#restless wind inside a letter box💌
baezdylan · 2 years
top huddy scenes and why? also they should been endgame and i will be forever bitter because of that the writers don’t like writing happy house
Listen, I've been trying SO hard to make decisions here and JUST CHOOSE, but I couldn't come up with anything too specific because every scene that I ended up choosing somehow made me think of another one. And that's when it hit me: that's the point. House and Cuddy are purposely written that way. More under the cut because this got looooong.
It's not your typical slow-burn because the evolution of their feelings and the evolution of their relationship (and by that I mean their relationship being officially regarded as romantic even though they've always been together in some capacity) happen in two different timelines. It's canon that they've both been interested in each other since their college days as confirmed in Known Unknowns and while their feelings do change over the course of time and their understanding of one another deepens and becomes more detailed (this mostly has to do with them learning about the other's life before they met, especially their family life, see: Family Practice and Daddy's boy), I think the progress that they make individually by the time s6 wrapped up has more to do with the way that they process their emotions rather than feeling something for the first time. This is precisely why there's not really a sense of "oh. they are together now" with them, if you pay close attention, because they've been in each other's orbit for far too long and they've always been not only fond of, but deeply understanding of the other person. There are these tiny ways in which their characters overlap and oppose each other. They wouldn't be able to be such perfect foils if they didn't have just as much in common. I really appreciate this little moment from Humpty Dumpty because it's! only! the! second! season! but these characters have known each other long before we as the audience encountered them for the first time in the pilot. One more thing I love about it is the physicality of it? And I mean it in a completely non-sexual way (even though there's obviously a layer of sexual attraction there too, but that doesn't particularly interest me) because the physical aspect of being is an enormous part of both House and Cuddy's characters and considering how this little moment takes place in s2, the same season House helps Cuddy with the IVF, I take it as a sort of foreshadowing for the bond that will form between them near the end of the season. I especially love how that relates to House's infraction because in that context, Cuddy made a choice that saved his life (a difficult one nonetheless) and him helping her with something relating to her body is his way of trying to protect her from the faith that he suffered. (not to say that infertility and muscle death are the same thing, but you get my point) But alas, ultimately Cuddy's body betrays her, just like House's betrayed his and there's an inevitable and permanent, a brand new form of understanding connecting them now. That's, in my opinion, why Cuddy reacts so strongly to House saying that he wishes he made a different choice back then in Help Me. For once he is verbally, though of course indirectly, but still it's the most direct he's been about it, acknowledging her medical decision and not only that, he's also accepting his reality as a disabled person (before that, House has been trying to deny the differences his leg made to his life which often led to bad outcomes and I think the show did a great job portraying his experience with that) and that's important to Cuddy. That's really how these two function, they will disregard their feelings if they aren't at peace with what their mind is seeing and for Cuddy to see that House has grown as an individual? That's a greater gift than anything he could ever do for her. (though the gifts he gives her are !!!!! and are always focused on her personality and her history, never on the relationship he has with her)
Another moment that isn't only a favourite, but that immensely intrigues me is the famous monologue from 7x14 in which House confessed that he would choose Cuddy over his mind. House and Cuddy are both Mind over Body type of people, the abstract, intellectual world is to be trusted with decisions, them valuing that specific quality in the other ("the most incredible man", "interesting lunatic", House trusting Cuddy with medical decisions regarding his health because he considers to be a good doctor which is saying A Lot from his perspective, "you see the world the way that it is", "you do make me feel funny" House constantly being intrigued by Cuddy with mystery solving being the literal driving force of his character) and their bodies are set on challenging that logic over and over again. (the themes of change and acceptance of change as a natural concept in house m.d. -> the essay I should, but probably won't ever write) And to have House say something that's basically an antithesis to the way these two characters function and walk through life? Cuddy's unreadable expression when he makes that proclamation? Insanity. Many many thoughts, none of them coherent and all of them associated with screaming. They are treating each other like consecutive medical mysteries (in House's case) or interesting school assignments (in Cuddy's case and that's So Big for her because that's the exact aspect of med school that she longs for and misses desperately) and their lives continually making the other person much more complex than those already complicated and challenging concepts, jdjdjdkdkdkd THEM LEARNING ABOUT WHAT IT IS TO BE HUMAN WITH THE ACCIDENTAL HELP OF THE OTHER AND GOING MAD ABOUT IT!!!!!
