#rev: ransom
kamig4mes · 2 months
tokyo rev boys withhhh a s/o who has a workout addiction
Okay this is my first request! and we started sooo good hahaahah. I edited the request a bit to write a better pov, and I hope you still like it!
Thank u, anon (sorry for the wait pls), nd thank u all for reading, enjoy!
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#pov: tokyo revengers boys with a s/o who has a workout addiction.
★ warnings: workout addiction, overthinking, established relationship, fluff, humor, neutral reader!
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"Pretty, are you ready t-?" Mikey stopped the bite of dorayaki he was chewing upon seeing you. He wasn't hallucinating, he was sure of what he saw when he stopped his footsteps a few meters from you.
"Huh? Manjiro?" You looked at him strangely "Where is Draken?"
"I insisted that I wanted to pick you up this time" his response was brief, perplexed without being able to take his eyes off the boxing gloves "and this?"
"Uh.. training?" you said with a nervous smile gracing your face, feeling trapped by your boyfriend. Draken was supposed to have your back by coming to pick you up so Mikey wouldn't suspect your workout addiction "Are you mad with me?"
You thought your boyfriend disliked the idea of you training too much but you can't help it! You were so fascinated by exercise.
Meanwhile, Mikey noticed you were so excited training that day that it reminded him of his little self when he trained at his grandfather's house, smiling at the memories. He would undoubtedly go tell Shinichiro when she got home.
"Honey, how could I? If you're great at being you" his gentle smile ruined your heart "No matter what you do, my love for you won't change" you looked up at him in surprise, blinking as his arms wrapped around you in an unexpected hug.
You decided not to tell him anything because you were afraid for his reaction, but they were just your ideas. Come on, that man can't hate you for doing what you love, we're talking about Sano Manjiro, for God's love!
You smiled lovingly as your boyfriend gently pressed you against his chest. You reached up with your free hand and stroked his soft hair
"I do it too, baby and thanks.."
From that moment on, he would pick you up without fail of your workout, he would even stay to watch you train, always keeping an eye on you.
Sometimes she thinks it was too much routine for a normal person but he remembered how hard you kicked the punching bag the other day and he spared his opinion.
To say that this big boy wasn’t surprised to find out that you’re even more athletic than he is to lie to us.
I knew you had a certain level of discipline but enough to have detailed lists of exercises, healthy drink recipes and breaks?
Yeah, you were definitely obsessed with staying fit and being strong.
"Baby, don’t you think this is too much?" he muttered, scowling as he watched you do abs "I can protect y-"
You interrupted "I don’t want to be a ransom symbol, love. Besides, it doesn’t hurt to have a partner to back your ass if you get in trouble, isn't it?"
The blonde seemed to think about it. The idea of having each other’s backs was attractive and very beneficial in the long run.
However, and even with so much muscle mass and stamina you gain, Draken won’t take his eye off you. He promised himself that he would always protect you and so it will be until the end.
You weren’t weak at all, and Baji suspected it.
From the moment you met him, you accompanied him to his favorite gym to watch him train or just to keep him company, even more so when they started dating.
But on one of those days your deranged boyfriend challenged you to lift not so heavy weights (if you weren’t an ordinary person, of course).
"Tell me, don’t you think this princess can lift those things?"
"I just want to see what you’re capable of, baby" a flirty smile popped out of his lips when you started stretching your muscles.
That’s when your boyfriend’s jaw fell off when he saw you lift the weights without problems, overcoming the challenge in minutes. You laughed at his shocked face: Baji hoped you could do it, he had his suspicions about your obsession with exercise but he didn’t think you were so good!
After he calmed down, the next thing he did was brag to everyone (more than he already did), looking at you like a real beautiful crazy exercise machine.
"I KNEW IT! MY COUPLE IS FCKING AMAZING!" the guy squealed excitedly, some turning around because of the loud noise.
"Lower your voice, Keisuke! We're still in the gym" You laughed, feeling it lift you off the ground for the umpteenth time that afternoon.
"And why do you think I scream? I want everyone to know how amazing you are, baby"
The idea of having a real partner to practice with fascinated him, even more so if that person was you, his couple. And although sometimes he can be a brute who doesn't know how to differentiate between a man and a woman, with you she manages to make that exception. Just for you.
Your addiction to exercise for some reason went unnoticed by Chifuyu. You spent more hours than you should have in that room in your house that was meant for you to exercise freely, it was obvious from your physique that you trained.
But how did your boy find out? Like his friend with long black hair, he began to suspect those many hours a day in which he didn't know anything about you: a message, a call, even an emoticon! Nothing.
This is how he ends up emptying his doubts on Baji, who explains without complications that he already knew. Well, everyone knew them, except him. Of course your adorable boyfriend would run to question you.
"Is that true, baby?" He turns to look at you and you nod in response "why didn't you tell me anything?"
"You never asked, Fuyu" you just shrugged "Besides, everyone knows! It's very obvious"
He sighed, still unable to believe it "I couldn't have been so clueless… or yes?"
"What do you think"
After a few days, Chifuyu did manage to get over the shock, in fact he brings you drinks and fruits after each routine session while they talk about random topics.
From the beginning of the relationship, Mitsuya knew about your workout addiction. He would take you to the gym and pick you up to go together, while you told the other what you did during the day. He even asked to know your meal plan so he could prepare it for you.
