#this went on a tangent but lmao thank you anon!
mightymizora · 10 months
I love love loved the fingering the wizard fic!
Ahh thank you anon! I’d like to do some more cozy smutty things with GlimmerGale, I love them very much. Perhaps something with Gale returning the favour on his desk with magehand whilst reading. Almost certainly some sort of under the robes blow job fic because come on, what’s the point of having a tiny wife if you don’t get all the benefits?
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milksuu · 4 months
ur aphelios fic w solari priestess reader was soooo good, i can't stop going back to reread it bc i'm eager for pt 2 if you do end up writing one 😭😭 but there's so much potential for this man bc hello ?? enemies to lovers(?uh) ?? i really like the idea that they're on opposite sides bc as a lover of solari n lunari lore, it feels much more taboo. especially considering how scornful the solari people are of the lunari people which is clear in how the reader treats him 😕 a bit unjustified but it's nice that we aren't exactly a blank sheet of paper in this bc ofc we'd still have to abide by our morals and views 🩵🩵 i also wonder what alune thinks of this if she ever found out, would she even in the first place LMAO "i fear your brother nonconned me 😓😨🧟‍♂️" HDHDHDHS whenever there's an aphelios fic alune always pops into my mind afterwards since she's so dear to me, would the reader ever interact w her through aphelios? bisexuals really winning w this champ 😔
LKJSDVGBFLJHSDFVLSH!! omfg thank you for thinking so much about it. im cryiinnngggg!!! and yeah, im totally writing a part two. I'm at 1.8k words right now. sorry I bounce around a lot so i take a while to write lol.
BUT UGH YES. i definitely wanted to do an enemies/lovers kind of feel. (although i think in phels perspective reader's more 'lover' by his terms because well he's pretty unhinged in his perspective. what can we expect from a guy born and raised as a religious assassin who only ever interacts to his sister?? yeah his 'social' skills aren't going to be the best lmfao)
and like you stated anon, them being lunari/solari just adds the extra layers of drama, depth, and juicy plot potential. all in all, quite a banger.
as far as alune goess, I'd say she 100% knew. only because, alune is a Seer that shows aphelios' path, and directs him on missions. basically the moon told alune "yeah this is going to happen" then alune was like "heyyy soo....you're going to have to do this bro" and then ofc phel was somewhat conflicted the whole time but hey FAITH is never questioning and doing what you're told cause it's supposedly 'right'. and he definitely wants the believe it was all for a 'good' reason. Like him and reader are destined lovers since otherwise, why would the moon have him do that instead of just kill her? kinda like getting a gift for always being obedient to his faith (the copium is strong with this one). but yeah, phel made sure the toxin wore off so that his poor sister didn't have to endure that. (but assassinating people is totally fine obvs!)
alune and reader would have some sort of relationship a bit later. reader is technically a priestess, even though a solari one, she'd still be able to have some way to connect to the spirit realm. or reader can feel the ethereal vibrations emanating from him, but not fully understand/hone in alune's presence. but i think slowly over time, readers growing connection with aphelios will have her gradually connected with alune at some point.
and I want to say the moon goddess has a plan as to why that had to be done to reader. not sure how far i'll actually get to reveal it or develop it, since honestly, i had no intention of continuing let alone build any lore (THIS WAS JUST SUPPOSED TO BE SMUT DAMNIT HAHA) but we'll see.
whew, kinda went on a tangent, but i hope i've given you some good context anon! again, thank you for rereading my fixations and wanting more. as you can see, you've set off my dopamine receptors with this post lmfao. <3
stay tuned for part 2. ;3
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sushisocks · 11 months
cmon you cant just say how queercoded sean is and then not expand on itผ(•̀_•́ผ)
My need to constantly talk about Sean MacGuire is really being indulged lately jnhbvbjnbh Thank u dear anon <3
oKAY so like, anon, I will be the FIRST to admit that me calling Sean queercoded might've been a strong choice of words all things considered (especially compared to ACTUALLY explicitly gay Bill Williamson which could go for queercoding considering it's only really explicit if you look for it or catch it). I read Sean as queer in a lot of ways, and that is probably in no small part because I'm queer myself. BUT in my defense, what am I supposed to take away from the developers cuffing Sean's jeans like that?? His queer little swagger???? The outfit with that haircut?????? That is a BISEXUAL MAN if I've ever seen one!!!
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^me rn fr (always, about Sean and Lenny in particular. My gay Lenny headcanon is a lot more solid though, I'll be frank, and I'm honestly waiting to go the fuck off about it properly here some day lmao)
On a more serious note though, I definitely think Sean's admiration for Arthur can be read as a little bit of a crush in certain instances. Not that I particularly ship that pairing, but certain ways Sean responds to Arthur has always had me 🤔🤔 For example (and I'm really gonna out myself and how often i rewatch his missions here) in pouring forth oil, when Arthur gets mad forreal for a sec and threatens Sean (after Sean has a tantrum abt not being invited along which.... come on), and Sean laughs, there is DEFINITELY a crush-related way of reading that interaction & Sean's response. Not to mention the lil lookover Sean gives him I mean COME ON he's not even that subtle!
Not to speak of the fact that the first thing he does after being rescued from bounty hunters is ask Arthur for a hug - how many of yall Arthur Morgan horny ppl wouldn't die to do the same? Sean was ahead of the game. He's one of you, I swear.
