#remy bellamy
clouseplayssims · 8 months
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Despite feeling like he lives in the most lonesome strip of land in the world, Remy does his best to stay connected to his friends and family.
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luverofralts · 2 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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"We really need to bring this cottage into the new era. We don't need pictures of war criminals on our walls for 'history's' sake. Respect the past, but focus on the future. Yes. Yes, I like that. When I get a free moment, I'll mention it to the palace art team."
Maura murmured to herself as her eyes took in everything in the cottage that she wanted to change. It was her reign, and the cottage should reflect that. While she did love the historical photos and would probably face an intense battle to move them with her relatives, times had changed. Photos of King Ben, the national hero who had saved the islands from Pleasantview, but had murdered several of his children as well as some of their spouses, the Red Queen, who had no business being on any wall because of her crimes, and Queen Celeste, who tried to overthrow the grim reaper while enslaving her zombified mother, disgraced the warm feeling Maura wanted the Siew family cottage to have. Maybe if she put all their pictures upstairs in what had once been King Ben's office, she could balance honouring the past while still creating a better future.
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"I can shove that picture in my attic if you'd like. You're glaring at it like it kicked a puppy."
Maura turned to see her cousin Claudia walking up to her, her usual confident smirk on full display.
"You're welcome to it," Maura offered, smiling despite her frustration. Claudia often had that effect on her. "I'm making a list of photos that may need to be retired."
Claudia scoffed.
"Just imagine living with the portraits of terrible people whose blood runs in my veins every single day. Pleasantview would fall before it gave up worshipping the ghosts of its past."
"Well, I guess you don't have to worry about being lost to history someday," Maura teased. "Give it a century or two and you'll probably be promoted to a demi god."
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"I would make an excellent demi god," Claudia agreed. "But you can't be inventorying every picture here. Some of our relatives were good people. Not many, but some. Besides, don't you have a royal archivist? I just email mine and the pictures are rotated within a day. They deal with all the safety procedures needed to store the pictures for the next hundred years and I get something new to look at. I know this cottage is for all Siews, but the monarch of Twikkii Island owns it, so it should fall within your archivist's obligations."
"I'd prefer to deal with them myself. They can store them for me, but I'll be making the choices of which picture to display. It's probably the thing I like most about this job. If my mother had lived, I'd imagine that I might have been a royal curator for her. There'd be more pictures of Trent and Callista than I'd like, but no job is perfect."
"Very noble of you," Claudia remarked dryly. "They are your half-siblings, I'd imagine your mother would want pictures of them around. Honestly, with your complexion, jealousy's not flattering. You're the queen, and Trent is an orphan. Have some compassion for your little brother or are you getting rid of those pictures because the people in them are starting to look just like you?"
"Not all of us come from the two happiest dead people in existence. I'm an orphan too. My father was murdered by my grandmother. Mom shouldn't have remarried. She just forgot about him, like he didn't even exist."
Claudia raised a skeptical eyebrow, baffled at her cousin's behavior.
"Are you okay? Usually your daddy issues aren't this obvious. Added to a pregnancy that is obviously not your wife's, you're starting to look a little unhinged. Is something happening? I can help, unless you've got some insane grudge against me too."
"It's nothing," Maura snapped, turning away from her cousin. "It's just pregnancy hormones. Everything is great. I love my life. Everyone is jealous of my good fortune, so I should love my life. And I do."
"You could always step down if you hate your life," Claudia teased. "I'd be happy to claim my inheritance from my mother and add Twikkii Island to my realm."
Maura shot Claudia a nasty look, but after a moment to think, the nastiness faded into a weak smile.
"Do you have days like this? Days when you just want to fake your death and flee somewhere you've never been? That makes me a bad person, right? I feel like a bad person."
Claudia wrapped her cousin in bone crushing hug.
"All the time. I think about what my life would have been if Dad had never found out his true parentage. Would I be happier? What job would I have? It's only natural when you're in a position like ours. It doesn't make you a bad person to have doubts about your life. It makes you human. Look, why don't you come visit me more? Or I can stop by your place and we can go to that wonderful spa we went to before your wedding. You need someone to talk to, and I'm probably the only one who understands what you're feeling. Unless you want to ask the old, boring kings of Strangetown or Crystal Cove."
Maura laughed, despite her mood. Claudia always had been good at getting under her skin.
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"Okay. I promise to spend more time with you to stop from being a complete bitch all the time. Ulyssa would probably love to have me out of the palace for an afternoon anyway. For now, help me log which paintings I should store. You know our history probably better than even I do."
Claudia craned her neck, looking for a certain portrait that had always creeped her out.
"I'd vote for that one," she said, pointing across the room. "Every time I'm here, one of the dogs is always barking at it. It has to be cursed or something. Something is off about it."
"Ah. You have a good eye. It creeps me out too. It's King Ben, after all. The man was a monster. No wonder the dogs can sense his evil."
"Oh, there's a million pictures of him all around this place," Claudia scoffed. "He was a fine king. He saved your country from becoming a part of mine under my psychotic grandfather. The heroism and the murders kinda cancel each other out, I think. No, he's not the problem. She is."
"Who? Is that his cousin or something? The names aren't engraved on the frame."
"His sister, Winter," Claudia replied. "She was a hell of a witch. I have some of her books in my library. Talented, but like you, a little unhinged."
"Ha, ha. I'll add it to the list."
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"Are we supposed to be doing something? I feel like we should be doing something."
Adam looked nervously around the cottage, looking for guidance. It wasn't often that they were invited to the Siew cottage and just standing in it made Adam paranoid that he might accidentally break something expensive. He'd been there before, of course, but he never truly felt welcome.
The Siew family was gathered for a family barbecue, and even those at the far ends of the family tree were invited to celebrate. Adam and Remy got their invitation because their half-siblings were Siews. Elowen and Bronwen weren't just going to leave Adam and Remy out of a royal feast just because only their mother had married into the Siew family.
"Don't start cleaning something just because we don't have titles," Remy groaned. "We're invited guests, not the help. We're not doing anything to set up. Period. Our earned coven titles are more than good enough."
"Apprentice is a better title than princess or Duke?"
Remy punched her twin on the arm.
"Yes. Yes, it is. Now let's go find our sisters. They probably know where the booze is."
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"Dad! You made it! I thought you, Dad, and Vrai were going away this weekend."
Ewan Traver embraced his father, Travis Traver, surprised at his presence. Ewan had inherited the title Travis had never wanted, and took care of the Goldman estate and all the responsibilities that went with it. His father, despite being born in Twikkii Island to two of its citizens, disliked spending any time on the island. He had been raised in Pleasantview and Crystal Cove. However tropical the island was, it held no allure for Travis, so his presence there was somewhat surprising.
"Your father and Vrai went ahead. I might join them later, but I wanted to be here. The anniversary is coming up and it's good to be with family. This was where she grew up. I wanted to see it the way she once did."
Ewan paused, unsure of what to say. His Aunt Celeste, better known as Queen Celeste of Crystal Cove, had practically raised his father after their father died giving birth to their half-brother, Ewan, and their mothers were murdered. The two siblings had been unsettlingly close until Celeste's death, due to the stranglehold she had on Travis' life. She blocked his mother's family from contacting him and insisted that he name his oldest son after their father. Aside from eloping with Ewan's father, Leonid, Travis' entire life had been carefully planned by his controlling sister. But Celeste had been gone for over a decade now and Travis was free to chart his own path forward. He hadn't recognized Celeste in the year or so proceeding her death, and he couldn't forgive her for telling his biological family that he didn't want anything to do with them. Or co-running a cult obsessed with killing the Grim Reaper. Or naming the child she created to sacrifice after him. Or murdering their half-brother, Ewan, as a child.
