#renée lemaire x reader
multifandomlover01 · 2 years
If you are not too busy, can you do something with freckles and dimples for Band of Brothers? I haven't seen much of it. If you want specific characters, Carwood Lipton, Renée Lemaire (if you write for her), Babe Heffron, Darrel Powers and Wayne Sisk.
I absolutely can! Thank you so much for the ask! 🥰
Disclaimer: I do not have (a lot of) freckles or dimples, but I think they are both adorable and I’d love to write for it as they definitely deserve content (though I don’t know about the accuracy/quality, so sorry if this really isn’t that good)
X reader based
General Outline is as follows: Insecurity about freckles/dimples first, then compliments/reassurance/admiration (fluff)
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Carwood Lipton (dimples):
• Lipton never noticed it until he got a facial scar.
• He never noticed how you’d hide your face with your hands or your hair as often as you could.
• He figured you were ashamed or hiding something about your face (like he wished he could do with his face sometimes), he just didn’t know what it was.
• One day, you two were talking and he’d made you laugh. You smiled, then quickly hid your face.
• He chuckled.
• “Why’re you hiding your face, sweetheart?”
• “N-no reason.”
• “You’re not hiding your face for no reason, honey. What is it? Please tell me.”
• You reluctantly removed your hands from your face and looked at him.
• You sighed. “It’s my dimples.”
• Lipton was taken aback slightly. “Y-your dimples?”
• “Yes.”
• “What’s wrong with your dimples?”
• “I don’t like them.”
• “Why don’t you like them?”
• “I think they look weird.”
• “They don’t look weird, sweetheart, they look adorable.”
• “Really?”
• “Yes! Why do you like I try so hard to make you smile? I love them.”
• “Can I ask why?”
• “I just think they’re cute, is all.”
• “You think they’re cute?”
• “Yes.” He brought his hand up to your cheek and brushed over them. “Just like the rest of you.”
• You couldn’t help but smile. God bless this man.
• He smiled. “There they are.”
• It’s a lot easier to be accepting of yourself when someone else is.
• And Carwood was more than happy to kiss your dimples every time.
• He didn’t notice them until he was around you more, which wasn’t until England when you began planning for the Invasion.
• You had quite a few freckles adorning your face.
• Several others had already noticed and they teased you about it a bit, saying you wouldn’t even need any type of camo.
• This made you feel insecure about it. And you couldn’t exactly try and cover them with makeup in these conditions. No. You’d have to deal with it.
• Lipton thought they made you look very pretty. He’d never seen someone with so many freckles.
• He observed some men teasing you about it, so he quickly put it to a stop. He checked on you afterward to make sure you were alright.
• “I’m alright, sir. Thank you for checking. They’ve been doing that since training, though. I’ve gotten used to it.”
• “You shouldn’t have to get used to it. They shouldn’t say those things.”
• “It’s alright. They’re just boys. They’re stupid. They say stupid things.”
• “There’s stupid and then there’s stupid.”
• “Sir?”
• “There’s jumping off a roof and breaking your leg or picking on someone bigger than you, then there’s making fun of a very pretty girl for something she can’t do anything about.”
• You didn’t miss that he called you pretty.
• “If anybody gives you anymore trouble, just tell me and I’ll take care of it, alright?”
• “Alright, sir.”
• You greatly appreciated Lipton’s views, and his willingness to squash any further trouble you had.
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Renée Lemaire (freckles):
• Being a female medic in the paratroopers wasn’t easy, but meeting Renée was a breath of fresh air.
• She was very enjoyable to be around and talk to.
• You two were sorting supplies in the church when she stopped to look at you.
• “Is something wrong?”
• She smiled. “No. Nothing is wrong. I just never noticed them before.”
• “Noticed what?”
• “The marks on your face. The light lets me see them.”
• It took you a minute to understand. You mostly spent time with her in the church, where it was dark. And you’d never really been in this room with the windows before. She’d never really seen your freckles before.
• You weren’t expecting her to comment on them. You didn’t even think if she could see them. You felt a bit insecure about them. People would ask about them a lot. Why you had them. If you had some disease.
• They were just something that was on your face. You couldn’t help it. You liked them when you were younger. You thought they looked cool. But that was before the other kids started to tease you about it. They’d call you a freak, among other things.
• It didn’t help that it had carried over as you got older. You used to think that once you grew up, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. You even used to hope they’d one day go away. Of course they didn’t. But neither did the stares, the whispers, the questions.
• Renée was still smiling at you.
