#rene owari no seraph
ha1taniwh0re · 2 years
Welcome to Owari no Seraph masterlist^
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Would you like to be human or vampire? It’s your choice here chose 🩸or💧
~ ^Backstabbers^
~ ^Ferid, Madara, Sebastian and William in one room^
~ ^World vs the smartest characters from my masterlist^
If you know other characters feel free to request them, only if they are in anime. Not manga reader<3
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nightshadelinnette · 2 months
I'm feeling particularly weird today so here's another scenario quiz:
You're standing in the hallway of a train, choose a room to spend a whole train journey in
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What on earth do you want to discuss with these people?!😭 Stay atleast 13527 kms away from humanity thank you
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Lacus would try to talk to you to reduce the awkwardness in the room, Mika ofc silently looks out of the window. René would either add his comments to Lacus's yapping or sleep
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Welcome to Shinya's private tea party, I don't have to elaborate any further. Yuu and Guren are most likely to have an insult battle with each other, it's up to you to take one side or just peacefully sip tea with Shinya💀👍
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Krul and Ferid constantly bickering, Crowley would talk to you or suggest playing cards (Bad move💀) both of em would accuse each other of cheating in the game and start another round of bickering🗿
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Good choice if you like socialising, it's the most fun room in my opinion, you can play many games with them and tell each other stories
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Urd will leave you on your own, Ky's not interested in humans so he wouldn't care and continue talking to Lest, Little tyrant would be talking to Ky about how he's planning to overthrow Krul and conquer Japan. Don't even jokingly try ask him silly questions, he'd be so pissed off and Urd would have to stop him from rebuking you💀
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urdgealesisbaby · 8 months
Hi! I read the s/o with high sex drive fic and I really liked it, could you do the same with Lacus, René and Ferid? Thanks!
Hello! Sure thing,glad you liked those,now I hope you'll like these too!
Lacus Welt,René Simm and Ferid Bathory with a s/o who has a high sex drive
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Lacus Welt
-Welpp I like to think that Lacus has a very high sex drive despite being a vampire.
-Like of course he is a vampire and you know vampires don't need sex nor they desire it but with him it's different
-I think the fact that he has a s/o who has a high sex drive may be something that turns him on and he'll gladly appreciate your gestures for turning him on
-he likes it.He will be fucking you anywhere honestly.From the table,to the counter,to anywhere
-in the elevator,on missons
-he likes everything about you and the fact that you also have a high sex drive adds you bonus points
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René Simm
-despite being Lacu's friend,René Simm is not really the opposite but he certainly doesn't have a high sex drive
-like he would pleasure you because it's you,his s/o
-he doesn't masturbate or any of those things when he's alone,so he wouldn't really understand why you do that,but he doesn't have a problem with it
-he would help you masturbate or help you get off in other ways,it's just that sex isn't something thaaat important to him
-when he is with you though he would make sure the fact that you're comfortable and he'll take care of your needs
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Ferid Bathory
-you know what I'm gonna say,right? HUGE TEASE MF
-he has a high sex drive himself,but the feeling of him teasing you is more than enough for him to get off
-so really,expect for him to turn you on at any moment and then watch you beg for his cock or squirm for him to make you pleasure.
-he is a man that really eats you out well.Like....almost too well.
-but of course he is a tease about it,like he wouldn't give you that much of a pleasure without teasing you first,right?
-deeply down he cares of how you feel during sexy times,but he'll play it off like you're the only one that wants the pleasure
-he is needy too,but he won't show it,unless you put up a 'fight' for dominance or something
Thank you for the request!
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karinaesque · 27 days
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Kagami must really have an obsession with killing off characters who had more potential or just making them vanish.
He even said somewhere that he might write about how Rene and Lacus met yet he never did and they also vanished 😭😭
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bigbrainbiology · 8 months
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Justice for my girls 😭 💔
Ref :'( ->
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heeyimash · 5 months
My current seraph of the end shelf ;)
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Seraph of the End x reader… and playing with their ears/fangs!
I can’t be the only weirdo on here obsessed with pointy ears and vampire fangs, can i? There really isn’t enough content acknowledging how attractive pointy ears and fangs are (unless it involves biting!).  But maybe that’s just me. Sorry for the long-ass post, but i added some mini one-shots into the mix this time! And, holy SHIT i did NOT expect to discover a talent for writing suggestive xReader oneshots.
Tw: some rather ✨suggestive✨ Content. 16+
Hoo boy, i love being lazy and nabbing images off pinterest and google-
Ferid Bathory
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🤍♦️This bastard loves it when you play with his ears. They’re surprisingly sensitive; Just a little bit of rubbing is enough to make him a blushing mess! He’s gonna make some pretty sus noises, too. Are you really all that surprised?
