#renée lemaire
lildrogon · 6 months
Girl at first Babe and Eugene seemed like a silly little ship but now i'm becoming obsessed first of all Babe being mad at Eugene for not calling him by his nickname then Eugene giving Babe the chocolate bar he received from Renée to make him feel better, and ALSO the conversation between Renée and Eugene about how her hands are damaged and how he admirers her for it and then him accidentally hurting Babe's hand but then fixing it by using Renée's headscarf </3 and in that same moment Gene calling him finally by his nickname. I feel unwell.
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mads-nixon · 6 months
Women in HBO War Icons
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Lena Basilone, Renée Lemaire, Stella Karamanlis, and Vera Keller in Band of Brothers (2001) & The Pacific (2010) - HBO
please reblog if you use them!
main masterlist | icon/gifset masterlist
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this is dedicated to my lovely friend louise who loves these women to death. this one's for you @luckynumber4!!
tags: @georgieluz @iceman-kazansky @panzershrike-pretz
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vewwonati · 3 months
me when character a helps character b come out of their shell in one way or another but then character a fucking dies, so when character b shows a major development that character a helped them reach character a isn’t around to see it
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baberoe-archive · 11 months
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trying to remember how 2 draw with renée :-)
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whollyjoly · 5 months
BofB as Killers Songs - Renée Lemaire
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Renée Lemaire - Human
my sign is vital my hands are cold and i’m on my knees looking for the answer are we human or are we dancer? (there is no message we're receiving / let me know, is your heart still beating?)
pt 7/? - band of brothers as killers songs
playlist for the series
this is dedicated to the wonderful and incredible lou, @ronald-speirs and whatever other usernames you have going rn 😂 it has been such a gift to get to know you, my dear 💕 you are so kind, so supportive, and i absolutely adore both our absurd shenanigans and our real ass conversations. thank you for just being a great friend! this, dear lou, is for you 🥰 love you lots 💕💕 (bonus: those beautiful screencaps of renée?? also done by lou 🥰)
Taglist: @xxluckystrike @ronsparky @land-sh @malarkgirlypop @sweetxvanixlla
Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed!
photo sources: x x x x x x x
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eugeneroehoe · 2 years
Being bi is crying screaming and throwing up when Renée and Doc are on the screen together bc they’re both so hot and you don’t know which one to look at and then rewinding the scenes a million times to give them both your undivided attention 😍‼️
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sylviamarsh · 1 year
for love. renée lemaire, <1k
The men that are brought in want her to be saviour, nurse, friend, substitute sweetheart, guiding light, healing hand.
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newcathedrals · 24 days
who was Augusta Chiwy?
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Episode 6 of Band of Brothers is a masterpiece, but I think writer Bruce C. McKenna made a huge error in only including Augusta Chiwy as a background character with no name in the episode, while Renée is a focus. I did some research on this amazing hero, who honestly deserves a miniseries of her own.
Renée Lemaire and Augusta Marie Chiwy (pronounced shee-wee) were nurses that lived in Belgium before the Battle of the Bulge. They volunteered to help Dr. John ‘Jack’ Prior (who was assigned to the 20th Armored Infantry Battalion) when the battle started. Dr. Prior evacuated the wounded soldiers he was taking care of from Noville to Bastogne as Noville was taken by German troops. Lemaire and Chiwy both volunteered to help Dr. Prior take care of the massive amounts of wounded men who were brought from the front lines into Bastogne. 
Augusta was born in Belgian-colonized Africa (in the part that is now Burundi) to a Belgian father and African mother. Her family moved to Belgium when she was a child, and she trained as a nurse there. She was visiting Bastogne to see her father when the Battle of the Bulge began. She chose to use her skills as a nurse to help the soldiers who were trying to defend Bastogne from German forces. 
Augusta Chiwy was heroic in her work during the Battle of the Bulge. War historian Peter Chaddick-Adams wrote that “Chiwy accompanied ‘Doc’ Prior to collect casualties from Mardasson Hill, north-east of Bastogne, wearing a GI uniform because her own clothes had become saturated with blood.” Chaddick-Adams wrote that Dr. Prior thought that bullets missed Augusta as she was out on the line because she was “so small.” Augusta was only 23 years old when she cared for hundreds of soldiers during the battle. 
Renée Lemaire was killed by the Luftwaffe on December 23 when German aircraft bombed the Bastogne aid station, along with thirty wounded soldiers who were also inside. Augusta Chiwy was blown through a wall but miraculously survived the bombing. Her contributions to saving lives, and providing comfort to many soldiers in their last moments were largely unrecognized until 2011, when Augusta Chiwy was granted Knighthood by the king of Belgium for her service in the battle. The American ambassador to Belgium also presented Chiwy with the Civilian Award for Humanitarian Service. At this ceremony, Chiwy said: “What I did was very normal. I would have done it for anyone. We are all children of God.”
She passed away at 94 years old on August 23, 2015. 
Snow and Steel: The Battle of the Bulge, 1944-45 by Peter Caddick-Adams, pages 374-375 
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shoshiwrites · 6 months
Band of Brothers Ages: IRL vs. Actors
Did you know that according to a 1947 study, almost half the men who served in WWII were still under age 26 by the end of the war?
What this is : A (very long) post comparing the ages of the actors in Band of Brothers vs. the IRL figures they are portraying.
Background: Did I need to do this? No. Did anyone ask for this? Also no. Did I do it anyway? Yes.
Disclaimers: This is SUPER approximate for the most part. I based IRL ages off of D-Day unless otherwise noted, and actor ages off of January 1, 2000, the year filming took place (the latter is where the most variation will be because I didn't try to figure out what month filming started). I also didn't fact-check birthdays beyond googling. Most are sourced from the Band of Brothers and Military Wikis on fandom.com, Wikipedia, and IMDb.