There were many things Travis hated about his sister, but every year near the anniversary of her death, he spent time in Twikkii Island, trying to understand the little girl who had been born there and where she had gone so wrong. He hadn't had any insight on how to forgive her yet, but every year, he was hopeful.
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"So, are you going to help plan the memorial ball this year? Edana has been pretty busy and I've got some of the vendors lined up, but I could use some help."
Travis smiled tightly. The queen had provided a grant to the Goldman estate to celebrate Travis' parents after it had been revealed that their deaths were caused both directly and indirectly by the crown. Unhappily, the deaths of his parents and the death of his sister fell within the same month, so every time he left to grieve for his sister, he was expected to also celebrate the lives of the parents he'd never known. The anniversary of the day that his daughter, Tristianne, had been taken from him was only a few months later. It seemed fitting that he was in a polycule with the Grim Reaper; death seemed to follow him wherever he went.
"We'll see," he said at last. "The hospital still might call me in for a few consults. A retired doctor still has his obligations to old colleagues."
Ewan mirrored his father's tight smile. That was a no. It would hurt less if his father would just tell him upfront that he wanted nothing to do with whatever Ewan or the queen planned. It would be far more honest.
"Sure, just let me know your schedule when you can. No worries if you're busy."
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"Isn't there supposed to be food at a barbecue? I'm starving."
Elowen set up the pool table while Victoriana waited.
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"The food won't be ready for another hour at least. Mom said we have to wait for Grandma and Grandpa to come and they're at work. Grandpa refuses to let someone else touch the barbecue when it's his 'passion'. They'll be here soon enough though."
"Very soon," Adrienne agreed. She was too young to play pool, but she enjoyed watching the game. It was the closest she got to socializing with her extended family.
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"Fine, I guess I can wait. There were chips in the kitchen though, right? We could steal some of those."
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"Do you like my dress? I got it last weekend in the Pleasantview mall. It was on sale and I couldn't possibly say no to it."
Bronwen spun around dramatically to show off her dress to Fiolett. The younger girl clapped enthusiastically, wishing that she had a dress that pretty. She had a lot of dresses, sure, but they were all picked out by her dads. Fiolett couldn't wait until she was a teen and could pick out dresses for herself. That was a long way off though, so she admired other people's dresses for now.
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"Be sure to congratulate Roman and Abe for me. That's wonderful that they renewed their vows. If I could find it in myself to forgive Trent if he cheated on me, I'd want to renew our vows too. It's a fresh start. Good for them."
"It's not entirely like that, it's...." Adrian trailed off, trying to find the words to explain a demon wedding. Truthfully, he wasn't entirely sure himself what Abe and Roman had volunteered for, but he didn't want Cindra to know that. "Well, maybe it is a bit of a vow renewal. Theo officiated it, so I guess it's like a magical, demonic vow renewal. You couldn't talk me into one."
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"That would mean walking down the aisle again," Cindra teased. "We all know you're terrified of weddings. Otherwise, Evren would have a ring on his finger by now. Are you ever going to make an honest man out of him?"
Adrian frowned, not liking the direction their conversation had turned.
"Maybe. Not that it's any of your or Trent's business. It would make the legal process of passing my title to my legitimate daughter from another marriage harder. It's just easier this way."
"It does not," Cindra laughed. "Everyone knows that Luciana is going to become a duchess one day, the queen more than anyone. She'd have the legalities all sorted out in an afternoon. You're just chicken."
"I am not! Evren doesn't want to get married either."
"That's not what Trent said after he went bowling with Evren last week. Evren told him that he's just waiting for you to make a move. You'd say no if he proposed, so he's waiting for you to do it."
"He would never say something like that to my cousin," Adrian insisted. "You're just hoping to plan another wedding, no matter who it's for."
"Who can blame me for wanting to celebrate love? Planning my own wedding went amazingly and I want to plan another one!"
"Wasn't your little sister, Lauren, around here somewhere? Plan her wedding!"
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Travis Maricourt was as far as he could get from the noisy group of people as he could be. His parents weren't coming until later, so most of the afternoon was his to sneak off and enjoy. Claudia wouldn't force him to socialize and Oliver hadn't bothered to leave college for a family event since their mother's birthday. Their father's birthday was coming up, and that was probably the last Travis would see of Oliver until the next family birthday. Travis couldn't wait to start college and finally get some time to himself without his parents "encouraging" him to talk to people he had no interest in talking to.
He didn't trust his annoying relatives not to read his journal if he brought it with him, so instead, Travis brought his magical theory workbook. Theory didn't feel like homework to him, like it did to his classmates. It was fascinating to map out the bones that held up the living world, to see how the pieces of an existential puzzle clicked together. His parents talked a lot about how the worlds of life and death overlapped, and Travis simply had to know how it all worked. Not that he would change existence or anything if he learned how. He just had so many questions.
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"You were right."
"I usually am. Today, I wish I wasn't, though. I don't know what this means. There's definitely a current running through here, but why?"
Izanami bowed his head, contemplating the situation.
"I don't like this," he finally decided. "This feeling...it feels old. Demonic, probably."
"It feels like it did over a decade ago," Lukas insisted. "Like when Leo was attacked...but also different. There's this sense of...nothingness. Can you feel it too?"
Izanami nodded his agreement.
"I'll contact Gee and let him know how he should do my job. You can't intervene here."
"I know that. I'll go to the school and make sure that the children are safe. I'm not taking any chances with their safety. But this will probably blow over and be fine, right? Oh! Arterius! Call him and tell him to meet me at the school. Just because he's an adult doesn't mean he's exempt from family meetings."
"Of course, dearest. I'll join you in a moment."
Lukas vanished into a shower of sparkling light. As soon as they were out of sight, Izanami closed his eyes and tried to listen to the hum of existence. Screams echoed over loud waves crashing against jagged rocks. A hurricane roared as it churned into existence. A royal ship cracked in two as it sank beneath the wild waves.
Lukas lifelessly lying encased in a glass tomb. A howl of wind that swept away the souls of the dead. The cold truth that sometimes even the dead could die.
It had all happened before, and now it was happening again despite Izanami's best efforts. A shiver ran down his spine as he felt several names engrave themselves on the list in his son's office. The deaths had been finalized. There was no hope of changing them now. It was beginning.
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pupsmailbox · 5 months
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NEUTRAL LEANING MASC NAMES ⌇ abner.  abram.  adam.  adrian.  alex.  alistair.  andreas.  ariel.  arlen.  arley.  arlo.  ash.  atlas.  auden.  august.  austin.  avery.  bailey.  baron.  barrett.  baylor.  beauden.  bee.  bellamy.  bennett.  blair.  blaise.  bowen.  brayden.  brendan.  bronson.  bryce.  byron.  caius.  caleb.  callahan.  callan.  calloway.  callum.  camden.  cameron.  carlin.  carson.  casey.  cassian.  chandler.  chase.  cody.  cole.  connolly.  corban.  corwin.  cyrus.  dallas.  damion.  damon.  daniel.  darius.  davis.  dawson.  daylon.  denver.  desmond.  devin.  doran.  dorian.  drew.  elian.  elias.  ellery.  ellison.  emery.  ethan.  evan.  ezra.  fallen.  farren.  finley.  ford.  foster.  gabriel.  gannon.  garner.  gavin.  gentry.  graham.  greer.  griffin.  guthrie.  harley.  harlow.  hartley.  hayden.  henley.  henry.  heron.  hollis.  hunter.  ian.  irving.  isaiah.  jace.  james.  jameson.  jared.  jeremiah.  joel.  jonah.  joran.  jordan.  jory.  josiah.  jovian.  jude.  julian.  juno.  justus.  kalen.  kamden.  kay.  kayden.  keaton.  kellan.  keller.  kelly.  kendon.  kieran.  kit.  kylan.  landry.  lane.  lennon.  leslie.  levi.  leyton.  liam.  linden.  lowell.  luca.  madden.  marley.  marlow.  marshall.  martin.  mason.  mathias.  mercer.  merritt.  micah.  miles.  miller.  milo.  morgan.  morrie.  morrison.  nate.  nevin.  nick.  nicky.  nico.  nicolas.  noah.  noel.  nolan.  oren.  orion.  owen.  parker.  percy.  perrin.  peyton.  pierce.  porter.  preston.  quincy.  quinn.  reece.  reid.  reign.  rein.  remi.  remington.  renley.  riley.  river.  robin.  rollins.  ronan.  rory.  rowan.  russell.  ryan.  rylan.  sam.  samuel.  sawyer.  saylor.  seth.  shiloh.  soren.  spencer.  stellan.  sterling.  talon.  taylor.  thaddeus.  thane.  theo.  toni.  tracy.  tristan.  tyrus.  valor.  warner.  wells.  wesley.  whitten.  william.  willis.  wylie. 
