devotedlysublimebird · 4 months
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Out of all the bad endings I've been through, this one hurts like a bitch. I'd rather have her turned out into some monstrous shit and clawed the shit out of my gut. Her bad ending is so bitter(im bitter). Overall, i just did not expected for her ending to be this, idk? normal? Oddly normal considering all the Bachelorettes bad ending, Lol.
Also, the betrayal?? Replacing the MC with a new york chick she just met after all the slow burn shit they've been through?? What about the stargazing they did in the forest as they chug in her mom's favorite wine she just stole from? Was that just a normal weekend to you cassandra? Huh? Crazy. Well, its cassandra being cassandra, it should've been expected. 😭 Anyways i love this game sm. Should've known this game earlier. Kudos to @team-avia for this amazing visual novel! Yall are amazing.
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chromacryptid · 1 year
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Years later and he’s still baby girl to me
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Yo so Ethan x Reader where the reader is Ethan's wife and mother of rose and the reader was replaced by Miranda so an au where Chris helps ethan to the aircraft where the reader is waiting and Ethan is happy to see his wife again, just a fluffy and happy ending?
A/n: Ethan! He deserves a happy ending man! So here he will get it!
also changed a little since the man does get his heart ripped out.
I hope you enjoy it my friend @emberstoriesandtales . { I’m replaying RE7 }
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Chris had though Ethan Winters was dead, he saw the man get impaled. Your screams echoing in his ears as he handed you Rose, you child and forced you to leave with one of his squad members. But then he saw it, a slight twitch of his hand. He had to get to the man, he had to save him, he owed it to Ethan after everything he's been through.
Dodging debris of the falling 'tree', Chris pushed himself too run faster. He barley reacted to lifting Ethan on his back, he didn't react to the blood staining his shirt. All that he knew was that he had to get him to safety.
"Stay with me Winters, keep in mind you got a wife and a baby waiting for you...alright."
The muttering reassured him and thank god he could see the air craft. Chris was still trying to wrap his head around the man was even alive with the beating he took be right now he wasn’t going to complain because at least he was alive.
Hospitals, you never liked hospitals but right now you were going to have to learn to like them since your husband was laying in a bed right now. Frowning you reached out grasping his hand holding it tightly. The man slowly stirring awake.
“Rose! Y/n!”
Bolting up, Ethan felt a hand on his chest, his eyes doing it’s best to adjust to the bright light. “Where am I”
“The hospital, that bitch really did a number on you.” You muttered grabbing his hand bringing it to your lips. “You scared the hell out of me Ethan.”
Chuckling, Ethan closed his eyes relaxing back in the bed. “I’m alive? Thank god, then all of that was a terrible nightmare.” he muttered. He couldn’t believe he was alive, that he still had you and Rose.
Rose…where was Rose?!
“My parents are watching her Ethan. I’ll bring her in tomorrow okay. I just wanted to see you…had to make sure you were okay.” Leaning in you gave his head a kiss.now get some sleep okay.”
Trying to relax, Ethan slowly nodded his head. As long as his little girl was okay then he could at least try to sleep for you. Squeezing your hand tightly he closed his eyes trying to get some sleep.
He was home and now you were all free, free of this shit and maybe things could be normal.
If it was one thing that Ethan knew, it was that he was happy to be out of the hospital, he was just happy to be home. Lifting his daughter in the air he nuzzled his nose against hers. Rose letting out a squeal of happiness.
“So cute!”
You couldn’t help but squeal, from the hell of the Bakers to what went down in that village. Ethan finally had a look of serene on his face, he looked like he was at peace.
Chuckling, Ethan shook his head then walked over to you giving you a gentle kiss a Rose babbled, her little fingers grabbed his sweater. “My two favorite girls.”
“And my favorite man.” You teased pinching his cheek.
Sighing, Ethan than reached out to grab your hand, Rose still playing with some random thread on his sweater.
“Are you okay Ethan.”
Shaking his head, he closed his eyes. “Ya I’m okay, how can I not be when everything is perfect.”
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23rd-petethecatguy · 6 months
Hii ethan
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Ethan Winters everybody!!
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veluni · 2 years
You know, I really don’t know how people can be scared playing Donna’s level.  Because when you think about it... what happens there is the funniest shit ever.  It’s great.  Donna just lets this guy traipse around her house while she puts on spooky illusions for him.  Probably ducks behind a cabinet whenever he turns around.  And they’re not like in a creepy hallway that she uses to scare people, they’re just in.  Her house.  There’s a pot still on the stove.  Her bedroom is a mess.
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imababblekat · 2 years
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I feel a lil disappointed we didn’t get to see Chris, but that’s okay because Rose is a badass and even though it was v short, I’m glad to have gotten some closer with her and Ethan <3
◉please do NOT repost; thank you~◉
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starinshadow · 1 year
Also I'm obsessed with this view, wish I lived here
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mossknoll · 5 months
watching a Res8 playthrough and was midway through saying “karl heisenberg walked so astarion could run” (because i thought they sounded similar) and WISELY googled before i spoke and appeared a fool
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vanoefucks · 1 year
me staring at this el lore dump i started mid way through quiz.
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holy-mothxr · 2 years
**This blog will now be on hiatus until further notice**
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wvsteria · 1 year
mia winters & rosemary winters ;; @mcrcki​
❝  i  feel  so  at  home.  ❞
mia had only moved to dc a few months ago, or at least she thought she had. and was going out for a walk that morning. after she’d stepped out of her apartment building she stood to the side to tie her hair up into a ponytail, though she usually liked wearing it down. “i feel so at home here.” she said aloud to no one in particular. 
