dnangelic · 10 months
@remotespontaneouscombustion : He stares in curiosity. "How does someone put their unhappiness in this bag?"
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' what , is nothing bothering you ?! ' wouldn't it be nice if it were true , and if every day was like that ? ' ... for some people it's an object , for others , it's their feelings , or some words they just can't get off their chest ... ' his eyes open , and the crimsons of each iris rest somewhat warmed upon the other . ' if there's anything like that , then hand it over already . i'll give you something real nice in return . '
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drfeelgreed · 10 months
@remotespontaneouscombustion / starter call : czeslaw meyer.
"So, I'm guessing you saw something you weren't expecting."
It's not the first time Czes has come back from the dead in front of someone else. In front of another child, though---that's not something that happens every day, and it's probably even rarer that the sight of regeneration from something that brutal doesn't send an ordinary kid screaming.
Czes's guard isn't up because of the fact that someone's seen him regenerate. It's up because that someone is still here in front of him. Historically, people who've reacted that way have never had what Czes would call good intentions.
"I'm surprised. I think that kind of thing would have scared an ordinary kid too much to stick around for the aftermath," he comments, sizing the unusual-looking child in front of him up as much as he dares without lowering his defenses.
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aotoreiki · 1 year
@remotespontaneouscombustion sent:
"There's a sign on your back." That totally qualifies as a usual greeting. Though to be fair he feels like Ice probably would want to know about that more than he'd want a typical hello first.
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"Huh," Ice repeats his intial silent reaction aloud at the sound of Maki's voice. He reaches around to his back and sure enough, feels the dry texture of paper there. Which prankster stuck this on him?
He grabs it, inevitably creasing it some and brings it into view. Seeing the pun he lets out a half-laugh, half-snort. Very funny.
Well, it could have been worse...
"Thanks for letting me know," he says, attention back to Maki. "If you hadn't spotted it I probably would've been walking around half the day without noticing. Whoever put it there was real sneaky."
He thinks for a moment.
Ah well, it's harmless enough. Nobody else seemed to have noticed before Maki. Whether or not it makes sense for him to, Ice thinks that it's almost a bit of a shame for the joke to die before it got a chance...
He glances at the paper again for a moment, then smiles at Maki. "Since you spotted it, want to use the opportunity for a high-five?"
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darkestrellar · 8 months
eye - take your pick on which one!
Send 'EYE' and I'll draw your muse's eyes
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jokes on you I planned on drawing both of them from the beginning
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theircurse-archive4 · 11 months
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╰ ☆ ✧ — @remotespontaneouscombustion cursed: He offers a small bag of gummis! "Happy Halloween."
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˗ˏˋ *ㅤ★ㅤ‿︵ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ𝑼𝒏𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒅 ! They take the gummis but give him one of their CANDY BARS as a treat !
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⊱ ★ ⊰ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ❛ㅤHappy Halloween !ㅤ❜
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timebranded · 11 months
In between the time of him knocking and the door opening, he seems to have gotten lost in thought for a second. But the 'witch' in question is quick to pick up with what he's supposed to do here when the door opens. "Oh-- trick or treat."
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Was it Lucas' imagination, or did the 'witch' seem a little lost in thought? It didn't matter anyways; he gets a handful of candy anyways. "Happy Halloween!"
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castleclysm · 2 years
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@remotespontaneouscombustion asked: He tugs lightly on his sleeve to get his attention, and gestures vaguely at the general area. Some unknown mess of sounds that should probably class as music (?) is passing through, and he's visibly confused. "I don't know genres to know what this is."
N has to admit he's doing no better. Despite how extensive his King's education had seemed, it hadn't bothered to keep its sole student up to date with any sort of popular culture. He knows of music, of course, can name the most common instruments and knows the... theory behind it all. Rhythm and tempo and lyrics, strung together to make a single pleasant-sounding performance.
But he quickly gets overwhelmed by all the genres. Instrumental and acapella are the inverse of each other... or are they? Is there a as-of-yet undiscovered third category, missing both lyrics and backing melodies? What differentiates indie from alternative, new-age from folk?
Why are all these words needed to describe the same thing?