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NEUTRAL LEANING FEM NAMES ⌇ abigaël.  abilene.  addison.  adrian.  ainsley.  alexis.  and.  andrea.  arden.  aria.  ashley.  aspen.  aubrey.  autumn.  avery.  avian.  ayla.  bailey.  beryl.  blair.  blaire.  blake.  briar.  brooklyn.  brooks.  bryce.  cameron.  camille.  casey.  celeste.  channing.  charlie.  chase.  collins.  cordelia.  courtney.  daisy.  dakota.  dana.  darby.  darcy.  delaney.  delilah.  devin.  dylan.  eden.  eisley.  elia.  ellerie.  ellery.  ellie.  elliot.  elliott.  ellis.  ellory.  ember.  emelin.  emerson.  emery.  evelyn.  ezra.  fallon.  finley.  fiore.  florence.  floris.  frances.  greer.  gwenaël.  hadley.  harley.  harper.  haven.  hayden.  heike.  hollis.  hunter.  ivy.  jade.  jamie.  jocelyn.  jordan.  jude.  juno.  kelly.  kelsey.  kendall.  kennedy.  koda.  kyrie.  lacey.  lane.  leighton.  lennon.  lennox.  lesley.  leslie.  lilian.  lindsay.  loden.  logan.  lou.  lyric.  madison.  mallory.  marinell.  marley.  mckenzie.  melody.  mercede.  meredith.  mio.  misha.  monroe.  montana.  morgan.  nico.  nova.  oakley.  olympia.  owen.  page.  palmer.  parker.  pat.  paulie.  perri.  petyon.  peyton.  phoenix.  piper.  priscilla.  quinn.  raven.  ray.  reagan.  reece.  reese.  remi.  remy.  riley.  rio.  river.  robin.  rory.  rosario.  rowan.  ryan.  rylie.  sacha.  sage.  sam.  sammy.  santana.  sasha.  sawyer.  saylor.  severin.  shannon.  shelby.  shiloh.  skye.  skylar.  sloane.  sol.  soleil.  sterling.  stevie.  sutton.  swan.  swann.  sydney.  tatum.  taylo.  taylor.  tracey.  valentine.  vanya.  vivendel.  vivian.  vivien.  wren.  wynn.  yael.
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frankencanon · 2 years
reminder to self: peruse bookshelf for name ideas
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mxdimitrescu · 5 months
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Welcome to my Masterlist. Everything I've written so far will be kept in one place until I feel like a mini masterlist is necessary. Requests are Open so please send in your requests!
Who I'll Write For:
Right now, I'm only writing for characters or celebrities I am familiar so I apologize if I don't recognize for your person that you request for. However, I am hyper-fixated on Twice so that's your best bet. I primarily write OCs instead of Y/N just to make it easier for me to write. Also all my OCs are G!P too.
Stories/Imagines that are highlighted RED is 18+. CONTAINS SMUT!!
Reactions/Headcanons Masterlist
↳Myoui Mina x GP!Minatozaki Seiko
↳Park Jihyo x Bae Eun
Her Lion
↳Chou Tzuyu x GP!Kang Saja
Unexpected Surprise (Request)
↳Twice x GN!Reader
Red String of Fate (Coming Soon)
↳Minatozaki Sana x Kim Dohyun
New Hiring (Coming Soon)
↳Hirai Momo x ??
Late Night Fun
↳ Vanessa Moe x GP!Reece Johnson
↳Kylie Jenner x GP!Lux Jones
Drunken Night
↳Kendall Jenner x GP!Remy Fields
Green-Eyed Monster
↳Kendall Jenner x GP!Kai Daniels
After Party
↳Cardi B. x GP!Salem Black
Shy Reunion
↳Lauren Jauregui x Blue Hansen
↳Anna Kendrick x Bellamy Black
Unexpected Love Pt.1 & Pt.2
↳Rosalie Hale x Echo Clearwater
You Saved Me
↳Irina Denali x Finley
When Our Eyes Meet
↳Alex Morgan x Hunter Lake
New Revelations
↳Christen Press x Deaf!Emery Press
Opposites Attract
↳Tobin Heath x Tall!Jace Campbell
Connections Leads to Something
↳Mom!Hope Solo x Kid!Sloan
Everything is Okay
↳Jackie Groenen x Asa West
Love Found in Cafe
↳Ashlyn Harris x August Kane x Ali Krieger
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grandvhs · 2 years
lista de nomes masculinos que estava no meu bloco de notas e eu só lembrei agora
starting with A ;;
starting with B ;;
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starting with G ;;
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starting with K ;;
starting with L ;;
starting with M ;;
starting with N ;;
starting with O ;;
starting with P ;;
starting with Q ;;
starting with R ;;
starting with S ;;
starting with T ;;
starting with U ;;
starting with V ;;
starting with W ;;
starting with X ;;
starting with Y ;;
starting with Z ;;
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askthechronoverse · 1 month
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Excellent question! If you mean these things 👆, yep! They are all lyrics (I tend to ignore gender for songs I pick):
OOC: Prophecy by Remy Zero (I know, you didn't ask lol)
RJ: Burn It Down by AWOLnation
Kit: Cheshire Kitten by SJ Tucker
Charmy: Starlight Brigade by TWRP/Dan Avidan
Vito: The Trick to Life by The Hoosiers
Bellamy: Choose Your Fighter by Ava Max
Bubblegum: SPKOTHDVL by idkHOW
Aimwata: Firework by Katy Perry
Master Apocalypse: The Family Jewels by Marina
Richard: Puppet Loosely Strung by The Correspondents
Puppycorn: Dog's a Best Friend's Dog by Tears for Fears
Unikitty: Dance the Night by Dua Lupa
Dr. Fox: W.I.T.C.H by Devon Cole
Hawkodile: Warriors by Imagine Dragons
I may redo some of these at some point. The tags have different songs, by the way.
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arch-godenvy · 10 months
smash or pass all level agents for cass 🤪🤙
cassian / whirlpool — i mean. smash. ariadne / lotus — got little brother zoned so pass. seongyeol / hades — see above. pass cecelia / glimmer — smash. milania / winter — smash but he's scared of her. imara / granite — pass she hates him. sangwoo / ymir — probably also got little brother zoned by him so pass. kyungseok / loveshot — would smash if not for the very fragile friendship they have, if it can even be called such. will settle for getting into physical fights with him if it means they can be close. has thought about it though. will never ever voice it. raphael / prince harry — contrary to popular belief, cassian does ocassionally value his own well being so pass. ariya / viper — same as above. pass. zaya / flare — pass but respects her.
valeria / andromeda — smash. robyn / prometheus — honestly? yeah smash. remi / echo — pass. sees them as a friend. omar / og — smash after a date. talia / lucidity — pass. leo / cobra — pass. miyoung / saja — pass. esen / rain — smash. nicholas / icarus — pass. kenji / hermes — hm. pass. amar / pheonix — little brother zoned. pass. stella / delphi — smash after a date and then will make breakfast. abraham / legion — pass. geneveive / jester — hard pass. saint / billiard — would be lying if he said he hasn't thought about it. smash. bellamy / wraith — sister coded. pass. dolly / oracle — smash but not if she offers to read his cards. keegan / splitter — pass jodi / levitas — smash. yeah. laia / knockout — smash.  emilio / cupcake — pass.  zoya / reaper — pass. sabryna / amontons — pass.