He loves you very much, which is why he wants to protect you as much as possible despite knowing full well that you can handle your "obsession".
"That looks really heavy, baby, be careful" Mitsuya was using his half hour off to watch you do your thing at the gym.
"Baby, did you come to bring me lunch or tell me what to do?"
"I have to take care of you, honey"
Mitsuya will definitely not stop worrying that you might hurt yourself by overdoing your crazy routine but he can live with that.
Surprising Hakkai was easy if you knew how to hide the surprise very well. So when he found out about you workout addiction, he initially refused to believe it.
I mean, how was it possible that his sweet and adorable couple could do 200 sit-ups and 100 push-ups a day? Or hold up some kind of weight?
His mind was not able to assimilate it. But that was the reality, he was still amazed as you prepared to warm up.
"Are you seriously doing all this, cutie?" He asked, full of surprise when he noticed that blackboard full of excessive numbers and positions at the back of you room.
"I already told you yes, babe, can you hand me the hand weight?"
Yes, maybe Hakkai will never get over it, much less that blackboard.
Looking beyond your flashy addiction, for Takemichi to recognize that you were actively athletic was admirable and disappointing at the same time.
Don't get him wrong, he appreciated that you were really energetic and motivated but knowing that you were even stronger than him made him miserable. Or that's what he confessed to you the other day.
"I can't, baby.." said the blonde with his head down "I can never be as strong as you"
"Oh, of course you can, honey!" You squealed to encourage him, you knew your boy had potential. You just had to help him organize his messy thoughts "We can train together next time. I can help you with that"
"Would you do that for me?" His eyes lit up when he heard you, hugging you tightly when you nodded happily.
Over time, Takemichi learned to see you as a figure of inspiration, asking you to teach him any routine that suited his body and all the tips to stay fit and more skillful.
The first time you mentioned your "hobby" to Kazutora was that afternoon when you asked him to come pick you up after his workout at the gym.
Thousands of doubts arose in his mind: Did you train? Did you go to boxing classes? He felt dizzy, how was it possible, if you were so fucking adorable! But seeing you punching that punching bag so fiercely after a round of exercises answered all of his doubts: his couple was an exercise addict.
"Tora, here!" When he managed to spot you in front of the gym entrance, he ran up to you. Smiling, you stood on tiptoe and gave him a kiss.
"Why were you l-?" Suddenly, kazutora handed you a small bag containing a sports top "Mh? And that?"
"I got it for you, cutie" he smiled, kissing your forehead "You need it for your exercises, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I don't support you?"
You crossed your arms "Babe, did you buy it because I need it or because you want to see me use it?"
"I.. I won't answer that" You couldn't help but laugh at his blushing cheeks.
Kazutora managed to play you along as the love between the two grew, offering himself as a punching bag in exchange for closing the "training session" with kisses and lots of cuddles.
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©2024 / ENJOY ♡ — OK, but I felt sooo canon baji’s reaction haha. And I'm sorry if there are some mistakes in the writing 💀 I still haven't perfected my englishhh. I'll be back soon with second part, wait for it 👀 Thank u for reading, babes!!
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mphistophls · 10 months
Season 3 Good Omens theory
I'm going to need all your attention because this theory is difficult to explain since I'm going to have to analyze the Bible and the book of Revelation to make it understandable. I'm going to make some huge shortcuts otherwise we'll never get to the end of this, and I'm too lazy to make a thread about it on Tumblr.
As we realized in the Season 2 finale, the next plan from paradise is the second coming… it's no secret that believers think about the return of Christ, it's even in the apostles' profession of faith.
"1. I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord
who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, (and) (who) was born of the Virgin Mary;
(He) suffered under Pontius Pilate, (He) was crucified, (He) died, (He) was buried, (He) descended into hell;
on the third day, (He) rose from the dead;
ascended into heaven, (He) is seated (variant: He sits) at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty;
from where He will come (variant: He will come from there) (to) judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit (variant: in the Holy Spirit)
in the Holy Catholic Church (Protestant version3,4: I believe in the Holy Universal Church), (in) the communion of saints,
the remission of sins,
the resurrection of the flesh
eternal life.
Yes, you read that right: descended into hell. So he spent 3 days in hell? Why would he do that? His sacrifice should have been enough to save humanity. So if he did spend a vacation in hell, he had to suffer three more days to atone for the sins of mankind. Three days in hell… he must not have liked it. Because it wasn't supposed to happen in the first place, his last words at the time of his sacrifice were: "It is finished. (John 19:30) Jesus' last words express the end of his suffering and the fulfillment of all the work his Father had entrusted to him: preaching the Gospel, performing miracles and obtaining eternal salvation for his people. The ransom for sin had been paid. So why did he go to hell ?
And then you think, why the fuck are you talking about this? And I answer you: wait and read. You subtly noticed in the series that God loves the number 7. And you have no idea how true that is.
And did you know that Jesus was a goat? More precisely, a goat with 7 horns and 7 eyes. No, I'm not on drugs, it's actually in the Bible. Revelation 5:6: "Then I saw, in the midst of the throne and the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders, a lamb standing as if offered as a sacrifice. It had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth." John (jean) sees a lamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes.
