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xoxoavenger · 9 months
could you do any teen wolf character x reader where she doesn’t know she’s supernatural until the deadpool and everyone is trying to keep it from her bc maybe she’s a character’s sister?
thank you ❣️
Who's Gonna Tell Her?
pairing: Jordan Parrish x Fem!Reader
word count: 2876
warnings: canon typical gore (no detail)
12 Days of Christmas masterlist main masterlist
"Have you told your sister?" Scott asked as they got ready for the game.
"I'm not really sure how. Even I don't fully understand it." Liam told him, pulling his jersey on over his pads.
"Well, she's adopted, right?" Liam nodded at Scott's question. "She could have been born a supernatural but never known. It happened to Lydia."
"The assassin is going to be out tonight. You have to tell her soon." Stiles butt in, and Liam shook his head.
"She's dating Parrish; he can protect her until I figure out what to do." Liam told them, grabbing his stick and shutting his locker. They had been having the same rendition of this conversation for at least thirty minutes, and he was tired of fighting.
"Parrish doesn't know about the deadpool. He doesn't know that she's on it. He can't protect her if he doesn't know what to protect." Stiles pointed out. Scott nodded as he look to his beta.
"We have to at least tell him." Scott agreed, shutting his locker in unison with Stiles.
"Can't we just play lacrosse?" Liam asked. Scott and Stiles shared a look, frowning. They both knew Liam would never be able to 'just play lacrosse' again. "Look, the assassin is on the lacrosse team. Y/N and Parrish have a date night tonight anyway. We just need to worry about ourselves not getting killed." He pointed out, making the older boys nod.
"Alright, but after tonight, we have to figure out a plan." Stiles said as they turned their attention toward coach. He had been talking, giving some kind of speech, but it apparently wasn't important.
"It's only one night. She won't even be here." Liam said, mostly to himself. He was trying to keep from freaking out, because not only was he at risk of dying, but now his sister was too. The worst part was that he didn't even know what his sister was, and he wasn't sure anyone else would either.
"I don't want to have to cancel." Jordan said from his desk. His girlfriend was sitting on top of it, frowning. She had gone all out for this date, even shaving, and of course her boyfriend was busy.
"I know you don't." She looked down, trying not to let her emotions get the best of her. She knew that he wouldn't cancel if he didn't have to, and it did look like he was drowning in work, but it still made her sad.
"The Sheriff is going to the lacrosse game and with all the murders happening-"
"Hey," Y/N grabbed his chin and made him look up, and he sighed as he looked at her gorgeous face. It always grounded him. "It's okay. Maybe I'll go to the lacrosse game too." They shared a kiss, and Jordan wished he could just leave his job.
"How's Liam?" He asked, making Y/N groan.
"I know you are not asking about my brother in the few short moments we have together." He chuckled, kissing her again. He wanted to tell her about Meredith, who was in the Sheriff's office and the reason why he had to cancel, but that meant he could lose his job. He knew that weird things were happening, but he didn't know how to describe it. And part of him - the selfish part - didn't want to somehow endanger or worry her.
"Sorry." He smiled, and Y/N returned it. She got up to leave, giving him a few quick pecks before walking out. "I love you." He called making her smile wider and turn around
"I love you too."
When she got to her car, she tried to call Liam, but it just went to voicemail. She figured he was warming up, so she'd just go anyway. She let his recorded voice ring out as she turned the car on, putting it in reverse as the line beeped.
"Hey, Liam, it's me. Jordan had to cancel, so I'm gonna be coming to your game." It was silent for a second as she thought about what else to say, but ultimately came up empty. "Alright, well, see ya soon! Love you!" She hung up, throwing her phone into the passenger seat and pulling out of the station.
"Liam, is that your sister next to Mason?" Stiles asked the group. They all turned to look into the stands, and Liam put his hands to his head, trying not to break his helmet as emotions ran quickly through him.
"What is she doing here?" Scott turned, and Liam shook his head as he began to freak out.