I broke them up into rough categories, which are, again, approximate. I know I often forget how young the real life people were here, and this was a good reminder of that. I also found it interesting to see which actors were actually younger than their roles!
Check it all out under the cut ⬇️
~10+ years older
Dale Dye (55) as Col. Robert F. Sink (39) (~16 years)
Michael Cudlitz (35) as Denver "Bull" Randleman (23) (~12)
Marc Warren (32) as Albert Blithe (20) (~12)
Rocky Marshall (33) as Earl J. McClung (21) (~12)
Frank John Hughes (32) as William J. Guarnere (21) (~11)
Neal McDonough (33) as Lynn D. (Buck) Compton (22) (~11)
Dexter Fletcher (33) as John W. Martin (22) (~11)
~5+ years older
Simon Schatzberger (32) as Joseph A. Lesniewski (23) (~9)
Richard Speight Jr. (30) Warren H. (Skip) Muck (22) (~8)
Jason O'Mara (30) as Thomas Meehan (22) (~8)
Ron Livingston (32) as Lewis Nixon (25) (~7)
Donnie Wahlberg (30) as C. Carwood Lipton (24) (~6)
Matthew Settle (30) as Ronald C. Speirs (24) (~6)
Nolan Hemmings (28) as Charles E. "Chuck" Grant (22) (~6)
Douglas Spain (25) as Antonio C. Garcia (19) (~6)
George Calil (26) as James H. "Mo" Alley Jr. (21) (~5)
Rick Gomez (27) as George Luz (22) (~5 year)
Scott Grimes (28) as Donald G. Malarkey (23) (~5)
Stephen Graham (26) as Myron "Mike" Ranney (21) (~5)
~less than 5 years older
Shane Taylor (25) as Eugene G. Roe (21) (~4)
Tim Matthews (23) as Alex M. Penkala Jr. (19) (~4)
Matthew Leitch (24) as Floyd M. "Tab" Talbert (20) (~4)
Peter O'Meara (30) as Norman S. Dike Jr. (26) (~4)
Tom Hardy (22) as John A. Janovec (18) (~4)
Rick Warden (28) as Harry F. Welsh (25) (~3)
Kirk Acevedo (28) as Joseph D. Toye (25) (~3)
Eion Bailey (25) as David Kenyon Webster (22) (~3)
Craig Heaney (26) as Roy W. Cobb (29) (~3)
Damian Lewis (28) as Richard D. Winters (26) (~2)
Robin Laing as Edward J. "Babe" Heffron (~2, 21/23)
Ben Caplan (26) as Walter S. "Smokey" Gordon Jr. (24) (~2)
David Schwimmer (32) as Herbert M. Sobel (33) (~1 year)
Michael Fassbender (22) as Burton P. "Pat" Christenson (21) (~1)
Colin Hanks (22) as Lt. Henry Jones (21) (~1) (age around Bastogne)
Bart Ruspoli (23) as Edward J. Tipper (22) (~1)
~Same age
Peter Youngblood Hills as Darrell C. "Shifty" Powers (21)
Mark Huberman as Lester "Les" Hashey (19)
Lucie Jeanne (23) as Renée Lemaire (30) (age around Bastogne) (~7)
Ross McCall (23) as Joseph D. Liebgott (29) (~6)
Simon Pegg (29) as William S. Evans (~33) (~4)
Philip Barantini (19) as Wayne A. "Skinny" Sisk (22) (~3)
James Madio (24) as Frank J. Perconte (27) (~3)
Stephen McCole (25) as Frederick "Moose" Heyliger (27) (~2)
Matt Hickey (~16) as Patrick S. O'Keefe (18) (~2)
Incomplete/not found
Phil McKee as Maj. Robert L. Strayer (34)
Rene L. Moreno as Joseph Ramirez (30)
Doug Allen as Alton M. More (24)
David Nicolle as Lt. Thomas A. Peacock (24)
Rebecca Okot as Anna (Augusta Chiwy) (24) (age around Bastogne)
Alex Sabga-Brady as Francis J. Mellet (23)
Mark Lawrence as William H. Dukeman Jr. (22)
Nicholas Aaron as Robert E. (Popeye) Wynn (22)
Peter McCabe as Donald B. Hoobler (21)
Marcos D'Cruze as Joseph P. Domingus (not found)
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mastersoftheair · 3 months
ok, so my own final (and very, very fresh) thoughts, bc i wanted to wait until i'd watched everything to make a sweeping opinion of the whole series, and it's quite opinionated. and long. probably too long. i write essays for fun (everyone point and laugh):
my personal (and very, very fresh) ranking of the hbo war shows (not including gen kill bc that's a different war, sorry) goes- band of brothers > masters of the air > the pacific (it's the same for my title score rankings. that hasn't changed yet)
my main points of contention with MotA are 1) the nine episodes, 2) the length of the episodes, and 3) certain editing choices. nine episodes, compared to the classic ten, isn't Nearly enough time to showcase all that they wanna showcase (especially when the episodes are as short as they are, once you get past the recap and "next on" parts). and they wanna showcase A Lot! there so much going on! i'd ask them to pace themselves, but they literally Can't!
i mean, the editing choices are a Whole Thing! practically gives me whiplash sometimes lol. i feel like the weaker episodes still have parts that are Really good, but like. Individually. they don't work together as a stronger whole, which is to the episode's detriment. rather than jumping around (as the show often did), they could've benefited a lot from focusing on the One Story instead of squeezing three more stories into there (i say that, but i think the 4-5-6 episode run (all with multiple stories per episode) did this very well while Still being very good episodes, so it's not like it Can't be done, it just didn't work for 7, 8 and (partly) 9). granted, i suspect a chunk of the weird editing can be blamed on, well, there being only nine (and not all that long) episodes and no one wanting to cough up enough money for a tenth. ugh! i'm blaming both hbo And appletv for this (and covid19 ig). it's just One More Episode, how much could it cost?? and on the subject of episodes, why no episode titles? you used to love episode titles! i could've brainstormed episode titles for them For Free!!
