#relationships: warron
princesscallyie · 29 days
Have you planned to get a ship for Priss? Is it Raimundo or is it warrion? I mean to be honest, I think that Priss would be making a good relationship with Raimundo as friends
Warron is her love interest. Raimundo is Raleigh and Ryu’s father so he’s way older than her in this universe. They would not be friends or love interests.
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Relationships: Warron
 Casida “Taz” Tasend [Burial Grounds]
Warron has become a regular at the coffee shop, The Brewed Awakening, that Taz works at, and the snarky barista got Warron’s attention whether she wants it or not. Warron is much more into Taz than she’ll admit out loud right now, even if she has successfully gotten a date with her, and something about Taz just draws Warron to her the same way she’s drawn to the ocean. To say she has a big red crush on Taz would be an understatement! They’ve entered in to a matespritship and are both super awkward about it, even though they’re very happy.
  Mandra Baothe [ no tag yet ]
A creepy clown that Warron has done business with, Mandra’s haunted forest and maudlin personality has made him especially memorable. Warron wants to pursue a friendship, and see if she can’t find out what makes him, or his forest, tick.
 Gliese Benral [ no tag yet ]
A highblood that Warron met online, Gliese shares an interest in flowers, “playful” bullying, and even though they barely know each other, Warron fondly regards Gliese’s handle when she sees it online.
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mirkstrolls · 7 years
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Some victims of Vide’s tendency to bedeck people with braids and flowers if they sit still long enough. Not my trolls, tho.
(I drew these awhile ago, and probably won’t color them -- just thought I’d post for the sense of accomplishment.)
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Basic Info
Name: Tesla "Tessie" Vreedle
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday (Zodiac): August 18/ Leo
Species: Vreedle/ Gimlinnopitheus Hybrid
Appearance Info
Height: a little short/ 5 " 6 , slim but fairly muscular 
Skin tone: Yellowish Grey
Eye shape/color: Yellow cat-like eyes black pupils 
Hair style/color: mid length curly bob dark brown
Outfit style: light orange babydoll dress with frilly ankle socks and mary jane combat boots
Markings (birthmarks, scars, etc): a small scar on the left upper ear due to an incident
With a vulpamancer.
Alignment Info
Hero/Villian/Civilian: Young Blood Alliance (The Insomniacs)
Rank: C
Powers/Abilities: Controlling Electricity and Enhanced Strength
Fighting Style: Grappling
Weapons: Laser Blasters
Background Info
Personality: Despite her short tempered nature, she's actually pretty loyal and generous only wanting to be someone to be friends with, she's sometime goes headfirst without thinking and push people away with recklessness but deep down she's just trying protecting herself from getting hurt.
Backstory: Tesla Vreedle is the 15 year old daughter of Parallelogram Vreedle and Yetta, she mostly lives with her mother due to the fact her father's unfit to care for her. she joined the Young Blood Alliance to be just like her grandmother but due to her impulsive behavior she was put in C ranking. 
Relatives: Yetta (mother) , Parallelogram Vreedle (father), Ma Vreedle (grandmother) Sceles Vreedle (aunt) Pa vreedle (grandfather)
Relationships: While she love both her parents she loves her father more because he would take her to heist with her grandpa and aunt sceles, Parry despite his appearance is protective of her since she was born prematurely. 
Her mom would take care of her always making sure Tessie didn't get into trouble but they bump head whenever she wanted to be with her dad's family.
Roxanne being the first friend tesla had in a long time she tried to do everything to make her happy while roxanne would be comforting her whenever she felt homesick.
She has a crush on warron but doesn't know how to express it so she would act like she hates him that even though it's pretty obvious to everyone.
Miscellaneous Info
Tesla: LOOK just because our team doesn't have a cool ghost knight or a hunky alien warrior doesn't mean we're weak!
Gigi: wait what was that last part after warrior?
Tesla: *hiding her blushing face* NOTHING!
Gigi: *sarcastic* right. 
