#remember if you think camilo is overrated then you must hate him
justanisabelakinnie · 3 years
Lol this fandom is a fucking echo chamber. 
I love how when you call out the fandom’s sexism with how they let Camilo and Bruno completely overshadow the female characters in the movie, everybody jumps on you and attacks you for daring to say what is true: that fandom regularly lets male characters get more focus and attention than female characters. Even when the female characters are more important than the male ones. 
I’m seeing people say that Bruno and Camilo “need more love” and that they’re hated on for liking these characters. Where the fuck? 
And of course, instead of having critical thinking skills and wondering why in particular they’re drawn to these characters when a lot of the reasons people relate to Bruno could also apply to Mirabel and Camilo doesn’t even DO anything, they just pull out the “omg we just like them because they’re relatable and cute that’s all!” “why aren’t we allowed to like characters?” “we’re not sexist for liking them we don’t like them because they’re male!” or calling me a misandrist. Someone even tried to lie that Luisa is the most popular character in the movie, I needed that laugh today. 
Also, people saying I hate Camilo. Ah, yes, because if you don’t like that a male character gets too much attention and that he is overrated compared to female characters, you must hate him, right?! You know what that sounds like? “If you call out misogyny and male privilege, then you must hate men!” Exact. Same. Energy. 
But it sure does feel welcoming to be part of a fandom that is so tunnel-visioned and one-track minded that they’ll chase you away and tell you to SHUT THE FUCK UP and call you ableist slurs for even daring to say something as controversial as “hey, maybe we should give the female characters more attention than the male ones, they’re the ones whom the movie is about, after all?” No. They’ll join together and railroad you until you shut up. Even though men are preferred to women in virtually every fandom, female characters are generally hated for doing even the slightest thing wrong and not kissing up to male characters, and demonized and hated and shoved aside because they get in the way of a fanon m/m ship because they’re romantically paired with a male character. 
Sure is...nice. 
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