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                     ❝ ...It's not Roxie. Her music is more... clashes and bangs. Like if you were to upend a dining table that'd just been set. I've never heard anything like it. ❞
That is, unfortunately, the only musician he can name. Though he pauses and waits for another name to appear in his mind's eye, nothing comes.
Instead, N jerks his head towards the noise, taking a tentative step in its direction. They'll never learn anything by lurking on the sidelines like this, and if anything goes wrong, well... Zoroark's got them covered. His packmate's illusory capabilities are unmatched, and it's been a failsafe escape plan so far.
                     ❝ Would you like to go closer? ❞
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bemuseing · 2 years
@remotespontaneouscombustion; in response to this post, because we just love pain here I guess
Black shoes ran over the ground, swiftly, surely, unerringly.
He had started moving the moment that the voice on the phone broke off. There was no need for any further details; no need to ask questions. It wasn't difficult to figure out where he was needed, even without directions. The sight of the smoke in the sky was more than enough of a marker.
Things might have turned out different if Akutagawa had been further away when he received the call; but, mercifully, the distance between here and Maki's location wasn't so great. He ran now like he couldn't remember running in years. Since he was Maki's own age, maybe.
A small, broken voice, begging for his help, dragged up memories that he'd thought were long buried beneath years past.
He was at the building, as soon as he could be. The smoke... the half-dead flames, the twisted ice formations all told a clear story. Akutagawa plunged inside and up the stairs, the contaminated air burning his lungs, ignoring the toxic sensation in his chest until he reached the upper floor.
Eyes as black as the starless sky looked into the shattered room. They saw the small frame of a fallen child, as well as the figure of a man just nearby — like a wild dog with its newly-downed prey.
Not a word, not a bark of warning came before a black lance of fabric shot forward from the broken doorway. It was telling of Maki's attacker's skill that he managed to detect the bloodlust and throw himself out of the way, not unscathed — the blonde man's blood now joined Maki's on the floor — but not skewered through the middle as Akutagawa had been aiming. The blonde man's eyes met the newcomer, identifying him in an instant.
The black-fanged hellhound of the Port Mafia.
A child is one thing, even a child with an explosive ability, especially if the opponent is also gifted, as well as an experienced member of an enemy organisation; as appeared to be the case of Maki's attacker. This new figure who arrived swathed in shadows was an entirely different story. A black coat, murder that struck like lightning out of the dark... "Akutagawa" was a name that sparked terror in many for good reason. Brutal commander of the Port Mafia's combat forces. What was he doing here?
Maki's bloodstained, broken phone lay on floor.
The agent's target was down; there was no need for him to hang around. Rather, now his primary objective would be getting out from here as fast as possible. Lingering may have been a mistake.
Akutagawa could see the jagged ice protruding from Maki's body; pray that the boy could hold on a little longer. He needed medical assistance as soon as possible. He pulled his own phone from his pocket.
The enemy agent took the chance to move. In response, another attack from Akutagawa's ability rushed after him, ripping through a wall that was already unstable from the explosions earlier. Rubble rained down, more blood splattering the ground with it, but the dust cleared to reveal no sign of the enemy. Only the wall, torn open. Akutagawa finished his phone call.
Fleeing like a cowardly animal.
He took another glance at Maki's body, then moved to the broken wall. He didn't expect the blonde man to have stayed, but caution demanded he check, in case there was danger of a counterattack. A suppressed cough finally rose in his chest, heaving out as he looked down from the upper story of the building. Sure enough, though, he could see a trail of blood marking the path the enemy had used to escape. Covering that up would have been difficult when fleeing with such haste. Akutagawa at least had to dryly acknowledge how the blonde man had managed to clear from the premises so quickly, despite the injuries that he'd been marked with.
A shame that the man was still able to run.
The older mafioso now approached Maki, dropping down to one knee on the floor beside the unconscious boy. Still breathing. Trying to move him would be unwise, so unless the dying fires on the lower floors spread and demanded it, he contented himself with standing guard in the slim chance that more danger showed up. The medics would be here soon.
