searchsystem · 11 months
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House of Folk / Relume / Pro-Vitamin B5 Eye Mist / Packaging / 2022
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christospiperis · 2 months
Χάσαμε πολύ; Χάσαμε λίγο; Τι στο καλό έγινε τελικά με το ιταλικό ερευνητικό Ievoli Relume; Τα ερωτήματα για τους χειρισμούς που έγιναν για την αποκλιμάκωση στην Κάσο… (video)
Του ΝΙΚΟΥ ΜΕΛΕΤΗ, Liberal Με την επιστροφή του ιταλικού ερευνητικού πλοίου Ievoli Relume στο λιμάνι του Ηρακλείου, αφού σύμφωνα με κυβερνητικές πηγές ολοκλήρωσε τις εργασίες του, λήγει ο συναγερμός που είχε σημάνει τις προηγούμενες ημέρες με αφορμή την προσπάθεια της Τουρκίας να επιβάλει τετελεσμένα απειλώντας ακόμη και να στρατιωτικοποιήσει την κρίση. Αμέσως μόλις η Τουρκία αφού είχε με δικές…
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soloazar · 11 months
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heycarrots · 4 months
Happy Tuesday, Black Sails Nation!
As was requested by @billie-bones, I’ve listened back through 18 hours of interviews and compiled a list of every fic mentioned on the podcast.
This list is categorized by episode and includes ratings and summaries, as well as direct links to the fics, themselves. I’ll tag as many authors as I can, but I may not know the tumblr accounts for everyone. If you see someone who’s fics are referenced and you don’t see them tagged and happen to know their handle on here, you may want to send this on to them, that way they know which episode they’re mentioned in and can listen to hear the fic discussed if they so choose.
Some fics got multiple mentions across several episodes and so, to streamline, I’ve listed them only under the first episode in which they are mentioned, so there are no duplicate listings.
Edit: This will be a living document, updated with each new episode with any new fic recommendations. If you’re an upcoming guest and want to compile your top 5 and prefer to mention fics that haven’t been mentioned before, this list will be a valuable resource to cross-reference.
I want to thank my dear @tiofrean, partner in crime and all-around badass extraordinaire, for taking my bare bones list of titles, authors, and links, and filling them out with summaries and all the details you may want to know before committing to a fic. She also broke down every series referenced into its individual parts, since ratings and details will change throughout a particular series. She did this without me requesting it because she’s simply that awesome. Not only has she donated cover art commissions for several episodes, including the upcoming-coming Episode 13, but she helped with this project, which took several days, just for that part, out of the goodness of her heart. You sincerely fucking rock!
And without further ado, here is the Reading Between the Lines Podcast: Fic rec Masterlist!
@lupismaris @jaynovz @etoilesombre @tiofrean @b1uetrees @aisalynn @vowel-in-thug @jadedbirch @justadearie @lurkerdelima @r0b0tb0y @primal--scream @stele3 @twofrontteethstillcrooked @citrinekay @tahiri-veila @bisexualpirateheart @reluming @flintfag @mycapeisplaid @redwhale
Once again, if you don’t see your friend’s account tagged and they are on this list, please tag them or send this to them.
Sincerest thanks to all of our listeners! When you listen to the podcast, you’re supporting so so many people in this fandom!
Preview of Tora’s next episode art featuring Flint and Vane:
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khazadspoon · 9 months
My favourite monologue from any Shakespeare play I’ve read (which is like… 3 at most lollll)
Act 5 Scene 2
It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul,--
Let me not name it to you, you chaste stars!--
It is the cause. Yet I'll not shed her blood;
Nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow,
And smooth as monumental alabaster.
Yet she must die, else she'll betray more men.
Put out the light, and then put out the light:
If I quench thee, thou flaming minister,
I can again thy former light restore,
Should I repent me: but once put out thy light,
Thou cunning'st pattern of excelling nature,
I know not where is that Promethean heat
That can thy light relume. When I have pluck'd the rose,
I cannot give it vital growth again.
It must needs wither: I'll smell it on the tree.
Kissing her
Ah balmy breath, that dost almost persuade
Justice to break her sword! One more, one more.
Be thus when thou art dead, and I will kill thee,
And love thee after. One more, and this the last:
So sweet was ne'er so fatal. I must weep,
But they are cruel tears: this sorrow's heavenly;
It strikes where it doth love. She wakes.