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Character name suggestions
Cameron Campbell (Camp camp)
Remy the rat (Rattatouie)
Remy (Sanders sides)
Remy Remington (Big city greens)
Erika (Pokémon)
Erika kurumi (Heartcatch pretty cure)
Bellamy (One piece)
Bellamy Blake (100)
Captain Bellamy (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Carina (One piece)
Carina Smyth (pirates of the Caribbean)
Carina (Marcel cinematic universe)
Carina (guardians of the galaxy)
Addison (Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)
Addison Montgomery (Grey’s anatomy)
Addison Augustine (Quantum leap)
Bellamy (Lego city adventures)
Thank you for the suggestions!
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corneliafm · 9 months
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☆ –– come back......be here! the following accounts have 48 hours to post in character or check in with the main, or risk being their roles being reopened:
faith steele & shawn anderson @recklessones (2 posts each)
remy st. james @dcgbird (2 posts)
bellamy warner @coffinburied (2 posts)
chelsea zhao @seasrose (2 posts)
matias castillo @papcr-rlngs (2 posts)
nicholas brady @climbthewildestmountain (2 posts)
elorie clarington @emcticons (2 posts)
eloise tucker @eloisetucker (intro + 1 post)
david adebayo @heartfcunded (intro + 1 post)
shelia clarington @tobecounted (1 post)
amelia harper @ameliahrper (intro + 1 post)
gianna douglas @giadouglas (intro + 1 post)
itzel munez @brrcda (2 posts)
brooklyn bailey @powerofmylove (2 posts)
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greektragediies · 10 months
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name  mireya gracie salazar nicknames  mira age  33 date of birth  02/20/1990 zodiac  pisces place of birth  palm springs, california current residence  park slope, brooklyn ( with bellamy quist & remi ninomae ) gender  cis woman pronouns  she/her sexuality  pansexual occupation  agent ( occasionally slips away to an animal shelter to offer a hand there )
faceclaim  seychelle gabriel height  5'2" tattoos  outline of two betta fish on her left outer ankle ( for her sign ), small simplistic otter with a space helmet in the crook of her left arm. piercings  basic ear piercings, and an industrial in her right ear distinguishing features  a smile that seems permanent on her face, and a little rip in her left ear at the top. positive traits  ambitious, animated, resourceful, loyal, friendly, and protective negative traits puckish, stubborn, sometimes reckless labels / tropes  action girl, likes  otters ( her favorite animal, she can't help herself and has five stuffed otters in her room ), nature in general, the sound of rain, and the smell of fresh cranberry orange muffins.dislikes  failing, seeing her loved ones getting hurt, spiders, people that chew their gum loudly fears  completely losing her humanity and getting stuck in an animal shift. hobbies feeding stray cats, cooking (though she does experiment a lot and often gets certain cravings for things after certain animal shifts. sometimes resulting in dishes that aren't the most appetizing.), taking pictures of everything. habits  talking with her hands, and fiddling with the otter on her necklace when left idle.
near death experience…  for the sake of being written on paper, mireya was attacked by a wolverine. and while wolverines aren't found in the desert of california their presence has been known to be found in yellowstone, where her start in the life of eo began. a lot of details are foggy and with no one there to confirm or deny a six-year-old girl's story her words are all there is on the matter. her recounting of the event has her wandering away from her family while they were visiting, she remembers the woods getting darker and hearing twigs snapping paired with growling, she remembers hearing herself screaming before there was nothingness. her memory seemingly picks back up with flashlights and people wrapping her blankets. power…  shapeshifting ( animal-based ) / animorphing - the ability to transform into different animals. the limitations (or rather self-given limitations) of her ability are that of animals that are alive at the present. she hasn't tried to shift into things such as dinosaurs or those of a mythical nature, with the taxation on her body with her current catalog there's a fear of everything that could go wrong. it was almost a slow-burn kind of situation, she knew she wasn't right when they got back to california at the beginning it was an involuntary thing and it took her shifting into a chimpanzee in the kitchen at then age of ten before her mom really understood what was going on. it took several years from that point before mireya was able to start controlling when she shifted and being able to actually have control when she shifted. drawbacks / vulnerabilities…  her shifting does come with a timer of an hour and thirty seconds before she starts losing touch with her more human side and things get harder to control before there is no control. she has to be sure she has access to backup clothes and a place to change when she returns to her normal self. depending on the animal changing is a painful experience that more than often results in things popping out of place when she's back to normal. she can also carry over some residue or characteristics of her transformations that can linger for a short bit after ( an example being ; experiencing the color blindness of a dog after the fact ). depending on the extensiveness of a mission she has a tendency to just sleep for days. (if applicable)  cerberus corp…  her mother has always been her biggest fan and number one supporter so it was she who pushed mireya to audition, she'd say it went pretty well despite a few hiccups that came with performing in front of people that held a taunting position in a place as cerberus. she was folded into the ranks in 2016 and it's been almost everything she could've imagined it would be a more. her number one goal is to protect people and get a better understanding of herself. if it weren't for a streak of recklessness and potential pr hell she could be level i but as it stands she sits comfortably at level ii. missions go fairly well and hardly gets to a point where she finds herself losing control. she's all about teamwork makes the dream work and understands her sometimes offensive approach to things isn't the only thing needed for a successful mission.
codename…  it was politely suggested by the corp even though she had a clear preference for others, it took a few months of going back and forth before she warmed up completely to it. artemis is a cool figure to have a codename based off of.
003.  EXTRA
potential connections... mission partners, old mission partners, friends gained from working there, it would also be cool if someone joined with the ability to communicate with animals, best friend. i promise i'll add more to this but just know she's still close to mother and an older brother both of which still live in california !
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clouseplayssims · 8 months
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Remy and Colin also find themselves awake and hard at work - though theirs is of a scholarly nature. It won't be long now until Remy has completed his schooling and unlike his peers within the Kingdom he is not expected to spend the last few years of his teenhood in the cloister learning various trades and socializing with those of differing classes.
Part of him is glad - he feels like he'd go slightly batty overthinking anything and everything said to him there - but another part of him wishes that Penrith wasn't so... isolated.
They weren't part of Edirann, but nor were they part of any other kingdom. They existed in a sort of dangerous no man's land.
He couldn't exactly apprentice himself way out here, or establish a thriving business; Mirella's herbs were a special case. His future felt so blank and it was unnerving.
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luverofralts · 6 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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When Theo opened his eyes, his surroundings had completely changed. He was no longer in Strangetown-or so he thought. There was no desert heat or swirling sands. Everything around him was lush and green and peaceful. There were decaying ruins of a building rotting beside a fertile garden plot attached to an impressive building. Theo couldn't put into words how this place made him feel exactly. It was older than time, but living energy pulsed through the air, crackling with potential.
"What is this place? Where's Reogus?" Theo wondered, scanning the area for his unpredictable warlock guide.
All words left him when his eyes locked on a creature sitting high above the ruins, watching him intently. The creature was both beautiful and terrifying at once, life and death, abundance and scarcity. Theo had never before seen a being that made him tremble just looking in its direction.
