hzoshimoda-blog · 5 years
”I… can’t let you say that about her. About Father, perhaps. But Mother, I am certain she loved you with all her heart.”
He is standing straight again, his shoulders relaxed and his voice a slight bit more poised, though the frustration in his chest lingers. More self-depreciative talk was precisely what he had wanted to avoid from Hanzo, damnit!
“We both carry the burden of their memories, Brother. We don’t have to do this each on our own.” He approaches closer. “That’s a matter on which I want you to be selfish. This is our only way to truly reconcile.“
He paused again when his brother handed him the picture. For a time, he couldn’t help gazing longly at it, letting his metallic digits softly click against the glass of the frame, over his parents’ image.
Eh. He remembered they always took family photos on actual film because it was tradition. Ironic how it survived the destruction of this place better than anything they had digitized.
“I’ll have Athena make a copy when we get back. Then I’ll give it back to you. I think the original should be yours.”
Genji does not remember their mother as Hanzo does. As he got older, she became more distant. The figure that Hanzo so readily clung to as a child had fallen out of a maternal role and into a more distant one, as if they were cousins rather than mother and son. It worsened as Hanzo grew older and fell under the tutelage of his father and other relatives. Perhaps she smelled the rot in her eldest son before it was fully realized. Hanzo knew now that his downfall had no singular turning point, but could be tracked back to a number of insignificant cosmic events, so who could say when he had truly ‘gone bad’.
He refused to accept the photograph, making sure to cross his arms and leave Genji hanging. “Original or not, it does not matter,” he said. “I will accept a copy, but you are the one who went to such garish lengths for this relic. It is only right for you to have ‘the original’,” Sarcasm dripped from his tone as he turned away to face the exit in which they had came.
It was a shame that everything they had found was in ruins. Hanzo had some good clothes stashed here that he was fond of, but they were nowhere to be seen. Oh well.
“We should go,” he said. “This is a detour, after all, and I find it shameful to keep others waiting.” He knew that it would be a useless endeavor to argue with his younger brother, especially on the tpoic of selfishness and reconcilation. Genji could have his views, and that was fine, but Hanzo refused to drag his brother along on the narrow trail that was ‘redemption’. In truth, he doubted he would ever see the end of his journey, but Genji did not need to know that. His younger brother was still pushing him on, assuming that there was hope for him, when in truth Hanzo found his existence bleak and overall meaningless. Again: Genji did not need to know that. Let his little brother think with optimism.
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hzoshimoda-blog · 5 years
“Decency and sentimentality do not always go hand in hand, and there is no expectation that it should.” [Squidward voice] You like intimacy don’t you McCree.
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“Agreein’ with ya there, partner.” He lifts a brow and winks.
“Therefore... You are sentimental, regardless of decency.”
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hzoshimoda-blog · 5 years
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“I’m jus’ tryin’ to be a decent man.” … Hanzo is probably right, but Jesse’s usually quiet about such things.
“Decency and sentimentality do not always go hand in hand, and there is no expectation that it should.” [Squidward voice] You like intimacy don’t you McCree.
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hzoshimoda-blog · 5 years
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“Better to make sure instead of riskin’ that people gettin’ things wrong, y’know.”
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“It just makes me wonder if you are more sentimental than you let on.”
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hzoshimoda-blog · 5 years
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“But not havin’ sex with your partner for a month… I mean, that’d be still kinda sad for me.” … “Y’know, to each their own, not hatin’ on someone or whatever jus’ because they make some decisions. Jus’ statin’ my opinion. Not judging, it’s all meant in a positive way. Everyone’s doin’ their own business an’ thats fine.”
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“Sentimental. I am teasing, Jesse.”
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hzoshimoda-blog · 5 years
“Abstaining from sex is not so difficult, especially in absence of a partner; and I know you are all without partner more often than not.”
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hzoshimoda-blog · 5 years
Send ‘regress’ to meet my muse as a child.
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hzoshimoda-blog · 5 years
be better.
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hzoshimoda-blog · 5 years
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hzoshimoda-blog · 5 years
he's stolen one of hanzos arrows that the other had left on the training grounds, silently tinkering with it as he's taken the sonic arrow apart, quietly trying to figure out the technology, he doesn't even notice the other entering the workshop as he silently tinkers, sliding apart the small motherboard to inspect it peering close and tilting his head, light directly on all the parts, the shaft thrown in the trash. it wasn't what he was interested in.
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Hanzo silently approaches the pyrotechnic engineer from behind. From the moment he saw the rat-like bastard bent over a surface he knew that he had made off with his arrow and likely had trashed it in his attempt to figure it out. If Hanzo wished for his delicate machinery to be so easily deriddled he would just start throwing blueprints onto the ground.