*Roxanne healing tessie cuts on her arm*
Roxanne: You should be careful you know you have gotten killed
Tesla: But I'm still alive right?
Yetta: and this is tessie when she just 5 she would a dog whenever she's upset and would try to bite the other kids
Tesla: MOMMMM please don't show those pictures to Roxanne!
Trivia: when In a hurry she has the habit of running on her four.
She once ate an eel for 25 dollars.  
@aprilbrowines based her on the fusion of Blanka from Street Fighter and Fang from Dave the barbarian 
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plaguetrolls · 7 years
19, 21, 37 for Warron!
19.What’s the angriest you’ve ever been?
I dunno, maybe when some 𝞃roll 𝞃ried𝞃o mug me in   Ke𝞃era?
21.What’s the most scared you’ve ever been?
When I was s𝞃ruck by   ligh𝞃ning.
𝞃errifying, I wasn’𝞃  sure I was going 𝞃o   survive.
37.What’s your relationship with religion like?
L o l p much   nonexis𝞃an𝞃.
I𝞃‘s in𝞃eres𝞃ing, bu𝞃 I’m no𝞃 very religious   myself.
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cloudbattrolls · 7 years
Hadean, Sipara, Emerel, Pheres, Laledy, Videle, Warron, and Ferra added to Gliese’s relationships. End me.
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activatingaggro · 8 years
🌱 🌹 🌸
🌱 = a plot I want to write with you 
ALL OF THE PLOTS. The Warron/Pheres one, for starters! (And speaking of which: if you wanna throw up a starter for that and @ me, I’ll hop on that. \o)
But also Ennkoh/ID ballet chatter, more Riccin/Ennkoh interactions, Vatrra/Sipara being horrid and also possibly ash-y.. we should just throw our dudes together a lot more in general, tbh!
🌸 = my roleplay petpeeve 
People not being clear about what they want from a thread. Everyone’s supposed to be having fun! If I don’t actually have info on what people want, that’s a lot harder to work with.
🌹 = my opinion on your character
Arocle is one of the very few tyrian characters that I enjoy, and want to actively include in my characters relationships, haha. He fits perfectly well into the heiress structure, but he’s unique, has plenty of hooks for characters to meet up with him, he’s got a lovely design, and his interactions with Weeds are repeatedly great.
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princesscallyie · 6 years
Which ocs are in a canon relationship/implied canon relationship? Whether it's dating/crush/etc
Canon: Kingsley/Renee, Rogen/Artemis, Chloe/Melvin (exes), Tizzy/Hank, Biz/Nix, 
Implied: Xiang/Alisha, Charles/Stacy, Persephone/Raleigh or Persephone/Levi,   
Crush: Vera->Amber, Ryu->Micah, Priss->Warron, Luther->Faye, Chrissy->Renee, Alex->Kingsley, Danielle->Damian
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mirkstrolls · 7 years
New Relationship Tags!
Eryali and Boneseer -> sister sun
Aioane and Azaron -> the abyss winks back
Neirin and AHL/Neirin and Adicia -> the day slowly dawning
Neirin and Mydfai -> night stayed silent
Sayyid and Aioane -> never be royals
Liyiji and Taz -> kneedeep in the north sea
Warron and Vide -> pushing dahlias
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plaguetrolls · 7 years
🔑💟🌹 for Warron!
🔑 At what point would they move in with a partner?
It would take Warron a long time of being in a steady, stable relationship before she moved in with a partner. She enjoys having her own space and it would have to mean she REALLY trusts her partner since she does all of her experiments out of her hive. She’d be more likely to have/prepare a guest room for her partner to just keep stuff in so they could stay for like, a week without being put out.
💟 What is their stance on PDA?
In theory, she’s got no strong opinion of it, and she can easily ignore other people’s PDA but when she’s involved then it’s too great and embarrassing and she wants more but also maybe less. She’s a flustered mess and won’t try to show it.
🌹 What is their idea of a perfect date?
Going to the beach! Or doing something her date really enjoys, Warron would absolutely be down for trying something her date is enthusiastic about.