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"Apprentice Bellamy, I presume? Or do you prefer Theodosius? Titles are enviable, but when it all comes down to it, true names are what give us our power. True names are what bind us together, after all. Though I suspect that you know this already, having changed your name at such a young age. It's always so curious to me, seeing the tethers hook into your being, joining you to another. It looks painful. I wonder if it is."
Theo was fairly certain that he was actually on another plane of existence while his body remained safely in bed. At least he hoped it was because the look the being was giving him had a worrying threat underlying it. He wasn't sure of quite what to think of the mysterious being that seemed to be tearing into his soul with only his eyes. It wasn't a creature in the usual sense, but it wasn't human either. It looked male, but Theo got the distinct sense that the body before him was merely a shell for something more powerful to inhabit. Did this being trade bodies like some kind of hermit crab, always on the lookout for a newer dwelling? Was that why Theo had been summoned here?
"So quiet for such a usually spirited boy," the creature teased. Its voice sounded hollow and wrong, both booming like the roar of intense wind and chillingly scraping, like the tide clawing back dark water across sharp, rugged rocks. There was a natural cadence to its speech that ebbed and flowed between vibrant, booming authority and bone-chilling lifelessness.
"What fascinating perversions demons are," it continued. "I wish that I could take direct credit for their creation. Such creative minds always seeking power. They're more trouble than they're worth most times, but I respect their aspirations all the same."
Theo remained frozen in place, unsure if this being was actually expecting a response from him. He had no idea of what to say or how to escape this nightmare.
"W-where's Reogus?" he stammered. "Is he still here?"
"The warlock was sent back to his appropriate time," the creature reassured Theo in the least reassuring voice possible. "The Guardians of Time are a necessary but annoying function of this universe. If I could end their existence, I would, but unfortunately, I cannot. He will no doubt be back to bother you again in the future."
Theo gulped. At least this creature was talking about Theo like he had a future and wasn't about to be murdered by something unfathomable. As much as he wanted to know what kind of nightmare this creature really was, Theo was terrified to find out. Sometimes it was better to ignore something dangerous and just hope that it never came back again.
"Still quiet? I'll skip to my point then."
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To Theo's horror, a man appeared out of nowhere, cloaked in powerful magic and looking merciless. When his face stepped out of the shadows, Theo recognized him instantly.
"That's me," he said, staring at the man in disbelief. "What's happening?"
"A glimpse into your future," the being replied. "One I have much interest in. You've been given power beyond your understanding with that little curse of yours. You will be great and terrible when you mature. Power beyond what your little warlock boyfriend could even imagine. Pray that you don't become too interesting though. The first demonic sovereign met with a grisly end because he had become too interesting to the wrong people. The wrong people being me,of course. He forgot his place. You will be difficult to erase if need be, but it can still be done. Never forget your place."
Theo opened his mouth, only to close it again quickly. He couldn't think of a single thing to say aside from "Please don't kill me".
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"Theo, run! Teleport to the Void! Anywhere else! I'll try to help you, but you need to leave! You cant stay here, no living person can!"
Theo forgot how to breathe as he watched what he thought was Lukas, the deity of Life, stand their ground in front of him. They looked different than they did in the warning photos at school, but was still unmistakably the same powerful deity.
"I want to go home," Theo whimpered. He'd be mortified if anyone at home saw him like this, but this endless nightmare had taken its toll on him. Between seeing the casual murder of innocent people and enduring the presence of the creature in front of him, Theo was planning on drinking coffee and staying up, protected from dreams for as long as possible.
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"The warlock you arrived with wished to tell you a secret. One that he hoped would change your perception of your power. One that may change everything for you. One that makes me very interested in your life. The culmination of Dorhack's little experiment in search of power: the hybrid blood demon."
Theo nodded, trying to appear calm while internally trying to recall how to get to the Void. It wasn't somewhere that he thought he'd need to get to on a whim. The image of his dark future self continued to be unnerving. Its eyes followed him, sizing him up, though for what, Theo didn't want to know. Could weird images of your future self actually kill you? It was a question Theo never thought he'd have to ask.
"A secret?" Theo repeated shakily, unsure if talking to the creature would be more dangerous than trying to escape. He wished that Reogus had just come out and said what he wanted to say while he was still there, if the being wasn't lying to him.
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"Look at your potential, Theodosius," the bone-chilling voice replied. "You saw everything that Alpheus accomplished because he was a full demon from a pure lineage, while you're just a cursed hybrid from a backwater country no one has even heard of."
"Theo...." Lukas' nervous warning did no good. Theo had no idea of how to get to the Void or where he even was at the moment.
"You see, Alpheus was only half demon. He was a hybrid just like you. His human mother was from the Grunt bloodline, and his demonic father gave him the Toyonaga name. Alpheus killed his father later, of course, more proof that hybrids can be more powerful than their demonic sires. You, too, have that potential, Theodosius. It's why the Sovereign keeps her eye on you and why I've called you here to examine for myself."
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"He can't stay here!" Lukas hissed, looking apologetically at Theo. "I keep telling you, living beings can't exist in the afterlife! You made the damn thing, you have to know how it works! I can only protect him for so long until my stepson shows up and makes his stay here permanent!"
Theo froze, unable to process the deity's words. He was in the afterlife? The real one and not where his step-father, Adrian, had spent years waiting for rescue? For real? All he had done was go to bed at night and already he'd been pulled out of time, the realm of dreams and landed where no living soul belonged. What was this creature that scared even a deity?
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"Your words are true," the creature acknowledged grudgingly. "I can see it draw breath. Full demons can travel between realms at will. For all of its power, it seems it cannot. An interesting note to keep in mind for the future."
The creature landed on the ground, unfurling majestic, dark wings as it fell. It landed close to the frightened teen, close enough for Theo to feel the breeze created from the ruffling feathers. The being rose slowly, carefully measuring Theo with his eyes as he did.
"I was curious to see the much talked about hybrid in person, but not enough to end a promising future with an accidental death. You have my permission to return the boy to the realm of the living. I've seen enough for now. I can see the pieces of my will begin to fall into place. I am...pleased. Is that the word? Yes. Pleased."
Theo couldn't bear to look this mysterious being in the eyes and see the hollow flicker of light behind them. Whatever was standing before him scared gods into submission and that same being had plans for Theo. However serious these plans were, Theo didn't want to know. He was just a scared fourteen year old boy who loved his family, his friends, and his boyfriend. He had no future plans except for marrying Adam and going to college. Apparently, some beings had other plans for him and that was terrifying beyond words.
Theo squeezed his eyes shut, hoping that he would soon wake up in his own bed, this impossible nightmare finally ended.
"Please wake up, please wake up," he chanted quietly to himself.
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Whether it takes a year or a century, my plan will be completed. Through your example, I may find the path I need. Until then, little demon.
Theo could hear the voice in the back of his mind, scraping across his thoughts. It was like having ice-cold water poured over his head, pouring into his thoughts. An image of a woman flickered into his mind for the briefest of moments, barely long enough for Theo to register what she looked like. She was pretty, that much he could remember. Pretty, but sad and mysterious at the same time. Unlike the creature before him, thinking about this woman was pleasant. There was the subtle hint of danger and power, but nothing that terrified him quite like the being before him.
"What?" Theo looked anxiously around him for any trace of the woman or the dangerous being that had projected her. "Hello?"
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"What the hell?"
Theo bolted up in his bed, completely awake and more than slightly frightened about the visions he'd seen, promising a dark future and not much else. He looked over at Adam, who was sleeping soundly in the bed beside him and sighed in relief. He was home. He had his loved ones nearby to protect him.
"I don't understand," Theo muttered to himself. "Why does everyone care so much about me studying blood magic? I barely passed my magical defense class; I'm not about to run off and murder people more powerful than I am. I'm not going to murder anyone at all."
