#repointing houses
sex-storytime · 11 months
*** this story is a reader's request ***
My wife Terri is absolutely gorgeous. She could have made a fortune modeling, but always said it was a waste of her brain. She's 31, brunette - 5'5" tall and has a pair of breasts to die for. They are 34C and perfectly proportioned.
You might wonder why I am waxing lyrical about her in such detail. The reason is that: I still can't believe that I managed to get her for myself. To cut to the chase, we met when she was an innocent 21 year old student and I was an experienced 28 year old successful guy who could jet her off to exotic places and bedeck her with expensive clothes and gifts. She used to be so coy and shy about her good looks and would come running to me at parties when she was being hit upon by just about every red-blooded guy in the place.
The thing is, as she has become more confident over the last few years, she has realised that she is extremely desirable in comparison with her friends. Men always start chatting to her friends and then ask what her name is and ask if she's single etc. Which you can imagine doesn't go down too well.
Good. Because I haven't even begun to start telling you what I witnessed in my back garden last summer. My wife has great tits and she knows it. She spent days wearing men's-cut string-vests and minuscule cheese-cloth 'things' which occasionally covered her breasts just when our neighbours employed a team of hunky young tradesmen to set up scaffolding and repoint and re-paint their house. Terri was playing out her own and my fantasy.
So, we've established that my wife has outstanding breasts. It's not surprising that when we suddenly found ourselves invaded by a band of builders and painters working on our neighbour's house last summer, Terri really came into her own and saw our garden as a stage. They were mainly young, fit guys in their twenties who would invariably have their shirts off for most of the day showing huge amounts of tanned firm pecs and six-pack stomachs -- Sadly, something that I don't have anymore. Of course, I had noticed their behaviour, but I feel Terri had noticed it even more. When I would mention anything concerning these men, she would act ignorant as if she hadn't been aware of them. (I've realised over the years that she is not a very convincing liar).
Now for the record, Terri has never been a keen gardener. So it was odd that she was suddenly out in the garden at every opportunity and if she wasn't sunbathing in a tight-fitting bikini, but she was wandering about and bending over flower-beds in cropped and very flimsy gaping tops. Most of the time she would couple these little revealing tops with an extremely short denim mini skirt. Suffice it to say, there wasn't much concentrated work happening on the neighbour's house. In fact, the only pointing that was going on, was in the direction of my wife's body.
On two occasions I came home from work at around 6.30pm to find her sitting around our garden table in the warm evening sunlight with two or three of these guys. They were all drinking bottles of cold beers which I later found out were supplied by her.
On the second occasion she was wearing her short denim mini skirt, but moreover, she was also wearing a ludicrously revealing top. It was something I'd created with a pair of scissors for her out of a string vest (men's style) and was strictly 'For our Bedroom use only'. I had deliberately made it halter-neck; cutting the sides to gape open -- therefore allowing her breasts to naturally spill out... yet not quite showing her nipples completely. So, I couldn't believe that she had pulled this top out of the drawer and had made a conscious decision to wear it today. She could have worn one of her little bikini tops with it? But no! To add extra insult and excitement, she was reclining back and forth on her chair wearing this special top which allowed unrestricted views of her gorgeous breasts. Okay! She wasn't topless, but... because it was a men's string vest, you could blatantly see her nipples poking through the holes in the fabric.
Oh and by the way, the men had taken their shirts off and were showing their highly toned chest muscles and copious amounts of testosterone. Luckily they were still wearing their jeans.
When I first wandered into this scenario, I was surprised that not one of them seemed at all embarrassed at the delicious state of undress being demonstrated by my wife, and Terri didn't seem to react in any way either. She just casually said, "Hi darling, you're home early."
And carried on soaking up the attention. As the men started to make gestures to leave for the day, I wandered back to the house to start cooking some supper, but I couldn't help over-hearing one of them say to Terri, "Well 'Sexy', we'll see you tomorrow then."
To which she responded with, "You'll probably see a LOT MORE of me tomorrow, as I'm going to have a chill-out day and catch some rays."
I could see their faces light up as they glanced at each other grinning as they walked away.
When Terri joined me in the kitchen I glibly said, "Did they enjoy their drink?"
"I should think they needed it to cool themselves down while they were looking at your breasts?" I replied.
She tried to look puzzled and then eventually looked down at her top and said that I was being boring, stuffy and ridiculous. And that it'd been so hot earlier during the afternoon that, at one stage, she nearly took it off altogether!
I enquired what her plans were for tomorrow. She said that she going shopping in the morning and was going to chill-out in the garden in the afternoon as she had done the bulk of the gardening. "Does chilling-out mean sunbathing?" I said.
She said she might grab some sun before the summer's over.
With a lump in my throat, I then asked her, "And will you be keeping your bikini on or going topless?"
She walked up to me and kissed me by the ear and sexily whispered, "Who knows..? It all depends on how brave I'm feeling and anyway, you know I don't like to have any lines."
I naturally took this to mean that those young guys would be getting a real gorgeous eyeful of her naked breasts tomorrow afternoon.
I couldn't resist saying, "So you're going to get your tits out for the boys, then?"
She walked passed me muttering that "it's her garden, and her body and if they want to look it's their choice!"
With that declaration, I made a point of telling her that I wouldn't be home tomorrow night as I had a strategy meeting in Nottingham which starts at six O'clock, so I planned to stay at the company flat with Frank and John overnight.
My parting comment seemed to go straight over her head, I simply stated, "It's apparently going to be a scorcher tomorrow, so I expect you'll get a bit of a roasting if you're half-naked in the garden?"
She promptly retorted, "It wouldn't bother you if I went over the top would it?"
I shook my head.
"I'll just stop when I've had enough," she said almost purring.
I wasn't sure if she'd got my drift or she was innocently talking about the burn factor of the sun. Anyway, one thing I was sure about was that there was no way I was going to a meeting in Nottingham tomorrow - I was going to secretly find out what her intentions were.
That night in bed while I was caressing her beautiful pussy I asked her whether she fancied any of the guys who were working next door. We would often have 'mind sex' where we would talk each other through different fantasies of her being with another man or other men. We would both get extremely turned on and it would seriously intensify our orgasms. So when she said that she 'had the hots' for at least three of them and wouldn't mind finding out what they had between their legs, I wasn't sure whether it was a bit of sexy talk or if it was for real? There was only one way to find out.
I told her that if she had serious hots for one of them that she should find out, and that it was okay by me. She raised her head and said, "Are you sure?"
This freaked me again because I couldn't tell if it was just another sexy tease. Then again, that's what Terri was - An incredibly sexy tease and the master at it!
I left her in bed the next morning and went to the office. I told my secretary that I would need to leave at 2pm as there was a problem at the house. There wasn't ever a meeting in Nottingham, I just made it up so Terri would feel relaxed to do exactly as she pleased (all part of my plan).
I got to the house at around 2.30pm and parked out of site around the corner. There's an overgrown path which runs along the end of our garden which I decided would be a good starting vantage point. Glancing through the hedge, I could see the men working on the neighbours house, but I couldn't see Terri anywhere. Yet, I did notice the sun-lounger had been set up with one of the small tables alongside.
As I started to check-out and wonder which of the eight to ten guys she thought were rather gorgeous, I noticed one of them nudge another and then nod in the direction of our back door. There she was. My fabulous, majestic wife. Strolling out with a tray of fruit and a chilled bottle of white wine. Thankfully, she WAS wearing a bikini top [albeit a very small white string affair] and she also had a floaty, white lace sarong tied around her hips. With her blonde hair and cool Victoria Beckham style shades, she looked fantastic. She put the fruit in the shade under the sun-lounger and poured herself a large glass of wine, after taking a sip she removed her sarong to reveal the smallest tie-sided bikini thong I'd ever seen. "This must be a new purchase? Ah ha... that's probably what her impromptu shopping trip this morning was all about?" I mused.
