#rename pending
kettouryuujin · 2 years
Pokerus AU: Horror-Lite Version
I have more-or-less fallen in love with @monsoon-of-art’s Pokerus AU, with one exception... The mass feralization. I do enjoy that it’s eventually reversed, but I admit all that darkness? Not quite my cuppa tea. The part before that, where everyone’s fully changed physically but more-or-less unaffected mentally, is my favorite... And then I realized that the Frenzy, in PLA canon, isn’t crazy-widespread as it was in the Pokerus AU. And I could work with that. Thus, the Horror-Lite Version (name tentative) was born!
The core idea of it is, like the normal Pokerus AU, the distortions have an effect on humans, changing them into Pokemon. But unlike the Pokerus AU, it still sends Pokemon into a frenzy. The Noble Pokemon still have to be calmed with Balms and battles, but so do their Wardens. ...what, did you think I was going to remove the Feral angle entirely? Heck no - if the distortion can drive any Alpha and Noble mad, I see no reason why it can’t do the same to a fully transformed human (or heck, even a normal Pokemon that’s particularly unlucky). Outside of that, it’d more-or-less follow the general plot of PLA, with the exception of the Ride Pokemon also being vulnerable to Frenzying. The final part of the main story - from the player’s exile to the credits - is also up for change, since the situation could be VASTLY different (also, Kamado is being a jerk. A logical jerk, but still a jerk). As for why the portals have an effect on both species? Well, that’s admittedly in the works, but my operating theory is that at least SOME of them don’t connect to the “present” Pokémon world. Instead, they connect to the PMD world - a world where humans don’t really exist. I’d say they all connect to the PMD world, but we have to account for Ingo somehow. I’m not sure about reversion after the final battle - while any remaining instances of Frenzy/Feral would be cleared, I’m not sure about turning everyone human again... thinking not though? Yes I’m a weird one. And who knows, maybe some revert but not EVERYONE. It’s up in the air!
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cluepoke-archive · 5 months
if anyone wants to follow me on my newer blog since I've moved accounts it's @foursidecity!
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soaricarus · 7 months
hmgn i dont know which of the canons to write down lore for next... hard to choose...
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t3r4t0m4 · 3 months
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Remember when I said I was turning Sam Spruell into an OC? Yeah...
For the past two years I've completely neglected one of my old story/worlds that was mainly about vampires and vampire coven/family drama because after rereading the like..nearly 200 pages I wrote about it and the world building in the end I thought it was too cliche and tropey. But, given some time to recover from the world shattering hard blow of disappointment in my own work, I've decided to pick it back up and completely rewrite it. Starting with the morally grey, ulterior motivated, secondary protagonist. In my original story he was the not-what-he-seems mentor figure to the mc, but I got too attached to him and started directing my focus towards him and his familiar (whom I will redesign and draw next) essentially turning them into the main characters. So after a year of deliberation I have decided to do exactly that!
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yuridovewing · 5 months
i'm in sort of a bind rn where i'm in a reading mood and i'm taking advantage of it by reading some lower maintenance things... but i feel like i shouldn't read wc cause i'm in one of the best moods i've been in in a while where i'm very productive and kinda awake and optimistic and i just knowwwww erin hunter is gonna snipe that out of me if i crack that book open. might start crookedstar's promise instead tbh cause ive been meaning to reread it
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enkindlephoenix · 10 months
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oh yeah, while i'm active today, guess who got some scars.
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brawlstars-dragon-au · 7 months
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Tiny lil pocky day sketches of Sholt 💜❤️
Ft. My fankid Shea as a dragon as well! (Name is pending - might rename her but for now Shea works ᕕ( ᐛ ) ᕗ)
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corruptimles · 4 months
Im honestly so obsessed w/ mr. Seira i would love to know more about him
Yeee I'm really happy to hear that. He was one of my favourite OCs as a kid. I found his references from 10 and 6 years ago to compare:
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As said before, Seira is a teacher at an academy (rename pending) that teaches students how to control their powers and blend into society, or join the secret forces meant to fight Malum
He's supposed to teach history/social studies, but he has focused more on training/combat
Seira is a Nox, aka a shadow user*, but he always spars students empty-handed so most students don't know that (the other teachers know)
He's been caught sleeping under his desk enough that there's rumour that he lives in the school
Seira has met all of the main cast at least once before they enrolled
He likes sandwiches, based on a meme I redrew
Seira’s birthday is on April 1st
*shadow =/= Malum Malum are made of the same element but move independently as opposed to shadows created and manipulated by a Nox
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But on that note, spoiler, but Seira is also actually partially Malum. One of many subjects from an organization that was experimenting with Malum. He escaped about 10 years ago.
