#reshir rambles
mithrilhearts · 11 months
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This was a part of my 2021 #ACORNTOBER event! While I am still debating on whether to keep the drabbles on ao3, I am absolutely keeping them here on tumblr, and want to give them a little bit of polishing and love! So, with perfect timing for Halloween, enjoy this Reshirement-Parentshield centered drabble!
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“And once the sun goes down that’s when all the fauntlings will go out with their parents and go door to door and ask for the sweets,” Bilbo was rambling, feeling as if he was expertly explaining this whole Halloween thing, but truth be told, the confused look on Thorin’s face said otherwise.
“...There’s good food in the larder, Bilbo. Plenty of sweets. Why are we sending Frodo to beg for them from our neighbors?” Thorin scratched at his head some, genuinely trying to wrap his mind around the concept of this trick-or-treating thing. Hobbits sure were fond of their holidays, just as dwarves were, but this one was a little extraordinary.
No doubt Fili and Kili would have loved something like this when they were small, and even when they were full-grown, just as they were now.
“Thorin, I love you, but please try to keep up. Frodo’s not begging for food, it’s just a fun thing that we get to do! The kids love dressing up, and these aren’t just any sweets, you won’t find a single tart in Frodo’s basket—” Bilbo narrowed his eyes dangerously before reaching forward and giving the bottom of one of Thorin’s braids a small yank. “And stay out of his basket when we all come home!” He said loud enough for Frodo to hear in the other room before dropping his voice with a wink. “We go through the basket after he’s asleep.”
Like any good parent, it was customary to sneak a few pieces out of the young one’s baskets. They couldn’t possibly eat it all!
It was still confusing, but Thorin was just going to go with it. He had been trying incredibly hard to adjust to Shire life, and this was part of it. It was part of why he had allowed Bilbo to put this silly bit of headwear on him. At first, Thorin had scowled, but tossing a few dark horns on his head to replicate that of a dragon was no big deal.
The headpiece would come off, at least.
Bilbo on the other hand had little ears on his own head that likened him to a rabbit. That was what Beorn had called him once upon a time, no? Little rabbit, or bunny, something of the like.
“And what’s Frodo dressed up as?” Thorin asked while adjusting the headband on his head.
“I’m a wizard!” Frodo announced as he dashed into the room, a gray pointy hat on his head and a robe swooshing as he ran. “Just like Gandalf!” 
“If you’re a wizard, can’t you just magic yourself some sweets?” Thorin was promptly swatted on the arm as both Bilbo and Frodo cried in unison.
“Uncle Thorin, we’re going Trick-or-Treating!” Frodo handed his basket over to Bilbo, grabbing a free hand from each uncle and moving to tug them along as the light outside was fairly dim. Someone was incredibly eager to enjoy the holiday, and catch up with the other fauntlings of the Shire.
Bilbo flashed Thorin a grin as they all eased out the door and already the shrieks of happy young ones could be heard. “Now Frodo, remember your manners at each door. Holiday or no, you will say please and thank you, right?”
“Yes, Uncle Bilbo.” Frodo sighed, sounding incredibly annoyed, but that was a kid for you, even as young as the fauntling was.
Thorin couldn’t help but crack a grin as Frodo released all hands, grabbed his basket, and took off a few steps ahead of his uncles, ready to see how many sweets he could fit into his basket. “He really does remind me of Fili and Kili.”
“Except Frodo knows his O’s from his A’s. They still call me Mister Boggins.” Bilbo sighed, sounding just as annoyed as Frodo had a few moments prior. At least Bilbo’s exasperation had gotten a laugh out of Thorin.
Watching the fauntlings run up to doors, knocking fiercely, and being on their best behavior was quite a sight to behold. Now that he was witnessing it for himself, Thorin could see where the appeal was. There were a fair amount of decent costumes running around as well. More wizards, a dwarf or two, and Thorin was certain he had seen a young one dressed up as Lobelia in all the most obnoxious of ways. 
For as much energy as Frodo had though, darting from smial to smial, you could see the exhaustion in his little legs start to plague him. There were a few doors to hit and Frodo seemed determined.
“He’s getting T–I–R–E–D,” Bilbo laughed, spelling out the word before hearing a disgruntled sound ahead of them.
“I’m not tired, Uncle Bilbo! We only have a few more. Can we please finish them?” At least he said please.
“Of course.” Tired, you could see it in Frodo’s big blue eyes.
When it came down to one door left, a familiar yellow door that housed one of the better families of Hobbiton as far as kindness went, Bilbo had Frodo’s wizard hat atop his head as well as the basket of sweets, and Thorin had Frodo in his arms who was drifting into slumber.
That yellow door opened up and there stood Hamfast and Bell. 
“Trick-or-Treat,” Thorin and Bilbo both spoke softly in unison.
“Oh, look at you three,” Bell cooed as she placed a hand over her heart. “Samwise was all tuckered out before we made it home too. Bless their little hearts. Wait here.” Bell disappeared, earning a small chuckle from her husband.
