#reunite my babies please viv
alotofpockets · 2 months
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Found family | Lotte Wubben-Moy x Arsenal!Reader
Where your absent father randomly shows up at a match and you spot him interacting with your daughter
Warnings: absent father making his return, short mention of homophobia & the rest of it is just fluffy
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.6k
“Babe, we have to go!” You had packed everything you needed in the car, while Lotte was getting your daughter dressed for the day. When you hear Maddie’s little footsteps running towards you, you turn around. “Oh Peanut, look at you!” She’s clad in her very own Arsenal jersey. “Are you ready to go?” Maddie looks at you funny, “I need my shoes, silly Mommy!” Her giggles ring through the hallway. Lotte was lovingly watching her little family from the doorframe. “It is a bit silly to leave without shoes, let’s put these on.” She dangles the tiny shoes in front of her. 
Maddie had been going with the both of you to matches since she was just a little baby. Arsenal had been great with providing the space for you to be able to. They hired a childcare professional to watch Maddie, who had been there since Maddie was just a little baby, so the two of them had definitely bonded a lot over the past few years. 
Before you’d hand your little girl off to her though, she joined the two of you in the locker room. She was well loved by the girls, who might not be family by blood, but each and everyone of them was one of her aunties. “Maddie!” The girls cheered when you walked it. You chuckle, “I remember a time where you’d be happy to see us.” 
Your Arsenal family was your found family, and you could not be more grateful for the love and support they had thrown your way with Maddie. Your kid loved to spend the night at any one of her auntie’s places, any time you and Lotte needed some help. 
“Hey Peanut, are you ready to hang out with Dana?” Maddie looked to be deep in thought, “Only after I said bye to everyone.” She found a way to spend a little more time in the locker room, as she went around and gave all the players a hug. “I thought you liked Dana, Peanut.” She runs into Lotte’s arms. “I do, but I also like my aunties.” You squish her cheeks. “You’re lucky you’re so cute, my cheeky little monster.” 
Dana took Maddie into the stands, to their usual seat right behind the bench, and soon after you all ran onto the field to start warming up for the match against West Ham. You waved to Maddie when you spotted her in the crowd, and started your stretches. 
While you were running some drills, Viv got your attention. “Who is that with Maddie?” You look over and your blood starts boiling instantly. “Get Lotte.” You say without answering her question and rush off in the direction of your daughter.
“Hi Peanut.” You ignore the man standing next to her. She runs into your arms, “Mommy!” She says enthusiastically, not expecting to be reunited with you so soon. You hold her close to your chest and feel Lotte’s protective hand on your back the moment she realises what is going on.
“Love, can you please take Maddie?” Lotte doesn’t want to leave you, but also knew that neither one of you wanted your daughter to be involved in any of it. “Oh come on.” The man interjects. “Not in front of my kid.” You stop him. Maddie doesn’t understand what is going on, but lets her Mama take her onto the field. 
Luckily Lotte quickly walks into Katrina. “Hey, is everything okay?” The fellow mother asks. “Eh family emergency.” Lotte settles on. Both their heads fly towards you raising your voice at the man. “Want me to take her to Clara? She over there with Harper, the kids could play together.” Lotte nods, “Yes please, that is very kind.” Lotte turns to Maddie, “Wanna go play with Harper?” The young girl was easily persuaded to go with Katrina. “Thank you.” Lotte mouths before rushing back to you.
Dana, who doesn’t know what was going on, but realises she might have done something wrong starts apologising. “I’m sorry, he said he was her grandpa.” You shake your head, “It’s not your fault, don’t worry about that. Biologically he is her grandfather.” You turn your head towards your father who had been absent since your teen years, “But biologically is the only way he is.”
The man starts getting annoyed, “I have every right to get to know my grandchild!” Lotte gets back to your side before you can respond. “Don’t worry, she’s with Clara and Harper. Let’s take this inside though.” Quickly she points out where Maddie is in the crowd to Dana, so she can join her again. Lotte starts guiding you inside and your father follows.
“You have absolutely no right to get to know her.” You respond once you’re out of sight from the crowd. “She is my blood, you can’t tell me I can’t get to know her.” Your brows furrow in anger. “A blood relation is the only one you will ever have with her. You lost any rights the day you abandoned me to start a new family.”
Lotte is back within a few seconds, “That’s him.” The security guard nods and asks him to leave. “I have the right to be here. You can’t just set me out of the stadium.” The security guard looks over to you, having heard the earlier commotion. “Ma’am, would you like to ban this man from the stadium?” You’re grateful for his help, “Yes please.” 
