#rewatched this ep with my friend today and this Scene did something to my brain
whenfatecollides · 1 year
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S1.08 Proverbs 14:1
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cubedmango · 2 years
NAINA I FINALLY WATCHED THE MOVIE WITH MY FRIENDS TODAY AND IM JUST SO. SO. SO. i felt like every emotion at once bc there were moments just so sweet and then moments where i needed to lie down....... I THINK DEFINITELY MY FAVORITE PART WAS JUST TRULY SEEING HOW FAR ADACHI HAS GROWN??? like how hes able to speak his mind... how hes changed because of kurosawa and him changing kurosawa... and just like every affirmation of love they had for each other IM LIKE OK!!! ILL NEVER RECOVER!!! i need to like let the movie marinate so that my brains not just happy mush but there were truly so many good scenes with them and also i loved reading ur reactions immensely i felt them all such an intimate level.......
WELCOME TO THE CLUB !!! the movie has destroyed me as predicted and now i have just been sitting here . thinking about it for like the last 40 hours or something. i dont know how im supposed to move on after they did That [gestures at the entire movie]
oh my godddd dont get me started on adachis chara development it is So . ive been rewatching some bits of the drama for gif-ing purposes and seeing how different he is in the movie is Insane?????? massive fan of the way they role-reversed adachi being the insecure one originally to him being the stronger one in the movie (and vice versa w kurosawa) like that rlly drove just how much theyve both changed and become secure and comfortable enough to want to be open w what theyre thinking/feeling (in kurosawa's case) and to protect their relationship no matter what obstacle (in adachi's case) which is just so different from how they used to be.... like just try watching ep 1+ep 2 and then the nagasaki scene+kurosawa's parents scene in succession and this will make sense . i think
fkdjsdkfj most of my reactions were just . nonsense but i am thinking abt writing some proper Words about it ...... tho first i will make all of those gifsets bc theyve been driving me nuts sitting in my head since like may and i Need to make them real
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
July 28: 3x01 Spock’s Brain
Today’s ep was the infamous Spock’s Brain. I’d never seen it before and always insisted I didn’t want to but...this is a complete rewatch so I guess I kinda had to.
As predicted, it was bad. Utter nonsense for a premise and the actual execution shot through with sexism. There were some aspects that I did like but most of them have been done better by other eps--and in any case were not worth the ridiculous basis of the ep itself. Honestly, if I were watching all this live, and I waited months for this, I might have wondered if the show weren’t better off cancelled.
But I would have been wrong because the next ep is The Enterprise Incident so! Sometimes you just need to be patient.
This episode is starting out so strangely. Why is the bridge being shot from all these weird angles? And why do the colors seem...duller?
They really can spy on these other ships, huh?
“My name is Captain James Kirk.” Not breaking out the middle initial today, I see.
Chapel going for the drama as she falls down.
Kirk too, sprawled over his chair. (Makes me think of “The chair is, in fact, not bolted to the ground.”)
This honestly reads like a bad parody of Star Trek.
Ridiculous lines include: “His brain is gone.” “His incredible Vulcan physique.” “In search of his brain.” “Where are you going to look for his brain?” “It was taken out, it can be put back in.”
“Spock’s body is more dependent on his brain” than a human’s. Ummmm I feel like there’s something suspicious in there.
The only good thing about this ep is Kirk’s devotion to Spock.
Seriously why does the bridge look so different? Filming it from a different location changes everything.
When Kirk paces in front of the view screen, it really shows off how small it is.
“The spaceship that has Spock’s brain.”
I like these schematics and Chekov’s little presentation here. Also Kirk can automatically put years to all the planet evolution codes or whatever--like on the one hand, of course he can, that’s his job, but on another... what a nerd.
Honestly these people--obviously, they are underground on the ice planet. Obviously!!! I actually do appreciate this scene in general, with the bridge crew working out a problem on the bridge, which actually almost never happens--it’s definitely the best scene of the ep--but still. It’s obviously the ice planet.