As Nox are not common to encounter anymore, most of the school staff are unaware that Seira's symptoms are not effects of his element. Only the principal and nurse knows what he is
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thenixkat · 5 months
This is a poll. The options are my various original settings in this order:
Drako Frajo
Rainbowslick Nightmare
Grave Gold (pending a rename)
Prince of Gold
Haint Blu
Drako Frajo- scifi transforming superhero setting where the heroes powers come from the alien dragon bioweapons they've bonded with. It's set in a post-postapocalyptic world, primarily in one city on the upper east coast of what used to be the USA. Super intelligent pigeons run human society. The antagonists are alien dragons sending giant monsters to test humanity.
Ranbowslick Nightmare- a scifi horror/urban fantasy setting where a group of friends try to survive an alien invasion and later being hunted by the government for having powers. Set in an alternate universe where more than two decades beforehand a mad scientist released a supernatural virus and made a giant blue eye envelop the Blue Ridge mountains.
Grave Gold- (series pending major rehaul) Western Fantasy setting but like built on USAmerican folktales, Big Men stories, AA folklore/ghost stories and magic, Fearsome Critters, and USAmerican witchcraft traditions. Features a witchling going on a quest to rescue their brother from a wifwolf.
Prince of Gold- scifi/Western Fantasy setting following a centaur escaping from a bad marriage through capturing a dragon to pay back his dorwey to his family. He's aided by his best friend who is a wererav, his pet wyvern, and a cranky halfling.
Haint Blu- a scifi/Urban Fantasy setting featuring an amnesiac zombie magicly bonded to the ghost that raised them from the dead after they got murdered by another zombie and thrust into the world of competitive ghost fighting.
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archer-world · 8 months
redesign for pyromaniac xiao!
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redux au:
ribbon dancer that had gained the ability to summon and control fire
nicknamed such because of her penchant to set things on fire for fun
dabbles in pyrotechnics and can perform all tricks involving open flame
prefers pants/leggings
revamped au:
still short
fire spirit who can not only control fire, but can raise temps up to 10,000Kelvin (blue star)
still joyous and easygoing, but more careful about her flames to not burn her friends
can form hands and feet but by default is covered in flames
best friends with [candy tanuki, name + rename and redesign pending]
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scp-torment · 1 year
(Minor unreality warning, both for this post and this entire blog. Posts containing unreality will be tagging accordingly. Reminder that the SCP Foundation is not and has never been real, and all things covered on this blog are fictional.)
SCP Tournament
Welcome, agents, anomalies, civilians who's locations we are rapidly approaching on, and everything in between, to the SCP tournament! Where we will be competiting to see what scp the community decides is The Best. Sponsored directly by The Foundation and not at all a waste of funding.
"But wait, what does Best mean?" That is entirely up to you! It can be the one you think is best written, or most compelling. It could be most iconic, or the one that's just really fucking cool. It's entirely up to you.
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Status: Tales focused mini bracket is over!
Full list of competitors and their links currently pending.
I'll be doing my best to read every article submitted, and all that make it into the final tournament will come with links to their pages. I encourage all people voting to go ahead and read them! There might be some hidden gems in there.
"But wait, what is an SCP?" (Newcomers can also start by simply going through the main site that this all originates from.)
"You've got a warning for unreality in your pinned post, should I be worried about that?" TLDR; it's infrequent and will be tagged accordingly.
"There's so many competitors here, where can I find their stories?" They're all listed right here! But that's just the contestants from the first tournament. The second tournament list is still pending.
"I submitted an SCP, and now I wanna know how popular they were, and your previous link didn't have vote totals." A list of all SCPs from the first tournament that were submitted more than once can be found here.
"Hey, a lot of the SCPs you're using don't have pictures, so what's up with that icon you're using for a lot of them?" That's the Anomaly Classification System (ACS). It's a tool to help enhance the already existing classification system, adding pictures and colors to each classification, as well as a danger and distribution class. It's used in a lot of the newer SCP files, so you've probably already seen it around! A lot of the SCPs didn't have pictures and I didn't want to use fanart without permission, so I scanned through their article and made them an ACS icon by what I felt was closest.