• “What?” You asked, not really knowing what to expect. Renée seemed so nice and you hoped she wouldn’t have a nasty comment about them.
• “Do others have them? The marks?”
• “We call them freckles. And, yes, some people do. But I’m the only person I’ve ever known to have this many on my face. Most people might have a small smattering. Or one here and there all on their body. But they aren’t so numerous on others, no.”
• “Oh, well I like them. They look nice on you.”
• “You do? Thank you.”
• “Yes, I do. And you’re welcome. But why do you ask? Do others not?”
• “Not really. I get teased a lot.”
• “Why? They look very pretty.”
• “Well I’m glad you think so.”
• “You have a very nice smile.”
• “No, I don’t.”
• “You do. You would if you didn’t have dimples, but they accentuate it. They make it extra nice.”
• “You’re just saying that.”
• “I’m not! They look very…cute.”
• You scoffed. “Well that’s the first time I’ve heard that.”
• “I find that hard to believe.”
• “Why?”
• “It makes you special.”
• “It makes me a freak.”
• She chuckled. “It does not.”
• “Tell that to the others.”
• “Others?”
• “Some guys make fun of me for them.”
• “Well they are very rude and wrong to do that.”
• “I appreciate that.”
• She smiled. “Anytime.”
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Babe Heffron (dimples):
• You were a fairly happy person. You liked to smile. And you liked to make others smile.
• There was just one thing, though: you had dimples.
• And while you usually didn’t have a problem with it, sometimes you were insecure about them, especially if someone mentioned them or make a rude remark about them.
• Such an occurrence happened one time at a bar. You were with a group of E Company men, but there were some men from not only another battalion, but also another regiment in the 101st. In other words: men you were not that well acquainted with.
• While you were in this group of mixed company, George Luz had cracked a joke that made you smile fairly wildly. That’s when a man from another company (and battalion within the 506th) pointed out your dimples.
• “Why do you have holes in your face?”
• “Those are my dimples.” Your smile faded, which put a frown on the faces of the men in your company (E Company).
• “They make your face look weird.”
• “Well your face makes your face look weird.” Babe quipped back. He internally cursed himself for that lame remark.
• “Whatever. Let’s go guys.”
• The men from the other companies/battalions/regiments left the group.
• “You alright?” George asked.
• “Yeah. I’m fine, thanks.”
• You weren’t fine. You meandered away to a secluded table.
• Babe waited a few seconds before following you.
• “Do you mind if I sit with you?”
• “I guess not.”
• Babe sat across from you.
• “Are you really ok?”
• “I already told George I was, ok?”
• “I’m sorry. I should probably leave you alone.”
• He got up to leave, but you stopped him. “Babe, wait.”
• “Yeah?” He sat back down.
• “I’m sorry. It’s just…I like my dimples most of the time, but sometimes I don’t…like when people point them out or make fun of them.”
• “Screw that guy, ok? Your dimples are adorable.”
• “You really think so?”
• “Absolutely. I wouldn’t stop making you smile if I could because it means I’d get to see them all the time.”
• You smiled. “Thanks…I don’t get many compliments on them.”
• “That sure is shame.”
• Babe was no stranger to being teased. When he was a kid, he was teased about his hair and his lanky body. So he understood it when you confided in him about some guys making fun of your freckles. He loved them, though.
• But he noticed after the war you started to cover your freckles with makeup. This saddened him.
• He asked you about it one night after you two had gotten back from a night out and you were taking your makeup off.
• “Hey, can I ask ya somethin’, doll?”
• “Sure.”
• “Why do you wear makeup to cover up your freckles?”
• “Oh, I dunno. Maybe cause I don’t like them? Maybe cause you don’t want anybody making comments about them.”
• “Screw them.”
• “Babe!”
• “Anyone makes a comment about you, they’ll have me to answer to.”
• “That’s sweet, but you can’t just beat up everyone who has some unkind words to say to me.”
• “Why not? They insult my girl, they get their ass kicked, easy as that.”
• “How about I make you a deal. I stop wearing makeup, but you can’t just beat up anyone who insults me.”
• “Not even a little?”
• “No.”
• “But you’ll stop wearing makeup to hide your freckles?”
• “Yes.”
• “Alright. You’ve got yourself a deal, sweetheart.”
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Shifty Powers (freckles):
• Shifty loved everything about you. This included your freckles. So he was disheartened to hear you say you did not like them. He asked you why.
• “I dunno.” You shrugged. “Not everyone has them.”