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rockfact · 2 years
markiplier i do not care about your onlyfans . post more re8 dlc
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mcrcki · 9 months
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Was that [KATHRYN NEWTON]? Oh no no, that was just [ROSEMARY WINTERS], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [RESIDENT EVIL]. They are [EIGHTEEN] years old, use [SHE/THEY], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here
a little over a year! though, she showed up originally unaware, so in their mind, she’s been here for about four years after having been moved here due to her WITSEC placement.
what is your character’s job
part time barista, part time remote college student, occasionally volunteers at the library. they like how quiet it is
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
the end of shadows of rose!
has any magic affected your character
yes! they originally had no memories of home, of her parents, of the mold or miranda. as far as rose is was aware, her parents were involved in some biohazard related death and she has been moved around through foster parents within WITSEC. she still has some signs of said biohazard affecting her. but now that their memories are back, they are getting a better grip on their powers and understanding what it means to have them.
and any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!!
would love if i could play resident evil without getting emotionally attached to the characters!!! it’s a horror game and my brain sees a character and just goes “friend!!” and/or “baby girl, baby.” so, we’re doing great!!!! below is a quick summary of everyone’s favorite blender baby mold girl and some connections/what her vibe is within the city!
mold girl! mold girl! mold girl! her body is mold! 
no actually. 
she uhhh sometimes oozes white mold liquid when she gets stressed/upset. she went through a lot of bullying because of that. (which– where’s chris redfield , i just wanna talk about why!! we put this girl into a normal public school when we KNEW she LEAKED and thought ‘this’ll be fine no one will bully her’!!!!! god!!!!!!!! she went through so much , she absolutely hated school)
she was taken as a baby by mother miranda to be used as a vessel to bring miranda’s daughter, eva, back to life. that didn’t work ! dad of the year, ethan winters put a stop to that, when any logical person might have just cut their loses. 
shoutout to ethan for being an absolute determined fool. your daughter got that exact same gene!
she does not remember any of this, she was like barely one ??? but she’s heard a lot about it since because of the stories she’s heard about her dad. 
she wishes she knew him, spending a lot of time at his grave. rose is always wearing ethan’s jacket after it was gifted to her, she refuses to leave it behind as it’s one of the only connections she has to him. she still has it here in the city, and still wears it almost daily. 
 after The Incident at the village, rose was placed into government protection, solely because the u.s. knew that she was posing a direct risk as a biohazard superhuman, but they went “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” and knew they would one day want to use her for experiments to possibly use rose as a weapon for their own means. 
rose’s entire life goal has been getting rid of her mold powers. 
at some point, she was no longer being raised by her mother, mia, and was in full custody of special agents assigned to her. lowkey they were jerks. anyways
this is where shadows of rose picks up, when she is given the chance to go back to the village and find the purification crystal that will remove her mold powers from her, meeting her guardian angel within the “realm of consciousness" : michael. who we stan, we love michael, i will hear nothing else.
michael ended up being ethan LMAO
anyways rose ends up fighting evie in the mold, dealing with her trying to like tear her down mentally. and then after that they do !! fight miranda!! that's so fun!!
"ethan you pest" lives rent free in my mind, how much of a menace is this girl's father that even after death miranda is annoyed with him
and trust me , rose inherited all of that lmaooo
unaware life in dc : 
rose believes she’s been in the city for about four years, despite only being here a few weeks. she thinks that she’s been moved here to finish high school and start college within WITSEC. 
at the moment, she believes her parents were scientist who were involved in a biohazard disaster when she was a baby, and she’s been placed in federal custody ever since, considering she was exposed to the biohazard as a baby. she doesn’t know more details than that, and she doesn’t want more. she just wanted to be a normal person
she is very shy, very closed off, just because school has not been easy for her. she doesn’t have a lot of friends, and is afraid to let people get close to her. 
would love a group of friends, but exists as a loner because it was easier than dealing with rumors, and with how often she has to move as a kid. 
she goes to college, but only remote classes, because it’s easier for her that way, rather than being afraid of what kind of flareups she’ll get in class.
basically, she’s here, trying to live a normal life, completely unaware of what happened in the village, of what happened to her parents. 
UPDATED as of 12/12/23
rose is now aware, she's living on her own and trying to balance regular school, along with work and also being a student at xavier's school for freak kids. (she knows it's not the name but she does call it that in their head at times)
pining after their best friend, they don't want to talk about it
spending way too long trying to convince her mother that her "sister" evie is evil and not to be trusted!!!!
it's not going well
connections :
foster parents -
would love for rose to have some foster parents! she believes she’s been here for about four years, so would love to have some people that she would have been assigned to, that would understand she’s in WITSEC, etc. so, hmu if you’d be interested in that!!
coworkers -
rose works at a starbucks downtown part time, and also volunteers at the library, so lmk if you want any of your characters to be co-workers!!! 
friends -
literally, please, i’m begging!!!!!!! just real actual friends!!!! she has only had fake friends who pretended to be her friends to bully her, please please give her a good group of people who will just wrap her in love. she needs it. 
res. evil characters -
listen. i just think it’d be funny if she befriended any of the lords just not knowing. 
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hiddenwashington · 1 year
@lcngliive said : lmao @ me changing my reserve again but can i change it to cassandra dimitrescu pls :)
let's go !! cassandra dimitrescu is reserved for jodie until 8/30 at 6:55pm est! daphne blake is now available for applications !
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23rd-petethecatguy · 6 months
Hii ethan
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Ethan Winters everybody!!
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sp-ud · 2 years
honestly i feel like the most interesting things about resident evil's setting is that despite all the massive world ending level shit that happens, most of the world is ignorant that these things can happen
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