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Downstairs, two cousins met up for a late night snack. Despina wanted to get some juice, but was hesitant. She'd only gained some courage upon hearing Remy boldly walk past her bedroom door. If Remy was sneaking out at night too, then it had to be okay.
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"So what are you sneaking around for?" Despina asked, sipping her drink and watching as Remy did the same. "I just wanted a snack, but you seem to be on a mission of some kind. Are you meeting someone?"
Despina looked eager to gossip with her cousin about boys or girls or anything else that came to mind, while Remy looked less than enthusiastic about the idea.
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"Sometimes I meet up with Malika," Remy admitted. "I don't have a roommate, so it makes it easier to sleep together. I guess she's not interested or is too busy tonight. When she's not around, I like to see who's still up while the whole school sleeps. You meet interesting people that way."
"Oh, you and Malika are...hooking up? I didn't know."
"It's a boarding school," Remy said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Everyone is having sex here, it's just what you do to pass the time. Do you have anyone you like? I could probably find you a date if you want."
"Oh, uh, no," Despina stammered, her fave turning beet red. "I've met someone really cute that started late like I did. He's really sweet, but I don't know if he likes me like that."
She blushed, thinking about Jasper and the immediate connection to him that she felt.
"Just throw yourself at him," Remy advised, sipping her drink. "You'll know right away if he's interested in you. It works for me."
"You're cheating on Malika?" Despina gasped in horror. "She's the best thing to happen to you!"
"Gee, thanks," Remy replied, rolling her eyes. "No, we're not exclusive anymore. I like her, but she's my first girlfriend. We both agreed to...branch out a little with our relationship. As long as there aren't feelings involved, we're allowed to hook up with whoever we want. I'd hate to live like my idiot brother who wants to marry the first guy he kissed."
"Is he sleeping with Theo?" Despina asked worriedly. Was she really the only person here who hadn't even kissed someone yet? Was Jasper sleeping around too?
Remy laughed just at the thought of her brother trying to seduce the naive, overprotected Theo.
"Ha! I doubt it. Can you imagine those two even knowing what to do? Theo's parents probably didn't even have 'the talk' with him, just a lecture on why sex would somehow kill him. And Adam? Sometimes, it's hard to believe that he's my twin. Is Eero anything like you or is he as useless as Adam?"
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"He's okay," Despina replied. "We've only really had each other all of our lives. Both our grandparents are dead, so it's just been us and you guys and Aunt Edana. I'm sure he misses me now that I'm here. I miss him, but I know that my place is here."
"Yeah, sorry about my bitch mother," Remy said, rolling her eyes. "She has so much 'trauma' that she never thinks about anyone else. Absolutely everything is about her dead brother, which means that she's useless about anything else. Need help with your homework? Sorry, Uncle Adam is dead. Try to tell her that you think magic isn't really your thing? Nope, dead brother, can't have that conversation. Thank god for our Ewans. Dad and Ewan actually listen to us...sometimes."
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"I would miss Eero if he died, it's understandable," Despina replied charitably. "Plus losing her entire coven? That must be devastating. I'll never know my parents, so I like to think that because my aunt misses them so much, they were worth knowing. Maybe my dad had a change of heart at the end or something. I don't know anything about my mom, just that your mom blames her for everything."
"You worry too much about your parents," Remy chided. "Who cares? Fuck them and their weird cult. All that matters is who you are and what you do. God help me if I was judged by my parents. They're the lamest people alive. They're fooling themselves if they think that I'm actually going to study magic in college and join their dumb covens. I'll do what I want and you should do the same."
"Hmm, maybe. I just got here though. I don't want to get kicked out after all that work."
"Yeah, fair enough," Remy conceded. "Just do whatever my dumb brother does then. Everything he does is to suck up to our parents and the council. Don't date a weird demon and they'd probably give you an award or something dumb like that."
"I'll keep that in mind."
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Theo stood on the large balcony that faced Crystal Cove and tried as hard as he could to forget about his dream. What had happened to him and how much of what he'd seen was real? Was any of it real? What was that nightmarish creature and just how closely was it watching him? He had no one to talk about this with. Evren might know about weird realm crossing and magic, but there was no way that he'd keep it a secret from Theo's insanely worried parents.
Would Lukas tell him whenever he saw the deity next? It was always difficult to get an answer out of them when you didn't have anything to offer in return. They did have a history of appearing in Pleasantview, enough that there were warning signs with their picture on it. They had seemed upset in his dream, maybe he'd find Lukas looking for him.
Theo groaned, hitting his head rhythmically against the walled fence in frustration. Why was this his life? Saturnia and Luci seemed to be pretty normal, so why was he doomed to be stolen by supernatural beings on a whim?
Behind him, a twig snapped, alerting Theo to a presence sneaking up on him.
"Lukas, you have to tell me who-"
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It wasn't Lukas sneaking up on the demon, but Adam. Theo immediately sighed with relief.
"Adam? What are you doing here? I thought you were asleep."
"I had a nightmare and couldn't get back to sleep," Adam confessed. "I pretended to be asleep when you woke up."
"I had the worst nightmare too," Theo groaned. "You wouldn't believe me at all if I told you about it."
Adam's eyes remained glued to the ground, unable to look at his boyfriend in the eye.
"I would. Because I was there too. The protector of the realm of dreams told me that the pull on you to a different realm also pulled me because of how we're connected."
A huge wave of relief washed over Theo hearing this.
"Oh my god, who do you think the terrifying creature was?" he demanded. "Even Lukas was afraid of it, and they're not afraid of anything!"
"Weird creature?" Adam repeated with confusion. "No, you were with that Maricourt warlock, talking about demons."
"For a bit, but that was nothing compared to that...monster that showed up. He took us to the freaking afterlife, how could you forget something like that?"
Adam paused. Theo looked sincerely terrified about this creature he was describing, so he wasn't just lying to avoid talking about the repeated warnings people were making about him.
"I never saw that. Luna took me home before that, I guess."
Theo tried to remember a woman named Luna, but failed. He'd ask about that later, once he could focus on anything else but the horrifying creature he'd faced.
"I can't believe you missed it!" Theo burst out. "I can't possibly even describe what it was like. Picture the most dangerous person you could think of times a million. Times infinity! It threatened me and said I was worth keeping alive, which is not the kind of reassurance that you want." Theo's voice wavered, slightly, in a way only his loved ones would catch.
"Adam, I don't know what to do anymore. Ever since my birthday, things just keep getting weirder and weirder. All these people are telling me that I'm dangerous and that hybrids are incredibly dangerous and that they're all keeping an eye on me. I don't want this life anymore, Adam. I keep closing my eyes and seeing that creature staring at me, waiting for something horrible to happen! I-I'm scared. I don't want to be special. I want to be like Saturnia. No one is threatening her for existing."
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Adam's fears faded away, just looking at the horror that was clearly eating at Theo. Yeah, Adam had questions and fears of his own, but they were nothing compared to what Adam could see written all over Theo's face. Something had scared him and badly. Gone was Theo's usual air of defiance and rebellion. In its place was only horror and fear.
"Hey, it's okay," Adam said, pulling his boyfriend closer to him. He wrapped his arms around Theo and held him tightly. "At least you've got a warning about the stakes we're facing. It's better than just going in blind."
"The stakes we're facing?" Theo repeated. "Does that mean that you're going to help me when whatever happens to me happens? I don't blame you if you want to run from all this. I know I would."
"No one told me that our future wedding's off," Adam reassured the boy in his arms. "I'm not going anywhere. Besides, we're connected enough that you apparently pull me along with you even if I did leave. I might as well stay, don't you think? I'd miss kissing you too much."
Theo smiled faintly and relaxed his grip on Adam.
