#band of brothers hbo
danopdf · 16 days
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they’re just jealous bbygirl
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danny-boy27 · 5 months
random band of brothers as tumblr posts
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333 notes · View notes
Bitter Pill to Swallow
Chapter 25 (Chapter Masterlist)
Thank you as always to @tvserie-s-world for her lovely screencaps
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A very special shoutout to @wecomrades for offering to be my editor❤️ Your time and skills are appreciated more than you'll ever know. This one's dedicated to you 💕
"Well, why don't you fire on them when you see them, commander?"
"Because, when we fire on them, they just fire back. Blimey, it was a nightmare the other day."
Valerie had to turn away and stifle a laugh when she saw the look of horrified disbelief on Dick's face. The 506th had been moved to Driel, relieving the British unit who'd been stationed by the riverbanks. Dick had brought Valerie and Lipton to talk to the British Commander and get an idea of what to expect.
"I see. Well, thank you for the intel, commander," Dick replied tersely. "Now, we'd better go and get ourselves set up on the bank."
"Godspeed to you, chaps," the British Commander saluted them as they left.
Dick was shaking his head in disapproval as they walked away, and Valerie could contain her laughter no longer. Dick tutted in disapproval as it bubbled out of her.
"It's not funny, Val," Dick admonished. "They've been way too relaxed in their approach to Holland since before we even got here, and it's cost us dearly."
"I know, Dick, I know. But you gotta admit, it's pretty laughable that they don't fire on the Germans because they fire back when they do. They do realise it's a war they signed up for, not a tea party, right?"
"You do have to laugh at how ridiculous it is," Lipton agreed, "but this whole thing is shaping up to be a real shitshow. I can't wait to get the hell outta Holland, and I know the rest of the men feel the same."
"Well, for now we're stuck here," Dick sighed. "We just have to make the best of it and try to push through to Arnhem. Easy is being kept on the right flank, for now. The line bends at an acute angle there, so Moose will only be able to have two platoons on the line and one in reserve. Make sure he's aware of that."
"Don't worry, Dick, Easy can handle it," Valerie assured him. "Ain't that right, Lip?"
"Absolutely," he agreed. "And we won't be too scared to fire across the river either."
Dick huffed out a small laugh at that, but his face quickly returned to the strained look Valerie had seen him sporting more often than not in the last few weeks. Desk work didn't suit him, and it was plain to be seen to anyone who knew him. She'd seen him peering out his office window when they'd been celebrating the success of Operation Pegasus. She'd been tempted to go up and check on him, but after the awkward way they'd ended things the night before, she'd thought better of it.
"Anyway, we won't get anything useful done standing around here," Dick sighed, backing away. "I need to find Nix, and you need to get yourselves set up on the line. Make sure to give 'em hell."
"I swear, if I don't get out of this foxhole, I'm gonna lose it."
"Yeah, and if I hear Arnhem Annie telling me to cross the river one more time, I'm gonna lose it."
The weather had been far from ideal the moment they'd set up in Driel. It had barely stopped raining for more than a few hours, and they were confined to their foxholes during daylight hours because the Germans had the high ground across the river. They were cold, wet, hungry, and morale was starting to wane. Valerie had taken to crawling between the foxholes, both to keep the boys' spirits up and to make sure they were alright. That was how she'd found herself tucked up between Gordon and Mellet one rainy afternoon.
"Look on the brightside, boys," Valerie chuckled, "at least they're playing American music for us in between all those surrender messages. And the supply guys have started bringing Stars and Stripes for us. We've got a regular home from home set up over here."
"Oh, yeah," Gordon snorted, "If it weren't for all the rain, we could almost pretend it was a holiday."
"Could be worse, I suppose," Mellet chimed in. "We could be snowed under. Now, that would be a nightmare."
"At least we'd be somewhat dry," Gordon groused. "I'd rather be cold and half dry than soaked to the skin in a mucky foxhole."