"She had a date with Parrish! She isn't supposed to be here!" Liam said, the others looking at each other to figure out how to calm him down. She smiled and waved from her place in the bleachers, alone, without Parrish. She was sitting with Mason and Violet, which honestly almost made Liam feel worse. But, she didn't know Malia or Lydia - she had only heard Liam talk about the juniors at random times. As Liam scanned the crowd, he wasn't even sure they were here anyway.
"It's okay, we'll keep an eye on her. As long as she doesn't come out onto the field, we'll be good." Scott patted Liams shoulder before jogging to his position as Coach began to yell at them.
They were losing by one point, only a couple minutes in, and Y/N could tell something was wrong.
"Who are you guys playing?" She asked Mason, who looked at her as if she were crazy. The two had only been introduced once at the Dunbar house, but Y/N didn't know anyone else to sit with; her step-dad was working and her mom had some sort of club tonight.
"You don't know?" Mason asked as Liam got knocked to the ground. Y/N gasped and stood, not even noticing the other team had scored. When Liam got up and took off his helmet and began to shake off his gloves, she realized.
"Oh my God." She whispered, sitting back down. "We're playing Devenford."
"Yeah." Mason confirmed, watching Liam get held back from a fight. Y/N looked around, realizing the Sheriff had never made it. She wondered what the hold up was at the station, and what Jordan was doing.
The game passed, Kira scoring the first goal but then immediately being taken out. There was definitely some extra tension on the field, Y/N noticed, even within their own team. The game kept getting more brutal, and sure enough soon Liam was being flipped over two other players. Y/N didn't have time to think before she was running down, her brother's screams igniting her older sister instincts. She made it to the field, pushing everyone away until she got to her little brother on the ground.
"Liam! Oh my God, are you alright? What's hurt?" She asked. She went through her mental checklist, but she didn't finish before two other players were hauling him up. "Hey!" She screamed, pushing them away.
"How hard did you hit him?" Number 11 asked her bother, and Liam shook his head slightly.
"I didn't." He answered, and Y/N pushed the other boy away.
"Liam, where does it hurt? Is anything broken?" She asked, checking his arms. It wasn't long before she found the broken bone bulging out of his arm.
"Ow." Number 24 commented, but Y/N ignored him.
"Alright, let's get you to the hospital. I can try to reset it, but-"
"No," Liam breathed as Number 11 took off his gloves. He looked at Liam as he took his arm, and Y/N tried pushing him away again.
"Hey, stop! You're going to hurt him!" She yelled, but Liam shook his head.
"Y/N, let Scott fix it." He told her. She stood still, not sure what was going on. How was this high school senior going to fix a broken arm? Her heart was racing, head spinning as all she could think about was if Liam would be okay.
"Close your eyes." Scott told Liam. Y/N watched as Scott twisted the bone back in and Liam cried out, and she really pushed him that time. Scott went flying back, and she quickly began to check Liam's arm. She didn't notice the looks the others gave her at the display of unusual strength.
"I-I don't understand, how is there no discoloration? No blood?" It seemed Liam's arm was as good as new as she checked it, and Liam moved to place his hands over her's.
"Y/N, I promise I'll explain, just wait until after the game, please." Liam told her. She nodded, trusting him, but a terrible feeling began in her gut. She watched Scott and Liam both shoot their heads toward another player, Scott immediately searching his own body.
"Are you cut? Did Garret cut you?" He asked Liam. Liam looked at his arms, shaking his head.
"No, no. I'm okay." He told Scott, the two of them looking at their teammate. Y/N placed her hands over her abdomen where the pain was coming from, surprised to feel a liquid there. Apparently her gut feeling was a bit more than a feeling.
"Then he missed." Scott said, but Y/N just shook her head. She was beginning to feel faint, like her head was clouded.
"I don't think he missed." She muttered, pulling her hands away from her dark sweater to reveal the blood on them. She began to fall, and Scott and Liam moved to grab her as she fell. She grabbed Liam's jersey, pain coursing through her stomach. Unbeknownst to her, her eyes flashed purple. Scott and Stiles looked at each other.