If you knew that, then you probably know that one of the major themes of the book of Revelation is the book of the seven seals. A book that can only be opened by ….. JESUS. And what happens if JESUS opens the book of the seven seals? The apocalypse.
Isn't the Antichrist supposed to trigger the apocalypse? No, and do you know why? Because in the Bible, the antichrist doesn't exist. Well, there is, but not in the form we think. In the Bible, it's a term for atheists. Disappointing, isn't it? (I know that in Islam there's mention of Al-Dajjâl, false messiahs who correspond to the Antichrist of evangelical Protestants. But I'm going to concentrate on Christianity because I'm afraid of making a mistake).
So why in good omens is Adam the antichrist? Because it takes two goats for a sacrifice. One to be sacrificed and the other to be released into the wild, the scapegoat, the one who takes on the sins. And now you're thinking, the scapegoat is Jesus. Except that Jesus was sacrificed. Adam is the scapegoat.
Huge misunderstanding that will be repeated: Saint John relates a vision in which he sees, in the right hand of the One who sits on the throne, a rolled-up book, written on the front and back, which is sealed with seven seals. Rev 5:1. Then he sees as it were a slain Lamb, who came and took the book from the right hand of Him who sits on the throne. Rev 5:6-7. And remember, Jesus is the lamb. Jesus will have to be sacrificed again to trigger the apocalypse. And let's imagine Jesus realizes he's been lied to and that he wasn't the scapegoat. I don't think he'd be too happy about that, so he's either not going to trigger the apocalypse, or he'll become the antichrist, destroy God, heaven and hell, and decide to rule the world. ( All for freedom and for pleasure Nothing ever last forever Everybody wants to rule the world So glad we've almost made it So sad they had to fade it Ev'rybody wants to rule the world).
You think this is the end ? Absolutely not mouhahahaha. Everything repeats itself, if Jesus becomes the scapegoat, someone has to die as a result. No happy ending in my book. Sorry.
Anyway, it was fun coming up with this theory. Now all I have to do is wait and see if I got it right on at least one point.
@neil-gaiman I hope the strikers win their case, because if they don't, it'll be the end of the magnificent projects that have kept us dreaming until the very end.
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demifiendrsa · 11 days
Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves|Announcement Trailer #2
B. Jenet Character Trailer (English version)
B. Jenet Character Trailer (Japanese version)
Vox Reaper Character Trailer (English version)
Vox Reaper Character Trailer (Japanese version)
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Key visual
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Latest details
About the Game
SNK’s beloved Fatal Fury series first hit the market in 1991, spearheading the fighting game boom of the 1990s that swept the industry thereafter. Garou: Mark of the Wolves (released in 1999) has, for some time, served as the franchise’s most recent installment. But that is all about to change: 26 years on, a brand-new entry—Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves—is set to arrive on the scene!
Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves features a unique art style that stimulates the senses, an innovative REV system that supercharges the excitement, plus a host of other battle systems even more robust than before. The game also breathes new life into the series by introducing two distinct control schemes (ensuring fun and excitement for newcomers and veterans alike) as well as other fresh features and elements.
The streets of South Town are a hotbed of action, wild dreams, and even wilder ambition. Here, at long last, a new legend is about to unfold…
New Characters
Vox Reaper (voiced by Erik Ransom in English, Toshiyuki Toyonaga in Japanese) – This street assassin is dispatched to hunt down and eliminate Kain R. Heinlein. Though the attempt was thwarted, he emerges from the encounter hardly worse for wear. Kain’s bodyguard Grant, having realized the youth’s talent and potential, decides to take him under his wing thereafter. Afforded a new lease on life, and intent on fulfilling his dying master’s wishes (not to mention Kain’s own grandiose ambitions), Vox stalks the bloody battleground that is South Town—a demon reborn.
B. Jenet (voiced by Amber Lee Connors in English, Mikako Komatsu in Japanese) – Captain of the Lilien Knights, a crew of virtuous pirates, B. Jenet makes an altogether uncharacteristic decision. With Kain and Grant weighing on her mind during and after the events of the previous tournament, she chooses to stay in South Town, if not for a short while. Strangely unable to express her lingering thoughts out loud, she sees the upcoming KOF tournament as a true blessing in disguise: a chance to speak through action instead of words!
Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves will launch in early 2025 for unannounced platforms.
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Gospel Summary
Man was created to glorify God & Enjoy Him forever
Our ultimate purpose in life is to honor and glorify God while enjoying His everlasting presence. As creations made in His image, we are called to reflect His greatness in everything we do. This notion is supported by the idea that the Creator is "worthy of glory, honor, and power" (Rev 4:11) and that we should "do all to the glory of God" (1 Cor 10:31). By fulfilling this purpose, we not only live out our divine destiny but also take part in a never-ending celebration of God's love and grace.
Man has failed to glorify God & is under His just condemnation
Despite our purpose to glorify God, humanity has stumbled under the burden of sin and rebellion. In our deliberate defiance of a holy God, "all have sinned" (Rom 3:23), severing the unique relationship that exists between the Creator and His creation. This spiritual estrangement gives rise to a grave repercussion: the wages of sin, culminating in death (Rom 6:23). In this dark situation, people find themselves trapped by God's justice and condemnation, facing the frightening reality of "eternal destruction" (2 Thes 1:9). Consequently, our profound need for redemption and restoration is underscored, as an intense yearning for hope and salvation is evoked within us by God.