when it comes to the characters, the rankings remain the same: BoB > MotA > TP. it's not totally fair tho, since BoB followed the exact same (and large-ish) group of guys from beginning to end, so you're Gonna know who they all are and get attached. this wasn't the case (for me!) when watching TP, since, unlike BoB, they jump around from group to group. i never felt like i got to know them all that well, outside of the main characters. i think MotA almost hits that sweet spot, especially knowing they had those two main things going against it: large cast And jumping from group to group. there's a case to be made for bias here (i Was the blog blogging about everything MotA for like. years.), but i still think they found a good enough balance of fleshing out the main characters while Also helping the audience get to know about a bunch of minor characters, of which there are a shitton (and their personalities, motivations, backgrounds, quirks).
there's also the representation of women. actual angel renée lemaire is and will always be a cut above the rest (bastogne is just That Good, argue with the wall). she's written so well that it almost makes me forget about how a bunch of women are portrayed in carentan. i have...issues with how women are portrayed in TP (even tho i love lena), so there's that. MotA falls in the middle (again) bc there's Way more women on-screen, but the writing can be questionable. balanced (as all things should be?) captain l'sandra wing-westgate is a character of all time, but episode 7 birthed the craziest discourse known to man (the hbo war fandom), but it wasn't all that unwarranted. manon and michou were sooo cool, but we didn't see nearly enough of them (another victim of the 'editing too many stories into one episode' problem. why not a whole resistance episode? or at least as the only b-plot?). paulina was interesting, but fulfilled one of those 'attractive foreign woman gives sage advice during/after sex' tropes (there's probably a tvtropes page for that idk). so many red cross girls, but none of the in-depth payoff :/ epic highs (multiple women!!) + epic lows (writing women??) = pretty tolerable. not great, not terrible. it was aight. i trust the fandom to build on this tho.
narrative is the big one tho. it's the whole "doing so much with so little" thing they've got going on (i'm ignoring their big budget here lol, could've been bigger). rather than having one main story with many connecting side stories (like BoB), it does the TP thing where there's many semi-connecting side stories set in the same general area. it helps that there's crosby's narration (i enjoy narration, sue me!), and he helps everything connect, sorta. but there's still other side stories that have Nothing to do with him (sandra's side gigs (revealing what she did takes away the mystery of what she Might be doing), the tuskegee airmen, quinn and bailey's eurotrip). would it have helped if there were two narrators (say, someone like rosie)? idk. gonna sit with that one. if there's a through-line, it's not super obvious like in the other two shows. which is insanely funny to me bc i literally like TP less, but that show's got an Extremely tight through-line all the way down. i can't lie and say it doesn't!
back to budget- i've seen people criticize this show for being called "masters of the air" when there's not much of "the air". ig that's fair, but there's the money issue, again. also, it'd get very repetitive if they were always in "the air". there was enough confusion about identifying who was who with the masks on, so imagine if that was Every Episode. out of All the issues the show has, this is the least issue-y. again, that's just my opinion, and it could change.
another budget thing (i think??)- idk enough about costuming and hair for period pieces so i can't comment on that with my 0 background in it, all i Can say is that i knoooooow people were clowning on marjorie cleven's hair in episode 1 (and i could see why, no such thing as 1940s beach waves). but from what i could understand- that actress' addition was a last-minute thing (bc i had No idea who the hell she was and i already found someone cast for marjorie all the way back in 2021). maybe there's something to say about the quality of rush jobs, but i really do think it was the most last-minute thing bc it came out of Nowhere, and timeline-wise, it looks like that bit was done long after everything else had been filmed. outside looking in, it seems something probably went wrong/didn't work out with who or what they already had and there wasn't enough wiggle room (time and money) to fix it. this isn't me being an apologist (lol), but i feel like a theorist at a big board bc nothing adds up! and i wanna know what happened! i'm just speculating! speculating on this blog is All i did for like Years lmaooo.
this is more of a side thing, but some of the lines in MotA feel really on-the-nose, almost corny. and that was Gonna be a knock against it, but there's some equally Extremely on-the-nose lines in both BoB and TP (Especially in BoB), so if i give MotA shit for it, i'd have to give all three shows shit for it lol. none of them are free of cheese.
another silly aside- no peaches, no main gingers, no main eugenes! we can't have 'em all, but c'mon!
there Is some good tho lol. one thing that MotA really has going for it, that i think the other shows have less of, is- and GOD it feels so weird to call this "world-building" when it's actual goddamn history, but- it's got world-building. maybe that isn't the best word for it. but i like how much Bigger ww2 feels in this show. BoB is one stop, then the next stop, then the next stop, which is, admittedly, good from a narrative-perspective (easy to follow), but not as good when you want a scale of how devastating the war is (in fairness, it was filmed in 2000). even TP feels pretty "enclosed" in a way. there's island-hopping, yeah, but all the damn islands look the same (not including australia lol). it's a theatre of the war we otherwise don't really get to see, but there still isn't all that much to see. it's water and sand and rock and dirt. which is the point, but Whatever! would've been cool if we saw sledge and co. in china, but moving on. MotA's able to really show the scale of it, both in the air and on the ground (that scene in germany during episode 6 was both harrowing and fantastic, also the inclusion of the actual children forced to fight nearer to the war's end in the finale). idk i just liked how it was able to zoom in and zoom out (and in and out again) in a way that the other shows weren't.
another thing it's got that the other shows don't is Really driving home how young everyone is (not "child soldier" young, but damn young). the cast is full of baby faces (rip babyface). a lot of ww2 shows/movies don't bother casting to reflect this, but i think overlooking that takes away from the overall impact. you browse through some old newspaper articles or photos of soldiers during ww2 enough and you're gonna Regularly get hit with the face of someone who looks like they could've sat in the desk next to you during a high school lit class. a lot of those b&w grinning faces look like kids bc they pretty much were (more so if they lied about their age). you don't really get that in BoB or TP (it's Crazy when the real life pics of the soldiers portrayed in those shows look younger than the actors).
