two days before her sixteenth birthday—Penelope Featherington fell in love.
It was, in a word, thrilling. The world shook. Her heart leaped. The moment was breathtaking. And, she was able to tell herself with some satisfaction, the man in question—one Colin Bridgerton—felt precisely the same way. Oh, not the love part. He certainly didn’t fall in love with her in 1812 (and not in 1813, 1814, 1815, or—oh, blast, not in all the years 1816–1822, either, and certainly not in 1823, when he was out of the country the whole time, anyway). But his earth shook, his heart leaped, and Penelope knew without a shadow of a doubt that his breath was taken away as well.
For a good ten seconds.
Falling off a horse tended to do that to a man.
It happened thus:
She’d been out for a walk in Hyde Park with her mother and two older sisters when she felt a thunderous rumbling under her feet (see above: the bit about the earth shaking). Her mother wasn’t paying much attention to her (her mother rarely did), so Penelope slipped away for a moment to see what was about. The rest of the Featheringtons were in rapt conversation with Viscountess Bridgerton and her daughter Daphne, who had just begun her second season in London, so they were pretending to ignore the rumbling. The Bridgertons were an important family indeed, and conversations with them were not to be ignored.
As Penelope skirted around the edge of a particularly fat-trunked tree, she saw two riders coming her way, galloping along hell-for-leather or whatever expression people liked to use for fools on horseback who care not for their safety and well-being. Penelope felt her heart quicken (it would have been difficult to maintain a sedate pulse as a witness to such excitement, and besides, this allowed her to say that her heart leaped when she fell in love).
Then, in one of those inexplicable quirks of fate, the wind picked up quite suddenly and lifted her bonnet (which, much to her mother’s chagrin, she had not tied properly since the ribbon chafed under her chin) straight into the air and, splat! right onto the face of one of the riders.
Penelope gasped (taking her breath away!), and then the man fell off his horse, landing most inelegantly in a nearby mud puddle. She rushed forward, quite without thinking, squealing something that was meant to inquire after his welfare, but that she suspected came out as nothing more than a strangled shriek. He would, of course, be furious with her, since she’d effectively knocked him off his horse and covered him with mud—two things guaranteed to put any gentleman in the foulest of moods. But when he finally rose to his feet, brushing off whatever mud could be dislodged from his clothing, he didn’t lash out at her. He didn’t give her a stinging set-down, he didn’t yell, he didn’t even glare.
He laughed.
He laughed.
Penelope hadn’t much experience with the laughter of men, and what little she had known had not been kind. But this man’s eyes—a rather intense shade of green—were filled with mirth as he wiped a rather embarrassingly placed spot of mud off his cheek and said, “Well, that wasn’t very well done of me, was it?”
And in that moment, Penelope fell in love.
When she found her voice (which, she was pained to note, was a good three seconds after a person of any intelligence would have replied), she said, “Oh, no, it is I who should apologize! My bonnet came right off my head, and . . .”
She stopped talking when she realized he hadn’t actually apologized, so
there was little point in contradicting him.
“It was no trouble,” he said, giving her a somewhat amused smile. “I— Oh, good day, Daphne! Didn’t know you were in the park.”
Penelope whirled around to find herself facing Daphne Bridgerton, standing next to her mother, who promptly hissed, “What have you done, Penelope Featherington?” and Penelope couldn’t even answer with her
stock, Nothing, because in truth, the accident was completely her fault, and she’d just made a fool of herself in front of what was obviously—judging from the expression on her mother’s face—a very eligible bachelor indeed.
Not that her mother would have thought that she had a chance with him. But Mrs. Featherington held high matrimonial hopes for her older girls. Besides, Penelope wasn’t even “out” in society yet.
But if Mrs. Featherington intended to scold her any further, she was unable to do so, because that would have required that she remove her attention from the all-important Bridgertons, whose ranks, Penelope was quickly figuring out, included the man presently covered in mud.
“I hope your son isn’t injured,” Mrs. Featherington said to Lady Bridgerton.
“Right as rain,” Colin interjected, making an expert sidestep before Lady Bridgerton could maul him with motherly concern.
Introductions were made, but the rest of the conversation was unimportant, mostly because Colin quickly and accurately sized up Mrs. Featherington as a matchmaking mama. Penelope was not at all surprised when he beat a hasty retreat.
But the damage had already been done. Penelope had discovered a reason to dream.