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mirkstrolls · 8 years
and 4, 9 & 10 for Taz
Cut for length because alkaoihfiwafhaoi this got out of hand
4: How do you get into your OC’s mindset to write for them? How do you find the muse for them?
Taz is really direct and blunt, and my usual writing style is quite flowery, so getting her to sound right is a little tricky! I usually try to read something with a similar style before writing for her: the Imperial Radch series by Ann Leckie works best, Hemingway will do in a pinch, and the ‘this works okay’ majority is whatever sci-fi or detective fiction I can pilfer off my dad’s and brother’s bookshelves on a given day (the detective fiction is doubly useful because Taz’s public persona has the same uber-cool, casual-danger-dialogue vibe that a lot of fictional detectives give off, with a certain self-conscious hahaha please believe this obvious act undercurrent). Then I write the thing, getting rid of as many adverbs, adjectives, metaphors and similes as I can without sacrificing the clarity of the text and chopping up the sentences into fragments and bland statements of fact. This doesn’t always work so well, since I love me some figurative language – and sometimes it works TOO well and the reply comes out as a piece of stiff and ugly writing. On the bright side, this means I can usually write Taz even when I’m too tired for Vide’s idiom-heavy text or Weeds’s melodramatics, because she is tired and  hiding her anxiety behind a monotone and hey! I’m also tired and anxious and monotone! (I also use more dashes in both Taz’s speech and internal monologue, but it’s hard to tell because I use lots of dashes just in general :P)
9: What is your OC like when at work? Are they diligent? Slacker? Do they get along with their co-workers?
Taz considers herself the One Sane Troll in the Brewed Awakening operation, because her coworkers are:
a mafioso wannabe
a gaggle of squirrelly teenagers
a pirate wannabe
an antisocial layabout who’s only prevented from frequent murder by said pirate wannabe
people who willingly crew for #s 3 and 4
other forms of hooliganry
They’re all actually very good at what they do! But no one can deny that they’re… high-key everything. Taz is comparatively much more sensible and professional, but she’s also something of a control freak – so she breaks up a lot of drama, confiscates a lot of cigarettes/other drugs, sprays Lysol on Interns that are canoodling when they should be working, prevents the occasional Yacspo/Ydeeah relationship tiff that would otherwise end in someone getting fed to Manfred, makes sure Ydeeah’s taking her psi dampeners and Umetto’s taking his blood dye, sees to ornery customers and inter-boat feuds, argues with Umetto about budgets and profit margins and permits and gang disputes, and generally keeps the gang together. All this is on top of her actual, official job, which requires a lot of organizational work: reading through reports and keeping track of their contents, liaising with clients, planning meeting points, taking on sensitive missions herself, managing the records for both the shop and the smuggling ring, supervising the Interns in a professional as well as personal sense, makes sure all vessels are seaworthy and all cargo is received, etc. Taz is pretty overworked! There’s a reason she treasures her nights off so desperately. She does get along pretty well with her coworkers, though, because even Umetto and Ydeeah know, beneath all their teasing, that’s she’s something of a linchpin for the whole operation. Thank god for workaholics, thinks nearly everyone on the staff, as they look at the huge stacks of paperwork on Taz’s desk and shudder.
10: How do they deal with strangers?
Strangers actually make Taz pretty nervous, so she puts on the aforementioned casual-danger-dialogue persona! She’s a Business Lady, she is suave and relaxed and does this every night, deal with it. This is definitely something she’s trying to do with Bassil (when Ydeeah’s not tripping her up) and Izzy, and to a lesser extent with Sielan – if you project the image that you’ve got everything under control and are impossibly cooler and Better At This than the person you’re talking to, they tend to take you seriously, avoid questioning you, and, if you’re lucky, be awed enough to keep their distance. She’ll even maintain the persona with coffeehive customers and people who she doesn’t know well/wants to impress (e.g. Warron), because she thinks it’s universally effective. And it is, if your main goal is keeping everyone at arm’s length.
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