i'm mixed about the tuskegee airmen. what we have, i love (thank you, dee rees). unfortunately, my biggest irk is that it leaves me wanting more of them, which i won't ever get. speaking as a black person (not speaking for All black people, just how i personally feel about it), having them included feels like a catch-22. if they weren't included in any capacity (all while knowing there were whole tuskegee airmen in stalag iii with the white main characters), there'd be a problem. however, including them (all while having these time constraints and not enough focus on them) leads to the feeling of having them "tokenized" (which i can see). there's no world where there'd be 50/50 split (even a 70/30 split) bc, at that point, just give them a show of their own. but there'd still be a general annoyance that big budget ww2 shows are only ever white. on the other hand, hanks and spielberg and orloff and miller and all the directors (except dee rees) are white, and how good of a story about black people are you really gonna get from the perspective of nonblack people? that in mind, i personally don't feel put-off by having the three tuskegee airmen in the posters/trailers/promos, bc i just Know there'd be a whole nother problem if they weren't included in them at all despite being in the show for however long (it'd be even worse if they made their pictures smaller). like i don't work in advertising, but i don't know if a "sweet spot" even exists for something like this. people would be pissed off no matter what imo (i'm also speaking with a bias here bc i had to browse through sooooo many comments written by white guys whining and crying and pissing and shitting themselves once they learned that the tuskegee airmen were gonna be in the show in Any capacity, so i'm just cool knowing they're in shambles rn (and josiah cross- he played richard macon- always goes Wild seeing his face in the promos, and his joy is pretty contagious).
i give it somewhere like a 7.5-8/10. 3.75 stars out of 5. not perfect, subject to change, gotta marinate, but i'm overall happy with it! MotA's best episodes are better than many other individual hbo war episodes. should i be grading it using the overall sum of its parts, not just the different parts? idk, i'm not being paid to grade lol.
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she-wolf09231982 · 2 months
Chapter 1-Rosaria Marie Leone
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Summary: Chicago native, Rosaria Leone (leh-OHN), was stationed in Aldourne, England awaiting further instructions to her next duty location. She finally received orders to Bastogne after the 326th Medical team was captured on their way to the town by German soldiers.
The church in the town was converted into an aid station to lodge wounded soldiers that came in from the front lines, but with medical supplies running low and shortage of medical personnel, the Americans were in desperate need of more medics and nurses to keep up with the workload. To her surprise, she finds a few silver linings by befriending a local nurse, Renée Lemaire, and Easy Company’s medic, Eugene ‘Doc’ Roe. 
A/N: OC Introduction/Rosaria Marie Leone (leh-OHN), EugeneRoeX!FemMedic, WW2, Character introduction, Post D-Day, She/Her Pronouns, Military Terminology, Band of Brothers References, Mentions of Weaponry, Smoking, Mentions of death, Blood, Medical Terminology, Italian and French with English translations
Story takes place during Episode 6-Bastogne
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
Bastogne September 1944 
“Rosaria Marie Le-Leeee-on-” the charge nurse, Agatha Hannigan began with difficulty, as she looked over her spectacles at the orders given to her by the young woman standing before her. 
“Leone.” The young lady articulated. She was used to people mispronouncing her last name. 
The older lady’s lips pursed into a thin line, clearly displeased with being corrected by a replacement. She scribbled a few things on the orders. The charge nurse looked back at the young woman, scanning her from head to toe with every ounce of disdain behind her eyes. 
“Why are you wearing soldier’s fatigues? Where is your ward dress uniform? And your apron and head scarf?” Hannigan snapped. 
“This is all I ever worn, ma’am. I’m a field medic, so this is my initial issued uniform.” she explained. 
Hannigan sniffed at her, then wrote a few more notes on the orders. 
“Alright, Rosaria Leone-” 
“It’s just Saria-” 
 “-you and Renée report to me and I report to LT Doc Ryan.” she explained paying no mind to Saria’s statement. 
Saria sighed, “Yes, ma’am.” 
As she followed Hannigan, they approached a young nurse stirring a large metal pot hanging over a pit in the fireplace. The smell of the steam proved it wasn’t any kind of food she had been mixing but used bandages that were being laundered. 
“Renée-” Hannigan bellowed. 
The girl turned upon hearing her name. She met the charge nurse and Saria halfway as she dried her hands on her apron. 
“-this is our new nurse, Rosaria Lenonni, just in from Aldourne.” Hannigan introduced. 
Saria rolled her eyes but remained silent, not bothering to correct her again. 
Renée extended her hand, “Bonjour! (Hello!)” she greeted in French. 
“Buongiorno. (Good morning.)” Saria returned in Italian with a warm smile shaking Renée's hand. 
“You speak Italian?” Hannigan asked. 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
“Hm, a lot of good that’ll do you here. You do know you're in Belgium, right? Renée, you got her from here.” Hannigan snipped, waving her hand as she walked away. 
“Oui. (Yes).” Renée replied turning back to Saria, “-Don’t mind her. You’ll get used to her.” she whispered with a grin. 
“I’m sure.” Saria responded. 
“Viens avec moi (Come with me), I’ll show you around.” Renée gestured to Saria to follow her. 
December 1944 
The months flew by and before Saria could blink, a layer of snow covered the grounds in and around Bastogne. She quickly befriended Renée and the other Congolese nurse, Anna. Together, they worked side by side tending to the wounded, and endured the aftermath of what happened outside of the Church/aid station when soldiers were brought to them. The horrors of blood and gore came in overwhelming waves, but Saria, Anna and Renée worked through the carnage as a team to do what they needed to do to save the men that were brought to them.  
