#reupload from my rp account
itsokjuju · 9 months
intro post thing
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my name's juni, or juju. whatever u want (do not call me by my username. that actually annoys me). minor, mexican, asexual, trans and gay (he/him) multi fandom blogger. just a dude that loves drawing dudes loving dudes
taken by my lovely @starbitedreamworld heehoo
personal account for whatever is @ainttitfunny
special intrests
Mr Driller/Dig Dug, Mappy, Nick RPS, The Oldest View web series, Toddworld, ispy (the HBO show), RayRay Vision, Pucca, Dorbees (specifically Mr Poe und Yogul), Bravoman, Spongebob Squarepants, 90s- early 00s Nick Jr shows, Story of Undertale, The Archie Show, Pac-Man, Rainbow Islands/Bubble Bobble, Strange Hill High, You, Me, and The Cubes (Wii Game), and Howard and Nester Comics.
*IM A HUGE TAIZO HORI AND BRAVOMAN KINNIE. so expect a lot of gush posts abt them <33*
*english is not my initial language so some stuff may come out kind of off,,
*i draw. if you wanna art trade with me or something, i'm more than willing to do so. dont be scared to hmu on my inbox. i swear i dont bite
*i listen to sza... a lot
*im an introvert. so if you dm me, i may not respond right away. im either busy with school, sleeping or doing whatever
*you may absolutely get inspiration from my spreads, just please do not reupload or get extremely heavy inspiration. this has happened numerous times and none of which were good experiences.
*yes you may draw my ocs. just dont be weird with any of them. im usually a pretty chill person but it makes me really freaked out easily. i cant believe i hafta say that on tumblr soil
*my crusty ass art is in the #junk i made tag, if u even care
uhh thats all i can rlly say about me i guess
thank you, and good night/ref
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dni rules still apply. age players, racists, zionists, homophobes and transphobes, do not interact with my blog. you will be blocked on sight.
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akuma-homura · 10 months
oh fuck yes akuma kourin made it on here too
I desperately want to make a V3 cover of this song, but uh. I do not have the range to get near a lot of the notes for this song, and since it's so distorted, using a vocal remover to rip the vocals for a midi doesn't work either.
eyelash flutter at anyone who might be able to have have a better time doing midis so i can do the cover,,,,? >KICKED
also i'm gonna ramble about this song because... i have a history with it
but also I have a history with this song. Like. Okay, first off, fun fact, it-- or at least the video?? was apparently an april fools project! Like I'm pretty sure at least the video for it was definitely >lets push its dark and ~disturbing~ nature for the giggles-- some parts making this obvious tbh.
But as a kid like, I didn't know this. It struck a chord in me in actually horrifying me. Plus like, admittedly, I was still in my deeply christian raised mindset too, despite some of my likes, so seeing something translating to Devil Ascends or whatever, seeing a pic of baphomet, seeing KAITO on the cross was like. Felt very blasphemous and scared me in that way too wheezes
but I was also. deeply fascinated with it. like it genuinely piqued 14 y/o me's interest despite being scared of it. (this also isn't surprising, my interest and love for KAITO literally started from me actually being creeped out by Yandere KAITO stuff but... being fascinated. Then RP's started, and that sealed it.)
so eventually I, a 14 year old who only knew english despite living in an area and family where I should have also learned Spanish too but it didn't catch with me, wanted to translate it myself to see what the fuck was going on in the song.
Of course, I didn't know Japanese at all. I didn't know how the language worked at all, I didn't even know how sentence structure or word structures worked for it.
But what I did have?
.....2009 era online machine translators.
You can imagine the quality that was spit out by them.
I used multiple of them though, not just Google-- I don't remember the names now, but. I basically translated lines with what was at least 4 different machine translators, also cross referenced some kanji and words with... fuck, was it wikipedia at the time? other google sites? I don't remember, and like. Wrote down my best understanding of the combination thereof.
again. you can imagine the quality of the translation.
BUT. it did at least give me SOMEWHAT of an idea of what was going on in the song... somewhat. Honestly I still felt a bit confused, but there was the general gist of
>...possible demon possession? Demon possession from computer....??? mental breakdown. Trying not to hurt a loved one bc of it I guess???? are they fucking crucifying him. oh he's hoping for god to save him in the final days or something
Honestly. It's one of the 'founding' songs in my head for Proto(the KAITO muse that eventually became 'mansionKai' with retwrites which bacame Kai / Kadin), among other certain yandere KAITO songs.
...because that's the thing, it's also a yandere KAITO song! So that's also some context to think of it in!
I always hoped someone else would see the song and want to do a Proper translation of it, but like... that never happened. Over a decade passed and I never saw a proper, good english translation for it. It's a shame, honestly.