"What does that mean?" Liam asked, holding her close.
"I don't know, but we have to get her out of here without anyone else seeing." Scott told Liam, the two of them looking around. They had no idea where to go, where someone wouldn't see them.
"We just have to go for it." Stiles said. Everyone was focused on Brett, who was still down, so the four of them slinked out, Scott holding Y/N. They made it to the jeep, where Y/N was laid in the backseat with Liam.
"Should we call Parrish?" Scott asked, and Stiles just shook his head.
"Lydia just cracked another third of the deadpool." He said, looking between his phone and the road. Scott took the phone, looking at the list.
"Am I on it?" Liam asked, scooting up.
"What the hell are you all talking about?" Y/N groaned, her eyes flashing purple once more. "And why is everything so loud?" She cried, pressing her hands to her head. The engine sounded like it was inside her brain, echoing and rattling her skull.
"Someone else is on it." Scott commented, showing Liam. He sucked in a breath as the Alpha took back the phone. Of course Parrish was on the list.
"Please someone call Jordan. I want to talk to him before I die." Y/N said, sitting up. She groaned, realizing the shirt Liam had been wearing under his uniform was pressed to her abdomen, which was still profusely bleeding.
"You aren't going to die." Stiles rolled his eyes before looking in the rearview mirror. "Probably."
"Stiles!" Scott scolded. They couldn't be telling her that she was going to die on her first supernatural experience.
"Where are we going, this isn't the way to the hospital." Y/N commented as she focused her eyes. She had never been in this part of town, only having moved with Parrish last month. Before, she had lived in the neighboring town with her family. When her mom had married Dr. Geyer and moved to Beacon Hills, Y/N had already moved out.
"Don't worry about it." Stiles winked at her through the mirror, but she wasn't looking. She was on her phone, trying to find Parrish's contact. Just as she was going to press on it, it was pulled from her.
"You can't call him." Liam said, snatching her phone out of her hand.
"Why," Y/N stopped, falling back against the wall of the car and groaning as a wave of pain hit her. She opened her mouth in pain, not even realizing her incisors had grown. Liam looked terrified as she cried out, eyes flashing purple once more. This was not the face of a werewolf.
"Guys!" Liam called. Scott turned, eyes widening when he saw what was going on. Y/N was still withering in pain, oblivious to what they were talking about. She flopped against Liam finally, who was freaking out.
"Holy shit," Scott whispered as Stiles turned into the parking lot. Her eyes closed and the incisors went back to normal, but she was barely breathing now.
"We need to get her inside!" Liam yelled, helping Scott get her out. They made it to the door and into clinic quickly, Deaton looking only mildy surprised as they burst through the door.
"She has purple eyes and fangs!" Stiles yelled, but Liam growled at him immediately.
"She was stabbed. It has to be poison." He informed the vet. Deaton nodded, then looked at them.
"I have to cut her chest open to extract the poison. See how she's foaming at the mouth?" Once Deaton pointed it out the obvious, and the other's nodded. "I need you to hold her down." He told Liam and Scott. The two move to each side, where she was seizing.
"Won't cutting her open kill her?" Liam asked as Deaton cut her clothes open. He grabbed a scalpel, pressing it to her skin.
"If she is what you say she is, and she is effected this bad by the wolfsbane, then she'll be fine." Deaton couldn't waste any more time, pressing the scalpel into her skin and cutting. Just as he had finished the incision, police sirens were heard outside.
"Did you tell your dad?" Scott turned to Stiles, able to let go of the girl now. She was laying still on the table, breathing evenly.
"No, dude, I swear." Stiles shook his head, and Parrish came running in.
"What did you do to her?" He yelled, pushing past everyone until he was right next to her.
"You cut her open? What the hell are you thinking?" Jordan held her hand, pushing her hair out of her face. He was shaking as he looked at the bloody cut, holding her hand but not sure what to do to help. He couldn't even think of a plausible reason why the boys would take her to a vet when she was clearly hurt, and he was even more baffled by the fact that the vet thought he was qualified enough to cut into her like a surgeon.