Jesus fully bore the wrath and suffered the punishment sinners deserve
Motivated by His love for humanity, God created an extraordinary plan to save sinners through the sacrifice of His Son. Jesus, the human embodiment of the Eternal Son, lived the life we were unable to live (so that the righteous demands of the law could be satisfied in us) and willingly endured the death we rightfully deserved (shouldering all the penalties imposed by the law upon His people due to their transgressions) Out of immense love and compassion, God sent His Son as the ultimate sacrifice for sinners (1 John 4:10; John 6:37). Driven by His great mercy, Jesus was compelled to "give His life as a ransom for many" (Mark 10:45) and "rise again" from the dead (2 Corinthians 5:15) in order to secure salvation for them.
All who, by the grace of God, turn to Jesus alone in faith are forgiven
During humanity's struggle, God's grace offers a way out for those who, by grace, turn to Jesus in faith. If you confess your sins and recognize your need for Christ, take comfort in knowing that God has already started to build a life-changing, eternal relationship with you. As we answer the divine summons to "repent and believe the gospel" (Mark 1:15) we are joined to Christ who brings us into God's presence, where true joy is found (Psalm 16:11) and freedom from sin's captivity begins.
Abandon your self-righteousness and your sins, and embrace the righteousness of Christ as your protective covering, and His atoning blood as your redemption. Trust in Jesus alone for your salvation, placing all hope in His boundless mercy, and you can be assured that your sins are forgiven, and the gift of eternal life has been granted. In this divine embrace, the soul finds solace, healing, and the promise of an everlasting communion with its Creator.
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satoshi-mochida · 11 days
Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves adds B. Jenet and Vox Reaper; confirmed for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, and PC - Gematsu
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Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves will be available for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series, and PC via Steam and Epic Games Store when it launches in early 2025, SNK announced. The company also confirmed B. Jenet and Vox Reaper as playable characters.
Here is an overview of the game and latest characters, via SNK:
About the Game
SNK’s beloved Fatal Fury series first hit the market in 1991, spearheading the fighting game boom of the 1990s that swept the industry thereafter. Garou: Mark of the Wolves (released in 1999) has, for some time, served as the franchise’s most recent installment. But that is all about to change: 26 years on, a brand-new entry—Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves—is set to arrive on the scene! Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves features a unique art style that stimulates the senses, an innovative REV system that supercharges the excitement, plus a host of other battle systems even more robust than before. The game also breathes new life into the series by introducing two distinct control schemes (ensuring fun and excitement for newcomers and veterans alike) as well as other fresh features and elements. The streets of South Town are a hotbed of action, wild dreams, and even wilder ambition. Here, at long last, a new legend is about to unfold…
New Characters
Vox Reaper (voiced by Erik Ransom in English, Toshiyuki Toyonaga in Japanese) – This street assassin is dispatched to hunt down and eliminate Kain R. Heinlein. Though the attempt was thwarted, he emerges from the encounter hardly worse for wear. Kain’s bodyguard Grant, having realized the youth’s talent and potential, decides to take him under his wing thereafter. Afforded a new lease on life, and intent on fulfilling his dying master’s wishes (not to mention Kain’s own grandiose ambitions), Vox stalks the bloody battleground that is South Town—a demon reborn.
B. Jenet (voiced by Amber Lee Connors in English, Mikako Komatsu in Japanese) – Captain of the Lilien Knights, a crew of virtuous pirates, B. Jenet makes an altogether uncharacteristic decision. With Kain and Grant weighing on her mind during and after the events of the previous tournament, she chooses to stay in South Town, if not for a short while. Strangely unable to express her lingering thoughts out loud, she sees the upcoming KOF tournament as a true blessing in disguise: a chance to speak through action instead of words!
Watch a new set of trailers below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
Announce Trailer #2
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miliabyntite · 5 months
21 & 22 for the writing meme. nerd
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sup dork
21.  Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write?
this is a hard fucking question tbh. If they're Incurably Fucking Stupid they're probably a lot of fun, so uh. Ransom. Deirdre. Tom from murderboys. Helene. :V OH AND LEO because she's adorb. and i also like writing people who are fucking dicks, so Qihui, Rev, Bess murderboys.
22.  Who is/are your favourite pairing(s) to write?
THIS IS HARDER. RUDE. Ransom/Constantine for sure. Qihui/Ymandus. Helene/Bastien. I either like to write pining morons, antagonistic morons, or sweet morons. or all of the above.
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insanityclause · 1 year
Tom Hiddleston - 42 years, 42 performances
The Essex Serpent
'Rev. Will Ransome'
Premiered May 13, 2022 (Apple TV+)
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By: Andrew Amos
Published: Apr 12, 2024
The Cass Review of gender medicine in England, released this week, captures a medical establishment waking up to a major scandal.
Thousands of transgender and gender-questioning English children have been exposed to harmful interventions under the medical treatment model called “gender-affirming care”.
This failure was caused by medical authorities who abandoned traditional safeguards in the face of pressure from international trans activist groups. Many other countries are now starting to acknowledge similar failures, led by Sweden and Finland.
