writerofthecourt · 4 years
the rhyme and reason for lying
pairing: suna rintarou x reader
summary: when you and your husband are called to your daughter’s school for a meeting with the principal, the last thing you were expecting to hear was that she had punched a classmate
warning: time skip spoilers
a/n: here you go, anon. this was a request from my 200 followers event. thank you to my followers for your continued support of this blog and my writing!
“Rin, can you please stop scrolling on your phone and help me clean up the house?” you asked with an annoyed glare from across the living room.
It was a calm Monday morning. The sky was clear, and the weather was beautiful. Today also happened to be a rare day off from volleyball practice for your husband, so you thought it would be a great idea for the two of you to get some chores done around the house. However, the prospect of getting Suna to even help you was beginning to seem more arduous than the actual chores themselves.
“Rin,” you repeated with an unmistakable tone of diminishing patience.
Picking up on your anger, Suna silently placed his phone on the coffee table and got up from the couch to go wash the dishes from today’s breakfast. After being married to you for so long, he knew when to stop testing your patience.
“That’s what I thought,” you said to yourself, a victorious smirk now plastered on your face.
Turning your attention back to the shelf that you were cleaning, you made sure not to knock over any of the framed photos that were in your way. There were a few photos from high school, family vacations, and your wedding day.
You paused to smile before you picked up a particularly lovely photo. It was from two summers ago at a tanabata festival. Dressed in matching yukatas and standing under the glow of various paper lanterns, you thought it was a perfect family photo.
Your reminiscing was soon cut short, as the house phone started to ring. Putting the photo back down, you went to answer the phone.
“Suna residence,” you greeted with practised ease. “Yes…oh, well…all right, we’ll be there soon. Yes, goodbye.”
“Who was it?” Suna questioned as he exited the kitchen, finished with his task of washing the dishes.
“It was Suzune’s school,” you replied with a worried expression on your face. “Apparently, she got into a fight?”
“What?” Suna asked, his eyes easily giving away his disbelief. “No way. Not our Suzune.”
“Yes, well, the principal wants to see us now,” you explained as you hurried to get your purse and put on your shoes.
After grabbing his phone and the car keys, Suna joined you at the genkan to also put on his shoes. “Did she at least win?”
“Not now, Rin,” you said with an exasperated sigh before turning away with a proud and subtle smile. “…But yeah, I think so.”
Suna only smirked. “Nice.”
As the two of you drove down to Suzune’s school, a thousand questions ran through your head. What could have possibly happened to set off your mild-mannered Suzune? For the most part, she was a calm and quiet child, similar to her father in many ways. Nevertheless, after arriving at the school, you and your husband found yourselves sitting in the principal’s office, signalling the end to your peaceful Monday morning.
“For starters, thank you for being here this morning,” the principal said as he addressed the three parents in the room. “Now, I assume you’ve all been made aware of the current situation, yes?”
“I heard Suzune got into a fight with one of her classmates?” you asked with great trepidation in voice, casting a glance to your sulking daughter who sat next to you. Suna, who sat on the opposite end of the office couch, tried his best to not look bored with the whole situation.
“I’m afraid so,” the principal gravely responded before he gestured for the other mother in the room to speak. “Yamada-san, if you will.”
“Please, call me Karin-san,” Karin said with an all too polite smile on her face. “Now, my Satoshi-kun said that your daughter had punched him for no good reason. Clearly, your daughter was in the wrong because my son would never do anything to provoke someone.”
“That’s wrong!” Suzune shouted angrily before pointing to the quiet Satoshi who sat next to his mother on the opposing couch. “He kept bothering me and making fun of my height!”
“Are you calling my son a liar?” Karin scoffed.
Suzune frowned before looking away. “No, but it wasn’t completely my fault.”
“So you did punch him!”
In the midst of this argument, you and Suna both exchanged looks of disbelief with one another. While you didn’t condone Suzune’s choice of violence, it was quite obvious to you and your husband that there was more to this story.
“All right, no more arguing,” the principal announced as he quickly tried to defuse the situation. “In any case, Kagami-sensei informed me that you did indeed punch Yamada-kun, so please just apologize, Suna-chan.”
“I refuse,” Suzune responded plainly.
Not liking this answer, Karin raised her nose to the air with a haughty huff. “Well, you’re going to have to apologize if you want this matter to be resolved, little missy. I could easily sue you if I wanted to.”