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@remotespontaneouscombustion [I'm making pleading eyes please someone pick up hei for both of our muses to go needlessly wild over this one guy]
(( we are both making pleading eyes fr lol ))
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luckynatured · 2 years
😡 - Worst status condition to get in battle?
😂 - Funniest moment in Pokémon?
Gotta Ask 'Em All // Accepting
😡 - Worst status condition to get in battle?
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((Paralysis. Absolutely zero contest. I don't like not knowing if I'm gonna to make a move or not. At least with sleep and freeze you're just waiting to wake up/thaw out, you know?))
😂 - Funniest moment in Pokémon?
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((There are so many funny moments, but the only one that comes to mind is the first time Miraidon burst out of the PokeBall to lick Penny's face (at least, I assume it was licking since Miraidon doesn't seem like it has a tongue? I bet that's what Koraidon does in Scarlet). It was just super random at the time.))
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dnangelic · 10 months
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blushing as he coolly walks away very very fast .
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vbholidayfestival · 9 months
❄️ for Rei / aotoreiki... and also one for Maki / remotespontaneouscombustion!
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"Hi Rei!" It's been long enough that things aren't supposed to be awkward, right? Hopefully! "Are you here to adopt a Pokemon? Let me get you guys your new friends. For you, Rei," Valerie pulls up a pokeball, the top was painted like a dive ball, but instead of various shades of blue, it's shades of green. The pokemon it belonged to practically hopped into Rei's arms.
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"I'm guessing with your background, you can take care of this girl. She's been on a regular diet of nectar to get her strength up."
For Maki, Valerie pulls out a pokeball. "I think this guy will fit you best. Oh- whoop!" From under the table, the pokemon pushed aside the tablecloth to come out to size Maki up.
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"You can see he's not the least bit shy."
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aotoreiki · 2 years
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Incorrect quotes shenanigans, ft. @remotespontaneouscombustion
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darkestrellar · 2 years
@remotespontaneouscombustion sent:
"Why are you… like this?" He gestures vaguely. "You act so much like a Contractor, but you're just as human as any other. Is this harder on you? Do people suspect you more?" His tone is flat, but inquisitive. No intention to interrogate, only sincere questions.
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From his seat, as he leaned lazily on the table, Svern looked at Maki; his eyes half-closed, almost disinterested. Certainly, the dull shine in their amber colour mimicked the flat stare often common to a Contractor's gaze, and he was as much of a callous, duplicitous liar as the stereotype held. He fit in better with Contractors than he did with 'normal' humanity.
And yet, he was indeed 'just' an ordinary human.
After a moment, he planted his chin on his hand and sighed.
"Who knows? If you want to be technical about it, it's just the way my brain happens to work"—with his free hand, he placed a finger against his head—"the result of genetic lottery, and a bunch of other little things."
"Contractors aren't the first kind of weird people to have ever existed, you know. You guys just happen to get a few extra gimmicks thrown in with your special brand of strangeness. Ahh, but maybe if I could be bothered to feel jealousy, I'd be jealous! I've been living like this from the day I was born and what compensation do I get for it? NOTHING AT ALL!"
His arms were thrown up in feigned dramatics, then shifted into a stretch, before he leaned on the table again. "I could say it's a pain, but not really. It's just how it is. Being a Contractor's not so awful either, right? Aside from other people making it a pain, and having to pay a price every so often."
Svern smiled, catlike. "As for the other thing... remember this, Maki."
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"Nobody ever suspects me unless I want them to."
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"Am I doing this right?"
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˗ˏˋ *ㅤ★ㅤ‿︵ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ❛ㅤWe need to teach you what SANRIO is right away !ㅤ❜
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timebranded · 2 years
Dialga, oh boy.
Dex Entries // Accepting
Dialga. Category: Temporal Pokemon. It's said that time began moving once Dialga was born. Completely controls the flow of time and can move through the past and future at will.
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There's so much more he could say here. While this really wasn't anything that all of Aevus' previous Dex entries didn't mention, where does he even begin?
Surprisingly, it doesn't take him long to think of something.
Dialga may have total mastery over the flow of time, but some people have speculated that they have a horrible sense of direction when it comes to the present.
Aevus might get pouty at him for pointing this out, but it would be worth it.
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