Later that night, as she replayed the encounter for about the thousandth time in her mind, it occurred to her that it would have been nice if she could have said that she’d fallen in love with him as he kissed her hand before a dance, his green eyes twinkling devilishly while his fingers held hers just a little more tightly than was proper. Or maybe it could have happened as he rode boldly across a windswept moor, the (aforementioned) wind no deterrent as he (or rather, his horse) galloped ever closer, his (Colin’s, not the horse’s) only intention to reach her side.
But no, she had to go and fall in love with Colin Bridgerton when he fell off a horse and landed on his bottom in a mud puddle. It was highly irregular, and highly unromantic, but there was a certain poetic justice in that, since nothing was ever going to come of it.
Why waste romance on a love that would never be returned? Better to save the windswept-moor introductions for people who might actually have a future together.
And if there was one thing Penelope knew, even then, at the age of sixteen years minus two days, it was that her future did not feature Colin Bridgerton in the role of husband.
She simply wasn’t the sort of girl who attracted a man like him, and she feared that she never would be.
Romancing Mister Bridgerton - Prologue
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juletheghoul · 2 months
crossing the line
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a/n: I have been possessed by this man, he has singlehandedly cured my writers block. This is un beta-ed, any mistakes are my own. Shout out to @foli-vora for joining in the hysteria with me, thanks for cheering me on my love Hopefully you enjoy!
Warnings; 18+ no minors, vague but big-legal age gap, piv sex, dirty talk, Marcus jerking it so right, creampie, vaginal fingering, master / slave dynamic (power imbalance), Marcus calls reader Girl, reader calls Marcus Dominus, let me know if I missed any!
Pairing: Marcus Acaciusx F!Reader
word count: 2.1k
reblogs are appreciated
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Maybe someone else would have been upset to see how little they owned in the world, but it made no difference to you. The tunic on your back, an extra one to swap out for cleaning, a shawl, and a pair of sandals. That was all you had, that was all you needed, not much to fill your new quarters, modest as they were. Only let you get accustomed to your duties all the quicker. 
You held no melancholy at having been sold into the service of another, it was the story of your life and had happened before. You had no doubts that it would happen again. Instead, you focused on learning the layout of the new villa that would be your home, on learning the moods of your new Dominus and praying to the Gods that he was not heavy handed with his slaves. 
You’d been purchased by none other than Marcus Acacius, the General of the army of Rome. 
Getting used to being in his presence took great effort, meeting his gaze was akin to being struck by lightning. He had the unique power to make your stomach roil like waves, but it wasn’t always an entirely unpleasant feeling. He was older, his hair streaked with gray and his face lined with age but it did nothing to diminish his beauty, or his prowess. You could almost believe he was a marble statue, an Emperor of the past, come to life. He’d caught your eye instantly. 
Months passed, then a year, and you did indeed learn his moods. You learned all about his needs and did well to anticipate his wants, so much so that eventually, he had you follow him around like a shadow. Your prayers had been answered, although his moods could get quite dark, he never raised his hand to anyone in his service. He had no need to. He could correct any misstep with a look. There was a cloud that loomed over him though, an intensity, an air about the man of bottled energy. Any words he did speak were short, and cut to the heart of the matter and despite the fact that he never hurt you or the others, you thought it might only be a matter of time before someone got the brunt end of his misplaced wrath. 
“He has been away from the battlefield for too long, pay him no mind. Do your duties, and he will settle.” One of the older women in the house noticed the way you wring your hands at his dark temperament, seeing her unbothered by it did much to calm you. 
You didn’t notice it at first, but more and more often you felt his eyes linger on you. Felt him follow as you set the table with his meals, when you helped him dress in the morning, more still when you helped him with his night time rituals. He was unabashed and unrelenting, his eyes traveling the length of you, lingering on the swell of your breasts when you stood before him, on your backside when you walked away. You knew the look, had seen it in countless men in the houses you’d served before. You’d seen on the boy that served with you when you were both coming to the age of such things, when young men stretched and grew overnight, and girls flowered, breasts blossoming and blood coming at the turn of the moon. You had seen it in the young man that had taken your chastity, fumbling at your tunic when everyone had gone to sleep.
At first it had shocked you, not because of some notion of propriety or disgust, this was something that happened in every house. The Dominus was there to be served, no matter what they wanted, it came with your station in life, what shocked you, was how welcome his gaze was. How much you relished his heated stare, how much you wanted him to look at you, always. He’d been the object of every heated fantasy you’d had since stepping foot in the house but you’d been under the impression that he was a solitary creature, uncaring for the company of anyone, except his hounds, two great big beasts that he doted on. He never pressed the matter however, and so you contented yourself with your dreams. 