"Alright, I've had just about enough of you two complanin','' Valerie sighed, pulling herself over the lip of the foxhole and crouching down. "Try to stay positive boys. I know it's hard out here, but we're not the toughest damn company in the battalion for nothing."
As Valerie got back to the CP, she was stopped in her tracks by Heffron.
"Lieutenant Landry, ma'am," Heffron started, "Lieutenant Heyliger sent me to find you. He wants you back at Easy CP, quick as you can, ma'am."
Valerie thanked him and sent him back to his foxhole, before making her way to find Heyliger. She moved quickly, worried that there was something wrong. It wasn't completely out of the ordinary to be called to CP, but they didn't make a habit of calling her unless it was urgent.
"I'm here, what's happenin'? Is everythin' alright?" She called, roughly shoving the tarp door aside as she entered the CP. Heyliger was waiting for her inside, his arms crossed.
"Yeah Valerie, everything's fine, don't worry." Heyliger assured her. "But, it's been noticed that you've been refusing hot meals and I'm worried about you. You need to eat, Valerie, to keep your strength up out there."
"Is that all this is?" She sighed, exasperated. "I'll eat with my boys when the third rotates back into reserve. Until then, I'm fine. It's not fair for me to come back for a feed, while the boys are out there with nothing but soggy rations. It ain't right."
"I know, it's not right," Heyliger agreed. "If I could find a way to get hot food out to all the men, I would. But I can't. I can only get it to my officers, and it's important you take it. We may be at an impasse now, but we don't know when they'll strike. When they do, the men need you at your best, and you can't be at your best if you're not eating enough."
Valerie knew he had a point, despite how much she disagreed with him. She'd been refusing meals for days while they'd been out on the line. She'd also been offering most of her rations to some of the hungrier looking replacements. Thankfully, Heyliger didn't seem to know that, or he'd chew her out good and proper for it. All in all, she was starving, but she was willing to stick it out with her platoon for as long as it took.
"Moose, I... "
"Don't argue with me, Valerie," he cut in, shaking his head at her. "I'm ordering you to battalion CP for a hot meal. For once in your life, don't be stubborn. Just go and do it."
She rolled her eyes in exasperation, but she knew he wouldn't let it go. "Fine, fine, I'm going," she grumbled, holding her hands up in defeat. "I don't think it's fair, but if you're really gonna order me to go then I have no other choice, do I."
"No, you don't. Now, get going."
Valerie left with a sigh, trudging reluctantly to the battalion CP. She had to admit to herself, the smell of the food wafting from the mess as she approached was mouth watering. She grabbed a large serving of spaghetti, and was just about to tuck in when Dick dropped into the seat across from her.
"About time you came to get a hot meal," he commented, disapproval evident in his tone. "I haven't seen you around here once since we dug in."
"You have too much time on your hands, if you're keeping track of who comes and goes for dinner, Dick," she quipped, grinning as his cheeks turned red.
"Well... I just... I don't like the idea of you starving yourself out there on the front line. You need to keep your strength up out there," he stuttered, the pink stain on his cheeks deepening.
"I'm fine, Dick. There's no need to worry yourself over me," she assured, shaking her head. "And, my point still stands. They clearly need to give you more paperwork if you're able to track who comes and goes from the mess hall."
"Oh, paperwork is the one thing I'm not lacking in," he grumbled. Valerie paused, taking a moment to survey him. He had a furrow between his brows that seemed to have made permanent residence there lately, and his fingers were tapping an incessant rhythm on the table. In all the time Valerie had known Dick, she was sure she'd never seen him fidget.
"Is everythin' alright, Dick?" She asked gently. "You haven't really been yourself since you moved up to battalion."
"I'm fine... it's... fine," he sighed. "It's just... not what I expected it to be like."
"Well, yeah, I'm sure there's less action, but... "
"There's no action to speak of," he interrupted, shaking his head morosely. "All I do is administrative work. I miss being out there with you, making decisions and getting involved. It feels less like a promotion and more like a punishment at this point."
