#reylo fanfic recommondations
ahysterekalmess · 5 years
Check out this Reylo author at: AO3
Special Reylo Talent: Capturing the Reylo dynamic through spot-on characterizations and weaving arcs that feature situational opportunities for an HEA without diverting from their characterizations.  Every work of angharabbit takes the reader through the angst, the tension, the feels, the longing and their internal turmoil as they accept their connection, to deliver a feel good satisfied smile as you finish the last page.  
Reylo Fic Must Read: 
In-Universe Reylo: Pulling Apart the Coils 
Other Fic Highlights 
In-Universe Reylo: Accusations: 26 Reylo Ficlets
Divergent Universe Reylo: Faltering Beacons
Alternate Universe Reylo: Public Participation
Why they are one of my Reylo faves
angharabbit may be the most underappreciated writer in the Reylo fandom.  One of the best in-universe Reylos, Pulling Apart the Coils, has a measly 3111 hits and 232 kudos.  Out of their six completed (two more still works in progress) Reylos, I’d consider four as must reads in the fandom.  All their fics are pleasantly engaging and extremely well written (from prose, pacing, arc development, characterizations and capturing the Reylo dynamic).  
Though two completely separate, fully developed Reylo stories set in the canon universe, both Pulling Apart the Coils and Accusations: 26 Reylo Fics, weave Rey, Ben/Kylo and the reader through Reylo love stories, starting by examining their postured hostility towards each other as it gives way to exposing the vulnerability of their loneliness and revealing glimpses of their humanity to each other.  As the sexual tension builds, their emotional connection solidifies and as their individual situations become more precarious they are forced to once again stand on a precipice of a choice.  Sexy, angsty and so full of longing, if you enjoy in-universe Reylos, these are ones not to miss.  
Faltering Beacons was a complete delight I almost missed.  As the fic starts in-universe, it diverges when Rey and Ben/Kylo crash separately on Earth and are forced to navigate the “primitive” Avonlea society in the early 20th century.  It’s darling while also steamy and angsty - unexpected combos and an unexpected, well contrived gem.  
Rounding out their offerings, Public Participation is angarabbit’s most popular fic and a highlight for those that enjoy Reylo AU’s.  It’s a modern AU that has so many nods to canon that it is basically a retelling of TFA and TLJ set in present day as a heritage planner and architect face off over a historic building.  the name of the fanfic and Perspective are also both worth a read for a smile.  
The Bottom Line
Every time I finish a fic by angharabbit, I feel good.  The Reylo progression and Reylo HEA that angharabbit writes are ones that I think, “yes, I’ll buy it, this makes sense for Rey and Ben/Kylo, this is what I’d want for them” and fully engages me through their journey.  If you are looking for feel good, satisfying Reylo reads that leave you satisfied with the journey Rey and Ben/Kylo take as well as where they are left as the fic concludes, I recommend checking out angarabbit.  
Find more of my Reylo recs now at @areysololife
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reylo · 8 years
can you recommend some good Reylo arranged marriage fics? I'm in the mood for some ;)
Hey there Anon~* xx 
The World In Its Dark Grace by tyrantsandcreampuffs
I Will Find a Light and Make It Grow by machinewithoutfeelings 
The Descendants by WaterlilyRose
Could This Be Enough by shipatfirstsight (charloeing)
I heard your castle sighing by bam_cassiopeia
Into the Dark by beyond_this_illusion
Cavities by TearoomSaloon
The Seventh Bride by destinyofamerath 
If you need anymore fanfic recs feel free to let me know. xx
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reylo · 8 years
My sweet puddinnn~ As your fic recs are always my jam, can you recommend me some crack/humor reylo fics? :3 Any will definitely made my night! Thank you in advance darling!
My beeeeeeeautiful mon ami~* Anything for you ^_- xx
I have to admit crack/humor from what I’ve seen seems to be rare in this fandom, but here’s a few I’ve come across :3 xx 
The Stormtrooper’s Handguide On How To Handle An Insufferable Boss by cazzy
The Little Knight by ForeverDelighted (shameless self-promo XD) 
You, Me, and the Lie Between Us by GrotesqueEnchantment (Series) 
It’s Better If We Just Pretend by Ellensama
I’m Matt, a Radar Technician by the_cowgirl_bookworm
The Vampire of Starbucks by snowfright 
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reylo · 8 years
Do you know any good reylo high school au fics? I was just wondering
Hello there Anon xx
I don’t know many high school aus for reylo but here’s a few, though some may be college aus rather than high school. If anyone knows any others please feel free to add them. xx
Dumpster Boy and Garbage Girl by ViciousRhythm
though it’s just a line to you (for me it’s true) by TheJGatsby for shorelle
took me to your library (and kissed me in the stacks) by TheJGatsby
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reylo · 8 years
Do you know about any historical Reylo fics?