I think Sean being queer makes sense with his personality too, as the sort of laid-back and easy-going one. Though I also think, given the time and the fact that I think he's bi, it's probably not smth he's ever thought very hard about? You know, heteronormativity etc etc, him and Karen having their messy thing going on etc etc, but Sean WOULD kiss a homie and not really have a problem with it. He'd just -- not think about it much harder, you know?
It's that same attitude he has, which leads me to believing if given the chance he'd be very gnc. I know I've said it before but I do headcanon that modern au Sean would def fuck around with skirts and makeup and nailpolish, and have a very loose relationship with his gender as a man at best. It makes sense to me, for someone who is both that easygoing, and has that sense of interest in societal issues, to at some point have the realization of 'oh gender roles are made up' and act accordingly, you know?
And then I'm also taken with, and sort of speaking from, this sort of perspective of the gang at large as very queer. Speaking of it in that academic way, as a sort of rejection of normative society - heteronormative society in particular - there's absolutely an inherent queerness to this entire gang of outlaws doing as they will. When being queer has always meant being ostracized from society, it is easy to read characters ostracized from society as queer; in this way, and in my opinion, the queercoding is inherent to this game, and these characters. It's there at the very foundation of their situation and way of living, and it's why I personally am never going to argue against any type of queer headcanon (and why I'm a proponent of many of them myself lol). Me seeing queerness in Sean and Lenny, is no different from me seeing it in Arthur and Charles, or Sadie and Karen, or Hosea and Dutch, or literally ANY other gangmember.
I feel like I went on a tangent here, again, as I am prone to do, BUT my main point is: Sean MacGuire is so so queer bcz I said so, and becuase why the fuck else would he be like that?
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ladyryukyo · 6 months
Kyoya headcannons perhaps? Any random headcannons you think that suit him
anon tbh im actually so bad at headcanons lmao i really tried but i think i just ended up rambling about kyoya 💔
one thing i love about kyoya is how hes such a serious and stubborn character who is just so fun to uhm dumb down? what i mean by that is that when i think of kyoya, i think of him in battle, i think of his pride, of his unshakeable will, of his ambition and determination to succeed no matter what. its hard to imagine him in mundane situations, somewhere with no battles to be won, no hardships to overcome.
kyoya doing the laundry, going grocery shopping, watching tv, eating sweets. kyoya out with his friends, talking about the weather or traffic or clothes or whatever else. situations where he cant or would be unreasonable to react with anger and shouts and/or a tornado lol.
im pretty sure i touched on this a little in the kyoya/demure fic where demure is basically me every time he marvels at mundane, normal, ordinary human boy kyoya. theres something so charming about characters that seem larger than life being brought back down to earth, others realizing that these characters are not so different from themselves, learning to be unimpressed by their completely unremarkable behavior.
i need this realization to happen to every single love interest kyoya ever has in my fics. i have such a (metaphorical) boner for romantic partners seeing each other as equals in everything they are to each other. that includes kyoya - who has the worst case of main character syndrome ever - lifting his romantic partners up on that podium next to himself (or, for angst purposes, even higher). the mutual respect is just such good food.
as much as i love a good action scene, i love putting kyoya in the most mundane situations. lately, everything ive been able to write has been soft kyoya struggling to accept (maybe even embrace) his softness and learning to be soft with someone else. im hoping ill get a tsukyo fic out of it lol. also hoping kyoya doesnt turn tail when he inevitably scares himself with his capacity for softness.
i dont really know where else im going with this. kind of went on a tangent about kyoya being normal and his partners going feral over it (and then kyoyas partners being badass and kyoya going feral over it). thank you anyway for listening
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lavender-phannie · 9 months
Hi hello I wanted to share my story of how I started watching dnp bc everyone’s stories are so fun! Sorry if this doesn’t make sense, I tend to overthink and write every little detail and it’s a lot lmao.
So it was January 2016 and I had recently got a Wii U (I only had a Wii for a while lmfao) and I was super into Mario kart 8. I got super hyperfixated on like Mario game soundtracks out of nowhere and idk how I remember this but it was specifically the super Mario world overworld theme that I watched when an ad started playing. It was Dan and Phil promoting TABINOF going to Barnes and Noble in the us and for some reason I was interested and didn’t skip. I don’t remember who I looked up first but I watched a ton of videos right away.
The first Phil video I watched was of him watching his old home videos of his childhood, and I think the first Dan video was the one where he looked at his 12 year old website and I thought the do not click section was super funny. I think the first gaming video was Mario kart 8, and I found out about undertale bc of their playthrough lmao. I know the exact date (January 16 2016) bc I wrote a little journal entry about it for some reason lmao.
Anyways time went on, I kept watching them throughout all of middle school, I went to tatinof in Vegas when I was literally 12 years old despite being from the east coast and having to fly there?? I went to II in a state that was closer to me in 2018 lmao, and I just kept watching them even throughout the gaming channel hiatus bc despite not being as hyperfixated they still meant a lot to me and I loved seeing what they had to say whenever they uploaded on their main channels.
The gaming channel revival has made my hyperfixation stronger and I’m excited for what’s next :)
Oooh anon you and I joined the fandom at a very similar time! (I joined December 2015) and they also introduced me to undertale!