Nowadays, with machine translations, Google Translate has actually notably improved-- and we have the likes of DeepL, too-- but. That doesn't always take into account of context, and other little intricacies when it comes to language and lyrics and such.
And like, I have a cleaned up DeepL translation on the reupload for the song now-- and it IS better than the one I put on it with annotations over a decade ago. But...
It definitely feels like >man. I need someone who actually knows the language and could see things I'm definitely missing to give this song a proper english translation.
(also, I admit, I also sometimes have a hard time grasping even just. how things are said in english sometimes, and what could be better said in english, and such things, so like, that doesn't help)
Anyhow, I do legitimately like the song. The fear of it has obviously passed, and finding out it was an april fools project kind of also has me like >haha. wow. i sure Experienced over what was a joke.
but hey, that's just how art is, I guess.
Honestly, with the DeepL translation, I do feel it still fits as a founding song for Proto, hahaha.
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lilcookiebugg · 1 year
Something about Insta RP accounts that I don’t really like. Is that they reupload other peoples artwork.
Like to me it just doesn’t feel right. Especially when some of them will interpret the pieces wrong. And make it what they want it to be about. Not what it originally was about.
Not to mention, most the time they are uploading it without the original artist knowing. Sure sometimes they have permission. But it just doesn’t feel right. Since their technically getting their fame from someone else’s hard work.
If I ever had a RP account. I’d use my own art. But that’s just me.
Sorry just something I don’t really like. Since I’m always recommended Sonic RP accounts. And they get on my nerves sometimes.
Especially when they tag unneeded ship tags. When I searched for Sonilver. I want Sonilver. Stop putting the tag under Shadamy art.
Just my two cents on it.
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skylarts · 4 years
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megwritesnstuff · 2 years
I know I don’t have many followers, but here’s a little update about this blog.
Hi! I know I don’t have many followers, and even less of those reblog a lot from me, but here’s a little update about the tagging system on my blog, for anyone who cares. Yesterday, for some weird and unknown reason, Pinterest deactivated my account. I know theres a lot of horror stories about artists having their work stolen and reuploaded to Pinterest, so I tend not to use it as much as I used to, but on that account were my beloved and ever growing moodboards about my OCs that I use for RP purposes, as well as ones about my favorite/comfort characters. Seriously, years in the making, and now its all gone. I’m devastated, but I have a plan. Instead of begging pinterest to tell me what I did wrong, and try to have them reactivate my account, I’m going to just use tags on tumblr like any smart person who doesn’t want to perputrate the contiuiance of art theft. So the tags will be something like this #OC vibes: (name) = images, posts, ect that are either directly related to one of my OCs, or remind me of them #Vibes: (character name) = Same as above but for one of my favorite already established characters, not one of my OCs. I hope this will help if anyones curious about the new tag system and who theres gonna be a ton of new/different content on my blog! I also hope to post my own art of my OC’s soon, I’m just shy ahahaha. Ask me if you have any qyestions! Have a great day!
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smolsix · 4 years
This Is a Pinned Post
Prince | he/they/it | Adult | AuDHD | Taken
Last Updated: April 17th 2024
If a user is saying they are me anywhere: if they are me they will accept you proposing to DMing me here to make sure. I will never turn this down.
I am not active on Amino anymore and I am not currently active in any Discord GCs aside from my own and a few Splatoon ones. If a user is claiming to be me, you are free to DM me about it or call them out. I do not post outside of Tumblr or Toyhouse these days but my old URLs were: Insta: Aibouuu/AibouArt Twitter: PrinceYadon Tumblr: @aibouart @smolsix @mspeevee YT: BunSong, MSPeevee, Poketronex FB: Aibou Art DA: Aibouu TikTok: I do not post here
If you see someone posting my art from here anywhere with credit to me it’s ok, if they don’t credit me or say it’s theirs then we have a problem. 
You can use art on here for icons/backgrounds/wallpapers as long as you do not claim it as your own and you do not edit the art to look like another character, and you do NOT use the art for ship content or ship RP. This includes but is not limited to: youtube covers, wattpad story covers, fanfic covers, or icons you use on an account for RPing ship. Again, i do not want my art associated with shipping minors, even romantically.
I have yet to sell any of my artwork of LN so if you see it for sale, it is stolen.
Thank you!
The Picrew:
https://picrew.me/image_maker/1354628 For Context: I had an old LN Picrew but it was taken down (likely due to the copyrighted characters I used as shoulder sitting props. It has been reuploaded, stripped of all LN content.
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verslin · 7 years
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Reuploading from my rp-account a pic of Ardyn I drew for massadamnata’s birthday. Still very much like it. 
