#research breakthroughs
natjennie · 2 months
"and im gonna go buy party cups" awwww I do lowkey kind of feel bad for fabian this season like. obviously the more highly magical of the group have been favored while figuring out these god mysteries but. fabian's social maneuvering has been important too and his growth as a friend and his success on the owlbears. I don't think he's getting enough credit! especially with the election being so pivotal for the ritual!!! give him some praise!!!
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youngpettyqueen · 3 months
Julian and Keiko headcanons because Keiko gets sidelined so much and deserves the world and I wish we got to see them interact more
when they get stumped on their respective projects, they'll do late night work sessions together and bounce their research off each other to see if the other can help them figure out where the problem is. they'll do this in person when theyre both on the station, but also over call if one of them is away, and after the O'Briens move back to Earth
they edit each other's papers (Keiko marvels at Julian's ability to spell out complex chemical compounds with his eyes closed, and somehow use 'their' instead of 'there') (in his defense he wrote that bit at 4 in the morning after going 2 straight days without sleep) (she threatens to sedate him)
Julian sometimes brings back plants from planets they explore in the Gamma Quadrant and gives them to Keiko. sometimes he does it because the plant has medicinal properties and the two of them can do a joint research project, but most of the time he does it just to give her a nice gift
when Miles goes away for particularly dangerous missions, Julian will keep Keiko company and help keep her mind off of it. sometimes she has trouble sleeping because shes so worried, so he'll hang around and start rambling on about whatever he's currently working on until she falls asleep. he jokes he's boring her to sleep, but it actually means a lot to her
they have a weekly tea date. this is their prime gossip time. sometimes Jadzia is invited
when Keiko's mad at Miles she'll rant to Julian about it. Julian learned very quickly that this is not a time where advice is wanted, so he sits back and lets her get it all off her chest, because she really just wants someone to listen and let her blow off some steam
Julian makes a concentrated effort to learn more about plant husbandry and care after the incident where he accidentally killed some of Keiko's prized plants because he actually does feel very bad about it
Julian hovered over Keiko nearly as bad as Miles did when she was pregnant with Kirayoshi (and then he hovered over her even more after the pregnancy transfer, and he wouldnt tell anybody why, but Keiko knew it was because nearly losing her shook him up pretty bad)
when Julian gets outed for being augmented, Keiko goes to him and gives him the tightest, warmest hug he's ever gotten in his entire life
Julian gets invited to girls nights with Keiko and Molly (steady surgeon's hands make him the best one to paint nails) (he pretends to complain but he loves it)
anytime Julian has to go away for a scientific conference of any kind, if he gets to bring someone with him, his first choice is always Keiko
in short: theyre besties they told me so themselves <3
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wtfearth123 · 11 months
Scientists have created a new material that can conduct electricity without any resistance at room temperature (above 127°C) and normal pressure. It is based on a modified form of lead-apatite (LK-99). This is the first time such a feat has been achieved in the world.
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lakesbian · 5 months
also i've been paying attention (no shit) and i've observed that, as of 5.5, alec has been jumping into conversations almost solely to help taylor or try to make a joke with her. it's not that he has no interactions with lisa or brian, but it seems like his dynamics with them are very settled and established: lisa is a roommate he's cool with and a teammate, but they're not the type of people who would make great friends. brian is a casual buddy and someone he could game with, but they're not very close either, and brian is honestly casually shitty to him sometimes. rachel is rachel, and he's not fucking with that. so the fact that, despite being in depressed, dissociative fugues every chapter, he keeps perking up just to be welcoming or helpful to taylor when everyone else has gone silent--the fact that he immediately tries to force "dork" as an affectionate nickname with almost tragic obliviousness to the fact that she doesn't like it--the fact that he keeps trying to start friendly banter with her even when she demonstrably doesn't get it or finds it annoying...it honestly screams of a desperate (and i'm sure entirely unconscious) attempt to try latching onto the first new person who's entered his life in a while, to see if the connection will stick, to see if he can finally become a bit less lonely.
and i think this idea is only strengthened by the fact that we see him do the exact same thing to aisha when she first joins--the example that comes to mind first is when he wraps an arm over her shoulder and jokes about them starting their own team together, but i'm sure i'll find others in the reread. the difference is that, with aisha, it actually works.
alec vasil :( the Loneliest Little Prince...
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miss-biophys · 11 months
We found a new antibiotic target in bacteria!!