Valerie nodded, her eyes softening in sympathy. Dick had been in the thick of everything since Toccoa, aside from his brief stint with a clipboard back in Aldbourne. He was good at making quick decisions, and he always led from the front. She'd seen that back at Brecourt, and at the Island too. He enjoyed the satisfaction of a well executed plan, and she could see how being deprived of all that would start to wear him down.
"I get that," she agreed. "You get used to the adrenaline of bein' on the front line every day, and when that's suddenly not there anymore it can take some gettin' used to. Give it time, Dick, you'll adjust."
"Thanks, Val," he replied gratefully, his lips tilting up slightly at the corner. "It's nice to talk to someone who actually understands. Most wouldn't."
"Well," she chuckled, "I'm not most."
"No, you certainly are not."
Valerie's heart started to pound erratically from the fond look he was giving her. Her thoughts inadvertently flitted back to that moment in his office, where he'd given her a similar look and she'd been sure he was going to kiss her. Her palms clammed up as the memory resurfaced, and she could feel the heat rising up her neck.
"Well, on the brightside," she said after a beat, "at least you get to spend plenty of time with Nix."
"Yeah," Dick laughed, looking away from her, "I'm not sure yet if that's a blessing or a curse."
Valerie was discussing movements with Welsh at the Easy CP when they heard the gunshot pierce through the silence of the night. Their heads snapped up in unison, and they shared a concerned look.
"Jesus, Harry, that sounded close," Valerie breathed shakily. "They've hardly decided to break the stand-off with an ambush, have they?"
"Doesn't sound like it," Harry disagreed, "there was only one shot. But, Dick and Moose said they were coming down here to do an inspection, so we better go and make sure they're not in trouble."
Valerie grabbed her rifle and swung it over her shoulder, before following Welsh out into the night. As they jogged down the narrow path, they started to hear a commotion up ahead of them. They slowed, pulling their rifles into their hands and creeping forward cautiously. The shadows started to solidify as they got closer to the noise, and it was clear that there was no enemy ambush going on.
"Dick, Moose, is that you?" Welsh murmured, swinging his rifle back onto his shoulder as they approached the pair of shadows.
"Yeah, Harry, it's us. Moose is down, some jumpy private shot him because he forgot the passphrase," Dick called back.
"Jesus, is he bad?" Valerie asked, closing the distance between them and falling to her knees beside Dick.
"His shoulder is a clean wound, but his calf is pretty cut up," Dick huffed. "We need to get him back to battalion quick, give him the best chance we can of making it."
"We gotta give him morphine, he's in agony," Welsh said as he started wrapping bandages around Heyliger's calf. "He won't make it back to battalion unless we give him some morphine to dull the pain."
Everything after that was a blur, and they were all so frantic in trying to save Heyliger that they became erratic in their actions. Valerie left Dick and Welsh as they picked Moose up to carry him, running ahead to call an ambulance and a medic.
"Gene, there's an emergency," she called loudly as she ran into the med-bay. Roe dropped the bandages he'd been carrying and ran straight over to her, worry evident in his eyes.
"What's happened, are you alright?" He asked, giving her a frantic once over.
"I'm fine, it's Moose," she replied, "he's been shot in the shoulder and the calf. His calf is pretty bad, and he's lost a lot of blood. Dick and Harry are carrying him up now but he'll need an ambulance to be evacuated."
Roe sprang into action without another word. He called for the ambulance driver to get ready to go, then went to gather the supplies he'd need for the journey. Valerie followed close behind him as he rushed out to the ambulance and jumped into the back.
"Tell the driver where they are, chérie, we'll meet them halfway. We gotta give him the best chance we can."
Valerie and Roe sat in anxious silence as the driver sped down the path. She was so caught up in her worry for Moose that she jerked violently against the back door of the ambulance when the driver stopped suddenly. Roe pushed past her and opened the door quickly, turning and pulling the stretcher out with him. Valerie jumped out behind him, searching to see where she could step in to help.