Why yes Anon, I do~* 
Anything past 1970′s isn’t getting added to this list though as I know there are reylo shippers born not long after that. I am not willing to invoke the wrath of the older generations of reylo shippers by putting their year of birth in the historical recommendation list. I like living :p xx
The World In Its Dark Grace by tyrantsandcreampuffs 
On a White Horse by ms_qualia 
Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears the Crown by beyond_this_illusion
The Seventh Bride by destinyofamerath
She Who Would be Queen by sasstasticmad
Siren’s Song by DragonWhiskers
The Scales of Judgment by lackadaisical 
Wait and Hope by Elywyngirlie
Feel free to add any others, or send me a message/ask and I’ll add it. xx 
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reylo · 8 years
Hello! First of all, I LOVE your blog! I'm slowly becoming obsessed with reylo because of you lol! Second, (sorry if you've been asked before) but if you could recommend any fics with a darker Kylo-Ren I would absolutely adore you! I'm dying for a completed slow burn fic that I can sink my teeth into for a few nights. Any suggestions?(: thank you!
Hello Anon. xx
Thanks! :D I’m glad you like the blog! So sorry for slowly dragging you into a reylo obsession, but it’s good to know I’m taking people down with me as I go down XD xx
Darker Kylo in fanfics is my favorite type of Kylo :3 These are the only ones with a more darker Kylo that I can think of off the top of my head right now. They aren’t all completed with a slow burn romance, and each story has its own unique way of portraying Kylo but they are all brilliant stories and well worth a read. :D xx
Longer Fanfics
Opia by t0bemadeofglass
Charcoal by luvkurai
Short Fanfics
Equilibrium by RayShippouUchiha
Bite Down Series by TearoomSaloon
Mechanical Teeth
If anyone had any other recommendations, including self-promos, please feel free to add them. This is my favorite trope to so I’m eager to read more fanfics with a darker Kylo :3 xx
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reylo · 8 years
Hey! Can you rec reylo fics which are written beautifully? As in, the prose is exceptional. Thanks!
Hey there Anon ^_^ xx
Top my head, I highly recommend these two amazing authors whose stories are utterly captivating~* Check out their works :D xx
diasterisms. Author of the series Sword of the Jedi, but also has several other amazing reylo stories like ghostwalks (gin and fog), Shatterpoint and Morning in the Burned House. 
nymja. Author of the Crossroads series and her new story The Counterpart. 
If anyone has anymore recommendations please feel free to add them. xx
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reylo · 8 years
Reylo Mythology Fanfic Recommendations
Some Reylo fanfics recommendations with mythology/supernatural elements. If you know of any others please feel free to add them or drop me a message/ask and I’ll add them to the list. :D xx
Greek Mythology
Tomb Reyder by IAmLokiLocked - Hades and Persephone. 
Modern Gods of the City by TearoomSaloon - Eros/Cupid and Psyche. 
Whom Hades Seized by nightsofreylo - Hades and Persephone. 
Opus No. by 4BebeUnit -  Pygmalion and Galatea.
World Without End by diasterisms - Hades and Persephone.
A Man Called Winter by ReyloTrashCompactor (NextToSomething) - Hades and Persephone. 
Pyramus & Thisbe by EllieCarina - Pyramus and Thisbe
It is Finished by coldaf - Eros/Cupid and Psyche. 
I heard your castle sighing by bam_cassiopeia - Blue beard.
Wolf at the Door by Shadowlass - Little Red Riding Hood.
The Descendants by WaterlilyRose - Beauty and The Beast. 
Into the Dark by beyond_this_illusion - Beauty and The Beast/Hades Peresphone.
Persephone's Fall by Kinbari - Beauty and The Beast.
Supernatural Creatures
The Girl and Her Dragon by Thelittlescrimshaw - Dragons and Mages. 
Siren's Song by DragonWhiskers - Merman.
Chosen by IAmLokiLocked - Vampires.
Reylo Drabble - Skinwalker* AU & part 2 by coyoterey - Shapeshifters. .
The Alpha/Omega Sin Request by reylo-sin-anthology - Werewolf.
The Seventh Bride by destinyofamerath - Dragon. 