She reclined on the lounger and started to apply sun-cream to her legs and shoulders. The guys on the scaffolding had almost stopped working. They were transfixed by my wife's beautiful body, and probably had the words she'd said to them the night before still ringing in their ears.
Terri, at this point, glanced up at the guys and gave them a smile and a little wave. Two of them responded with muted wolf-whistles. (I know that girl's actually like being whistled at), and so with that Terri blushed slightly and sort of blew them a kiss (I think?) and laid back on the lounger. Arching her back to get into a comfortable position - but I would suggest also teasing the guys by allowing a good view of her breasts.
After about ten minutes she rolled over on to her front and started to read her magazine. One of the guys who was in the garden the previous evening shouted down and asked her whether she needed some sun-cream rubbed into her back. She immediately said, "That would be fantastic, are you sure you don't mind?"
He just laughed and said, "Are you crazy Terri? Wild horses and all that."
You can imagine the emotions going through my body as I watch this young, fit guy climb down the ladder and approach my wife. I was shaking with fear and anticipation.
Terri was lying gloriously in-wait. (Like a blonde Cleopatra expecting her man servant.) Suddenly, there was a fit young man touching my, almost naked, wife. He seemed to be enjoying rubbing his hands all over her back and thighs - and she was responding with very complementary sighs. Yet, it was when he started gently rubbing oil into her beautiful bum that I got really aroused. When he'd finished enjoying my wife's bottom, he whispered something in her ear and she nodded. He then untied the string of her bikini top and let the ties slip off to each side. "She's a bit brave," I thought. But, what was strange, was when she then removed the whole top over her head and dropped it onto the patio. I just couldn't believe what a sexy little minx she was being? I then heard her say to her hunky and willing adonis, "I promised my husband that I'd keep my top on as there are so many hunky young men around at the moment, but I hate having white lines, you know what I mean? I generally go topless in the garden, but that's when I can't be over-looked - it's probably best not to today?"
I could just make out that he said back to her, "Terri, just do what feels natural to you, after all, you've got a fantastic body - so why hide it?"
"Thanks for that, and you're not so bad yourself," she sexily answered back.
"I'll tell you, all the guys think you're absolutely gorgeous!"
So with 'Mr Universe' back up on the scaffolding she wrapped her arms around the top of her head and appeared to nod off. Because her bikini thong was so small, from my position [with just a string at the back], it looked as if she was completely naked. And that hadn't gone unnoticed by her adoring audience.
So maybe she was just teasing ME by saying that she'd let them see her breasts. Then I had an idea. I rang the house phone wondering whether she would just leap up to answer it without putting her top on. It'd be her perfect excuse to tease to boys big-time.
The phone started ringing in the dining room - and thankfully she heard it. Her next move pleased me enormously. She grabbed her sarong and held it to her chest and ran into the house to answer it. Of course, I rang off just before she got there, [naturally disguising the call so she wouldn't call me back - which would rather give the game away].
She returned a couple of minutes later with the walk-about phone in her hand and she had side-tied her sarong properly around her like a short strapless dress. Of course, because it was made of white cotton lace, it was extremely see-through. So, as she sexily swaggered back, her glorious unrestrained breasts were gently moving from side-to-side. 'God, she looks amazing!' I thought.
She poured herself another glass of wine and carefully placed both the glass and the phone on the side table. Then to my amazement she casually untied the knot of her sarong at the side and let it slip off her breasts, pausing briefly on her erect nipples, and fall to ground, she then she took quite a few seconds before she gracefully returned her lean, fit body to the sun-lounger in her face-down position. The guys were absolutely goggle-eyed and speechless. And I couldn't believe that ALL of these guys had just seen my wife's perfect breasts, albeit for just a few memorable seconds. All the same, why did she need to be so deliberate and do that? "She really is a proper little minx after all," I muttered to myself.
I heard the gaffer call out that 'tea was up' and saw the troupe of bronzed adonises descend the scaffolding. Terri glanced up to see the vacant builder's structure and promptly turned her body over onto her front. She ran her hands through her hair and rested them above her head leaning her head to the side. She pushed her shades to the top of her head and closed her eyes. "Ah... you clever little babe," I thought. "She's going to pretend to fall asleep, so when all the boys return, they'll get uninterrupted views of her statuesque breasts?"
Surprise, surprise I was correct. Ten minutes later they returned to their working positions [and eight men climbing creaky ladders makes a lot of noise], unsurprisingly, Terri didn't move a muscle. Yet, I'm sure something would've been stirring inside her.
Our young studs were acting like excited schoolkids as if peeping into the girl's changing rooms. One guy even got his glasses out for a clearer view!
For a full 15 minutes Terri allowed them all to ogle her naked breasts before feigning a mild awakening, and then made a contrived gesture of placing her arm across her chest to cover herself up. One of the guys said quite loudly, "Ahhh, sadly the show's over boys!"
Terri looked up at them smiling and quietly said, "Sorry, I must have nodded-off."
Back came the reply, "With a body like that, you can nod-off as many times as you like, Darling."
Another of the men quickly added, "No need to cover up now Terri as we've all been looking at your naked boobs for the last 30 minutes! You’ll get bikini lines!"
Then came her big mistake, she looked up at the boys and said, "It wasn't that long!"
How did she know? She was asleep - wasn't she?
She seemed to overlook her error and smiled back at them again and then slowly and very deliberately slid her arm away from her breasts letting out a little giggle in the process. Then turning towards their view-point, she arched her back, and shouted up to them, "Okay, but as long you don't mind?"
The lads reeled back with astonishment and proceeded to let out a little cheer with a wolf-whistle chorus.
I could tell she was loving all of this. She knows she has a great pair of tits, but has never been brave enough to expose them in this crazy manner until now!
She stood up and wandered back into the house wearing just her white string thong. As she reappeared topless a few minutes later carrying a cool-box they all gave her another soft chorus of whistles. She tried desperately to conceal it, but couldn't help a little smile to herself. Then another comment came from above, "I think you need some oil on those, Terri! If you need a hand, just ask, okay love?"
She seemed to ignore the comment at first, but then retorted with, "Actually, a few of you seem to have very red shoulders... Do you want me to give you some of my suntan oil?"
One of the guys [I'm sure it was 'Mr Gorgeous' - the one she had the hots for], called back with, "You can do us, if one of us can do you?"
Now, this is where her amazingly natural innocence kicks in, because her reply was absolutely mind-blowing! She simply said, "Okay it's a deal, but don't you want me to do all of you?"
Sniggers all round as you can imagine. Again, she hadn't realised her sexy double entendre. Or had she?
You've never seen four guys descend a ladder quicker. Within seconds they were standing in our garden parading their impressive pecs and six-pack stomachs for my Terri. They were told to line up and turn around in Terri's very forceful manner.
Two had faded jeans on their lower bodies, the other two were wearing cropped shorts. From my perspective, it looked like something straight out of a porn-movie. Anyway, Terri stood up, wearing just her minuscule white thong, and proceeded to rub oil into each of their shoulders taking time to feel their firm muscles. I could see on occasions she was allowing her naked breasts to gently brush against their well-oiled backs. In very hot weather, Terri's nipples don't normally get erect, especially when we're on the beach and she's sun-bathing topless... BUT today, they appeared to be pointing out the sun!
The boys naturally turned round all gazing at her perfect swaying breasts and said, "Is it our turn to do you now?"
This is the point that I realised her true intentions her answer was so loaded. "Come round and chill-out with some cold beers when the sun has gone down - And you can do me then."
"Why would she need sun-tan oil when the sun has gone down?" I pondered.
I think the guys were getting the gist as well as they raised their eyebrows almost in unison. And then quickly said, "We're knocking off in about half and hour anyway, so you'd better line 'em up gorgeous!"
"Okay, but wait a mo, I need to call my husband first, um, because he's staying in Nottingham tonight."
I could see them rubbing their hands together with glee. Then suddenly "Shit!" I thought. She's going to ring me!," I ran to the path and ran down it. I had to be as far away as possible from the house so she wouldn't hear my mobile ring.