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fragarianmusings · 5 years
So like, I’ve been running into problems reporting a work of mine that was reposted on Instagram by a fan/RP account. While I appreciate how “easier” it is to send reports in Insta and how some reports I’ve sent in for all those reposts of my work (like literally, Insta is practically repost central :/ ) gotten quick results, I do NOT like how it seems like the moment there is barely any discernible gap between the time the original was posted vs the time the repost was uploaded (e.g. the repost took place mere hours after the original was uploaded), it’s like Insta seems to deem the report “not clear enough” no matter how much proof you include and how much you stress that you don’t even post of said site thus it’s a repost -_-;; ...Which is VERY fucked up, tbh
Though the funniest thing happened involving that account
I’ve had to send in SO many attempts on that repost of my work (if you’re curious which work of mine was reposted, it was this comic I did and it was reuploaded on Insta mere HOURS later (since I saw it was on the same date(?) as mine) by a fan/RP account called “lorddarkpit”), only to be met with the same “not clear enough” bullshit, despite how many times I’ve explained and how clear I’ve justified my reports.
In the end, I kinda just gave up and was so frustrated with all my efforts going in vain that I pretty much replied to the last failed report I sent in and criticized Insta’s staff for their incompetent ways of handling certain reports as well as how easier it is for just about anyone to get away with reposting art.
Come a few days afterward, I decided to look into the fan/RP account and decided to use an old Insta I made years ago but never used and to tell them to take it down on their own volition. 
And apparently...the account was taken down?? 
I honestly doubt Insta did that in response to my criticism, but considering how that account was quite popular (had around 1000+ followers) and their gallery was SO FULL OF REPOSTS from many artists across other sites (e.g. Tumblr, Pixiv). Heck, they’ve even reposted art from artists who already post on Instagram lmAO
I like to think many artists have tried to report the content stolen from them as well and as a result Insta had to take down the account bc of all the reports filing in. Didn’t expect that, but...I guess it was nice. Considering how majority of their posts were stolen, there wouldn’t be much content left on their account so may as well take said account down anyway(?)
I still think Insta’s way of handling certain reports is fucked up (because despite being reposted hours after the original, a repost is STILL a repost) but I’m honestly glad it was taken down...in one way at least :v
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skylarts · 4 years
“Hey Scarecrow!” 
Jonathan sighed, not now. He was already in danger of being late to work. If he was late he was certain Mr. Lucas would be upset with him and possibly just send him home today: and he needed the money otherwise he’d be stuck with no power in the middle of summer. 
“Please not now Nick, I have to go to work.” It was a pointless endeavor as he already knew what the other teen wanted.
“Aw, come on Jonny. Don’t 'ave time for your ol' pal?” 
“I don’t want to be late to work.” He could feel the taller boy right behind him so he spun around only to be pushed against the wall. “Hey!”
“Ya know ya gotta pay the fee.” The teen held Jon by his shoulders and kept him harshly pressed against the wall. 
“I don’t carry any cash. All I got is a breakfast bar on me.” He knew better than to carry any cash out of the manor except when he was going to pay the bills. “Please just let me go. You can have the bar-” A sharp blow to his gut cut him off. “S-stop!” He yelped practically feeling the bruise starting to form.
“Don’t ya remember what I said would happen if you didn’t 'ave money again?" 
 "... You'd beat me senseless." Jon answered in a quiet voice. 
"Exactly. And what don't you 'ave?" 
Christ, he didn't want to answer. This was humiliating. "Please jus-" Another punch to his already bruising abdomen. "Nick pl-" Another hit that almost made his knees buckle as he tried to curl in on himself. "M-money! I don't have money!" He was shaking as the pain slowly ebbed away to leave a dull ache in its wake.
"Ya could've made it easy on yerself, but ya didn't. So now I 'ave ta beat ya. Otherwise, ya might think I'm jokin' later." 
"I don't… have much to begin with." Every cent went to bills and saving for college. He didn't have any extra. 
"I don't care." He went in for another blow to Jonathan’s gut.
"Come on Jonny. Don't you just want to let go?" The creature was behind him whispering in his ear, despite the wall against his back that should've made that physically impossible. 
"No… I don't know…" Pain shot through his stomach. 
"The hell are you talking about Scarecrow?" Nick's voice was becoming muffled to his ears. 
"You've tried being nice, Jonny. You've tried to be his friend. Done all he asked of you but look at you, you're still just the punching bag for him."
"I'm not!" 
"You are. You're a scared little boy that buckles when he's hit."
"Shut up!" Tears started to fall down his cheeks.
"The hell did ya just say ta me?"