“Don’t sue them, mom,” Satoshi mumbled.
“Hush, Satoshi. She is the one who is clearly at fault here,” Karin maintained with an unbelievable level of smug confidence.
No longer having the patience to deal with this woman’s behaviour, Suna was the next one to speak up. “Weren’t you listening? There’s obviously a reason why Suzune punched your son. Maybe if you stopped throwing out blame left and right, we could actually resolve this problem in a timely manner.”
“Suna Rintarou-san, yes?” Karin asked with disinterest in her voice. “My husband is a big fan of you and your team.”
“Thanks,” Suna drawled out, making no effort to pretend as if he actually cared for the compliment.
“In any case, I would have to disagree with you,” Karin replied before she sent you a patronizing smile. “Perhaps if your wife did a better job at raising her child, we wouldn’t be having this problem.”
The room fell silent as all of the other occupants inside the office stared at Karin in complete shock, unable to believe that she had said something so bold and uncalled for. You were about to shoot down her claims when your husband promptly stood up, his arms crossed as he glared down at the woman across from him.
“You apologize for that right now or else-”
“Or else what?” Karin challenged, immediately copying Suna’s defensive stance, crossed arms, and seething eyes. “Are you threatening me?”
You could do nothing but bite down on the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from swearing up a storm. If it weren’t for the current situation and anger that you felt towards Karin right now, you would have applauded her for being able to stand her ground against your professional athlete of a husband. She was strong-willed and unwavering in her determination, you’d give her that.
“Okay, it was my fault!” Satoshi proclaimed, fearfully staring at his mother and Suna. “It was my fault, so please stop fighting!”
“Satoshi? What are you talking about?” Karin asked in total surprise and bewilderment.
“I-I kept bothering Suna, so she punched me to make me go away,” Satoshi admitted. “I only told Kagami-sensei that she punched me first because I didn’t want to get in trouble…”
The room returned to silence once again. With the truth now revealed, Karin could only blink slowly before she realized her absolute mistake. Her face began to burn hot from all of the embarrassment and drama that she had stirred up, and while she was too busy trying to think of ways to save face, you and your husband only grinned in victory.
“I’m sorry for everything, Suna,” Satoshi quietly apologized.
“I accept your apology,” Suzune said with a smirk, only to stop once you gave a look that told her she also needed to apologize. “I-I’m sorry too. For punching you, I mean.”
With everything now resolved, the principal smiled, simply glad that a fight had not broken out in his office that day. “Well then, if there are no more problems, Yamada-kun and Suna-chan can go back to class. Thank you to both sets of parents for being here today. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”
“O-of course,” Karin answered nervously before both families quietly exited the principal’s office
Once out in the hallways, Satoshi turned around to happily chat with Suzune. “It’s almost lunchtime. Wanna play some volleyball later? My team could use your height.”
“Sure,” Suzune replied with a small grin, causing Satoshi to smile and look away with a faint blush on his face. Noticing this curious behaviour, you soon found yourself lightly chuckling as all of the puzzle pieces came together. It all made sense now.
After Suzune and Satoshi were dropped off at their classroom, you, Suna, and Karin all awkwardly walked together towards the entrance of the school. Clearing her throat, Karin stopped to look at you in the eyes.
“I’m sorry for what I said earlier,” Karin began mournfully. “It was ignorant and rude of me.”
“Yeah, it was,” Suna agreed harshly, making Karin flinch at his straightforward response.
You jabbed your husband in the ribs before you sent Karin a strained smile. “I accept your apology. I can understand why you were so protective.”
“T-thank you,” Karin said with a wobbly smile. “Well, I need to go buy some groceries for dinner tonight. It was, um, nice to meet you. Hopefully, our next encounter will be less…confrontational.”
Wishing Karin farewell, you and your husband silently made your way to the car. You couldn’t help but chuckle once again as you thought back to your new found discovery. It just made so much sense now.
Your husband gave you a strangle look as the both of you got into the car. “What’s so funny?”
“You mean you didn’t notice?” you asked with an amused raise of your eyebrow. “He obviously likes her.”
“Suzune and her classmate,” you clarified. “He likes her.”
Your answer only made Suna more confused. “I don’t see how you came to that conclusion.”
“Didn’t you hear Suzune? He kept bothering her, making fun of her height, and when she agreed to play volleyball with him, he blushed,” you said as you listed off your reasons out loud.