"Can I be rude to people?" Absolutely not. Playful joking is one thing, but I've seen too many tournament blogs have some nasty drama when people's fav have lost. I don't want that energy here, so please be kind to all, regardless of who they're supporting.
"One of your links isn't working! It says there's no post here :(" Sorry about that! I renamed the blog some months ago and it through off all the international navigation links since they don't auto update. I think I've fixed them all now, but if you find one that doesn't work please just send me an ask and I'll fix it!
"Do you allow propaganda?" Of course! Propaganda is not only accepted but encouraged. Go all out. Use memenics.
I believe that's all for now. If you've gotten to the end of this then congrats on surviving so long at the foundation. And if you're not an agent and you're reading this- Good luck with all that comes with the knowledge of these creatures. Happy voting!
Various blogs I was inspired by (for reach and appreciation of your own tournaments): @dead-character-showdown @fictional-disease-fight @mad-scientist-showdown @autismswagsummit @transgenderswagcompetition @pluralswagbracket @archivistsandlibrarians, and @mysterycharactercontest.
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hawktalonflame · 14 days
Assorted impressions of Monster Sanctuary Nuzlocking so far:
I’m doing Hero Mode (one monster per area, handled for you by giving you a random egg) and Permadeath, as well as Relics of Chaos (find rare- but not overpowered - equipment).
I’ve just fought the alchemist in the Sun Palace; my playthrough is still in progress. At this point I’ve obtained 10 monsters with 2 deaths. Current team is Spectral Lion (Leah), dark Dracozul (Weyr), Frosty (Lumos), Asura (rename pending), Amberlnga (Dewy) and Koi (Kori).
Team related
You start with a spectral familiar and 2 other random monsters
Comic/art-wise, fights move more quickly than Pokemon battles (meaning a lot more happens in a turn, it can still be a marathon at times), but the team each playing vital roles in battle and supporting each other is a good character focus. I like the shielders! such lifesavers
The eggs can hatch into DLC monsters, champions and evolved species– I hatched my G’rulu and Dracozul already evolved. You also don't need to have encountered a monster or be anywhere near its route to get its egg. Abilities seem to work immediately, too, unlike New Game+.
You still get given a free Koi egg! this is not random or area-based as it's necessary for progression.
When a monster dies, its equipment goes back into your inventory.
You can still use dead monsters’ travel abilities, so you can't get stuck. They just look normal in-game but imagine riding a ghostly mount...
What happens if your spectral familiar dies? they have speaking lines!
Losing a monster feels unsettling as it can leave a hole in your team. For example, I just lost my G'rulu healer/restorer (RIP Zoidberg) and I have two monsters in reserve capable of healing but... my team was set up to work together with his passives and multi-debuffs....
According to my spectral familiar: 'The level of enemy monsters is directly based on the number of rooms you have entered that have Monster encounters inside of them'. If I understand correctly, skipping wild fights eventually makes your level fall behind, while fighting everything new puts you maybe a little ahead.
Also: oh hmm I just found the difficulty option in Settings haha... I'm doing Normal. Looks like you get to change that after you start playing rather than when you're setting the mode.
You have your first keeper ('trainer') battle with up to 5 monsters vs Will's 6.
Keeper battles are few but much more serious than wild battles, which become pretty routine once you’ve got a good team going. It’s easy to think you’re ready for a keeper battle but then you lose a monster (painfully aware of a couple moments where I could’ve lost two or three in one turn, if I hadn’t remembered oh yeah, MASS HEALING ITEMS) (I wonder how likely it is to end up with less than 3 monsters... that sounds like a game over scenario)
You can trade a set of rare items for an extra monster; it seems like a late game option. I just got one of those items and used it immediately to power up my Dracozul instead! so.... priorities...
According to the new game/mode screen, if all your monsters die, the save file unlocks all your monsters and permadeath is turned off. that's kinda nice for people who want that
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The forever popular smartphone game is being removed entirely from Google Play – while the iOS release is being renamed to “Red’s First Flight” and will remain available.
Both changes are being made because players keep buying the original for a dollar instead of its many sequels, which even though they are free-to-play they are riddled with microtransactions.