He stood behind Junkrat for a while, waiting for him to notice him, but he never did. The electromagnetic tip of his arrow was completely dissembled, but he had thrown the shaft in the trash. Hanzo rolled his eyes. The most important part was the shaft, and he had disregarded it before he even bothered to investigate the ‘wood’.
He cuffed Junkrat in the side of the head, punishing, but not wholly maliciously. Almost how you would bonk a misbehaving child. “Stop that,” he commanded, reaching over dig the shaft out of the trash. He raised the wood back to the metal, and instantly they spun in place on the table and reassembled themselves into oblique shape.
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hzoshimoda-blog · 5 years
Color her suprised at his hesitantnce to avoid slaughtering her; it was a respect she hadn’t seen before in many of the other assassins sent to Overwatch. Many were bloodthirsty, dangerous, but not the Shimada. 
“Yeah? Too much, wouldn’t want to take the blood of someone you know who’s right?” Her quips fell flat as she darted toward him (just a few steps now), moving fast enough to tackle him. “After all, you’re just a wholesome grunt, aren’t you?”
Hanzo ducked out of the way of Tracer’s lunge, barely missing colliding with her himself and falling to their unfortunate death. Well, his death. Tracer had the ability to undo any mistake.
That must be handy.
While Tracer was distracted, he prepared for a strenuous escape. He put his arrows and bow away onto his back, and quickly pressed a button just below his medial ankle on his boots. Immediately the clawed tips schhhicked out of the front.
closed starter;;
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hzoshimoda-blog · 5 years
Jesse takes his time dropping off the bounty and then makes his way back to his camp. His cabin half built and still needing to be finished before winter came. He should work but the threat of a Shimada being so close to a town to come by twice so soon was looming and he didn’t need that trouble near his home. It wasn’t terribly hard to track the man. Not for a seasoned hunter like him.
It took him a day to find the camp. Slowly approaching with hose horse as to not startle the man. He figured that was how the other man ended up the way he did. He lets his horse whinny to give his position away to the man. “Fella.” He calls. “I’d like a word wit’ ya. It ain’t urgent but rather important.” He adds as his horse comes to a stop a ways from his camp. Caution was needed here. Gun at the ready just in case this came down to a fight.
Hanzo was sitting on a log, carving a fletching arrows to add to his quiver. In the sun he had taken off his dark shirt, but left it draped over his shoulders to protect against the sun. He looked down the shaft of the arrow to test it’s straightness, and once he was satisfied he took his hunting knife and began to chip at it in small, tight movements.
“Fine then,” he said, not bothering to look up. “Approach.”
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hzoshimoda-blog · 5 years
dissent is a seed. plant it.
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hzoshimoda-blog · 5 years
Betrayed by both Heaven and Earth, I wandered alone for an eternity.
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hzoshimoda-blog · 5 years
sorry for no activity, i’ve been working and running around ragged trying to fix my car. now i gotta clean and i have work again tomorrow at 4am. this sure would be easier if my roommate did anything around the house /grump
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hzoshimoda-blog · 5 years
Kakeru’s hair is curled against the nape of his neck, gentle curves and twists that Hanzo can’t help but play with.
“What are you doing?” Kakeru mumbles into his neck as Hanzo wraps the hairs around his fingers for the third time that day. They’re splayed on Hanzo’s large futon, clothed and tired. The bodyguard had just returned from a solo assignment in Okinawa and Hanzo had coincidentally cleared his meeting schedule. Now the two lovers spend some quiet time together, catching up on needed sleep and intimacy.
“Wondering how the birds do not confuse your hair for a nest,” Hanzo teases without cruelty. “These little ringlets look just like wood shavings.”
“Wood shavings aren’t black,” Kakeru supplies. He lifts himself up on his forearms to look down at Hanzo. His lover looks worse for wear. The bags under his eyes have darkened and dipped, leaving a discolored deflated wasteland. Even though Hanzo no doubt maintained his difficult skincare regime, the dullness of little sleep shined through. Even his hair was weathered. “Rough week?” Kakeru queries, softly.
Hanzo lets out a sigh. “Yes,” he admits. “A long one. Genji...,” he trails off again.
Kakeru lets out a little snort. He does not need Hanzo to tell him. He had no sooner walked into his family’s house before his mother was telling him all the terrible things the younger prince did while he was working. Currently it seemed that he had stumbled into a rival drug den while in Tokyo, crashed there for three days, and almost started a tiny war if not for a substantial bribe.
“It is getting worse,” His lover’s voice has no fire. “What I thought was flight of fancy or rebellion is becoming compulsion. I mentioned possible,” he paused to think. “Solutions to Father, but he refused. The revisionists are watching too closely for that.”
“Yes. A nice facility in Hokkaido. Far, but the air there is good and it is world renowned,” Hanzo sighed again and his anxious fingers curled around Kakeru’s neck to tangle in his curls. “It does not matter. It will not happen. We must deal with it ourselves.”
