#retroghouls if
retroghouls-if · 8 months
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Music has always been a part of you.
You could hold a bow (violin/viola/cello) before you could hold a pencil. Unfortunately, life has catapulted you into a downward spiral. Your college band disintegrates. A close friendship goes up in flames. You’re doing nothing with your life. Death and a personal betrayal have left you bereft. You have never felt more worthless. Everything culminates on the night of your sister’s wedding when you drunkenly form a Faustian contract with the entity that haunts your apartment.
For better and for worse, you are now destined for greatness.
The devil has but one thing to ask in return: absolute domination. You are to conquer anything and everything through the power of good ol’ fashioned rock n’ roll. And you’re not alone. Armed with friends (new and old), a new band, and quite literal hellspawn to help, you are going to conquer the world.
Not because it’s what you want, but because failure is not an option.
Not for any of you.
Retroghouls is intended for mature 18+ audiences for dark topics including abuse, violence, explicit language and sexual content, and more.
Customize your MC from their physical appearance, personality, sexuality to their musical background (violin, viola, or cello), familial relationships, and more.
Choose your band’s concept and determine its overarching message. Is your group activist, a sex symbol, or a harbinger of destruction? Will you tell your fans that they’re not alone? Will you challenge them to persevere no matter what? Or will you encourage them to burn it all down?
Manage your newfound inspiration and the cornucopia of side effects that come with it.
Protect the anonymity of you and your bandmates.
Outwit a demon or two – if you play your cards right.
Romance a cast of troubled individuals.
Make objectively terrible decisions! Ruin lives! Or don’t. You will face the consequences of your actions either way.
Camille ‘Ilim’ Vaughan [she/her or he/him] is the drummer of your new group. Having been involved in the music industry for over a decade, they are a person who invokes a myriad of opinions. Both beloved and reviled, Ilim themselves operate in extremes. They make no effort to hide their agenda. So the question follows – what part will you play in the reckoning? [MORE]
Tuesday ‘Needle’ Nelson [he/him or she/her] is the bass of your band’s guitar trio. So, whether it is during concerts, midnight comp sessions, or just casual riffing at hq, they are always close by. Music has always been their one true love and so they’re determined to pour their blood, sweat, and tears into this project. Tuesday has very little else otherwise. [MORE]
Micky Monroe [she/her or he/him] You two took orchestra together in high school and haven’t given a passing thought towards one another since your graduation performance. Now, courtesy your prodigious manager, Micky & Archangels are the feature on your upcoming album. Once the album is done, you’ll surely fade from one another’s lives just like before. Both of you agree, it’ll be just like before. [MORE]
Jack/Jackie Graves [he/him or she/her] is the heart of your PR team, coordinating with managers, publicists, and social media specialists to ensure no unnecessary information about the band leaks. Your privacy is their bread and butter. Your security pays their bills. Don’t mistake their friendliness. Don’t mistake their kindness. It’s just common business to look out for one’s best interests.
