#remember to regularly stick fingers in your local wizard
mightymizora · 10 months
I love love loved the fingering the wizard fic!
Ahh thank you anon! I’d like to do some more cozy smutty things with GlimmerGale, I love them very much. Perhaps something with Gale returning the favour on his desk with magehand whilst reading. Almost certainly some sort of under the robes blow job fic because come on, what’s the point of having a tiny wife if you don’t get all the benefits?
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charmandhex · 4 years
32- “Your eyes are red… Were you crying?” with magnus and another character of your choice? :3
It took me a while, buuuuuuuut I’m gonna blame the election!
CW for death mention, food mention.
Magnus doesn’t know what day it is when he wakes up. Well, really, that knowledge is long gone since they’re 33 planar systems deep into a seemingly endless journey, and you can bet Barry’s blue jeans that each and every one of ‘em had had a different calendar. And there’s been a lot going on so far in Cycle 33, so you can’t exactly blame Magnus for not figuring out how the local lunar calendar works when there are 17 moons orbiting this planet.
So Magnus, being Magnus, sits up and jabs a finger right at his eye. Ow. Shit. Yep, still bruised. So, two weeks, give or take. Magnus may not be the smartest boy on the ship, but he’s become pretty familiar with how long black eyes take to heal.
Two weeks. That’s not a lot of time to already be down two crew members.
Of course Merle’s gone already, having blustered and protested that he wasn’t needed now and that he needed to go into his next meeting with John with his memories of the last one fresh and sharp. Which, in Magnus’s not-so-humble opinion, is stupid. And he misses their shitty cleric. But at least Merle had been… somewhat expected.
Taako though.
It had looked safe. And they’d all been on their guard anyway. And Cap’n’port is a good leader. And Taako is a good wizard. Magnus is head of security. What good is he?
Magnus gets up and starts to pace. He’s learned a lot, and he’s learned that yeah, sometimes action is better than sticking around and thinking. Or at least sticking around and stewing in those thoughts.
Magnus’s room is too small for good pacing, but there’s a solution for that: Magnus rushes out. Down the hallway, past Lucretia’s room, past Barry’s room, up the stairs, past Cap’n’port’s quarters, onto the bridge, wide loop around the bond engine, around to the kitchen, down the hall, down the stairs again, past the med bay and Merle’s sad plants and empty room, quick right turn, around the boxes in storage, into the hallway once more, past Lup’s room… Magnus slows down and comes to a stop in front of the door to Taako’s room.
The twins had each been given their own room per some protocol Magnus can’t remember but Barry could probably recite in a heartbeat, but more often than not you’d find both in one room, switching back and forth between the two depending on whoever’s room had better lighting or fewer shoes in it at the time. On impulse, Magnus knocks at the door one-two-three, before reaching for the door handle.
Lup jolts up from where she’s been sitting hunched over on Taako’s unmade bed. At once, Magnus draws back, flustered.
“Oh, uh… h-hey, Lup.”
“Hey, Mango,” Lup says, her voice a little scratchier than normal. “Good thing T to the double A-K-O didn’t have any booby traps up and running when he… Anyway, uh, yeah, what- what’s up?”
Magnus lingers, debating, before stepping further in. “Just, uh, you know… thinking.”
Lup’s mouth quirks into a smile. “Doesn’t sound much like your style, Mags.”
“Now hold on!” The disquiet sitting heavy in Magnus’s chest is, for the moment, pushed to the side in favor of indignation. “I do plenty of thinking!”
“Yeah, about how to sneak dogs on the ship.” Lup gestures at the bed beside her, an invitation.
“That counts!” Magnus retorts before sitting next to Lup with a huff, turning to stick his tongue out at her. She looks away, and Magnus frowns, looking closer. “Your eyes are red… were you crying?”
“H-huh?” Lup stammers, still determinedly not looking at Magnus. “Nope! No way! No crying over here, just you know, 420 blaze it, let’s gooooooooo.”
Magnus blows out a long breath. “Yeah. I miss him too.”
Lup groans, before looking back over. “Magnus, you asshole, couldn’t you have just pretended and asked why I 420 blazed it without you?”
Magnus doesn’t respond, but he opens his arms. Lup moves so fast Magnus could have sworn she cast Blink, and then her arms are tight around him, as though afraid he too might disappear. Lup mumbles something into his shoulder as Magnus hugs her back.
“Sorry, didn’t quite get that.”
Lup turns her head, and an ear whaps across Magnus’s face. “I said¸ you and Barry are tied for best hugs.”
“Now that’s a compliment. Think I can stick it under proficiencies?”
“Yeah, with the other 500.” Lup lets out a shaky sigh and hugs tighter onto Magnus. “Taako gives shitty hugs.”
“He does not!”
“Magnus, he’s my brother, and he is my heart, but he manages to get like eight elbows in despite only having two of them. Half of the melee attacks he’s ever made have been accidentally headbutting people hugging them.” Another breath. “And most importantly. He’s not even here for his stupid, shitty hugs.”
Magnus waits even as Lup’s stifled shuddering sobs manage to shake him too, and he waits longer still, the heavy silence in the room finally stretching into something resembling peace.
“I’m sorry.”
“Me too. S’not your fault though.”
“Is too.”
“Is not.”
“Is too.”
“Is not!” Lup says, pushing back, fiery and indignant once more even with grief and pain still carved into her face. “Magnus Burnsides, you listen right now. That- what happened, was not your fault, and no one thinks that. I don’t think that. And when Taako gets back, he’s not gonna think that either. Now come on.” Lup lets go of Magnus long enough to scramble off Taako’s bed and up to standing before she grabs his hand.
“Come on… where?”
“I’m making some fuckin’ pancakes, and I need a sous chef,” Lup says, the kind of determination in her tone that regularly keeps them from doing stupid shit.
But what she’s saying is still surprising. Surprising because… “Really? Uh, Lup, you do remember what happened last time-” Last time he’d been banned from the kitchen for two cycles.
“We got it off the ceiling eventually, didn’t we?” Lup waves his protests off. “So, come on. I’ll let you put in as many chocolate chips as you want. And this way, by the time we get my dumb brother back, you’re better at cooking, so he has to get better at hugging.”
Magnus laughs. “Guess I can’t argue with that logic.”
The door swings closed with a quiet click behind them as they go. Less quiet is the Starblaster’s kitchen half an hour or so later, when Magnus and Lup and the rest of the crew are sitting around the table, plates stacked high with mostly unburnt and reasonably uniform pancakes.
And less quiet still than that, is the Starblaster some months and many pancakes later, when, elbows and headbutts aside, Magnus finds himself in a massive hug pile with Taako at the center. Somewhere in the middle of it all, Magnus hears Taako say:
“Hey, uh, quick, quick question: why is there a pancake on the ceiling?”
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