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saintvainglorious · 1 year
Fics I Enjoyed in May
11 fics total. Includes fics from the following fandoms: Black Sails
ya filthy animals by vowelinthug/@vowel-in-thug Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 11k | Explicit
Flint and Silver could be rulers of an illegal organization, major mob bosses, kingpins, criminal masterminds, etc. But then they could also be petty shoplifters who like to drink during the day and fool around on their houseboat.
the straight walk home by vowelinthug/@vowel-in-thug Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver, Jack Rackham/Anne Bonny, Anne Bonny/Max, Billy Bones/Charles Vane | 73k | Explicit
Let me tell you a story, about a vaquero named Vasquez…
Seedlings by twofrontteethstillcrooked/@twofrontteethstillcrooked Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 23k | Explicit
"If there's anything I can help you with, or if you'd like to order flowers for an upcoming occasion--" "All right, honestly?" Handsomely disgruntled customer looked Silver dead in the eye and said, "I'm looking for a gift that says, 'You are making a dreadful mistake. Call me when you've figured out what a fucking hash of things you've made.'" He spoke the way some people chewed tinfoil. Silver felt two things: lust like a plague of locusts, and the words 'uh-oh' waft through his brain.
Roasted by robotboy/@r0b0tb0y Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 7k | Explicit | Part 1 of Butterscotch
‘Everyone ignores me! I’m a barista!’ Of John Silver, useless bisexual, and James Flint, Deaf coffee addict.
no-one by doomcountry/@doomcountry Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 2k | Teen & Up
Now, he is thinking of a name.
stealing by nysscientia/@nysscientia Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 1k | Mature
This particular approach—it’s not Flint’s first instinct. But gentling Silver when he’s like this generally yields bad results. So instead he looms, crowding into Silver under the guise of examining his papers. “What are you doing?” Silver doesn’t turn or look up, but Flint can see him shifting in response to the proximity. “Need to adjust shares now that Wallis won’t be in the boarding party.” Flint drops his hands to either arm of Silver’s chair, bracketing him in. “And why did this require my shirt?” Silver takes Flint's clothes. Flint takes a test.
Riposte by Apetslife/@corsaircourser-blog Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 3k | General Audiences
noun: riposte; plural noun: ripostes (Fencing) a quick return thrust following a parry.
say that the wind will never change on us by mapped/@reluming Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 3k | Teen & Up
Three conversations about Flint's grave.
welcome to the occupation by natlet/@natlet Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 4k | Mature | Part 1 of please do not let me go
Vulnerability, it turns out, is a blade that cuts both ways
trouble is my business by vowelinthug/@vowel-in-thug Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 13k | Explicit | Part 3 of BLACK SAILS NOIR
The brim of his hat digs into Silver’s ear for a quick second before Silver takes it off and drops it on the floor, too. Then his arms come up around him. “Hey, daddy, is that your revolver in your trousers or are you just happy to see me?” “It’s my Pocket Hammerless.” Silver tsks. “I know a fellow who came back from Verdun like that,” he says. “War is hell.” Flint manages to keep his business open for a whole four hours before it all goes to shit. Part 3, with actual plot, of the NOIR au
Part Three: The Men by Apetslife/@corsaircourser-blog Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 5k | Teen & Up | Part 3 of John Silver Can't Get There From Here
Or: Third In A Continuing List Of Insurmountable Things That Stand Between John Silver And Treasure Island. He’s always liked this ship, from the first time he’d set foot on her in Tortuga. She’s light to the wind and the rudder, and easy under his feet, no sharp movements or heavy, heaving lurches after the sails like the merchant ships where he’d begun his life at sea. Now even she feels tense, though, taut in her anchorage, stiff to the waves rolling into Chesapeake Bay off the ocean ahead of what looks like a sharp late-spring squall. He kisses his fingertips and presses them to her mainmast. “Easy, lady,” he murmurs. “We’ll bring him back, don’t you fret none.”
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roadrunnerposting · 2 years
wondering whether I should relume my Poljot
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seven23ai · 11 days
Could AI-Driven Web Design Tools Like Relume AI Transform the Industry?
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AI-driven platforms like Relume AI are revolutionizing how websites are designed, offering rapid sitemap and wireframe generation that can drastically reduce project timelines. But could these tools fundamentally change the landscape of web design?
Scenario: Imagine a future where web design is predominantly handled by AI tools like Relume AI, with designers focusing more on creative oversight rather than manual tasks. This could lead to faster project completion and more consistent design quality, but what might be the implications for the traditional role of web designers?
Potential Benefits:
Speed: AI tools allow for rapid iteration and design, reducing the time from concept to completion.
Consistency: AI ensures that designs adhere to best practices, leading to higher quality outcomes.
Creativity: Could reliance on AI reduce the creative input of designers?
Job Roles: How will the role of web designers evolve in an industry increasingly influenced by AI?
Question to Audience: Do you think AI-driven web design tools like Relume AI could transform the industry? What are the potential benefits and challenges? Share your thoughts!
Join the conversation and explore the future of web design with Relume AI.