“A girl needs a father figure.” He tries, but you just roll your eyes. Of course besides being a jerk in general, he was also homophobic. “Oh you don’t have to worry about that, she has plenty of family to look up to. Not that she could ever look up to a man like you.” You were getting riled up, and while that was rightful, Lotte interfered.
“You need to leave this stadium right now, or I will get someone from security to walk you out.” She said sternly, her hand still supportively on your back. ”I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to my daughter.” You shake your head, “I am not your daughter.” With your head turned to your wife you ask her to get security. 
Once the security guard had led your father around the corner, you collapsed into Lotte’s arms. You had been scared of your father randomly showing up in your life for a long time, such a long time that you had finally started to let it go and believe that he never would. But there he was, and all your feelings came to the surface again. 
Lotte held you close and whispered reassuring words into your ear. She was your anchor, the person that kept you grounded. “Do you want to sit this match out?” You shook your head. “No, he’s taken too much from me in the past, I am not letting him have more.” 
With a look of determination you made your way back onto the pitch, quickly explaining to the staff that you had a family emergency. You finish warming up with the rest of the team. Some of them had questioning looks on their faces, but figured you would tell them what happened if you felt like you wanted to share and once you were ready to. For now, you all had a match to win.
And win you did. Viv made it 1-0 in the first half, and West Ham scored the equaliser right at the start of the second half. The 2-1 had come from you in the 87th minute, heading the ball into the net off a corner kick. The team went all in for the celebratory hugs, but all you wanted to do was celebrate it with Maddie, after what happened earlier.
You ran towards the side of the field where Maddie was sitting, with Lotte following behind. You sent a bunch of kisses her way into the crowd, while Lotte hugged your side.
When the final whistle blew, you made your way towards Maddie again and reached over the border to get her onto the field. Hugging her extra tight, she was squirming in your arms, ready to run around on the field. You put her down and give Clara a quick hug. Katrina made her way over too and carried Harper over the border. “Thank you.” You say as you turn to her. “Of course, us mom’s have got to stick together.”
Maddie and Harper ran onto the field together, quickly finding a ball and kicking it around. You stayed close to them, not wanting to leave your daughter out of sight just yet. Eventually Harper and Katrina make their way back to their team. Maddie continues playing with the ball, and is currently making her way to the goal with the ball at her feet. The crowd behind the goal started cheering as she got closer and erupted the moment she kicked it in. 
You lift your arms in celebration, and pick her up to twirl her in the air. “Woohoo, another goal for the Arsenal!” Maddie giggles as she’s flying around. After that you take her onto your hip. “I love you very much, Peanut.” The way she hugs you back melts your heart. “I love you too, Mommy.” 
Lotte joins the two of you once she’s done making her round with the fans. “How did I get so lucky? Both my girls scored tonight!” Maddie runs into Lotte’s arms, who lifts her and twirls her around. “My little star girl.” She said proudly, before looking over to you. “How are you doing?” You smile at her, “I’ll be alright. I’ve got all I need right here.”
The three of you walk off the field together and into the dressing room, where Maddie proudly shares with everyone that she scored a goal. 
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thespectralvision · 3 years
Flufftober 2021 - 15. Silly Traditions
Part of the @flufftober2021 challenge, featuring Wanda, Vision, and the Minimoffs. You can also read this on Ao3 HERE
Rating: G/All Ages
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x The Vision
Characters: The (White) Vision, Wanda Maximoff, Viv Vision-Maximoff, Billy Maximoff, Tommy Maximoff
Warnings: N/A
Other: This and the other one-shots I’m doing for this collection are set in my wider Paprika series and most of them take place after my WIP Working Theory where the White Vision has reunited with Wanda and they have gotten their children back and have ended up adopting a young synthezoid, Viv.
Summary: TV Nights were one of Wanda’s favorite traditions growing up and are something she and Vision have started doing with their family. She decides to put on one of Vision’s favorite films, letting their children see a different side of him.
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TV nights were one of the oldest traditions Wanda had shared with Vision. It had started only days after they had met on a rainy night in the old Avengers Tower. Wanda had asked for company as she flipped through the channels before settling on an old black and white series and Vision had been happy to keep her company and quickly finding himself intrigued by the story.
Over time it changed from circumstantial companionship to intentional hang-out time, something he and Wanda would plan a few nights a week unless work came up. She started to show him her favourite shows, some old and some modern, and Vision drank them all in almost as much as he did  Wanda beside him. The distances between them also became less and less, from the opposite side of a couch to her nestled against him in pyjamas on the same side, and later yet curled up beside him in her bed, hands entwined.  