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reagan-slayer69 · 7 years
i was tagged in a thing. holy fuc
Rules - Copy this into a new text post, delete me answers and put in ur own. When you are done tag some people and also tag me ;)  have fun! (me in this case being @rubarb but actually tag me g3ngarvevo though)
a / age - 18 (soon to be 19) b / biggest fear - there’s actually a running list of big fears but I think I’m mostly afraid of the future, feeling particularly inferior, and being discarded c / current time - 3:46PM, 4:05PM by the time this post is done d / drink you had last - coffee. holy shit. do I. live. on it. e / everyday starts with - waking up next to my boyfriend. it’s actually the best thing mfgggggg f / favourite song - right now, “bloodflood pt. 2″ by alt-j yeah??? g/ ghosts are real? - oh fuck yeah my dude h / hometown - Cleveland kinda i / in love with - coffee??? Michael (bf)???  j / jealous of - The generations before ours where houses and jobs were easy to get k / killed someone - @rubarb said “emotionally” and damn, same,?? l / last time you cried - less than two week ago; bit more than a week ago perhaps m / middle name - Thomas n / number of siblings - 1 sister, 3 half sisters o / one wish - To reach a state of emotional normalcy, whatever that means. Have the brain run less rampant. I’d love to be less insecure. I’d also really like to get to a place in my life where I feel successful... whatever that means. lol p / person you last called/texted - Michael I think q / questions you’re always asked - “How are you?” (Fine.)  r / reasons to smile - I’m sitting in front of a partially open window and the wind keeps whistling as it blows through :”)))))))))) s / song last sang – "Ferrari” by the Neighbourhood t / time you woke up - not early enough lol... what, like, 10:45AM? 11:00AM? 11 sounds about right whoops u / underwear colour - not wearing any v / vacation destination – Seattle, but I heard it’s fuckin’ depressing? So perhaps, like, Chautauqua Lake. My dad always talked about taking me, but we never went. I kinda wanna go. w / worst habit - being a piece of shit is a habit, right? x / x-rays you have had – uhhhhh teeth? uhhhhhhhh ribs??? I think??? y / your favourite food - literally I don’t eat but when I do I love me some rice. and chicken. and fries. give me carbs or give me death z / zodiac sign - PISCES BITCH HYUK HYUK
god who’s still even on here anymore?? @retroghoul, @gorbaby, @insecuredragon, @novocqine, @cheetotears, @cluod, @send-me-your-newts, @whiteknightinblackarmor, @cherryykisses, @lubrican, @hungandbootyful, @faithj77, @nicebf, @tzarbucks, @littlebitmiffed, @tsarbucks... lol Tony if you see this and you’re still on here, you too bitch but idk your url sorry sorry sorry 
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prescrption · 7 years
I haven’t done one in 10 whole years fam
Rules - Copy this into a new text post, delete my answers and put in ur own. When you are done tag some people and also tag me ;)  have fun! I was tagged by @retroghoul a / age - 18 b / biggest fear - dying alone probably c / current time - 4:37 pm d / drink you had last - Milk e / everyday starts with - waing up right after my mom leaves for work, and then I take out my pipe and go in the backyard to smoke. And then I chill for like an hour or two, pass out, maybe smoke again. That’s if I’ve got nothing goin on. Lately that’s all that’s happening f / favourite song - I’ve got lots of fave songs g/ ghosts are real? - yes i trust zak bagan’s words with my life h / hometown - Cleveland ohio i / in love with - apparently im not allowed to love him anymore so j / jealous of - idk k / killed someone - how and why is this question here. i dont fucking get these “have u ever killed someone” questions like no nancy, no i have not l / last time you cried - earlier today m / middle name - lia n / number of siblings - 1 older sister o / one wish - to idk. get my life together and happy p / person you last called/texted - idk my sister q / questions you’re always asked - what is wrong r / reasons to smile - puppies s / song last sang – take it easy by mika t / time you woke up - like 6:45 am u / underwear colour - blue v / vacation destination – disney world w / worst habit - smoking weed x / x-rays you have had – um pretty much the usual ones you’d get y / your favourite food - spaghetti z / zodiac sign - virgo
I tag anyone who wants to do this 
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retroghouls-if · 8 months
Ilim Vaughan [RO]: The Drummer
Camille ‘Ilim’ Vaughan, 32, he/him or she/her – Out of all the people [redacted] has screwed over, Ilim is special. One of the scant few who have fulfilled their contracts (at least the second time around) and gotten to do as they please with their life. They are also one of the few insane enough to swear revenge. So long as it involves screwing [redacted] over, they are in this for the long haul. Even if the moon bleeds, the mountains shriek, and the seafloor turns to glass, Ilim will have their pound of flesh.
Ilim has short curly light brown hair, medium brown skin, and round light brown eyes. You’ll never see them without black eyeliner on. Ilim has well-defined arms and have been known to routinely break their drum sticks. As a man, Ilim has a mustache.