"I'd miss that too," he agreed softly. "You would tell me if I was doing something dangerous though, right? If I start...hurting people?"
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"Don't be ridiculous," Adam replied, brushing some stray hairs from Theo's face as he did. "You could never be like Alpheus or your grandmother. There isn't a single evil bone in your body. Your Aunt Lucy, she I could see being dangerous, not you. You've never even cheated on an exam, Theo. I know that you're nothing like how weird people expect you to be."
There was still a small pit in his stomach when Adam thought about the desperation in Theo's eyes when he'd been presented with energy. He'd never seen Theo like that before. It was true that demons lived to collect enough energy to warm themselves, but Theo had never needed it to survive.
Now that Adam knew that he apparently had some demonic ancestry himself, it was harder to judge Theo for what he'd seen. If he also came from a demonic family, it was just a roll of genetics that kept Adam or his mother and sisters from possessing enough demon DNA to manifest the powers Theo possessed.
Would Theo change as they matured? Would he develop the same hunger full demons had for energy?
Adam's fear disappeared, feeling his boyfriend bury his face into his shoulder as Theo tried to stop his anxious tears. He knew Theo better than anyone. They'd been best friends since the age of six. He'd seen Theo through all the milestones of childhood, and he knew who Theo was deep down. Theo was both his past and his future, the person he loved more than anyone in the world.
"None of that matters," Adam swore, hugging Theo tightly. "I love you, that's the only thing that matters. We'll figure out the rest when we need to."
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ acantha. adela. adley. aetheria. aiden. ainsley. alis. allison. amos. angle. ankova. antler. apollo. apple. arches. arden. argent. ari. aruna. ashworth. aspen. asteria. astralyn. atlas. barberry. bay. bee. belina. bellamy. belle. blair. blake. blossom. bright. brighton. bryn. butter. butterfleigh. butterfly. cadi. cai. calesia. cali. canary. carson. cayana. chai. cherry. chouko. cinnabar. cistus. clancy. clifden. cloud. clover. cosmia. crimson. daisy. dakota. december. dewick. dorian. dot. dusk. dust. eclipse. eilira. eilliot. ellison. elnora. emerald. ermina. ermine. esmerelda. esther. evelyn. evern. falena. fern. finley. fisher. flora. fly. flynn. forest. fox. foxglove. galatea. galium. garnet. ghost. ginny. greta. grey. haden. haven. hawk. haworth. hayden. heath. herald. hesperia. holli. hollis. isabella. ismeria. isola. jael. jayden. jersey. july. june. juniper. juno. kahli. kai. karran. karson. kentish. kimko. kit. kori. lace. lackey. langmaid. lepida. light. luca. lucy. luna. lunar. malam. maple. march. mariposa. marlow. marrow. mars. may. micah. mirza. mocha. molie. monroe. moth. mothra. mothy. nettle. november. oak. ocaria. oleander. opal. palmyra. paru. parvaneh. peach. pearl. pepper. pine. pinion. plume. poppy. psyche. quinn. reed. reid. rekoa. remi. riband. ricki. robin. rose. rosy. rowan. ruby. rufous. sable. saffron. saga. saige. scarlet. scotch. sibylla. silver. skyler. sula. swift. tara. tate. tatum. tawny. tera. thora. tiger. una. vanessa. violet. virginia. weaver. winter. wren. yara. zephyr. zephyra. zion. zoumi.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ admir/admiral. ant/antenna. anten/antenna. antler/antler. apple/apple. blood/blood. blue/blue. bu/butterfly. bug/bug. butter/butterfly. carpet/carpet. chalk/chalk. cherry/cherrie. chrysalis/chrysali. clear/clearwing. cloud/cloud. cocoo/cocoon. cocoon/cocoon. dagger/dagger. dark/dark. dew/dew. dot/dot. dusk/dusk. dust/dust. erm/ermine. eye/eye. flame/flame. flap/flap. flow/flower. flu/fluttflutter. fluff/fluff. fluff/luff. flutter/flutter. fly/fly. forest/forest. fri/fritillary. frit/fritillery. goat/goat. gold/gold. hair/hairstreak. hawk/hawk. hawk/hawkmoth. heart/heart. hide/hide. hook/hook. in/insect. insect/insect. lace/lace. lamp/lamp. leaf/leaf. lepidoptera/lepidoptera. light/light. lu/luna. luna/luna. lunar/lunar. maple/maple. mo/monarch. mo/moth. mocha/mocha. moon/moon. mor/morpho. moth/moth. nec/nectar. night/night. night/night. nocturnal/nocturnal. noct/nocturnal. oak/oak. plume/plume. reed/reed. riph/ripheu. rose/rose. sallow/sallow. shark/shark. sil/silk. silk/silk. small/small. snout/snout. squeak/squeak. squeak/squeaker. stripe/stripe. sul/sulphur. swa/swallow. swa/tail. swall/swallowtail. swift/swift. tiny/tiny. tuss/tussock. wax/waxe. wing/wing. ☁️ . ⭐️ . 🌕 . 💡 . 🦋 .
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themomsandthecity · 1 year
Bryce, Jordan, Jude, and 200+ More of the Best Gender Neutral Baby Names
There are plenty of reasons you might want a shortlist of gender neutral baby names. For instance, if you're not finding out the gender of your baby before their born, but you want to have a name decided on ahead of time - picking a name that works for any gender is the perfect solve. Or maybe you just prefer gender neutral names to baby names that are more traditionally masculine or feminine (although, of course, we love using a baby boy name for girls!) Gender neutral baby names cut across categories. You can find gender neutral names amongst Victorian-era baby names, trendy names, and more unique picks, which means you can find the perfect gender neutral baby name no matter what "vibe" of name you're going for. And to get your creativity going, we rounded up more than 200 unisex names that will suit your baby no matter what. Ahead, find some of our favorite gender-neutral names for babies, from A to Z. A * Adair * Adan * Addison * Ade * Adrian * Aiden * Ainsley * Alby * Alex * Ali * Amari * Andy * Angel * Ari * Ariel * Aries * Ash * Asher * Aspen * Atlas * Aubrey * August * Austen * Avery * B * Baker * Bailey * Bali * Banks * Bellamy * Beckham * Berkeley * Billie * Blaine * Blair * Blake * Bobby * Bowen * Brett * Briar * Brighton * Briley * Brinley * Brooklyn * Bryce * C * Caelan * Cairo * Camden * Cameron * Campbell * Carey * Carson * Carter * Casey * Cassidy * Celyn * Chandler * Charlie * Chris * Cody * Colby * Cole * Collins * Corey * Cove * D * Dakota * Dale * Dallas * Dana * Dane * Darryl * Declan * Delta * Devin * Dorian * Drew * Dylan * E * Easton * Eli * Elliot * Ellis * Ellison * Ember * Emerson * Emory * Evan * Ezra * F * Fallon * Finley * Florian * Flynn * Frances * Frankie * G * Gabriel * Gale * Glenn * Grayson * Grey * H * Harley * Harper * Hayden * Hunter * I * Indiana * Indigo * J * James * Jamie * Jayden * Jaylen * Jesse * Jordan * Jude * Julian * Juniper * Justice * K * Kaden, * Kai * Keegan * Kelly * Kendall * Kennedy * Kerry * Knox * Kyle * L * Lake * Landon * Landry * Lane * Lee * Lennon * Lennox * Lincoln * Linden * Logan * London * Lou * Lucian * Lumi * M * Mackenzie * Madison * Marley * Mason * Max * Maxwell * Micah * Milan * Mina * Monroe * Montana * Morgan * N * Nash * Nevada * Nico * Noah * Noel * O * Oakley * Ollie * Ore * Ozzie * P * Palmer * Paris * Parker * Pat * Perri * Peyton * Piper * Phoenix * Q * Quinn * R * Reagan * Reed * Reese * Reign * Remy * Rey * Riley * River * Roan * Robin * Rory * Roux * Rowan * Royal * Rudy * Ryan * Ryder * Rylan * S * Sage * Salem * Sam * Santana * Sawyer * Saylor * Scout * Seven * Shannon * Shawn * Shiloh * Skylar * Sloane * Spencer * Sterling * Stevie * Sunny * Sydney * T * Tanner * Tatum * Taylor * Terry * Theo * Tony * Tory * Tracy * Tyler * U * Umber * Unique * Uri * V * Val * Vesper * * W * Wallace * West * Winter * Wrennyn * Wyatt * Wynne * X * Xoan * Y * Yael * Z * Zion https://www.popsugar.com/family/Gender-Neutral-Baby-Names-34485564?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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techtired · 2 months
Best Clip in Hair Extensions in 2024: Seamless But Secure
