antonioarchangelo · 1 month
Rio Claro recebeu R$ 1,17 bi do Governo Federal
O governo federal repassou cerca de R$ 1,17 bilhão ao município de Rio Claro entre 2008 e 2024. Os dados são do portal Tesouro Nacional Transparente. Fonte: Governo Federal Entre os valores repassados destaque para mais de R$ 922 milhões através do Fundo de Participação dos Municípios (FPM); do Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da…
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blogoslibertarios · 1 year
Justiça bloqueia R$ 3 milhões da conta do Governo Fátima para pagar repasse da saúde dos municípios
  O Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Norte bloqueou R$ 3 milhões nas contas do Governo da petista Fátima Bezerra para pagamento do repasse do mês de abril dos Programas de Atenção à Urgência – SAMU e UPA – e de Assistência Farmacêutica Básica. A determinação judicial atende pedido da Prefeitura do Natal dentro de uma ação civil pública aberta pelo Ministério Público Estadual e pela Federação…
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From Roman Nagel
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ohitslen · 1 year
Vash attacks when he defends himself or others will resort to be a bit more aggressive and violent in nature in the timeskip meisthinking
Imagine going from “no need to shoot to this person that is not acceptable” to “maybe shooting this person on the knees is the most viable option right now”. Wouldn’t that be amazing
I mean. That’s terrible. But wouldn’t that be amazing
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Quand Mamie découvre le surf sur Netflix et veut essayer à la maison
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lolochaponnay · 19 days
Un Belge va voir son médecin et lui dit : - Je suis très embêté docteur, je me suis brûlé les oreilles. Le médecin étonné lui demande : - Mais comment cela vous est arrivé ? - Ben j'étais en train de repasser mon linge quand le téléphone a sonné mais je me suis trompé, j'ai mis le fer à repasser à mon oreille et je me suis brûlé ! - A vôtre oreille ? Mais vous avez les deux oreilles brûlées ! - Oui je sais docteur, la deuxième c'est quand j'ai voulu appeler l'ambulance !
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laviedunefilledebordee · 11 months
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Le concert de Cian Ducrot, dimanche.
Avec des amies, on est allée ensemble voir Cian Ducrot en concert au Trianon. C'était fantastique. Il est fantastique. J'adore ce qu'il fait, sa voix, sa musique. Bref, c'était un moment parfait, hors du temps, à s'égosiller la voix.
Si vous ne le connaissez pas, je vous partage une de ses chansons:
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lesilence · 3 months
Really liking the detail that sometimes we can see Donovan stretching his palm because the hand bothers him?? Really love the attention to detail
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dridsimsheart · 5 months
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Send this star to 10 (or more 👽) mutuals to let them know you love them ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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sloubs · 1 year
la vie de ma mère si aa nous montre pas ce qu'arthur et guenièvre se sont dit pendant les 4 heures de marche jusqu'à la tour de ban qui lui ont ensuite donné envie de grimper la tour pour aller l'embrasser j'vais lui péter la gueule
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Republicans would rather rationalize away Herschel Walker's alleged abortion scandal than ever admit they backed the wrong candidate, a GOP strategist said of the Georgian's too-late-to-bail-out predicament.
"Conservatives will look at it as he's still the lesser evil on policy," the GOP fundraiser, who requested anonymity to speak freely about the fast-approaching midterm elections, told Insider of race between the embattled Trump-backed candidate and incumbent Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock.
The GOP fundraiser rightly predicted that MAGA supporters would rally around Walker by arguing that if he gave an ex-girlfriend money in 2009 to cover a single abortion that's still better than allowing Warnock to divert taxpayer dollars to funding all abortions.
"They'll say that Warnock wants to take YOUR money to pay for abortions … which makes him a bad person and unfit for the Senate," the GOP fundraiser said, adding that the political shamelessness is "just a continuation of Trump."
Less than two hours later conservative commentator Dana Loesch advanced that very narrative.
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"IF true, Walker paid for one broad's abortion compared to Warnock who wants your tax dollars to pay for EVERY broad's abortion-as-birth control with no limitations," the former NRA spokeswoman wrote online, adding, "This isn't a difficult choice and conservatives shouldn't look to the left to validate their vote."