"Valerie said he's lost a lot of blood," Roe said as he grabbed Heyliger and helped the others put him on the stretcher. "You did the right thing bandaging him up to stem the blood flow. Have you given him morphine? I don't see any syringes, where are they?"
"Uh... Jesus, I... I'm not sure," Welsh stuttered.
"Could have been two or three, we didn't... "
"Two or three?" Roe exclaimed, his nostrils flaring. "Jesus, you could've goddamn killed him. You'll be lucky if he survives as it is after that. What were you thinkin'?"
"We didn't know what to do, he was in so much pain, we... " Dick said frantically
"Well, you are grown ups! You are officers, you oughta know!" Roe shouted, glaring at them as he loaded Heyliger into the ambulance and slammed the doors closed. Valerie, Dick, and Welsh watched in astonishment as the ambulance sped up and left them there, the silence echoing in the night around them. She had never seen Roe get that angry, not in all the years she had known him.
"He's right," Dick croaked, "it was so stupid to give him that much morphine. But he was in agony, and I just... "
"It's alright, Dick," Valerie assured, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "You did your best, given the circumstances and the shock."
"It's not alright," he groaned, shaking his head in disappointment. "We could have killed him with a dose that high. I should have kept my head and handled it better."
"It's not your fault, Dick, we just panicked," Welsh sighed sadly.
"He's gonna make it," Valerie assured as confidently as she could. "Gene will take good care of him on the way to the aid station."
"If he even makes it to the aid station," Dick grumbled. "It'll be a miracle if he does."
"Dick, don't be... "
"You two better get back to Easy, tell them they've lost another CO," he cut in tersely, resentment clear in his voice and demeanour. "I'll probably need to write a report on this, so I better get back. I'll see you both tomorrow."
Valerie watched him go, his usual aura of self assurance replaced by sagging shoulders and clenched fists. If anything happened to Heyliger, he would blame himself. He always took it hard when he lost men under his command, and this would be no different. Part of her wanted to follow him, to make him see that it wasn't his fault and he'd done his best. She knew she shouldn't, though, that he'd probably prefer some time alone to process the whole ordeal.
"C'mon Val, we better head back," Welsh said quietly, breaking her from her thoughts. She took one last glance at Dick's retreating frame before turning and heading back to the Easy CP with Welsh, neither of them uttering another word.
Taglist:  @tvserie-s-world @geniedocroe @swiftwordsforwhattheyare @sofietargaryen @cagzzz107 @stolemyspoons @alejodi0nysus @sunflowerchuck @now-im-a-belieber @50svibes @eugene-emt-roe @pennyllanne @televisionboy @ask-you-what-sir @parajumpboots @mads-weasley @tetragonia
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aegondluvrs · 1 year
me: lets watch something new tonight.
also me: carnal urge deep from within, taking over my body, “must rewatch hbo war shows”
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web-gott · 2 years
smutty joe liebgott headcanons
smut of course. 
joe is a big fat fucking tease and i stand by that
slightly tipsy you at a pub will sit extra close to him in a corner booth, when it’s just you two alone for a few minutes. he’ll put his arm around you, and you’ll just lean into him, holding the hand that's over your shoulder shoulder and this man whispers the most indecent things in your ear, that redness on your cheeks is no longer just from the alcohol
this man is all up in your ear whispering how much of a good girl you are cause he KNOWS what he does to you and he’s cruel. this man will whisper all these things to you and then won’t do anything about it when you’re putty in his hands, he likes to let it linger until you physically cannot deal with it anymore.
anytime, anywhere you make eye contact with joe this man will always wink at you with that stupid small smirk playing at his lips. his stupid perfect face.
the first time you and joe do kiss is that party for the troopers (in the currahee episode) and you’ve been sat with a bigger group of guys all night, getting more tipsy (thanks to all the drinks george is giving you) and somehow you get onto the conversation of kissing and skip dares you to go and kiss liebgott who’s been staring at you the majoirty of the night, which surprisingly you haven't noticed.
