reyna0w0 · 4 years
You’re Here Again 8
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✏ todoroki shoto © kohei horikoshi
✏ todoroki shoto x fem!reader
✏✏ Chapter 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9
»»—————————————♡ —————————————««
Days passed with that day of (Y/N) being vulnerable behind them. Their routine returned but they conversed more frequently and more freely than before. The subject was never brought up again but (Y/N) seemed a bit better. But Shoto knew better than anyone that it was easy to hide how they truly felt. Nevertheless, they had become closer than just acquaintances. Were they friends? Or more? It was never truly established. 
Shoto stepped into his unnecessarily big house. Enji really liked to flaunt his wealth with earthly possessions. He was about to head to his room when his father’s secretary, Hirugami, stopped him, “Shoto-sama, your father wishes for your presence at his office.”
Shoto sighed, dealing with his father was always a bother. He nodded and made his way to the office with Hirugami walking in front of him. He knocked on the office door and called out, “Sir, Shoto-sama is here.”
“Come in,” A deep voice called out inside the office, the familiar voice Shoto wished he never had to hear ever again.
Hirugami opened the door and Shoto walked inside. Enji was sitting in his chair with the same stoic and intimidating look. “You may leave.”
Hirugami bowed and left the two of them alone. “Do you have anything you want to tell me?” Enji asked.
Shoto was confused, not knowing what he meant. He stood there silently. “I know what you did, Shoto!” Enji said, raising his voice. 
“Hirugami found this in your room,” Enji said sharply, holding up a USB and a pamphlet.
Shoto was shocked to see his USB. He had forgotten to hide it and the pamphlet he got from (Y/N)’s uncle about a photography contest. Shoto stuttered, “T-that’s…”
“Spare me your excuses. I wondered where you got time to take these many pictures when your schedule was so full so I called your cram school. They told me you never enrolled in their school.”
Without stopping to listen to Shoto, Enji snarled, “How dare you lie to me! What else have you been doing in those three hours instead of studying?!”
Knowing he was completely screwed, Shoto was panicking. It was all over. Enji would have someone around him at all times. He wouldn’t be able to visit his mother anymore or see (Y/N) again let alone go to the photography studio. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth in anger and helplessness.
“Is this how you repay me for everything?!” Enji thundered.
“I know you’ve been visiting Rei and I let you because I thought you were working hard! Did she teach you this?! That crazy woman! I’m taking away your camera and the USB!” 
That was the last straw. Enji insulted his mother and threatened to take away his most treasured item. All the pent up anger and frustration from over the years came flooding out.
“No! I’ve had enough of you!” Shoto yelled.
“How dare-”
“I’ve had enough of this! All you ever did was control me to do whatever you wanted. I never wanted to take over your stupid company! I want to be a photographer! All you did was force things on me! I never wanted any of this! I’m so sick of you and your stupid ideals! You’re so self-centered and only care about yourself. You don’t care about me or mom or anything besides your stupid company! You drove mom crazy and now you want to drive me crazy too! No, I won’t listen to you any longer! I hated every second I had to spend in this house and now you want to take away the little freedom I had to carve for myself?! No! I’m not staying a minute in this house anymore! I hate you and I hope you die in a ditch!”
Shoto huffed in anger as he swung away and stomped out the office. Enji was stunned. It was the first he had ever heard Shoto express himself. He didn’t even know his son was able to exhibit such anger. 
Shoto stormed out of the house, getting drenched immediately since it was pouring outside. The rain was still better than being in that house for any second longer. He ran out into the rain, not knowing where to go. His anger never seemed to fade until it sizzled down into frustration and pure agony. Without realizing, he stood outside (Y/N)’s bakery. The lights were off. They were closed since it was pouring so no customers. He turned to leave, he didn’t even know why he was there.
He turned to the familiar voice. (Y/N) looked at him with a worried expression while holding an umbrella. She had come out of the bakery. 
“Oh my God, you’re drenched! What happened?”
“Nevermind, come inside!” 
(Y/N) took him by the hand and led him inside the bakery, through the back, and into their house. (Y/N)’s mother saw him and she was surprised. “Oh, dear! Let me get some towels!” 
(Y/N) sat him down on the sofa and her mother brought towels. They helped him dry himself but he didn’t speak a word. “Take Todoroki-kun to the bathroom. He needs to take a shower or he’ll catch a cold. I’ll go find some of your father’s clothes for him.”
(Y/N) nodded and led him to the bathroom. Shoto was down casted and unexpressive. His hair hiding his eyes. (Y/N) said softly, “I don’t know what happened but take a shower first, okay?”
Her gentle voice made him almost burst into tears but he controlled it and nodded. Shoto took a shower and (Y/N)’s mothers left him some clothes. (Y/N) was making hot cocoa for him. “I wonder what happened to the poor boy,” (Y/N)’s mother said, worried.