Gender confusion is a normal part of adolescence that is likely to resolve without treatment in the overwhelming majority of cases. The gender-affirming care described in the review trapped gender-confused kids on a treadmill from which few escaped, leading from social transition, through puberty blockers, to hormone treatment and surgery in many cases.
As widely publicised when puberty blockers were banned in England a few weeks ago, these treatments have significant side-effects, including fractured bones, infertility and severe sexual dysfunction, which can be lifelong.
Cass makes it impossible for Australian authorities to continue to ignore warnings that Aussie kids and their families face the same systemic problems and clinical risks the English, Swedes and Finns are now scrambling to correct.
The explosive growth in gender-questioning patients and gender-affirming services in Australia closely retraces the English trajectory. But we started a few years later, so there is time to learn from England’s mistakes.
English medical authorities were forced to awaken by years of testimony from clinical whistleblowers, traumatised patients, and their families. The Cass Review followed books, media attention and legal cases, describing a health service heavily influenced by trans activist groups who infiltrated clinical units as patient advocates and supports.
Health staff reported they felt pressured to ignore signs of medical and mental illness in order to focus exclusively on gender, a process called diagnostic overshadowing. Even more damning, Cass reveals that gender-affirming providers ignored their own research, rapidly expanding access to dangerous medications such as puberty blockers even after finding there were no benefits.
The usual health system safeguards failed to detect this violation of the first principle of medicine: do no harm. Instead, problems were only identified because individual patients and staff had the courage to speak out over strong social and bureaucratic pressure to remain silent.
As well as ignoring their own research, English gender services actively refused to co-operate with official efforts to analyse existing data. This prevented investigators from getting a better picture of who was being treated, what was being done to them, and what the outcomes were.
While speculative, it seems unlikely that services would have refused to participate in research if they were confident it would show patients were significantly more helped than harmed by gender-affirming treatment.
Although these advance warnings should be good news for the health and safety of gender-questioning Australian kids and their families, our gender services do not seem to be listening. Instead, in many cases, they are making up for lost time by implementing more aggressive versions of the practices being shut down in England because of risks to patients.
For example, the Cass Review explicitly identifies “informed consent” models, similar to one being rolled out in Victoria, as incompatible with responsible medical practice. This type of model is grounded in political activist theory more than medicine. It views assessment of the gender identity of gender-confused teens as an illegitimate form of “gatekeeping” designed to control patient behaviour, instead of a medical safeguard protecting their health.
Under this model the doctor’s only role is to confirm that patients understand proposed treatments. Once confirmed, doctors must deliver any treatment the patient requests, without further assessment.
This contradicts the traditional medical approach, in which a comprehensive assessment, including the assessment of gender identity, is a non-negotiable feature of competent and ethical treatment of gender dysphoria. Even more concerning is that the “informed consent” model in Victoria is reportedly being extended to allow GPs to medicate transgender kids without specialists, going well beyond the safe limits recommended by Cass.
It may seem strange that Australia’s gender services are so keen to implement and go beyond risky treatments being shut down all over the world, but it is consistent with what is known about the gender-affirming care movement. This is a well-organised, well-funded international network of clinicians and activists committed to advancing a specific agenda.
Those interested in the details should seek out the report compiled by publisher Thomson-Reuters for gay rights organisation iglyo in 2019 called Only Adults?
In brief, the report compares international efforts to overcome strong public dislike of trans activist goals such as legislation enshrining the right to unconstrained gender self-identification in law, replacing biological sex with gender as the basis of legal rights, and the elimination of barriers such as lower age limits for non-traditional gender identities and treatments.
Based on case studies across Europe, the report recommends trans activists take a strategic approach to achieve their goals. Reflecting on evidence that increased public awareness of trans ideology tends to increase public resistance to it, the report recommends avoiding scrutiny by limiting contact with media and focusing efforts on influencing key decision-makers rather than attempting to change public opinion.
A core part of the strategy relies on establishing gender self-identification legislation as a legal foot in the door that can be leveraged to achieve many other trans activist goals.
The stakes are high, and not just for trans people. A case in Federal Court this week provides a perfect example, where a woman, Sally Grover, is defending her right to define for herself what a woman-only space means. The other party is a transgender woman, Roxanne Tickle, who is effectively claiming transgender women should have all the same rights as biological women, and be able to enforce those rights in court.
The rapid expansion of gender-affirming care, despite the limited evidence of benefits and the certain knowledge of harms, is consistent with this type of strategy. High-quality healthcare relies upon the integrity of the medical authorities who write the blueprints used by hospitals and health services to build their clinical services. This can work very well when the blueprints are written by independent experts who exercise methodological rigour focused purely on patient health outcomes. It can be deeply problematic when the small committees that write the blueprints are co-opted by people with ulterior motives.
Unfortunately, as confirmed by the Cass Review, the blueprints used to create gender services in Australia (endorsed by the WPATH and AusPATH organisations) scored very low on both methodological rigour (26 per cent and 19 per cent respectively) and editorial independence (17 per cent and 14 per cent).
Close examination of these blueprints suggests the primary goal of gender-affirming care in Australia is not to improve the health of gender-confused kids but to ensure they have the right to gender self-identification, and that public health services affirm that identity with support, resources, and medical and surgical interventions.