It rang. It was Terri. I answered immediately. "Hiya!" I said quietly.
"Hi darling, you okay?" she said.
"Yeah, I'm fine, on my way to Nottingham, are you alright? Naked in bed with six hunky men I suppose?" I said jokingly.
"Don't be silly, I'm doing the laundry. The hunky men will come later!" teasingly giggling back.
"Okay, you little minx, have fun. I'll call you later after the meeting has ended, bye!"
She'd done it again! 'The hunky men will come later?' yeah and I wonder where? You horny thing! And you made a point of telling them that I was away in Nottingham for the night. Obvious or what?
I turned my phone off for fear of other calls and quietly walked back to my vantage point. She was still inside the house and on the phone… the way she was giggling I knew she was talking to her sister. Dawn was younger than she was but just as insatiable. Terri put the phone down and I could see her profile in the floor to ceiling bathroom windows. They are frosted, but we normally close the oak Venetian blinds whilst taking a shower. Not today it seems? I don't think the men had noticed her as it was at a pretty obtuse angle from their line of sight.
Anyway, after about ten minutes Dawn appeared…
"Come here, darling." Terri placed her arms around Dawn and drew her close.
Dawn welcomed the warmth and comfort of the embrace. She rested her head on Terri's chest, surprised to hear the other woman's heart beating so quickly. Then when she opened her eyes, she discerned the clear definition of her friend's nipples protruding through the thin material of her tee shirt. Had Terri become turned on by what she had told her?
For her part, Terri had become increasingly horny as the day progressed. The young woman was as tall as Terri, but whereas my wife was all lean and muscular, her sister's body was filled out with a pert, exquisite bust and a rounded firm posterior that was begging to be squeezed. If that wasn't bad enough, Dawn looked even more appealing with just a towel wrapped around her. There was even a moment as they leaned against each other sweating profusely, that Terri would have risked a kiss to drive the builders into a frenzy.
Dragging dawn into view of the garden and raising Dawn's chin with her finger, Terri planted a gentle kiss on her lips. When she met with no resistance, she tenderly sucked upon Dawn's lower lip, drawing it outwards, before releasing it and plunging her tongue deep into the other woman's mouth all for show. The bedroom curtains were wide open and the large picture windows revealed everything and the patio door was open.
As Terri intensified the interrogation of her mouth, Dawn reached out and took hold of her sister’s breast, squeezing and kneading the flesh, feeling the nipple protest against the palm of her hand. She had been just as fascinated with Terri's bigger tits as any of the men who had ogled them in the swimming pool. Pulling the tee shirt free of the denim skirt, Dawn's hand went beneath the flimsy garment and delved into the half-cup bra to extricate the large melon. When she rolled the teat firmly between her thumb and forefinger, it responded by getting even harder and longer.
Terri moaned into her mouth before breaking off their kiss and rolling onto her side. This was there plan! They had hatched this together. This was the moment the builders began nudging each other, still several metres away. They all stopped what they were doing. One by one their hands adjusted themselves in their jeans.
Dawn pushed Terri's tee shirt up out of the way. Taking one of the champagne glasses, she poured some of the sparkling, golden liquid on the exposed breast before clamping her mouth down on it, taking in the nipple and most of the large areola, and began to suck upon it deeply and rhythmically.
In reciprocation, Terri placed her hand under Dawn's dress, running up past the end of her stockings, across the bare flesh of her thighs, until her fingers slipped beneath the panty leg opening and alighted upon a very sodden and shaven pussy.
"Jesus!" exclaimed Terri. "I never get this wet, at least, not this quickly. You really are a horny, little slut, aren't you, Dawn?"
Dawn lifted her head from Terri's breast and said while smiling, "I can be. For the right person." Then rising up to kneel on the bed she lifted her dress up over her head and threw it on the floor, then she unclasped her bra and sent it in the same direction letting her full, firm breasts free. Terri quickly followed suit.
Once naked, Terri wrapped her arms tightly around Dawn, squashing their big breasts together as she pushed the other woman down upon the soft mattress where they kissed passionately, their hands exploring and probing each other's intimate places.
After a few moments, Terri broke off the embrace. She turned 180 degrees, so she could kneel while straddling Dawn's face. Then she leant forward and plunged her hungry mouth into Dawn's pussy, zoning in on her clitoris and darting her tongue across it horizontally. Facing a pussy of her own, Dawn replicated the other woman's actions exactly. Licking then sucking on the clit before using her fingers to expose the inner lips that were already soaked in arousal fluids. Finally, elongating her tongue, she drove it repeatedly deep inside Terri's vaginal opening while her thumb pushed and probed the young woman's engorged clitoris.
It didn't take very long for both to cum, and when they did it was almost simultaneous. Dawn's whole body shuddered in response to the sensations that engulfed her, while Terri moved her hips backwards and forwards, grinding her wet and hairy mound into Dawn's face, greedily extending her own climax.
Dawn might have drifted off into a post-coital sleep, but it appeared Terri was not yet finished. She supposed that was the difference between having sex with a woman rather than a man. A man needed time to recover once he was spent. A woman was ready to go again immediately.
Terri raised herself to her knees on the bed and said. "Come here, you gorgeous creature." Dawn obeyed and both women embraced and began kissing again. Then Terri shifted her position so her pussy, or more precisely, her clitoris, was sitting upon Dawn's upper thigh. She then began to move backwards, then forwards, and Dawn could feel the intense heat being generated by the hot, slippery cunt sliding along her flesh.
Dawn took hold of one of the young woman's impressive breasts and began to manipulate it with the palm of her hand. Then, employing a trick she had learnt from Old Man Hargreaves, she suddenly clamped the nipple between her thumb and forefinger and squeezed on it very tightly, before twisting the nugget sharply to one side. Terri let out a loud moan that Dawn recognised as a mixture of pleasure and pain.
"Oh, you little, fucking slut", Terri exclaimed in delight.
Moving even higher up on Dawn's thigh, Terri positioned herself so that both their pussies were aligned, and their engorged clitorises met. Then holding each other tightly, their big breasts mashed together, their mouths locked in a wet embrace, they began to push against each other, and the effect on such sensitive organs of the body was electrifying. They moved slowly at first, concentrating on maintaining points of contact, pussy to pussy, clit to clit, moaning involuntarily, then gradually their motion got faster, eventually becoming frantic in response to the heat that was building up inside them both.
Terri climaxed first. She unleashed a string of almost unintelligible obscenities through gritted teeth. As she did so, Dawn felt the hot gush of the other woman's squirting arousal fluids strike her pussy and it pushed her over the edge. The two young women collapsed upon the now soaking bed, their limbs still entwined, their bodies luxuriating in the aftermath of their convulsions.
That's when Mr Gorgeous approached the open bedroom door. Dawn rose from the bed and took him by the hand into the kitchen. As they left the dining area, Dawn looked over at Terri and said something to her. Dawn and the builder spoke at length but completely out of earshot. When she rose from her seat he stayed there.
Dawn wrapped her knuckles on the bedroom door, she was initially disappointed to hear no answer from within. She cursed herself for not first phoning the room and checking that Terri would be there before buying the expensive champagne. She was just about to leave when she thought she discerned a shadow cross the tiny pin-prick of light in the door's peephole.
"Are you in there Terri? It's Dawn," she found herself saying, although it felt somewhat redundant given that the person inside would have already seen her through the peephole. "If I caught you at a bad time, I could come back later, or we could meet up in the restaurant and have some lunch."
"Just give me a minute." It was Terri who spoke, although her voice sounded distant because of the thickness of the door.
After what seemed like an unnecessarily long time, the door finally opened, and Dawn was able to step inside still carrying the Bollinger in one hand and the two champagne flutes in the other. She had expected to find Terri just out of bed, perhaps in pajamas, without makeup and her lovely auburn hair disheveled, but she couldn't have been further from the truth.