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In 2024, achieving a flawless hairstyle has never been easier with the best clip-in hair extensions. Many individuals desire a seamless blend that enhances their natural look without compromising security or comfort. For those looking to add length and volume without a permanent commitment, Luvme Hair’s Straight Clip-In Hair Extensions offer the perfect solution. With a design focused on being seamless yet secure, these extensions provide an effortless transformation. Whether you're looking for a sleek straight hair extension or a stylish wig with bangs, Luvme Hair has you covered. The Appeal of Clip-in Hair Extensions Clip-in hair extensions have gained immense popularity due to their ease of use and the ability to transform one’s appearance without commitment. They are an excellent option for adding volume, length, or a pop of colour to your natural hair. Unlike other types of extensions, clip-ins can be applied and removed without professional help, making them a cost-effective and convenient solution for anyone looking to switch up their hairstyle frequently. Benefits of Clip-in Hair Extensions - Easy Application and Removal: Clip-in extensions can be installed and removed within minutes, allowing for quick changes without the need for a salon visit. - No Damage to Natural Hair: Unlike permanent extensions, clip-ins do not require glue, heat, or sewing, minimizing the risk of damage to your natural hair. - Versatility: Available in various lengths, colours, and textures, clip-ins can be styled just like your natural hair. - Cost-Effective: Given their reusable nature, clip-in extensions are a budget-friendly option for long-term use. Top Clip-in Hair Extensions in 2024 1. Luvme Hair Straight Clip-In Hair Extensions Luvme Hair has established itself as a top brand in the hair extension market, known for its high-quality products and innovative designs. Their Straight Clip-In Hair Extensions are no exception, offering a premium solution for those seeking straight, sleek hair with minimal effort. Features: - High-Quality Remy Human Hair: Luvme Hair uses 100% Remy human hair, ensuring a natural look and feel. Remy's hair is known for its cuticle alignment, which prevents tangling and extends the lifespan of the extensions. - Variety of Lengths and Colors: Available in lengths ranging from 14 to 24 inches and a wide array of colours, these extensions cater to diverse styling needs. - Secure and Comfortable Clips: The extensions come with sturdy, silicone-coated clips that provide a secure fit without causing discomfort or damage to the scalp. - Customizable Wefts: The wefts can be easily trimmed and styled to blend seamlessly with your natural hair. 2. Bellami Silk Seam Clip-In Extensions Bellami Hair is another leading brand renowned for its luxurious hair extensions. Their Silk Seam Clip-In Extensions are designed for those who desire a flawless, voluminous look. Features: - Innovative Silk Seam Technology: The Silk Seam design ensures that the extensions lay flat against the scalp, providing a more natural appearance. - Thick and Voluminous: Bellami extensions are known for their thickness from root to tip, offering full-bodied volume. - Wide Range of Shades: With over 40 shades available, including balayage and ombre options, finding a perfect colour match is effortless. - Durability: Made from high-quality human hair, these extensions are built to last with proper care. 3. Luxy Hair Seamless Clip-In Hair Extensions Luxy Hair has been a favourite among hair extension enthusiasts for years. Their Seamless Clip-In Extensions offer a discreet and natural look, perfect for everyday wear. Features: - Seamless Design: The thin, silicone-based wefts lie flat against the head, making them virtually undetectable. - Ethically Sourced Remy Hair: Luxy Hair prides itself on using ethically sourced Remy human hair, ensuring quality and sustainability. - Variety of Textures: Available in straight, wavy, and curly textures, these extensions blend seamlessly with various hair types. - Easy Maintenance: These extensions are easy to care for and can be styled with heat tools, just like your natural hair. 4. Hidden Crown Clip-Ins Hidden Crown is known for its innovative hair solutions, and its Clip-In Extensions are a testament to its commitment to quality and design. Features: - Double-Drawn Hair: Hidden Crown uses double-drawn hair, meaning the extensions are thick and full from top to bottom. - Comfort Fit: The clips are designed for comfort, reducing the risk of pulling or tugging on the natural hair. - Range of Colors: With a broad spectrum of colours, including rooted and highlighted shades, these extensions blend effortlessly with your natural hair. - Heat Friendly: These extensions can be styled with curling irons, straighteners, and blow dryers. 5. Glam Seamless Clip-In Extensions Glam Seamless offers high-quality clip-in extensions that are perfect for creating a glamorous look. Features: - Ultra-Thin Wefts: The ultra-thin wefts ensure that the extensions lie flat against the scalp, providing a seamless blend. - Premium Quality Hair: Made from 100% Remy human hair, Glam Seamless extensions are soft, silky, and tangle-free. - Customizable Lengths and Colors: Available in a variety of lengths and colours, including custom blends, to suit individual preferences. - Longevity: These extensions are durable and can withstand regular styling and washing. How to Choose the Right Clip-in Hair Extensions Selecting the right clip-in hair extensions can be overwhelming, given the plethora of options available. Here are some key factors to consider: 1. Hair Quality Opt for high-quality human hair extensions, such as Remy hair, which ensures a natural look and feel. Remy hair maintains the cuticle alignment, preventing tangling and extending the lifespan of the extensions. 2. Weft Design Consider the weft design, such as seamless or silk seam, which ensures the extensions lay flat against your scalp for a natural appearance. 3. Length and Color Choose extensions that match your desired length and colour. Many brands offer a wide range of shades, including balayage and ombre options, to match your natural hair colour seamlessly. 4. Clip Quality Ensure the clips are sturdy and coated with silicone to prevent slipping and minimize damage to your natural hair. 5. Maintenance and Care Consider the maintenance requirements of the extensions. High-quality extensions are generally easier to care for and can be styled with heat tools. Tips for Applying Clip-in Hair Extensions - Prepare Your Natural Hair: Start with clean, dry hair. Use a comb to section your hair, creating horizontal partings where the extensions will be applied. - Backcomb the Roots: Lightly backcomb the roots of the sections where the clips will be attached. This provides a secure base for the clips. - Apply the Extensions: Start from the bottom and work your way up. Open the clips and attach them close to the roots, ensuring they are secure. - Blend with Your Natural Hair: Once all the extensions are applied, use a brush or comb to blend them with your natural hairstyle as desired, using heat tools if necessary. - Care for Your Extensions: Gently remove the extensions before sleeping. Store them in a cool, dry place and wash them as needed using sulfate-free products. Conclusion Clip-in hair extensions are an excellent way to enhance your natural hair without the commitment of permanent extensions. In 2024, brands like Luvme Hair, Bellami Hair, Luxy Hair, Hidden Crown, and Glam Seamless will offer top-quality clip-in extensions that cater to diverse styling needs. By choosing the right extensions and following proper application and care techniques, you can achieve a flawless, natural look with ease. Whether you're looking for added length, volume, or a pop of colour, the best clip-in hair extensions in 2024 have you covered. Read the full article
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