“Be sure to tell Sam in the morning that there is a special tart in Bag End with his name all over it. He’s welcome to it anytime,” Bilbo grinned, looking towards Frodo and adjusting a small bit of those curls away from the fauntling’s face.
Hamfast gave a small nodding hum in response, everyone seeming to be as quiet as possible to not wake Frodo who was now snoring pleasantly against Thorin’s shoulder. 
“Here we are, one of my apple pies. Thank you both again for watching Sam last week,” Passing over the pie to Bilbo where it could rest carefully at the top of the sweet-filled basket.
“Sam is welcome anytime,” Thorin interjected quietly, adjusting Frodo in his arms who had a death grip on one of his braids. “Frodo’s done nothing but talk about how excited he is for Sam to stay with us a few days next weekend while you and Hamfast are out of town.” 
“You two are just precious, as is he,” Bell wiggled one of Frodo’s feet, earning a small twitch from the sleepy fauntling. “Happy Halloween, boys. I’m sure we will see you tomorrow.”
Then came the usual pleasant goodbyes, though the more time that went on, the more informal it all became. Thorin truly admired the Gamgee’s and was happy to lend a hand where he could. 
The trek back to Bag End was quiet. The Shire all seemed to agree that it was time for all the little fauntlings to be tucked into bed and for the adults to settle down as well. The excitement was short-lived but well worth seeing the joy it brought.
“I’ll put him to bed,” Thorin announced quietly as they awkwardly maneuvered the door open, careful not to jostle Frodo around in the process.
Bilbo met Thorin’s gaze, his brows rising and falling playfully. “And then…”
“...we go through his basket,” Thorin grinned just as playfully in return.
“Exactly, now you’ve got it.”
Thorin finally understood the importance of Trick-or-Treating. 
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zephyrfuse · 6 years
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ok but uhhh....important screenshots i'm cryinG,,,,
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reshirfuse · 5 years
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hello tumblr, hop has ace shoes
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skyridersho-u · 6 years
hey new followers!
this is an art only blog so it's a good blog to turn Notifs on. I need to update this place badly so i apologize
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dimdiamond · 3 years
3, 7, 11 for the artist asks ❤️❤️❤️
3. what song(s) do you listen to when you do art?
Usually I prefer to have playlists or long videos so I don't have to choose songs and it's just something that plays in the background. Some of them are:
SPACE TRIP II chillwave synthwave retrowave mix
Singularity (Synthwave - Retrowave - Chillwave mix)
[Playlist] Japanese City Pop Mix Vol.1
SIAMÉS "HOME" [Full Album 2020]
Devilman crybaby - Full Original Soundtrack
Sol-Fa (2016 Recorded Version)
Or you know just the same song that has stuck on my head in repeat 😂
7. do you prefer sketching, outlining, or coloring?
Each stage has its ups and downs but I really love sketching because for me, believe it or not, it's the most creative stage, especially if we're talking about comic. It's the stage where you have to think about the composition, the expression and the scenery for both artistic and narrating purposes. For example the way that the speaking bubble should lead to the other one in a fluid way or how, even though the characters are separated by the lines, they communicate (A faces the right side and in the next frame B faces the left side).
Outlining gives the sketches life and coloring brings them to the light and seeing the results of them is always so fascinating.
11. warm or cool colors?
That's a tough one! I think a good piece should have both of them, not necessarily in a balance as we need them to enhance its quality. For example a warm drawing can be warmer if you use small portions of cool colors and the opposite. It's all about the contrasts. But I think I prefer the cool ones.
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zephyrfuse · 6 years
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you wont believe your eyes
if 10 million blinding lights
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zephyrfuse · 6 years
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I will never find these threads get old ever
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zephyrfuse · 6 years
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zephyrfuse · 6 years
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zephyrfuse · 6 years
me: october...octoling...inktober....what words combines octoling and inktober...esp when ink means inklings
my brain: octotwinktober
me: i
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zephyrfuse · 6 years
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reshirfuse · 6 years
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so our teacher had to leave in a hurry and panic posted our assignment and it's just...
here you
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zephyrfuse · 6 years
the octoboy is honestly so beautiful and if anyone got beef with him u gotta go thru me first
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zephyrfuse · 6 years
glasses a fucking UNDERRATED ass coroika character
-100% anxiety
-leader but no one knows
-seeks validation but no one notices
-brush main
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zephyrfuse · 6 years
so many people complaining about paying when it's like 20 a YEAR
i mean one i'm not mad that nintendo gets my wonderful 4 fuckimg bucks a month (if i decided to play for one, it's more like 2 lmao
and two people sound like pettywhining spoiled kids about it like "oh boo guess it's time to never play switch again" and honestly it's getting hella tiring and people sound like immature children as they threaten to burn their switch over 4 bucks a month.
we have been pampered by free online services for EVER now and even if nintendo doesn't do much to improve the online service it's still way more than what we could ask for. It's like 20 a year, and we are ungreatful spoiled brats who can't handle to fork over like 20 bucks a year. Heck i'd be lucky if i had to fork over 40 a year. 60 a year tbh.
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zephyrfuse · 6 years
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it's the final 100 stretch,,,,
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