He’d been gone most of the day, leaving you to help the other attendants with their duties, and the time passed quickly, and with the moon rising you thought it best to go to sleep–trusting that by this hour, surely he’d be staying put. With your own clothes washed and hanging to dry for the morning, you settled into bed. It was not to last however, one of the older women came through not long after you’d undressed and gotten into bed and announced that he’d arrived, looking for you. 
“God’s be damned.” You swore under your breath, “Gratitude, I will see to him shortly.” 
You had no choice but to put on one of the damp tunics, hissing at the frosty touch but running off to tend to him just the same. 
With a light knock to announce your presence, you entered his private chambers. 
“Apologies Dominus, I had thought you would be gone until the morning.” You bowed your head in deference to him, “Shall I fetch food and wine? Or will you be going to sleep?” His eyes were narrow slits, fixed on your body. You looked down to where he stared and noted that the wet fabric left nothing to the imagination. The dark patch of hair between your legs was clear as day, as was everything else. “Apologies Dominus, I had washed them when I thought you would be gone.” You stood there, the room pregnant with tension as he looked his fill. After what felt like hours, he looked up to your face and the expression made your nipples harden, a fact he did not miss. 
“No, Girl. I am not hungry.” He set about undressing and you hurried to help him, doing your best to keep your touch from lingering too long. “I will cleanse and go to sleep. Snuff out some of these candles, and be off to bed.” His voice was low, and it opened a river between your thighs, the arousal for him so sharp it ached. 
“Yes Dominus.” You did as he asked, leaving only a couple of candles burning near his bed, and leaving him there. You were just closing the door to your quarters when you realized his basin had not been filled, so you ran back to make sure he had the water he needed. It would have to be cold at this hour. 
This time, you did not knock, hoping that he’d still be preoccupied enough that you could just slip in, fill his basin and slip out. 
There was a slick, rhythmic noise that greeted you, along with a low, guttural groan. His chamber was darker without as many candles but the sight that greeted you was clear as day, and would forever be burned into your mind. Him, bathed in candlelight, his cock thick and shiny with his pearly arousal. 
His strength could never be denied, but like this, with his arm flexing with each long stroke, his muscles glinted. You’d seen all manner of people nude in your service, there was no shame in it. The human body was a work of art and growing up and giving into desires meant you’d seen men nude and ready to rut, but this was something else. The young men you'd been with were callow boys. This was a man. 
You stood there, frozen, and aching with an emptiness you hadn’t felt this keenly in so long. 
He felt you then, and looked up to see you watching him and before you could say anything he focused on the place so clearly visible through the wet fabric between your legs and moaned a filthy moan. You didn’t know whether to drop the jug of water and run, or mount him like you would a wild horse. You bit your lip, willing him to beckon you forth to him.
“Did you come back just to torment me, girl? Or would you lend a hand?” He watched your face, letting you decide what you wanted, you put the jug down and walked towards him. 
“I live to serve you, Dominus.” His brow furrowed with every step you took until his face tipped up to look into your eyes. 
“Take that off–” He grunted the last word, squeezing his cock in his fist while you obeyed. “Put your foot right here.” He gestured to the spot beside his thigh, and you did. “Spread it open. I want to see it.” He watched your sex, his mouth opening in a silent ‘O’ when you complied. “Are you wet for me, girl?” He sped up, fucking his fist in earnest. 
“Yes Dominus.” You slipped your fingers down, dipping them inside for a moment before showing him. He moaned again and your heart felt like a hummingbird in your chest. He grabbed at your fingers with his other hand and shoved them into his mouth, eyes closed and groaning around them and it was almost too much. 
“Take it Dominus, take me.” You whispered, watching his rapturous gaze with unwavering desire. You had no time to think, because within a second, he was up and pushing you down onto his bed, settling between your spread thighs. His sex hung heavy, an angry red and for a moment your stomach dropped imaging it inside you. 
“This will be quicker than I would wish it to be,” He grasped himself in hand, almost trembling as he lined himself up and sunk inside with one, quick thrust. “Gods above, girl, this little cunt was made for me.” He couldn’t hold himself back or give you time to adjust to his size, instead he set a brutal pace, and you held on, with arms around his neck and legs high on his hips for dear life. 