"Parrish, just-just calm down, okay?" Liam said cautiously, but Jordan looked at him with fire in his eyes.
"This is your sister we're talking about! How are you fine?" Jordan had tears falling out of his eyes, then turned to Deaton. "You! You're a veterinarian, not a human doctor! This is illegal on so many levels! As soon as I make sure she gets to the hospital, you're coming with me!" Jordan yelled, not paying attention to Y/N anymore.
"Parrish, she's okay." Scott told him, making him look at her. She no longer had the long gash going down her torso. Jordan simply stared, not sure what had just happened.
"Is this some kind of joke?" He asked, sniffling as he looked around the teens and doctor in the room. There was no actual explanation for this, he was sure of it. They had to be pranking him for some sick reason.
"There's a conversation we have to have." Scott told him, but before he could get any further, Y/N was breathing in and opening her eyes. They were purple, making Jordan even more confused.
"Y/N, what's going on?" He asked, but she just closed her eyes and groaned. When she opened her eyes again, they were normal.
"Jordan? What happened?" Y/N asked, looking around as Jordan took his jacket off and wrapped it around her, letting her zip it up. She felt her torso, realizing her stab wound was gone. "What is going on?" She looked up at Liam, who was blinking dumbly.
"I have no idea." He said, and Y/N was about ready to lose her shit.
"What do you mean?" She cried out, feeling Jordan tense next to her. She turned to see Liam looking completely fine. "Your arm was broken, like twenty minutes ago!" She saw her brother looking completely fine.
"I told you so," Stiles muttered, and Y/N wished she had something to throw at him.
"You didn't tell us shit," Liam said, instantly annoyed.
"Yes! I did!" Stiles exploded, looking very offended. "I literally said 'You need to tell her.' I believe those were the exact words that came out of my mouth."
"Tell me what?" Y/N asked, tired of watching her brother and his friend bicker.
"What?" All three teenagers asked at the same time, wide eyes looking completely guilty.
"Liam," Her big sister eyes came out, which made Liam cower slightly.
"It's a long story," He starts, turning to Scott as if he would explain everything. Y/N was staring intently at Liam, brows furrowed and eyes angered. She screamed when Scott turned to her with red eyes.
"Oh my God," She whispered, leaning back against Jordan. She closes her eyes. "What the actual fuck?"
taglist: @mcueveryday
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tw-fandom-imagines · 7 years
Misleading Actions
You can find the prompt list here if you want to pick a number and a character :)
Request-Ohh can you do 64 with stiles possibly? Thanks babes
64-“Yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything.”
“Hi, hey, hello.” I heard a voice say to me as I walked around the Sheriff’s Station. I came to work at the front desk and help with files when I first moved to Beacon Hills, it was my first week and I was beyond excited. I looked up to see whiskey colored eyes staring at me, a boy with freckles, a buzzed head and a nervous smile on his face. He was cute, beyond cute.
“Hi.” I responded with a small smile and he cleared his throat before sticking his hand out towards me.
“Stiles. Stiles Stilinski.” He said as I took his head and shook it, my eyes widening as I did.
“The Sheriff’s son?” I questioned and he nodded while holding onto his back pack straps.
“Yeah that’s me, and you are?” He asked making me chuckle at the fact that I was so wrapped up in the fact that he was the Sheriff’s son that I hadn’t given him my name.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N).” I said as I heard footsteps from behind me. I turned to see the Sheriff and I smiled, trying to go back my work and act as if I wasn’t developing a small crush on the cute boy in front of me.
“Ah, (Y/N), I see you met my son Stiles. Sorry if he is a little strange.” He said pulling Stiles towards his office, Stiles looking both offended and embarrassed.
“I’m not strange!” He shouted as his dad dragged him into his office, making laugh and shake my head, looking back at my work. What a dork.
It was my fourth week in Beacon Hills and I had seen Stiles a few times since it was just little conversations, nothing major, we learned that we went to the same high school but I hadn’t seen him at school, until today. I was walking back to class when I saw him walking to a girl with long strawberry blonde hair, a smile on his face, brighter than I had ever seen. They were talking and laughing, they both seemed happy. I decided I wasn’t going to say hi, not while she was around.