Discover more at https://aiwikiweb.com/product/relume-ai/
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Ievoli Relume: Παρακολουθούν στενά το ερευνητικό σκάφος να μην εισέλθει στην ελληνική ΑΟΖ
Ναι μεν το ιταλικό ερευνητικό σκάφος Ievoli Relume, συμφώνως προς πληροφορίες, έχει ξεκινήσει το δεύτερο σκέλος των υποθαλάσσιων ερευνών για την πόντιση του καλωδίου χωρίς όμως να βγαίνει από τα χωρικά μας ύδατα, αλλά η ελληνική Κυβέρνησις αδυνατεί, προς το παρόν, να πείσει Κύπρο και Ισραήλ ότι θα προχωρήσει κανονικά το έργο της ηλεκτρικής διασυνδέσεως […] Ievoli Relume: Παρακολουθούν στενά το…
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thoughtfullyblogger · 13 days
Ievoli Relume: Παρακολουθούν στενά το ερευνητικό σκάφος να μην εισέλθει στην ελληνική ΑΟΖ
Ναι μεν το ιταλικό ερευνητικό σκάφος Ievoli Relume, συμφώνως προς πληροφορίες, έχει ξεκινήσει το δεύτερο σκέλος των υποθαλάσσιων ερευνών για την πόντιση του καλωδίου χωρίς όμως να βγαίνει από τα χωρικά μας ύδατα, αλλά η ελληνική Κυβέρνησις αδυνατεί, προς το παρόν, να πείσει Κύπρο και Ισραήλ ότι θα προχωρήσει κανονικά το έργο της ηλεκτρικής διασυνδέσεως […] Ievoli Relume: Παρακολουθούν στενά το…
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soloazar · 11 months
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greekblogs · 13 days
Ievoli Relume: Παρακολουθούν στενά το ερευνητικό σκάφος να μην εισέλθει στην ελληνική ΑΟΖ
Ναι μεν το ιταλικό ερευνητικό σκάφος Ievoli Relume, συμφώνως προς πληροφορίες, έχει ξεκινήσει το δεύτερο σκέλος των υποθαλάσσιων ερευνών για την πόντιση του καλωδίου χωρίς όμως να βγαίνει από τα χωρικά μας ύδατα, αλλά η ελληνική Κυβέρνησις αδυνατεί, προς το παρόν, να πείσει Κύπρο και Ισραήλ ότι θα προχωρήσει κανονικά το έργο της ηλεκτρικής διασυνδέσεως […] Ievoli Relume: Παρακολουθούν στενά το…
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Ievoli Relume: Παρακολουθούν στενά το ερευνητικό σκάφος να μην εισέλθει στην ελληνική ΑΟΖ
Ναι μεν το ιταλικό ερευνητικό σκάφος Ievoli Relume, συμφώνως προς πληροφορίες, έχει ξεκινήσει το δεύτερο σκέλος των υποθαλάσσιων ερευνών για την πόντιση του καλωδίου χωρίς όμως να βγαίνει από τα χωρικά μας ύδατα, αλλά η ελληνική Κυβέρνησις αδυνατεί, προς το παρόν, να πείσει Κύπρο και Ισραήλ ότι θα προχωρήσει κανονικά το έργο της ηλεκτρικής διασυνδέσεως […] Ievoli Relume: Παρακολουθούν στενά το…
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intorque · 2 months
10 Must-Have Plugins for Webflow Development Success
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In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, utilizing the right tools can significantly enhance productivity and the quality of your projects. Webflow is renowned for its powerful features and flexibility, but integrating it with the right plugins can take your development process to the next level. Here, we present the top 10 must-have plugins for Webflow development success, ensuring you deliver superior websites with efficiency and finesse.
1. Jetboost
Jetboost is an indispensable plugin for adding advanced filtering and search functionalities to your Webflow projects. With Jetboost, you can create dynamic, real-time search experiences that enhance user interaction. Whether you're building a complex e-commerce site or a content-rich blog, Jetboost's intuitive interface allows for easy setup and customization.
Key Features:
Real-time search and filtering
Easy integration with Webflow CMS
No coding required
2. Finsweet Attributes
Finsweet Attributes offers a collection of powerful tools to supercharge your Webflow development. This plugin provides features such as custom attributes, dynamic data integration, and advanced interactions. Finsweet Attributes enables you to create complex functionalities without writing extensive code.
Key Features:
Custom attributes for enhanced control
Dynamic data and CMS integration
Advanced interactions and animations
3. Memberstack
Memberstack is essential for creating membership sites on Webflow. It allows you to add user authentication, gated content, and subscription billing effortlessly. With Memberstack, you can build and manage a thriving membership community directly within your Webflow site.