• “But some people do. It makes you unique. It makes you special.”
• “They’re all over my face. It’s not just one here and there.”
• “So? They’re pretty.”
• “They’re pretty?”
• “Well yeah. Don’t you think so?”
• “No.”
• “Well I think they are. They’re like stars, ya know?
• “Stars? Huh…never gotten that before.”
• “Well they are, ya know. All pretty and patterned. If I could stare at ‘em and trace ‘em…well…” Shifty cleared his throat, “anyway…don’t feel bad about them. Don’t listen to what anyone says.”
• “Gee…thanks Shifty. Really, that’s means a lot.”
• “Anytime, ma’am.”
• Shifty loved your smile. He loved your dimples. So he was sad when you seemingly stopped smiling.
• He asked you why.
• “A girl has to smile?”
• “No. But you haven’t smiled in a while. Is something wrong?”
• “No. nothing is wrong.”
• Shifty knew something was. But he didn’t press.
• Later, your face had an expression that showed your dimples (but it wasn’t a smile). Someone chuckled and poked your cheek. They were making fun of your dimples.
• This made Shifty angry.
• “Hey!” He shouted. “Leave her alone! That’s no way to treat a lady!”
• The guy pissed off because he didn’t want to deal with Shifty. He’d been called out. And didn’t care that much. So he just walked away.
• “Are you alright?”
• “Yeah. I’m fine. Thanks.”
• “Those guys shouldn’t have been making fun of you. It wasn’t nice.”
• “Eh, I’m used to it.”
• “You shouldn’t have to be. Your dimples make your smile even sweeter.”
• “They do?”
• “Well sure! They draw attention to your smile. And your smile makes others smile.”
• “It does?”
• “Well…it makes me smile anyway…”
• “That’s real sweet, Shifty. Thank you.”
• “No problem.” He smiled.
• And that made you smile. And suddenly your dimples didn’t bother you anymore.
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sennavich · 4 years
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• When you were born, Renée was 9 years old, so your relationship has always been one of extreme protection and respect
• Although you often fill her patience a lot
• When you finally had your first period, you told Renée first because she was always more your friend than your mother
• Renée, when you were a certain age, took you to bars and clubs to dance and meet boys.
• During this period, the two of you always dressed up together and did your makeup together
• During your last years of school, you kept saying that you wanted to leave Bastogne to live in Brussels, Renée always supported the idea of ​​you going to the big city.
• But the war changed your plans
• When you saw your sister volunteering to help Americans, you thought about going to help for her. She complained a lot when she got home about the lack of nurses in the Church, so you started to go with her
• In her bag, she always carried chocolates stolen from grocery stores and gave her two or three bars.
• Anna taught you everything you knew about care and you learned to be more gentle with Renée.
• When the Americans arrived, you were teasing her
• “Eugene, is it? Are you finally getting married, Reneé? ” "By God, Y / n, shut up!"
• The day you met Eugene, you met Skinny.
• Skinny and you connected instantly
• Renée doesn't tease you so much, she just tells you to be careful not to get hurt.
• The day that Renée died was the worst day of your life
• You blamed yourself so much, so much for coming home to rest
• When you arrived in the city center and saw her bombed, your instinct was to run to where the wounded and sister were
• Saw Eugene with your sister's scarf, contrasting with your green
• When Eugene saw you, he immediately hid the blue handkerchief in his pocket and ran to support you
• He hugged you so tight that you can swear he was in as much pain as you
• “Where's Anna? Was she with Renée? ”
• Eugene was unable to stay with you for a long time, so he swore he would return as soon as he went to Belgium
• You and your family moved to Brussels, trying to forget the horrors of the war
• You, Eugene and Skinny became “friends of letters”, even Skinny invited you to travel to the United States.
• You worked hard and gathered all your savings to meet them
• When he finally arrived in the United States, Wayne 'returned' to look at him with the same eyes that he had when he was seen in Bastogne. Eugene did everything to help with the flirtations.
• “Y / n have you thought about moving to West Virginia?”
• "I don't even know how to speak English properly, Eugene"
• "Skinny helps you out"
• You and Skinny get married a few months later
• Your family accepts, somewhat reluctantly because of the distance
• The wedding is tiny, but still perfect for you
• In 10 years of marriage: 3 children. Eugene and Joseph Liebgott godparents.
• Renée, Victoria and Jean.
• Bilingual children. Skinny still tries to learn French, but knows few words.
• A happy family.