Your fingers ached with how tightly they gripped the curls at the base of his skull. You pulled him closer, needing to feel his weight as he stretched you open on his length, over and over, making everything bounce with the force of it. He was right about it being quick though, a handful of pumps was all it took for him to seize up, one hand palming your breast as he seized with a growl. You felt it, the spurt of him deep inside.
“It is a gift, my gift.” He watched himself, hissing with discomfort as he pulled himself out. “My seed, just for you.” His breath came in pants as he drew himself out, softened and spent and you were struck again by his beauty. With the flush of exertion blooming on his cheeks, and the rare smile on his lips, you couldn’t help but mirror the expression, even as your own climax slipped away with every passing second. “Your turn, now I must see pleasure on your face.” He huffed out the words before laying on his side to your right, resting his head on one hand to gain a better view of you spread out beside him. 
His fingers found the source of divinity between your legs. 
“Spread those pretty thighs nice and wide for me, girl, I would have access to all of you.” He spoke low, pressing his lips to your temple as his fingers used the slip of his own mess to stoke the fire spreading through your veins. “So lovely.” 
The reverence in his tone was so at odds with the confidence in his fingers, his skill was no tawdry thing and within a few moments the euphoria was so close you could taste it. You turned your face to him, silently begging for his mouth and he obliged, his kiss sweet as summer wine and all at once the wave crested. Your legs closed of their own accord, but this only bolstered him to slip two fingers inside, pumping through his seed and your liquid desire, laughing softly at the way you clutched at his arm. 
All of the times before, had been a jest. It was hard to know if anything you felt before could even be called pleasure. 
“Can you walk?” He pressed his lips to your shoulder, lowering them until he took a nipple into his mouth. You nodded. 
“Yes Dominus.” He placed a final kiss to the soft skin of your breast, the whiskers on his face tickling you. 
“Very well, off to bed.” The smile was gone, but it was replaced with a sleepy, satisfied look, one that you were sure would be gone in the morning. 
“Yes Dominus.” You rose, on shaky legs, grabbed your damp tunic, and slipped out of his chambers. 
Tag list: @frannyzooey @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @ezrasbirdie @221bshrlocked @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl20 @sleep-tight1 @wheresarizona @sherala007 @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @maxwell--lord @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi  @stevie75 @readsalot73 @pedrostories @tobealostwanderer @mandocrasis @elegantduckturtle @diogodxlot @alczysz17 @evyiione @absurdthirst @beskarboobs @andruxx @littlemissoblivious @1800-fight-me @maievdenoir @gracie7209 @omlwhatamidoinghere @magikfanatic @frankiecatfish @pedritoispunk @studythoreauly @missswriter @pintsizemama @mswarriorbabe80 @a-trial-run-on-paper @la-le-lu @chickadee-djarin @dobbyjen @rosiefridayrogersunday @ajeff855 @johnsrevelation @the-witty-pen-name @zombiesnips-blog @sarahjkl82-blog @fan-of-encouragement @queenofthecloudss @deadhumourist @felicisimor @toomanystoriessolittletime @what-iwish-you-knew @pedrostories @athalien @bi-thewayy @literallydontlook @pedrosbrat @gamingaquarius @localddreamers @luxmundee @iamafadedmoon @nakhudanyx @littlemisspascal @grogusmum @recklessworry @heyitmelexie @killyspinacoladas @gothicxbarbie @evildxad @dragonslarimar @spideysimpossiblegirl @chemtrail-mix @breezythesimp @altarsw @artooies-scream @staygolddindjarin @softsweetedbeauty @littlemisspascal @yuiopiklmn @squidwell @just-blogging-around @bbyanarchist @girlofchaos @maddiedrmr @frasmotic @acourtofsnakes @buckybarneshairpullingkink @astoryisaloveaffair @harriedandharassed  @shirks-all-responsibilities @androah @alwaysachorusgirl @dindjarinsmut @captain-jebi @gallowsjoker @oliviajdjarin @tusk89 @dadbodfanatic-x @naiomiwinchester @blazedprince @avidreader73 @mr-underhills-things @avengersfan25 @tastygoldentaters @nyotamalfoy @mymindfuckery @txtattoostark @its-nebuleuse @missladym1981 @inept-the-magnificent
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 310
Shadow core Danny? Shadow core Danny with Hazmat AU? Indeed, with a hint of a twist. 