drunk you has a lot of confidence and you’re like ‘okay watch me’ and all the guys are watching as you just simply walk over to joe, sit on his lap, put your arms around his neck and just kiss him. oh and this man straight up kisses you back, all the guys are yelling in the back, wolf-whistling the whole lot. 
this man loves to slap your ass and will do it randomly - like you guys are leaving a room after a patrol meeting or something and he purposefully is the last to leave so he can give your ass a little slap as he walks past with that damn smirk on his face, leaving you all blushy. (all consensual ofc) he knows what he's doing. 
the first time you and joe actually fuck is in aldbourne, you’ve been sitting next to each other all night and he’s just been teasing you non-stop, even when other guys are around his hands are very very high up on your thigh
and you excuse yourself from the group of guys to go get fresh air, joe follows you and the next thing you know you’re being pushed up against the side of the building with joe's lips pressing against yours, his hands on your hips pulling you close. he’s kissing your neck and his hand his pushing your skirt up your leg but you’re not about to fuck him in public ( although he’s into that idea btw so keep that in mind;) )
and the two of you manage to find a nearby empty office of a captain, he lifts you onto the desk in the room, pushes your skirt up to your hips and my GOD he does you right there, right then. fuck foreplay, this man just goes straight for it but holy shit does he know what he’s doing.
say goodbye to the underwear you’re wearing that night because joe is 100% a panties stealer 
this man loves a quickie and they're most efficient in war tbf. 
calls you all the nicknames when its just you two but his favourite is ‘good girl’. he loves the way you just melt and give yourself to him.
you best believe joe makes you feel the best you ever will. this man just loves you. inside and out.
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mement0m0rri · 2 years
You Can’t Go Away! George Luz x Reader
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Summary: After the events of the Last Patrol (Episode 8) you wake up to hear some very tragic news. 
Word Count: 1257 words 
Warning(s): Hurt/Comfort, mentions of death, injury, head wound, vomiting, mild language 
Author’s Note:  I do not consent to my works being copied, printed, or used by anyone other than myself.
I do not mean any disrespect to the men of Easy Company or their families, this story is based only the characters, actors, and events. They have my deepest respect. 
           You woke up slowly, your head pounding like you had spent that night at the pub. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the room around you. You saw the thin curtains over a wood window, the light that filtered in was grey and cold, your eyes burned in the light. You shifted, feeling the prickly blankets piled heavy on your chest. You attempted to push yourself up to figure out your surroundings. Your head swam as you moved, causing you to lurch to your side, nausea hitting you all at once along with a sharp pain through your head. You hadn’t realized you were not alone in the room until a figure shot forward in a chair to gently lay you back onto the pillow.
         “Hey, hey, easy there Doll. You’re alright.” George Luz, came into view as you rested back down into the hard mattress below you, an overwhelming feeling of calm washing over you at his presence.
         “What happened?” You sighed, George’s cold hand rested on your forehead and smoothed your hair back.
         “We thought we lost you there for a minute. You’re beginning to be more trouble than I thought.” He chuckled, watching your confused expression. “Do you really not remember?”
          “I remember, the river, we were going over the clear a house. I was in the boat with Web and… oh my god Jackson! I was in the boat with Jackson, he ran in too fast, was he hit? Is he okay?” Panic filling your eyes and voice as you tried to sit up again.
          “Hey hey (Y/N), it’s okay lay back down.” George said grabbing your arms lightly and moving slowly to sit facing you on the bed. You winced again as the motion of getting up ached every bone in your body to the marrow, your eyes swimming from the hot pain that shot through your head, nausea building. You grabbed his forearms, “George where is he? Where…” Your words were cancelled out by you heaving, bile filling your mouth.
        “Oh shit, here!” George grabbed a bucket off the floor and put it under your chin. You wretched hard and emptied the small amount that still sat in your stomach from whenever you had last ate. “It’s okay, you’re alright.” George whispered, “Doc said this would probably happen.” All the humor in his voice becoming laced with concern, his hand rubbed your back gently in soothing circles.