One last thing I want to discuss is the gender of it all and then I'm really done. House has been shamed for not showcasing traditionally masculine qualities by his father and Cuddy has been misunderstood by her mother due to not being conventionally feminine... Both of them working so hard to "make up for that" in adulthood, their subconscious desire to please their parents, the exaggeration of the typically masculine and feminine characteristics that they are able to find within themselves. (House being determined not to showcase his emotions, Cuddy's love for fashion that will hopefully "make up for" her being the dean of medicine. Not to say that she doesn't like fashion, just that there's a significant part of her identity stored in the clothes that she wears, some of it related to her mother) BUT this is why the "common is boring" conversation from 7x03 (?) is so important narratively and to me, especially from this angle. When they are together, they don't have to try to shove each other into these metaphorical boxes or satisfy the norm.
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baezdylan · 1 year
Ok, but, I kid you not... about FIVE MINUTES before I saw your post about the Dylan biopic, I was looking at an Amy/Laurie edit, and I was looking at Timmy C's scraggly little mustache and ruffled hair, and thought to myself, "He could almost pass for a young Bob Dylan there, haha..." And then, FIVE MINUTES LATER, I find out that he's actually going to be playing him. 😂 Well, ok then.
the tragedy is... i could also pass for a young bob dylan and nobody contacted me. YET 🤩
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baezdylan · 2 years
Thoughts about Jess really make me go into all sort of tangents lol. Cause like, while I was watching the first season I was talking with my mom about how small towns are portrayed in media.
It's something I've been paying extra attention to a lot lately, since I'm writing njabbic, and growing up in a small town (technically a village actually) is a big part of Aria's backstory and what shaped her into who she is. And in my story, the small town is portrayed very negatively, which I feel is very common. It's the whole "small town, small minds" thing, which is something that gets repeated in njabbic a lot. Just that the smaller the population is the less diversity there's gonna be, and then when someone is different it really stands out. Also if everyone knows everyone, there's really no place to escape. You can't be anonymous. Also since njabbic takes place in the 90s when they didn't have internet, there's really not much to do where Aria lives except gossip, which only makes the problems worse.
And there's also idea that small towns are limiting. Aria has always had big dreams and a longing for adventure, which none of her peers share and find her strange for having. Her dreams are literally bigger than her home, which is why she feels trapped.
And then there's the positive side of things, which is a lot of what Stars Hollow feels like in the beginning. Where the small size of the population and everyone knowing everyone results in a really tight knit community. Like a really big family with all that small town charm as well. Also the fact that like every resident is super weird and eccentric somehow (affectionate for everyone except Taylor).
And in the first season, this is mainly how Stars Hallow is portrayed (they even have an entire plot line where Paris tries to discover the town's "dark side" and it's meant to be funny because it doesn't have one), but when Jess enters in season 2 it shows aspects of the town that aligns with that first example (here's your story Paris). And I think it's interesting that the world is afforded this complexity, and what it says about how these portrayals differ because of who's telling the story. Cause if Jess had been the main character of the show it most definitely would've been portrayed as example number 1. I don't know, it's just about how people and places are complex and one's perfect blah blah.