The rapid expansion of gender-affirming care to increasing numbers of gender-confused kids in Australia, despite the gaps in knowledge, represents a significant failure of leadership. While the reflex is often to blame politicians for systemic failures, medicine’s claim to expert authority in matters of health suggests political solutions will not be possible until the medical profession in Australia follows England’s lead and initiates a comprehensive review of gender medicine.
[ Via: https://archive.today/Flem8 ]
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apenitentialprayer · 5 months
When Francis Hesselbein said,
To serve is to live,
Which was expressed poetically by Rabindranath Tagore as,
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.
The meaning of which was explained by Rev. Jude Winkler, who elaborated,
Our greatest self-fulfillment lies in giving ourselves to others, for that is when we are most like God
Which is itself reflected in the words of Jesus Christ, who revealed
the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give His Life as a ransom for many.
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.” —1 Peter 1:18‭-‬19 (NIV)
“The High Price of Redemption” By Rev. Hernandes Lopes:
“Jesus’ death on the cross for us was the world’s greatest ransom mission. And this ransom was not paid to the devil, but to God himself. The Lord provided his own substitutionary sacrifice so that we could be delivered from our slavery to sin and its inevitable outcome: death. God redeemed us not by gold or silver (precious metals) or even by the most valuable currency. He redeemed us by the precious blood of Christ, the spotless and unblemished Lamb.
The Son of God gave up every­thing to redeem us. He gave himself completely. And the gift of the Son as the spotless Lamb was not a last-minute decision. As the apostle Peter put it, “He was chosen from before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.”
Not all the gold on earth would be enough to redeem a single person. But God paid the highest price, the price of the blood of his only Son, Jesus Christ. Therefore, you are highly ­valued by God. He has invested everything to save you, that you may have full and abundant life with him forever.
O God, only through the gift of Christ can I see my worth, for in his finished work your unconditional love for me is revealed. I praise you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.” 🙏
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leafsbabe · 1 year
What books did ya get? If you don't mind sharing :) I have the same problem lol so many books that I need to read, but I always buy more 😂
the three vancouver agitators books by meghan quinn because i haven't read hockey romance in years and the last one has been on my storygraph popular tab a lot recently
other books on my tbr:
revved series by samantha towle
fast series by kat ransom
the kiss quotient by helen hoang
i want to die but i want to eat tteokbokki by baek se-hee
the brown sisters series by talia hibbert
the stand-in lily chu
the edens series by devney perry
chestnut springs series by elsie silver
red zone rivals series by kandi steiner
windy city series by liz tomforde
and my giant bookcase filled with YA from my teen reading phase
not sure if i'm gonna tackle all of those... i'm a big mood reader but i don't think i'm ever gonna be in the mood for some of those books
anyways i'm reading the roughest draft right now and i...well.. it's a book
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
BAMAKO, Mali -- Suspected Islamic extremists have abducted a German priest in Mali's capital, colleagues said Monday, marking the first kidnapping of a Westerner in Bamako in more than a decade.
The Rev. Hans-Joachim Lohre was preparing to go celebrate Mass in another part of the city Sunday when he was kidnapped, according to Dia Monique Pare, a colleague at the Institute of Islamic-Christian Training.
A neighbor later reported having seen a black car without license plates parked in the courtyard of the institute. The car was no longer there after Lohre was abducted. Investigators later found the priest's cross necklace, which had been cut off, next to his car, she said.
"The door of his car was open and there were footprints on the ground as though someone had been fighting,” Pare added.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the kidnapping of the German priest, who has been in Mali for more than 30 years and teaches at the Institute of Islamic-Christian Training. However, suspicion immediately fell on Islamic extremists, who have a history of abducting foreigners and holding them for ransom.
However, Lohre's kidnapping would mark the first time that Islamic militants have abducted a foreigner in the capital of Bamako since their insurgency began more than a decade ago. Other foreign religious figures have been held hostage but were abducted in remoter parts of the country.
An Italian missionary couple was abducted in southern Mali in May along with their young son and domestic helper.
In 2017, a Colombian nun was kidnapped by al-Qaida-linked militants in Karangasso, about 27 kilometers (17 miles) from where the Italian family was abducted. Sister Gloria Cecilia Narvaez was released in 2021 after spending more than four years in captivity.
A cardinal later testified that Pope Francis had authorized spending up to 1 million euros to free her. It is not known how much, if any, Vatican money actually ended up in the hands of the extremists. Ransom payments are rarely confirmed to dissuade future kidnappings.
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Gospel Summary
1. Man was created to glorify God & Enjoy Him forever Our ultimate purpose in life is to honor and glorify God while enjoying His everlasting presence. As creations made in His image, we are called to reflect His greatness in everything we do. This notion is supported by the idea that the Creator is "worthy of glory, honor, and power" (Rev 4:11) and that we should "do all to the glory of God" (1 Cor 10:31). By fulfilling this purpose, we not only live out our divine destiny but also take part in a never-ending celebration of God's love and grace.