Winter Whispers by ForeverDelighted - Jack Frost/Spirit of Winter
Demonology 101 by EjBlaKit - Demons. 
Be sure to check the tags before reading them xx 
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reylo · 8 years
When you find a new fanfic to fangirl over...
Tumblr media
A Portrait's Symphony
By: burntseas (atriums)
After over a decade of being just another band, Knights of Ren has finally gotten their big break in the metal scene. However, after the abrupt departure of their co-founder and vocalist, Jessika Pava, the band's activities are on hold until they can find a replacement. Enter Rey, a mononymous YouTube artist with a sizable amount of followers, a cute smile, and an uncanny vocal talent that may be exactly what Knights of Ren need...
Rated: T
Link: (X)
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reylo · 8 years
I've always been a fan of Reylo since I first saw the movie. Just joined the tumblr community for it, but I was wondering if you could recommend any looooong Reylo fanfiction (that's all cute and fluffy if possible) that's not otherwise listed on your fanfic recommendations. I've read through nearly everything in the recommendations 😅
Hey there and welcome to the tumblr reylo community :D I am so sorry for my very late reply! xx
Hmmm I think I’ve recommended practically all the long reylo fanfics there are in my rec lists XD Here’s a few beloved fanfics in the fandom that I don’t think I’ve recommended yet as I’ve only recently had the pleasure of stumbling upon them :3 They’re not all fluffy, but well worth the read! xx
Ghostwalks (gin and fog)
By: diasterisms
“I don’t like your manners,” she sniffed.
“And I’m not crazy about yours,” he retorted.
(So they were apparently Bogie and Bacall now, and maybe she could blame the alcohol in the morning, like all the good girls did.)
Rated: M
Link: (X)
The Seventh Bride
By: destinyofamerath
Through a strange twist of fate, Rey suddenly finds herself married to the Marquess of the Reach, a mysterious man who she has never seen and whose name she has never learned. All she knows is this: the Marquess has been married six times before, and each time, the dragon Kylo Ren has devoured his wife within a year of their marriage.
Medieval AU based off of “Psyche and Eros” and “East of the Sun and West of the Moon” with a healthy dose of “Beauty and the Beast” thrown in for good measure.
Rated: M
Link: (X)
Arrow of Time
By: anythingtomakeyoustay
entropy:1. a thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system’s thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system.2. lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.
There are millions of truths and laws in the galaxy. But across the stars, there is one truth that cannot be denied: Beware the Skywalkers - they rule the galaxy in fire and blood.
Rated: T
Link: (X)
By: Perry_Downing
He stands over Snoke’s dead body, toeing it with his boot.
“You never should have stood between us.”
It has been nine months since Starkiller and Kylo Ren has become something more. The light still pulls at him from time to time but after the price he has paid, he has been relentless in his pursuit of the dark. And then when Snoke had dared stand in his way, tried to take Rey from him … new power had been born that day. Black and deep. The endless abyss that is Kylo Ren in love.
Rated: M
Link: (X)
It’s Better If We Just Pretend
By: Ellensama
Rey has gone undercover on the new Star Killer base, Kylo Ren is pretending to be a man named Matt and has been assigned to be her new work partner. She knew this mission would be hard but dealing with Kylo, who seems set on just being angry, and completely uneducated in how to fix anything, might be just too extreme to pull off. Keeping him from finding out who she really is, just add’s to the pile of trouble fate seems set on dealing. If she could maybe figure out why he’s there, and why he’s pretending as well to be someone else, maybe Rey could figure a way out of this mess. Alive.
(Crack fic with an actual serious plot.)
Rated: E
Link: (X)
Nine Lives
By: on_my_toes
The new barista at Jakku Java is going to give Ben Solo a god damn heart attack.
Multi-chapter coffeeshop AU with plot because I am the trash of the thing.
Rated: T
Link: (X)
Never Tell Me The Odds
By: AquaWolfGirl
He was just the supply runner and information gatherer, really. He didn’t mean to get swept up in this Force mumbo-jumbo. Then again, his father hadn’t meant to either, and look where that got him.An AU where Ben’s not Force sensitive, and instead has followed in his father’s footsteps to become a smuggler and gatherer for the Resistance.
Rated: M
Link: (X)
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reylo · 8 years
Got any force bond multichapter fics to rec? (i saw you rec-ing so i thought i could use one,too :P ) also.. since i am just lurking in this amazing Reylo fandom... hit me with most-known fics in it? like those legendary ones that EVERYBODY AND THEIR MOTHER knows about? (sorry if i bother you, tho.)