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More often than not, soldiers have succumbed to their injuries because medical supplies were becoming scarcer. There was very little of everything they needed, and it seemed more and more men were being brought to them daily. They were unable to evacuate the wounded or receive medical supplies due to heavy German advances. Not only did the Germans prevent escape for the injured, but they also captured the 326th Medical team and integrated them into their own medical team to tend to their wounded soldiers.  
“Lost another one today.” Renée said to Saria as she sat next to her on a pew against the wall. 
Saria shook her head, “Seems to be happening more often, doesn’t it?” she acknowledged. 
“Peut-être (Perhaps).” Renée replied as she reached into her apron pocket pulling out a half-wrapped bar of chocolate. 
She removed the paper and broke off a piece, handing it to Saria. 
“Chocolat?” she asked. 
Saria looked at the candy in Renée's hand and smiled weakly as she took it from her. 
“Merci.” Saria thanked. 
“Prego.” Renée returned in Italian, “Your French is getting better!” she added. 
Saria laughed, “You don’t have to be nice about it, Renée, I know it needs work.”  
“No, I insist! Your practicing is paying off, mon ami (my friend).” Renée encouraged. 
“Well thanks to you.” Saria pointed out. 
As they sat there enjoying the sweet treat, a handful of soldiers came in with an injured man on a stretcher, as a medic walked in after them. 
Renée and Saria rushed to the men with the injured soldier. 
“No, no. Here. Put him here.” Renee instructed. 
“Yes, ma’am.” the head soldier carrying the stretcher obliged as they lifted him onto a bed. 
“Is he bad?” Saria asked the medic. 
“No, lower-leg wound. No morphine.” he replied in a deep calm voice. 
Renée took a quick look at the right leg then nodded. 
“I’ll get more bandages.” Renée relayed to Saria. 
Before Renée could leave the medic was following her, “Nurse, have you got plasma I can--?” 
“Wait. Please.” Renée urged before disappearing into another room. 
The medic furrowed his eyebrows, discouraged by Renée's response. Saria felt a wave of guilt for him.  
She looked back at the soldier on the bed that they just brought in, “What’s your name, soldier?”  
“They call me Skinny.” he responded with labored breathing. 
“I’m Saria. We’ll get you squared away, ok?” She reassured him with a warm smile. 
He nodded with a forced grin since he was obviously in pain. She covered him with a blanket and turned to the same medic standing alone in a doorway watching Anna pack a thigh wound of another soldier while Renée assisted. 
The medic turned to Saria, “Hey, what’s going on here? Why aren't these men being evacuated?” 
Saria was a little taken back by his dismayed tone. 
“We can’t evacuate. We’re cut off, this is far as it goes.” she replied as she side stepped him to get to Renée and Anna. 
Renée and Saria had returned to Skinny with a bottle of liquor and a glass, pouring him a hefty amount to drink as a pain remedy. 
Skinny looked up at the two nurses then looked at the medic, “I think I’m in heaven, Doc.”  
The medic smirked briefly. 
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As Renée and Saria began walking away, the medic called after them, “Nurse-” 
“This way.” Renée said, as she motioned him to follow. 
The medic walked along side Saria while they followed Renée to the rear of the church where all the supplies were being stored at an extravagant altar. 
“I need Morphine. I need bandages. Whatever you got. We’re down to nothin’.” the medic explained. 
“Ok, I can give you a little, but not a lot.” Renée replied gravely. 
Saria picked up a small wooden crate filled with IV bottles, syringes, and a few syrette cases. 
“You can have this today. Do you want that?” Saria asked him. 
“Oui. You got plasma?” he questioned urgently. 
“A little. Are you a surgeon?” Renée queried. 
“No. We don’t got no surgeon.” he replied with a bit of sting behind his voice. 
Saria placed a handful of torn cloth into his crate, “What’s this?” he asked, holding up the bulk of cloth. 
“From the beds.” Saria replied. 
“What, sheets?” he clarified. 
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“Yes, for bandages.” 
A look of shock appeared on the medic’s face as he stared at her. 
“It does the job.” Saria said with a soft smile and a shrug. 
He nodded, placing the bandages back in the crate. 
He stood tall before Renée and Saria when they were done packing the crate with supplies,  
“Merci.” he thanked in a low honeyed southern accent. 
“Prego.” Saria responded. 
The medic shot her a look of confusion, tilting his head studying her like a puzzle. 
“Comment vous appelez-vous? (What do you call yourself?)” the man asked Saria and Renée. 
Renée looked at him, then looked at Saria expectantly waiting for her to reply. 
“Go on, this is a perfect time to practice, mon ami. (my friend).” Renée encouraged Saria. 
Saria’s eyes flitted between Renée and the medic,  
“Uh-” was all Saria could manage until she heard Renée again. 
“Tu peux le faire, mon ami (You can do it, friend).”  
Saria took a deep breath, “Je m'appelle Rosaria Leone (My name is Rosaria Leone).”  
A smile tugged at the corners of the medic’s mouth. 
“My name is Renée.”  
“I’m Gene. Eugene Roe.” 
“Where are you from?” Renée asked Eugene. 
“Louisiana. Half-Cajun. Et toi? (And you?)” he returned. 
“Bastogne.” Renée answered. 
Eugene looked at Saria. 
His eyes widened like a deer in the headlights. 
“Oh, I thought maybe you-” 
“No, I’m American. My parents were born in Tuscany, Italy.” Saria explained. 
“I see.” he discerned. 
There was a brief silence before he nodded at Saria then turned to follow Renée to the exit. 
“Arrivederci, Eugenio. (Goodbye, Eugene).” Saria called after him in Italian. 
Eugene turned while still walking away displaying a coy smile. 
After some time, Renée returned from showing Eugene out. Her cheeks were rosy, and she wore a subtle smile as she mindlessly stirred the boiling pot of bandages.
No response. 
“Renée?” Saria said again a little louder. 