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multifandomlover01 · 3 years
The Aid Station
Renée Lemaire x Female!Medic!Reader (Platonic, I guess…could be a bit suggestive but there’s no explicit romantic angle)
Kinda Eugene Roe x Female!Medic!Reader (um…he’s a bit angry and there’s no explicit romantic angle)
Word count: ~1.7k
Hey, @mercurygray, is this angry enough for you?
I do not own Band of Brothers, or any scenes or characters from it. All credit goes to the appropriate owners.
Key: Y/F/N = Your First Name, Y/N/N = Your Nickname (shortened version of your name or other nickname),
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You found yourself going back and forth from the aid station quite often. First to get medical supplies. Then to get help for wounded soldiers. It was exhausting. But Renée made it better. Her presence was calming. She was kind and caring. You found yourself becoming enamored with her. She was one of the very few bright spots in this Hell that you were in.
When you seemed particularly spent, she would advise you to take a break. She would sit and talk with you. She would give you chocolate.
You two got to know each other quite well. She was a native of Bastogne. When she found herself in this situation, she decided to help. You admired her for that. She said she admired you as well.
One day, you were supervising the bringing in of a couple of wounded and you also had to help tend to them. Then others came in and you provided the help that was needed in tending to them.
By the time your help seemed to not be needed, it was night. You didn’t dare risk trying to make it back in the dark. You could very easily get lost and/or shot. You would have to wait until dawn.
There was no room anywhere to sleep except on the floor.
[pardon the French in this section, I used Google Translate, but I’ve translated it into English, so just read that and know that you’re conversing in French, ok?]
“Serez-vous à l'aise?” Will you be comfortable? Renée asked you.
“Oui.” Yes.
“Vous êtes sûr?” You are sure?
“Croyez-moi, le sol est beaucoup plus confortable qu'un foxhole.” Trust me, the floor is much more comfortable than a foxhole.
She smiled at you and gave you a couple of blankets, one to put on the floor to lay on and another to cover you, and a pillow.
You slept on the floor. It was indeed more comfortable than a foxhole.
The next morning, you set out. Before you left, Renée gave you the two blankets, wrapping one around you and then handing you the other one that she had folded up. She also gave you a chocolate bar, some extra supplies she could spare, and a kiss on the cheek. You smiled at her before departing.
As you neared Easy Company’s lines, you heard the guard rustling as he heard you.
He called out a sign.
You realized you didn’t know the countersign they were using for the night.
You panicked.
You heard his weapon getting ready to fire.
He gave the sign again.
You identified myself, praying that would be sufficient.
You heard a scuffle.
“You idiot, it’s Y/F/N! Just let her through!”
“But we’re not supposed to let anyone go through that doesn’t know the countersign.”
“She’s been missing since yesterday. She wasn’t here last night to be told what the countersign was.”
“We were told to accept no excuses for not knowing or giving the countersign. We were also told to accept no alternatives.”
You heard rustling.
“Hey, what’re you doing?!”
You saw a figure with their weapon aimed at you come toward you. Another figure, also with their weapon aimed at you, tailed them.
As Babe’s face came into your view, your face came into his. John Julian’s face came into view from behind Babe.
When Babe saw you, he lowered his weapon as he sighed with relief. Julian did not.
“Julian! What’s the matter with you?” Babe forcefully lowered Julian’s weapon, “ya wanna shoot her?”
“No, I’m sorry,” Julian grumbled.
Babe approached you.
“It’s nice ta see ya, Y/N/N, where ya been?”
He led you behind the line(?).
“I got stuck at the aid station in town overnight.”
“No kiddin’. You’re alright, though, right?”
They continued to man their post as I made your way further into the lines(?).
You passed Winters’ foxhole and he jumped out.
“Hey, Y/F/N, we’ve been worried sick about you since yesterday. Where have you been?”
“I got stuck at the aid station overnight. I helped take a couple of wounded there yesterday. I stayed to help. I helped with others as well. When I was finished, it was night. I figured it wasn’t safe to try to make it back at night, so I waited until morning.”
Winters nodded, approvingly.
“Right. You made the right decision. I’m glad you’re alright.”
“Thank you, sir.”
You made your way to your foxhole.
You jumped down into it.
“Hiya, Genie.”
“Y/N/N? Where yuh been? Ahve been lookin’ for yuh since yesterday.”
“I got stuck at the aid station overnight.”
“Huh?” (Change?)
