#renee lamaire
noneedtoamputate · 7 months
Just found out that Shayne Taylor and Lucy Jean have the same birthday!
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danopdf · 6 hours
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found this image of Cinderella concept art on Pinterest, and I immediately thought "Renée???"
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incognito-princess · 3 years
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just in case you were on the fence as to whether Gene and Renee were actual Disney royalty... they are...
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brownslouchhat · 7 years
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distractionpie · 7 years
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Part 1 of the blanks of the valentines I made in case anybody else wants to use them!
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warbraved · 4 years
tags 22
☆ testing ➵ augusta chiwy 
☆ testing ➵ floyd talbert 
☆ testing ➵ ralph spina 
☆ testing ➵ renee lamaire 
☆ testing ➵ thomas peacock 
☆ by request ➵ bull randleman 
☆ by request ➵ don malarkey 
☆ by request ➵ joe toye
☆ by request ➵ chuckler juergens 
☆ by request ➵ manny rodriguez 
☆ by request ➵ skinny sisk 
☆ by request ➵ bill leyden 
☆ by request ➵ willard russell 
☆ by request ➵ runner conely 
☆ private ➵ albert blithe 
☆ private ➵ lewis nixon 
☆ private ➵ nathaniel walker
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winnixsspeirton · 6 years
Single Dads Au
Pairing: Lewis Nixon/Richard Winters. Ronald Speirs/Carwood Lipton. Harry Welsh/Kitty Grogan.
Speirs Household
Ronald Speirs was cooking breakfast for him and his two sons five year old Eugene and six year old Merriel or Snafu as he demands to be called. It was the first time Ron would actually be taking them to school instead of having his neighbor Mr. Taylor take them. It was nearing 8 a.m. when Snafu bounded down with his backpack and lunch bag. Snafu sat in his chair and stared at his father with sleepy eyes. Ron set down Snafu's plate of food and served him a cup of orange juice. The 6-year old began eating and Ron headed upstairs to get Eugene who was still in his room.
Upstairs Eugene was gathering his homework and looking for his right shoe at the same time. He didn't hear the door to his room opening, allowing his father to enter the messy yet organized room. Eugene huffed and sat up on his knees as his father approached and picked him up. "Now Eugene what happened? Did you lose something?" The blue eyed boy nodded and allowed his dad to set him on his bed and look under the bed. Successfully finding his son's right shoe Ron got up and gave him it. As Eugene gathered his things he rushed past his dad and down the stairs. Ron rolled his eyes and carefully shut his youngest son's door before heading down the steps.
In the kitchen both Eugene and Merriel sat eyeing the stack of pancakes sitting on the counter. Ron entered the kitchen and maneuvered around the table and grabbed the plate and put it on the table. Serving them both two pancakes Ron served himself a plate of bacon, eggs, sausage, hash browns, and pancakes and a glass of orange juice. The three of them ate in relative silence. When the clocked showed it was almost 8:40 a.m. Ron gathered his things and ushered his sons out and towards the car. With the boys safely buckled up in the back Ron drove to Toccoa Elementary.
Nixon Household
Lewis Nixon groaned as his 5 year old son pushed at him. He turned and glared at the little boy who was annoyed. "Dad! Get up! I need to eat before you take me to school" Lewis mumbled and reluctantly got out of his bed. His son looked at him and seemed satisfied and left his dad's room. Lewis got dressed and headed downstairs joining his son in the kitchen. Joseph stared at his dad who stared right back, the two sat there for several minutes till Lewis's phone rang.
Picking up his phone and heading towards the fridge he answered the call. On the other end was his secretary, Lewis listened as he made some toast and poured him and his kid cereal and cut a piece of cheesecake for both of them. Finally he cut his secretary off by saying "Blair. I will pay you one thousand more than I do now if you clear my schedule and take a vacation for the love of god." The woman on the other line huffed but agreed and ended the phone call.
Making his way back to the table he set the plate of toast down and gathered the bowls of cereal and slices of cheesecake onto the table. Joseph looked at him then the empty glass in front of him. Lewis rolled his eyes and snatched up the cup and headed back to the fridge to fill it up with milk. Once he came back Joseph was eating his cereal and eyeing his slice of cheesecake with immense interest. Lewis smirked and ate his toast and drank his glass of orange juice. The two ate in silence and once finished they gathered Joseph's things then got into the car and headed towards Toccoa Elementary.