🤍♦️ “Little lamb, just what do you think you’re doing?” He asks, as you reach for one of his long, pointed ears.
“I just want to touch your ears,” You chirp happily, unfazed by his sharp and curious stare.
“now what made you want to do tha~ aht~? ah~!” He sighs as you gently fondle his ear.
You freeze, not sure what to make of his reaction. Is he pretending, perhaps? Could this be a playful act? The blush creeping up his regal cheeks certainly seems genuine enough.
Ferid clears his throat. “Please… please continue,” he says in a shaky tone.
You carefully continue to rub his ear. The vampire noble seems to enjoy this attention immensely. 
“ahh~ mmm, yes~ that feels nice~” he chuckles, and pulls you closer. His thin, crafty arms snake their way around your waist as he begins to pepper your face with soft kisses. Your free hand reaches up to play with his other ear. His melodious sighs get louder. The sly noble kisses his way down your jawline, to your soft, warm neck. The feeling of his cold lips on your sensitive neck draws a gentle moan from you.  “Ah~ M- master Ferid~” you whine. As you rub his pointed ears a bit harder, you hear the familiar sound of his low, seductive purr. You know exactly what you’re in for, and there’s no escaping your fate now.
🤍♦️aaaaaaanyway… If you decide to stick your fingers in his mouth to fondle his fangs, he’s going to bite you. That’s just how he rolls. Why would you put your hand anywhere near his mouth if you didn’t want to be bitten? Aside from that, he also really enjoys having his fangs rubbed. They’re incredibly sensitive, hence why biting people feels so good. Get ready for more suggestive noises on his part, it just feels so good!
Lacus Welt
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💜✨ Lots of protesting, until you actually manage to get ahold of his ear. Then he’s gonna melt into your touch like a little vampire puddle. Lacus is all about the pleasure, so it makes sense that he’d love to have you fondling his ears.
💜✨ “Cut it out!” He protests.
“Oh come on,” you sulk, “I just want to touch your ears! They’re so cool!”
“But WHY?” He demands. “What is so special about my ears that makes you feel the need to touch them?”
“I dunno. They’re just neat and I wanna touch them!” Successfully breaking past his defenses, you grab hold of his ear. It’s soft, and cold to the touch, just like the rest of him.
“Damn it, aren’t you supposed to listen to whatever I say?” He begins, “You insolent little-”
His speech falters as you begin to rub his ear between two of your fingers. Lacus freezes, and his eyes go wide. The purple-haired vampire hasn’t needed to breathe in several centuries, but he finds himself panting as his face flushes with this wonderful new feeling. He leans into your touch, wanting more.
“I thought you didn’t want me to touch your ears~?” You tease him.
“Shut up and keep going,” he commands.  You happily oblige him. Within minutes, his head is on your lap. Whenever he isn’t moaning in delight, he’s purring loudly. He keeps a firm grip on your thigh the entire time. It’s quite clear to you that he enjoys what you’re doing.
Your brain graces you with what you think is an excellent idea. You gently guide his head up so his chin is resting on your shoulder. Hearing his delightful moans as such close proximity is really starting to turn you on.
“Wha~ what are you doing~?” He asks.
A loud groan escapes his lips as you nibble on his ear. You run your tongue along the top edge, and he grabs onto your shoulders with a shaky death grip. He’s leaning close, so close to you, as if he’s trying to fuse your bodies. His shaky panting and frenzied moaning have you feeling rather ‘hot and bothered’, so to speak.
💜✨ Very confused if you try to stick your fingers in his mouth, and will probably bite you. Once you start touching those sensitive fangs, however, he’s addicted. He’ll randomly grab your hand and start nibbling on your fingers to get you to rub them.
Rene Simm
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🖤♦️ One of the least dramatic reactions out there. He’ll look at you with a “what the fuck are you doing?” expression. Once you start fondling his ears, the only sign that he likes it is the blush on his face and his low purring. He might close his eyes and sigh, if he’s in a particularly relaxed mood.
🖤♦️ “What the hell do you think you’re doing, livestock?” The emo vampire gives you a tired, questioning look.
“I just want to touch your ears,” you explain.
“Why?” He asks.
You shrug. “They’re just pretty.”
He gives an amused snort. His ears, pretty? Why his ears, of all things? He’ll never understand humans and their weird interests.
You gently rub his ear, and he lets out a surprised grunt. What is this strange warmth fluttering in his stomach? It feels so nice…
You chuckle as you hear him start to purr. He looks away from you, staring off into the distance, and his face flushes bright red.  “such a tsundere,” you chide him. “Why can you never just admit that you like my attention? Your purring is a dead giveaway.”