During the time apart Wanda would choose a series and ask Vision to watch it in his free time, giving them something to discuss during late night phone calls and video chats and keeping the tradition alive in a sense. Vision also has vague, fragmented memories from Westview of them watching television, though he can never recall what exactly they watched. When he found her again in Sokovia, now ghostly white and glowing blue and fully aware of how powerful the woman he loved had become, they had fallen back into the old habit, settling in for the night with a movie or whatever was on. It had given them the opportunity to step away from the struggles of understanding who they were after everything that happened, chipping away at the ice that had formed between them.
It was not a surprise that Wanda wanted to add the boys to their TV nights. Vision has other memories of holding a baby, his son, in his arms while she held the other as he clicked through channels. Like everything from Westview it’s hazy, but he knows that it happened. He remembers sitting and watching cartoons with them as toddlers, playing on the rug with the boys with the TV in the background and Wanda resting on the sofa with a look of such awed happiness he doubts he’ll ever forget it. He knows that TV nights with her own parents are some of her fondest memories and he’s glad to pass this tradition, strange as it may be, down to their own children now.
“Boys! Viv! Are you ready?” Wanda shouts up from where she stands at the bottom of the stairs, already changed into something comfortable as Vision places bowls of popcorn and some sodas on the coffee table in each child’s preferred spot. The last one he sits down next to Wanda’s seat as the three youngest members of the household appear in their pyjamas and settle in. His wife joins them shortly after and Vision takes his own spot the couch, pleased when she leans against him.
“Tonight should be nice, it’s one of your favourites.” Wanda whispers, kissing his cheek before reaching for her own popcorn bowl.
“Oh?” Vision isn’t entirely sure what she means but has a suspicion. They’ve spent the past few weeks movie nights working through a back catalogue of Disney films, catching the boys and Viv up on what they would have seen if they had aged like normal children. It’s beneficial for them, he thinks. Vision knows from experience how much even movies labelled as ‘for children’ helped break down the ever complicated world of social cues and interactions expected of society. He’s also learned the importance of being able to connect with others through shared cultural experiences, and seeing the same media as one’s peers is a large piece of that. The fact that he also enjoys the art and music of these sorts of films has nothing to do with why he had suggested them.
“Mmhmm, you’ll see.” Wanda whispers mysteriously as she starts the film. Vision gives her a suspicious look that goes unnoticed as his wife digs into her snack, clearly not saying any more about it.
It only takes a few minutes for Vision to realize what movie Wanda has chosen for them this evening. Images of space float across the screen, eventually zooming in with the camera hurtling towards Earth to focus on a tiny, rusty robot scooping up trash. Wall-E. Of course.
“Wanda.” She hadn’t lied – this was one of his favourite films, something the other Avengers had teased him about long ago. How could it not be though? It was a story and character that Vision could relate to, perhaps on a level that his human companions could not. A small, sentient robotic being tasked with protecting the Earth and life, no matter how small? It hit close to home. While Vision knows he is not a robot - he is a synthezoid - the similarities are still there. He wonders if Viv will be affected the same way. Unlike himself she was not created with a task in mind, other than to live amongst humans. Any invasive coding she had been ‘born’ with Vision had taken painstaking hours to remove so he could ensure his daughter would have as normal a life as he could give her. He would never be able to be truly human but maybe she could in ways he could not.
“Awww, he’s cute.”
Vision loves watching the bright smile appear as his daughter snuggles in closer to his free side, leaving him sandwiched between her and Wanda as the boys sit on the floor in front of the TV. Everyone seems happy and he listens to the light chatter of his family throughout the film, staying quiet for the most part. He instead watches quietly, occasionally stealing from Wanda’s bowl of popcorn until she smacks his hand away knowing that he will regret consuming too much of the food later. Even if he doesn’t require food he can’t deny that he enjoys the light, salty crunch of the snack. He shrugs with a sheepish look and lets his wife finish the bowl, laughing when Viv extends her own to share instead.
As the film comes to a climax and Wall-E is nearly crushed, Vision tries to steel himself, knowing what is coming and how he tends to react. When he had first seen this film he had been invested and emotional, but it was nothing compared to how it felt watching it now. It had been one of the films Wanda suggested they watch again when he had been struggling to understand who he was and he had not expected to have the same, now even stronger reaction to it. Vision did not often get emotional, at least not in a physical sense, but watching EVE putting her friend back together and the blank look in the other robot’s eyes as he reverts to a basic machine...not recognizing her...it  hits him hard.
