retroghouls-if · 8 months
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retroghouls-if · 8 months
it's the little epiphanies.
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retroghouls-if · 9 months
ok so I'm a dumbass and this update has been sitting in my drafts instead of being out for you guys but the day after tomorrow is yesterday so here's an update.
unfortunately, the demo will not be dropping until, I'll just say Spring. Life has been life-ing, I started a new job just as I set up this blog and I grossly overestimated the time I'd have to write/code.
But to help me keep on top of things, I'll be doing bi-monthly writing updates! Also there will be a surprise or two a little down the line so keep an eye out during February.
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retroghouls-if · 9 months
Alright sooo, I may have a bit ambitious with setting ~January as a date for the demo. Updates to come tomorrow.
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retroghouls-if · 10 months
What are their thoughts about marriage and kids?
ILIM doesn't have strong opinions about marriage either way, so they'd go along with whatever their partner wants. They would be hell to deal with on the actual wedding day though. If Ilim/MC do get married though, expect a prenup. Love is love and all that, but they feel like it'd be good for both them and their partner to have all their bases covered. Nothing rips people apart quite like money.
TUESDAY wants a wedding. They flip-flop between a big, show-off show-out fuck-off wedding that they can rub in everyone's faces and just flat out eloping. That being said, Tuesday is not prepared for the realities of marriage. They'd be one of those people who want a wedding more than a wedding (at least Chapter One Tuesday).
MICKY would love to get married, but they understand that marriage is not the end all, be all of love and romance. Still, I think some part of them would feel more at ease with the officiality of a marriage. So long as they are reassured of their partner's commitment, not getting married is not a dealbreaker.
JACK/JACKIE would love nothing more than to stick it to their traditional Catholic parents and just never get married out of spite. They go back and forth about whether they want marriage because they've had a step by step play by play of how a marriage can go south. However, they feel themselves utterly incapable of making the same mistakes their parents did.
KIDS (under the cut)
ILIM is a hard maybe because it would have to be well, well, well after the main events of the plot before they'd feel comfortable having a child. Even then, it'd probably just be one. They'd feel weird about their kid having access to the meticulously documented evidence of them being a hollow-skulled jackass. They wouldn't be able to tell their kid shit. They'd also worry about them getting bullied in school.
TUESDAY is a no and a hard no at that. Animals are cool though.
MICKY is nowhere near where they want to be in life to even consider children. In fact, if someone they were talking to (romantically) brought up the prospect of a child to Chapter 1 Micky, they'd ghost and not even feel bad about it. Micky won't settle for anything less than having all their ducks in a row before considering kids.
JACK/JACKIE has always considered kids inevitable. Not in a bad way, it's just that in their mind kids was just always something that was going to happen. This causes something of a dilemma when paired with their ambivalence towards marriage because their parents would be DISTRAUGHT if they discovered J had children out of wedlock. J is down with spiting mom and dad but not that much.
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retroghouls-if · 10 months
Who are the big spoons and who are the little spoons out of the ROs?
Tuesday: both, depends on their mood and the weather.
Micky: Little spoon
Jack/Jackie: Big spoon
Ilim: unfortunately, an insomniac, a midnight thrasher, and a starfish sleeper, MC will probably have to sleep in a separate room if they want any real sleep
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retroghouls-if · 10 months
What are the ROs love languages?
Acts of Service
Physical Touch
Words of Affirmation
Physical Touch
Gift Giving
Acts of Service
Words of Affirmation
Gift Giving
And Quality Time applies to all of them!
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retroghouls-if · 10 months
Care to share some facts about the ROs?
Sorry, this took me so long to answer. I had to think about things that wouldn't be too spoilery.
After having done on and off gigs with a bunch of different small bands as a fill-in, Ilim got their big break into the music scene when they got hired as the drummer for the rock band Mouthpiece. While it didn’t last very long – they were with the band for just over a year – it definitely got the ball rolling for them. Which is where things get a little complicated because Ilim (before Mouthpiece) apprenticed at a tattoo parlor so now they have this strange, limbo image of a celebrity tattoo artist who also drums sometimes.
