#rev: zephraz
touchingmadness · 5 years
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Revolution MC Picrews (x)
The four main characters of Revolution, as closely approximated as I could manage. Only Glory regularly wears “human” clothing, and Zephraz’s skin is a darker green with no noticeable nose or ears. Still, I am rather pleased with the outcome! (Zephy’s technically demi, but it’s still aspec, so no biggie.)
From left to right, row by row: Ransom Kelley, Glory Kelley, Miss Genesis, and Zephraz.
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timefirewrites · 5 years
Congrats again on the milestone! 💕 I was wondering if I could request two OC moodboards for my characters Ransom and Zephraz. Their tags are "rev: ransom" and "rev: zephraz." The standard WIP tag is "rev." (Basically I wanted to request something but those are the only two character I've talked about enough lately that you'd have enough info heh.) -touchingmadness
@touchingmadness Here you finally go!
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It was so much fun working on these and the two characters are awesome! In case I'm not already on your taglist, please add me!
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touchingmadness · 5 years
15 Questions Tag Game
I was tagged by @bookenders and let me tell you, it’s been a while since I was tagged in something, so thanks a million! <3 (I went back to the person you were tagged by to find the original questions, so I hope that’s okay.)
Rules: Pick a character from your WIP, and have them answer these 15 questions, then tag 15 people!
I’m going to use Revolution, but I’m going to use both of the boys (Ransom and Zephraz) because I need to get used to writing their dynamic again sooo....
1. What is your full name?
R: I’m Ransom Kelley. Short, sweet... or maybe bitter. Whatever.(His energy fades for a moment, but he perks back up in no time.) Zephy, tell them your full name.
Z: (unmoved) I am Zephraz.
R: Don’t fib.
Z: ...
R: If you don’t tell them, I’ll tell them. And I’ll include-
Z: Lord Zephraz of the Affinity of E’krov, Heir to the Seventh Estate, Timekeeper of the People.
R: And the Great Unifier!
Z: (aghast) Ransom!
2. What does your name mean, then?
Z: My name is simply my name: it is the designation by which the Tapestry recognizes me.
(Both are silent for a long while. Ransom makes no move to answer, looking distressed. Finally, Zephraz turns to look at him.)
Z: You do not have to answer if you don’t want to.
R: No, no, I can... Um... My mom was a bit upset about the whole having-to-live-at-the-Estate thing and she really does think they’re trying to take me away from her so... (He winces slightly.) I was supposed to be named Victor, but she ended up calling me Ransom because, well... To her I’m just the price she has to pay sometimes.
Z: (A flicker of concern crosses his face.) We’ve discussed this, My Own. 
R: Yeah, yeah. Just... (He waves his hand vaguely.) What’s the next question?
3. What are your nicknames/other names?
(They answer for each other in unison.)
Z: Ram.
R: Zephy!
(They turn to look at each other. Ransom’s grinning ear-to-ear. Zephraz looks a bit put out, but he doesn’t negate the answer.)
4. What’s your gender?
R: Hey, Zephraz, do you remember when we were kids and I-
Z: We both identify as male.
5. What’s your sexuality?
R: Haven’t done much dating, but I’m bi. I know Zephy likes guys, obviously, but-
Z: (unintelligible muttering)
R: (leans forward) Sorry, didn’t catch that.
Z: (avoiding eye contact) I like you. Just you.
(Ransom’s eyes light up in delight. He throws his arms around his companion, who looks completely mortified by his own admission.)
R: Aw, Zephy!!!
6. Where are you from?
Z: We were both born under the Seventh Estate.
7. How old are you?
R: Seventeen.
Z: Nineteen.
8. Any special talents?
(Ransom leans forward excitedly.)
R: Zephraz would never tell you this, but he’s like a strategic genius. He understands people in a way that I could never begin to understand. (He blushes a bit.) Me, though? I just have a penchant for trouble.
Z: Your tendencies make life interesting, My Own.
R: But it’s still trouble.
Z: Yes.