Anyway wow!!! Their ads actually worked that’s wild??? I was about to say I can’t imagine getting a fandom related ad but then I suddenly had this memory come back to me where I got an ad for a song called “thank you dan and phil” when I was like 14 and honestly it was a banger I listened to it a lot after that!! (Sorry random tangent 😅)
And same all through the hiatus I stuck by them (mostly, I think I had a brief dip in interest at one point) cause they impacted me so much as a young teen!
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thiefguard · 1 year
do you have any hc for both guard and thief relationships pre-each other? i dunno why but i get the feel that guard is really into fair-haired ppl
theif is into the hot ones bc she has enough rizz to pull literally anyone
haaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha oh anon thank you
because yes why do i feel like Guard has a TYPE? it just fits him so well?
and like, we know how busy he is with work - we see during her Recovery that he doesn't want to leave her, worries she won't be there when he gets back - but duty calls. (lmao probably should have called when you were cradling your target in your arms my dude but who am i to argue). And then again when she visits his home while Teller is with Magister. He's not there, and they miss each other by minutes, and maybe it was work, maybe it was family, but he Wasn't There. So I think in the past that could have been an issue in his relationships? This is based on NOTHING obviously just absolute THIN AIR, but maybe the antidote to that is a woman who won't be waiting at home staring at the four walls? who has her own shit going on and adventures wherever the road calls or the wind blows, but it will always blow her back home? 🥰
As for Thief, lmaooo you are correct, our girl has enough rizz to have anyone she damn well pleases. and so I kind of just HC her with anyone it damn well pleases me to? Tago sometimes, if the mood strikes right. the merchant she ~distracts~ while Teller is doing a quick-change into his fancy outfit. anyone that ever shares eye contact with her for more than two seconds. (Except Teller, but that goes without saying).
But lately I've been thinking about - has she ever had anything serious before? Anyone that made her want to settle down, like Guard does? And I don't think so, but it's kind of a delicious idea to play with? Because we know she wasn't always a Thief. Admittedly we know absolutely fuck all about her life Before, and I don't think there was some Big Traumatic Event. Honestly, I know we know nothing about her backstory except the throwaway line about the museum, but I just. I HC that she worked in one, with artefacts in some capacity. And one day girl just got tired of cataloguing the stolen relics of lost empires. This shit has Stories (where could she possibly have got that idea from?), and it doesn't belong behind glass. And if things start to slip into her pockets and back to their rightful People? And if that becomes a gateway to looting vaults and temple runs? Good 👏 For 👏 Her 👏
As to why I've gone off on this tangent. Well. Wouldn't it just be the most delicious if there was a Someone in her backstory at the museum? maybe someone who became disaffected and disenchanted right around the same time? say, perchance, someone who spent their days cataloguing the artefacts of the Old Gods, and their nights poring over ancient scrolls?
And time went on and Thief became... well, Thief. And that person became more and more embroiled in their scrolls and incantations until they just... weren't the same people anymore, and life took them down different paths.
The next time they encountered one another.
One of them had looted one temple too many.
One had translated one prayer too dark, awoken something too hungry to control.
One was bound to stone and daubed with the sacred oils in sacrifice.
And one was stoking the fire, heating the knife?
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
Hi hello!! What’s your favorite anime?? And do you have any recommendations? :3
(Hope you’re having a cool day/night time!! ^^)
Hey dormy anon! Thanks so much for asking!!
Ooohhhh so anime is something I dabbled in very briefly lol. Like..maybe 6-7 months in between hyperfixations lmao. I'm not sure how much of a reliable source I can be but I did dabble in it!
I've had a weird on/off relationship with anime. For one, as an animation lover I appreciate the feats it's accomplished and being one of the main examples of how not all animation is for children. However in high school, I remember being absolutely turned off by it because it was EVERYWHERE and being shoved in my face constantly, it was almost a weird spiteful thing that I never looked into it any further than Studio Ghibli movies lmao. But because it's been 8 years, I was like you know what, I'm gonna give it a fair shake lmao
I sorta went off on a tangent sorry so there's a read more tab lmao
I will always recommend Studio Ghibli films, if you haven't seen a few already. Spirited Away is one of my favorites, Kiki's Delivery Service is fun too (I've been compared to Kiki a few times hehe)
As for like shows, I've only really watched like 3-4 and I'm not up to date on them (had to cancel crunchyroll and a handful of other subscriptions for financial reasons).
BUT I do remember enjoying My Hero Academia and I love Jujutsu Kaisen. I know I know... those are both fairly overrated at this point, but I really do enjoy the characters in both of those shows with a slight preference for Jujutsu Kaisen.
The fight animations and the style of JJK is absolutely fantastic to me. I got two JJK art books that I look back on cause the sequences are just amazing. Plus I love stories that have to do with demons/curses and hunting said demos/curses. It kills me Season 2 is out and I haven't been able to watch it hnng also Nanami is absolute husband material adfghhjkll I love him more than words can possibly describe.
Some other ones I recall enjoying are Bungo Stray Dogs, Devil's Line (Devil's Line is HIGHLY NSFW, with blood/gore/sexual themes), and The Case Study of Vanitas. So it's not all entirely overrated anime I've watched lmao.
Granted I never fully completed or entirely kept up with these stories so I'm probably a wee behind on some (most) of these shows, but I do remember them making a lasting impression on me. Maybe one day I'll try and catch up (and maybe by that time they've all been concluded so I can just binge-watch it all lol)
I do have Jujutsu Kaisen listed in one of the fandoms I write for, just because I've read the manga long past the anime (not fully caught up at this point but you get it lmao) plus I just really like the characters lol.