Renée looked at her startled, “Oui?”  
Saria laughed, “You were gone for a good couple of minutes. Où étiez-vous? (Where were you?)” Saria stated. 
Renée smiled, “I caught up with our new friend to give him some chocolat.” 
“That was nice of you, Renée.” 
“You can see in his eyes he’s seen some awful things. He needed to be shown some kindness.” Renée explained. 
It wasn’t the last time Renée and Saria saw Eugene Roe. The second time he had visited, Renée and Saria were frantically trying to stop a soldier from bleeding out from his mid-section. As Saria tried to pack the wound where the source of the bleeding was while Gene had been wiping the blood away so she could see where the artery was. The soldier expired leaving Renée, Gene, and Saria disheartened and lost in their own thoughts.  
Saria sauntered towards the spiral staircase to the main entrance so she could go outside to get some air. Eventually, Renée and Eugene joined her. Saria sat by a pile of broken furniture in front of the church, with her face buried in her hands. Renée sat next to Saria draping an arm across her shoulders pulling her in for a side hug. 
“Ça va mon ami? (Are you alright, my friend?)” Renée asked. 
Saria only nodded; not even sure she really was ok. 
Eugene observed each of their hands. Saria’s hands, bruised with remanence of the soldier’s blood after failing to wash all of it off her knuckles and nails and Renée's hands bearing the same appearances. Renée pulled a new bar of chocolate from her apron pocket and began tearing away the paper.  
She broke off a section, nudging Saria, “Tiens, belle amie (Here, beautiful friend).” 
Saria accepted the chocolate, “Vous êtes trop gentil. (You’re too kind).” 
Renée offered Eugene the candy, but as he took it from her, he smiled. 
“What?” Renée asked. 
“Your hands.” Eugene gestured to her and Saria. Saria slowly looked up at him. 
“Our hands?” Renée reiterated. 
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He nodded, “You’re good nurses.” he complimented. 
Renée looked at her hands, “No. I never want to treat another wounded man again. I’d rather work in a butcher’s shop.” 
Eugene’s eyebrows drew inward hearing her statement. 
“But your touch calms people.” he defended, “That’s a gift from God.” he added. 
Renée shook her head, “No, it’s not a gift,” she flipped her hands over to look at the back of them, “God would never give such a painful thing.” she proclaimed. 
“Renée, you don’t mean that.” Saria insisted. 
“Oh, mais je le fais, mon ami. (Oh, but I do, my friend).” Renee said with a weak smile. 
A jeep pulled up with yet another wounded soldier, “Nurse! Nurse! We need some help over here!” 
Renée looked over her shoulder, “Stay and rest awhile longer, mon ami. I’ll take care of this.” She said to Saria as she gave her an encouraging hug before she stood up and ran off. 
A moment of silence passed before Eugene spoke again. 
“Is that how you feel, too?” he asked her. 
Saria sighed, “No. I don’t.” she replied confidently shaking her head before meeting his gaze. 
“Glad to hear it.” he affirmed with a slight smile as he looked back down at the candy bar in his hand. 
Saria folded her hands in her lap. 
“Comment se porte ton français? (How’s your French coming along?)” Eugene quizzed her with a mischievous grin. 
Saria looked at him alarmed, and slightly embarrassed. She rubbed the back of her neck and began to blush. 
“Oh, uh-” she began, “-tellement, tellement (so, so.)” she replied. 
Eugene chuckled, “I've heard you do better than that.” he declared, “Tell me something new you’ve learned. Peut-être que je peux aider. (Maybe I can help.)” he offered. 
Saria felt heat rise from her collar. 
“Ce serait généreux de votre part, Eugène (That would be generous of you, Eugene),” she managed to say, “-merci.” 
“Prego.” Eugene answered modestly in Italian with a welcoming smile. 
Saria laughed aloud at his playful response. 
“Guess I could return the favor and teach you some Italian.” she suggested. 
“Sure.” Gene allotted. “Guess I’ll be heading back to the line then. See ya around, mon ami.” He stood and ran towards the jeep to hitch a ride. 
Saria watched the jeep speed off with Eugene in the front seat, saying a silent prayer to herself for him to be safe when he makes it to the front lines. 
Christmas Eve 1944 
The third run in with Eugene, he brought in an Easy Company soldier, with an IV already applied. As they carried him in setting him down onto a cot, the receiving medic, Jones, began hounding Gene for the man’s information. 
“Where’s his tag?” Jones looked all over the man’s person, then looked at Gene again, “Where’s his tag?” 
Eugene stared at his buddy lying on the cot unable to move. 
“What’s wrong with him?” Jones pushed. 
Eugene looked at him calmly, “Paralyzed.” he responded simply. 
“What?” Jones asked. 
Eugene sighed, “He’s paralyzed. Can’t feel a thing.” he clarified. 
Renée saw him from across the room, “Eugene?” 
Gene looked at her, his spirits lifted the moment he saw her smile. 
“Eugene.” Renée greeted him. 
“Renée-” he replied with frail delight in his voice. 
“Are you-” Renee started to ask before she was interrupted. 
“-Renée, I need some help over here!” Jones called from the back. 
“Are you all right?” Renée continued as she walked towards Eugene. 
“Renée! We need you!” Jones called again. 
She looked towards the rear of the church where Jones was then huffed in frustration. She met Gene’s disappointed expression, gave him an apologetic smile then scampered off. 
“Bonjour, Eugène.” Saria greeted. 
“Bonjour, Rosaria, mon ami. (Hello, Rosaria, my friend),” he returned with a fleeting smile. 
Saria looked Gene over, “You ok?”  
He met her concerned guise with soft tired eyes, “Oui.” he responded plainly. 
Saria gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze, “Je suis toujours là, mon ami. (I’m always here, friend.)” Saria reassured him. 
He looked at her and nodded, “Merci, mon ami.” he replied managing a genuine smile. 