9. Do you have kids?
Z: Of course we do not.
(Ransom gasps in horror. Zephraz groans, looking as though this reaction is not at all surprising.)
R: How DARE you! What about-
Z: Astra is a cat.
R: Astra is our child!!!
10. What’s your aesthetic?
R: Zephy’s all old books and potted plants. Natural colors and deep water.
Z: And you are sunlight and silk wrappings. Gold and glittering gems.
11. Who’s your best friend?
(Neither answer, faces unreadable. Finally, Ransom stands up and moves into Zephraz’s lap. The Akarian wraps his arms around him without hesitation. Their expressions never waver.)
R: Next question.
12. Would you ever get a piercing/tattoo?
Z: (shakes head) Akarian skin is not receptive to such alterations.
R: I’d be down for some piercings, though.
13. When are you happiest?
R: Ah, gee... Probably when we get to go outside without permission and do some stargazing. The only thing I love more than the outdoors is not having guards hovering behind my back.
Z: When my responsibilities are met and I may retire to our corner of the library or the gardens. 
R: Liar.
Z: I am not-
R: He’s happiest when he’s sleeping.
14. What’s your biggest secret?
(Suspicious looks cross both faces. It’s Ransom who shakes his head, while Zephraz delivers a death-glare.)
15. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Z: Their eyes.
R: Their energy.
I’m going to tag @mercutioswriting, @notanalien51, @georgiacambrielwritblr, @trapped-inadystopianovel, and @allieice. Only if you want to, and anyone else who wants to do it can!
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touchingmadness · 5 years
@neirawrites in response to this post.
(It wouldn’t let me tag your main for some reason, so I tagged your Writeblr.)
For clarification, the “thing” that Zephraz is supposed to do that his father (Nirov) can’t is bring the humans and Akarians together so they’re no longer coexisting independently, but actually interacting and easing the tension that historically exists between them.
See, my main dilemma is that Zephraz is essentially raised with the hope that he will achieve this goal, the pressures of this expectation impacting him as he grows up. His parents both very much support this venture, enough to lean on their son from a very young age and cause a lot of his internal conflict.
Which raises the question, why the hell aren’t his parents working toward this goal? (His father as well as his mother.) Sure, they’ve opened their Estate to humans in need, but as it stands, they’re capable of doing more. They could appeal to the other Estates (essentially small nations) to join them in this venture, visit the human cities in their vicinity. And if they’re pressuring Zephraz (even unintentionally), by all rights they probably should be doing that. But if they’ve already made a substantial jump, then it lessens the pressure on him and... Well, you see the sort of loop I’m caught in.
The only thing I can feasibly come up with is that Nirov and his wife are dedicated to the slightly lesser goal of bettering the circumstances of individual humans, and allowing them to join Akarian society if they so desire. (Essentially, there would be no attempt to clear up the less-than-pleasant history between the two groups.) There would still be the pressure on Zephraz to continue and improve upon their efforts, but maybe he sees things a little differently??? Thinks that the way to go is true unity of the groups, where his parents believe it’s impossible??? The element of not seeing eye-to-eye would add some pressure on him, too.
That plays into the theme of the RZ-plot nicely. The role of youth’s hope and dreams in social change, and...
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touchingmadness · 5 years
If Zephraz could turn into any animal in the world what would it be and why
At risk of sounding dreadfully dull, I can only think "snake." It's a visual fit, certainly, whatwith the Akarian scale patterns, but more than that, Zephraz has literally been raised to be the last thing that the other High Lords expect. He doesn't act traditionally Akarian and doesn't react to certain things the way they'd want him to. So a gentle, sweetheart of a snake, but a snake.
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touchingmadness · 5 years
“Her name was Astra. Zephraz did not like her.”
You’d think this would take place when they’re older, that it’s Zephraz being jealous over one of Ransom’s love interests, but no: Ransom’s nine, Zephraz is eleven, and Astra is a cat.
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touchingmadness · 5 years
🔪 and 💎 for Ransom and Zephraz!!