See that hazmat helmet beneath the hood? Yeah that’s erm, that might be his actual face now. It might be able to split open into a proper maw, as he found out during one of the early fights. He thinks it might be a shadow-core thing though, because Fright Knight has something similar, along with the Keeper. Who's apparently a ghost that keeps track of other shadow-ghosts, which, cool. Cool library covered in flesh, nothing spooky there. 
He mentions this? Because apparently even if all ghosts partially feed on emotions, shadow cores need Fear the most. Which, thankfully shadow cores are apparently more rare than he’d expect, so he’s not going to go into a territorial frenzy or something on a bad day, yay! 
But uh, he might… count as a ghostling since he’s only a year dead- in fact he’ll continue to be as such until he’s at least 100 years dead, since he didn’t die as an adult. Which in turn… means he needs even more fear, at least until he’s old enough to generate it on his own. 
So what’s a ghostling to do? Take a trip to one of the most fear-soaked cities in the world, y’know, just a little weekend trip every month. Gotham isn’t that bad, and he can stay invisible- mostly! What’s going to happen, he run into a vigilante? Ha… oh no.
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harmoonix · 1 year
🔥Femme Fatale Placements🔥
🌟 In Astrology 🌟
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-🔥 Scorpio in big 6/ Aries in Big 6(Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus Mercury, Mars)
-🔥 Sagittarius in big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mercury, Mars)
There is NO femme fatale out there without Sagittarius Energy in it, they carry the way to the top for the misterious elite fatales
-🔥 Libra/Taurus in big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mars, Mercury)
Venusian Energy - Blessed - Pretty as fuck - Admired by people, aesthetically beautiful, natural, lovely
-🔥 Leo in big 6 (Sun,Moon, Rising, Venus, Mercury, Mars)
Of Course there is NO femme fatale without a Leo in it. They are always the star of show 💅🏼
-🔥 Capricorn/Aquarius in big 6 (Sun,Moon, Rising, Venus, Mercury, Mars)
Saturn Energy - Big influence and impact in world, worldwide appealing, extravagante, iconic, classyyy, royal vibes
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-🔥 Midheaven in Scorpio Degrees: 8°, 20°
The world perceives you as being a very misterious person
-🔥 Midheaven in Leo Degrees: 5°, 17°, 29°
Getting People's attention very fast, could attract a lot of eyes on them very easily
-🔥 Midheaven in Capricorn Degrees: 10°, 22°
Having great authority, being very classic and charming, very good appearance
-🔥 Midheaven in Cancer Degrees: 4°, 16°, 28°
Very angelic Energy, could have a very peaceful aura and people perceive these people as "an real angel"
-🔥 Midheaven in Aquarius Degrees: 11°, 23°
Getting a lot of attention especially on internet, Being unique and different, The world perceives you as a rare diamond
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Lilith Related PLACEMENTS List ⚸
-🔥 Lilith - Ascendant aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
Having a very fatale energy in your Ascendant, indeed very appealing and good looking, could attract jealousy very fast and could make others feel intimidating by your pressence
-🔥 Lilith - Moon aspects (Harsh aspects)
This placement is mostly like others are very jealous of you especially the women/girls around you, they want to be you and they can't... And thats making them to explode
-🔥 Lilith - Sun aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
HIGH rebellious and attractive energy, you don't like people to tell you what you do, you do your own rules. With this aspect people can be very drawn to you or to your energy because they know how powerful you can be, you have an imense magnetism
-🔥 Lilith - Venus aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
These people have the power to break hearts, they have a very good appearance and can look very intimidating to others, can attract very hot partners
-🔥 Lilith Mercury aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
These people have a very hot way of talking, their voice their words, they can turn you on.. so easily they know how to make pleasure and how to destroy people with their words, they stand up for themselves talking while wearing a gold crown on their head
-🔥 Lilith - Mars aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
These aspects are the "Hotter than hell" thing, these people are having a very high fatale energy who can get a lot of eyes and jealousy on them, they can steal your heart
-🔥 Lilith - Saturn aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
The rare diamond shinning through ordinary rocks, here Saturn restricts Lilith energy, so Lilith can feel very destructible and dangerous, very misterious and mesmerizing energy but also with a lot of lesson, is like you need to learn about your shadow side and your power and of course your sexual nature