Saria returned a smile then proceeded past him. 
“Oh, and Eugene-” she called back to him. 
He turned to her. 
“Joyeux noël. (Merry Christmas.)” she projected somewhat cheerfully to him, sending him a wink before he could reply. 
Eugene smiled to himself, feeling that bit of warmth in his heart that he hadn’t felt in a long time. 
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Eugene returned to the line, only to have to go back to Bastogne to bring LT Welsh to the aid station that night. Upon entering the town, everyone was in a panic, running to find cover from an imminent German air raid heading towards the town.  
Upon hearing the siren alerting the town of the attack, Renée and Saria began assisting the wounded who tolerated the ability to move to evacuate the church.  
On the other side of the town, Eugene could see the enemy aircraft approaching. He started to race towards the church to see if Renée, Saria, and Anna had been able to reach safety. As he sprinted towards the aid station, the bombers passed overhead releasing shells on every building in their wake until one hit the church, releasing a mushrooming blast from the steeple. Another bomber deploying a bigger explosive, shattered the foundation of the stone building, sending it to shambles to the ground below. 
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Eugene stopped in his tracks, shielding his eyes from the piercing light from the blast. Frozen from shock and disbelief, his mind began piecing together the possibility that Renée, Saria, and Anna were still in the church during the bombing. To this thought, he began running again, pushing through the crowds to reach his friends. 
Eugene searched relentlessly for the three nurses. As dawn approached, he began to lose hope. He had asked everyone he bumped into if they had seen Renée, Saria, or Anna. Everyone he asked either hadn’t known the whereabouts of any medical personnel or had conflicting stories of who made it out or not.
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Just when Eugene was ready to give up, he saw a familiar figure sitting on a pile of stones that had collapsed from the church. As he cautiously approached, he recognized the face of this young woman seated before him. 
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“Rosaria?” He addressed the woman with strain behind his voice. 
Saria turned slowly; her bloodshot eyes met his hopeful face while tears trailed through the dirt on her cheeks. When she saw it was Eugene, her tear flow increased beyond her ability to see. 
“Eugene.” she gasped as she tried to stand to meet him. As she did, she lost her footing on the gravel. 
Eugene snaked his arms around her, pulling her into him so she wouldn’t fall forward. 
“Hey, now! Je t'ai eu (I got you).” he exclaimed. 
He helped her stand up right, pulling her square to him so he could talk to her. 
“Are you ok!?” he asked. 
“I-I’m alive.” Saria stuttered. 
Eugene kneaded her shoulders with his hands. 
“Et Renée? (And Renée?) Anna?” he dared to ask holding Saria steady by the shoulders. 
Saria looked away from Eugene and began to sniffle. Eugene waited. 
She reached into her pocket, pulling out a blue head scarf and handed it to him. He took it from her, realizing it was the same one that Renée had worn. 
He stared at the blue cloth in his hand as everything began to sink in. 
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“We-” Saria tried to explain but her overwhelming anguish had her struggling to speak, “-we were evacuating as many men as we could. Renée had----gone back inside to find Anna right before the first shell dropped on the church-”  
Eugene redirected his eyes onto Saria. He swallowed hard, biting back the tears he felt building up. 
“When the first bomb hit, I tried to go in to get her...then the second one hit blocking the entrance to the church. I couldn’t get to them, Eugene.” Saria whispered, staring over his shoulder reliving the horrific scene as if it was replaying in front of her on a movie screen. 
She started to shake her head, “If I had only gotten there sooner-” 
“No,” Gene placed a hand on each side of her face bringing her attention to him, “what happened to Renée and Anna is not your fault. You hear me?”  
Saria’s tears spilled over like waterfalls.  
He pulled her into his chest, allowing her to sob into his jacket as he stroked her hair. 
“Ssshhh,” Gene soothed, “Je suis là, belle amie. Je suis là (I’m right here, beautiful friend. I’m here.)” 
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footprintsinthesxnd · 5 months
Merry Christmas Lou
@lena-basilone So I made you a version of this edit a little while ago but then when you posted more Renée screencaps I had to include those too. Thank you so much for being an amazing friend and being the first person to welcome me into the HBO war community. You’re the best. I was going to post this for you Christmas Day but I feel that it’s only fitting in remembrance of Renée’s life to post it today.
Renée Lemaire 10th April 1914 - 24th December 1944
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Tags: @georgieluz @iceman-kazansky @yeahcurrahhe-e @blvestxr @dustyjumpwjngs @theflyingfin @jump-wings @kafka-ohdear @kmc1989 @mads-weasley @docroesmorphine @liptonsbabe @lena-basilone @sweetxvanixlla @hesbuckcompton-baby @ronsparky @allthingsimagines @whollyjoly @bucky32557038ww2 @panzershrike-pretz @xxluckystrike @malarkgirlypop @hanniewinnix
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montied · 3 months
honestly i would die for renée lemaire
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whollyjoly · 5 months
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hello there! my name is em, and i'd like to welcome you to my blog ✨ apparently, im a bucktommy stan first and a person second these days 👀👀 feel free to scream about them with me!! when im not staring respectfully at tommy kinard's nose scrunch, my hellblog will mostly be 9-1-1, band of brothers, star wars, and a dash of m*a*s*h! also: i've been getting into moodboards and icon making these days - if you have any requests, my dms are always open! things with im obsessed with: bucktommy and the PARALLELS!!!!, my tall smirking husband (alton more), making moodboards, music, putting flower crowns on literally anything and anyone 🌼 ships: 9-1-1 - BUCKTOMMY GANG RISE UP 🔥🔥 (but also, henren, madney, bathena) band of brothers - winnix, baberoe, speirton, luztoye, skowers ❤️ star wars - codywan, kalluzeb, anidala, stormpilot, rebelcaptain, kanera, dincobb m*a*s*h - traphawk, hawkahy see you around, friends! 💫
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Masterlist ✨
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Evan Buckley - I'm Ready to Be Something (4x05||7x05)
BuckTommy - What If You Were Okay?