“I helped bring a couple of wounded there. I stayed to help. I also helped a few others. By the time I was finished, it was night. I didn’t think it was safe to try to make it back at night, so I waited until morning.”
“And yuh didn’t think it was wrong to be derelict in yuh duties?”
“Excuse me?”
“Yuh have a duty to this company. What if we had needed yuh when yuh were gone? Don’t yuh think yuh should’ve thought a bit more before yuh decided to stay at that aid station and then get held up?”
“Eugene Gilbert Roe, I will not be spoken to in that manner by you. You know I have nothing but the utmost admiration for this company. You know I preform my duties above and beyond what is expected of me. I help who I can when I can. That extends to people in an aid station unable to be evacuated that need help that I am available to provide.”
“Yuh can’t get stuck thinkin’ like that.”
“Like what?”
“Yuh can’t think that yuh have to help everyone. Cause you can’t realistically.”
“So I was just supposed to abandon those people?”
“There were other people there, weren’t there?”
“There were not enough people to help with the number of wounded, which increases everyday. Why do you think so many people have volunteered? They need all the help they can get. I was willing to provide needed help for a few hours.”
“Yuh first priority should always be this company.”
“It was! I was bringing our wounded there for help!”
“Yuh should’ve left when yuh had handed them off to the people there that could help them. Yuh a combat medic. Yuh help in the field. Yuh provide immediate aid to soldiers and care for them long enough to keep them alive until they can get help either at an aid station, a field hospital or be evacuated.”
“You don’t need to remind me what my duty is. I know what it is. But these are extenuating circumstances. I think I can be given a little grace.”
You decided that you had had enough of this. You got up to leave.
“Where yuh goin’?”
“Away from you!”
You wandered off away from Eugene.
Eugene sighed. He was exhausted. You were exhausted. He hadn’t meant to go off on you like that. He regretted it. Truthfully, he just missed you and was really worried about you yesterday. And he was just feeling so many emotions lately (one prominent one being anger) that he just had to let them out somehow. Unfortunately they decided to come out and at a person who definitely did not need to be blown up at. Since they were very upset and angry as well.
He got up to go after you. But you were nowhere to be found. You couldn’t have gotten that far. Where could you be? Eugene called out to you, but received nothing in reply. Panic set in him again. He began going from foxhole to foxhole asking the men if they had seen you. No one he asked had.
He eventually found you in Spina’s hole. He slid down into it next to Ralph and across from you. You wouldn’t look at him.
Still nothing. Eugene sighed. He removed his helmet and set it down beside him.
“Has she talked to yuh?” He asked Spina.
“Uh huh.”
“What’d she say?”
“She said you yelled at her and that it upset her.”
“Ah didn’t mean to!” Eugene huffed, frustrated with himself.
“Then why’d you do it?”
“Ah dunno know. Ah was angry. Not at her, really. But it came out at her.”
“Why were you angry?”
“Cause Ah didn’t ask for this, ok?! Ah…Ah didn’t ask to be a medic. Ah just answered one stupid question on one stupid test and they think that qualifies me to have other people’s lives in my hands?! No amount of training coulda prepared me for watching someone die in mah arms!”
“What’s any a that got ta do with Y/F/N?”
“None of it does! But she waddn’t here most a yesterday and all a last night. Ah was worried. Ah thought something had happened.”
Eugene look at me finally to see that I was now looking at him.
“Ah…Ah thought yuhd died. And…and Ah just couldn’t bear the thought of that, ok? All those feelings I had came out at yuh. And Ahm sorry. Ah just couldn’t bear the thought of someone Ah consider a friend dying without saying goodbye or without me bein’ there for yuh. Ah thought ‘God, what if something happened and she’s alone and scared?’. Ah hated the thought of not bein’ there for yuh if yuh needed someone. Ah thought Ahd never see yuh again.”
You maneuvered your way over and hugged Eugene.
“You have every right to be angry. I’m sorry I scared you. I didn’t mean to. It was simply too dangerous to go back at night. And…I just wanted to help people, Gene. That’s all I wanna do. Because I hate seeing people die just as much as you do. I just didn’t want anybody to die.”
You were crying at this point. Eugene and Ralph snuggled closer to you.
“I know, cherie. I know.”
“It’s gonna be ok,” Ralph added, “we’re all gonna be ok.”
You all soon fell asleep just like that, all huddled together under a blanket.