Hey there :D xx 
Not a bother at all. I’m always happy to rec some fanfics :) xx Most long reylo fanfics I’ve read usually have force bonds in them, but here’s a few that, from what I can remember, deal with them in a bit more detail. xx
Distant Thunder
By: PoorQueequeg
When Master Luke senses his padawan’s turmoil, Rey must face some uncomfortable truths.
Rated: M
Link: (X)
Interstellar Transmissions
By: LovelyThings, ricca_riot
Rey’s interrogation at the hands of Kylo Ren triggered an awakening in the Force, as well as an unwelcome bond that links them across the galaxy and grows stronger every day. An accidental encounter alerts Supreme Leader Snoke to the existence of this bond and he orders his apprentice to capture the girl and bring her to him. Sometimes it’s not the big speeches that redeem people, but the actions you inspire them towards. Former PWP, now full scale adventure.
Rated: E
Link: (X)
Note: This is also one of the big fanfics within the fandom. 
In My Bloodstream
Rey knows Kylo by now. And she knows Ben and almost everything in between. But when Poe Dameron kisses her, she learns something she hadn’t known before. They are bound by the Force and this alone would be difficult enough - with love of all things added to the mix, the universe could as well come apart under the weight of their minds.
(Formerly “I Know”, now a multi-chapter fic.)
Rated: M
Link: (X)
And some of the big fanfics that everyone and their mother dearests know about are, though not limited too…
Within Monsters
By: snowfright
This is the last place she ever thought she’d end up.
When work dries up on Jakku, a desperate Rey enlists with Galactech– a tech company who will hire anyone with the right skills, and work for anyone for the right price. Now trapped onboard the Finalizer, Rey is both horrified and fascinated by the dark tales she hears about the leader of the Knights of Ren and the mysterious Force he controls.
But, when a chance encounter awakens a power within her she has never known, it may just be Kylo Ren’s fascination with her that becomes her undoing.
Rated: M
Link: (X)
Like Young Gods
By: diasterisms
“What do you think?” Luke asks his nephew. “She has potential.”
“She bit me, Master,” is Ben’s stiff response. “Any opinion I give would be biased.”
Or: Everyone is connected, even if, sometimes, it’s just by the skin of our teeth. Even in the midst of darkness, still, luminous beings are we.
Rated: T
Link: (X)
Satan Wears A Rolex
By: AquaWolfGirl
An aspiring writer who’s moved to New York City from Arizona, Rey Kenobi gets an in at General Fashion Magazine thanks to her friend Finn, a photographer. Working under head copy editor Poe Dameron, she thinks she’s found her place in the journalist world. But when Kylo Ren, Editor-in-Chief, needs a new assistant, she finds herself thrust into the line of fire. She tells herself that, after this job, she can work anywhere she wants, including The Skywalker Report. But will she last that long?
Rated: E
Link: (X)
The Moon, the Sun, and the Star Inbetween.
By: Silvershine
The Force moves in mysterious ways, and sometimes it even has its own agenda. Rey finds herself caught in a battle with fate that throws her together with Kylo Ren, binding them together in the most powerful way possible… only to have fate drop her like a hot potato.
A broken Force Bond isn’t the easiest thing to bear, especially when the one you’re missing is your sworn enemy and the father of your child.
Warning: Parenting: Skywalker Style.
(Kind of a deconstruction of the X-made-them-do-it-to-have-a-child fics, which always seem to end once a kid is born, whereas I’m more interested in what comes AFTER the not so happily-ever-after.)
Rated: M
Link: (X)
By: Trebia
They are children with matchsticks, him and her.
Rated: E
Link: (X)
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reylo · 8 years
Do you know the Reylo fic where they both do ballet? Thanks xx
Hey Anon xx
I’ve never came across any reylo fanfic were they both do ballet. The only thing reylo related that has any ballet at all, that I know of, is this aesthetic by twoidjitsinthesalvageyard. If anyone knows of any ballet aus though please feel free to recommend it. :) xx
Edit: the lovely @kaathiiee has written one! Thank you for sharing! :D xx
Pas de Deux
By: tyrantsandcreampuffs
Rey is the premier danseuse at Jedi Opera House and is in need of a Romeo to her Juliet after Poe injures himself. Kylo Ren, the premiere danseur at the First Order Ballet Theatre, wants nothing to do with the Jedi after all the pains he took to not be in the shadow of his mother, a prima ballerina assoluta.