Oh yes, definitely! Gilmore Girls always does that thing where they simultaneously confirm a stereotype and demolish it, which I've mentioned before. It's all about the perspective and it's lovely to see that same manner of writing applied to the characters. The problem (well, one of the problems) with a tight-knit community is that they don't do so well with change and what's so heartbreaking about their treatment of Jess is that it's more of a treatment of this caricature, a made up character with this boy's face, personification of unpleasant aspects of change. But naturally, everything they say and do inevitably affects him and messes with his self image which wasn't too positive to start with. And then you have Rory!!! Who deals with the opposite issue, but it's an issue that comes from the same source which makes Rory and Jess the perfect reflections of each other. Jess is only ever associated with failure, Rory is never allowed to fail which leads to her actual mistakes being regarded as the mistakes of this other, made up Rory because the real Rory can't possibly afford to be anything other than an angel, anything other than the nice, good kid. (I have to recommend @jonismitchell 's beautiful writing piece that deals with the struggles of being "the cool girl". One of the best writing pieces I've ever encountered and while it doesn't deal with Gilmore Girls specifically, I think it's still relevant to the subject.) Re: see how Rory's treated after the car accident. I think that situation perfectly reflects the different ways in which the town exaggerates a singular trait these young people possess (or have appeared to possess) and only see them through that lens. That's why, to find comfort and understanding, Jess and Rory always have to be away from the town somehow, sometimes even physically. (the bridge, New York, the empty diner) It functions as a metaphor for the world they created prompted by each other's presence where they can not only be who they are, but also REALISE for the first time that they aren't this one unchangeable point in time and space. (This is where I talk about how romanticism is Literati's historical movement.) That they aren't only capable of changing, but that there's more to them right now, in the moment of speaking. Jess questions Rory's lifelong dream, she questions his predictions about his future. Maybe he doesn't only have to work to survive, maybe he can work to survive and love the work that he does. Which means a lot, someone seeing that kind of potential in you, when your whole life so far has been about holding onto the edges of the world that doesn't love you and trying to preserve against whatever lies behind existence, all that on your own. (Rory doesn't get enough credit for her unwavering faith in people and the ability to focus on the good in them.)
But the town loves Rory, and she loves her town. She loves Stars Hollow. It's small and everybody knows everybody and she's loved. Well, the person she thinks she should be is loved. But still, it's love because love is not fixed in stone the way that Rory's future is. So she's always torn between satisfying everybody else and satisfying herself and the former always seems like a better option because a part of her doesn't want to be anything except the person that she should be, the fixed point, the ideal. That other choice would acquire change and a complete reexamination of her identity. (this is what makes Jess's progress soooo good) Who else is reluctant when it comes to change? Small towns. But Rory's dreams are big, she wants to travel and see the world the same way Little Women's Amy March does. ("I was impatient, I wanted to get out into the world.") How do you accomplish both the internal AND external peace when your own self feeds on contradiction?
So Amy sailed away to find the old world, which is always new and beautiful to young eyes, while her father and friend watched her from the shore, fervently hoping that none but gentle fortunes would befall the happy-hearted girl, who waved her hand to them till they could see nothing but the summer sunshine dazzling on the sea.
I really love it when places are shown to parallel people because there's a whole entire world in all of us, but the common mistake is pursuing this one place per person logic. Because often times, the world within you doesn't exactly match anything external perfectly. It's more like a mosaic of different places and it just keeps building itself, it's a city and a little town and a person. A speck of dust burdened by being larger than life. I think that's why it's often said that home is found in others because you're more likely to find similarities or understanding between two collages of experience, no matter how different the pieces they're made out of are, the concept their presence relies on is the same. Just... places changing the people and people changing the places. They always end up painted one over the other and you can rarely tell which one came first.
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baezdylan · 2 years
So. I've been thinking about how often we talk about how young Rory and Jess were, as a... I don't know, plea for compassion and understanding of their mistakes, I guess, but I seem to struggle with offering the same patience to Dean, even though he's literally the same age. Why do you think that is, I wonder? Is it just because I don't like him and I don't WANT to? Am I just being unfairly judgemental and maintaining a double standard? Or are there actual reasons? It's funny, because I actually used to like Dean, when the first couple Seasons aired and I was young. But then I grew gradually more and more frustrated with him until I "disowned" him, I guess. Haha! Maybe part of why I'm so hard on him is because the narrative NEVER is? (For all people talk about Rory being "coddled," she actually gets blamed for a lot of things on the show). I don't know, and you're one of the only people I'd trust to be able to be impartial about this topic. 😆 Overanalyze this with me!