Anyways so sorry for the long post lmao. Anime is one of those things I rarely get to talk about but also because I kinda sorta barely know about it lmao
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dreadark · 1 year
I did read that insane tangent lmao
Anyway, I assure you my standards aren’t low. I don’t take interest in most people, but I think you’re cool bcs I like your writing and your taste in music (yeah I’m the same anon that said you’re my fav Elythorns author, and also the anon that went through your music tag)
Also a fellow Iberians enjoyer. Nice
I would befriend you but I have a habit of just. disappearing on people (primarily real life takes precedence over any online interactions). so I would rather not do that to you. Thus you shall periodically get these asks instead
Good luck with your insomnia btw man
well now i feel bad
...actually though I have to stop being annoyingly self deprecating. it's not helping anything...I decided to try and stop at some point but also decided maybe it's just better if I'm funny about it hmm don't think that's how it works. also it's not funny
ok but really thanks... somehow this actually got me to finally finish this fuckn chapter . hope it lives up to expectation (??
me using every oppurtunity ever to shill this
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tbyfandoms · 1 year
Hi! They aren’t old, they are new. People are just saying they are old because they don’t want to admit they are still together. They are new, Kaia is in Paris for a fashion show and she walked yesterday you can see photos of it, they were together on the 4th at a Celine diner
Hi anon! Wow are there actually people doing that (for that specific reason)? Being so for real I don’t understand some people’s constant need to try and prove aus and kaia are broken up. Like at the end of the day does it really matter if they’re together or not? It doesn’t affect us at all so why not just vibe with what content we get and appreciate the sightings we do get of austin (with or without kaia).
In my opinion kaia doesn’t seem like a horrible person and from what’s been shared by aus and the videos we’ve seen of them, he seems genuinely happy so I don’t get when people say they wanna see him happy…yet trash his gf and wish for him to go through a breakup. Like…make it make sense LMAO? I’d understand if she was a horrible person or had done horrible things, but from what I’ve seen her worst “crime” is being a nepo baby DKSJSJ (and even that isn’t that bad like she didn’t choose her parents!).
I mean everyone is allowed to believe what they want about their relationship but I mean…the proof is there. Plus austin is a grown man, I think he can decide for himself who he wants to date or not and it’s not like he needs the pr, the man was in an oscar nominated film like he’s good.
Idk I just think sometimes people take it too far. For as long as I’ve been in the fandom world (which is like almost 10 years atp) it’s always supposed to be about fun! Cute little edits! Our little fictitious stories! Little lighthearted fan theories and convos! The need for fan wars and (angry) discourse is something I’ll never understand.
But like I said to each their own! I know here on my blog I’ll always try to keep things light and fun! If ya’ll ever wanna discuss things don’t hesitate to send me an ask (for any of my fandoms/interests not just austin) and I’ll be happy to reply. I love talking to other fans and supporters, we are quite literally what keeps the fandom alive and I think that’s important to remember.
Now I know I went off on a bit of a tangent LMAO but I’ve just been thinking about that lately so I wanted to get it out there. But in regards to the photos…I’m like 95% sure they’re new new. As in austin and kaia were together just the other day. And if not…idrc to be honest DKSJSJ like a photo is a photo and it’s new to us (as in being published) so I’ll take what I can get! I don’t see the need for people to heavily scrutinize it/them because like I said it doesn’t affect us, plus we will get actual new photos of austin (and kaia) the next time they’re out on the town or working so 👀.
Alright that’s all I’ve got to say lmao! Thank you anon for letting me know what’s going on because I genuinely didn’t know that was a thing happening, I literally just lunged at the opportunity of new austin content 🤭
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kriz-fics · 1 year
I just wanted to say I love A Sword’s Legacy you’re world building is so rich and vivid it really transports you whilst reading. I know you mentioned certain translations for clothing items in the latest chapter and that made me curious about the aesthetics of each of the different regions in the world. I was wondering if you could elaborate or give a short summary.
(p.s don’t feel pressured I just think it’s evident throughout the fic that you’ve given a lot of thought to the setting and I would love to hear more about it)
Hi, Anon! (Cute Bear Anon, omg, hehe)
Thank you so, so much for the lovely comment! It cannot be said enough, I really do appreciate the interactions! Each one is so nice and also very motivating! Makes everything so, so worth it 😊
Sooo, aesthetics! Lovaya is a mishmash of a lot of them, a country-continent that big would, inevitably I should think, have its own separate cultures (which gets about as integrated as it can get after the Annexation). Speaking of the Annexation, I'm starting to mention they used to be separate kingdoms until the Reisses came so that affected culture even more. But then, we're not talking about that so I'll stop before we get off-tangent, lol
I'll put the rest under a Read More since I... got carried away 😬😅
I chose to go with 'fashion' aesthetics since you mentioned the southern clothing items, but if you meant something else, please let me know, I'll be glad to elaborate on that!
We start with the North. Aesthetics would be furs, furs, and lots of furs. And wool. Because it's the coldest region.
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Midlands. Took more liberty here and started mashing styles. It's the most typically 'Medieval/Renaissance Europe' region but I did not draw styles from those eras (here's where we go more on the fantasy counterpart culture thing).
Men's fashions:
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For court, the older men wear chains with their tunics. Robes are also part of the 'mature' fashions.