Your husband continued to flatly stare at you. “Yeah, so?”
“Well, if I remember correctly, there was a certain somebody back in high school who used to steal my lunches and bother me all the time because he had a crush on me and wanted to get my attention,” you explained. “Sound familiar to you?”
“I never did any of those things,” your husband defended with a frown. “I just asked you out like a normal person, remember?”
“I know. I was talking about Atsumu,” you casually threw out, causing Suna to freeze and stare at you in pure shock.
“What?! He never told me he liked you!”
“Well, it only lasted three days before I told him that I liked you,” you graced the corner of Suna’s mouth with a quick peck, “why are you even worried? I married you, didn’t I?”
Your husband made no effort to hide his blush, only starting up the car to drive back home. “Yeah, whatever…I need a nap. It’s only noon, and I’m already too tired for any of this.”
“Great! After your nap, you can help me with the chores. Right, honey?” you asked with a sickeningly sweet and innocent smile.
“Y-yes, dear.”
Later that day, in a totally different prefecture, Atsumu nervously approached his teammates with an uneasy smile on his face.
“Um, hypothetically speaking,” he began, looking to his teammates for help. “What does it mean when someone sends you a picture of a knife and tells you to stay away from their wife? Hypothetically speaking, of course.”
Bokuto and Hinata furrowed their eyebrows in confusion, while Sakusa simply shook his head.
“It means you’re going to die,” Sakusa answered bluntly.
“Maybe they sent it to the wrong person?” Bokuto suggested.
“Why do you ask, Atsumu-san?” Hinata inquired with a curious tilt of his head. “Did someone do that to you?”
“Of course not! Totally hypothetical,” Atsumu replied with a nervous laugh. Thinking back to Suna’s cryptic and ominous text from earlier, Atsumu reasoned that he would have to talk to his old teammate sometime soon, but perhaps not in person…
Yeah, definitely not in person.
fun fact: suzune’s name is written with the characters for ‘bell, sound’
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writerofthecourt · 4 years
pairing: shirabu kenjirou x reader
summary: when you receive an enrollment offer from the art school of your dreams, you are left with the tough decision of choosing between love and your future
warning: slight time skip spoilers
a/n: for the lovely anon who requested this. thank you for your patience! this was the second request from my 200 followers event. also, if it wasn’t obvious from the context, this takes place during shirabu’s third year at shiratorizawa
“Guys!” you shouted in bubbly excitement as you approached the lunch table seating the three males.
“Hello, [Y/N]-san!” Goshiki happily greeted as he attempted to match your level of enthusiasm while Kawanishi simply settled for a casual wave of his hand.
Sending them both a charming smile, you promptly sat next to Shirabu, who continued to silently eat his lunch without so much as a glance towards your direction. Although your boyfriend made no overt signs of acknowledging your presence, you could tell by the minuscule smile on his face that he was happy to have you there.
“You guys will never believe what just happened!” you exclaimed as you rifled through your bag and proudly presented an unassuming envelope. “Read it!”
Shrugging his shoulders, Kawanishi was the first one to move, plucking the envelope from your awaiting hand to read the letter inside.
“It’s in English,” Kawanishi remarked with a curious raise of his eyebrow. This immediately caught Shirabu’s attention, as he now looked away from his food to focus on Kawanishi instead.
“Read who it’s from,” you explained with excitement.
Following your instructions, Kawanishi’s eyes quickly glided across the paper before they shot back up to stare at you in complete shock and amazement. “You got in?!”
You giggled in response. “Yeah! I got accepted this morning!”
“Wow, congrats,” Kawanishi responded as he handed back the letter and its accompanying envelope with a smirk. “Try not to forget about us once you head off to your fancy art school, yeah?”
“Wait,” Goshiki interrupted, trying to piece together the exchange between you and Kawanishi. “‘Fancy art school?’ Does that mean you got accepted into the university that you wanted to go to, [Y/N]-san? The one that’s overseas?”
Nodding your head in confirmation, Goshiki couldn’t help but gaze at you in awe before he quickly offered his own words of congratulations. Before you knew it, the conversation soon transformed into a discussion about your plans for university and the future in general.
“Does that mean you’ll be leaving Japan?” Goshiki asked in excitement.
“I haven’t decided yet,” you answered truthfully. “I was so sure that I was going to get rejected, so I didn’t make any plans beyond just applying.”