Toccoa Elementary K-1 Classroom
Carwood Lipton watched as most parents came and dropped off their children. He turned away from the doorway and watched as Joseph Toye sat playing with an array of blocks and Johnny Martin sat a few feet away coloring at a table. The two had been dropped off together by their older siblings. It was 8:48 a.m. and most of his class was missing. Warily eyeing the two already in his room Carwood set out to ensure the activities he had set up were in their best condition. As he cleaned up the painting area he heard David Kenyon Webster sniffling and stood to greet the butler who always dropped off David. The butler ensured Carwood that David was fine he just had a runny nose. Taking David's hand Carwood led him to the small library in a corner and said "Here. Just sit here till you're ready to join us." David nodded and picked up a book.
Carwood checked on the other two and watched them till Mrs. Guarnere holding onto her son's hand and Ralph Spina's hand entered and waved. Carwood waved back and greeted Ralph who once Mrs. Guarnere let go of his hand took off towards Joseph Toye's spot and started to build something. Mrs. Guarnere rolled her eyes and said goodbye and went to drop off her own son.
It was already 9:15 a.m. and classes had already started and one Eugene Roe was terribly late. Carwood attempted not to worry and guided his class through sing along. Just as the song had ended a knock at the door sounded. Carwood told the four boys to head towards the painting area and get their aprons on and to wait for more instructions. As he approached the door he could here a muffled conversation going on behind it. Once the door was opened Carwood stared at a man who certainly was not Mr. Taylor who usually dropped off Eugene. The young boy stood by a man who looked similar to him. "Hi Mr. Lipton. I'm sorry I'm late my dad couldn't find our room." The man turned to look at his son but he was no longer there instead he was chattering with David who was happily chattering back.
Carwood watched as the man awkwardly nodded and turned back towards the gate leading away from the other kindergarten classes. Mr. Winters was speaking to a man who looked about three seconds away from jumping into incoming traffic. Eugene's father bumped into them and quickly disappeared beyond the gate towards the office. Carwood shrugged and shut his door turning back to his classroom and giving them the instructions for the lesson.
Toccoa Elementary K-2 Classroom
Richard Winters gently scolded Floyd Talbert and Donald Malarkey after the two almost knocked down the library area while playing around. Buck Compton and Frank Perconte both sat a little ways away eating breakfast and chattering about a new movie. Richard sent the two boys towards them and set out to pick up the books that did fall off the shelves. It was 9:10 a.m. and one student of his wasn't here yet and the office hasn't called to inform him of a dentist or doctor's appointment. So Richard just made due with the four kids he had.
After cleaning up the books Richard announced that the kids could have free play till it was time for a morning snack. All four boys immediately scattered to find things to do till snack time. Richard on the other hand began to plan for the after snack time. He decided that they could do an obstacle course race. The knocking at his classroom door interrupted his planning and Richard stood from his desk. Upon opening the door Richard was greeted with one Joseph Liebgott and a older man who clearly wasn't fully awake. Greeting Joseph he told him to head inside and find an activity to do before snack time. The boy scattered and Richard turned his attention to the man who looked ready to leave at once.
"And who are you? Do you not know that Joseph was supposed to be here earlier? Next time you should call ahead to say you'll be running late or else the office while call me to just mark him absent." The man stepped back and was almost taken down by another man quickly leaving from Mr. Lipton's room. Richard briefly heard a apology as the man disappeared beyond the gate. The man Richard was talking to cleared his throat and said "Look I'm sorry alright? We got stuck in traffic on the way and trust me I know my kid woke me up this morning basically screaming about how he might be late." Richard frowned but nodded and turned away to see Floyd try and knock over Joseph's block castle. Quickly turning back he saw the man was gone nothing but an empty doorway left. Rolling his eyes Richard got back to his students who all chattered about something they found interesting.