🔪 Has your OC ever killed someone? Ever had to defend themselves against violence? How did this make them feel? Or, alternatively, has your OC ever attacked someone? Seen someone die?
Neither of them have ever had to kill someone, but Zephraz has been subjected to an assassination attempt. Ransom was present for this, as well, meaning he too witnessed the violence; he is also the one who stood in to protect his friend until help could arrive.
💎 Does your OC collect anything? Is there a reason? When did they start and is it beginning to turn into a little bit of a hoarding issue? What do they do with their collection?
They jointly have a rock collection from when they were little! (Ransom, six; Zephraz, eight.) Technically, it was Ransom who started it, but as he was wont to do as a child, he drug Zephraz into his game. Zephraz still doesn’t understand, but he’s the one who preserves and adds to the collection once they reach their mid-teens.
It’s not really a real issue or a real collection, just a goofy little-kid activity that Zephraz grew sentimental about when he was forced to takes on some more responsibilities. Mostly it just stays in a chest in his room, occasionally taken out to look at by whichever one of the boys is most longing for simpler times.
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touchingmadness · 5 years
25 oc questions for zephraz: 🌗 & ☀️!!
🌗 Early mornings or late nights? What do they spend their time doing during these hours?
Late nights. Zephraz is one of those “objects in motion will stay in motion” and “objects in rest will stay in rest” people. In other words, he digs his feet in about going to bed each night, but in the morning, he never ever wants to leave.
Especially as he gets older, most of Zephraz’s time goes toward studying and contemplation. He takes himself almost too seriously, and if it weren’t for the people around him, he’d probably never take breaks. 
☀️ What makes your OC genuinely happy? A person, an item, their hobby? Where is the place they’re happiest, or most at home? What is the happiest they’ve ever been?
Ransom is Zephraz’s Emotional Support Human™, something he never really intended to happen. To put it in perspective, he grew up as the Akarian equivalent of royalty, knowing from a young age that he had a role to play. He was always a “prince” first and an individual second, even to his own family. (His sister a little less, but she wasn’t there for a good chunk of his childhood, so they’re not as close as the might have been.)
Ransom has always been the one Zephraz can go to when he just wants to be himself, which is why he’s happiest when they’re together. His friend has no expectations for him, and won’t hold him to the same high standards that Zephraz holds himself to. In a way, Zephraz feels selfish for wanting to discard his burdens, to confide in someone else, but he can’t deny that it induces peace in a way nothing else does.
The happiest Zephraz has ever been was right before his eyes Changed, signifying that it was time to take on more adult responsibilities. He was old enough at that point to understand himself and young enough that he had no qualms being impulsive and doing what he wanted. It didn’t last long, but he remembers those days fondly. 
Send me a listed emoji and a listed character!
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touchingmadness · 5 years
15 and 16 if you're still doing the ask game!
15. Describe each character’s daily outfit.
Ransom and Zephraz dress extremely similarly, in traditional Akarian attire. This consists of light-weight fabric wraps that come down to about mid-thigh and have a deep “vee” at the chest, coming to just above where a human’s belly button would be. (In a more formal setting, being of a High family, Zephraz would wear something that looks like thin-linked, widely-space, high-necked silver chainmail which would fill up this space.) They both have long strips of coarser fabric used to wrap their feet and lower legs in, as well, in the stead of shoes.
Glory wears clothing similar to what we wear when she’s on-duty, dark-colored tops and black pants. She usually eschews her foot-wrappings as a form of subtle disobedience, instead choosing to go barefoot.
Genesis wears a variation of Akarian attire designed to cover more skin. Her wrappings cover her chest and reach all the way down to the floor. She tends to wear head-wrappings, as well, and veils when there’s company. (The fact that a High Lord has a human consort doesn’t quite sit well with some of the other Akarians. This allows them to put it out of their minds.) 
16. Do any characters have distinctive birthmarks/scars?
Not really. Akarians are all born with gray eyes that don’t gain color until they go through puberty, but that’s a trait of the species rather than the individual.