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multifandomlover01 · 3 years
Contains my writings for:
Band of Brothers
The Pacific
Criminal Minds
Band of Brothers
Joe Liebgott
I Have Always Loved You (Female Reader)
Coming Soon: Modern AU feat. PTSD & an ESA
Short, Assorted Lieb Stuff
Albert Blithe
Taking Care of Blithe (Platonic Female!Medic!Reader)
Foxhole Checks (Platonic Female!Medic!Reader)
Ron Speirs
Ok. It was me. So? (Female!Reader) (Requested)
Touch (Female!Nurse!Reader)
Johnny Martin
The Patrol (Female!Medic!Reader)
George Luz
The Darts Game (Female!Medic!Reader)
Early Mornings (Female!Reader) (not exactly requested, but inspired by)
Eugene Roe
The Scissors (Female!Reader)
The Nightmare (Female!Medic!Reader)
Ten Minutes (Female!Medic!Reader)
The Breakup (Female!Reader implied)
David Webster
Harvard’s Back (Female!Medic!Reader)
Chuck Grant
Taller S/O Headcanon (Female!Reader) (Requested) (Lime/M)
The Nurse and the Soldier (Female!German!Nurse!Reader) (Requested)
Donald Malarkey
Quality Time Headcanons (Female!Reader, I guess) (Requested)
Fun Times with the Mortar Boys and the Radioman (Malarkey, Skip, Penkala, and Luz x Reader (Platonic))
D-Day (Day of Days) (Platonic Various x Female!Medic!Reader)
Protective (Platonic Various (Liebs, Bill, Bull and Dick) x Female!Medic!Reader)
The Great Transfer Debacle (Platonic Various (Speirs, Luz, Liebs, Roe, and Nix) x Female!Medic!Reader)
They’re My Sanitary Pads, Sir (Platonic Various (Guarnere, Toye, Liebgott, Malarkey, and Winters) x Female!Medic!Reader)
The Aid Station (Platonic Renée Lemaire x Reader, Eugene Roe x Reader)
Out From Rachamps (Various x Female!Medic!Reader)
The Female Medic (Various (mostly Winters) x Female!Medic!Reader)
The Pacific
Snafu Shelton
Are My Eyes Yellow? (Female!Corpsman!Reader)
I’ll Wait For You (Female!Nurse!Reader)
Chuckler Juergens
Marine or Woman…or Both? (Female!Corpsman!Reader)
Robert Leckie
The Writers (Female!Reader)
John Basilone
Untitled (Female!Corpsman!Reader)
Eugene Sledge
Coming Soon: Mobile (Female!Corpsman!Reader)
Coming Soon: Sledge/Reader/Burgin Platonic
How the different boys from BoB and TP would react to you being insecure
Part 1 (Dick Winters, Lewis Nixon, and Eugene Roe)
Part 2 (George Luz, Joseph Liebgott, and Ron Speirs)
Part 3 (Robert Leckie, John Basilone, and Eugene Sledge)
Coming Soon: Part 4 (Carwood Lipton, Bull Randleman and Floyd Talbert)
Special Edition: Freckles and Dimples (Requested)
Freckles and Dimples pt. 2
BoB boys interrupting you in the shower
October 2022 Writing Prompts (based off of the prompt list below that I found in Tumblr)
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A Barely Coherent Christmas
The Unkillable God (WIP)
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
It Was Always You
Nightmares and Coffee
Lovesick Idiots
You Are My Sunshine
The Ditch
Baby Fever
Pretty Boy/Girl
Trick-or-Treat (18+) (MDNI)
Silence Speaks Volumes
More (18+) (MDNI)
Home (18+) (MDNI)
I Hesitate to put “Wife Guy” Here (18+) (MDNI)
The Librarian (basically PG-13) Part 2
Who Needs Statistics When I’ve Been Promised Kisses?
NSFW Thoughts
Plans (16+ I guess)
Anxiety Comfort
How Far Have I Fallen? How High Shall I Soar? (Violence Warning)
Surprise (18+) (MDNI)
Just The Tip (18+) (MDNI)
Making Do (18+) (MDNI)
Be Careful What You Wish For (18+) (MDNI)
To Drown in Your Love (18+) (MDNI)
Stress Relief (18+) (MDNI)
The BAU’s Whore (18+) (MDNI)
Dislike (no explicit smut but still community label is on because it has sexual themes) (MDNI)
Not Some Innocent Kid (18+ MDNI)
Not Technically Mine…But Still Unequivocally Mine (some canon like uncomfy suspect behavior)
Crack blurb (MDNI 18+)
Criminal Minds - Spencer Reid Screencaps
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