So far @trashfordair has been the only person I've met around here that likes Dean and she even wrote me a beautiful fic that features his reflections on Rory/Jess which you can read here. Everybody say: Thank you, Nathalie.
More under the cut because things got out of hand:
As for my feelings about Dean? I don't feel like I'm allowed to hate him. Based on the source material, I don't think I'm even allowed to like him. See, this doesn't apply to the things that he does. And that is really how I function when it comes to him. He does something bad? I disapprove. He does something genuinely nice? I approve. He DID read Rory's favourite books! He is shown to be hardworking! He understood how important family was to Rory and he honoured that! (I do think Lorelai's opinions on Dean are a cause for discussion and are to be corrected even though I get where she comes from, but the truth is Dean truly was of help to the Gilmores and the little things he did for them regarding the household can surely be viewed as minor, but he didn't have to do any of that) He has just moved from his hometown at the beginning of the show! He's fifteen/sixteen at that point. His girlfriend is falling for someone else and he can see it happen, right in front of him. Those aren't exactly pleasent things to experience, not ever but especially not at that age. Was he wrong to break up with Rory publicly? Absolutely. Do I think that he would do it like that under different circumstances? No. I don't think his primary goal was to hurt her (Not excluding him wanting to cause her some kind of pain which is a very real possibility. Again! Not okay, but too many people act like they're above so many emotions, characteristically human emotions. It's okay to feel it as long as you don't actively and consciously act on it.) I just think that he was lashing out and suddenly feeling everything he tried to suppress for a very long time. I don't know about you, but in my experience, public spaces can intensify every unpleasant feeling you've ever felt. (Yes I know Dean has a habit of lashing out, but that's exactly my point. Dean didn't purposely want to embarrass Rory in front of everyone, he would have had the same reaction regardless of circumstance.) This is not unfamiliar reaction for a teenager. Note: I am NOT coming up with excuses, just humanising him. I think that's worth something and should be worth something to everybody who's made a mistake at least once. For my thoughts on s4 finale see this.
I find Dean's temper issues very, well not interesting because I don't have much to work with here, but definitely view them as something with potential. I think this could have been developed without opposing the Gilmore logic (in a way that is, as we known, shown with Jess) because it could have served as a nice counterpart to different shapes Jess and Rory's impulsivity takes. Dean is underwritten. And that is my main problem with him. You have to admit that, if you like Jess for more than just his good looks (Stella, I know you do, but I always take on this teaching tone when I ramble dhsjjddk), you probably wouldn't have liked him as much or understood him as profoundly (based on information canon offers us) as you do if 1) his relationship with Luke didn't exist or wasn't treated with that much heart and care 2) this might be just for me personally, but if it wasn't for season 4. Because if s3 ended and Jess didn't show up before 6x08, I would have characterised his development as fan service for sure. And THAT is what Dean needed. A little scene in which he talks about something other than Rory would do wonders. And so would all those nuances and layers Jess was able to showcase in a very few scenes he appeared in over the course of 22 episodes in season 4. Now, that wouldn't automatically make me like nor hate Dean. But it would help me get there. He has those scenes with Lindsay in s4, but they are also "tainted by" Dean's feelings for Rory and only make me angry on Lindsay's behalf and make me frustrated with society. I have to make a disclaimer though: I am so incredibly annoyed with this whole thing where the fanbase massively hates on the "nice guy" (which is such an unsatisfying and one-dimensional term to use for describing characters, but you get my point) and maybe I'm shying away from actively disliking Dean because of that. (can't wait for somebody to hold this over my head, but I had to bring it up to keep my conscience clear)
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baezdylan · 2 years
Titanic is one of my favorite movies of all time I’m about to throw hands–
it's so cheesy... ("i'm flying, jack"?????? "put your hands on me, jack"?????) it's an oversimplification of not only romance, but the state of being human as well. (rich people - bad, poor people - good seems to be the underlying message) i've discussed it with stella earlier and she put it perfectly when she said how many aspects of it, other than the cinematography, kind of feel like an afterthought (because the movie DOES look exceptional, it's very nice to look at) it works better as a comedy imo, everything feels exaggerated without a greater purpose than... exaggeration? idk maybe it's just not for me. i simply couldn't take it seriously. no shade to people that enjoy it tho! who am i to judge, i obsess over trashy teen soaps. (you can like something while being aware that it isn't very good objectively and this is something that caused me a LOT of distress in the past) if there was something i could connect with in it, i'd probably be talking about this movie 24/7. it's a matter of personal preference and this film in particular is beloved by a large number of people, so it's nice to know there's someone who agrees with me on this.