        “Why?” You whined out, spitting the taste of stomach acid out of your mouth. You lifted your head and wiping your mouth off. You passed the bucket back to George and he quickly removed it, hand never leaving your forearm.
        “Doc said you have a pretty bad concussion. You’ll probably feel pretty sick for the next little bit. Here.” He readjusted your pillow so you could sit up a bit and eased you back down into the bed and covered you with the many blankets that had been placed on you. “There snug as a bug!” He said attempting to put some levity back into the situation.
      “What happened? Tell me what happened to Jackson.” You whispered grabbing his hand.
      “(Y/N)..” George whispered, he couldn’t look at you anymore.
      “George. Please.” He didn’t answer, “No, he isn’t, please tell me he isn’t.” The tears starting to well up in your eyes.
      “You went over the river with Jackson and Web to clear the house. Jackson threw a grenade through the window and ran in too early. You were right behind him on the stairs and ran up to grab him but it went off blowing you both back. You were thrown down the steps and hit the walk way, Web said your helmet was blown off in the blast hence the concussion. Your pretty banged up I mean almost being exploded and all does do that to a person.”
     “George?” You said, he was stalling for time. He played with your fingers he cupped in his hands.
     “I mean despite the massive bruises we’re all lucky you didn’t get your face messed up, it would make the war a lot less fun-“
    “George. Please.”
    “Jackson didn’t make it. I’m sorry (Y/N). He took the brunt of the blast. I’m so sorry.” He whispered, as if the words hurt as he said them. The tears that had been brimming at the corners of your eyes slipped down your cheeks. You had known the answer before it left his lips but hearing them was like a knife to the stomach.
    “Fuck.” You whispered, shutting your eyes and putting your head back against the pillow. Suddenly remembering how Jackson’s coat just slipped through your fingers. Remembering screaming his name as he ran through the door. Remembering the heat of the blast in your face and then nothing.  George brought one hand up to rest on your cheek as you let out a shaky breath, more hot tears slipping down your cheeks. “I should’ve gotten to him sooner.”
    “Hey. No. You cannot take this on yourself. You tried to get to him. It’s not your fault.” George cooed, letting your hand go and placing it on the other cheek to cradle your face.
    “He was just a kid. He was so young. I should’ve grabbed him. It’s my job. He was just a kid George it should’ve been me!” You began to cry harder and you shut your eyes so you wouldn’t have to face George like this. Jackson was so young and you looked out for him like he was your younger brother. He was kind and innocent and instantly you took a liking to him and made sure he was safe.
    “No! Don’t you ever say that!” George said sternly, his serious tone took you by surprise. “Look at me (Y/N).” You refused to open your eyes. “Look at me.” He said again in a hushed tone. You open your eyes to meet his. “You tried to save him. It’s not your fault, it was an accident. I know you cared about him but don’t you ever said it should have been you. I can’t hear that. You can’t go away.” His eyes looked misty as if the fear of losing you suddenly became too real. You thought about how he must’ve felt seeing you being brought back over the river, the thought that you may not make it through the night.
    Nodding softly you reached up and took his hands from your face to hold in your own. George leaned forward resting his forehead against yours, his eyes shut as he sighed out like all the worry for you was slowly leaving his body.
    “I’m sorry.” He whispered, his thumbs rubbing across your knuckles. “I thought I was going to lose you, I don’t know what I would’ve done.” George released your hands and met your eyes. He reached up to cup your face gently as he whispered, “I love you.” Gently leaning in to kiss your chapped lips.
    For a second the throbbing of your whole body faded, the kiss of the man you truly loved was better than any painkiller. He gently pulled away treating you like fine china as he wiped away the tears on your cheeks. Your eyes fluttered open, he gazed back, his were as bright as the day you met him despite all you had been through together. You reached up brush your knuckles against his cheek and he leaned into the touch.