“Shut it, livestock.” He growls.
You move closer, turning his head towards you so that you can reach his other ear. His tired eyes seem to stare directly into your soul, but that adorable blush and his non-stop purring offset his intimidating aura. Not that you were ever really intimidated by him. To you, he was just your cute little emo vampire.
Rene closes his eyes; a slight sigh escapes his lips, barely more than a light exhale. But coming from Rene, this kind of expression was like a loud cry of pleasure.
“Just admit that it feels good,” you say smugly.
“Never.” The word comes out airily, almost a sigh in itself. The dark-haired vampire is in absolute ecstasy, but no casual observer would ever be able to tell just from looking at him. Only you, who seated yourself close enough to hear his quiet sighs and deep purring, could tell how much he was enjoying himself.
🖤♦️ If you decide to try touching his fangs, he’ll simply give you the most tired, done-with-your-shit look you’ve ever received. His expression will soften as you proceed to toy with his highly sensitive fangs. Oh, and he’ll purr for you. Cute, huh?
Urd Geales
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💡He’s startled, for sure. I mean, you just reached up and started molesting his ears! And it felt good! He struggles to keep his composure, but he struggles in vain. Your soft fingers feel so good on his sensitive ears! Better not try it in public, though. If anyone else is around, he’ll promptly smack your hand away. He has a reputation to maintain, after all.
💡 “Aahhh~ very nice, (y/n).” The second progenitor’s relaxed purrs fill the room as you massage his tense shoulders. His scarlet eyes are closed, and a small smile resides on his calm, picture-perfect face. 
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, darling.” You smile.  As you watch him sigh and roll his shoulders to your touch, you find yourself staring at his long, pointed ears. You feel a sudden temptation, and reach to grab them.
“What are you- Ohhh~!” Urd groans as he feels your fingers set to work on his ears. He hadn’t even realized how sensitive they were. How could something so simple feel so lovely?
“Does that feel good?” You chuckle. His rich, gentle purring returns tenfold as he leans back into your touch.
“ahhhh~” he sighs, “yes~ very much so~” 
A sweet blush decorates his gorgeous, tan cheeks as he sighs your name. Such a soft sigh; barely more than a whisper, but easily heard in the quiet and secluded bedroom you two were currently sharing. When it’s just the two of you, it’s strikingly easy to get Mr. haughty-rules-lawyer to melt like putty in your hands.
His cold, elegant body is leaning against your figure; his head resting against your chest. As you rub those pretty, pointed ears of his harder and harder, his breathing becomes more erratic. His moans increase in volume and frequency.
“a- ahh~! Oh, (y- y/n)~ aah~!” He pants heavily. “Ohhhhhh~!”
He opens his eyes and looks up at you. Such a wonderful expression! His mouth slightly agape, revealing his sharp, white fangs. His intelligent ruby-red eyes trained on you, slit pupils dilated to their fullest extent. Every inch of his face shows how much he enjoys what you’re doing.
You can’t help but smile at him. “you look exquisite like this, my darling~” 
💡As for his fangs… He is SO confused as to why in the world you’re trying to stick your fingers in his mouth. He’s not gonna bite you, just sit there and look at you like: “what in the world are you doing?” Like all the others, his fangs are so fricking sensitive. He will melt into your arms like mercury at room temperature.
Ky Luc
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🔹🤎Will absolutely let you touch his ears. He’s down to try pretty much anything! His curiosity knows no bounds. Once he finds out it feels good, he’ll definitely want you to play with his ears more often. He loves it when you giggle and coo over him while you do it.
🔹🤎 “You want to touch my ears?”  Ky Luc peers at you curiously.  You nod.
“A strange request,” he hums, “but easily granted.”
The fifth progenitor leans his face close to yours; his intelligent crimson eyes have a playful sparkle to them. He’s interested as to why you want to give attention to his ears, of all things. Surely there are more interesting parts of his body to touch, right? Humans are such curious creatures!
You reach up to fondle his sharply pointed ears. They’re cold, like the rest of his body, but oh so soft! You amuse yourself by playing with them a bit more: tugging on them, rubbing their pointed tips, gently running your thumb along their edges. 
You giggle as your vampire darling begins purring loudly, and nuzzling into one of your hands. His eyes close, and he sighs contentedly.
“You know, they say curiosity killed the cat. but…” Ky moans in delight, “Aah~! It seems to only lead to good things for me!”
“The full saying is ‘curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back,’” you explain.
“Mmmm~ but still,” he purrs, “In my case, curiosity never killed the cat in the first place!”