Terri was wearing a short and tight fitting chemise. It was made of black satin with lace trimmings and had a sexy slit on one side that showed enough of her thigh to suggest she was not wearing panties. The garment struggled to enclose her large breasts and cover her arse. An application of mascara accentuated her naturally long, dark eyelashes and the lipstick she wore was of a light, pink sheen. The woman was dressed for something, but it certainly wasn't sleep.
"Were you expecting me?" asked Dawn.
Terri's response was a silent smile. She took the bottle and glasses from Dawn and placed them on a small desk by the wall. Dawn stepped up behind her and bent to kiss the other woman's neck. As she did so, she reached forward and began to massage one of Terri's full, firm breasts beneath the soft fabric of her chemise. After a moment or two, Terri turned, and they kissed. Dawn slipped her stocking covered leg between those of Terri's until she felt the intense heat of the other woman's mound grind against her thigh.
"Well, well, ladies. What have we here?"
It was Mr Gorgeous. He looked like he was ready to devour them both and behind him, in full view of the incestuous scene were the rest of the work team.
Terri dismounted with an embarrassed smile and led the object of her carnal desires back into the garden as Dawn made herself presentable. My wife had no shame, she grbbed her sheer night-gown and, virtually naked, she pulled on her panties and lay down on the sun lounger, all in full view.
"Come on boys! It's chill-out time!," she announced. With that, it was tools down and then down the ladder in under two minutes.
Suddenly five bronzed hunks were standing over my wife. Their shirts off; their muscles glistening and their eyes firmly focussed on Terri's fabulous body. She handed the cold beers round and the tops were flipped without waiting for the bottle-opener. "Oooh, you're the original big strong boys, aren't you?" Terri cooed at them.
With no hesitation, one of them stated, "He's the biggest..." pointing at 'Mr Gorgeous'.
Terri's head sunk into her shoulders and she looked up mouthing, "I thought you might be." Looking at the guy who pointed, she said, "Exactly how big is he?"
I could just see that he made a 'fisherman type' of gesture.
"Anyway sexy, how come you've put a dress on?" one of them enquired.
She went on to explain that too much sun makes her a bit sore, and that she would usually rub-in some after-sun at this stage.
'Mr Gorgeous looking' then said, "Allow us to assist you... after all, we'd hate you to feel sore tomorrow morning, wouldn't we guys?"
Terri was in her element as she continued to play the tease with these guys. I could hear her explaining that it would mean she'd need to remove her dress for them if they were going to properly cover her in the After-Sun lotion - and that, she was only wearing a very small g-string underneath. One of them immediately said, "It can't be smaller than your bikini bottoms, so why don't you just stand up and let us get started?"
"Huh!" she chuffed, "You wanna bet?" With that, she stood up holding her empty glass and the bottle of After-Sun and asked one of them to pop the cork on the champagne and pour. She took two very big sips from her glass and put her arms above her head. She must have muttered something at this point because three of them immediately encircled her and started undoing the shoe-string ties of her dress. While one was un-lacing her back another was applying the white cream to any exposed areas.
I couldn't help being extremely aroused at this sight, and kept wondering whether she would actually let them rub the After-Sun cream over her breasts... I know she's always been a huge tease, so I assumed she'd be a real bitch and spoil their fun right at the last moment.
I didn't have to wait for long - I needed to shift my position slightly because one the guys was blocking my view. And Christ! My next sight was awesome, seeing Terri's now un-tied dress slowly glide down her sensational body making a sculpted puddle of white cotton at her feet. 'God, she looks amazing!', I thought. And she wasn't joking about the size of her panties either! Her 'g-string' was no more than a 3" equilateral cotton triangle with similar shoe-string sides to her dress. 'Huh... another new purchase?' I mused.
I really didn't think Terri would ever go this far for real. Here I am watching my wife standing with her hands in her hair allowing a group of men run their hands all over her body. And yes after coating and rubbing it in to her stomach they moved up and then paid special attention to her breasts. They took it in turns to stand behind her and cup her beautiful boobs in their hands. I had never seen her nipples so hard! It was also obvious that her legs were getting wider apart the higher they stroked her inner thighs. She began making quite loud sighs of enjoyment whenever they got close to her pussy. I kept saying to myself, "She won't let them remove her knickers... I know she won't. she just won't"
They took it in turns to stand behind her and cup her beautiful breasts in their hands. I had never seen her nipples so hard! It was also obvious that her legs were getting wider apart the higher they stroked her inner thighs. She began making quite loud sighs of enjoyment whenever they got close to her pussy. I kept saying to myself, "She won't let them remove her knickers I know she won't she just won't!"
Then my heart sank as I heard her respond to one of them with, "Yeah! They're not knotted - they're just bows"
"Are you sure Terri?" one of them asked.
"Oh God yeah, no. Hang-on though! Before I'll let you take mine off, you have to take your's off first!"
What an inspired reply?
Within 20 seconds she had five, very fit, naked young men standing before her. From my angle I could only see two of them from a slight side aspect, the other three were facing away from me. Yet, it didn't take much detective work for me to ascertain that 'Mr Gorgeous-Adonis' was obviously hung like a horse by the fixated look on Terri's face.
She smiled at them and then slowly walked back among the circle of men with a very sexy swagger; raised her arms; spun round like a ballerina and said with a wanton voice "I'm all yours boys!"
"Oh my God!" I whispered. "This was it?" I realised that she'd just given full permission to five muscle-bound men to view her beautiful heart-shaped pussy at close quarters. And, of course, there were three others watching from next door. They were running their hands all over her; I saw a hand in-between her legs and then another slide down the front of her knickers. I wanted to stop them, but I knew that if I did, it would be curtains for Terri and me because she would never forgive me for my sordid, deceitful plan. I would look simply stupid and pathetic in her eyes. I had to endure watching them tight-lipped as they carefully un-tied her panties and oh so slowly exposed her pussy.
As her panties fell away two heads moved in to take their place. They were kissing her thighs and stomach, and all around her pussy. She was in sheer ecstasy, she seemed to be bending her knees to get lower down, just as one of them moved directly underneath her - fell to his knees and started using his tongue on her. I know how much she loves it when I go down on her, so this highly charged situation must have been electric Utopia for her! She also seemed to have an impressive penis in each hand and many men's hands running amok over her breasts.
Obviously it was her ultimate pleasure dome, because the next sweated utterance from her lips was, "I've got have sex with one of you now! I need to feel one of you inside me!!"
I then witnessed my beautiful naked wife turn to her left to face 'Mr Gorgeous' and sink her tongue into his mouth. They were locked together for what seemed like an age. (It's strange, but this affected me so much more than her allowing any of them to have their tongues inside her pussy - I suppose it's because kissing passionately is a 'love thing' as opposed to a 'sex thing'?)
Her hands went onto his shoulders forcing him to his knees, she followed him down moments after and straddled his legs. She was inches away from his very impressive cock, 'He was a big boy!' Then she seemed to pause for a couple of seconds as he said something to her.
I heard Terri say, "No. Don't worry, it's much nicer without one!"
She then lowered herself down on top of him and he slid his penis into her waiting pussy. She licked and kissed his lips again in-between some unusually loud noises of extreme pleasure. Being so familiar with her vocal exclamations during sex, it appeared to me that the little hussy came within a minute of riding up and down on this guy. High-pitched extended sighs; her head arched back and then falling forward to nestle on his chest; while her arms flail and feebly enwrap his body. "Yep... that was Terri having an orgasm and a major one at that!"
Bastard! No other man had ever made her climax before me. Then again, I had always encouraged her to explore her own body and be completely open with me about which places and positions were good for her. And to be relaxed about it in front of me! It took a long time, but eventually she managed to achieve orgasms very readily. "All that mental evaluation and manual stimuli and maybe, just maybe, all she really needed was a man with a huge penis?" Of course, it could've been the combination of another man kneeling behind her caressing and stroking her nipples at the same time?