"Aren't you tired of being scared, Jonny? Isn't it time he's scared of you?" It should've been impossible but it felt like they were speaking right into his eardrum. Right into his mind. "Don't you want them to be scared of you? To finally be in control." 
Jonathan paused, not even hearing what Nick was saying anymore, it was all muffled. The other teen's lips were moving but no sound came from them. Everything except for what Crow said was like it barely existed anymore. He was tired of this: tired of being afraid all the time. At first he thought it would end when she was gone, but then other bullies stepped up to take her place. Although nothing could compare to her it still was awful to still be so afraid of everything. 
"Yes." All sound came rushing back like a wave. His tears stopped flowing and he swore his heart was beating so loudly that Nick would be able to hear it. Then one voice cut through it all. 
"Good. Now, punch him. And aim for his neck!" Glee filled the voice.
Something dangerous sparked in Jonathan’s bright blue eyes, something that turned them icy towards his tormentor. The boy didn’t even have time to react as Jonathan clenched his fist and reeled it back.
“What the hell is wrong with you- Ack!” The teens voice was cut short as pain exploded in his neck causing him to gasp: opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water while he clasped a hand around his throat. He stumbled backwards staring wide-eyed at Keeny, a look of shock taking over his face. 
As Jonathan pulled his fist back he could only slightly feel the pain in his knuckles, most of it was being overtaken by the pure elation he felt coursing through his veins. He’d always wanted to do that: to fight back. The boy didn’t get a second to recuperate as Jonathan’s fist connected with his jaw. Then his nose. He would’ve punched him more but the boy mercifully fell back on his rear end.
“S-stop! Wh-what are ya doin’?” His voice shook with fear. Jonny had never fought back. Not really. 
A grin slowly spread across his lips; he could see the fear in his eyes. It was beautiful. Finally someone else was afraid instead of him. Then he looked further down and noticed the blood dripping from his nose. Oh god. He looked at his closed fist and saw his bloodied knuckles. “I-I… What did I do?” Jonathan backed away shakily. No. No, this was just like before. Why was he enjoying it?
“Shh. It’s okay Jonny.” The voice in his mind soothed. “Everything will be okay. In fact, everything is okay. You’re just giving the little insect what he deserves.”
“No, no, this is wrong.” He mumbled while backing up until his back hit the wall again. 
“Wrong?” A quiet chuckle came from his side as a creature moved around to the front of Jonathan: dark and spindly, shadows seeming to cover its entire body and flow off of it into the still air. Yellow eyes stared into blue. “Revenge isn’t wrong, Jonny. Don’t you remember how good it felt? The happiness and excitement you felt at finally getting back at the ones who hurt you. Don’t they deserve it?” They grinned so widely that it almost split their face in two with sharp pearly white teeth making it look even more sinister. “Trust me, Jonny. I wouldn’t steer you wrong.” Their mouth didn’t move as they spoke.
“I…” He could feel their clawed spider-like hand come up to cup his cheek. “... I know. But-”
“Shh.” Their other hand cupped the other side of his face, both hands giant against his human head. “Just relax Jonny. Let me handle this.” They watched as the teen’s eyelids slowly started to droop. “That’s it Jonny. Relax. I’ll handle this. You just rest now.” 
Darkness slowly started to fill Jonathan’s vision, an unexpected tiredness overtaking him. “... Okay.” He mumbled before he started to collapse to the ground. Unbeknownst to him he never fully made it to the grass. 
Jonathan awoke and bolted upright in his bed. In his bed? He stared down at the thinning mattress in confusion. Was it a dream? He grabbed his glasses from the nightstand and put them on so that he could stare at his right hand: it was free of bruises and blood. It… it must’ve been a dream. 
Slowly, he got up out of bed and noticed he was, well, he was rather lacking any sort of clothes save for his boxers. “What?” He frowned uncomfortably and rushed to pull on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Had he been so tired last night that he just completely forgot his nightly routine? 
He made his way to the bathroom to go about his normal routine, but stopped at the mirror looking into it to see if there was anything different. At first he was sure he was just paranoid, but then he noticed something he couldn’t earlier: there was a small spec of red on his neck. He stopped and stared at it before slowly scratching at the spot with his finger only to realize that he couldn’t feel anything there. Confused, he looked down to try and get a look at it, but couldn’t see anything and when he looked back into the mirror again the spot was gone.
“What’s wrong, Jonny? Did you have a nightmare again?” A voice asked from what sounded to be inside his mind. 
“... Nothing. I’m fine. Just had an odd thought is all.” 
“Want to talk about it?” The entity appeared in the mirror behind him. 
“... No. I don’t think I do.” In the end it didn’t matter. After all, he was just protecting himself if it did happen. The bully deserved whatever he got… and Jonathan hoped he got what he deserved and even more.
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