“You should go, [Y/N]-san!” Goshiki encouraged with a happy grin. “You’re so talented! It’d be a waste not to accept their offer.”
“For once, I agree with Goshiki,” Kawanishi chimed in. “You should go. It’s a great opportunity.”
“Yeah, but the logistics,” you reminded them woefully, leaning your head to rest against Shirabu’s shoulder. “Plus, my English isn’t the best.”
“Your English is fine,” Kawanishi brushed off. “You’ll get better.”
As you, Kawanishi, and Goshiki continued to converse about the pros and cons concerning your potential enrollment, none of you noticed the nauseated look on Shirabu’s face as he subtly pushed away his food tray, no longer having the appetite to continue his lunch.
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“It’s so cold!” you exclaimed, trying to shield yourself from the chilly February air.
“I told you to put on more layers this morning,” Shirabu snapped as he unwound his red scarf to securely wrap it around your neck. Once he was sure that you were warm, he laced your fingers together before placing both hands into his coat pocket and leading you towards the bus stop.
“Thank you, Kenjirou.”
Although it was completely routine at this point, you still couldn’t help but feel a little bit guilty for making your boyfriend leave the warmth and comfort of his dorm room every day after school to walk you to your bus stop.
“Stop it,” Shirabu sighed in annoyance, almost as if he could hear your thoughts. “It’s not a big deal, okay? I do this because I want to, not because I have to.”
Stifling a giggle, you brought the soft material of the scarf up higher to your nose, trying your best to hide the smile that was threatening to take over your face. Despite his frosty disposition, you knew that your boyfriend cared a lot more than he was willing to let on.
“Only a few more months until graduation,” you mused, taking in the beautiful sight of cascading snowflakes from all around you.
Your boyfriend hummed in acknowledgement as the short conversation soon fell into a comfortable lull. After a few more seconds, Shirabu finally spoke up. “Are you going to accept your enrollment offer? The one that you were talking about at lunch today.”
“I’m not sure,” you mumbled. “I got accepted into a local university too, but going to school overseas? That just seems like an opportunity that I shouldn’t ignore.”
“Then what’s holding you back?” Shirabu scoffed. “The choice is obvious.”
“Well,” you casted a discreet glance towards the male beside you before lowering your voice into a soft murmur, “if I do go, there’d be some very important things that I’d have to leave behind, and I don’t want that.”
“What could possibly be more important than your future?” Shirabu challenged. “Stop being dumb and just accept the offer.”
“Can we stop talking about this?” you asked with a slight frown, no longer have the energy or willingness to continue on with the conversation. You were slowly becoming weary of this topic and everyone’s constant worrying about your future and what was supposedly good for you.
Shirabu only copied your expression before answering you with a monotone response. “Fine.”
As the two of you neared the bus stop, the hostile tension that surrounded both you and Shirabu was uncomfortable and nerve-wracking. You hated it, but you also knew that it was kind of your fault.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” you said as you spotted the approaching bus from down the street.
“Yeah,” Shirabu agreed, letting go of your hand and not meeting your eyes as he spoke.
When the bus finally arrived at your stop, you were about to turn around and wave goodbye to Shirabu, only to stop yourself once you saw that he was already making his way back towards the dorms. You tried not to appear upset as you proceeded to board the bus and scan your card.
No matter what you did, you couldn’t get rid of the uneasy feeling that followed you for the rest of the way home.
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“Did something happen between you and Shirabu?” Kawanishi casually asked as he waited for you to purchase your drink from one of the school’s various vending machines.
“What do you mean?” you replied calmly, trying to pretend as if his question didn’t bother you in the slightest.
“Well,” Kawanishi began. “For the whole afternoon, you looked like you were on the verge of crying.”
“Okay, now you’re just exaggerating,” you remarked as you landed a light punch on the former volleyball player’s arm.
“Maybe,” Kawanishi chuckled. “But the two of you didn’t sit next to each other at lunch today, and you guys seem rather distant.”
Taken aback by his superb observation skills, you decided that there was no point in trying to hide the truth from Kawanishi.
“We got into a small fight,” you sighed. “You know how stubborn Kenjirou is. We’ll be fine…”
“Well, if you say so,” Kawanishi conceded, though it was evident from his eyes that he was still a little concerned.
