#renet disappeared completely just so mikey wouldn't get ideas with past tempering
turrondeluxe · 1 year
Does your AU have a renet
Because I’m kinda thinking ronin was the first time she met the turtle
So like when she met him and the others while they were younger she just stared at Mikey for a while trying to figure out who the others were and why Mikey wasn’t covered in scars
She does! That's a neat idea! In the AU it wasn't like that though!
Renet used to be good friends of the turtles, but she disappeared from their lives completely some time around before the peace treaty.
The brothers actually had no idea why she went absolutely awol but Mikey reassured them it was alright and they didn't ask again. After all, the time apprentice didn't exist by their concept of time and used to come and go, sometimes not visiting them for Long periods of time.
Renet actually had a talk with Mikey before disappearing completely from their lives and Mikey wouldn't understand why until later, when everything started going to hell.
She told him that she was sorry and that there was nothing she could do to change the future. That it had to continue it's course.
Mikey didn't get it at the time.
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