#renal kidney disease
megpricephotography · 28 days
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Happy 11th Birthday, Flynnie!!
Birthday boy enjoyed a run around in the buttercup field & some birthday snacks!
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spooniestrongart · 3 months
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March 9th marks the observance of World Kidney Day, a global initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the crucial function our kidneys perform in maintaining our health.
I encourage everyone to take a moment to recognize the significance of these vital organs. 🌍💙🥄 #WorldKidneyDay #SpoonieStrong
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chicago-geniza · 2 months
Great news. It is 70 degrees out realfeel in the 80s with no cloud cover so I went to the Korean grocery store then got home, vomited about a pint of bile, and briefly passed out. POTS will kill me via climate change AMA
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bpod-bpod · 10 months
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Computing Kidneys
Analysing kidney biopsies using a novel approach with unsupervised machine learning algorithms accurately classifies chronic kidney disease and predicts future kidney function
Read the published research paper here
Image from work by Joonsang Lee and colleagues
Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics and Department of Pathology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Scientific Reports, August 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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I have a headache and I wish I could take naproxen instead of useless Tylenol
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black-girls-wizdom · 2 years
Behind every dope ass woman is one hell of a story💚🪄🌻
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kims-trivandrum · 2 months
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RIRS (RETROGRADE INTRA RENAL SURGERY) is typically recommended for patients with smaller kidney stones, particularly those located in the renal pelvis and upper ureter. It is also an option for individuals who cannot undergo other stone removal procedures due to anatomical reasons or contraindications.
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fitmantrasurat · 2 months
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alifeoutloud · 3 months
I started dialysis a few months ago, after ending up in hospital with a creatinine of 15.4.
And I’m sitting here, looking at this machine that leashes me each evening, and it’s a little miracle of science that I’m alive, that I can continue to be alive, in the comforts of my own home, with a dedicated team of professionals available 24/7 to support me: I have doctors, nurses, a dietitian, a social worker, a finance/insurance coordinator…and then the transplant team is even bigger. It’s wild. Truck drivers who come into the house and stack boxes for me, even.
And in the U.S. it’s covered immediately with Medicare, by federal law. Because I’d die without it.
So it can be done. This could be how we handle diabetes. Cancers. This could extend to others, who will die without intervention.
So I am so very lucky(?) to have a terminal chronic disease that is handled like this. Don’t get me wrong, having any chronic illness is exhausting, and there are nights when I feel burdened at the thought of hooking up, but then I remind myself how damn lucky I am (for both the technology and the supports) and then I am enraged that it isn’t common sense for a government to not let its population just die from treatable things…
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drforambhuta · 3 months
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Understanding Dialysis:
Dialysis stands as a remarkable medical intervention, effectively mimicking the essential functions of the kidneys by removing waste products, excess fluid, and toxins from the bloodstream. This process is vital for maintaining the body's overall health and preventing the accumulation of harmful substances that can lead to severe complications. Broadly categorized into hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, each approach offers distinct advantages and considerations, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of patients.
Hemodialysis represents a widely utilized form of renal replacement therapy, involving the extracorporeal circulation of blood through a specialized machine known as a hemodialyzer. This sophisticated apparatus functions as an artificial kidney, facilitating the removal of waste products and excess fluid from the blood while restoring electrolyte balance. Hemodialysis sessions typically occur several times a week at designated dialysis centers, necessitating the establishment of reliable vascular access through arteriovenous fistulas, grafts, or central venous catheters.
The procedural intricacies of hemodialysis encompass a comprehensive array of considerations, including blood flow rates, dialysate composition, and ultrafiltration targets. Despite its efficacy in achieving adequate clearance of metabolic waste, hemodialysis may pose certain challenges such as the risk of hypotension, muscle cramps, and vascular access-related complications. Furthermore, adherence to a strict dietary regimen and fluid restriction is essential to optimize treatment outcomes and minimize potential adverse effects.