    “I love you too George.” You whispered. “I’m not going anywhere.”
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vialdovi-artstuff · 2 years
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bastogne wip
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bobbyonboard · 2 years
oh fuck I’m obsessing over band of brothers again
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barbeygirl · 6 months
*a fictional military man exists*
the fandom:
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bandofbrothers2001 · 29 days
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Dick Winters & Lewis Nixon BAND OF BROTHERS | Pt. 1: Currahee
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danopdf · 2 months
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RENEEEE!!!!! seeing her and Gene together looking actually happy is so odd but such a nice change😭
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danny-boy27 · 5 months
band of brothers as john mulaney quotes
dick winters
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lewis nixon
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carwood lipton
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george luz
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joe liebgott
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bull randleman
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frank perconte
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david webster
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bill guarnere
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harry welsh
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eugene "doc" roe
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joe toye
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donald malarkey
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skip muck
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ronald spiers
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oatflatwhite · 16 days
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the inherent homoeroticism of war media: a completely unserious presentation by me
[note: some slides have been removed because they're literally just fancams and also i had more than 30 slides boo tumblr image limits]
BIBLIOGRAPHY (just going in order of slides)
and your knees are driving me wild - mash s02e08
george mackay has found his niche in homoerotic war movies
war stories are inherently homoerotic. that's how we got stucky
hangman you look good - top gun: maverick (gif by babyrooster)
letter of recommendation: watching masters of the air secondhand
it's not just sports - masters of the air e02
1 being not gay at all, 10 being liberace in an f-16
we'll go to chicago - band of brothers e01 (gif by @fkmylif3)
it is the law that every piece of war media
kim is a homoseggsual - kath & kim s01e02
Untitled (You Construct Intricate Rituals) - Barbara Kruger
The Secret History of Australia's Gay Diggers - Ben Winsor (+ Paul Fussell quoted within)
Sexuality, Sexual Relations and Homosexuality - Jason Crouthamel
Soldiers bathing in Malaya - AWM
Private Frank Crocker letters featured in Sebastian Faulks and Hope Wolf, A Broken World: Letters, Diaries and Memories of the Great War (2014), pp. 75-78.
mike's mic screencap my beloved <3
winnix gifs by @bandofbrothers2001 @preacherboyd @galebucky
winnix art by @andromeddog
winnix art by @onefineginger
In storms and at sunset by jouissant
winnix memes/text posts: 1 (@bleedingcoffee42) 2 (@krakerjaksstuff) 3 (@claudycod) 4 (@lewis-winters) 5 (@mon-mothmas-collar)
man is a hopeless creature i don't like much of anyone (@sluttyhenley)
You Create Intricate Rituals: The Homoerotic Action Movie - Rebecca Radillo (Lyvie Scott featured)
val kilmer icemav warrior compliation by @mavernick2
t as in top gun: maverick (@misaothewitch)
which is gayer (@holypowell)
we're fools to make war by whimsicule
all my roads lead back to you by liadan14
m*a*s*h video by @amrv-5 (+ reblog tags)
clegan/buck(y) gifs by @4o4notf0und @rcbertleckie
clegan fanart by @ifapromise <3
clegan memes: 1 (@rcbertleckie) 2 (@season-two) 3 (@ww2yaoi) 4 & 5
bomber's moon by moonrocks
**i tried to tag/link everything, if anything is broken or unsourced please let me know and i will endeavour to fix it! standard disclaimer that a) any discussion about war media based on real life people is based upon the fictional portrayals of those people and not the actual dudes. and b) this powerpoint was made for fun, it is not rigorous academic analysis. all opinions expressed are my own. please do not take it too seriously! that's all <3
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aegondluvrs · 8 months
missing my gay little medic time to rewatch bastogne for the 80th time
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andromeddog · 8 months
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staud · 2 months
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meatball - deacon - hoosier's dog - trigger hbo war doggie gifset requested by @lamialamia 🐾
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