Also, I like that Uhura gets to contribute. She thinks outside of the box, asks the good questions. Don’t just look at the outside evolution of the planet--ask about what the brain could be used for, and where it might be.
“Get there, find the brain.”
Oh no, he accidentally called Scotty Spock :(
“High of 40. Livable.” I realize this is a Russian joke but that’s really not that bad lol. Definitely not an ice age anymore.
“They give pain and delight.” So they’re dominatrixes?
“You are small.” Well no need to be mean about it.
Don’t you have a companion?? Love that that’s one of their synonyms for “spouse” or “partner.”
The alien men look like they’re wearing short jean skirts.
“A dead and buried city on a planet in a glacial age.” That’s a good idea. Could have done something better with that.
Chekov’s still stuck on the no women thing, I think.
Why did they dress Spock in a leftover outfit from This Side of Paradise?
McCoy and his stimulants again, waking up the alien lady after they stunned her. Multi-purpose.
“I know nothing about a brain.” Clearly.
So all the women live below ground, and all the men live above...
Ah-ha, they have found Spock’s voice.
“There is a definite pleasurable experience connected with the hearing of your voice.” This ep is almost worth it for that line.
Also Kirk’s face when he hears Spock’s voice.
I like that Spock is still funny. Honestly he’s probably funnier disembodied. This is a very humorous Spock characterization. “That is a practical idea. It seems unlikely that I shall be able to get to you.”
They’re being quite sexist, aren’t they? “No engineering geniuses here. Only women. None of these women could ever have done surgery on Spock’s brain.” Like I know it’s that they’re obviously (or supposedly obviously) naive and childlike but like combining that with the sex segregated society and the actual phrasing of these lines (WOMEN?? Engineers?? Doctors??) plus Kirk assuming the Controller is a man (who says?) all creates this like definite sexist vibe while watching. Ugh make it stop.
How can Spock’s brain control everything? They’ve only had it for 5 minutes.
“Mistress.” I told you they were dominatrixes.
Oh yeah Captain Sulu!!
More sexist quotes: “What a way to maintain control over a man.” “I’ve certainly noticed their delightful aspects.” Please stop talking; you’re digging yourselves in a deeper hole.
(Seriously though--I feel like the unspoken world building fact here is that the women need the men for procreation specifically, which is why they capture the men, and then control them--using the “pain belts”--to have sex--the “pleasure.” They probably also use them for other labor, given the presence of the male guards and the line “they won’t help us if we don’t control them” or whatever it was. But surely the delightfulness of the women is more than their physical appearance, is what I’m saying.)
What is the commentary on gender here? Women = scary, dumb, and hot?
Yeah, how DOES Spock’s brain fit into this?
Lol at Spock’s empty body calmly watching them all fighting.
“Science will triumph.” A real lost opportunity in the AOS-verse to have Kirk say this after a bar brawl.
“You are a disembodied brain.” I feel like there’s a (McCoy) joke in here about how he’s reached his ideal state.
His body is the building. (I was right, I totally called this plot point as soon as Spock started talking about his incredibly large body and how his brain was still doing things like regulating oxygen. I must say... this is not a bad idea, except for the brain stealing part. Like there’s something in there, the idea of the complex as a body, powered by a brain. Idk.)
So basically Spock is taking another opportunity to insult Bones’ medical skills. Oh Spock, never change.
I feel like Bones is enjoying his Spock puppet, on some level.
“Pain bands.”
Use the Spock puppet, Kirk! Use it to fight the lady alien!
“The controller is young and powerful, perfect.” / “How very flattering.” LOL I can’t believe this is real.
“You took his brain. You will put it back.”
So the alien lady puts on the spiky helmet and now she’s suddenly smart. I hate thissssssssssss.