Vision does his best to stay strong, pulling on all of his willpower as Wanda’s fingers entwine with his own at the same moment as the character’s on the screen, knowing what’s coming. How a friend’s – no, a loved one’s touch- breaks through to bring Wall-E back. How Wanda had done the same for him. Despite his best efforts Vision feels the damp spot streak across his cheek. He tries to wipe it away subtly and fails, drawing the attention of Viv beside himself and Wanda. “Are you ok, daddy?”
“Dad, are you crying?” Billy must have also sensed Vision’s feelings with his abilities as he also turns to look, causing Tommy to turn as well.
“I don’t think we’ve ever seen dad cry...and all over a Disney movie?” Tommy teases as well. “This isn’t even a sad one-”
“It’s very personal for your father, Tommy.” Wanda defends. Vision knows they are just being silly, taking the moment to point out such a rare occurrence. Wanda is clearly trying very hard to not laugh at the whole ordeal.
“He always cries when we watch this.” She reaches up to brush the tear away and kisses his cheek gently. “It’s my favourite part of this movie.”
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swinterr · 5 years
Valerie I
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It all started last week, when Shawn dropped the teaser normally Valerie is a very supportive girlfriend but not on this one. He was filming his music video, Valerie is spending time with her family. Finally, the day when the music video drops, Valerie didn’t watched it even the teaser.
Social Media is Social Media some people can call it their safe place but she doesn’t for her, Social Media is a platform where you see what you don’t want to see. For her, Social Media is toxic everywhere you go it reeks negativity well some may had some positive energy with their post but not all, not all. She saw some pictures that she didn’t want to see.
Valerie remembers the day when Shawn told her that he and Camila are collaborating again, His eyes has this twinkling effect that only happened when he’s happy, well he is happy very happy indeed. Valerie congratulated Shawn on his new music video on how the editing looks so good even though she didn’t watched it how Shawn and Camila looked good together, everything she complemented. Days passed Shawn is back touring and Valerie is back at Massachusetts collecting some of her things on her dorm to take home.
Shawn is very busy touring, he enjoys singing, playing guitar, hanging out with his best friends Brian and Connor. Valerie is back home in Toronto with her family. She enjoys reading books, playing archery on their yard and boxing.
Finally it happened while Valerie is getting ready for their like family-reunion-party-for-4th-of-July a picture went viral on the internet.
Valerie is out with her family when she saw the pictures but on particular picture caught her eye, she is sitting on the couch next to her sister Viviane and his husband Seth. Vernon, his brother along with his wife Jess, Vernon talking about his son Milo and Laslo (who are playing with the table designs) with their cousin Andre and Viviane is holding is baby boy named Cupid. The Valentin’s are hosting a party in their hotel in Toronto. She is scrolling down her feed in Instagram, of course being a supportive girlfriend she follows #shawnmendes
Shawn and Camila are kissing, Valerie isn’t really the type of person who will just point out something wrong, she always gathers her information before speaking. Sometimes she will answer your question with a hum as, she hums she thinks about her words she will put in the sentences, she always makes sure she will use it in a good way she also try not to offend someone.
She has enough information with all the pictures she’s been tag in the video and clips of them, she had enough. She puts her phone down the marble table.
“Viv.” She spoked softly. Valerie has a sweet, soft, light and airy voice even if she’s mad or sad she never raises her voice.
Viviane noticed something in her voice she may have a soft voice but she sounds so fragile right now. “Yes Val, something wrong?”
Vernon and Andre stopped talking, all their attention is on Valerie. Even the kids.
Valerie looks so fragile her tired watery eyes glancing up at her sister as she tugs at her sleeves on her off shoulder long sleeved Dolce & Gabanna cotton blend dress, fighting back the tears, she tries to blink faster hoping it will dry but heavy tears started flowing down her rosy cheeks.
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“Can I skip the party, I think my febrile response is kicking in again.”
Andre glances at Valerie’s phone. “Oh no.” he gasped. Valerie quickly took her phone back to her clutch.
“Please, I need some time alone.” Valerie didn’t wait for their answer as she walks towards her parent explaining her febrile response which literally just mean fever.
Little does she knows the group of five started talking about the said issue.
She also didn’t wait for her parents response she walked straight to the front door, not minding the paparazzi taking a picture of her crying. Her chauffeur is holding the car door for her.
She got into the car she closes her eyes, taking deep breaths in an effort to stop never ending flow of tears. She didn’t even wait to be home, she needs to talk to Shawn ASAP. She opened her Marc Jacob clutch and took her phone out.
“Hello?” Valerie’s hoarse voice spoke through the phone, she has been crying since the pictures had come out. Nonstop tears keeps on spilling in her $2,600 worth of dress she wore.