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baezdylan · 2 years
thoughts on cuddy's ending?
Oh. My. God. Nonnie!!!!! *takes a deep breath*
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I HATED IT!!!!!!!! Cuddy as a character has always worked against the show's (*coughs* misogynistic) logic (not to mention House's logic), she's the driving force behind a vast majority of instances!!!!! The light, the heart of it all!!!! (no wonder the s8 filter is so dark djdjdjdjksk) After seven years of being a series regular, she deserved so much better. Hell, she deserved so much better while she was still a part of the show!!! Buuuuut, me being me, I had to figure out an in-universe explanation for *gestures vaguely* whatever that finale was and an explanation that satisfied me well enough (It's dark. I'm a fan of the imaginary friend!Wilson theory, ofc it's freaking dark), so here you go (read at your own risk):
Okay so, Cuddy's primary purpose at the beginning of the show is to be House's narrative foil, right? He rebels against authority -> she's authority personified. He's "the outlaw" and she's all about "the rules". But then there's s2 and by the end of it, they start to blend into one another for the first time (there are little tiny clues at the beginning of the season tho, like Cuddy's famous computer password, that imply that she might not be your classic uptight overachieving boss lady WHICH I ADORE ABOUT HER #cuddyfanclub4everrrr)... or better yet they (just as the audience) start noticing the similarities that have always been there, but weren't acknowledged. One giant parallel that was developed with time has to do with the way their bodies betrayed both of them (which will later happen to Wilson as well :/) and it's maddeningly interesting. But it also positions Cuddy as the heart of the show for the first time because House finds her ways of dealing with her situation admirable. Ridiculous! But admirable. (not to say that chronic pain equals infertility, but you get what I mean) Which is kind of like his whole perception of her, almost like she shouldn't even exist, Cuddy is that contrasted with the world from House's perspective. This is why he mocks her, he's trying to find the "real" truth within her, because she just can't be carrying her truth for everyone to see like she does (can be applied to Wilson too, tho Wilson is, if you ask me, more intertwined with House's identity than Cuddy is, I feel like House views Wilson as the best part of himself and Cuddy as someone whose existence symbolises something larger and brighter than who he is), she must somehow be as awful as everyone else is, horrible like he is. (what he doesn't get here is that he's the only person who gets to see that truth so easily and it's not a decision Cuddy has made consciously, it's a decision she didn't even know she was making) BUT!!!!! She proves him wrong (almost) every time. Because Cuddy genuinely is caring and kind and patient and loving. And when s7 comes to an end, Cuddy has done what House would have done if he was in her shoes. She broke up with him and that decision brought her closer to the part of House that House hates, closer to everyone else. What House does in the s7 finale is the ultimate act of self-hatred, you know? It's terrifyingly twisted and more insane than perhaps anything he's ever done. He's crashing into Cuddy's house, but his aim is to destroy himself. And scare Cuddy away, scare her so much that she never comes back. I think House needs that knowledge of a certain light or hope being out there, just a proof of its existence, even if it doesn't directly affect him at that point and I don't think he realizes he needs that kind of assurance, not before he loses Cuddy completely. Because that's when he starts to worry that he might have changed her, not necessarily for the worse, but made her a little more like the rest of the world (which is such a faulty assumption, but that's House for ya), a thought planted by Cameron back in s6.