Kakeru detangled Hanzo’s fingers from his hair and went to sit on his hips. “I still think that if you could only talk to Genji--,”
“I try. I tried. I lose my temper too quickly, or he is too strung out to listen, or we end up screaming at each other. I am too tired to constantly be my brother’s keeper,” Hanzo covered his eyes and scrubbed. “I cannot sleep. Night terrors overwhelm me. Work keeps me awake. Sores in my back and neck and headaches always...” He stops and does not uncover his face.
At a loss for words, Kakeru kindly rubs his lover’s side while he thinks. He has three older siblings, a brother and two sisters. They are quickly rising through the hierarchy of the clan and are his Mother’s pride and joy. In truth, his position as Hanzo’s bodyguard was a privilege, but not anything necessary to raise their position. He is the youngest, his father passed years ago, and his older brother had a marriage in the fall. He could not imagine the strain of being a father, mother and brother to a wayward little shit like Genji Shimada.
“If you are sore, I can remedy that,” He says suggestively, sliding his hand under Hanzo’s shirt to trace up his abdomen.
“I am far too tired for such things, you pervert,” The heir protests, hand going to Kakeru’s wrist.
“What things?” Kakeru says innocently. “I have no idea what perverted things you could speak of. I was merely planning...,” His hands slid back down towards Hanzo’s side. “To tickle you!”
Immediately he began the onslaught, and Hanzo has to slap a hand over his mouth to muffle his shriek of laughter. Despite his stern exterior, he was quite ticklish and suffered for it. He kicked and squirmed underneath Kakeru, attempting without much effort to dislodge him, all the while desperately muffling his giggles. “Stop! Stop,” Hanzo begs. “Please, my sides ache.”
“As you command,” Kakeru replied haughtily, moving his hands out from underneath Hanzo’s shirt. Instead he goes to cup his paramour’s defined jaw and lean down for a tender kiss. Just before their lips could meet, a shadow darkened the paper door.
“Hanzo,” Genji called from outside. “Hanzo, get your lazy ass up. Stop playing fucking WOW. Dad wants us,” Frenzied, Hanzo shoved Kakeru off of him bodily, and he went tumbling off the futon while Hanzo scrambled to sit up and make himself presentable. Mood soured, Kakeru stood as well and made it look like he had been standing at attention this whole time.
“If you don’t answer, I’m coming in, and I don’t give a monkey’s ass if you’re naked,” Genji called out once again, while opening the door. Despite his warning, he had a hand cupped over his face to avoid seeing his brother nude. With a peek, he saw that he was decent and slouched in. He was wearing typical traditional loungewear, but worn loose enough that the edge peeked open and Kakeru could spy his green and gold tattoo spanning his collarbones. He stuck a hand through the gaping opening and yawned. “C’mon, he was looking especially angry.”
“Probably because--,” Hanzo started, pulling some discarded socks onto his feet.
“Don’t talk,” Genji interrupted. He rubbed his temples. “I have a hangover and I need a fix desperately. Your grating voice would only make it worse.” With a harrumph, Hanzo stood. Kakeru moved to follow him, but Hanzo interjected, “No, Kobayashi-san,” he said. “Stay here. This will take but a moment.“ With nary a sympathetic glance his way, Hanzo left the room, expecting his younger brother to be on his heels. Genji turned to follow, but took his time to spare Kakeru a long up and down glance, slimy in nature, and wink heartily at him. He made a heart with his pointer finger and thumb as he plodded after Hanzo. He closed the door behind him.
Alone once again and feeling somewhat spurned, Kakeru let out a long sigh.
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hzoshimoda-blog · 6 years
Jesse was drunk but he knew an insult when one was thrown at him. This fella obviously didn’t care for him though he doesn’t care. Honestly half the town didn’t like him at first. He checks the bounty before the body is tossed at him. He kicks it.
It was dead.
He looks back to the fella as he hops on to the horse. Looks like their little talk was over. Not that he minds at all. Really this guy seemed to be more problem than he was worth. Maybe he should find out about him. Later. For now he grabs the dead body and load it onto Dover. “Ya got some fancy words there, might wanna be careful though. Didn’t I want ya before?” He gets up on his horse, turning him to face towards the sheriffs office. “Not everyone in this town will be so kind ta a stranger. More so not a Shimada.” He smirks drunkenly before he kicks his horse’s side and heads to collect his bounty.
Hanzo pulls the reins of the horse tight, and Noritomo obediently stops in her paces. He turns to watch the other man go. He was a Shimada. He was not going to hide or advertise it. It was what it was, Hanzo supposed, turning back and nudging Noritomo on. The midnight mare plodded back towards Hanzo’s camp. On the way by, Hanzo slipped the addressed and sealed letter into a letterbox.
If McCree thought him as much a threat as it seemed, he would come to him. Hanzo was sure of it.
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