Anyway, while this notion was curdling in my brain, I saw the man of her dreams ejaculate inside her accompanied by some very exaggerated grunts of hedonistic pleasure.
To my surprise, she just gave him a prolonged kiss him on the lips and then swiftly turned round and straddled the guy behind her. She even took the lead and used her hand to gently guide his penis into her. For ten minutes or so she gracefully moved him in and out of her, until he picked her up and repositioned her on the edge of the sun-lounger. With her ankles over his shoulders he proceeded to pound his penis into her. I couldn't actually tell if Terri came again, but he certainly did! And with great ceremony.
I had to keep reminding myself that these men were the builders who would spend half their day watching my gorgeous wife in an attempt to catch a glimpse of her cleavage, or let alone, one of her nipples? And now she is completely naked, lying on her back with her legs splayed apart and her arms draped above her head. Since the second guy came inside her, she'd made no attempt to cover herself up at all. Was one of the other men going to take her? They seemed to hesitate.
Ten or fifteen seconds went by and her legs were still wide open at 90 degrees!
Thankfully, she raised her head. Closing her legs and grasping her crumpled dress to her chest, "Wow! That was lovely!" She said. "C'mon, I fancy a shower. Any of you sexy hunks want to join me and scrub my back? My shower's very big - I'm sure I'll be able to fit you all in!"
"Oh yeah Terri. Two down and three to go!!" snapped one of them back.
There she goes again, I thought. She's the true Queen of the innocent double entendre. I next saw her beautiful naked bum disappear into the house followed by a group of very overexcited men. For the next two hours I had to listen to squeals and laughter; sounds of intense sexual pleasure and lots of splashing of water. By this time the sun had dipped, so I could just make out the shapes of many naked bodies moving about in our bathroom. I did see Terri's naked bum pushed up against the huge frosted-glass window by two of the men at one point, but it was mostly a sound-only show after that.
Still a little shocked, I returned to my car and contemplated on what to do next. I could hardly waltz through the door as I had already said to her that I was in Nottingham only an hour ago. Then again, I didn't want to sleep in the car and staying in a hotel round the corner from my own house was not only extravagant, but also very suspicious. Most of the hotels' staff knew me and Terri from various parties and local weddings we'd attended together. I decided to return to scene of the 'crime' my crime, that is. I should never have set up such an elaborate trap, because I'm the one who's now trapped.
I walked into our back garden, which was now quiet, and immediately saw the bathroom light being switched off. The bedroom light came on (our bedroom!), but also, a few moments later, the kitchen light came on. I had to duck behind a shrub to avoid being spotted. When I peered through the foliage, I could see Terri rushing in wearing her long black chemise which I'd given her last Christmas. Her hair was wet and she looked sensational (and strangely she didn't appear to be wearing the matching panties which go with it!) She was followed by two of the men who were completely naked and dripping wet. She had grabbed two bottles of Champagne from the fridge and handed them to the men, she then reached up to the cupboard to get some glasses. I was incensed, these two men just couldn't keep their hands off her!
She kissed both men with a peck and promptly swooshed out of the kitchen. I could see her running up the stairs carrying at least six glasses. "Six glasses? That means she's entertaining five men!" I thought.
We'd talked and fantasised about her with two men and me watching, but never with FIVE men and me NOT watching!
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saintsenara · 2 months
Seeing as all this excellent ink is being spilled on the concept of Snape and Tonks bonding through grief (and queerness), how about Snape and Tonks the elder, Andromeda? It must be lonely sometimes for Andromeda after the estrangement from her family, however necessary the break was and however impossible a reconciliation would be, with nobody in her new life who she can plausibly befriend having any understanding of her sisters beyond them being evil and hot. But Snape is fond of Narcissa and gets Bellatrix. Added bonus of Snape despising Dromeda’s son in law and rightly believing her daughter could do much much better!
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
and this is a pairing which has occurred to me too... so much so, that there's a little something in the wips folder on this very topic...
as i've said as part of the stonks manifesto, the interesting thing in fics in which snape survives is how authors approach the fact that he has been following a script which has now ended, and how he deals with - for the first time in his life - having no master and having the freedom to live on his own terms.
and i think it’s particularly interesting to mash this into andromeda’s own finished script - the fact that her war has ended so devastatingly, with her husband, daughter, and son-in-law all dead; that she has gone from being a grandmother to teddy’s primary caregiver [and the resentments that brings up - i’m wedded to the idea that she isn’t thrilled that harry is teddy’s godfather]; and, most thorny of all, that her sister is dead and there is now absolutely no chance of bellatrix seeing the error of her ways and trying to make amends [which, while i loathe the common trope that andromeda and her sisters would reconcile easily, is something i believe it’s entirely reasonable for her to have hoped could be possible.]
snape’s post-war relationship with the malfoys - presumably absolutely torpedoed by the reveal that he was a spy - also has parallels with andromeda’s post-war reckoning with narcissa.
would you like a snippet?
[from the very end, because i always write the endings of things first.]
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And she looks up at the house, and - although it’s narrow - it’s straight and tall, and it stretches up to a clear sky. And she thinks about Ted, about what Ted used to say about things having good bones, and she knows that he’d chide her for defaulting so quickly to chucking the whole thing in the dustbin. A bit of repointing for the mortar, Dromeda, he’d say, and a new coat of paint, and this’ll be a cracker.
And she can picture the cant of his sandy head, and his wry smile, and his wink, as Snape shuffles down from the kitchen, holding a cup of tea out to her in a thin, cautious hand. The mug is chipped - a big chip right out of the rim, right over the place you’d put your mouth to take a sip - but the tea is perfect, like Snape has watched her carefully over the course of endless cups she’s made them both in her grief-filled living room in order to learn how she takes it. Good bones there, too, Dromeda.
Good bones. Good, marrow-filled bones holding him up, despite all the scar tissue. A thing worth restoring, worth maintaining.
She looks out across the little yard, with its high walls and the gate hanging on by its hinges. Someone has started to hammer through the concrete - Snape couldn’t have done it himself, surely? Snape has asked someone into his space, into his weakness, to do it - and to lay topsoil. She sips her tea and she breathes in and she can smell it, how it smells of earth, and she remembers what Snape told her about fertilisers, about how even the ground benefits from good bones.
He stands beside her, drinking his tea in solemn silence. He doesn’t have his stick - he couldn’t carry two mugs with it - and she can see the pain starting to stiffen him, the blood starting to drain from his face.
She conjures him a chair, settles him in it, and, for once, he doesn't complain. She lays a hand upon his shoulder which he doesn’t shrug off, feels him take it in his own, feels the touch of his lips against her fingers. The kiss is feather-light, but the bump of his nose against the back of her hand is emphatic. And that’s Snape, isn’t it? For all his subtlety, he’s an immovable object.
He’s got a nice nose, she thinks. She likes it, even though this would sound absurd to the person she was twelve months ago. It’s got good… well, cartilage, she supposes.
And perhaps it’s all futile. Perhaps Snape is past repair. Perhaps, if she stays, they will destroy each other, wearing each other thin with constant relitigation of the past, never letting the ghosts in the walls drift away.
But she can picture Snape sitting in this chair again - the sunshine on his face, warming his paleness away and making the silver threading his temples glitter - chatting to her in a voice which has grown stronger while she potters around the garden.
While things grow.
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feltpool · 5 months
Behold my attempt at repointing brickwork before the back wall of my house straight up starts letting the rain in
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It ain't pretty and would probably make a trained brickie cry, but it hasn't fallen out overnight and anything that stops slugs trying to get into the kitchen is a benefit
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There's historic water damage to the brickwork all along that wall so we could probably do with getting it taken down and replacing, but we can't afford that right now so this will have to suffice.