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Aspects List that can indicate having a very femme fatale energy: (Square, Opposition Conjunction, Sextile, Trine, Quintile, Bi-quintile applying + Parallel/Contra-Parallel)
-🔥 Venus - Pluto aspects
-🔥 Mars - Pluto aspects
-🔥 Sun - Pluto aspects
-🔥 Ascendant - Pluto aspects
-🔥 Mars - Venus aspects
-🔥 Sun - Venus aspects
-🔥 Mars - Ascendant aspects
-🔥 Sun - Ascendant aspects
- 🔥 Neptune - Ascendant aspects
- 🔥 Neptune - Mars/Mercury aspects
- 🔥 Neptune - Venus aspects
- 🔥 Neptune - Pluto aspects
- 🔥 Saturn - Pluto aspects
- 🔥 Saturn - Venus aspects
- 🔥 Lilith - Neptune Aspects
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🔥Aries/Scorpio/Aquarius Risings = Sirene eyes
🔥Sagittarius Risings = good and mesmerizing appearance
🔥Leo Risings = the most shining star on the Broadway
🔥Virgo Risings = Charming and beautiful face and body
🔥Pisces Risings = Enchanting and mystic aura
🔥 Gemini Risings = Mirific aura, magical voice
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- 🔥 Having These Degrees in your chart can mean you have a very mesmerizing energy🔥🔥
• Having 2°,5°, 7°, 9°, 10° 12°, 14°, 17°, 19°, 22°, 24°. 29° Degrees
- 🔥 Having Theses Degrees in your chart can mean you have a very good appearance and appealing, dreamy like:
• Having 1°, 4°, 6°, 8°, 11°, 13°, 18° Degrees on any inner planets or Important asteroids
- 🔥 Mars/Venus/Mercury/Sun/Pluto/Moon/Neptune in the 1st/5th/8th/10th/11th houses makes your attractive in the public eye
- 🔥Lilith in the 1st/2nd/4th/5th/houses gives a very magnetic aura and vibe
-🔥 Lilith in the 10th/11th/12th houses have a very big influence on others
-🔥Lilith in 6th/7th houses attract people from a lot of places, especially envious people at the workplace and in their relationships
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I loved to make this post so much😍, there are definitely more placements and aspects to look into but the post would be wayyyy longer if i would make all of them, maybe i will make a part 2 if i see people wanting such type of content 🤗 Don't forget to always check your sidereal or vedic chart for more and deep understanding, the Sidereal chart is like your inner world 🌎💗😊
I hope everyone reading my notes has a good day full of light and warm energy 🤍🤍🤍 have a very lovely day!🤍🤍🤍
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azrielslittleslut · 2 months
“A Day Court Book Club”
Azriel x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: smut, 18+, NSFW, mutual masturbation, Az talks her through it
Word Count: 2.3k
This is part 2 of "A Day Court Crush." Part 1 can be read here.
“What is this one about?” Azriel asked, holding up the book for you to see. The dark red cover depicted a couple caught up in a passionate embrace, both partially clothed in silky fabrics.
You glanced up from the papers you had been reading, a small smirk on your face. "Fire and Silk," you mused, your eyes lighting up. "It's about a female from a magical land meeting a mysterious warrior. They fall in love and live happily ever after."
Azriel's dark brows shot up. "Sounds interesting. Is it smutty?" he asked with a wink.
You chuckled as you turned your attention back to your research. "Very much so."
Az bit his lip and placed the book back on the table. He sat back in his chair, smiling as he watched the intensity on your features as you worked.
He had indeed sought you out after that embarrassing first encounter with you. It had started out innocent, usually with him bringing more books from the House of Wind, even though he knew you didn't need more. Eventually, he started bringing you snacks and drinks, as you were inclined to spend hours here without taking a break for food.
These little gestures had been a poor excuse for him to see you, but he couldn't help himself. Thoughts of you had begun to invade his mind at all waking hours, and they sometimes chased him from his sleep. He loved the sound of your laugh, the sight of your smile... He couldn't get enough of you.
It wasn't until last week that he started asking you about those smutty books you liked. At his questioning, you laughed nervously as a beautiful blush crept up your cheeks and down your chest. His eyes had followed that blush down your perfect skin, wondering what it looked like under the sheer dresses you always wore.
Azriel knew those thoughts about you were wrong, and he silently cursed himself each time his mind wandered to not-so-pure places. But it wasn't just lust he felt for you.
There was a pull, a deep and magnetic connection that went beyond the physical. It was the way you laughed, a sound that seemed to light up even his darkest moments. The way your eyes sparkled with determination and kindness, reminded him of the goodness that still existed in the world. He admired your intelligence and the effortless grace with which you handled the complexities of your duties at the Night Court even though this wasn't your home.