“We’ll be fine,” you repeated, more so trying to convince yourself than your friend.
Yet with each passing day, the distance between you and Shirabu grew farther and farther. Despite your best efforts, conversations were now strained and awkward, and lunch periods were spent with Shirabu constantly avoiding your eyes. It was almost as if the two of you were nothing more than strangers, and this notion absolutely terrified you.
“What’s been up with you lately?” you asked Shirabu one day after school, finally fed up with his behaviour. “You’ve been ignoring me and acting really standoffish.”
Gripping the handle of your school bag, you ignored the sharp, stabbing pain in your heart as Shirabu continued to impassively stare at you.
“Kenjirou, just talk to me,” you pleaded. “I want us to go back to the way we used to be…”
After what felt like an eternity, Shirabu finally responded. “I think we should break up.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, not fully comprehending his words. “What are you talking-”
“Didn’t you hear me?” Shirabu snapped harshly. “I said we should break up.”
“W-where is this coming from?” you asked in confusion, genuinely hurt and surprised by his demand.
“I’ve been thinking…about university and the future. Even if you do stay in Japan, what then?” Shirabu inquired with a scowl on his face. “We’re not going to the same school, and even if we did, when will we have time for each other? I’ll be too busy studying for med school, and you’ll have your own life and schedule. It’s all bound to fail, so why even bother trying?”
Registering his words, you paused for a moment, trying to fully process Shirabu’s explanation and reasoning.
“Are you kidding me?” you scoffed with a humourless laugh. “Are you serious right now? Do you really have such little faith in our relationship that you’re not even willing to take a chance and make it work?!”
“…I’m not sure if you’re worth risking my future over.”
That was the final nail in the coffin.
“Fine,” you conceded, forcing yourself not to cry. “I know I can’t change your mind after you’ve decided something. You’ve always been stubborn like that.”
Peering into his eyes, you attempted to find some sort of indication that this was just a cruel, twisted joke or something, but all you found was the harsh frigidness that Shirabu Kenjirou was famed for. You thought it was a shame that such beautiful eyes could hold so much disdain and coldness.
“I didn’t want to accept my overseas enrollment offer because I was scared,” you confessed, wanting to at least explain yourself one last time to the male in front of you. “I didn’t want to leave you. I was willing to give up my future because I wanted to stay with you. Ironic, isn’t it? Maybe breaking up was the right decision…I-I guess this is goodbye.”
As you hesitantly turned around and began to walk away, you didn’t notice how the cold, practised facade slowly slipped away from Shirabu’s face, revealing the completely heartbroken expression that he wore underneath. It took everything for him to not break down at that moment.
“I already knew why,” Shirabu murmured with a wry smile. “Now you have nothing holding you back.”
The journey home was nothing more than a blur to you. Rushing upstairs, you threw yourself onto your bed and let out a heart-wrenching sob into your pillow. It took a couple more minutes before the tears finally stopped, and you were left with nothing more than a stuffy nose and broken heart.
As you lifelessly lay in bed, your eyes landed on the envelope that was inconspicuously resting on top of your desk, the very same one that had unintentionally caused you all of this heartache. The more you stared at it, the more it dawned on you. What was holding you back now? The primary reason for your reluctance was no longer a concern, so maybe…
Picking up on the faint sound of a new email notification, you blindly searched around for your phone before quickly giving up.
You didn’t have the energy to deal with any of this right now.
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Weeks passed by, and although the pain didn’t lessen, you were definitely getting better. It was difficult at first, especially for your two mutual friends who tried not to pick a side.
Before you knew it, graduation day had soon arrived. You were happy to be moving on with your life, but you also couldn’t help but feel a tinge of sadness as you stared at the diploma in your hand. You were going to miss Shiratorizawa, along with the memories that you had created there, both good and bad. Time truly was fleeting…
“[Y/N]-san!” Goshiki wailed as he wrapped his arms around your unsuspecting form and pulled you into a tight hug. “I-I’m going to miss you!”
“G-Goshiki, I can’t breathe,” you managed to say.
Realizing his mistake, Goshiki mumbled a quick apology before releasing you from his hold. Kawanishi, who had witnessed the whole exchange, bit back a chuckle and only shook his head in amusement.
“I’m going to miss you too, Goshiki,” you reassured as you ruffled the volleyball player’s inky black hair. “It’s a shame that I won’t get to see my favourite ace play in person anymore, but just know that I’ll always be cheering you on, okay?”