I'm feeling it today though. That involved A LOT of scraping and brushing and filling while crawling about on the cold hard ground (on a kneeling pad)
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I don’t know if it’s haunted, but it’s a former coach house for the Kilmer Sanitarium in Pt. Crane, New York, and was mostly for TB patients. It was converted to a residential home in the mid 20th century and it’s a major fixer-upper for $85K, but it straddles the Osborne Creek- how cool is that? Let’s take a look inside.
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This is actually the living room that the current owners are using as a bedroom. It has a beautiful stone fireplace. 
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This would be the dining room. 
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The kitchen is large and needs updating, but it’s useable for the time being. 
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You can tell that the house was converted in the mid-century, b/c it’s full of paneling and suspended ceilings.
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This looks like some kind of bonus room. I can’t tell what’s going on w/the floor.
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Looks like a storage room.
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Upstairs was where the coach drivers stayed. 
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There are 4 bds. up here and 3 baths.
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The baths need some updating- this is the most useable one.
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I have no idea what’s up w/this one. Cute froggy wallpaper, though.
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In this room, the paneling is very warped, so maybe there’s a moisture problem.
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There was a turntable for the coaches that was operated by hand, but it looks like it’s been removed. Why would they take out such a unique, historic feature???
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Anyway, the barn area has lots of potential.
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Nice back porch needs repair. There’s also a lot of junk on the property.
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This steeple feature deserves to be restored and the chimney needs to be repointed.
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Lovely grounds. For $85K, if someone wanted to restore it, I think it would be a beautiful and unique home.
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chronotopes · 1 year
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cricketnationrise · 2 years
Fragment Friday (actually on a friday!)
So @indomitable-love tagged me last week and I was insanely busy and then @cha-melodius tagged me this week and I am less busy so here we go! The first three are from active wips, and the last two are eventually going to get worked on, so get pumped to see some of these relatively soon!
i'm tagging @weneedtotalkaboutfic @parvuls @the-lincyclopedia @clottedcreamfudge and @everwitch-magiks because i'm nosy 💜
RWRB Mummy AU:
“Face it old bean, if we don’t find someone in the next ten minutes, I’m going back to the hotel. There was an angel masquerading as a bartender and I’ll be damned if I miss my shot because you were skulking around looking for a guide to Hamunaptra.”
“Would you keep your voice down? We don’t need everyone in the nearest square kilometer to know what we’re up to.”
“Absolutely not. My voice is the perfect volume for every situation!” Pez booms, ignoring the dirty looks of the market vendors he had drowned out. 
“I’m deadly serious, Percy,”
“—oooh, full name—”
“—we need to find a guide to the City of the Dead, today, or this whole expedition—”
“You’re looking for the City of the Dead? Why on earth would you want a guide to a fucking myth?”
2. OMGCP March/April snowed in prompt:
She reads the email canceling classes and makes the decision to ignore her inbox for the day, and goes back to sleep for another hour.
Well, she tries to.
“APRIL WE HAVE A SNOW DAY APRIL SNOW DAY!” March’s yells are loud enough to wake the dead, not to mention the rest of the volleyball house. Giving up on the extra sleep, April heaves herself out of bed and yanks the door open.
“Oh good you’re up!” chirps March. “Get dressed, I have a whole plan for us today.”
“It couldn’t have waited an hour?”
March just grins. “Absolutely not, I’ve been planning this since the season ended.”
3. RWRB sentient brownstone AU:
It’s a very odd sensation, having half of It’s occupants not present half the time. Sometimes it’s like part of The Brownstone is missing – original flooring pulled up during a renovation. Sometimes it’s like part of It is numb – a nursery closed up before witnessing new life.
When Alex is here, The Brownstone feels like It’s foundations have just been poured, like the bricks just got repointed, like a fresh coat of paint in every room. Henry and Alex fill It’s rooms with laughter and kisses and piano music and Mexican aromas and sex and comfortable bickering and celebrations and comfort and books and just – love.
But inevitably, Alex has to leave and It and Henry are left alone again. When Alex is gone, The Brownstone feels every one of It’s one hundred and fifty-two years pressing down. His absence feels like warped floorboards, like crumbling grout, like peeling wallpaper.
4. Tortall/Emelan Kel/Daja Tattoo AU:
As she pushed open the door, Kel was greeted by a welcome rush of cool air and soft tones from a wind chime just inside the door frame. The lobby was vastly different from what she had expected from a tattoo parlor. It had honey-colored wood floors, seating covered with cozy looking blankets, a huge tapestry of a thunderstorm behind the counter, and plants on every available surface. The counter itself was a piece of art: at least two different kinds of metal that had been painstakingly worked and twisted to look like the roots of a giant tree, and a dark walnut wood top, polish gleaming under the lights. In any other space it would dominate the room, but somehow everything seemed in harmony. Kel instantly felt at home, lingering nerves about getting a tattoo leaving her as she moved further into the space. 
“Hi there! Welcome to Winding Circle Tattoos, how can I help you?” asked the blonde girl behind the counter. 
“I’ve got a consult with Daja Kisubo? I’m Keladry Mindelan.”
5. OMGCP offseason 🍑 🍆 series zimbits (Explicit):
“Crisse, Bits,” Jack pants, “I think I’m dead now.”
Bitty giggles helplessly and hides his face in the crook of Jack’s neck. “That would be a shame, sweetheart, we haven’t even started on your wish list yet.”
Jack groans and Bitty can feel Jack’s dick twitch in interest, still inside him. “If I hadn’t just come, that would have done it.”
Bitty snickers and carefully lifts himself off Jack’s cock, cringing a bit at the empty feeling. He grabs a few wipes from the nightstand and starts cleaning both of them up. He knows he’s the one who brought it up, but Bitty’s definitely going to need something to do with his hands to get through this conversation.
“Lord knows you gave me that list and I sort of just pounced on you once I got to the end, but we should probably have a real conversation about it.”
“And you picked now?” Jack asks, incredulous.
“Well, I guess we can at least shower and get dressed before gettin’ into the gritty details of the highly kinky off-season sex you want to have.”
“That’s the least you can do.”
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strestorations01 · 2 days
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One of the most important parts of your house is its roof, which protects your home from the elements and adds to the building's overall structural strength. Roofing repairs are essential to maintain this protection and avoid costly damages. Here's why you need to prioritize roof maintenance and repairs, along with insights into essential services like roof pressure cleaning, roof repointing, and more.
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laresearchette · 28 days
Tuesday, May 21, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
<b>CRAVE TV</b> THE LOST BOYS THIS IS THE END <b>NETFLIX CANADA</b> RACHEL FEINSTEIN: BIG GUY IIHF MEN’S HOCKEY (TSN) 6:00am: Austria vs. Great Britain (TSN5) 6:00am: France vs. Germany (TSN/TSN5) 10:00am: Canada vs. Czechia (TSN2) 10:00am: Latvia vs. U.S. (TSN) 2:00pm: Finland vs. Switzerland (TSN5) 2:00pm: Sweden vs. Slovakia
MLB BASEBALL (SN1) 6:30pm: White Sox vs. Jays (SN Now) 7:00pm: Mariners vs. Yankees (SN1) 9:30pm: Diamondbacks vs. Dodgers
PWHL HOCKEY (TSN/TSN5) 7:00pm: Game 2 - Minnesota vs. Boston
POW WOW CHOW (APTN) 7:30pm: Shawn sets up with a much bigger team at the renowned Hillside Music Festival, where he's already a legend; Chief Bob must dodge a few bears and renege on a deal to cope with a dwindling fish supply at Whitefish Lake.
NBA BASKETBALL  (TSN/TSN4) 8:00pm: Game 1 - Pistons vs. Celtics
EVOLVING VEGAN (CTV Life) 8:00pm (SEASON FINALE):  Mena devours plant-based sushi and ramen, learns to cook soba noodles from scratch, and takes part in a traditional tea ceremony.
THE GREAT BRITISH SEWING BEE (Makeful) 8:00pm: The quarter-final sees the five remaining sewers make garments inspired by history's most influential fashion Icons. For the Pattern Challenge, judges Patrick Grant and Esme Young draw on old-time Hollywood glamour with a dress reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn's little black dress in Breakfast at Tiffany's.