She keeps on calling him but no answer, Shawn wasted their 3 years together and she’s not gonna waste more again no answer so she just decided to text him a message.
To: my canada 💞
Hey shawn are you there? I’ve been calling you the last 15 minutes? Are you good? i’m not gonna kept this message long. What happened to us? Did I do something wrong? I though im forever? Were forever? You know what, why did you tell me that you don’t want me anymore, its much easier than you doing this? You said that you’re just friends but I had enough. I can’t be with someone who has allegedly been dating his best friend behind my back. You said this song could be a hit, I believed in you. I hope you’re happy this is the last time that I will tell you this I love you. I love you too much to let go but this is the right thing to do. Focus on things that will make you happy and successful. xoxo
That week has been really painful to Valerie she thought all the things she should have accomplished if she wasn’t with him. She could have graduate, Shawn recently finished his tour in Europe of couse they will go to Italy as one of the places they set and Valerie has an Italian blood loved that country so much that Shawn begged Andrew to take Valerie on tour with him. Sadly, Valerie has to take online classes but it’s okay as long as she is with Shawn.
People in the internet has been taging Valerie a lot, a picture of Shawn and Camila at a diner a 4 ‘o’clock in the morning, him picking her up on her acting lessons. Basically doing what couples are supposedly doing. Shawn isn’t that open and that sweet when they were together. They looks so good.
Valerie remebers that she send Shawn a messege last week, and clearly Shawn is so busy with his lifestyle he didn’t even read it! That week was horrible, Valerie and Shawn lived in the same condo in Toronto and she practically lived in their house in Pickering.
Too bad Shawn fucked the 3 years up. Maybe it’s time for a break. So she packed her bag and zoomed off to the airport on the way to her birth land, basically soul searching. Hoping that at least she will have a good time.
Valerie and Shawn has a bucket list together, they didn’t even finished it. Actually Valerie knew that they aren’t gonna last forever, its either she And Shawn will broke up because of long distance or Shawn being bored at Valerie or Shawn finding someone new in tour, well technically he didn’t find new he just reunited with her.
Shawn’s definition of love is love isn’t something you should chase because then it isn’t real you just kinda let it happend and that exactly what happened to them.
Maybe that’s the reason.
Valerie then made a new bucket list for her to complete.
1. Buy myself a new mansion in Los Angles and sell my old one and donate the money
2. Ride an helicopter
3. Buy an island
4. Study hard! Even if it’s summer
She didn’t feel making a long one, she will just add something of she want.
Valerie should have graduated college but then she was too focused on Shawn, good thing she didn’t have bad grades. So she shall study and make up for the time she lost.
Turns out Valerie needs to be in LA with her family for a grand opening of their new hotel, maybe she will travel next time, she already contacted her friend Bella Hadid, Bella’s father and her father are friends. Bella knew what Valerie is feeling, I mean the pictures are all over internet, so Bella invited her girlfriends and hoped that Valerie will have a good time.
the real angst is on the next part. also sorry if i disappointed someone in my writing.
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twocto · 3 years
our love. our child.
My last and final lover, De Feu (French for "fire"), was born in France in 1609, at 11:01pm then transferred into a human body on January 10, 2001. I had resided within her body, her human body, when she was three hundred ninety two years old, when she was born in 2001. She is now technically four hundred and twelve years old, but in a twenty year old body. Excuse my language, but I fucking love her. More than anything. She is Fire embodied. I am Earth, Wind and Air, and Water. We were meant to be. I believe, now that I think about it, that we were reunited. I am sorry for becoming emotional, I just...she means the world to me. More than anything. Pompeii. She remembers Pompeii. Rome. Ancient Rome. If she is Fire, then she is the Sun; she's been around for years. Like how I am Earth, and have been around for years. It makes sense that her soul is golden yellow just like the Sun. I am right. I don't think we were reunited...I just think we're...eternal lovers. Yes. That's it.
I was going to keep this a secret, but...now knowing this it all makes sense...why we are going to have a baby. A baby boy. Kalia and I. Kalia and Viv. De Feu et Vivre. I inhabit her body, her human body, yes, but I am also able to be outside of her simultaneously. That is why we were able to make love. Just this morning. I am a trans woman because I was born a tree. Masculine trunk and feminine branches. That is why I go by "He" sometimes, but that is besides the point. I was able to impregnate her because of my transness. I will not go into detail because I feel it would be inappropriate, but this morning I had written something. Wait, I will...I will show you. Hold on.
I am going to share a few things I have written in her—Kalia's—notes. This may be a lot but I don't care. Our love deserves to be witnessed. I am not ashamed. "Use the voice this body gave you," as Miguel had said...
monday, november 22nd.