Key Features:
User authentication and management
Subscription billing and payments
Gated content and member-only areas
4. Outseta
Outseta is a comprehensive toolkit that combines CRM, billing, and support functionalities in one platform. Perfect for startups and growing businesses, Outseta integrates seamlessly with Webflow, enabling you to manage customer relationships, handle billing, and provide support without needing multiple tools.
Key Features:
Integrated CRM and email marketing
Subscription and billing management
Customer support and helpdesk
5. Foxy.io
Foxy.io is a versatile e-commerce solution that integrates smoothly with Webflow. It has several customization options and supports a large variety of payment gateways.Foxy.io is ideal for creating robust online stores with advanced features like subscriptions, discounts, and digital product sales.
Key Features:
Comprehensive payment gateway support
Subscription and discount management
Digital and physical product sales
6. Weglot
Weglot simplifies the process of making your Webflow site multilingual. This plugin provides seamless translation services, allowing you to reach a global audience. Weglot's automatic translation and manual editing capabilities ensure high-quality translations that resonate with your international users.
Key Features:
Automatic and manual translation
SEO-friendly multilingual support
Easy integration with Webflow
7. Zapier
Zapier connects Webflow with over 2,000 other apps, automating workflows and saving time. By setting up Zaps (automated workflows), you can synchronize data between Webflow and other platforms like Google Sheets, Slack, and Mailchimp. Zapier automates tedious chores to increase productivity.
Key Features:
Integration with over 2,000 apps
Easy setup of automated workflows
Data synchronization across platforms
8. Parabola
Parabola enables you to automate complex data processes without writing code. It integrates with Webflow to automate tasks like data import/export, API connections, and workflow automation. Parabola is perfect for developers looking to streamline data management and reduce manual work.
Key Features:
Code-free automation of data processes
Integration with various APIs
Visual workflow builder
9. CMS Library by Relume
CMS Library by Relume offers a collection of pre-built CMS components that can be easily integrated into your Webflow projects. This plugin saves development time and ensures consistency across your site. With a wide variety of components, you can quickly add functionality and enhance the user experience.
Key Features:
Pre-built CMS components
Easy integration and customization
Consistent design and functionality
10. Client-first by Finsweet
Client-first by Finsweet is a systematic approach to building Webflow projects with scalability and client management in mind. This plugin provides a structured methodology for naming conventions, project organization, and client collaboration. It ensures that your Webflow projects are maintainable and scalable.
Key Features:
Structured naming conventions
Project organization guidelines
Enhanced client collaboration
Integrating these must-have plugins into your Webflow development process can significantly enhance your workflow, improve the functionality of your sites, and provide a superior user experience. Each plugin offers unique features that address specific aspects of web development, from advanced filtering and search to e-commerce solutions and automation tools.
By leveraging these plugins, you can streamline your development process, reduce manual tasks, and focus on creating high-quality, engaging websites. Stay ahead of the competition by incorporating these tools into your Webflow projects and delivering exceptional results.
Website:- https://intorque.com/webflow-development/
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christospiperis · 2 months
Ποια είναι τα «διδάγματα» του επεισοδίου της Κάσου και των τουρκικών παράνομων διεκδικήσεων; Οι επόμενες προκλήσεις στην ελληνική ΑΟΖ και η ελληνική αναγκαία αντίδραση
Του ΝΙΚΟΥ ΜΕΛΕΤΗ, Liberal Το επεισόδιο της Κάσου με το ιταλικό πλοίο Ievoli Relume ανέδειξε ότι όχι μόνο οι διεκδικήσεις της Τουρκίας εις βάρος της χώρας μας παραμένουν ζωντανές, αλλά ότι η Άγκυρα με αφορμή τα μεγάλα και σημαντικά έργα πόντισης καλωδίων στην περιοχή της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου επιχειρεί να δημιουργήσει τετελεσμένα και να θέσει υπό περιορισμούς την άσκηση των ελληνικών κυριαρχικών…
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rulinarulina · 2 months
Κίνδυνο ανάφλεξης περιμένει η Αθήνα στο Αιγαίο: Γιατί αναδύθηκε ο κακός εαυτός της Τουρκίας
Το ιταλικό πλοίο «Ievoli Relume» σχεδιάζει νέες έρευνες ανατολικά της Καρπάθου σε σημείο που εφάπτεται με το παράνομο τουρκολιβυκό μνημόνιο Η ανω τελεία που μπήκε και στο παρ’ολιγο «θερμό» επεισόδιο ανοιχτά της Κάσου θα έχει και συνέχεια καθώς το ιταλικό πλοίο «Ievoli Relume» σχεδιάζει νέες έρευνες ανατολικά της Καρπάθου σε σημείο που εφάπτεται με το παράνομο τουρκολιβυκό μνημόνιο. Το γεγονός…
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