They love loud, neon colors and wacky prints. As for jewelry they only have their ears pierced, but they gravitate towards anything metallic or spiked. Their everyday outfits usually involve bellbottom jeans, a heeled boot, and a (sleeveless) shirt so neon it’ll burn your retinas. Ilim’s favorite article of clothing, however, is a denim jumpsuit.
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retroghouls-if · 8 months
Tuesday Nelson [RO]: The Bassist
Tuesday ‘Needle’ Nelson, 27, he/him or she/her – While they used to think themselves a mediator, Tuesday has found that more often than not they accidentally add fuel to the fire rather than putting out the flames. They’ve learned their lesson. Whenever conflict arises, they flee. If there’s a fight to be had, Tuesday’s in another room fiddling with their bass. They have no lofty goals of fame or fortune or anything else. They learned their lesson the first time so they’re here for the music, the drinks, and life’s accidental pleasures – nothing more and nothing less.
Tuesday Nelson has long chestnut brown hair with blond highlights which they usually wear up in a wonky, off-center bun. They have tanned skin with freckles all over their face and shoulders and dark brown eyes. Ninety percent of the photos of them online have them wearing sunglasses of some kind.
Lanky and jagged, the bassist of your band prefers a bohemian look. Earth tones, flowing sleeves, and baggy pants. If pressed for time, they will dust off a pair of old, faded, ripped-to-hell overalls to wear. Their favorite article of clothing is a pair of cowboy boots. Whether dressed to the nines or buck naked, a layered sun-moon necklace always hangs in the middle of their chest.  
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retroghouls-if · 7 months
What are their thoughts about marriage and kids?
ILIM doesn't have strong opinions about marriage either way, so they'd go along with whatever their partner wants. They would be hell to deal with on the actual wedding day though. If Ilim/MC do get married though, expect a prenup. Love is love and all that, but they feel like it'd be good for both them and their partner to have all their bases covered. Nothing rips people apart quite like money.
TUESDAY wants a wedding. They flip-flop between a big, show-off show-out fuck-off wedding that they can rub in everyone's faces and just flat out eloping. That being said, Tuesday is not prepared for the realities of marriage. They'd be one of those people who want a wedding more than a wedding (at least Chapter One Tuesday).
MICKY would love to get married, but they understand that marriage is not the end all, be all of love and romance. Still, I think some part of them would feel more at ease with the officiality of a marriage. So long as they are reassured of their partner's commitment, not getting married is not a dealbreaker.
JACK/JACKIE would love nothing more than to stick it to their traditional Catholic parents and just never get married out of spite. They go back and forth about whether they want marriage because they've had a step by step play by play of how a marriage can go south. However, they feel themselves utterly incapable of making the same mistakes their parents did.
KIDS (under the cut)
ILIM is a hard maybe because it would have to be well, well, well after the main events of the plot before they'd feel comfortable having a child. Even then, it'd probably just be one. They'd feel weird about their kid having access to the meticulously documented evidence of them being a hollow-skulled jackass. They wouldn't be able to tell their kid shit. They'd also worry about them getting bullied in school.
TUESDAY is a no and a hard no at that. Animals are cool though.
MICKY is nowhere near where they want to be in life to even consider children. In fact, if someone they were talking to (romantically) brought up the prospect of a child to Chapter 1 Micky, they'd ghost and not even feel bad about it. Micky won't settle for anything less than having all their ducks in a row before considering kids.
JACK/JACKIE has always considered kids inevitable. Not in a bad way, it's just that in their mind kids was just always something that was going to happen. This causes something of a dilemma when paired with their ambivalence towards marriage because their parents would be DISTRAUGHT if they discovered J had children out of wedlock. J is down with spiting mom and dad but not that much.
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retroghouls-if · 7 months
Who are the big spoons and who are the little spoons out of the ROs?
Tuesday: both, depends on their mood and the weather.