CEBL BASKETBALL (TSN3/TSN5) 9:00pm: Edmonton vs. Calgary
WHO'S AFRAID OF A CHEAP OLD HOUSE? (HGTV Canada) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Ethan, Elizabeth and the team help buyers transform an unconventional space into their dream home; the team tackles sponge blasting tin walls, repointing brick, and even replicates a chandelier from 1750.
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bricklayercleveland · 2 months
Enhance Modern Living with Brick and Block House Renovations
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Block and brick homes are classic representations of robustness and longevity in the field of architecture. Even though these structures are long-lasting, they can occasionally need to be updated to meet changing functional requirements and design trends. By combining modern flare with traditional design elements, homeowners may revitalize their rooms by brick and block house renovations Brisbane. This blog examines several remodeling concepts designed to improve the allure and practicality of block and brick residences.
External Redesign
A brick or block house’s façade makes an initial impression. Renovating the facade may increase curb appeal and increase the value of the house. To update the look, think about repointing mortar joints, painting the outside a fresh coat of paint to create a contemporary color scheme, or adding architectural elements like shutters or ornamental trim. Enhance the visual attractiveness of the outside of your house by adding landscaping features like plant beds or outdoor lighting.
Remodeling Interior Spaces
A brick or block houses interior may be transformed in countless ways to create a room that matches your functional demands and personal taste. To begin, replace the flooring with alternatives such as tile, hardwood, or laminate that go well with the solid background of brick or block walls. By knocking down non-load-bearing walls, you may make interior areas feel more open and roomy. Update kitchens and bathrooms with streamlined worktops, cabinets, and fixtures that set off modern features against classic brick or block accents.
Conserving History and Traditions
The importance of brick and block refurbishment services in maintaining history and legacy is among its most important features. Beautiful block and brickwork that reflects the architectural styles and craftsmanship of bygone centuries may be seen in many ancient structures. Professionals in renovations put a lot of effort into preserving and restoring ancient buildings, using specific methods and supplies to guarantee historical authenticity. Their efforts help preserve the architectural legacy and cultural history for future generations to value and enjoy, whether they are fixing broken bricks, repointing mortar cracks, or reproducing complex patterns and decorations.
Upgrades in Energy Efficiency
Block and brick homes have natural thermal mass qualities that make them highly insulated from outside temperature changes. Upgrade windows and doors with double or triple pane glass and energy-efficient frames to further increase energy efficiency. To limit heat loss and save utility bills, think about installing outside insulation systems or adding insulation to internal walls. Purchasing HVAC and appliance upgrades that use less energy can also save you money over time and lessen your carbon footprint.
Outdoor Living Spaces
Brick and block house renovations Brisbane Extend the functionality of your brick or block house by creating inviting outdoor living spaces. Install a patio or deck adjacent to your home, seamlessly blending indoor and outdoor living areas. Incorporate features such as pergolas, outdoor kitchens, or fire pits to enhance comfort and entertainment options. Utilize landscaping techniques to create privacy and enhance the natural beauty surrounding your outdoor oasis, fostering a retreat-like atmosphere for relaxation and enjoyment.
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localmasonry · 5 months
Preserving Warmth: The Art and Importance of Masonry Chimney Repair
In the age of modern heating systems, the charm of a masonry chimney still holds a special place in many homes. Masonry chimneys, with their timeless aesthetics and functional design, contribute not only to the visual appeal but also to the efficiency of a fireplace. However, like any structure, masonry chimneys can face wear and tear over time. In this article, we explore the significance of masonry chimney repair near me, shedding light on the artistry and importance of preserving these architectural elements.
The Timeless Elegance of Masonry Chimneys:
Masonry chimneys are more than functional components of a house – they are architectural features that add character and charm. Crafted from materials such as brick, stone, or concrete blocks, these chimneys showcase the artistry and durability inherent in traditional masonry construction. Preserving their integrity is not only essential for the safety of your home but also for maintaining the aesthetic appeal that a masonry chimney brings.
Signs of Wear and Tear:
As masonry chimneys age, they may exhibit signs of wear and tear. Cracks in the mortar, spalling bricks, and a leaning chimney are indicators that repair may be necessary. Ignoring these signs can lead to more severe structural issues, potentially compromising the safety and functionality of the chimney.
Importance of Timely Repairs:
Addressing masonry chimney issues promptly is crucial for preventing further damage. Timely repairs not only save homeowners from costlier fixes down the line but also ensure that the chimney continues to operate efficiently. A well-maintained chimney contributes to proper ventilation, reducing the risk of carbon monoxide buildup and chimney fires.
Artistry in Restoration:
masonry contractors near me is not just about fixing structural problems – it's also an art form. Skilled masons bring a blend of craftsmanship and technical expertise to the restoration process. Whether it's replacing damaged bricks, repointing mortar joints, or reconstructing sections of the chimney, the goal is to seamlessly integrate the repairs with the existing masonry, preserving the chimney's original aesthetics.
Waterproofing for Longevity:
One of the most common issues with masonry chimneys is water damage. Over time, exposure to the elements can erode mortar joints and compromise the structural integrity of the chimney. masonry contractors Kitchener often includes waterproofing measures to protect against water infiltration, ensuring the longevity of the structure.
Chimney Liner Inspection and Repair:
The chimney liner plays a crucial role in directing smoke and gases safely out of the home. During masonry chimney repair, it's essential to inspect and repair the liner if needed. Damaged or deteriorating liners can pose significant risks, and addressing these issues ensures the continued safe operation of the fireplace.
masonry chimney repair is not just a maintenance task; it's a commitment to preserving a piece of architectural heritage that contributes to the warmth and ambiance of a home. As homeowners embrace the enduring charm of masonry chimneys, understanding the signs of wear and the importance of timely repairs becomes paramount. By investing in the artistry of masonry restoration, individuals not only safeguard their homes but also continue to enjoy the timeless beauty and functionality of a well-maintained chimney. In the realm of home maintenance, the care and attention given to masonry chimneys become a testament to the enduring allure of traditional craftsmanship.
Source Url : - https://sites.google.com/view/localmasonrycom8989/home
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sydneywideroofing2024 · 5 months
The Vital Process of Roof Restoration in Bondi
In the beautiful coastal suburb of Bondi, the full brunt of nature's elements often leads to unavoidable roof issues. The protection and maintenance of your house's crowning glory become paramount, centering on roof restoration in Bondi. This process includes diverse services such as roof repair, roof leak detection, roof cleaning, painting, tiling, and even skylight installations.
Initial Assessment and Roof Repair:
Any successful roof restoration starts with a comprehensive assessment. Trained professionals evaluate the state of your roof for cracks or damages that could lead to leaks. Armed with this understanding, they can address specific problems such as broken shingles or tiles. Further tests might be conducted to detect any hidden leaks that can cause significant damage if left unattended.
Refined Processes including Rebedding & Repointing:
One crucial service within the scope of Bondi's roof restoration involves ridge cap rebedding and repointing—a meticulous process reinforcing the durability and stability of your rooftop, especially crucial amidst sporadic weather changes in areas like Bondi. Rebedding is required when mortar-holding ridge capping becomes loose or deteriorates over time. Repointing ensures water does not seep into places it doesn't belong by binding all elements securely together using pointed tools and flexible pointing material.
Aesthetic Contributions - Roof Cleaning & Painting:
Cleaning your roof canopy is an underestimated aspect of preservation. Accumulated dirt and debris may lead to unnecessary wear and tear over time; therefore regular cleansing proves necessary in maintaining a healthy rooftop. Painting follows cleaning—but serves more purposes beyond aesthetics. Quality paint acts as a barrier against UV radiation that can degrade roofing material prematurely while also providing an extra layer against corrosion. Thus combined benefits give rise not only to visual appeal but value addition coupled with enhanced longevity—a truly worthwhile investment!