(Younger) Ladies' fashions
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(Older) Ladies' fashions: favor high-necked, more covered-up looks
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'Common' looks
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The South. As I mentioned, I drew from Greco-Roman fashions BUT I also veered wildly away from that in the end (again, fantasy counterpart culture). The "Northern" South have less revealing fashions (as Eren notes, lmao)
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Desertfolk fashions (more Byzantine influence, I imagine their sandsilks to be very elaborate)
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The far south is the most revealing of Lovayan fashions (as Eren once again notes, bless him)
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Of course, as with fantasy, I have to pack on some opulence with the blingy belts and wraps etc. And that's the fun of just going wild with worldbuilding!
'Common' southern looks (without the "podonza" or that cloth wrapped diagonally across the body)
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Soo, these are roughly what I envision Lovayan fashion aesthetics to be. Of course, what I have in mind is HEAVILY embellished but these are where I got the basic ideas from.
As you can see, I think I went overboard, lmaooo. But I love this ask! Again, thank you so much for the message and for taking such an interest in the story and in the world!!
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antidotesprout · 2 years
ohhh hey i just saw your piers music headcanon post and i think it’s pretty solid!! i personally always imagined him as kind of 80s british indie/goth/post punk — sort of a blend of Joy Division, The Cure, Gang of Four — but ofc w a more modern + slightly heavier twist!! also i’m pretty sure the spikemuth accent in game is meant to be like an irl manchester accent, as manchester was (still is rlly) one of the main cities in the uk for underground music back in the 80s and 90s (Madchester lmao) and that’s kind of piers + team yell’s whole vibe haha
thought i’d throw my two cents in, i really liked the thought you put into your post + i def think you might be right on the early arctic monkeys stuff — can easily picture Piers singing crying lightning hehe
…… didn’t mean to go off on one or anything but i had to share my thoughts 😅😅
Honestly by all means go off! I literally went off on my own tangent so I love to hear it.
See I had deeply considered post-punk and like the vocals sit about right, but sometimes the energy and instrumentation/synth didn't sit right with me? It's definitely a matter of personal opinion, though! I think everyone has a bit of a different take, the rant was purely my own opinion. It's hilarious, cause I normally do skew post-punk in my day to day taste but for some reason my brain decided "this ain't it."
Re: Manchester. I personally fucking agree lol. The music scene there is honestly too hard to ignore. Galar is so nebulous and weirdly arranged that allegedly Spikemuth is equivalent to Llandudno in Wales though there's absolutely no real relationship there? It's absolutely weird. I'm also no expert on accents but I do agree that there is something about the manc accent has a warmth to it that'd suit Spikemuth. But yeah apparently Motostoke is supposed to be the Manchester equivalent which [shrugs deeply] idk about that chief.
Also thank you for your comment, it reminded me that Humbug came after Favourite worst nightmare. For some reason my brain thought it came before. (This is why there's a disclaimer that I'm not a music expert, my brain IS faulty) (Also I didn't mention "suck it and see" but if I'm honest "library pictures" and "brick by brick" are the only tracks that stuck with me from that one. Who knows why our brains latch onto what they do)
Anyway I loved waking up to music discussion, thanks for this anon 😤💖
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da3dm · 2 years
🦅, ✍️ , 🌞 , 💖 , 📚 for the writer ask game! :]
ALSO you should make a playlist for vara or irza or vaza (coining an unofficial ship/duo name LMAO) or even eze !!!
— brick
i will unveil myself like a normal anon will, just for fun :)
It’s perfectly fine, you actually startled me when you followed me! Which is actually pretty hilarious, and thank you for this ask...‘anon’!
You should’ve asked for a snippet of a wip or something bc I’m in extreme I MUST WRITE mood bc I feel very sick
I already have a playlist for Irza and I definitely don’t listen to it daily and write to it...
Here are your answers! Behold!
🦅: Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
What’s an outline???
No—in all seriousness I absolutely never outline. I attempted to outline for Night Light and it went nothing like what I planned for the very beginning of it but flowed sooooo well.
✍️: Do you have a beta reader?
Not really? Only dingbatnix bc I started proofreading theirs and decided to ask for some help with mine too! I don’t mind having more than one person read over it before I upload it though, since everyone catches something completely different...
🌞: Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
When I’m tired. That could be any time, but when I’m tired I hyperfixate on writing and easily spew out a few thousand words in about half an hour depending on how much I’m interrupted.
💖: What made you start writing?
I have absolutely no clue. I’ve been writing since kindergarten, although back then I drew a picture book and had my mom write the words for me and that never really went anywhere. I’ve also been told that, you know those tangents and stories toddlers will go on when telling a story with their toys? My brothers always ended after maybe a week, sometimes a little more, but I would carry on for MONTHS, and randomly bring it up like telling my mom “Oh! that gave me a great idea for “this and this” character!” Since I carried on forever tho my mom had no clue what I was even talking about bc she’d kinda tune me out. I once had a stuffed toy duck I insisted was a “rabies rabbit” just bc it fit my story, but I had toy rabbits....
📚: Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
If possible, ABSOLUTELY! I actually want to publish the book Voidshire if I can ever get around to finishing it! It would be my first published ones, altho not the first one to be finished.
I had fun answering this!