(I actually do think the idea of old knowledge stored outside of the... brains...of the current generation, for their own protection, as decided by the paternalist elders... is not itself a bad concept. Of course it’s also a concept that other eps did better, like The Apple or For the World is Hollow or even Return of the Archons. Again, combining it with all the gross things they said about women earlier just leaves a bad taste. Even though--even though!!--we don’t know who the elder people were. Like, was this a matriarchal society that saved the women in the underground because they were better? Or was it a patriarchal society that put the women in the underground because they were considered weak and in need of protection? I rather assumed the second, but I think there’s some evidence for the first, in particular, that the story reeks of Sexualized Male Fear. What’s a better combination of hot and scary than a matriarchy of women in short skirts?)
“Got your gun.” (But the other way around.)
“Our need for the Controller is more important than your need for your friend.” That sounds an awful lot like “The needs of the many outweigh needs of the one” and we all know what Kirk thinks about that. That said, he’s really not...engaging with her facially fair argument at all.
“No one may kill a man. Not for any purpose. It cannot be condoned.”
Love Scotty’s acting skills. Gotta get this gun back really fast--create a diversion by fainting! But not too much!
I do love McCoy. He’s an adventurer too. He pretends he’s not but he jumps at the chance to discover and learn. He will not hesitate to put himself in danger if it’s for the common good or to protect his friends.
“Put the teacher on.”
Now finally Kirk is engaging with the fate of the society he’s encountered lol. Like, again, he’s not wrong; they’ve stagnated under the computer/controller and it’s not moral to steal from someone else to keep your comfortable and boring life going when you could just do the work yourself, but coming this late, it feels like an afterthought. It’s also weird that she just like stood by and let them take Spock and his brain after all that to do about...not letting them have the brain. Like at the end of the day she was not so inept. Also, they never explained what happens to all the knowledge in the teacher. One would assume they’d have to access it--or not? They’re just to start from scratch? Also legit I guess. And finally... all I can really hear, in the emphasis on integrating with the men again, is “You’ll learn how to develop a society naturally and also about heterosexual sex wink wink.” (Except that as I said... I think they know about that.)
I see McCoy’s regretting that “child’s play” talk now.
“Give priority to reconnecting Spock’s vocal cords.” Yep that’s how the brain works for sure.
Wow Spock really does have to do everything himself. Including operate on himself.
“This Vulcan is telling me how to operate.”
How did he operate without...opening Spock’s skull... in any way??
Not to question the verisimilitude of Spock’s Brain lol.
Everyone’s being so rude--Spock is providing valuable last minute exposition/explanation about this weird-ass society!
It’s always odd when they don’t return to the bridge. Like, they’re not going to collect Chekov?
That was... something.
I liked a few things: any excuse for Kirk to be devoted to Spock; the humor Spock showed; I liked the bridge scene where they looked at the map of the planets; and I liked certain things about the premise of the episode, although, like I said, most of the general aspects (post-disaster society, reliance on computers, etc.) had been done better in other episodes. I liked the look into the Male Brain lol.
What I didn’t like was how outright ridiculous the basic catalyzing event was--Spock’s brain has been literally stolen like??? Are you kidding me? That led to a considerable amount of dialogue that read like a Star Trek parody. Did not like that. And of course, as I said... the sexism. I think I’ve unpacked that enough. It didn’t need to be sexist, and you can explain it in a way that’s not, but the vibe sure was. It was like... well a lot of TOS is like this imo. You can give it an A (or at least a B) for effort, but what comes out is so obviously tainted by the sexism of the creators. Like, for example, how they say they believe in women who are just as capable and professional as men, but struggle to show it. This ep wanted to show a matriarchal society but it wasn’t really a matriarchal society--it was a Freudian dream that was all about the male psyche and what it most fears and wants.
All that said.. the next ep is a D.C. Fontana creation featuring one of my favorite TOS Ladies, the Female Romulan Commander, so I will be receiving a consolation prize.
Also the AOS verse is still more sexist and doesn’t have an excuse I said what I said.
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