“All right, no more tears,” Kawanishi interjected, delivering a light chop to the back of Goshiki’s head before he turned to address you. “So, you ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” you chuckled. “What about you, Kawanishi?”
“All packed up and ready to move to Tokyo,” Kawanishi answered with a confident smile.
“That’s good,” you replied before your expression turned hesitant. “Um, what about him?”
“Well, you know how he is. Shirabu’s been ready since his acceptance letter came in from Todai,” Kawanishi told you with a good-natured roll of his eyes. “Don’t worry about him, [L/N]. Just enjoy your life overseas. Meet some new people or something.”
“About that,” you mumbled. “I never actually accepted their offer.”
“…You didn’t?” Kawanishi asked in bewilderment, with Goshiki also seeming equally perplexed and confused.
“A few days after I got that letter, I was emailed an apprenticeship job offer from an art studio in Tokyo,” you informed the two males with a happy grin on your face. “It’s a lot more practical than moving overseas, and I’ll be getting hands-on experience from people in the industry. I guess I forgot to tell you guys because I was too busy studying for exams.”
“Well, that’s great, [Y/N]-san!” Goshiki cheered as he offered you a congratulatory smile. Meanwhile, a totally shocked Kawanishi continued to stare at you before he slowly realized the severity of the situation.
“Oh shit,” Kawanishi whispered. “This is bad, real bad…”
“Kawanishi?” you questioned, noticing his odd behaviour.
“[L/N], listen,” Kawanishi said as he grabbed onto your shoulders and pinned you down with the most serious look you had ever seen him wear. “He’s going to hate me for this, but the reason Shirabu broke up with you is because…”
As you listened to Kawanishi’s explanation, you honestly couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You had never felt so angry before in your entire life! You had a few choice words to say once you found him, but most importantly, you were going to make sure to get back your absolutely idiotic boyfriend.
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You weren’t an athlete, and you had never been made more painfully aware of this fact than right now as you ran across Shiratorizawa’s expansive campus.
“I think we last saw Shirabu near the art department. Good luck, [L/N]!”
Running up the stairs and rounding the corridor that led to the art department, you felt your lungs burn and your knees buckle with every step you took. Sliding the door of the main art room open, your breath hitched as you spotted a familiar figure.
Shirabu quickly turned around, dragging his eyes away from the beautiful ocean landscape painting that was proudly decorating the art room’s wall. You immediately recognized that particular painting. After all, you were the one that painted it. Taking a deep breath, you steeled yourself for the conversation that was about to take place.
“What are you doing here?” Shirabu interrogated, trying to hide the note of surprise in his voice.
“Oh, cut the act,” you snapped as you harshly shut the door behind you and marched into the art room to stand in front of him. “Kawanishi told me everything.”
“He did?! That traitor-”
“Who do you think you are?” you interrupted as you sent Shirabu your meanest glare. “Some kind of shoujo male lead? You can’t play with my emotions like that just because you wanted to do what was ‘best’ for me!”
Shirabu remained silent, choosing instead to stare at the wall in disinterest. He could act all suave and cool if he wanted to, but you were still nowhere near done with your onslaught.
“Did you ever stop to consider how your ‘genius’ plan would make me feel?” you questioned as you felt the tears and emotions from that day resurface once again. “I felt so worthless because you made it clear that I wasn’t worth ‘risking’ your future over. Way to make somebody feel loved, Kenjirou.”
Shirabu flinched as the guilt and shame began to burn away at his icy, impassive mask. “I never wanted to make you feel that way…”
“Yeah, well, you did,” you retorted, brushing away the excess tears that ran down your face. “And in the end, your stupid plan didn’t even work.”
“What do you mean?” Shirabu inquired with a confused frown.
“I accepted an apprenticeship offer in Tokyo. I’m not going anywhere,” you proclaimed with a tearful smile.
Before you could even react, you were pulled into a familiar and loving embrace. Your eyes widened in astonishment as you soon heard the sounds of sniffling and felt the occasional teardrops landing on top of your head.
“Kenjirou?” you asked quietly.
“Going to school overseas, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity,” Shirabu managed to choke out.
“Maybe,” you replied.
“You’re an idiot for not going,” Shirabu continued.
“Perhaps,” you mused, placing a soft kiss against the side of his neck before wrapping your arms around his waist.