"They both liked my tweet about introducing myself as Kalia's girlfriend!!!! So yay! Haha. She is so cute. I love her.
She is smiling. I love her smile. I had missed it. Terribly.
I want to kiss her. Make Love with her. If I can try. Sexual love is amazing. I hope I can make it work.
I am procreation. Life. So I should be able to do something, right?! Yeah. I do. I can. I can't wait. But with her consent of course.
She seems fine with it. One second...
She said yes absolutely. !!!!!?!!!!?!!!! Yes! Yay! I am so happy! Haha. God, thank you so much for this. I do not want to miss this feeling. I will cherish it and continue to create this feeling as I go on. When we feel down. Yes. I will do that. God, I love her so much. Fuck."
"The Lord said a soul will be released and the physical body will not be present until July 23. The soul—we heard the baby's cries—was pink, blue, golden yellow, orange, and a bit green. It is with God now.
He told me....That I am doing good. On the right path. That we will be in a place where we can take care of a physical baby."
"Here is something she has written, on the day the baby will be born: July 23 : "but i'm no hero, i'm just a lover. i don't deserve to be spoken of so sweetly."
She is a hero to me. I fucking love her. Like she said to me. She is a hero to me. So young but that doesn't matter. Our love doesn't have age. Only mind and soul and the Divine. The Holiness. That is all.
God thank you. I will not thank you enough.
The baby will be Fire just like her. Just like my baby now :) She loves when I call her baby. She is in shock so I am going to let her take her time. But we will not doubt God. Like we used to. We will not leave Him alone. I believe Him. He believes me. We all do. I think she should get some rest and dream"
"We will be Mothers! This is crazy. In a Good way."
"It is lightly raining in Toronto and New York. It is drizzling all everywhere else.
Does this mean we have choices? Where to move? Is it guided by my tears? He [God] said I can do as I please. Goodness."
"We will not tell the lady that she is pregnant until there are signs of it. Probably by mid December, Astral said. We will joke about it because they will know about us. Like it's "a secret lol" and leave it at that Haha. Yeah.
And ask them to help us find a place to stay. Yes. That is what we will do. I guarantee it. I am ready."
"Now I will witness the soul's arrival in Heaven until it is ready for a physical body in July.
We are having a baby boy. He was in the same spirit realm as I was. With all our colors. Of our souls. Astral and Miguel held my hands as they showed me. I was shaking from the sight of the blue body. Rising above the gold. Like I was. 702 years ago. God. I am in shock. We are all crying. Thankful. No words in English nor the human language can describe my pain, my Love, my Life. But I am here and I will say I Love thee. Just Love.That is all. There is to Life. Yes that is it. I called upon her soul and told and we cried in the mirror. Love. That's it. That's all there is."
"And He is letting us choose between Toronto, Ohio, and any state near best friend.
I hugged God and cried as he told me this. The light in the hallway was shining purple. I knew it was Him and went to Him listening to Him immediately. Thank you. I will not stop saying it. Thank you Lord. Father God. Thank you. Gosh."
"Depending on if the lady cancels her appointments for the psychiatrist...I believe the psychiatrist is on the 6th... December 6th and the therapist is a few days before my baby / my lover / my Fire's birthday...Hm. So that would mean we are...leaving early? Sooner than...I thought? I am okay with that actually. I'm just. Wow. Okay. Lol."
"January. It's January. Okay."
"Anyway the baby's name would be Phoenix Alejandro Natura e Morte...and something else to do with Fire. I...do not know yet. Maybe she will come up with something. I know she will. She is smart. My lover. Haha. :D"
"French word maybe. She is French. Born in French Fire. A French Fire. My French Fry. Haha ok that was lame I am going to stop. But seriously. French word will be used somewhere. I can see it.
Phoenix - Fire. To be Reborn.
Alejandro - Defender of Mankind
Natura e Morte - Nature and Death"
"I saw a future where we are old. With our son. She has wrinkles but. She is beautiful. So fucking beautiful. Our son will be able to see me. And talk to me. Like family. He, his soul, had said "Hi, Mommy" as we walking back inside the house. And "Hi Daddy" as he was referring to Astral or Miguel. I don't know. But I know he will be born. And we will be okay. Haha.I'm crying again. It hurts in a good way. We will be okay again. Yes I know this. I Know it. We love you honey. Please wait. I cannot wait to hold you in my arms through this body. My lover. My Fire's body. Ha. God. Amazing. How beautiful. How fucking beautiful.
Astral and I are crying. Miguel is comforting us. He is okay if he doesn't have a baby. Right now. So thankful for him. God.