In the end, they learn that what they want and what they need are two entirely different things, and the world isn’t necessarily going to end if they danced with one another.
Rated: T
Link: (X)
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reylo · 8 years
hello! love your blog! i was just wondering (and sorry if you've answered this before) if you know of any good highschool au fics? thanks!
Hey there Anon xx
Aww thank you! ^_^ I haven’t read many high school au’s, but here’s a few that I do know of. Make sure to check the tags before reading. xx If there’s any others anyone would like to recommend please feel free to add them. xx 
Dumpster Boy and Garbage Girl
By: ViciousRhythm
The Reylo high school au that nobody asked for, wherein there are arguments, dumpsters, and Finn questioning Rey’s sanity.
Rated: E
Link: (X)
Hands Down
By: shortystylee
Rey can handle parents, she’s not sure if she can handle being alone in Ben’s room, nothing else to look at aside from her boring government book, his ridiculously soft-looking hair, adorable big ears, and his stupid, stupid attractive face.
In which Rey & Ben are group partners, and she accidentally finds out some of his musical preferences that he prefers to hide. Fluff, just fluff.
Rated: T
Link: (X)
though it’s just a line to you (for me it’s true)
By: TheJGatsby
He’s in the play and she’s behind the booth. He doesn’t believe in superstition and she doesn’t believe she can like him any less than she already does. A little Macbeth goes a long way.
Rated: T
Link: (X)
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reylo · 8 years
Do you know of any really good fics with Reylo force bonding/ accidentally force bonding?
Hey there :) xx 
There are a lot of great reylo fanfics that deal with force bonds. Here’s a few gems worth reading. Make sure to check the tags before you do though. xx
Interstellar Transmissions
By: LovelyThings, ricca_riot
Rey’s interrogation at the hands of Kylo Ren triggered an awakening in the Force, as well as an unwelcome bond that links them across the galaxy and grows stronger every day. An accidental encounter alerts Supreme Leader Snoke to the existence of this bond and he orders his apprentice to capture the girl and bring her to him. Sometimes it’s not the big speeches that redeem people, but the actions you inspire them towards. Former PWP, now full scale adventure.
Rated: E
Link: (X)
The Death of Kylo Ren
By: nymja
Rey knows a lot about being lonely. Enough to recognize it in other people.
Rated: T
Link: (X)
By: diasterisms
n. 1. fault; the weak place in an opponent. 2. fracture; where the unbreakable can be broken.
Rated: M
Link: (X)
Ten Years of Rey
By: Articianne
There is a young girl on Jakku, nine years old and small, light. When Kylo Ren is sent, finally, on a mission to gather kyber crystals to make his new lightsaber, he stops on Jakku to fix his ship and comes across a girl who calls him Ben. He can’t help it that he sees inside her little blank mind and finds the small point of light lodged deep within her consciousness. “Bring her on board,” he tells the other Knights of Ren, and suddenly, he has a little girl from Jakku on his ship riding back to the First Order, a girl who has no family, a girl whom he will train himself.
This girl is Rey.
Rated: E
Link: (X)
In My Ten Years
By: brittlelimbs
There’s a piece of Jedi mythology, passed down from ancient times, that tells of a peculiarly nasty phenomenon: one singular, intact soul split in two by the Force. It’s a story of a schism in the stars, a constellation cracked in half, a lifetime spent scouring the Universe in search of that elusive whole.But the Force is cruel and kind in turns; it gave Ben only one piece of his soul, but left the other, swaddled, at his feet.
AKA my take on the “Ben and Rey grow up together!” trope with a soulmate/soulbond twist. Pretty much pure teeth-rotting fluff, lots of Ben being a lil mother hen etc. before they grow into a romantic relationship. Luke POV.
Rated: M
Link: (X)
Broken Connection
By: day dreaming dreamer 
“They have forged an unwanted connection through the force. As much as she longs for his presence to go away, she realizes that he’s not going anywhere. Kylo Ren is here to stay, and he burns permanent imprints in Rey’s mind.” Kylo/Rey. 
Link: (X)
He Knows He Needs to Stop
By: Perry_Downing
She is tinkering with droids again.
He feels her elation as she finds the right point on the circuit, watches the droid whir to life, bleeping its gratitude. She has a whole little family of them now. Droids with loyalty so fierce he wonders if all creatures sentient – and not – are bound to worship her. He is losing himself in her and he knows he needs to stop.
Kylo Ren is Bound to Rey and hides from her, never revealing himself, quietly driving himself mad with her light.
