#replies ⟿  Mayaken
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          ❛ Well, I guess I stan you. ❜  Mayaken couldn’t help the smile that came to his face anytime he saw Abby. While he wished that he could make a move, ask her out, anything...the thought about who would take care of his mother while he was out always lingered. He would always be a son first and a person of his own second. No one ever asked him to, but after their father passed he had made that promise to himself. He would be ‘the man’ of the family, he’d make sure that Alé went to school and his mother was taken care of and anything else would come second. It was hard sometimes but it was what he promised himself he would do. 
           With a sigh, he headed towards the kitchen. ❛ Skeleton crew tonight, babe. Just you and I. ❜ 
 ⟿  @hermosa-pesadilla​ cont from the previous thingy
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