Send me a number between 1 and 25!
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touchingmadness · 5 years
17 and 25?
17. Pick a color to represent each character.
Gonna do the main four...
Ransom: gold
Zephraz: dark green
Glory: navy blue
Genesis: pastel purple
25. Which character would you most like to be?
Probably A’tura, Zephraz’s older sister. She’s got a lot less responsibilities than the other characters, a lot less burdens, she’s a badass fighter, she’s actually competent at flirting, and all the girls love her??? I mean??? Yes???
(She’s also an oldest child who’s parents don’t expect her to put her younger brother first all the time, instead giving her room to develop as a person but we really don’t need to go there.)
Send me a number between 1 and 25!
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touchingmadness · 6 years
fictober ~ day 08
“I know you do.” || Original Fiction: Revolution || 1,323 words
As promised, Glory is permitted to go free on her son’s eighteenth birthday. Excited to finally remove him from Akarian influence, she does not consider that her Ransom might not want to leave.
(I know I missed a couple days there. I had college stuff to take care of, so I’m going to write today’s and revisit the ones I missed later. In the meantime, have this long-ass reframed scene from my novel, Revolution. I’ll be working on the official second draft in 2019.)
Glory didn’t understand when she first woke up. There was clothing on her nightstand, clothing that she hadn’t been allowed in many long years. It wasn’t a uniform or standard issue nightwear. It was actual clothing. Real, wonderful clothing. A sign of fighting, a sign of freedom, a sign of-
“He’s eighteen,” she whispered, clutching the topmost shirt to herself. Her reflection was pale and disbelieving. Her hands trembled around the wonderfully coarse fabric, too coarse to be for anything but human skin. She brought it up to her mouth.
Her son had turned eighteen.
Her ransom had been paid and somehow she had the audacity to forget.
She could leave. Eighteen long years of slaving under these self-righteous trespassers and sympathizers, watching her son grow away from her, and she could finally, finally leave.
Her son.
There was still a chance.
Glory dressed as quickly as possible and thundered through the halls of the estate, luxuriating in the fabrics scratching against her skin. For all Akarian silks were supposed to be a luxury, they were a symbol of the confinement of her race, the gilded cage in which she had been forced to live simply because she had tried to bring justice to the world.
Finally, she would again know freedom, and her son - her son! - would finally be hers and hers alone. No more Genesis poisoning his mind, no more Akarian lords and ladies teaching him twisted histories, no more alien princes for him to lay with in the night, no more-
Her heart stopped.
Her mind stopped.
Her body stopped.
They were waiting for her in the entryway, lined up and grim. Her captors, her guards, and there, at the front of the group, her Ransom, wrapped in golden silks.
Glory threw her arms around him. “Oh, my son, happy birthday!”
Ransom blinked at her, expression uncomprehending. He glanced back at a grim, haggard-looking Genesis.
She couldn’t stand it, him looking at the woman who insisted upon raising him. Placing a hand on the side of his cheek - and realizing she had to reach up a bit to do so - she turned his face to her own, staring into those deep brown eyes that they shared.
“You are a man now, my son,” she whispered, blinking back tears. “We may finally leave this place. Eighteen years, as promised, and we may leave!”
She couldn’t understand why he looked so afraid, so uncertain. Didn’t he understand they were now free?
“Mother, I-”
“Now you listen to me,” she said breathlessly. “My brother, your Uncle Patty is still out there. He’s a survivor, he must. We’re going to head out there and find him and we’re going to be a family again and-”
Glory froze, certain she had misheard. “No?”
“No,” Ransom stated, firmer this time. She stared as he pulled her hand from his cheek, cradling it between his own with a care that she couldn’t comprehend. His eyes were full of pain, but they didn’t waver from her own. “My place is here.”
No. No, their conditioning got to him. Too late too late too-
“It’s not,” she insisted. “You’re nothing more than a captive here. We’ll go find a camp to join, be among our own people. You’ll see, then, just how wrong all this is. We’ll find a place full of humans and willpower-”
“And death,” Ransom finished. “You’d have me go with you to a place of death.”