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baezdylan · 2 years
Okay okay yeah all the husbands and the marriages and the Harry and Celia of it all…but the way it all comes back to these two daughters and how steadfastly and desperately and wholly they were loved by these imperfect people I am SOBBING
And like, I know that’s just something people yell on the tumblr but there are literal tears streaming down my face rn
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baezdylan · 2 years
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i had to investigate!!!!! fortunately, i was on the floor next to the sociology/philosophy section when person x managed to appear next to me, yes, but was also unable to detect me because of my super spy location so i had time to prepare for the investigation. forgot to put marx and engels back where i found them tho so i rose up to my feet and immediately repeated the pattern in reverse ⬆️⬇️⬆️ it was very normal and subtle, easy to look past. will not be going any further with the descriptions due to data processing.
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baezdylan · 2 years
okay hear me out here dude, forever winter is a lumax song
CINDY!!!!!!!!! pls i can't do this right now djjdkdkfkskxjsjdkkdd
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baezdylan · 2 years
Starting 4x14 now
the incredible sinking lorelais my beloved 🥰
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baezdylan · 2 years
jo wtf i thought i’d been following you all this time. have amended that error, i’m so sorry! wondering what your thoughts are on the 2019 little women adaptation and how you’d rank the march sisters?
oh arden what a lovely question, i hope you don't regret enabling me like this (and literally don't worry about trivial matters such as following me back <3)
here's my lw meta masterlist in case i don't articulate myself very well here (well. lw IS one of my biggest obsessions and i'm a rambling catastrophe)
for the actual question, let me start off by saying that i love the 2019 movie! but i sort of view it as a spin on the original story rather than something that is meant to compliment it entirely so my opinions about each don't always line up. i love that! because i developed this mindset where i stopped expecting adaptations to match the book perfectly and became more interested in the director's unique understanding of the material. (to say that i'm not too big on movies that aim to satisfy everyone and are primarily created to be liked) i'll share some thoughts on a few things the movie gets criticized for, just off the top of my head.
i love the way time works in lw2019 (because the concept of time in media is my ultimate weakness) and i love the space that kind of storytelling leaves for interpretation because not all of it has to be necessarily true in reality (and this goes beyond the big moments, like what is shown with jo/bhaer, i think the specific perspective on some events doesn't have to be the objective truth which is always fun to think about and this movie is inherently about the importance of the in-between instances that make life what it is + jo's struggle with the differences between the bookish and the world around her supporting that logic) and that IS how memory works. i adored jo and laurie in this film (my focus is usually on the platonic relationships rather than the romantic ones) and i don't exactly get how can anybody think that the text reads as romantic on both sides with them. (i am doubtful of the nature of laurie's feelings as well, you CAN interpret yourself falsely especially if what you feel is strong and society norms keep pushing you in the wrong direction, more on that here) jo doesn't want to lose her friend, losing her friend feels earth-shattering to her and her internal conflict comes from the inability to match what she feels with what the world wants from her. her being willing to sacrifice her future and comfort for laurie's sake is messed up, but it doesn't mean that she loves him romantically, just that friendships can be as complicated as romance is.
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she doesn't say that being a wife is what would make her happy!!!!! she never entirely opposes that statement, she only ever claims how living her life without laurie beats it in intensity. i n s a n e
as for my ranking of the sisters, jo is the one i most relate to, but the characters i relate to are rarely my favourite characters. i love encountering perspectives that are foreign to me and doing my best to understand them, i think that's how we learn and gaining knowledge is the number one goal to me when it comes to anything bdjdjskdk amy used to be my favourite, but she is way too similar to jo for me to list her as my favourite sister. this is my current ranking: 1) beth/meg; 2) amy; 3) jo. meg used to be my least favourite (doesn't mean that i didn't like her !!!), but i love these moments in every day life when i suddenly get her (especially book!meg) and i will probably reread the book once again just to do a study on her character.
sorry for taking this... well everywhere at once, i hope i wasn't a bother <333
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baezdylan · 2 years
Last night I was in the car with my dad and I put on the playlist you made me (rock'n'roll summer) on shuffle and the first song to come up was love buzz by nirvana. My dad has never been prouder of me by the way, we had a blast, (except when there was a red light we had to turn the volume down a bit). Anyway, I love you and your playlists sooo much!!!!!! I was right about this summer having the best soundtracks ever (ofc choosen by you!!)