“You alright (Y/N), you seem, off?” The Sheriff asked me as he walked me to my car, us being the last two to leave the station. I was two months in, I still talked to Stiles ever so often but not like before, not like before I knew about her.
“Stiles, does he…” I began but shook my head, not wanting to make a fool of myself.
“Nevermind.” I said as we reached my car, the Sheriff’s car a few spaces over. As I got in the car the Sheriff looked at me with a glimmer of an emotion that I couldn’t put my finger on. I waved to the man in front of me and started my car, and just before I put the car in reverse to back away, the Sheriff knocked on my window. I rolled it down with raised eyebrows.
“He talks about you, asked me how you are, if you had any problems at work, he asks every night.”
After the Sheriff’s little confession I decided that I was being stupid, that I shouldn’t let one pretty girl stop me from talking to the boy I had a crush on. I was four months in now, Stiles and Scott told me about everything going on in the town, I was getting to know Stiles more and more each day, amazed by him with each passing moment. We were currently in his room, laying on his bed opening up to each other about anything and everything. I was telling him my biggest insecurities and he was telling me his, the alcohol definitely getting to us. It was nice, and I was happy for the first time in a long time.
Seven months in and I was completely in love with the idiot sitting on the bench and he no idea. The way he fell asleep in weird places and positions, the way he would protect me even if I didn’t need protecting. He’s my best friend, he person I cared for more than anyone. I wasn’t sure how he felt about me but I knew how I felt about him, my world came crashing down around me the same day that I realized I loved him. There she was, kissing him on the lacrosse field after his big win. My heart broke as I stood next to the Sheriff, he saw it, he saw how my whole demeanor changed.
“(Y/N)…” he started but I just shook my head and walked away, pushing my way through the crowd, not wanting anyone to see me cry.
“(Y/N), wait!!” I heard Stiles yell from behind me but I kept walking, not wanting him to see me, and see my feelings for him.
“God you run faster than me.” He said as he jumped in front of me, causing me to run into him. He went to hold onto me, but I pushed him away.
“Don’t Stiles.” I whispered looking down. Not wanting him to see my tears.
“For the love of god, look at me.” Stiles said as he cupped my chin, causing me to lock eyes with him. Damn why did he have to look so good in that jersey.
“You can’t be mad at me, let me explain.” He said wiping my tears as they fell down my face, I tried to shake him off, I didn’t want my heart to be completely shattered.
“I use to love Lydia, big time, but one day, I looked at you and I realized, you held a part of my heart. I didn’t feel like I loved Lydia anymore, I felt like it was only you in my heart. I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you so many times. When she kissed me tonight, I pushed her away, she was using me to make Jackson jealous and I was loosing you without knowing it.” He said taking me by completely surprise. I took a step back from him, hand over my mouth, no idea what to say, every thought flying right out of my brain.
“Yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything.” He begged, taking a step towards me, making me smile and laugh. I laughed so hard that no sound came out, making Stiles look at me with wide eyes, as if I had done insane.
“I tell you I love you and you laugh? Geez, am I really that bad?” He questions and I shook my head as I clutched my stomach and held on top his shoulder to steady myself.
“I have loved you for months and as soon as I don’t think you feel the same, you tell me that you do, only us.” I said making him smile and laugh too. Once our laughing stopped, he cupped my face once again, the air between us getting thin and serious.
“I love you.” He whispered making me smile and brush my lips against his.
“I love you too, strange boy.” I responded before he connected our lips in the empty parking lot, cheers coming from the field, hearts soaring in our chests.
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nikkisisk · 3 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lacrosse Champion Jersey tank reversible.
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dorisposh · 4 years
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Custom Lacrosse Reversible Uniform & Custom Lacrosse Jersey
Custom Lacrosse Reversible Uniform & Custom Lacrosse Jersey
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maamsshopbaby · 4 months
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justposhinaround · 1 year
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