Toccoa Elementary K-3 Classroom
Harry Welsh snickered as he watched his friend Lewis Nixon get chewed out by Richard Winters. Most of his students were chatting at the snack table about things they did last night or things their gonna do tonight. Heading towards the arts & crafts area Harry picked up the supplies Warren Muck or Skip, as he preferred to be called had used but seemingly forgot to put back. Heading towards the aquatic area Harry cleaned up the water that Charles or as he preferred Chuck Grant had splashed onto the countertops.
Carefully cleaning it up and ensuring that the water wasn't about to spill again Harry left. Next was the painting area which thanks to one George Luz was smeared with streaks of green and pink and a array of various other colors. Grabbing the sanitation wipes off the high shelf Harry cleaned up the area to his best ability but there was still a faint streak of color on the table. Rolling his eyes Harry threw away the cleaning wipes and eyed his classroom. So far so good it was clean and in relatively good shape.
A loud crash brought his attention towards the reading corner. In the middle of the mess of books and shelves were Bull Randleman and Renee LaMaire. Both kids looked guilty and attempted to fix the display. Harry sighed heavily and ushered them away quickly. He picked up the books and stacked them up and set the shelves right. Bull was leaning closely but not close enough to disturb Harry. The crashed display was clearly an accident so Harry clapped his hands and announced that they would be playing outside till lunch time. That perked up Bull immensely and he was the first out the door followed closely by George Luz who looked ready to terrorize Miss. Grogan's students. Harry made sure all his students were out before shutting his door and joining Kitty Grogan out on the playground to watch the students.
Toccoa Elementary K-4 Classroom
Kitty Grogan watched in amusement as Wayne Sisk or Skinny as his friends had nicknamed him painted a bright green portrait of another student. Skinny was so lost in painting Edward Heffron affectionately nicknamed Babe that he didn't notice most of the others had gathered for snack time. Kitty gave a light laugh and carefully cleared her throat. Skinny peered up and noticed the others he lit up and quickly put down his paint brush and went to wash his hands. Babe was chattering with Bill Guarnere about somethings and immediately yanked Skinny down into the seat next to him.
Kitty laughed and set out the plates of brownies & milk. The boys all reached over and snatched up a few brownies. Skinny had two pieces while Babe had successfully taken four and Bill grabbed six of them. Luckily Kitty had made three trays of brownies. John Julian had grabbed eight and Darrell or Shifty as Skinny had nicknamed him hesitantly got ten and put them with John's on a tray. The five boys talked about things and told each other stories. While they did that Kitty checked her schedule to see if they needed anything before heading out to the playground.
She stepped out for a bit to water the garden but kept her door open. She eyed Ron who was thumping his head on the wall. "Y'know if I didn't know you any better I would have already called the cops." He lifted his head up enough to glare at her then resumed his previous activity. She rolled her eyes and finished watering her garden and then threatened to throw the remaining water on Ron if he didn't get his ass to work. He huffed but left to his car. Kitty rolled her eyes and put her watering can away and clapped her hands and stated that they would be heading outside. All five boys scattered and rushed outside. A few minutes later Mr. Welsh's class ran out and George Luz ran right at Bill Guarnere who shrieked and ducked away. Harry turned towards her and stated "He'll be fine". Kitty laughed and sighed as John and Renee played on the swings taking turns pushing each other. "At least they don't stick to their own classes and play with other students." Harry nodded in agreement as they stood near each other and almost held hands.
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Romantic Peach & Orange Autumn Inspired Wedding Ideas
Romantic Peach & Orange Autumn Inspired Wedding Ideas
A warm romantic palette of peach and orange tones with touches of grey and tan was the perfect accent for the stunning location of The Ariel Pearl Center, where this beautiful autumn inspired wedding design came together.
In perfect collaboration, Renee Lamaire Photography, Twig Florals, and Oak & Honey Events created a look that offered of a balance of organic whimsical styles like the loose…
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noneedtoamputate · 1 year
Pumpkin Patch
Day Five of War is Helloween prompts by @almost-a-class-act !
Prompt: Character A meets Character B in a pumpkin patch and they both want the same one.