As he sat here, though, watching you read over countless papers, he wondered what it would be like to bend you over this desk. His mouth watered at the thought of kneeling down behind you, licking and teasing you as your soft moans filled the quiet library.
Azriel shifted in his seat, using his shadows to cover the scent of his growing arousal. He commanded them to cover his lap, where his hard cock was blatantly visible.
"What was your favorite part?" he asked, keeping his voice steady. He willed his expression into neutrality as you once again looked up at him.
"Hmm," you murmured, running a finger along your chin. "I really liked it when the male love interest saved her from the evil king. It was quite romantic."
He leaned forward slightly, placing his elbows on the table. "Was that really your favorite part?" He could tell by the slight hitch in your breath that you had lied. It was so obvious to him that he didn't even need his shadows to read it.
"Umm, yes. But I also liked it when they danced under the moonlight at a ball," you said, that beautiful blush making an appearance. "I like dancing."
Another lie.
"Did they only dance under the moonlight?" he asked with a smile. He would never admit it to you, but he had read the book already. Az knew everything about it, and it was true that the main couple had danced together.
But it was what they had done after that had caught his attention.
"Well, yes," you responded, your brows creasing slightly. He could practically see your mind scrambling to think of a way to convince him. "What is wrong with dancing, Azriel?"
He chuckled. "Oh, nothing," he said. "I like dancing, too. Although, I have never ended a dance with a partner who had her legs straddling my face. I guess I can add that to the bucket list," he ended with a shrug.
You gasped, your face turning an adorable shade of pink. "You read it!" you squealed as you covered your face with your hands.
Azriel cursed himself as he noted your obvious embarrassment. He just wanted to joke with you and hear you laugh, but he had ruined it.
Why did he always ruin the good things life blessed him with?
"Hey, hey," he murmured soothingly, his shadows swirling around you. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
You slowly raised your face from your hands, and his heart stuttered at the sight of the smile on your face. "Well, I guess I did offer to show you my smutty books, shadowsinger. I just didn't expect you to take it upon yourself to read them!"
At the teasing tone in your voice, Azriel let himself relax. "Oh, did you want to read them together? They are... very interesting."
He had over 500 years of sexual experience, so it was rare that he came across anything new. But he had to admit, smutty books had a way of surprising him. The creativity, the raw passion, and the unabashed exploration of desire in those pages often left him intrigued.
"Well," you muttered as you glanced down at the table. You shifted in your chair, and the movement caused your scent to wash over him. His eyes nearly rolled back as he smelled your sweet arousal. "We could read them together... But I have always found acting out the scenes to be more... enlightening."
Azriel's head went quiet as your words hung in the air. He blinked at you, his brain searching for words. Finally, he said, "What kind of scenes are you referring to?"
He knew what scenes they were, but he wanted to hear you say the words. He needed to hear you say yes to this, to him.
You smiled softly as a blush crept onto your cheeks. "The kind of scenes where the main characters fuck."
Az froze for a moment, surprised at your boldness, and he sucked in a breath as he felt that boldness go straight to his cock. His shadows darted toward you, swarming around your neck and shoulders. "Are... are you sure?"
You looked him in the eyes then, your gaze intense. "Yes," you said, your voice loud and clear. You pressed your palms against the table, and you slowly stood from the chair. You reached up and pulled on the string that held the front of your dress closed.
He watched in silence as the dress opened, and he sucked in a breath as he realized you were wearing absolutely nothing under the dress. The material fell away from your body, pooling onto the floor in a mass of gold, but his eyes were glued to you. You walked around the desk to stand in front of him. You perched yourself up on the desk, spreading your legs open for him.
Azriel licked his lips as his eyes traced down your breasts and stomach, stopping once they got to the glistening wetness between your thighs. "You are beautiful," he murmured, reaching out a hand to run his fingers across your thigh. "Perfect. Exquisite."
You smiled softly as a blush bloomed on your cheeks and chest. "Thank you," you muttered, leaning back on your palms. "You are too."
Az knew he was a handsome male, and he was rather used to hearing females and males say he was beautiful. But the compliment coming from you made his heart jump in his chest. "Are you sure about this?" he asked.
"Yes," you said, nodding your head. "Although, maybe for the first time, we could try one of the scenes from a book I just read."
He leaned forward in his chair as he said, "What kind of scene was it?"
"Well," you began, running your hand across your breasts, toying with your nipples, "the couple didn't have sex. But they touched themselves, and they watched each other… it was very.. hot.”