“But you’re my idiot,” he tightened his hold around your form, “I’m never letting you go ever again.”
You only smiled in response. “I know.”
Closing your eyes in pure joy, you found happiness in the calm, steady rhythm of Shirabu’s beating heart, along with his gentle words of affirmation.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Here in his arms, you felt at home.
fun fact: the only reason why kawanishi knew the truth was because he had confronted shirabu about the break up after seeing how truly heartbroken you were. however, shirabu made kawanishi promise not to tell you anything
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writerofthecourt · 4 years
recipe for disaster
pairing: hirugami sachirou x reader
summary: hirugami just wanted to make you breakfast. unfortunately, his plans go up in flames
warning: none
a/n: for you, anon. this was the final request from my 200 followers event. thank you again for following this blog! i love and appreciate you all so much!! this was my first time writing for hirugami, so i hope it’s okay
You were the best, at least that’s what Hirugami thought.
You were kind, intelligent, and beautiful. With each passing day, Hirugami always found something new about you that had him falling in love all over again. You were his soulmate and best friend, and he was more than proud to call you his wife and the mother of his two children.
It wasn’t the grandest gesture, but Hirugami wanted to surprise you by cooking up your favourite breakfast item: pancakes. Although he knew his culinary skills were nowhere close to yours, he still hoped that you would be happy.
Even if he did end up destroying the kitchen.
“Sa-chan, you need to measure the flour first-”
Before Hirugami could even finish his sentence, a large cloud of flour engulfed half of the kitchen, much like the smoke of a violent wildfire in how it obstructed his vision. Hirugami tried his best not to cough as the flour in the air began to finally settle, leaving him stunned as he surveyed the resulting damage.
The kitchen was an absolute mess, with flour strewn all over the place. Hirugami grimaced, as he could already feel the oncoming headache of having to meticulously clean up the kitchen counter and floor later. With a strained smile, he turned to look at his flour culprit.
“Sorry, papa,” Sachiko mumbled with an apologetic and wobbly smile.
“It’s fine, Sa-chan,” Hirugami reassured before proceeding to remove some of the excess flour from the mixing bowl. The kitchen could wait for now. He had a mission to complete first.
It was around seven in the morning. Therefore, he and Sachiko had about an hour before you and Ichirou woke up as per the family’s usual morning routine. So far, everything seemed to be going according to plan.
With the extra flour now gone, Hirugami moved on to measure out the baking powder, salt, and sugar as well.
“Sa-chan, can you sieve this while I gather some more ingredients?” Hirugami asked offhandedly, already making his way over to the refrigerator to retrieve the other pancake ingredients.
“Sure!” Sachiko answered happily, her eyebrows furrowing in determination as she concentrated on sieving the flour mixture, not wanting to mess up this time. It was adorable how seriously she took her job as the sous chef.
After a few seconds of searching through the fridge, Hirugami promptly returned with the ingredients he needed. It didn’t take long before the eggs, milk, and vegetable oil were all mixed together.
“Here you go, papa!” Sachiko grinned, passing over the mixing bowl for Hirugami to combine everything together in order to make the pancake batter.
“All right, do you want to add chocolate chips too?” Hirugami inquired.
“Can we?!” Sachiko asked excitedly with stars in her eyes.
“Sure, I don’t see why not,” Hirugami replied, quickly finding what he was looking for. He handed the chocolate chip bag over to Sachiko and observed in amusement at the copious amount of chocolate she was adding to the pancake batter.
Once everything was ready, Hirugami fired up the stove and patiently waited for the pan to heat up before he could start cooking the pancakes.
“Papa,” Sachiko spoke up, now sitting on the chair that she had been using as a makeshift ladder this whole time. “Do you think mama will like our cooking?”
Hirugami couldn’t help but chuckle. “I wonder that myself. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“I hope mama likes it,” Sachiko mumbled. “I want her to smile just like I do when she makes me food.”
Hirugami hummed in understanding. Pouring some of the pancake batter into the pan, Hirugami let the pancake cook at its own pace before turning his attention back to Sachiko. “Sa-chan, do you know why mama’s favourite breakfast food is pancakes?”
“Because they’re good!” Sachiko answered confidently.
“Well, that’s one reason,” Hirugami mused with a smile. “It’s also because pancakes are one of the first meals I ever cooked for her.”