“It’s the aliens who bring death,” she persisted, praying that he’d see. “Together we can overcome, we can start anew, we can-”
“It’s not the answer.”
His voice was simultaneously more powerful and more gentle than she had ever heard it. It stopped her in her tracks. He sighed, expression soft and sad.
“You continue to call the Akarian’s aliens, but they’ve been here for centuries now. You insist on punishing them all for the sins of the few, even those who are trying to help.” He gestured back toward the others. “We’re trying to help, Mother. All this fighting, death, mistrust... It’s not the answer.”
Her heart was pounding in her chest. “Is this what you believe? Is this why you won’t come with me?”
“It’s not the only reason.” Ransom appeared to struggle for a moment, but then, the alien prince stepped up and stood at his side. He glanced up at him out of the corner of his eye and reached for his hand. The Akarian accepted it without hesitation as her son drew up to his full height.
“Mother, I have found the Path that I must walk, and I will not leave my Pathmate’s side, even if that means watching you go. I have a duty to him and my people - all the people of Earth, not just the humans - and I plan to fulfill that duty. It is the only way.”
This isn’t happening. He can’t, she can’t, she won’t-
“You can’t ask me to leave without my son,” she begged. “Ransom, please.”
“I’m not asking you to leave,” he said calmly. “You can stay, you can go. It’s up to you. But if you do leave, understand that I need to stay here.”
“But I love you.”
Ransom’s smile was sad. “I know you do. And I love you too. But here’s the thing: you don’t see me as I am. You stopped paying attention to me the moment Father died. You’ve missed so much, and I don’t think you even realize it. I’ve had to grow up both with and without you, and you need to understand that I’m not the person you want me to be. I’m not the Victor you and Father were planning on.” He gave a laugh, averting his gaze. “I am your Ransom.”
“Ransom, I never meant to make you feel-”
“I know you didn’t. But you still did, too caught up in a war that we shouldn’t even by fighting to stop and think about how your choices affected your son.” He glanced over at the alien prince again, throwing an arm around him and being pulled to the scaled body in turn. “So I found the love you couldn’t express elsewhere. It’s just lucky for you that I grew up alongside a little boy who understood what it was like to need someone else.”
Glory looked between her son and the prince. There was an energy between them, something she hadn’t dared to consider. All this time she thought the prince was coercing her son into his bed, and never once had she considered that perhaps her son went willingly.
Her son was in love with Zephraz of the Affinity of E’krov, and she was blind to it. And now, it was too late. There was nothing else she could do.
My Ransom indeed.
Her eyes were dry, somehow. Perhaps it was the shock. Perhaps it was loneliness. Perhaps it was something else entirely. But her eyes were dry and her heart was broken.
It was only once she was out the door that she realized that today was the first day that she had ever wished her son a happy birthday.
Ransom watched until his mother was out of sight, comforted only by Zephraz’s arm around him and the knowledge that the rest of his family would not let him drown.
They all simply stood there, silent.
“Sentinel L’kana,” he heard Lady E’karya whisper. “Please locate Mrs. Kelley and deliver a bag of supplies to her. The least we can do is make sure she’s well-prepared for the journey ahead.”
The sentinel was silent as she followed the order.
Ransom watched as the door slammed shut behind her.
“I’m never going to see my mother again, am I?”
Zephraz sighed, pulling him into his arms. “I do not know, my One.” Ransom buried his face in his Pathmate’s chest. “I simply do not know.”
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touchingmadness · 6 years
Character Tarot Answers
I was tagged by both @cherish-writes and @annemontrosie, so thanks to both of you! Since I was tagged twice, I’m just going to do both sets of three on the same post. (Each with a different character from a different WIP, because why the hell not.)
Rules: Do a random Three Card Tarot Draw then see what it is on the Tarot Ask List, then tag some peeps.