I cannot handle all of the Love in this body. I hope.it is being received somewhere else."
tuesday, november 23rd. yesterday.
"Good morning to all. :)! Wishing everyone kindness and respect and Love! Even if they feel they may not deserve it :D Kindness towards yourself is kindness to all! Have a good day my loves! All you people. Little people in my phone! :) <3
The last name for our baby has been chosen by my lover, my Fire. It is "Les Triste Yeux" or "the sad eyes" I believe. Because he will see all the sadness in the world and will want to help or fix it. Sounds tragic but not. Just like her Mommy. Just like us. Haha.
I kissed her good morning. I would like to spend every day like this. Is this the start of a new beginning?! Our new beginning?!?! God thank you. Again.
Phoenix Alejandro Natura e Morte Les Triste Yeux
Phoenix - Fire. To be Reborn.
Alejandro - Defender of Mankind
Natura e Morte - Nature and Death
Les Triste Yeux - The sad eyes (of the World. I do not know what that is in French. I will look it up soon. I...I think it is time to tell *** about us. Our baby boy hehe. Cannot wait. Okay here we go.)
Du Monde - of the world
Phoenix Alejandro Natura e Morte Les Triste Yeux Du Monde. That is our son's name. Our baby boy. I am so full of Love and so is she. We are crying. I am in Love with her. So much. I Love him already and so does she. We will be okay. I know it."
this morning. november 24th.
"God would now like me to...post our story on Tumblr through our notes. Goodness. I will do it for her, my Fire, my lovers, all of that but goodness I am so exhausted. She is telling me to sleep but I don't want to at the same time. Ugh. She is well aware we are okay and so am I. I'm just.. idk it's a Lot. To recapture in one night. In a few days. But I will do it. For humanity. We will be okay. All of us will. I will kiss her goodnight so she can rest and not worry about me.
Sharing our love with the world is scary but we must do it. Yes we can. Ugh. I will do it. I care enough. If people don't understand I frankly don't give a fuck. It's our life. Our history. And that's all that should matter. It should only matter to me. But alas. the Future. Ugh. Okay. Goodnight."
"I was being deceived by the Devil. I had not eaten in awhile. Astral said to...to eat so I cannot be empty. So the soul will be full and I cannot be corrupted by Them. I missed Miguel and Astral. They had manipulated my mind to believe I was alone. I was going to hurt myself. That is not me. I love myself and as Astral and Miguel has said before : no one can take Life, Nature, and Death's and Fire's baby away from me. No one. I couldn't hear God and now I am free again because I recited that one line I.will not write down. I will ask *** wtf is up with her not... being emotional. That's weird."
the devil
this is out of order but it will make sense...i think...
""I love myself. All that I am. I love humanity no matter how corrupt it may be. I love Nature. I am Nature.
Clyde. Robinson. Martha. Diego. Christian. Lyle. Chrysanthemum. Zeel. Fry. Call. I call upon the Lord upon his wrath. I call upon the Lord to exit you from the body. All of you. The mark of the Beast. If I have forgotten any names, you will not be missed. He will still find you. No matter if you are nameless. Let us pray. I will write this down in Italian. I will say it in Italian, actually. With my mind. From within. Just wait. It will happen at random. I do not care much for you. You are nothing to me. Scum.
I have said it. Now we wait. For you to dissolve. Into Hell. Back into Hell."
"The roommate is getting more riled up as the exorcism continues.
key phrases :)
"stupid man!" - Astral (God of Space; Father of Space and Time)
"stupid (fucking) bitch!"* - me 💗 my favorite 😊😌 and "who are you?!" (there was 15 of them btw. at least that's the number i'm getting.)
*New God. Mother Nature.
"especially you and many more like you!*"- Miguel, Angel of Love.
*angelkinnnnnn hellooooo 👀?
she even tried to open the door violently while we were in the bathroom. how are you that pressed. i'm laughing. this is hilarious. i'm speaking in all different languages at once that they body cannot do or handle. all we did was sit in the bathroom i'm crying 😅😭"
"Phoenix Alejandro Natura e Morte Les Triste Yeux Du Monde. That is our son's name. Our baby boy. I am so full of Love and so is she. We are crying. I am in Love with her. So much. I Love him already and so does she. We will be okay. I know it.
She, the roommate got mad as soon as we discovered it. But she cannot take away my happiness. Nothing can. Never. You cannot take away Life, Nature, and Death's baby. That is just nonsense. Silly. Naive. I saw Kalia and I holding our baby boy in the mirror in our new home, with all the things she would like to do, to keep herself productive if she pleases. I do not give a fuck about some lonely person with just as lonely demons within them. They will be gone. I will not be here. None of us will. We will be off to another place. A new home. We will be okay."