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finalvalor · 5 years
Okay I don’t really know why it’s so hard for people in this community to understand a pretty simple thing... out of the thousands and thousands of people that are in this community, it is rare, but there are a couple that lil old me isn’t too fond of. aka these people make me physically sick with anxiety among other feelings whenever I see them pop up - yes, it would be wonderful and amazing for me to just get over these feelings and feel nothing, as someone with anxiety in general that is The Dream™ but unfortunately it’s not that easy I will however try and be humorous even tho these people get to me pretty fucking bad So being mindful of my own mental health, I will promptly unfollow people who I notice consistently interacting with said people; at the end of the day, if you’re not a friend, we’ve never even spoken and/or literally our only interactions are a like or reblog here and there, I’m sorry but I will put my own well being first. And no, that does not mean I then have to explain to you or give you any details about why/who/what/where either. It’s my business, learn to mind your own. Saying all that, I hold no ill-feelings towards the people I unfollow, it’s never a case of “mE oR tHeM” black&white mentality that this community seems to be so obsessed with applying to every damn situation but saying that, I will always put my feelings and mental health over the demands of strangers on the internet, any healthy adult should.  A lot of people in this community have this weird twisted sense of entitlement, to other peoples characters, their RP, their time, even their friggin personal lives - do you guys act like this towards people you pass on the street? people you go to school with? work colleagues? someone you’ve known for literally 5 minutes? and does seeing what a person posts on their FFXIV blog of all things really count as knowing them?? I really don’t understand how some of you get on in the real world, or you’re just making it painfully obvious that you’re one of the people that think getting on the internet means a free pass to act and behave however the fuck you want without any repercussions or dealing with the responsibility of being a god damn adult. After saying all that, I can hear the feint distant cries of “well if these people upset you so much, why don’t you call them out?? let all the strangers on the internet know just how much these people hurt you??? Justify.” and the answer is simple; because I shouldn’t have to, for multiple reasons. Because you can dislike, or well, even hate somebody’s guts without slapping a label on them, without dragging them through horse shit and at the end of the day I understand that they’re human, just like me, we’re all emotional bastards that fuck up and are constantly growing, learning, changing, hopefully for the better. When it comes to interacting with other people, so many things are out of our control and it’s incredibly easy to point fingers at others, or even yourself, especially when you’re hurting. But imo the best thing I or anybody else in the same situation can do is try your best to be mindful, of what content you see, what people you surround yourself with, what sets off negative feelings, etc. whatever it takes to HEALTHILY try to move on and Get Better.
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padfootastic · 2 years
Okay, so I just recently sent in an ask about reading your story ‘Shovel Talk’ and how I think Lily might have built James up in her head to be worse than he was. And totally forgot add on the whole point of why your story reminded of this thought.
I firmly believe Sirius would have seen this. He would have been aware of her building James to be worse than he was (again not that he was faultless) and would have been SUPER suspicious of her intention when all of a sudden she wanted to go out with James. He would have not trusted her for awhile because he knew she didn’t necessarily see James for James but instead what she wanted/needed to see him as and knows that could lead to an entire disaster ending with his bestie getting hurt which is not going to happen on his watch. I think he wouldn’t really accept her or let up on the heat he was throwing her way until he knew for certain that she love and cared for James because of who he really was in his totality not what she made him to be be in her head.
hello again, lovely anon 💜 (i love how u went off on a tangent and missed the og point, that reminds me of how i ramble heh)
absolutely, u get it!!! sirius would be so protective of *anyone* coming near james and if it’s someone like lily, who he’s been crushing on and has the capacity to hurt him? oh no no max suspicion mode ON. i think it’s also like, james travels through life with rose tinted glasses on, romanticising everything because he truly sees the good in everyone, right? but sirius is the complete opposite—he’s our crabby lil grump, always a little too scrutinising wrt motives and people. so while james would just be happy that lily’s reciprocating feelings and/or is seeing him in a better light now, sirius would just be like ‘ uh uh, no, back up a second there and give me an itemised list of why you think ur worthy of james potter. tell me how you’ve changed.’ sirius *knows* about james’ mean streak, his stubbornness, his unsavoury aspects and he wholeheartedly accepts it and he doesn’t expect any less for any potential partner in james’ life.
also like, i don’t see sirius as someone who engages in open warfare/hostility. he’s not gonna curse her out or actively sabotage the relationship (esp if that would lead to hurting james). but he also doesn’t hide his disdain, the eye rolls, the crackling magic—all of which Blacks are very good at. lily has many conversations with people around her to figure out how to navigate this and the others—remus & peter—basically tell her that it’s sirius being protective and she just needs to prove that she won’t hurt his james and they’ll be fine.
of course, once that point is reached, the entire dynamic is super different. lily would have found a friend/brother for life in sirius because he’s accepted that she’ll make james happy and that’s good enough for him. it’s just getting there that’s tumultuous.
(in a non-canon world where they live to be much older, you just know most of james’ relationships don’t last too long because of his guard dog meticulously interrogating and vetting each candidate lmao)
anyway, thank u so, so much for loving shovel talk and divulging these thoughts for the first time; i loved reading it <3 <3
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calzonekestis · 2 years
I'm sorry you're getting anon hate for defending Grace, some people really love to waste their time Karen-ing on tumblr dot com 😐 I thought it might cheer you up to see something positive in your inbox so, I hope you have a lovely day/evening!
It’s sad and pathetic, but I don’t let it get to me. I turned anons off when they first started like back before Vol. 2 dropped, and I was Thinking it might be time to turn them on again but. Lmao.