It took almost 4 years, but the fruits of my postdoc research are finally here! In our paper (with me as the first author), just published in Nature Communications, we decipher a working mechanism of an antibiotic that targets the membrane of bacteria in an unprecedented way!
enhanced PDF: https://rdcu.be/dgj2d web version: https://lnkd.in/eRpxr4jg
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And how does it work?
The antibiotic AMC-109 first self-assembles into stable aggregates with a cationic surface. These aggregates then specifically target bacteria cells and insert into their membrane.
You can see the process how we simulated it in a computer on the figure below. Grey-Blue is the antibiotic, Red-Yellow are lipids that together form a membrane.
@jmelcr did this awesome simulation work! You are an amazing scientist, jmelcr! I love you and it seems our collaboration did not ruin our marriage. Not yet, anyway 😄.
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After insertion into the bacterial membrane, the antibiotic dissolves membrane nanodomains affecting membrane function without formation of any pores or holes in the membrane.
Below is the series of high-speed atomic force microscopy images that shows the process of dissolution of membrane nanodomains. Yellow are the membranes extracted from bacteria laying flat on a hard surface (black). The membranes contain nanodomains (bright yellow) that are important in living bacteria for its survival. Addition of antibiotic dissolves them.
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More studies will follow that use this new target in bacteria giving us an advantage over untreatable superbugs. I will keep you posted. And... keep your fingers crossed. It's research after all, so we never know if and how well it's going to work.
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gemkun · 2 months
i was having a shower and i started to think about the potential of assassination attempts or sabotage on veritas. i also have to credit @zorkaya for the delicious bodyguard au we've been creating and especially the recent response involving a threat on the doctor which meant ushering him away to safety.
it's clear that dr. ratio can take care of himself and the other guy(s) are probably going to come out worse than him , but i still think that it's not unheard of for him to be a target of envious researchers or people he rubbed wrong because let's face it , who doesn't find him displeasing ? someone asked me once to name veritas' friends and i for the life of me couldn't.
i also think when he was younger at least he was in the safety of the university but perhaps he hadn't been as methodical as he is now , so , if other students picked on him then he probably had to learn how to diffuse that as well. he's also the type to cover up any injury or tend to it quickly since he firmly believes he is capable of handling confrontations and battle. like he's a doctor , his job is to heal and tend to ailments. that extends to him as well.
this makes me wonder about who would be veritas' enemies because i'd be lying if i said he has none.
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ace-aro-sasha-nein · 1 year
I think all psychonauts games are really unique and well crafted etc, but the first game touched on a very specific experience of mine that literally no other media has been able to capture. You play as a young character that is deeply enthusiastic about an institution that appears to be dying. (The camp’s buildings are decrepit, the adult supervision seems a bit checked out, a kid could loose their brain and nobody would think they were, like, that different from normal, the guy who flips burgers at the lodge is an old and well respected agent, one person has set up a sparsely furnished lab underneath an old (rather unethical) government research facility, said facility is left unattended to the point that kids can trap each other in there without anyone noticing… ) idk the whole camp is falling apart a bit, and certainly doesn’t bode well for the Psychonauts as a whole, and I would have loved if the Psychonauts had felt more on-its-last-legs in psychonauts 2. But games are not only built for me!
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Rev. Franklin Loehr  - The Power of Prayer on Plants - Signet - 1969
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scottguy · 4 months
Scientists are my heroes.
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rowlfthedog · 10 months
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digirainebow · 5 months
INCREDIBLE day for jacoblovers
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fma-forever · 1 year
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Hawkeye’s so direct here. It reminds me of when she tells Mustang it’s cruel to lie to the brothers about Hughes.
She’s a straight shooter in more ways than one.
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Schmaltz and Studying (and a little brother)
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thedragonboi · 1 year
Idk why but there’s something really funny about cancer researchers being evacuated to Australia the second they make breakthroughs to prevent them “committing suicide via sniper” only for the relocated individual to immediately die from spider or snake venom because it’s Australia
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vnetwork · 1 year
Scientists Pull Energy Out of Thin Air: Amazing Science Explained
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pikachumaniac10 · 2 years
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The shiny luck on pokemon go countines!!!
I forgot that I got full odds shiny number 63 and my second shiny aron of pokemon go yesterday!
Just now I claimed my the weekly research rewards only to have a shiny bear trap appear!!!
This my second shiny galarian stunfisk however it's not full odds as breakthrough mons at last check have shiny odds of 1/20.
If my count is right, this makes the 2nd shiny ever gotten from research breakthroughs, the first was shiny latios back when legends were the weekly breakthrough mon.
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