Maisssss, literally coming here after demolishing your inbox with my DW rants because your tags sparked my impulsivity and dhjdjdjdk this is such a relief! Me being weird about the stuff I like has actually resulted in something MAGICAL!!!!!! This is possibly the best ask I've ever recieved, I'm so happy about you spending quality time with your dad and about my playlist playing its part in that experience! Providing the soundtracks for your summer is one of my greatest accomplishments, thank you for sharing this with me. 🥺💫🧡🪐☀️🌻
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baezdylan · 2 years
Ok Chuck has got to have some character development so I can like him because he’s an ass but I’m loving the tension 👀
i wish i had something pleasent to share here, but i don't believe there's too much to look forward to when it comes to him 😔 the tension is definitely there tho and i admit it can be fun at times (well. i'm the first on board for insane people falling for insane people dynamics), but this wasn't for me... it's not that chair is too physical (well that is a part of my problem, but it's more about how that physicality isn't... portrayed in a way that would intrigue me like it is with house and cuddy for example), but that it's pretty much reduced to that physicality and everybody is familiar with my 🔮issues🔮 when it comes to that :////
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baezdylan · 2 years
can we talk about how house’s chaos clams cuddy down and how cuddy’s control helps house and how they’re opposites that balance each other out
Yeaaaaah! But they're opposites in this very specific way as in... they're on the verge of being the same person, but then there's that key detail that puts them on the opposite ends of everything? For example they are BOTH control freaks, but have different coping mechanisms. Cuddy will organize every single detail about her life categorically because her fear of losing control comes from understanding and acceptance. She KNOWS that she can't be responsible for everything that happens to her so she tries to prepare herself for those situations with her meticulous planning. House on the other hand acts like he CAN control everything, even though he knows that isn't the case. [it's the Denial (TM)] So when they interact they're constantly reminded of what they're trying to avoid and that benefits both of their characters. House is chaos incarnate and him just... being himself? reminds Cuddy how she can't research and prepare her way out of everything, especially not when it comes to social interactions. And with Cuddy being Cuddy, House is unable to settle down in Denial Land because she serves as a reminder that: yeah, you can't control everything. That's established in the pilot, in their very first scene actually! House being reminded of the fact that there's someone who has control over him at work [a direct opposition of his self-focused convictions (house vs god is a great episode from a Gregory House is a bigger control freak than Lisa Cuddy lens) and a challenge to his distrust in authority figures] and Cuddy being faced with an issue that cannot be solved with her usual ways of functioning. It's like a chemical reaction that should work a certain way in theory, but plays out differently in practice. (not to be a chem geek, but I'm thinking about electrolysis of sodium chloride rn hdhdjdjdjdj) They're always challenging each other, it's great, even from a non-shipping standpoint! There's also this cool aspect of it all that leans into Cuddy and House's accidental solipsism as I call it (what's real to him is the only reality worth acknowledging, maybe the only reality there is) because they keep invading the other's understanding of the world, which is interesting to think about in the context of s5 finale. But!!!! I'll lose track of things if I go there now.
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baezdylan · 2 years
oi punk show
who made the header?
IT WAS MEEEEEE MOIIIIIII MEEEEEEE, I'm super proud of it 🥺💫💓 Maybe I should make a living out of this hmmmm? 🤔
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baezdylan · 2 years
btw rewatching the scene where harry argues with umbridge and gets detention for the gifset and i gotta say that scene is SO me-core i used to argue with my teachers just like that all the time
maya hart 💛
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