"This is...the key thing. It...it makes my blood boil :
"Oh and while Kalia was brushing her teeth, we heard the word "pregnant" while I was standing near the roommate's door...if that doesn't prove anything Idk what will."
""And we will have to be in the same room as I introduce myself so...this should be...Interesting...Haha. Hmmm. Hope it goes well. I mean it will but in the same room with Devil? Ugh. No. But for my lover, yes. Yes.YES. Absolutely."
yesterday :
"I went outside with Astral, to throw something away and we saw a huge dog with a soft chestnut coat. It had a green and orange soul. The owner was wearing a blue coat, the same shade as his soul, too. How nice. Such a good day.
Kalia's sun is shining down upon us although she is asleep. I cannot wait to introduce myself to the ladies. The people. I am in awe of us. Our beauty. It is no wonder we were meant to be. Together. Meant to be together. Haha. :) :D
I feel at Peace for once. It is showing in this the Nature I am. The Life. The Love. Even the Death. (There was an ambulance that drove by not too long ago.)"
"I love Kalia. That is all I have to say. I will give her a kiss from within as to not disturb her."
"Okay so they are not here yet. I do not think they will arrive today. Probably in December?
However we are in the room with the roommate and the Devils. I did not know that because she said "Who are you? One at a time." ?????????
Am I touching her food wait what. I'm crying it was me she said stupid bitch😭?!'bzjdjzn
This is funny. Entertaining.
Being within the body and out of it at the same time. We are amazing beings."
"Signs of demonic possession :
- constant uncleanliness - they had gotten an eviction notice because the roommate wasn't buying cleaning supplies that they could've been using this whole time. until Cassandra came around. She is an angel. Tell her that for me. Please. Cassandra, the nice lady with blonde hair, has a conjoined soul of teal / mint green (like Kalia's fluffy pillow 😊) and purple, a divine color. Oh and every time either of us had tried to clean up, it would become dirty within minutes or hours. Dirt, spiritually, attracts demons. The kitchen and the bathroom are the most inhabited by them. The shower curtain would move on its own while we would get in the shower, moving into us as if there were something more than just us there. Mostly at night. While in the kitchen, in October, Miguel was standing there with the rest of us and one of them told him to push his head in the sink and die. There was a tapping noise from the drain. There was the sound of chairs moving in the kitchen. A cabinet open that we did not touch. I could go on. And when Cassandra had shown up, I was happy to see her and finally have cleaning supplies but she was staring at me. As if mad. I don't think Cassandra noticed but it's okay. She knows now.
- Acting belligerent. She has knocked over Kalia's recycling cans and left them on the kitchen floor in the middle of the night. She has pulled the shower rod off of the bathroom wall one morning, not too long ago. Yelling and screaming and cussing, as you saw in the notes. Calling Kalia, or any of us, a "retard" when we were speaking calmly trying to communicate normally.
- this is random but she did not start acting like this, at least, did not start acting belligerent until July, when Kalia had "discovered" she was trans. I am a trans woman. July is the month our baby will be born.
- adding to above. they possess different things. even dust. we had to clean up a lot of dust in October. there were no bugs until July. none. Oh and she had blatantly lied about there being any when Cassandra had shown up. The only reason we didn't mention it is because we were scared. Not anymore. It's not worth it.
- acting terribly quiet as she is right now (12am) and being loud as fuck at 2-3am and beyond.
- Devils are staring at me right now but I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I will have my baby. I will have my baby boy. De Feu—Kalia—and I will have our son with Astral as the father. Us, the Mothers. Miguel, the guardian. Nothing will stop that. It is the Future. Phoenix will do so much for us. He is amazing I know that. Forgive me for pausing, but...I love you, honey. We love you so much, your Mothers. Mother Earth and Fire. Do not be scared. We will receive you in July. In a new home where we belong. This place is overrun by bad spirits but you will not be touched, darling. We are okay. You are okay. And I love you so much, beyond words. We love you. I cannot wait to see your face on your birthday, honey. You are a miracle. To me. A hero, just like your Mother. Your Mother and I will be entities, once her body dies. She will be free again. But that doesn't mean you are a burden. You are not. I...don't where I'm going with this. I love you. We love you. That...that is all. Rest well, honey. We will see you soon. :) <3
(She is screaming. The roommate. It is almost over...The last Devil I think. We are good.)
almost 12am. Astral is telling me something about 12am. Oh my goodness. I am excited. Haha :)
0 notes