Micky: Little spoon
Jack/Jackie: Big spoon
Ilim: unfortunately, an insomniac, a midnight thrasher, and a starfish sleeper, MC will probably have to sleep in a separate room if they want any real sleep
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retroghouls-if · 7 months
What are the ROs love languages?
Acts of Service
Physical Touch
Words of Affirmation
Physical Touch
Gift Giving
Acts of Service
Words of Affirmation
Gift Giving
And Quality Time applies to all of them!
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retroghouls-if · 7 months
Care to share some facts about the ROs?
Sorry, this took me so long to answer. I had to think about things that wouldn't be too spoilery.
After having done on and off gigs with a bunch of different small bands as a fill-in, Ilim got their big break into the music scene when they got hired as the drummer for the rock band Mouthpiece. While it didn’t last very long – they were with the band for just over a year – it definitely got the ball rolling for them. Which is where things get a little complicated because Ilim (before Mouthpiece) apprenticed at a tattoo parlor so now they have this strange, limbo image of a celebrity tattoo artist who also drums sometimes.
Tuesday started out playing the guitar. However, their main band needed a bassist who could on occasion contribute rhythm guitar stuff depending on the song. So, they learned the bass and it’s just sort of stuck to them. They love both instruments but for different reasons. At the start of the story, Tuesday will be a part of Mouthpiece although they will have joined sometime after Ilim left.
Micky comes across to some as very soft. They have a quiet voice, light footsteps, and they always seem to be trying to take up as little space as possible, which allows them to be super sneaky. They’ll never admit it, but they get a kick out of popping up behind people and scaring the shit out of them. They’re a big fan of horror too, be it movies, games, or comics. Micky also plays into an image of being passive and shy when the reality is much less cut and dry.
Up until they turned fourteen, J would spend each weekend with their grandparents. On Saturdays, their grandmother taught them how to sew and on Sundays their grandfather would take them on a drive after church. Because of this, J is extremely talented at tailoring (they could have made a living off it) and an absolute maniac on the road. To this day, whenever they get too stressed out they’ll go for a drive.
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almandoherrera · 3 years
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Lagoona Blue in the 60s #LagoonaBlue #MonsterHigh @MonsterHigh #RetroGhouls #60s https://www.instagram.com/p/CLw37m5B3Mj/?igshid=i4r8qp57clwd
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almandoherrera · 3 years
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Draculaura in the 70s #Draculaura #MonsterHigh @MonsterHigh #RetroGhouls #70s https://www.instagram.com/p/CLw3WlThXDY/?igshid=9zkm5hfs9evl
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almandoherrera · 3 years
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Here is Ghoulia Yelps in the 50s. #GhouliaYelps #MonsterHigh #RetroGhouls @garrett_sander #50s https://www.instagram.com/p/CLhEml8B1lf/?igshid=12eusvzv9cmib
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almandoherrera · 3 years
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Here is Cleo de Nile in the 60s. #CleoDeNile #MonsterHigh #RetroGhouls @garrett_sander #60s https://www.instagram.com/p/CLhEYUqhJ2q/?igshid=111a8tq49kebo
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almandoherrera · 3 years
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Frankie Stein in the 50s. #FrankieStein #Frankenstein #MonsterHigh #RetroGhouls @garrett_sander #50s https://www.instagram.com/p/CLQU4ljhX_U/?igshid=10aaqebd4wqrp
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almandoherrera · 3 years
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Scarah Screams in the 60s as usual. #ScarahScreams #60s ##MonsterHigh #RetroGhouls @garrett_sander https://www.instagram.com/p/CLQUqLfh1HS/?igshid=13960oqc2os0z
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almandoherrera · 3 years
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Clawdeen Wolf in the 70s #Clawdeen #ClawdeenWolf #70s #MonsterHigh #RetroGhouls @garrett_sander https://www.instagram.com/p/CLQUboRhYWY/?igshid=1nj4ikghes7ty
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