Tuesday started out playing the guitar. However, their main band needed a bassist who could on occasion contribute rhythm guitar stuff depending on the song. So, they learned the bass and it’s just sort of stuck to them. They love both instruments but for different reasons. At the start of the story, Tuesday will be a part of Mouthpiece although they will have joined sometime after Ilim left.
Micky comes across to some as very soft. They have a quiet voice, light footsteps, and they always seem to be trying to take up as little space as possible, which allows them to be super sneaky. They’ll never admit it, but they get a kick out of popping up behind people and scaring the shit out of them. They’re a big fan of horror too, be it movies, games, or comics. Micky also plays into an image of being passive and shy when the reality is much less cut and dry.
Up until they turned fourteen, J would spend each weekend with their grandparents. On Saturdays, their grandmother taught them how to sew and on Sundays their grandfather would take them on a drive after church. Because of this, J is extremely talented at tailoring (they could have made a living off it) and an absolute maniac on the road. To this day, whenever they get too stressed out they’ll go for a drive.
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retroghouls-if · 10 months
ROs heights?
Ilim: 6'5"
Tuesday: 6'0"
Micky: 5'9"
Jack/Jackie: 5'7"
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retroghouls-if · 11 months
What would the ROs go to prison for?
I put way too much thought into this.
Obstruction of Justice
Improper Disposal of a Corpse
Imperfect Self-Defense (Voluntary Manslaughter)
Take from this what you will.
They probably would've gotten a manslaughter charge but they wouldn't be able to keep their mouth shut. 'I did it. I'm glad I did it. And I'd do it again.' would be on the record.
Breaking and Entering
All charges are dropped by the end of the day because there's no way.
Petty Larceny
Grand Larceny
Defrauding the Government, specifically Tax Evasion
Criminal Impersonation
Obstruction of Justice
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retroghouls-if · 11 months
So! While I already had most of the prologue written, I've decided to lengthen it seeing as it was pretty damn short and I want to give people enough content to chew on until the release of chapter one.
And so, the I've planned the release of the prologue chapter of the demo to be early December at the earliest and Christmas/New Year's time at the latest.
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retroghouls-if · 11 months
Micky Monroe [RO]: The Feature
You were stand partners back in high school orchestra yet never seemed to click despite the years of practice, rehearsals, performances, and freak instrumental mishaps. Even now, there’s a whisper of lingering distaste. It’s no secret that your old orchestra teacher disliked, maybe even hated Micky. And of course, your position as teacher’s pet only fueled the tension. But you’re both adults now with your own music careers. Micky & the Archangels have run circles around anything you put out with your old band so surely, it’s all water under the bridge by now.
Micky has straight black hair that they wear short and choppy. Their eyes are hazel, downturned with thick lashes; their skin is russet brown. There’s a scar from their top lip to bottom of their nose from cleft lip surgery.
Micky has two modes – comfortable and concert-ready. Their closet is stuffed with athleisure. Hoodies, sweatpants, and sneakers. Compression shorts, tank tops, and baseball caps. For performances, they lean towards black formal wear, a vestige from the orchestral days that they’ve never quite shaken.  
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retroghouls-if · 11 months
Palestine is NOT a trend. boycotting Israel-supporting companies is NOT a trend. your compassion for the innocent is NOT a trend. isreal was, is and WILL continue killing Palestinians and bombing Gaza for as long as the world is silent. do not stop talking about it. do not stop boycotting. never. stop.
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retroghouls-if · 11 months
Micky's full character intro dropping tonight!
Cast list will be in the pinned post tonight too.
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retroghouls-if · 11 months
I just want to say that out of the +7,028 Palestinians killed, only 13 members of hamas are estimated to have died. The point is, if after all this time you still believe israel is "defending" itself or is targeting hamas then you're not even ignorant you're cruel and you support genocide.
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retroghouls-if · 11 months
Can you tell us more about MC's family?
The MC has three siblings and the player will be able to determine the MC's relationship with each.
I don't think the MC's parents will play that big a part in the story beyond just passing mentions because I really wanted to try something where sibling dynamics are at the forefront.
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retroghouls-if · 11 months
And I was almost sure that some demon would be RO xd
Some of them are! I just haven't specified which ones lol
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