Characters: Eugene Roe/Renee LaMaire
Renee woke up, looked up at her alarm clock, and panicked before remembering that it was her day off. She smiled, and pulled her comforter tight around herself, enjoying the luxury of not having to wake up at 4:30 am to make it to the ER by six.
Eventually, she went downstairs to her kitchen, where a pot of coffee was already ready for her. She’d bought the house two months ago, after years of working overtime shifts to afford it. No more nasty apartments, no more roommates. Yes, the bungalow needed some work, but she’d already painted some of the rooms and found odds and ends at flea markets and estate sales. Slowly but steadily, she planned on making it her own.
Halloween was a few weeks away, and it was the first holiday she would celebrate in the house. She spent her lunch hours looking at Pinterest on how to decorate her porch. She couldn’t wait to hand out candy to the neighborhood kids and pretend to be scared by their costumes.
She showered, put on jeans and a flannel shirt, and tied a bandana around her head. She grabbed her purse and got into her car. She entered Boostogne Pumpkin Patch into Google Maps and was on her way.
The place was as cute as it looked on their website. She started filling a wagon with mums, cornstalks, and hay bales before heading over to the pumpkins. Pumpkins of every type were available. Some were good for jack o’lanterns or pies. They had ugly pumpkins with bumps. There were even white and yellow and red pumpkins. She started loading some into the wagon.
She reached for the pumpkin she wanted next and let out a small gasp when she felt a hand instead of the stem. She looked up and saw a familiar face. Gene Roe, a paramedic she knew from work.
No one called him Gene, though. Everyone called him Doc, ever since he had prevented a new resident from giving a patient an incorrect dosage.
“Sorry,” the doctor said. “I forgot.”
“Well, you’re not supposed to forget. You’re the only one in this room who went to school for seven years.”
From then on, all the nurses called him Doc, and the nickname stuck.
She enjoyed working with him. He gave excellent information to the ER staff, clear and concise. He kept the patients calm with his soothing manner. Not long after she started working at the hospital, they lost a patient, a young man in a car accident.
After he coded, she took a break outside, trying to find a private space where no one would see her cry.
He must have been trying to do the same thing when he found he found her sitting against the wall. He sat down next to her.
“Hey,” he said gently. “We did the best we could.”
She nodded.
“Can I ...?” He extended his arm. She nodded as she leaned into his shoulder.
After a few minutes, she remembered the mini Hershey bars in her scrub pockets.
“Chocolate?” she offered him, and he took one. From then on, she always shared a piece with him when he dropped off a patient.
“Nurse LaMaire.”
She smiled. “We’re not at work. You can call me Renee.”
He smiled back. “Renee,” he said, in his soft drawl.
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
He looked at her, shyly. “My grandma always took me here when I was a kid. I thought I’d pick her up a few pumpkins.”
“Well, I’m not going to take your grandma’s pumpkin,” she said as she let go of it.
“No, it’s okay,” he said.
She shook her head and grabbed the pumpkin next to the one he still held in his hand. “This one is just as good.”
“Only if you’re sure,” he said.
“I am.”
“My grandma was a nurse, at the VA hospital in Baton Rouge. I think what you all do is amazing.” He looked her in the eye. “I think what you do is amazing. You have a gift.”
They were both quiet for a moment.
“Well, if you’re going to give up your pumpkin, the least I can do is I buy you something at the cafe.”
He jerked his head over to a building. “They make the best pumpkin donuts here. You have to try one.” She didn’t want to tell him that she didn’t really like pumpkin, that she was more of a chocolate girl. Because at that moment, she wanted to share a pumpkin donut with Gene Roe more than anything.
“I’d like that,” she said.
He put his pumpkin in her wagon and took the handle in one hand.
He reached out his other hand toward hers.
“Is this okay?” he asked.
She nodded, and they walked hand in hand to get some donuts.
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incognito-princess · 3 years
So have this little kernel of an idea that lives rent free in my head that Gene Roe is a paramedic and Renee LaMaire is an ER nurse...
I just had this idea of them speaking in French to each other over a patient and the patient freaking out thinking that they hit their head so hard that they can't understand speech anymore...
Feel free to steal.
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running-curahee · 11 years
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running-curahee · 11 years
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"No, it is not a gift...God would never give such a painful thing."
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