Set One || Zephraz, from Revolution
The Devil: Does your character ever neglect their wild side?
Honey. Sweetheart. Darling. If Zephraz has a wild side, it’s buried so deeply beneath his obligations that it’s currently starving to death. When he was younger, he had Ransom to help him nurture that side of himself, but now he prefers to pretend that it doesn’t exist.
The Empress: Who has been a positive female figure in your character’s life?
His caretaker and father’s consort, Miss Genesis. She was the one who took care of him in his youth, and he has a strong bond with her. When High Lord Nirov (Zephraz’s father) discusses the chess game that is the Infiltration, he notes that Genesis is the queen - the one with the most knowledge and moves and the one who will protect him at all costs.
Temperance: How does your character balance their life?
Not very well. Luckily for Zephraz, a certain human called Ransom Kelley is a part of his life. Ransom is a lot more well-balanced that Zephraz and helps him to achieve the balance that he has always aspired to have.
Set Two || Elaine, from Lady Lancelot
The Lovers: Which of your character’s relationships has been the most positive? (Romantic or otherwise)
Probably her relationship with Gawain. Unlike many of the people in Camelot, Gawain never questions why Elaine is alone and respects her. He offers to help her with Galahad in exchange for nothing, and he accepts her decision to become Sir Lancelot instantly.
The Tower: When has your character lost an ideal or relationship?
When Elaine’s father found out about her lover, she lost her faith in love and in herself. She began to look down on herself, only remedied through the distance granted to her by the persona of Lancelot.
The Hierophant: Who has served as a mentor to your character?
Although she loathes to admit it, Merlin is very much one of Elaine’s primary mentors. Merlin is the one who actively attempts to teach Elaine to love herself again, in their roundabout way. While Gawain respects her enough not to press, Merlin forces her to acknowledge her past and accept the role it played in making her the woman that she is.
I’m going to tag @andiiwrites, @nepeinthe, @bodoramzap, @writerlyheart, and @awritingsarah. Only if you guys want to, of course!
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touchingmadness · 5 years
For the writing ask: 20-25?
20. Which character is the best writer? Worst?
Creatively speaking, I think Ransom would be the best writer. He’s a storyteller in many ways, understanding the comforts imagination can provide. The worst would probably be A’tura, because she lacks the patience for anything remotely scholastic.
21. Which character is the best liar? Worst?
Once upon a time, Glory would have been the best, but she’s since passed the mantle down to her son, Ransom. The worst is a harder question, because most of the characters are in roles which make lying necessary. Probably Zephraz, I guess. He can lie pretty well out of necessity, but he’s the most likely betray himself in some way if the lie makes him uncomfortable.
22. Which character swears the most? Least?
The most is pretty much a tie between Glory and A’tura. I would throw E’karya into the mix, there, but she’s learned to reign it in for diplomacy’s sake. The least is definitely Genesis. 
23. Which character has the best handwriting? Worst?
Best is E’karya. She does run a household, after all. Worst is Glory, who doesn’t write very often and thus has never developed any neatness or consistency.
24. Which character is most like you? Least like you?
Zephraz is the most like me. He has this desperate need to connect with others, but finds it difficult to admit since he’s always been the one that other people rely on and not the other way around. A’tura is least like me. She’s brash, overconfident, and athletically inclined.
25. Which character would you most like to be?
A’tura. I’ve given more details here.
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touchingmadness · 5 years
10 for the ask game?
10. What’s a line of dialogue you’re particularly proud of?
From part three of Revolution, Ransom to Zephraz: “If you’re the king, then I’m the queen. I’m here for you always. You know that, right?”
It’s a really simple line, but it’s such a Ransom thing to say. A little humorous, a little teasing, but with true heart at its core. He knows that Zephraz needs reminded that he’s not alone, no matter how hopeless things seem. It just... it really captures Ransom’s character in a way I can’t help but adore.
Send me a number between 1 and 25!