2. Man has failed to glorify God & is under His just condemnation Despite our purpose to glorify God, humanity has stumbled under the burden of sin and rebellion. In our deliberate defiance of a holy God, "all have sinned" (Rom 3:23), severing the unique relationship that exists between the Creator and His creation. This spiritual estrangement gives rise to a grave repercussion: the wages of sin, culminating in death (Rom 6:23). In this dark situation, people find themselves trapped by God's justice and condemnation, facing the frightening reality of "eternal destruction" (2 Thes 1:9). Consequently, our profound need for redemption and restoration is underscored, as an intense yearning for hope and salvation is evoked within us by God.
3. Jesus fully bore the wrath and suffered the punishment sinners deserve Motivated by His love for humanity, God created an extraordinary plan to save sinners through the sacrifice of His Son. Jesus, the human embodiment of the Eternal Son, lived the life we were unable to live (so that the righteous demands of the law could be satisfied in us) and willingly endured the death we rightfully deserved (shouldering all the penalties imposed by the law upon His people due to their transgressions) Out of immense love and compassion, God sent His Son as the ultimate sacrifice for sinners (1 John 4:10; John 6:37). Driven by His great mercy, Jesus was compelled to "give His life as a ransom for many" (Mark 10:45) and "rise again" from the dead (2 Corinthians 5:15) in order to secure salvation for them.
4. All who, by the grace of God, turn to Jesus alone in faith are forgiven During humanity's struggle, God's grace offers a way out for those who, by grace, turn to Jesus in faith. If you confess your sins and recognize your need for Christ, take comfort in knowing that God has already started to build a life-changing, eternal relationship with you. As we answer the divine summons to "repent and believe the gospel" (Mark 1:15) we are joined to Christ who brings us into God's presence, where true joy is found (Psalm 16:11) and freedom from sin's captivity begins.
Abandon your self-righteousness and your sins, and embrace the righteousness of Christ as your protective covering, and His atoning blood as your redemption. Trust in Jesus alone for your salvation, placing all hope in His boundless mercy, and you can be assured that your sins are forgiven, and the gift of eternal life has been granted. In this divine embrace, the soul finds solace, healing, and the promise of an everlasting communion with its Creator.
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eli-kittim · 2 years
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🔎 What Does the Phrase καιροῖς ἰδίοις Mean in 1 Timothy 2.6? 🔍
By Bible Researcher Eli Kittim 📚🎓
There is a mysterious phrase in the Greek New Testament which seems to suggest that the evidence for Christ’s death has not yet been demonstrated. If one considers Christ’s historicity and death as a foregone conclusion, then this terse phrase certainly questions this assumption. Let’s go a little deeper and look at some of the details. The Greek text of First Timothy 2.5-6 (SBLGNT) declares:
εἷς γὰρ θεός, εἷς καὶ μεσίτης θεοῦ καὶ
ἀνθρώπων ἄνθρωπος Χριστὸς Ἰησοῦς, ὁ
δοὺς ἑαυτὸν ἀντίλυτρον ὑπὲρ πάντων, τὸ
μαρτύριον καιροῖς ἰδίοις ·
The last clause literally means: the martyrdom/testimony [given] in its own times.
We must first understand what the Greek term μᾰρτῠ́ρῐον (martúrion) means. It actually has several meanings:
1. testimony, evidence, proof
2. martyrdom
3. shrine of a martyr
Since 1 Timothy 2.5-6 is explicitly referring to Christ’s death as a ransom (ἀντίλυτρον), it is therefore appropriate to regard the term μαρτύριον (martúrion) in this particular context both as a testimony and as a martyrdom. Let’s look at the translation of 1 Timothy 2.5-6 (KJV):
“For there is one God, and one mediator
between God and men, the man Christ
Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to
be testified in due time.”
There is something deeply perplexing about the last clause. If the testimony took place in Christ’s own time, then why will the evidence or proof be put forth “in due time”?
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the phrase “in due time” means “eventually at an appropriate time,” as in the sentence “I will answer all of your questions in due time.” Therefore, the KJV seems to suggest that the evidence establishing these facts will come at some future time period. The text is referring specifically to Christ’s death as “a ransom for all.” So, the KJV suggests that the evidence for Christ’s death will be demonstrated “in due time.” Bear in mind that this is the same English Bible translation which says elsewhere that Christ will die “ONCE IN THE END OF THE WORLD” (Hebrews 9.26b italics mine)! Let’s look at a cross-reference in 1 Timothy 6.14-15 (the same letter), which has the exact same phrase (καιροῖς ἰδίοις):
τηρῆσαί σε τὴν ἐντολὴν ἄσπιλον
ἀνεπίλημπτον μέχρι τῆς ἐπιφανείας τοῦ
κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ, ἣν καιροῖς
ἰδίοις δείξει ὁ μακάριος καὶ μόνος
δ��νάστης, ὁ βασιλεὺς τῶν βασιλευόντων
καὶ κύριος τῶν κυριευόντων.
Translation (NASB):
“keep the commandment without fault or
reproach until the appearing of our Lord
Jesus Christ, which He will bring about at
the proper time—He who is the blessed and
only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord
of lords.”
First Tim. 6.15 has the exact same phrase that we find in 1 Tim. 2.6, namely, καιροῖς ἰδίοις, and in this particular context it is a reference to “the appearing of our Lord Jesus,” which elsewhere is called “the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 1.7; 1 Pet. 1.7, 13; Rev. 1.1)! Here, the Greek phrase καιροῖς ἰδίοις means “at the proper time” or, more accurately, “in its own times” (YLT). And it refers to the future revelation of Jesus in his own time.