Rovio noted the games are being pulled because of their “impact” on the developer’s “wider games portfolio”, which is a very polite way of saying people keep buying the game over its many sequels and spinoffs.
“We have reviewed the business case of Rovio Classics: Angry Birds, and due to the game’s impact on our wider games portfolio, we have decided that Rovio Classics: Angry Birds will be unlisted from the Google Play Store on Thursday, February 23,” Rovio said in an update. “Additionally, the game will be renamed to Red’s First Flight in the App Store pending further review. Rovio Classics: Angry Birds will remain playable on devices on which the game has been downloaded, even after it has been unlisted.
"Why aren't people buying our new games?"
"Because the old one is better and not filled with microtransactions?"
"Oh. I guess you're right."
"So, should we pull the microtransactions and make our newer games more like--"
"Of course not! Take our most popular game off the market! That's the lesson we should be learning from this!"
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cookierunauprompts · 4 months
hi, firstly I wanna say I enjoy your writings immensely always happy to see them. And secondly I saw you have your own ancient beast cookie and I enjoy them as well, they’re very cute. So I wanna show and explain my own ancient beast oc / self insert sona that I came up with at 5 in the morning. Hope you enjoy ! (Note: I copied the text from a previous tumblr post of mine sorry for any spelling errors, also art at the end)
So recently in cookie run kingdom 5 new cookies were revealed, the original ancients that originally had the soul jams before they went fucking crazy, renamed as beasts, and sealed away… but what if their was a 6th. This idea is being explored by multiple different accounts, so I’ve decided to throw my hat into the ring.
So I shall now introduce Arcane Egg Cookie, name still pending! But imagine they have the trait of either defiance or justice which then slowly turns into hopelessness, Arcane Egg was not sealed away instead they were elsewhere dealing with some other thing or issue. Still haven’t figured that out though. They were aware / suspicious of the other beasts behaviors but every time they tried to prove at their friends she got nothing in return and eventually, dropped the subject in entirely… this is a mistake they regret to this day.
When they return their informed of their friends fates and their decent into hopelessness and despair truly begins, they were slowly and slightly degrading before but now it’s starting to snowball. After the damage caused by the beasts Arcane Egg tries the best to help the cookies of beast yeast they are met with harsh knock back considering what has happened and they accept the cookies don’t want their or to ever really see their face again. And so they leave and become a traveler. 
I imagine some time passes and they end up giving up their soul jam in order to seal some sort of evil inside of it, again idk what evil. Even without their soul jam they’re still pretty strong, but the world doesn’t want Arcane Egg cookie so as the years pass they take on different identities. In the dark flour war she was a powerful sorcerer known as “lemon curd” cookie. And now she helps gingerbrave and friends as “egg tart” cookie. And so as the resident adult tm, they go with them to beast not expecting to see their old friends again.if they even recognize them that is, they’re not the cookie they were before.
That’s all I have for now hope you enjoyed.
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!!! Woah! They look super cool! And I love their lore as well!/verypos !!
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twotangledsisters · 2 months
Those stories you said you were going to write, do you have a date?
Umm... not really I'm afraid XD
I have a lot of WIPs and I kinda just jump between them depending on what I feel like writing. Recently I've written a chapter of the Disciplines Prequel, a few AUs, some work on a one-shot with little Cass...
I'm a bit all over the place with writing which is why I opt to start publishing after a fic is completely written!
For example 'Always By Your Side' I wrote half of it in a few days, left it on standby for a few months and then wrote the entire rest of it in another few days XD
The fics I expect to be coming out the soonest are:
-Hair-Cut (only has like one chapter left to write). Where Cass cuts Rapunzel's hair in the tower and the two are forced to leave on their own to find help.
-The Thieves Who Stole My Heart (It was done.... but I'm going to be HEAVILY editing it because of how long has passed... maybe even adding in some stuff XD)
-Market Day (just got to figure out the ending) an AU where Cass recognises her Mother at the market and tells her new Papa.
-Chance to Raise Them (Again... gotta figure out how to make the ending feel like an ending). Au where Arianna and Frederic raise Cass and Raps, while Cap raises Eugene and Lance. Mostly just kid shenanigans and I love them.
Fics that I might start publishing despite not being complete (but like publishing them in arcs so it's like if you get short self-contained plotlines):
-The Prince and the Adventurer. Arianna and Frederic's past.