“Don’t worry,” you chuckle, “I’m sure one of these days you’ll pay for sticking your hand into random boxes.”
An idea strikes you, and you decide to entertain it. You gently pull the loudly purring vampire closer, and start nibbling the tip of his ear. You hear a sharp gasp, followed by a long, drawn-out groan. “Ohhhhh~! That feels good~!” He exclaims, “Mmmmmm~ Wonderful~!”
“Would you like me to keep going~?” You murmur into his ear.
“Aah~! Yes please~!” He sighs.
🔹🤎 He’ll let you touch his fangs. He’ll be a little weirded out as to why you want to stick your fingers in his mouth, but his curiosity will get the better of him. It’s a little strange, but at least it feels good!
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thedivineflowers · 2 years
Ferid kidnapped Yuichiro's squad and has them hostage
Lacus: So, do we like...
Crowley: ah don't worry about it. They'll cool down eventually
Rene: I don't think so
Y/n: *pulling out their weapon and tearing the door down* WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY CHILDREN?! WHERE ARE THEY?!
Ferid: ah Y/n how nice of your to join us-
Ferid: n-
No one speaks of what happened that day
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l1va22 · 29 days
on everyone’s soul INCLUDING MINE my glorious king Crowley will come back and so will noya the voices told me so
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feridsluver · 5 months
I was a bit bored and I thought which owari no seraph characters (vampires) in what twisted wonderland be. These are my headcanons so not facts or anything :3
(Husband) Ferid bathory = diasomnia
The entire dorm is about dark nobility as well as it has a goth vibe that I think suits ferid well. Additionally I think ferid would be good in every subject because bro remembers everything.
At first I thought maybe octavinelle because they are vicious because ferid blackmails Krul but on the other hand it doesn't really match ferids personality and aura.
Krul tepes= diasomnia
Idk she is a literal goth icon so quite self explanatory.
crowley eusford= Savanaclaw
Bro is definitely friends with jack howl. Also I see Crowley to be incredibly sporty.
Rene Simm= Heartslabyul/ ignhyde
One thing I remember him as is that he follows ferids orders and doesn't question them. I kinda remember vaguely that lacus didn't do it properly and rene criticised him for it.
(He gives me the vibe that he would also be a techno expert because he's quite smart)
Another runner would have been Scarabia because he seems to be quite intelligent and also
Lacus Welt= Octavinelle
The guy is quite intelligent and also he's so morally grey he suits the dorm well. Tbh I also think he would def take advantage of the fact that you can have human "servants" when they pay off their debt.
Horn skuld= pomefiore
She's quite loyal to Crowley and she also seems to be acting kind to the people she values. So I can imagine if she's given a task she would be quite ambitious to complete it which is a pomefiore trait.
Chess belle= Savanaclaw
She's quite hot tempered and I think it would be funny if she'd be practicing martial arts with Crowley. Also I feel like her hot temper would be amazing for the tournament.
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l-alba-l · 3 months
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ha1taniwh0re · 2 years
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(Your outfits as vampire and human)
Humans on one side. Vampires on the other side. My ex friends and family are my enemies now. My little sister is my enemy now. My real family is on my side. My husband and his friends are on my side. People like me are on my side. We were standing and looking at each other.
“Y/n… Why did you betray us??”, Shinoa said.
My sweet younger sister said….
I stepped a few steps in.
“Humans are gross Shinoa. You don’t understand now, but you will understand my choice”. I said.
She looked at me with tears in her eyes.
“My husband doesn’t have anything with this”, I stayed calm.
“Vampires are not bad Shinoa!! They are not how you see them here”. I said.
She looked at me shocked. She was thinking why am I defending them. Well it’s easy to answer they gave me better life than humans did. As Guren my ex lover tried to attack me Shinoa stopped him.
“Explain it to me than sister”, she said.
Everybody were standing and waiting for me to start talking.
“Heh?? Here and now??” I said with smile, “well okey”.
“You know i was just like you. Human, soldier…. Lover”, i said and looked at Guren he looked away.
“When Guren’s team.. my ex team was fighting Ferid and other vampires. Ferid had me in his hands. My fans weren’t in my hands my only hope was my lover Guren… but he had other plans…” i said.
“One and two….One of you is gonna die… one of you is gonna live…” Ferid said.
“And the simple thing is… It’s his choice”, Ferid finished the sentence.
Guren was looking at me and than at him. I would rather get killed than let Guren get killed for me. Well that was my idea at first.
“Kill her”, Guren said and I was shocked.