People just legit have nothing better to do with their time, apparently. I’m so sorry to see that you’ve been dealing with more hate as well, which - ok, absolutely no one deserves that sort of crap, but pls know/don’t forget that there are tons of people who love seeing you on their dash and you bring them joy.
I absolutely love seeing the positivity and passion you have, and like with fix - you take the time to write it and share it and people like it and respond to it. That’s good, lovely, productive fandom. That’s fandom done right. More people should look to you as an example fwiw~
And like, ok, here’s an example; I’m someone who isn’t letting myself buy into the Kas theory personally. I don’t want to be disappointed if he doesn’t come back, and as sad as it would be if his end was truly the end… I’ve personally made peace with it/am ok with it. I would be mildly disappointed if the theory came true bc it wouldn’t really be Eddie for much of it. Like I’d love it for Joe, and him having a job lol, but it’d just be excruciating to watch if he wasn’t the character we loved for much of it…and if he ended up just dying again at the end… I’d be a wreck. Again. But that’s just me!
All that to say! I’m not big on such theories, and yet… I still love your blog? I don’t see it as “grr they have Different Opinions!” I see it as “an Eddie friend! That means Friend!“
Like. It’s that easy? People can enjoy the things they things mutually… mutually, and when the tastes diverge, just. Leave each other to it? No one’s hurting anyone, they’re having fun, why be a dick?
Like, despite not being big on the theory - I love seeing your speculations, and you and your mutuals going over his reactions in various interviews?
Like. Again, this should be an obvious thing to people and idk why it’s not - you don’t have to be on board with every single thing. Every Want for a character, every interpretation, every ship.
That does not make you My Enemy, and I (hope you know lol) nor does it make either of us “less of” a fan which. Again, is a bs way of going about fandom.
Taking ownership and gatekeeping from other fans. I used to be like that with the Marvel fandom like a decade back. I was a seventeen year old white boy who thought he was straight (lol) and didn’t know what to make of his Comfort thing becoming popular. I got over myself, grew the fuck up, and gained some perspective. I hope that the antis can do the same.
Like, yes, it’s annoying when a character you like is mischaracterized - but like. Just unfollow and move on, if it bothers you that much? And like I’m the case of Joe - when it’s the actor telling you how he went about his craft - what he had in his head and and how he played it… you’re gonna sit there and tell him he’s wrong?
It’s. Ridiculous. Or it would be, if it hadn’t gotten to this point.
There’s no reason to send a person hate, be they a fan or actor. For what purpose? To tell them that they’re wrong and stupid and don’t get a character like they do? Because you don’t they should enjoy a thing, because things can only be enjoyed in the way you yourself enjoy them? That makes things… very boring.
And if you’re so threatened by a person enjoying a thing, why is that?
And why do you feel the urge to try and make them feel bad about themselves, and get them to Go Away?
It all says more about them than it does us.
This has been a whole long tangent, for which I apologize, but. Thank you for the kind words, and right back at you.
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Night Off
Angel Reyes x F!Reader
Request by Anon: Can I request something for my baby boi Angel? There is a fair/carnival in town so reader and Angel go to have some fun. Just some good, old fashioned fluff maybe even have Angel win her a big stuffy and a romantic kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel with a hint of what might happen once they get home
Warnings: language, Angel and the guys being cuties
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: I only know what the county fairs are like in my home-town so that’s what I based this off of! I included the demolition derby because it has always been my fave part of the fair hands-down lol. Plus, the guys would totally be into doing something like that lmao
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Angel Reyes Taglist: @mayans-sauce​​ @helli4nthus​​ @angelreyesgirl​​ @starrynite7114​​ @queenbeered​​ @sincerelyasomebody​​ @sadeyesgf​​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​​ @appropriate-writers-name​​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​​ @multiyfandomgirl40​​ @sillygoose6969​​ @beardburnsupersoldiers​​ @louisianalady​​ @gemini0410​​ @paintballkid711​​ @chibsytelford​​ @yourwonkywriter​​ @sesamepancakes​​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​​ @plentyoffandoms​​ @georgiaaintnopeach​​ @twistnet​​ @themoonandthewicked​​ @garbinge​​ @bucky-iss-bae​​ @enjoy-the-destruction​​ @withmyteeth​​ @encounterthepast​​ @lilacyennefer​​ @rosieposie0624​​ @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​​ @mijop​​ @xladymacbethx​​ @blessedboo​​ @holl2712​​ @lakamaa12​​ @luckyharley1903​​ @masterlistforimagines​​ @kkim120​​ @toni9​​ @shadow-of-wonder​​ (If you want to be added to my taglist let me know!)
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Going to the fair had started off as a group event. Things had been quiet with the club and you suggested that they take advantage of the extra free time and do something fun. Who knew when things would be so quiet again? All of the guys had been quick to agree, and the fair being in town just made for a perfect opportunity to get out and unwind—to just be regular people instead of guys who ran drugs for a cartel. It was nice to see them all so happy and goofing around.
Throughout the evening, everyone sort of ended up separating. A few of the guys went off in their own little clusters to go and get food, or go find the rides. You had dragged Angel away to the petting zoo because you couldn’t remember the last time that you had been to one. He laughed as you crouched down and fed handful after handful of pellets to the goats that were crowding the fence in front of you.
“You look like a Disney princess,” he smiled and shook his head, “All these goats and animals following you around and shit.”
