#rescreatu updates
rescreatu · 11 months
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🚨 Attention - Inactive Account Clearing Alert & Weekly Raffle Coming Soon! 🚨
Heya, it's been a while!
First things first - we want to give you a crucial heads-up. If your account has been inactive for five years, your Creatu and their names will be removed. However, your accounts will stay intact.
📅 Deadline: Thursday, November 23rd (23:59:59 Rescreatu Time) 📅
You still have time to rescue your Creatu and their names! Simply log in before the specified date to keep your precious virtual companions safe.
Now, for the exciting news: Starting on Black Friday, we'll introduce a new automatic account clearing process, along with a weekly raffle! The cleared pets will be offered in this weekly raffle, giving you a chance to get unique pets that were once unobtainable.
🌟 What's Changing:
We're reducing the time limit for marking accounts as inactive from 7 years to 5.
Cleared Creatu will now first be relocated to the official NameClearings account showroom.
Get ready for our Weekly Raffle page! You can purchase one non-refundable ticket for each Creatu up for raffle, ensuring equal chances and fairness for everyone, no matter their time zone.
Raffle winners will receive their pet automatically after the weekly deadline.
Unclaimed Creatu will be made available in the account's Rancher shop.
Pets that remain unsold for an extended period will be released in the Atqueen Forest.
This cycle repeats weekly, with the next batch on display in advance.
Our goal is to create a more balanced economy and enhance the name-clearing experience.
We believe this new feature will bring an exciting dimension to our community, allowing these pets and unique names to rejoin the active pool rather than remaining dormant on inactive accounts.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates!
IF YOU CAN'T LOG IN, do not make a new account! 🙅‍♀️🚫 Please contact us and wait for a reply: rescreatustaff [at] gmail [dot] com
Best regards, The Rescreatu Team 🌠
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alfea · 1 year
some virtual pet sites
just in case you're looking for something to do online
neopets - a classic, everyone knows her, everyone loves her, they're currently in the process of converting all the flash games to html5
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marapets - another that's been around a long time, has adorable pets and lots of games, the human avatars are pretty ugly though
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rescreatu - a site where you gather eggs to hatch into pets by exploring, has some fun seasonal events and decent human avatars
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ichumon - this site isn't super active anymore but still has very nice pets and a good amount of games
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icepets - another site that's not super active anymore but the pets are quite cute and it also has some fun games
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daylightpets - this site hasn't been updated in a few years but it's still up and running just fine, not many games but the pets are pretty
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goatlings - all pets are goats (and they're very cute goats), has some fun exploration and battle mechanics
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outofcontrolrps · 5 years
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resconarchive · 7 years
I’m gonna weigh in as someone who has been on the site for over 10 years now. I have taken multiple hiatuses - sometimes year-long absences. If I had come back from one of those and my pets were gone, it would have been awful. I honestly don’t know if I would have continued playing.
But it would be fair. If I couldn’t be bothered to log in just once in 365 days while other people actively logged in, spent time and potentially real money every single day… Who should the site care more about? Rescreatu should be run more like a business when it comes to this topic. Active, loyal users should be the ones the site concerns itself with, not people who haven’t logged in even once since 2010.
Multiple emails should be sent out as warnings to these old accounts.  Updates should regularly be posted after the policy changes so everyone has a fair chance to be aware of it. They can retain their account but pet names should be cleared (transfer pets to the graveyard & let them lose their name). Other pet sites with unique names are run this way. It’s the only way to keep from totally discouraging active/new users.
This also brings into question when/how these names should be cleared because if it is done by hand by staff members, obviously this gives staff an unfair advantage and the ability to scoop up great names and further prevent regular users from obtaining them. Some sort of automated process would have to be created and users would have to be given the same notice & opportunity to grab names as staff would have. A yearly purge could be a solution - and it could be announced a few months in advance so all users have the same chance to seek out names on dead accounts.
I own more than a few top-tier names. I’m grateful I have been able to retain those names over the years. But I’m also glad Rescreatu still exists at all and I get to play it, something I’m honestly surprised by. Policies like this are the reason however that Res isn’t doing as well as it could.