You know you always love to hear that someone will sacrifice thereself for you and than you would save them. But when you hear from your lover choosing him over you… it was a little bit disappointing. I looked at him shocked. Guren left in one second and i was left alone with this vampire. I expected my death but than he turned me to face him.
“What a shame. Beautiful young girl will die”. He said.
“Turn me into vampire” i said.
He looked a little bit shocked as i can say.
“What?” He said.
“I want revenge, give me revenge i will give you whatever you want”, i said.
“Well.. if you say whatever I want than… I will turn you into vampire if you become my wife”, he said.
I blushed a little. He was a handsome man I can’t lie.
“We have a deal than” i said.
He turned me into vampire and we went to his soldiers. When they saw my uniform they were all ready to attack me. There soldiers had there sords on my neck.
“De de Mika, Rene and Lacus. You can’t welcome my future wife like this”, Ferid said.
They looked at him a little bit shocked. A wife? Didn’t he want to kill me like a minute ago?? They put there sords away and bowed to me. I looked at Ferid a little bit confused. He smiled at me. I smiled at these 3 soldiers.
“My name is (name), I hope we will get along”.
Lacus smiled at me and so did Mika and Rene. After that day I even met Corwley, Belle and Horn. When we got back to there city I met Krul the queen. She gave me and Ferid a blessing to get marry. They gave me a good life if i can say. I would always hang out with Mika, Lucus and Rene. Sometimes with Belle and Horn. Even Krul likes me and spends time with me. Mika liked me because we were really similar. Rene and Lucus liked me for my personality. Corwley also would spend time with me but only if Ferid is around.
/end of flashback/
“You see, they are much better than you see them here”, I said.
Shinoa was crying again… Oh no.
“If they make you happy and if your life there is better than I can forgive you for betraying us. You deserve a good life”, she said.
Humans were looking at here now, they waited for the right moment to kill her. I saw a white hair man somewhere far with gun. He had Shinoa as target. I took Shinoa in my hands and moves her from her last spot where now was fire. That man tried to kill her.
“As i told you… humans are gross.” I said and put her down.
She looked at her team who was ready to kill her, all of them… Other teams were ready too. Shinoa looked at Ferid, only with her eyes he understood everything. In just a few seconds my younger sister became a vampire like me.
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nightshadelinnette · 6 months
Happy April Fools Day ya'llll🤠
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Lacus: I'm Ferid I'm fabulous😎
René: What's up with Mika?🤔
Mika: The things I endure for yu😣
(Ignore my butchered drawing skills🗿)
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urdgealesisbaby · 4 months
Can I request what jealous René, Lacus, Ferid would be like? Like Imagine that someone is talking to their s/o and they got jealous, what would they do?
Hello!Sure thing!
René Simm,Lacus Welt and Ferid Bathory getting jealous that someone is talking to their s/o
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Rene Simm
-he is the one to not really even care
-like honestly that someone may have been flirting with his s/o for such a long time that he is getting jealous
-also when he gets bothered by someone approaching his s/o,he asks his s/o first if they get the same suspicious feeling
-he wouldn't be the type to get really angry,but definetely be angry at least a bit
-if that someone still doesn't leave you alone even after Rene talked to them
-then they're in danger I must say
-he makes sure (using forbidden methods) that the one flirting doesn't know how to talk anymore
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Lacus Welt
-kinda calm,but also dangerous
-I mean you're his precious darling? How could anyone talk in such a flirty manner with you
-tries to put his hands on your waist or even your shoulder
-just in case that person didn't get the hint from the first sight
- if you're still talking to the flirty person
-then that person is in a terrible situation
-he is the one to torture people in a slow manner,so expect hearing loud noises from the basement
-anyways he is a vampire so he will probablyh drink them dry
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Ferid Bathory
-fakes the fact that he is jealous
-you will probably ask him if the is jealous and he will lie to your face and say that he is not
-in his 'soul' there are maaany things happening
-like he can't imagine himself being jealous? What do you mean Lord Ferid Bathory is jealous?
-he still thinks he is the perfect prince on a white horse that is very arrogant and there aren't people who would challange him in a 'battle' for his s/o
-probably can't accept even his own feelings as he's feeling a bit weird
-tries to get you out of the conversation but fails
-I think he would just drink that person dry and nothing more
-a bit quiet for the rest of the day because jealousy is a feeling he hasn't experienced before
Thank you for your request and make sure to request again if you have any ideas!
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okuto21 · 7 months
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Fanart of Rene from a fanfic that I read (All I ask from Ao3)
Very proud of my result✨
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bigbrainbiology · 1 year
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Like that Spiderman video but make it OnS x Barbie haha <3
Sketch, lineart, & Oppenheimer col version ->
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