Other Walker supporters skirted the abortion issue altogether, casting blame anywhere else.
"Herschel Walker has denied these allegations in the strongest possible terms and we stand firmly alongside him," Mallory Carroll, a spokeswoman for Women Speak Out PAC, a super PAC associated with anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, said in a statement. Carroll added that her organization would continue campaigning against the "extremism of Sen. Warnock and Stacey Abrams," the latter being the Democratic gubernatorial nominee challenging incumbent Republican Gov. Brian Kemp this fall.
The Georgia Republican Party billed the allegations against Walker as political theater.
"Democrats will do anything to distract from their own abysmal record of rising inflation, an open border and a decimated middle class," Georgia GOP spokeswoman Danielle Repass told Insider.
Andra Gillespie, an associate professor of political science at Emory University, said the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade this summer opened up new lines of attack for Georgia candidates.
Gillespie said Walker's campaign had leaned into painting Warnock as a hypocrite for using his position as a minister to preach abortion rights from the pulpit. But she suspects that strategy is done for.
"Walker can't say anything about abortion now," Gillespie told Insider, adding that she fully expects to see Christian Walker's scathing social media posts denouncing his father dominating the airwaves through election day.
"I'm almost certain if there will be some type of digital ads that will include Christian Walker's Twitter rants," Gillespie said.
The Senate race stands out not only because of Walker's sky-high name recognition as a former University of Georgia football standout who won the Heisman Trophy in 1982, but also due to the implications of a GOP win in the state — which in recent cycles has been more receptive to backing statewide Democratic candidates.
Walker's opponent, Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock, is running for his first full term in office after winning a Senate runoff election last year to fill the remaining term of GOP Sen. Johnny Isakson, who stepped down in 2019.
In capturing the Senate seat last year, Warnock defeated then-GOP Sen. Kelly Loeffler, who had been appointed by Kemp and was seen as candidate who could appeal to both Republican women in the Atlanta suburbs and conservatives in the more rural parts of the state.
But Democrats had compelling candidates in Warnock — the senior pastor of Atlanta's historic Ebenezer Baptist Church — and former investigative journalist and 2018 House candidate Jon Ossoff.
Buoyed by President Joe Biden's victory in the state over Trump in 2020 — the party continued to use their robust turnout operation in the 2021 runoffs, allowing Warnock to unseat Loeffler and fueling Ossoff's win over then-GOP Sen. David Perdue.
Republicans, stung by the losses, are eager to regain their dominance in the state, and a Georgia Senate win represents one of their best ways to get there.
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crazy-as-a-jaybird · 11 months
i was stressing out at being unable to go to a proper university because (among other things) my girlfriend's family would probably think of me better if i was "honorable"
but then i remembered they won't ever accept me as her partner anyway because i was born a female 🪦
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Qé qèst que ça ???
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Un tisonnier et crochet à la fois pour déplacer les ronds du dessus d’une cuisinière à charbon où à bois. À l'époque on avait le choix de la remplir par le dessus
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Et pour les fers à repasser
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deescontinuity · 1 year
Je me retrouve à devoir participer à l'organisation de l'anniv surprise des 18 ans (en retard) de mon frère, et ça me soule car ça me rappelle juste mon anniversaire de 18 ans, que j'ai organisé seul, et qui était nul, j'avais foiré mon gâteau et j'étais à moitié en train de pleurer, mon crush était là mais c'était pendant la période où il était giga distant alors qu'avant c'était cool, et j'arrêtais pas d'être déçu de lui pendant la soirée, je voulais boire mais personne ne prenait d'alcool donc j'étais dans un mélange de "je suis frustré" et "mais ptn pourquoi j'ai autant envie de boire ça sert à rien", et au final c'était plutôt drôle mais j'ai aucun souvenirs à part les pires
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Me tearing up when Nezuko was gettin' fried by the sun, like I already wasn't well aware that my good sis was gonna pull through.
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jezatalks · 1 year
Flo et mon ex toujours présents pour moi 😭💕
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