hinamie · 3 months
hello I don't know you super well but I like getting to know people so!! do you have any favorite songs/albums you'd recommend?
oh the can of worms you have opened.......
anything by former vandal. u don't understand i am physically restraining myself from going on another rant professing my love for them but just know. favourite artist of all time and have been for the past 4 years . i check instagram exclusively to see if theyve posted anything new . every day i pray for a new single i think i will Ascend if/when they release new music .
temperamental has some Bangers (night moves superiority pls listen to night moves) but lbr their most recent album divine interference CHANGED me . it rewired my brain slapped me square across the face spat on me and i said Thank You . if u care to watch me lose my mind i did a breakdown of my thoughts on most of the songs u can read it here if u like.......
anyway other artists i am significantly more normal about include waterparks, the 1975, harumakigohan, sou, and our lord and saviour hatsune miku (particularly in the deco*27 or pinocchioP flavours tho im not opposed to other producers)
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clefaiiiry · 4 months
can i ask why you didn't like the zed comic? i read all of it but didn't come out of it with any particularly strong feelings other than that it was cool to get more zed backstory!
There's two main things I hate about the Zed comic and then a lot of nitpicky things I dislike.
TL;DR: Buildup and charactersation for Zed is good! Kusho twist is bad, Yevnai is also bad.
Full ramble under the read more,
The twist ending with Kusho actually being alive the whole time is the worst decision they could have made for the story they were trying to tell, in my opinion.
They set up Zed as someone impulsive, he rushes in without thinking because to sit idly while considering course of action only enables more suffering. But in acting so rashly, he only causes greater misery. Zed's characterisation in the first five issues is really strong, it makes him compelling, while also serving to characterise Kayn as the child a man like that would raise.
Zed starts from nothing, is given a good life with a good father that he does not believe he deserves. His own fear and self loathing is what causes the change and friction in his story. That makes him compelling! It makes his conflict with Shen interesting! It makes his parallels with his own son carry weight!
But instead of doing what he does based on a motivation carefully constructed over the course of five comics, Zed does what he does in service to someone else. He loses so much of what makes him interesting by making him a playing piece for Kusho to fuck around with.
Zed didn't do all the things he did because of his martyr complex, because he feels he must carry the stain of sin so others don't have to, he did them because he was told to do them by Kusho.
Killing Kusho is not a cruel, violent murder of someone he loved and respected, it's now an act of redemption to make sure you KNOW Zed is good, no nuance allowed!
It's leaves such a sour aftertaste that I just can't read the comic again without considering how drastically the twist impacts every facet of who we think Zed is. To me, it's not for the better.
Also Yevnai (Yes, I had to look back at the comic to double check her name) is boring and only exists to add conflict for Shen and Zed. You know! Because the conflict they already had wasn't interesting enough! Let's also make it a love triangle! She is not a character, she's a prop, and I hate it!
Nitpick round go:
Making Kusho the secret final boss all along also undermines Jhin as an antagonist, who's reduced to another pawn in Kusho's game of 'let's mess with Zed until he breaks,' or whatever.
According to comments by the author on Reddit, Marvel apparently forced A LOT of content to be cut, including a lot of stuff that would have made Zed far less redeemable. (including him killing Akali's father and innocent vastaya) Now obviously we can't know for certain how this would have panned out, but it's such a shame we didn't get to see the original vision because of creative differences and corporate meddling.
I don't like the art style, this is completely subjective, but it's over rendered and it's kinda ugly sorry.
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stvaltiel · 3 months
the good homie @adrianicsea tagged me so let's go 5 fave albums from 5 of my fave artists
tagging @vampyrprinsen @sydstunes @hesmygirl @clefaiiiry @rentehya @thomas-jefferson-miku-binder + anyone else who wants to do it!
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rentehya · 1 year
hi i'm ren
before i was @rentehya I was @cartoonphysics-deactivated20231 and then @cosmica-sans! i will set this blog up and use it Soon!
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clefaiiiry · 6 months
hello! could i ask 1 and 17 for the league questions?
1. When did you start playing League and why?
Started playing around the Xayah Rakan release after my friends got bored of Overwatch. They were a four stack and needed a support player so they roped me into it.
17. Favorite short story/comic/piece of media about a champion?
It is literally impossible to pick just one, but if I must pick one then Art is Life by Graham McNeill. Making Vladimir compelling at all is real a feat but it’s wonderful and melancholic and just argh, it’s great. Honestly anything that guy wrote for League is solid gold.
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