Azriel couldn’t tear his eyes away from your hands as they made their way down your perfect body. Your skin glistened with sweat in the dim faelight, and he found himself wanting to replace your hand with his tongue. “You would be alright with that?” he asked, reaching down to massage himself through his leathers.
"Yes," you responded, your voice breathless. Your hand passed your stomach, hovering above your glistening pussy. "But I want you naked, too."
Azriel blinked rapidly, forcing himself out of his stupor. He stood and went to work removing his leathers, his skilled hands making quick work of it. Slowly, he sat back down in the chair, his wings drooping to the floor behind him. "Better?" he asked.
You smiled softly, your eyes raking down his body. They stopped once they got to his cock, and Az let himself feel smug as he watched your pupils dilate. "Very much so," you whispered as you ran a finger up your slit. You bit your bottom lip as you moaned softly.
With a scarred hand, Azriel started to stroke himself, running his thumb over the tip to spread the bead of pre cum that had gathered there. "Don't be shy, love," he groaned. "Let me hear you as you pleasure yourself for me."
You threw your head back as you thrust a finger into your cunt. "I-" you stammered, your voice breaking. "I am not very experienced with this, Az. Can you talk me through it?"
Az froze for a moment. He wasn't a very big talker when it came to normal conversation, but when it came to the bedroom... "It would be my pleasure," he said with a smirk.
He began to pump himself a little faster, keeping his grip tight at the base and twisting his hand as he reached his tip. "Put another finger in," he groaned, looking at you with lidded eyes. "Fuck yourself with them."
You did as you were told, your head thrown back in pleasure. Your wetness had begun to drip down your inner thighs, and it was taking all of Azriel's self-control to keep himself in the chair. He was desperate to know what you tasted like. "Like- like this?" you asked him, your voice breathless.
"Just like that," Az responded. "Such a good girl for me." He could already feel his climax begin to build, but he pushed it away. Even though he wasn't bedding you, he would make sure you came first. "Now, I want you to use your other hand to rub your clit at the same time. Can you do that for me, love?"
You bit your lip in concentration as you balanced yourself on the edge of the table. With your other hand, you began to rub your clit with small circles, while still pumping your fingers in and out of yourself. "Oh, that feels so good!" you moaned, your eyes shut.
The sound of your moans and whimpers went straight to Azriel's cock, and he let out a groan as his wings began to twitch, a sign of his impending climax. "Last thing," he forced out. "Eyes on me."
Slowly, you opened your eyes, and Az sucked in a breath at the desire in them. Your hair was pasted to your forehead and neck with sweat. Your chest was flushed, your stomach and legs twitching. The sight of you spread out before him with your hands between your legs was like is own personal heaven.
"You're so beautiful," you whispered as you looked at him, your expression soft.
Despite himself, Azriel smiled softly. "You are too. You're the most beautiful woman I have had the pleasure to lay my eyes on." With his other hand, he reached down and began to massage his balls, and his hips began to thrust into his hand of their own accord. "Cum for me, angel," he commanded.
Your breath hitched and your eyes rolled back as your body began to shake. "Az, I'm-" you said, but you were cut off as a loud moan escaped your full lips. "Oh, fuck," you whimpered as you came, and you reached a hand out to brace yourself on the table as you rode out your high.
"Good fucking girl," Az moaned. The sight of you coming was like a religious experience for him, and it was his undoing. He groaned as ropes of his cum covered his hand and stomach, his wings twitching slightly behind him.
For a few moments, the two of you sat in silence. Finally, you said, "That was amazing. Honestly, when I read the scene in the book, I thought it was cheesy. But that was..."
Azriel laughed quietly. "Then why do you want to do that?"
You shrugged your shoulders. "You make me want to do things I wouldn't normally do. Is that a problem, shadowsinger?"
Azriel's brows raised in amusement, and his shadows wrapped around him once again, probably to hide the mess he had made on himself. "Not at all, love. In fact, I want to know about all of the cheesy scenes in those smutty books of yours. I want to know all of the things I want to make you do, because you make me want to do the naughtiest things..."
The sound of your laughter was contagious, and Az found himself laughing along with you. He watched in contentment as his shadows darted out to you, wrapping themselves around your legs and hands.
"So, are we starting a smutty book club together?" you asked, still laughing.
Azriel nodded, his hazel eyes dancing. "Sounds like a plan, love."
general tag list: @quiet-loser @andreperez11 @lilah-asteria
fic tag list: @rcarbo1
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