-The Three Disciples (to be renamed), I've written quite a lot but out of order but the five first chapters introducing all of the main characters is done and I like :D
-The Making of a Thief: Eugene, Lance and Caine's past.
Fics that are started but not close to release:
-Caine the Handmaiden: Caine has a long and complicated plan starting with becoming the new princess' handmaiden.
-Mirror, Mirror, What You Took From Me: Cass destroys the mirror when her mirror self tries to drag her in leaving Eugene trapped in that parallel universe.
Even Queens' can Get Sick
Silent Screams and Loud Memories
Vardaro's New Fossil exhibit
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Many names pending change.... I feel like that's obvious XD
That was long, I'm sorry.... I know it's a lot of WIPs, trust me I go through them I just go through them very randomly depending on where my inspirations wanders :D
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the-unholy-sovereign · 4 months
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[(Ancient)] PHARAOHS I.EGYPTIAN: Island (islands) I.Madagasy 'unnamed' [Orient] PIGMY; Pigmy "pigmy, pigmy" (Pigmies) Congolese I.Continent. .
(Africa) Henceforth presented by an hierarchial tribal-rule besides the Pigmies, as for which has been unrivalled and unbound to even the "Pharaohs of Egypt" whom wanted to become "Gods"  invoked onto I.Nubian-Divinity "VIRILITY" (Infertility). This ancestral deity is revered as  I.Virile-God & Nubian Gods (Demon). Evidently pertaining to the ancestral figure of virility that is declared at fault, although inadvertently for feminine infertility within women to be used as a spiritual-host in most "African" tribes. Mainly being culturally to blame for  "Infertile" females that descend from tribal-backgrounds or lineage, as for which are without an "Uterus/Ovarian" II.Barren (barren). Those women in particular are deemed incapable to become birth surrogates.
   Thus are not inclined to be suitable birth-suitors by royal review. Although having no menstrual cycle and/or I.menstrual-period that is not lengthened to flow periodically. An singular moment that concludes  unexpectedly as  being contrary to pending. Thereof an medical condition that has been examined by modern medicine, as the discarding of one (Ovary). In forbearance; these females that are born physically inapt reproductively do have an uterus, but with no ovarian/ovaries (Surrogates) "I.Barren" is basically capable for surrogacy/paternal-birth (Pregnancy).
RAMSES THE GREAT: Pharaoh I.Pharaoh (the first) I.Slave-king of Egypt (II Ramses).
   In adherence, surrogate fertilization was first introduced hereby "Ancient-Egyptian" decree for  "Virile" godliness (I.Nubian) to become benevolent. The "Pharaohs of Egypt" devout royal-declaration of benevolence impart emphasized ovarian (ovary) by cohesively implementing the physical availability of the female uterus. Even though problematic for some infertile surrogates; undoubtedly they must be reproductively able to sustain life within the womb, and confirmed as acceptable to participate. Henceforward without the use of the female hymen to ascertain, as an additional method for infertile/fertile "Surrogates" to reobtain is unnecessary. Thereby procreative default (hymen) lacking sexual reproductive attributes to conceive an baby.
   (II.Ramses) Coherently involving the intransigent use of power domineered by Pharaoh to mitigate "Queen" Nefertiti of Egypt, and continuing to move forward reproductively with no issue. Thus monitoring  the female-reproduction process for readiness, as it pertains to the periodically phased biological-cycle's disengagement without being spiritual offensive through cultivated beliefs. Nevertheless, not negating the coercion thereof acquiring a undisposed ovary (Ovaries). Furthermore gathered to be used effectively as contribution for an endeavor of (I.Benevolent) godly transcendence. Implored with supplying an sufficient amount of ovaries. Henceforth given the granted acumen approval to be receive.
   However allowing implementation on other women, therefore provided with the necessary physical capabilities (Uterus) for reproduction intended to become impregnated. Apparently based on further analysis of barren-surrogates concludes after pregnancy they're most likely to give birth to an (Son) male infant, hence reassuring the first-born will always be a boy.
☠.GORILLA-I I-GUERRILLA.☠ [{]¤| Hail Satan |¤[}] 💀 Shivah "Shiva" (Egyptians) I.EGYPTIAN: Fertility.I (God) "NEFERTITI" Nefertiti I.fertile (Ovaries). Henceforth receive/renamed, Ethiopian-tribute I.Gold "UnK" (Ankh).
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