Skylight Installation and Repair:
Solar-focused restorations, such as skylight installations in Bondi, contribute an added luminous charm to homes. Besides flooding your living space with natural light, they deliver increased ventilation and help maintain energy efficiency. However, these installations require professional handling to stay functional without causing leaks or related issues. That's where our specialized services for skylight repair ensure you enjoy the trouble-free benefits of this appealing fixture while we implement the aptest solutions for its maintenance.
Gutter Installations & Cleaning:
Another aspect of roof restoration is gutter installation—a quintessential system that plays a pivotal role in conserving the integrity of your house by routing rainwater safely off the roof. Additionally, regular cleaning is imperative since unattended gutters can accumulate debris leading to blockages and more severe complications down the line. This comprehensive approach focused on optimization makes a notable difference in enhancing your property's lifetime value while promising a hassle-free Bondi roof restoration experience!
Sydney Wide Roofing Co - Bondi
Phone: (02) 9541 8439
Address: Bondi Beach, NSW, 2026
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theredbloxmasonry · 5 months
The Red Blox Masonry
Contact Details: Address: Unit 5 487 Lincoln street Marlborough, MA 01752 Phone: +1 617-821-5385 Business email: [email protected] Website: https://theredbloxmasonry.com/
About Us: The Red Blox Masonry & Roofing is a trusted Masonry & Roofing company based in Boston, offering a comprehensive range of services to enhance and protect your property. With expertise in asphalt, concrete, and gravel driveways, we ensure a durable and visually appealing entrance to your home. Our team excels in chimney repair and maintenance, foundation repairs, and waterproofing to safeguard the structural integrity of your property. Additionally, we provide services such as exterior painting, gutter repair & replacement, house painting, and stone & retaining wall installations. Contact us at [email protected] or call +1 (617) 821-5385 for expert solutions. Visit theredbloxmasonry.com to explore our offerings.
keywords: Chimney Repair & Maintenance Boston, Concrete Driveways Boston, Drainage Boston, Flat Roofing Boston, Foundation & Basement Waterproofing Boston, Foundation Repairs Boston, Gravel Driveways Boston, Ground Works Boston, Gutter Repair & Replace Boston, House Painting Boston, Masonry Boston, Natural Stone Patios Boston, New Roof Installation Boston, Paver Driveways Boston, Paver Sealing Boston, Repointing Boston, Roof Repair Boston, Roofing Boston, Stair & Step Installation Boston, Stone & Retaining Walls Boston, Stucco Boston
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wjroofingahi · 6 months
WJ Roofing & Home Improvements
WJ Roofing & Home Improvements is a professional roofing and home improvements company based in Dublin. They offer a comprehensive range of services, including chimney repair and maintenance, concrete repairs, drainage, driveway cleaning, exterior painting, fascia soffit, full house clearouts, garage floor coatings, garden clearouts, garden features, gutter cleaning, gutter repair and replace, house painting, landscaping, lifting and relaying driveways, masonry, natural stone patios, new roof installation, patio cleaning and repair, patios and walkways, powerwashing and exterior cleaning, repointing, ridge tiles, roof cleaning and sealing, roof painting, roof repair, roofing, rubbish removals, shed bases, stair and step installation
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urbnroofing · 7 months
How to Perform Roof Maintenance and Roof Cleaning?
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The roofing is a very important element of the house; it protects us from the elements, so it is essential to regularly carry out maintenance and cleaning of the roof. In the same way that we dedicate time to cleaning floors, doors and windows at home, we must also dedicate time to the roof, if we want to make it last as long as possible.
Tiled Roof Cleaning:
Cleaning the roof must be done at least once a year in a serious manner, to avoid damaging it. Sometimes proper roof maintenance can even prevent breakages, such as that of tiles. A good time to carry out this work could be the beginning of December, since the leaves have all fallen from the trees and it is possible to remove them if they are blocking the gutter channels.
Cleaning the roof is not difficult and you can take care of it yourself, as long as you work in complete safety. If you feel unsure, call an expert from URB’n Roofing for Roof Cleaning in Sunshine Coast who will use the lifeline. It is a fall arrest system, an anchoring device to which operators are attached using a harness and ropes. But you can do the roof cleaning yourself if the roof is flat or slightly sloped.
One of the problems that generally occur on the roof is that stains form and the tiles become covered in moss. This type of roof cleaning can be done in two ways:
With the pressure washer
Roof Maintenance Cost:
Roof cleaning is very important, because even just a small blockage in a gutter can cause enormous damage and takes time to do properly. If you don't have time to dedicate to maintenance, it's a good idea to call our professional. Better to spend a little money now than having to spend a lot more lately to repair, redo the roof, Repointing in Sunshine Coast. If you decide to do it yourself, check that everything is done safely. Our roofers equip yourself with a solid ladder and place it at the right distance from the wall, to avoid falling backwards. The cost of roof maintenance is not high, but it can only be indicated accurately by knowing the type of roof, its size and the specific work that will have to be carried out, therefore the price can only be given after a thorough inspection. The roof is a fundamental part of your home and needs maintenance, don't wait any longer, it could already be too late!
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lrbsuk · 8 months
Revitalize Your Property with Expert Brickwork Stitching in Leicestershire
In Leicestershire, discover the transforming potential of Leicester Repointing and Bricklaying Specialists’s building services. Our skilled team experts brickwork stitching in Leicestershire, bringing fresh vitality to the structural integrity of your house. We can handle everything from cracking to stability difficulties. With a dedication to quality and accurateness, we assure that your property will last for decades. Trust us with all of your Brickwork Stitching requirements in Leicestershire!
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Masonry Contractors
Brick and stone are durable materials that can stand the test of time. But when they become damaged, it's important to call a masonry contractor for professional repairs. A masonry specialist can repair cracks, replace bricks or blocks, fix mortar and repoint a chimney or wall. They may also build and repair outdoor features like patios, walkways, driveways, or siding or brick walls for homes and businesses.
Masonry contractors work with brick, stone, cinder blocks, and poured concrete to construct and repair structures. Brick masons or mason contractors are skilled at building from individual units that are placed in a mortar base. They're also knowledgeable about the different types of materials that can be used for a project. They can help homeowners and business owners choose the best material for their needs, including tuckpointing and repairing water-damaged brick.
Using masons for your next home improvement project can add value to your property and enhance the appearance of your landscape. These experts can install pavers and create custom patios, walkways and retaining walls. Some of them also specialize in laying stone and installing fireplaces, chimneys and veneer walls. They can help you choose the right color, shape and texture of stones for your home or commercial structure.
Brick repair services are crucial to keeping your house in good condition and avoiding costly structural damage. If you notice cracks, chipping or discoloration in your brickwork, it's time to call a masonry contractor to make sure that the problem isn't serious. The cost of repairing brickwork can vary depending on the size and location of the damage. Some cracks and chips can be repaired by simply replacing the damaged bricks, while others require a full repointing of the affected area.
In addition to brick repair services, masonry contractors can also install new outdoor kitchens and hardscape features for your backyard. This is a great way to add a fun space for entertaining and relaxing in the backyard, as well as increase the value of your home. Whether you want to add a simple BBQ grill or a complete outdoor kitchen with an oven and refrigerator, a Commonwealth Masonry & Paving contractor can help.
The best masonry contractors in Boston have the skills and experience to handle any type of project. They'll be able to provide you with a free estimate and answer any questions that you might have. Some of them even offer a lifetime warranty on their workmanship. This can give you peace of mind knowing that the job will be done correctly and that you'll be able to enjoy it for years to come. If you're thinking of hiring a masonry contractor, start by asking friends and neighbors for recommendations. They'll likely be able to recommend someone that they've worked with in the past. You can also search online for local masonry contractors in your area. Once you find a few pros that meet your requirements, ask them for quotes. Then compare their prices to decide which one will be the best fit for your home.
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