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touchingmadness · 5 years
Rev Main Character Intros
That’s right, folks!!! The official character intros for Revolution are completed and in my drafts! Since I don’t want to spam y’all, they’re going to be posted between 2-4 pm EST on the following days.
Friday, August 9th ~ Glory Kelley
Monday. August 12th ~ Miss Genesis
Wednesday, August 14th ~ Ransom Kelley
Friday, August 16th ~ Zephraz
I’m also preparing intros for the four recurring side characters, and if they are completed in time, they will be released on a similar schedule once all the POV characters are up.
(If you would like to be notified when the intros are released, please let me know, and I will add you to the taglist.)
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touchingmadness · 6 years
Revolution: Book One (Characters)
Glory Kelley (major, rev: glory)
Glory grew up on one of the Reserves allotted for human use until her fathers and sister died. She uprooted herself and her younger brother and was taken in by the Resistance. Since the death of her husband and her confinement to the walls of Nirov’s estate, she has grown bitter and depressed. She wants to give her son the love she knows that he needs and deserves, but Ransom reminds her very much of the man that she loved and blames herself for losing. She hates working for Akarians, and she hates even more that the human servants and her own son are content. She often wishes that she and Ransom would have been killed as she initially expected, believing it to be a more merciful fate. Glory also has a bit of a temper and once she gets something in her head, she will not be dissuaded. 
Miss Genesis (major, rev: genesis)
Genesis is Nirov’s lover and the caretaker of his children. She’s softspoken, kindhearted, and truly wants the best for her wards. Genesis is especially close to Zephraz and offers him wisdom and guidance in his time of need. She’s working toward the reintegration of humans into the ruling class alongside the heads of the household, but she gradually realizes that the role she’s been called to play isn’t exactly the one she expected.
Ransom Kelley (major, rev: ransom)
Ransom is a loving individual, even from the very start, but he is very much aware of the reality in which he is living. He’s honest and is driven by a desire to help others feel at ease with themselves, wise beyond his years. Ransom is Zephraz’s closest companion in youth and most valued confidante as they grow older. He Ascribes to the Akarian perception of Fate, and believes that his role in the Tapestry is to walk with Zephraz down his own Path so that the prince might not be so alone. Ransom puts others before himself, to the point that it might be considered a fault, and is often ruled by his insatiable curiosity. Other characters have indicated that his understanding of the Tapestry is likely beyond their own.
Zephraz (major, rev: zephraz)
Zephraz is the younger child of Nirov, although his Path requires him to take up his father’s mantle. He has lived with this knowledge since youth, a constant burden placed upon young shoulders and eased only by the support of his family and his closest friend. Like his father, he’s a bit soft-spoken and would rather keep to himself, but acknowledges that there is a role he must play and places it before his own comfort. He does what he can to shield Ransom from his mother’s bitterness, and would, in fact, do anything for his Pathmate.
A’tura (minor, rev: atura)
A’tura is Nirov’s elder child. She’s driven by honor and a love of of fun. Despite the fact that they don’t always see eye-to-eye, she would do anything for her brother and his friend. It’s her Fate to serve her brother when he takes the throne, to protect and help him at all costs. She trained under L’Kana to become a Sentinel before pursuing a Guardianship. 
Nirov (minor, rev: nirov)
Nirov is one of the Akarian High Lords. He tends to keep to himself and is a strategic mastermind. He’s not always sure how to handle the children, but he does what he can for them. He disapproves of the oppression of the human race and doesn’t keep slaves in his household. Nirov also works with the rest of his family and a number of other High Lords and High Ladies in hopes of uniting the human and Akarian races despite their history.
E’karya (minor, rev: ekarya)
E’karya is Nirov’s wife by a marriage of convenience. She excels in diplomacy and manipulation where he doesn’t. She considers Genesis and dear friend and although stern, she’s a positive maternal figure to the estate’s children.
L’kana (minor, rev: lkana)
L’kana is a high-ranking sentinel charged with Glory’s care early on in the novel. She is shown to be fond of the children and trains A’tura to become a sentinel herself.
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