Rated: E
Link: (X)
Recommended by: @reylowars
If anyone has any others they’d like to recommend don’t hesitant to add them or drop me a wee ask and I’ll add it to the list. xx
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reylo · 8 years
Is there any non-NSFW fics recs out there for me, a fluff addict who is drawn to the pit that is reylo? :3
Hello Dear Anon xx
There’s a slice of everything for everyone in this fandom, fluffy one. Below is a list of non-nsfw fanfics ^_- Most are multi-chapter stories, so you’ll find all genre in there, from angst to the much beloved fluffy, precious moments! 
If it’s specifically only fluffy fanfics you’re looking for though, I’m not too sure there’s many of those. But most of the stories below certainly have their fluffy moments, and they’re all free of smut. xx 
By: NotSoJollywood
Light and dark. Good and evil. Love and hate. The Force was all about balance, and yet neither of them knew exactly where they stood. WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE FORCE AWAKENS. Eventual Kylo/Rey.
Rated: T
Link: (X)
Sky Marked Souls
By: snowfright
Prompted by cerulean8ullet on tumblr: ‘Soulmates get blue marks on their skin wherever their other person gets physical pain.’
Rey has long wondered whose pain she wears on her skin like blossoms - a brave pilot, a legendary smuggler, a hero?She never expects to find him on the opposite side of the battlefield.
Ren has given up on finding the girl who paints his hands and hips sky-like, but then suddenly she’s standing over him wearing his new scar. The scar she’s cut with her own hand.
They have been on a collision course since the day they were born, inexorably drawn to each other, and neither one can escape unscathed.
Rated: T
Link: (X)
The Vampire of Starbucks
By: snowfright
He could, theoretically, be a vampire. If vampires existed. Either way Rey’s rudest and most dismissive Starbucks customer certainly does seem to wear a lot of black. And always appear exactly when she’s been left on her own. She’s pretty sure his name isn’t actually ‘Kylie N.’ or ‘Kai Lauren’ but hey, if she’s spelling it wrong deliberately on his incredibly pretentious order who can blame her?
Rated: T
Link: (X)
Note: Modern Au written by one of the gleaming stars in our fandom! xx 
Like Young Gods
By: diasterisms
“What do you think?” Luke asks his nephew. “She has potential.”
“She bit me, Master,” is Ben’s stiff response. “Any opinion I give would be biased.”
Or: Everyone is connected, even if, sometimes, it’s just by the skin of our teeth. Even in the midst of darkness, still, luminous beings are we.
Rated: T
Link: (X) 
Note: Another gem in the fandom. What is Rey was brought to the Jedi Academy and trained with Ben? A very healthy dose of fluff in there. And pain… oh so much pain… but fluff too! Lots of fluff. It’s wonderfully written. Very detailed and well researched. The author has an amazing way of world building and the stories just slot perfectly into the Star Wars universe. It’s not finished yet, but no smut so far. xx 
The Danse Macabre
By: Rellie
It’s a dream or a memory though she’s not sure which of them it belongs to
Rated: T
Link: (X)
Together We’ll Be Legends
By: Scribomaniac
The day Luke Skywalker brought home the small orphaned girl named Rey, Ben Solo couldn’t have cared less. Now though? Now he’d fight the entire galaxy just to keep her by his side.
Rated: G
Link: (X)
Don’t open your eyes yet
By: day dreaming dreamer
“Don’t open your eyes yet,” he pleads, eyes focused. No matter how many times they’ve met, she’s always so struck by how he seems to burn her very soul. Her body aches for his, but she keeps her face impassive. He begs her once more. She’s so willing while asleep, so tired of fighting against a current that’s always going against her. “Please.”
Rated: T
Link: (X)
Broken connection
By: day dreaming dreamer 
“They have forged an unwanted connection through the force. As much as she longs for his presence to go away, she realizes that he’s not going anywhere. Kylo Ren is here to stay, and he burns permanent imprints in Rey’s mind.” Kylo/Rey.
Rated: T
Link: (X)
If you need anymore recs, or these aren’t quite the ones you’re looking for atm , feel free to message me :) xx
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reylo · 8 years
Any reylo mafia au fic?
Hello Dear Anon xx
Hmmmm… I cannot think of a single mafia au for reylo :O Which is really surprising cause that trope has some good potential for a kick ass story. Not exactly mafia but here’s a link to some modern crime reylo au’s if that's of any interest xx
Link: (X)  
Anyone know of any mafia fanfics they could recommend? xx
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