You laughed as you stood up, brushing your hands off on your jeans, “They only want me because they know I have snacks. Not quite a Disney princess yet.”
You leaned into him as the two of you continued to make your way through the fair grounds. It was nice to see everyone there having a good time. Kids were running around laughing, chasing each other with inflatable swords and mallets that they won from whatever carnival game they’d managed to win. You couldn’t help but to watch the controlled chaos unfold around you with a smile.
You turned to Angel and found that he was already looking at you, a soft smile on his face. You laughed as you nudged his side, “What?”
He shook his head, “Nothing. This is nice,” he was about to say something else when his phone went off. With a sigh he reached into his kutte to pull it out and answer it, “Yo, what’s up?” there was a pause and his eyes widened slightly, “Alright. Yea, I’ll ask her. Bye.”
You were looking expectantly up at him, “All good?”
“You know the demolition derby is tonight?”
You laughed, nodding, “Yea, last night of the fair usually,” you could see him practically vibrating with excitement, “You wanna go check it out?”
You smiled as you gestured towards the arena where it was being held, “Well, let’s go!”
The derby used to be your favorite part of the fair as a child. You’d always wondered who came up with the idea of it in the first place, because it really was such a strange concept. Nonetheless, it was always fun to watch. And, as you sat down with Angel and a few of the guys in the bleachers, you knew that you weren’t the only one with that opinion.
Over the noise of the crowd, and of the cars racing around in front of you, you heard Angel talking to EZ and Coco, “We should do this shit next year! You know we got cars at the yard that we could use.”
“Yea, who’s gonna drive?” EZ asked with a chuckle, “You can’t afford anymore head injuries.”
Angel sucked his teeth, “Shut up. I’d be great.”
For the rest of the event you listened to the three of them strategize just how they would go about entering the derby next year. You wished that Bishop could have been with you so that he could hear the three of them scheming, because you knew that he would have some A+ commentary on the subject. You leaned against Angel’s side as you listened to them, shaking your head as all three of them went off on their tangents.
When the derby was over, and they had successfully plotted their plans for next year, you begged Angel to head back towards the carnival games. He had told you that the games were rigged, that it was no use. And part of you knew that he was right, but you still wanted to take a crack at a few.
“Go on,” Coco pushed Angel in your direction with a laugh, “You owe her a fuckin’ teddy bear or some shit. She just listened to that whole conversation and didn’t tell any of us to shut the fuck up.”
He threw his arm around your shoulder with a laugh, “Alright, alright. He’s right,” he pulled you close to him, “I’ll catch you guys later.”
“It better be one of the big teddy bears, Angel!” EZ called after him with a laugh.
For someone who was convinced that carnival games were impossible to win, Angel managed to win one. EZ had been the one who was always given praise for his baseball skills, but watching Angel pitch the ball at the milk bottle game made you rethink that stance entirely. He had a good arm, which wasn’t surprising in and of itself, but the fact that he had a good enough arm to beat a game that you weren’t supposed to be able to win was pretty impressive.
“Which one you want, querida?” Angel looked over at you when the man running the booth asked him what he wanted for his prize.
You beamed as you leaned against his side, “That one!” you pointed to the giant panda bear hanging off the top of the booth.
Angel nodded as he turned back to the man in front of him, “You hear her. One ridiculously oversized panda, please.”
You were hugging the panda to your chest, having to use both arms to do so. Angel couldn’t help but to keep looking over at you and laughing—the toy was almost the same size as you. He loved how content and excited you looked as the two of you continued to make your way around the fair. The bear was essentially the third person in your party as you carried it around. You sat it next to you when you stopped to grab some food, and you made Angel hold it when you decided to attempt a few of the carnival games yourself. The sight of him holding the bear was almost too much for you to handle, and you had to take a photo of it. He looked so tough in his kutte, with his serious facial expression, but the giant stuffed animal in his arms negated all of that.
“Alright,” he handed the stuffed animal back to you with a chuckle, “Anything else you wanna do before we go home?”
You looked at him with your best puppy-dog eyes, “Can we do the ferris wheel? Please?”
“That’s the ride you wanna go on?” he smiled.
“Why do you have to say it like that?” you laughed.
“I think it’s cute, quierda,” he leaned down and kissed you on the lips.
You made your way over to the ferris wheel, and Angel couldn’t contain his laughter as you situated your bear across from the two of you. You curled up against Angel’s side as you waited for it to start. He draped his arm around you as he placed a kiss on the top of your head. Both of you were quiet for a few minutes, just soaking up the whole night and everything that was happening around you.
‘Thank you for this, by the way,” Angel spoke up as the two of you began to make your way towards the top.
“Of course,” you reached and interlocked your fingers with his, “It’s been nice to see all you guys having such a good time.”
The ferris wheel came to a stop when you reached the highest point, and you felt a wave of excitement wash over you as you looked over the expanse of the fair. You’d spent all evening walking around it, but looking down on it from where you were, it made it seem so small.
“Hey,” Angel’s voice was soft but it still snapped you out of your thoughts.
You turned to him with a smile, “Yea?”
He reached and pulled you into a kiss. You smiled as you leaned into him, hands resting lightly on either side of his neck while his arms wrapped around your waist. A quiet moan slipped past his lips as you pulled him in closer to you.
You took your lips off of his, a smile on your face as you rested your foreheads against each other’s. He pressed a light kiss on the tip of your nose, “I love you.”
You hum quietly in approval, “I love you too.”
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