Honestly we need more corrections to rectify the name issue, but this could help. Unfortunately there have always been users that hoard names. Currently Iso is the big one - but it’s always someone. There’s no incentive for users to NOT hang onto 500 awesome names so why shouldn’t they? They need a reason not to, and that’s where I have no answers…
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rescreatu · 7 years
Cash Shop Update
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The OAK Lie
The “OAK Thing” was never a thing. Dan’s response on that thread was so obviously a load of bull. He got called out for giving himself 6+ OAKS and pretended he was doing it to “see if there was still interest”. OAKs are arguably the single most valuable things on site, contested only by names. There was never any question of interest in OAKs and Dan knows it. Don’t tell me he’s so brilliant that he has managed to legitimately amass such absurd amounts of wealth but is unaware of the value of literally ONE OF A KIND things. No. He knows. He had to make up an excuse and it was a shit one. Res doesn’t have the staff to support doing OAKS again. Even if admins really wanted to see if OAKs were desired they could have done LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE other than give Dan 6+ of the most valuable fucking things on site and then wait to see if users noticed. A poll? An update asking for opinions? A contest or raffle to give away six OAKs? Fucking pop in the sb and be like, “Yall still want super cool unique pet art for just yourself that will have massive value?” Nevermind the fact that the OAKs he commissioned generated 0 income for the site but were still granted use as legitimate pet art. I would bet my whole ass that he didn’t even run it by Patrick. The idea of OAKs was to generate revenue for Rescreatu; revenue that would benefit the site & everyone who plays. Instead, once again, Dan knowingly robbed Rescreatu of income for personal gain. Each OAK he commissioned he paid Kirawra $80-$100 for (which is also less than OAKs were when they were a legit part of the site). That’s at least $480-$600 of income the site missed out on (minus the artist’s commission pay). And there is no other way to spin this. Sure, he agreed to do it for others that commissioned Kirawra, but there was never any announcement to let the rest of the site know this was an option. Probably because Kirawra is not employed by Rescreatu and therefor it would have been sketchy as hell to direct users to order from her. No hate to Kirarwa btw. I don’t know if she was aware the art would be used this way from the beginning but again - she’s not staff and she’s not obligated or expected to make good decisions for the site.
This is how much Dan prioritizes the site over his own desires. On blatant display. If this doesn’t tell you all you need to know about his motivation and morals when it comes to Rescreatu, idk what will. But hey as a gesture of good faith Dan, you could still put those OAKS to good use by giving them away! 😊👍
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rescreatu · 4 years
We're pleased to say that Rescreatu is now back up and running on a slick new server! Be sure to head to rescreatu.com to check up on your Creatu, and check out our latest update for your chance to win a brand new item for your human avatar!
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rescreatu · 6 years
Outing With Toby
Phyllis Needs Your Help!
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Don't forget to return to Phyllis' house on Scria to meet up with Toby!
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rescreatu · 6 years
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The Halloween Event is now closed.
We hope you all had a great time meeting Ruwyn and participating in the festivities. Who knows what'll happen with Ruwyn and the Xsisters next year! All prizes for the leaderboards will be handed out soon. 💀💀💀
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You voted for the BOTZOOKA! The Botzooka will be a limited edition item stocking in the Armor Shack. Thank you all for your suggestions and votes and an extra special thank you to Defenestration who suggested the name.
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rescreatu · 8 years
A message from Phaeda
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"Oh, hello there. Listen, I had an idea I wanted to share with you... As you heard from Kir before he's been feeling lonely lately, not able to join us all again yet. I'll be honest, I've been missing him too. It pains me to see my old friend lonesome and all, so I came up with a nice idea that could really help cheer him up. We've talked it over and he seems to really like the idea, so I've come to tell you what we've come up with. I was thinking how great it'd be if you all could draw or write things to cheer Kir up. Maybe remind him of his friends here amongst the four planets, of Scria, the planet he stays on while he's with us... Perhaps of myself, too, if you're so inclined. I wouldn't mind. And to make it fun, let's make it a contest! Those who manage to cheer Kir up the most through their works will most definitely be rewarded. What would those prizes be, you ask? Oh, trust me, I know how much you people love rarities... These prizes will certainly play to your love of special, shiny things."
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Rules:- Word count for writing pieces - Minimum: 300 words. Maximum: 1000 words
- Size of art submissions should be 800px x 800px
- Entries must have been created purely for this contest and must be the work of the entrant alone
- Standard social media rules apply
- Standard site rules apply
- When submitting your work, please provide your Rescreatu username. This will make the process of handing out prizes more efficient
Final day for entering: April 15
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I'm getting the sinking feeling that rescreatu's final blow will not be dealt by all the shady business being brought to light, but the eventual blowback from those the management have wronged if the site ever thinks about blowing up like FR.
Like. What you've done will come back to bite you in the ass, hard.
You do realize that, right?
No amount of site touch ups can fix a reputation.
I strongly recommend repairing the relationships damaged as you all repair the site itself.
I'd love to see Rescreatu flourish, and I appreciate the new wave of updates, but knowing what's been going on behind the scenes with no clear resolutions leaves nothing but a knot of dread in my stomach.