Peritoneal Dialysis:
In contrast to hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis harnesses the permeable nature of the peritoneal membrane lining the abdominal cavity to facilitate the exchange of solutes and fluids. This modality entails the instillation of a sterile dialysis solution into the peritoneal cavity via a surgically implanted catheter, allowing for the passive diffusion of waste products and excess fluid across the peritoneal membrane. Subsequently, the spent dialysate is drained from the abdomen, completing a cycle of peritoneal dialysis.
The versatility and convenience of peritoneal dialysis render it an attractive option for many patients, offering greater autonomy and flexibility in managing their treatment regimen. Home-based peritoneal dialysis affords individuals the opportunity to undergo therapy while maintaining their daily routines and minimizing disruptions to their lifestyle. Nevertheless, meticulous attention to infection control practices, including proper catheter care and aseptic technique during exchanges, is imperative to mitigate the risk of peritonitis and other infectious complications.
Doctors suggest undergoing a full body health checkup at regular intervals in case of dialysis patients to check the side effects associated with dialysis, its impact on the general health of the patient, and early management of the complications associated with the procedure.
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thedognutritionist · 3 months
Royal Canin Renal (Kidney) Dog Food Review - The Dog Nutritionist
Are you looking for the best kidney support food for your furry friend? Look no further than the Royal Canin Renal (Kidney) Dog Food Review by me (The Dog Nutritionist). Hi, I'm Cam Wimble, a certified Dog Nutritionist, and in this video, I dive deep into the ingredients of Royal Canin Renal Dog Food to see if it truly delivers the kidney support your dog needs.
Many dog owners rely on prescription dog food like Royal Canin Renal for kidney issues, assuming it's the best option. But is it really working? I'll uncover the truth in this review and suggest better alternatives if needed based on my experience working with dogs with kidney problems.
Let's debunk the myth of low-protein diets and explore why some kidney-support foods may not be as effective as you think. Cheap ingredients and lacking nutritional value could be harming your dog's health.
Don't settle for subpar dog food - visit www.thedognutritionist.com for more information on giving your dog the best care possible.
Treat your furry friend to the quality nutrition they deserve.
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kidneytreatment01 · 4 months
An Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, for Chronic Kidney Disease
The gradual loss of kidney function with time is the hallmark of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). The disease affects kidney function, causing it to get rid of waste products and blood fluids, which makes the body toxic. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is caused by some ailments, including hypertension, diabetes, as well as certain hereditary disorders. Renal failure may result from this underlying illness when treatment isn't received. Changes in diet, medications and lifestyle changes are essential for tackling chronic kidney diseases (CKD) to ensure kidney function and prevent further complications.
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Homeopathic Medicine for High Creatinine
Homeopathic Medicine for High Creatinine levels can be beneficial. Minerals, plants and other elements are natural remedies to reduce creatinine levels. The antidotes assist in the body's healing processes and promote excellent kidney function and recovery. The treatment plan is selected according to the patient's symptoms and overall health. Homoeopathy seeks to lower levels of creatinine and address the root causes of the increase, including renal diseases or dehydration. A certified homeopathic physician should be sought out to create an appropriate treatment plan to meet your specific requirements. Homeopathy is a viable option for natural therapies to treat higher levels of creatinine due to its holistic method of treatment.
Homeopathic Treatment for Kidney Failure
Kidney issues can be treated successfully with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy aids the organ's healing, promoting the kidney's function and helping to restore the balance of homeostasis. Homeopathic Treatment for Kidney Failure is comprised of plants, substances and minerals. To tackle the root causes of kidney disease and to improve overall well-being, professionals in homeopathic medicine tailor every patient's treatment plan according to their individual conditions and general health. Alongside treating physical signs of kidney impairment, the homeopathic approach takes a holistic approach that takes into consideration the psychological as well as emotional components of a person's overall well-being. The gentle and non-invasive method of homeopathy can be considered a safe and viable option for treating kidney problems.
Kidney Cyst Treatment
The size and extent of the cyst decide the direction of Kidney Cyst Treatment. The kidneys are filled with fluid, and can be a sign of kidney cysts. Homeopathy is a possible treatment. Homeopathy helps the body's inherent healing abilities and restores balance using natural remedies and custom treatment plans. Chemicals, minerals, and plants treat kidney cysts in homoeopathic treatment. Because homoeopathy emphasises the necessity of individualised treatment and treatment, the medicines are selected based on each patient's specific features and signs. The main objectives of homeopathy in treating kidney cysts are to alleviate the associated symptoms, including discomfort, pain, and urinary issues, as well as to develop cysts and prevent a recurrence. A consultation with a qualified homeopath is crucial for a complete diagnosis and treatment plan.