But if 1 Timothy was written at the end of the first century——and the evidence for Christ’s death had already, presumably, been demonstrated in the New Testament books——why would the author insist that the proof of Christ’s death comes “in its own times”? It doesn’t make any sense. If Jesus died ca. 30 AD, and the writer of 1 Timothy is writing at around 100 AD, 70 years later, then why would the testimony of Jesus’ death be given at the proper time, or in Christ’s own time? The author doesn’t say that the testimony was already given but rather suggests that it will be given in due time. In other words, why isn’t the testimony given right then and there? Or, why isn’t the testimony considered as something that was already given in the past about the occurrence of a previous event?
Readers often read 1 Timothy 2.6 and ignore the last clause, or they skip it as if it doesn’t really mean anything. But it does! In fact, it is the key to understanding the passage. First Timothy 2.5-6 (NASB) reads:
“For there is one God, and one mediator also
between God and mankind, the man Christ
Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for
all, the testimony given at the proper time.”
Notice how the last clause is translated in modern Bible versions. Most versions translate it correctly, without committing the clause to a past reference point, thereby suggesting that the evidence for Christ’s death is given in Christ’s own time (whenever that is…).
The New International Version gets it horribly wrong. The editors are clearly basing their translations on their theological bias. Nowhere does the Greek text say that the testimony “has now been witnessed.” Yet that’s what the NIV says at 1 Tim. 2.6:
“This has now been witnessed to at the
proper time.”
Unfortunately, that is unsubstantiated by the Greek text, which reads:
τὸ μαρτύριον καιροῖς ἰδίοις ·
However, most of the modern Bible translations actually get it right:
ESV - “which is the testimony given at the
proper time.”
KJV - “to be testified in due time.”
ASV - “the testimony to be borne in its own
DRB - “a testimony in due times.”
YLT - “the testimony in its own times.”
Hebrews 9.26b (KJV) says that Jesus will die “once in the end of the world.” First Peter 1.20 (NJB) says that Christ is “revealed at the final point of time.” Revelation 12.5 says that the Messiah is born in the end times. Acts 3.19-21 says that the Messiah cannot come “until the period of restoration of all things.” Galatians 4.4 says that Christ is born in “the fullness of the time,” which Eph. 1.9-10 defines as the consummation of the ages! Moreover, the auditory and visual impressions of the transfiguration narrative in 2 Peter 1.16-18 constitute an apocalyptic *prophecy,* which is revealed in verse 19:
“so we have the prophetic word made more
sure, to which you do well to pay attention
as to a lamp shining in a dark place.”
What is more, 1 Timothy 2.6 (written at ca. 100 AD) says that Christ’s death is meant “to be testified in due time.” The author is certainly NOT referring to 70 years prior to the time that he penned this letter (i.e. ca. 30 AD)! Therefore, it's perplexing why this mysterious phrase “to be testified in due time” is inserted in the text, and what is its temporal implication. That’s because it implies that the testimony of Christ’s death seems to be forthcoming rather than being already available!
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mmoxie · 2 years
just. walk with me through the thought process, right? let's say you DON'T have fuckin'.... i dunno, Robocop on tape
what do you do? you fire up google, and put in "robocop streaming" and it'll promote to you a full page of similar websites where you can pay for a temporary license to watch Robocop one or two times, if you agree to giving that company your credit card number
OR, you go to page 2 or 3 of google, and find robocop streaming for free on a website that's so fucking full of fake links and ads that it looks like a ransom note
OR, you rev up the ol' torrent client, run down robocop1080p.torrent, and wham bam you have a file
now of the three, that last one at least presents the possibility of burning a DVD, and then you have Robocop in fucking perpetuity
what if you spent a dollar at goodwill for Robocop on tape, and the entire process was "put Robocop in the VCR and press play"
and any time in your life that you wanted to watch Robocop, you suddenly had that option, and didn't have to give any company money to do it
something about that is just so fucking freeing to me yknow
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cadavertrolls · 2 years
also worldbuilding for Dirona..
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full name: Dirona Limine
gender: Male
sexuality: Bisexual
pronouns: He/It
family: The Ransomed(Ancestor)
birthplace: Pitstop(project of Revs, Leon, and Cash, Switch is also from here!)
job: Baker, Business owner
phobias: Betrayal
guilty pleasures: Snooping through peoples business, he likes eaves dropping on conversations going on in the café
morality alignment?: Neutral Good
sins - lust/pride/envy
virtues - charity/kindness
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Ambivert
organized/disorganized: Organized
close minded/open-minded: Open minded
calm/anxious: Calm
disagreeable/agreeable: Agreeable
cautious/reckless: Cautious
patient/impatient: Impatient
outspoken/reserved: Outspoken
leader/follower: Follower
empathetic/unemphatic: Empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: Optimistic
traditional/modern: Modern
hard-working/lazy: Hard Working
otp: Dirona <3 Eimkei and Dirona <3 Trixal
ot3: uhhh above i think
brotp: Dirona and Masayo is kinda funny ngl UFYNCUSHFYC
notp: i mean basically the same answers as the last 2, none of my bad trolls.
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