#relatable shit meatman
spngirlpolls · 1 year
Ok so this is about to be a very incoherent suggestion for a poll because I have 0 idea how to explain it but I shall try.
So if Dean or Cas was to watch a action/drama/horror (that's not that horrific) where to fellas had a relationship as (un)subtle as destiel would they think the two of them were platonic or romantic.
Basically if Dean or Cas were to watch a show with a ship similar to destiel would they ship it.
Thanks and love your blog ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
thank you for the love :) i see what you are asking here, which is essentially: do dean and cas have gaydar (HARD NO) and can dean and cas recognize their own dynamic when shown to them (unlikely)
to be entirely fair, i think they are confronted with this scenario quite frequently in the canon of the show, their dynamic is mirrored in front of them by other characters and they either learn the "lesson" that is to be gleaned from the mirror relationship and apply it to their own relationship or they don't (they mostly don't). It seems like they can recognize when people have a "profound bond" that might be relatable to their situation, so long as that bond is not queer, given how frequently dean is shown just being unable to identify queer people (ex the cupid scene holy shit)
so i'm going to modify your question a smidge to: what happens if they watch brokeback mountain. because 1) it's a notable movie with a similar dynamic to destiel, which is the root of your original question 2) it's an explicitly queer relationship 3) it has cowboys in it. i think that might be the easiest shorthand for what we are trying to ask about here.
so enough of my rambling, here's the poll:
hopefully this gets to the root of your question anon, if not pop back in my inbox :)
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aquateenage · 7 years
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