Homeopathic Medicine for Polycystic Kidney
Numerous cysts filled with fluid develop within the kidneys because of a medical condition known as polycystic kidney disorder. Many people need to be made aware of using homoeopathic remedies for treatment. Homeopathic Medicine for Polycystic Kidney disease aims to boost overall health by strengthening the body's inherent healing capacity. In general, treatments are customised based on the signs and general well-being of the person. By addressing our bodies' root causes or imbalances, holistic medicine attempts to reduce discomfort and increase kidney function slowly. You should seek out the opinions of a qualified homoeopathic physician to determine the best solution for your specific issue and to ensure that you receive the right direction.
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
hm. last time i had bloodwork my renal function was 67%, the dehydration made my blood sugar & protein & electrolyte levels all wonky, & i had ketone levels in my urine comparable to the early stages of diabetic ketoacidosis,
i'm now drinking 3 liters of mineral water a day & all it does, forgive my crassness, is make my GI symptoms about 10x worse. like a nuclear reactor melting down in my guts now that there's Liquid to burn & churn. & still we while away the hours in metabolic acidosis!!! what is your damage, body!!!
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txbanjarahills · 5 months
Beyond Numbers: Exploring the Intricate Relationship of Hypertension and Kidney Health in Kachiguda
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Briefly introduce the prevalence of hypertension and kidney disease.
Highlight the significance of understanding their interrelation.
Introduce TX Hospital, Kachiguda, as a hub for comprehensive cardiovascular and renal care.
In TX Hospitals, our expert care to personalized attention, embark on a journey to optimal well-being with top-notch medical facilities in the Lone Star State. Book an appointment. For further information or inquiries, please reach out to us at 9089489089
Section 1: The Dual Threat – Hypertension and Kidney Disease
1.1 Hypertension Unveiled:
Explain what hypertension is and its common causes.
Discuss the silent nature of hypertension and its impact on overall health.
1.2 Kidney Disease Unmasked:
Provide an overview of kidney disease, its types, and risk factors.
Emphasize the kidneys' role in regulating blood pressure.
Section 2: The Interplay Between Hypertension and Kidney Health
2.1 How Hypertension Affects the Kidneys:
Explore the mechanisms by which high blood pressure damages the kidneys.
Discuss the concept of hypertensive nephropathy.
2.2 Kidney Disease’s Influence on Blood Pressure:
Explain how kidney disease can contribute to elevated blood pressure.
Discuss the concept of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) involvement.
Section 3: TX Hospital’s Comprehensive Approach
3.1 Cardiovascular and Renal Expertise at TX Hospital, Kachiguda:
Highlight the hospital's specialization in cardiovascular and renal care.
Introduce key healthcare professionals involved in managing hypertension and kidney disease.
3.2 Diagnostic and Treatment Modalities:
Discuss the state-of-the-art diagnostic tools used at TX Hospital for identifying hypertension and kidney issues.
Outline the various treatment options available, including lifestyle changes and medications.
Section 4: Patient Success Stories
4.1 Real Stories of Triumph:
Share anecdotes or case studies of patients at TX Hospital, Kachiguda, who successfully managed hypertension and kidney disease.
Summarize the critical points discussed.
Encourage readers to seek regular check-ups and early intervention for hypertension and kidney health.
Provide contact information or links for scheduling appointments at TX Hospital, Kachiguda.
TX Hospitals is one of the best hospitals in Kachiguda, Uppal, and Banjara hills with the largest healthcare facility and the best team of doctors and specialist surgeons to help patients recover fast from health ailments.
Book an Appointment with the Best Doctors in Hyderabad.
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alfakidneycare · 6 months
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black-girls-wizdom · 2 years
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Shoutout to my GOD-mama for my cup! It’s most definitely a coffee ☕️ kind of day.
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