“Really?” Sachiko asked curiously.
Hirugami nodded. “It was on our fifth date, I think. I invited her over for breakfast, but I wasn’t the best chef in university, so I thought I’d make some pancakes because they seemed easy enough. Unfortunately, my plans didn’t really work out, as I still managed to burn a few of them and almost set my apartment on fire.”
Sachiko couldn’t help but laugh in response to her father’s story. It took a few seconds, but Hirugami soon found himself laughing as well. He always did wonder why you didn’t run away after that total disaster of a date.
“Anyways, despite all that,” Hirugami continued. “Your mother was still happy because she knew how hard I had tried for her sake. What I’m trying to say, Sa-chan, is that so long as you try your best, people will acknowledge and appreciate your efforts, okay?”
“Fire,” Sachiko stated randomly.
“What?” Hirugami asked in pure confusion.
“Fire,” Sachiko stated once again, this time pointing to the stove where a small fire was indeed burning away.
“Oh shoot,” Hirugami cursed as he immediately moved to cover the pan and switch off the stove. However, the damage had already been done, as the fire alarm was now loudly blaring throughout the house.
“What’s going on here?” you questioned sharply, standing just outside of the kitchen with Ichirou in your arms.
“Ba,” Ichirou mumbled, watching in curiosity as his father attempted to clear out the smoke.
“Sa-chan, don’t stand there,” you advised. “It’s not good for your health.”
“Okay,” Sachiko responded before climbing down from the chair to go stand beside you.
“Sachirou, what’s going on here?” you asked your husband once again, now noticing the current state of the kitchen. “Why’s there flour everywhere?”
“Um,” Hirugami paused for a moment to collect his thoughts, “breakfast?”
You smiled slightly in amusement and remembrance. “Reminds me of a certain date back in university.”
Hirugami could only chuckle awkwardly. “About that…”
The rest of the morning was spent around the dining room table with smiles and laughter. Sachiko and Ichirou were happily munching away at the chocolate chip pancakes that you had cooked for them, while your husband settled for a cup of coffee.
Leaning over to your right, you spoke in a volume only Hirugami could hear. “You’re cleaning up the kitchen, right?”
“Yeah,” Hirugami confirmed sorrowfully.
“Good,” you chuckled, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before returning to your breakfast.
Hirugami sighed in defeat before turning to gaze at the beautiful smile on your face, which was all he wanted to begin with when he woke up this morning.
So…mission accomplished?
fun fact: sachiko’s name is written with the characters for ‘good luck/fortune, child’, while ichirou’s name is written with the characters for ‘first, son’
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writerofthecourt · 4 years
renn’s 200 followers event
EDIT: the event is now over! thank you to everyone who sent in a request
hey guys! now that sleight of heart is finished, we can finally celebrate surpassing 200 followers 🎉🎉🎉 thank you so much to each and every one of you ❤❤❤
with school starting back up, i thought i’d do something really casual and informal. therefore, i will be holding a request raffle!
from now (sep. 10) until tomorrow (sep. 11 @5pm est), send in your requests that you would like me to write. after this allocated time frame, i will be using a random number generator to pick 3 random requests
however, there is a catch!!! please try to request underappreciated haikyuu characters. there are so many characters in this wonderful series that deserve the spotlight, you know? who is an underappreciated character? i’ll leave that to your own discretion
just a note of reference, i am an anime-only, and although i am well aware of a lot of future events and spoilers, i am not 100% familiar with all the manga characters. i hope this doesn’t limit people’s choices when requesting a specific character 💔💔💔 nevertheless, have fun and thanks again for the 200+ followers!!!
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writerofthecourt · 4 years
RENN OMG CONGRATS ON 200 FOLLOWERS!!! u deserve it ♥️🤍 maybe you could do some suna dad scenarios
posted here, anon!
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writerofthecourt · 4 years
a sachiro domestic dad fluff omgg please
posted here!
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writerofthecourt · 4 years
ohhh i just saw your post congrats!! you deserve it!!! could i request for that event a shirabu angst hehehe
done and posted here!
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writerofthecourt · 4 years
Damn. It's so hard to choose. I've already read a few shirabu fics so it's kinda difficult to decide so hmmm, I'm just gonna go with the "surprise me" option. ❤❤❤
hmmmmmmmmm. i am seeing 👀 i'm honestly so excited about this new fic. i really like the plot
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