I'm not sure Res could even approach the level of success FR has without addressing the staff & user problems first. The site continues to shrink and it's not due to lack of content. Every player that is lost - from being banned, shunned, mistreated, lied to, etc - negatively impacts every other player's experience. Games like this require lots of different interactions between many players to keep things exciting and active. Most things on Res require buying & selling between users. The fewer users the less this happens and the more stagnant and unbalanced every market becomes.
The game withers as a result of people spending fewer hours on the site every day as they realize sales will take weeks instead of hours, their goals become more unreachable, and the general economy leaves them feeling discouraged. Not to mention those who stop playing because their friends were banned or mistreated or they just don't want to play a game that is full of cheated wealth among the people running it.
That thing that you fear is really already happening. It leaves me feeling sad as I hear from current and ex staff who are very passionate, talented and creative but are too afraid to address the elephant in the room. I honestly am at a loss for how to help... Many of them have played for years and (rightfully) don't want to lose their accounts.
What can we do to help them?
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I thought this blog was a safe place for Everyone to express themselves, not just who you choose. You all talk all of equality but choose to silence me. Very interesting how you choose to control the narrative and decide who's a villain or victim. This blog has severely impacted my mental health and I stayed silent for a really long time while I let it deteriorate me mentally and physically. When I finally had the strength to speak up, you decided it wasn't fit for the blog. -Schemes
You have a solid and valid point here. You're right. This blog is not unbiased or impartial and I should update that. This blog is for people who don't have a place to speak on Rescreatu, the discord server or the other blog, either because they are afraid to do so or because they've tried and been banned or they have tried to contact staff and been dismissed. I encourage you to recognize that you do have access to all of the aforementioned things and the support of site admin. I also encourage you, or anyone else, to not visit this blog if it is upsetting.
Honestly, part of my motivation for not posting your submission is that I can already tell it would only be the start of a very long and ugly series of posts here that I doubt would do you any favors. People are upset and hurt, and I can promise you they won't react as calmly and politely as what I wrote.
If you would like to discuss this reasoning further feel free to DM me.
There's a lot in my inbox currently that I am working through.
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I check on res and this blog every once in a while, and I saw there was an update about Aria. Since I cannot leave my words on site, I would like to say my piece here.
Aria was a patron to the arts. She loved to support the artists on rescreatu, she even supported my art way back in 2015. I still have the art that I drew for her, and I will never forget the support she provided. She will be missed.
Rest in Peace.
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rescreatu · 7 years
Last chance to enter Kir contest
Would you like to win a black Galta or Uldavian egg? Well, you have a few hours left to submit a piece of art or writing to cheer up Kir! Today is the last day to enter our special social media Kir contest, as it will close at midnight Rescreatu time (reset)
Full details here: http://www.rescreatu.com/updates/view/1994/ 
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rescreatu · 6 years
Will You Find It?
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Yesterday you and Toby were close to discovering what that odd Creatu was. Hopefully, today you will find it! Head back to Scria to pick up Toby to continue your quest to discover the origin of the strange looking Creatu!
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You may have noticed that some strange candles have been floating around lately. If you light them, and make a heartfelt wish, they will temporarily surround you with the aura of the planet they came from. After a day has passed, the aura will fade, and you will once again be a part of the planet you originally lived on.
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In case you want to move permanently, you may also purchase a single use residence permit from the Cash Shop.
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rescreatu · 6 years
Contest Winners
Halloween Contest winners 2018
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Annnnddd the votes are in! We had some ~wicked~ entries for your contests this year, huge thank you to everyone who entered and voted for their favorite spine-chilling designs and photos. 💀 
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Most creative 
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The frightfully artistic: KiraraNeko
Most intricate 
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The devil for the details: KyoKai
Most intimidating 
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The menacing: silverstar5311
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The hair-raising: PinkParadise 
Originality of Media
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The alarming: Acari 
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The horrific: Heterochromia 
Color Usage
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The sinister: Redrock 
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The captivating: PinkParadise 
Most Festive
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The cobweb-covered: WinterRoseStorm 
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The terrible: Taka 
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The cave-dwelling beast: Heterochromia 
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The beastly: Mic
Most Intimidating
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The spook spectral: Billbee
Most Intricate
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The unearthly: catsmeow22
Most Creative
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The phantasmal: CheeseLiker
Contest Participants will receive:
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A Dark wraith and a trophy 
Contest winners will receive the following:
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A Keep out Gate, a trophy, 10 mil and a Drachid egg; as well as the prizes above.
Also, a huge congratulations to the Xisters leaderboard winners! You'll each get a Veil of Ruwyn and Wings of Ruwyn.
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You will receive an alert when prizes are given out so you will know when the items are placed on your account. Thanks again to everyone who entered! 
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