BuckTommy - The Cowboy AU Nobody Asked For BuckTommy - Cowboy AU pt 2 BuckTommy - Cowboy AU pt 3
Tommy Kinard - Flower Crowns Ravi Panikkar - Flower Crowns BuckTommy - Flower Crowns
And I'll Post It Again! - BuckTommy x B99 Pure of Heart / Dumb of Ass - Bi!Buck
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Band of Brothers
Immortal Soldier!Alton More AU - Snippets & Moodboard
Band of Brothers x The Killers
Easy Company - When You Were Young Dick Winters - Be Still Lewis Nixon - Uncle Jonny Ronald Speirs - Battle Born Eugene Roe - Wonderful Wonderful Renée Lemaire - Human Easy Ranch AU - The Cowboys' Christmas Ball
Easy Ranch
Alton More - baby, the sun is getting low James "Moe Alley - all this dirt, it's been dug before The Cowboys' Christmas Ball - Killers Crossover
Vani (sweetxvanixlla) - Midnight Blue Lou (luckynumber4) - Dusty Rose Claire (coco-bean-1218) - Chestnut Brown Mads (mads-weasley) - Orange Lenora (mutantmanifesto) - Moonlight Fru (onlyyouexisthere) - Pale Green Blu (xxluckystrike) - Golden
Winnix - In Those Heavy Days in June
The Cowboys' Christmas Ball - Ficlet + Poem
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My Aura Moodboard - Yellow
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you can find also find other stuff from me at #em speaks content from my amazing bob mutuals is tagged #me and the gang (bottom text) or #i live for the best something of hell. content from my amazing 9-1-1 mutuals is tagged #clown car support squad.
thank you for stopping by, and ZIM ZAM! 🔥
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wikiuntamed · 10 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Wednesday, 23rd August
Welcome, Benvenuta, 你好, أهلا وسهلا 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 23rd August through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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23rd August 2021 🗓️ : Death - Elizabeth Blackadder Elizabeth Blackadder, Scottish painter and printmaker (b. 1931) "Dame Elizabeth Violet Blackadder, Mrs Houston, (24 September 1931 – 23 August 2021) was a Scottish painter and printmaker. She was the first woman to be elected to both the Royal Scottish Academy and the Royal Academy. In 1962 she began teaching at Edinburgh College of Art where she continued until..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 2.0? by Scottish Government
23rd August 2015 🗓️ : Death - Augusta Chiwy Augusta Chiwy, Congolese-Belgian nurse (b. 1921) "Augusta Marie Chiwy (6 June 1921 – 23 August 2015) was a Belgian nurse who served as a volunteer during the Siege of Bastogne in 1944. She worked with U.S. Army physician John Prior and with fellow Belgian nurse Renée Lemaire, treating injured soldiers during the Battle of the Bulge...."
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Image by Embassy of the United States in Brussels, Belgium's official Facebook
23rd August 2013 🗓️ : Event - 2013 Palmasola prison riot A riot at the Palmasola prison complex in Santa Cruz, Bolivia kills 31 people. "On August 23, 2013, a prison riot broke out at Palmasola, a maximum-security prison in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. The riot started when members of one cell block attacked a rival gang in another, using propane tanks as flame throwers. Thirty-one people were killed, including an 18-month-old child who was..."
23rd August 1973 🗓️ : Event - Norrmalmstorg robbery A bank robbery gone wrong in Stockholm, Sweden, turns into a hostage crisis; over the next five days the hostages begin to sympathise with their captors, leading to the term "Stockholm syndrome". "The Norrmalmstorg robbery was a bank robbery and hostage crisis best known as the origin of the term Stockholm syndrome. It occurred at the Norrmalmstorg Square in Stockholm, Sweden, in August 1973 and was the first criminal event in Sweden to be covered by live television.Jan-Erik Olsson was a..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0? by Tage Olsin
23rd August 1923 🗓️ : Event - Captain (United States O-3) Captain Lowell Smith and Lieutenant John P. Richter perform the first mid-air refueling on De Havilland DH-4B, setting an endurance flight record of 37 hours. "In the United States Army (USA), U.S. Marine Corps (USMC), U.S. Air Force (USAF), and U.S. Space Force (USSF), captain (abbreviated "CPT" in the USA and "Capt" in the USMC, USAF, and USSF) is a company-grade officer rank, with the pay grade of O-3. It ranks above first lieutenant and below major. It..."
23rd August 1819 🗓️ : Death - Oliver Hazard Perry Oliver Hazard Perry, American commander (b. 1785) "Oliver Hazard Perry (August 23, 1785 – August 23, 1819) was an American naval commander, born in South Kingstown, Rhode Island. A prominent member of the Perry family naval dynasty, he was the son of Sarah Wallace Alexander and United States Navy Captain Christopher Raymond Perry, and older brother..."
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Image by Jane Stuart
23rd August 🗓️ : Holiday - Umhlanga Day (Eswatini) "Umhlanga [um̩ɬaːŋɡa], or Reed Dance ceremony, is an annual Swazi event that takes place at the end of August or at the beginning of September. In Eswatini, tens of thousands of unmarried and childless Swazi girls and women travel from the various chiefdoms to the Ludzidzini Royal Village to..."
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Image by Amada44
0 notes
tocastielandback · 1 year
10 Fandoms, 10 Favorite Characters
Tagged by @mysoftboybensolo
Starlight / Annie January, The Boys
Renée Lemaire, Band of Brothers
James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes, Marvel
Daniel Jackson, Saving Private Ryan
Ariel, The Little Mermaid
Joel Hammond, Santa Clarita Diet
Shosanna Dreyfus, Inglourious Basterds
Adam, Forever
Raven, Teen Titans
Michelle Benjamin, Kings
0 notes