“I don’t know, mom,” (Y/N) said with a sigh.
(Y/N) was worried that he seemed so down. ‘What in the world happened?’
Shoto came into the living room wearing (Y/N)’s fathers clothes which were a bit loose on him. (Y/N) motioned him to sit down and handed him the cup of hot cocoa. She sat beside him and (Y/N)’s mother joined them. “What happened?” 
Shoto didn’t really want to tell her about it but they had the right to know after helping him and taking him into their home during a thunderstorm. 
“If it helps, I’ll go to my room. I need to call my husband anyway,” (Y/N)’s mother said, leaving the two in the living room.
(Y/N) looked at him, took his hand, and squeezed it. “I’m here for you.”
It meant the world to Shoto to hear that from her. Hesitantly, he said, “I...had a fight...with my father…”
(Y/N) wondered how bad of a fight it had to be for him to leave during a thunderstorm. She didn’t question him and let him speak.
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reyna0w0 · 4 years
You’re Here Again 10
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✏ todoroki shoto © kohei horikoshi
✏ todoroki shoto x fem!reader
✏✏ Chapter 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11
»»—————————————♡ —————————————««
(Y/N)’s father returned the next morning. The storm was long gone and was replaced by the clear blue sky. They had opened up their store, as usual, made bread and followed the routine. Shoto insisted on helping out however he could but he knew he had to figure something out. He couldn’t stay at their place forever. 
The afternoon slump rolled over so the (L/N) family decided it was time to address the issue. Except (Y/N), none of them knew why Shoto came to their house, all drenched. (Y/N)’s mother offered to look after the store while (Y/N) and her father sat Shoto down for a conversation. 
“I owe you an explanation. I’m grateful to your wife and daughter didn’t ask me much and accepted me into the house. I’ll tell you everything,” Shoto said to (Y/N)’s father.
(Y/N), sitting beside Shoto, looked at him, and said, “You don’t have to force yourself.”
“Thank you but it’s fine. Your parents should know about it,” Shoto said. 
“Take your time. I just want to know a little so I can understand the situation. We just want to help you,” (Y/N)’s father said, calmly.
“Thank you, (L/N)-san,” Shoto replied. 
Shoto explained everything to (Y/N)’s father excluding the thing with his mother and his scar. He just told him that his mother wasn’t living in the same house as him.
(Y/N)’s father listened intently, processing the situation at hand and trying to think of a solution. “I understand where you’re coming from. I won’t force you to return but you need to figure this out. I’ll see what I can do, you can stay at our place for the time being. It’s Saturday today so we still have time before school so we can take things one at a time.” 
“Thank you so much. How can I repay your kindness?” Shoto asked, genuinely feeling supported by an adult for the first time in his life. 
“It’s completely normal to help someone out. Like I always encourage (Y/N) to help people out if she can. So it’s our pleasure. In return, please take care of (Y/N),” (Y/N)’s father said with a kind smile.
“Papa!” (Y/N) said. 
“I’ll do my best. I’ll help however I can while I figure things out,” Shoto replied. 
(Y/N) didn’t say much and let the two converse. She wanted the best for Shoto. She was really grateful that her parents were so understanding and supportive otherwise she couldn’t have done anything for Shoto. She wanted to be there for him in any way possible. 
The conversation continued till (Y/N)’s mother came to the living room and said, “Todoroki-kun, someone is here to see you.”
Shoto expected it to be Hirugami since his father wouldn’t just leave him be. He sighed and stood up, getting ready to sternly tell Hirugami to leave. Shoto walked out of the living room, following (Y/N)’s mother. (Y/N) quickly joined Shoto.
Shoto and (Y/N) walked out of the bakery as that is where (Y/N)’s mother said the person was. Shoto stood dead in his tracks when he saw who it was. (Y/N) bumped against him since she was walking close behind him. 
(Y/N) looked at who it was. It was a tall man with crimson hair and turquoise eyes. Exactly like the left side of Shoto’s face. ‘He’s his father, isn’t he?’ 
The man, Enji, walked up to Shoto and said, “Shoto, can we talk?”
Enji looked like he didn’t get any sleep and seemed rather remorseful. Shoto said harshly, “I’ve got nothing to say to you anymore. How’d you find this place?!”
“I got Hirugami to check around and he saw you here,” Enji replied. 
“Please, can we talk?” 
Shoto turned to leave but (Y/N) put her hand on his shoulder and said, “At least hear him out, okay? You can decide what to do later.”
Shoto hesitated and then said with a sigh, “Alright since you’re telling me to.”
(Y/N) gave him a worried smile and Shoto turned around, “I’ll listen for a bit.”
“Thank you, Shoto. You too, miss. Thank you for asking him to listen,” Enji said, truly grateful to have Shoto hear him out. 
Shoto begrudgingly sat down at the chairs outside the bakery. Fortunately, there weren’t any customers so they wouldn’t bother anyone. (Y/N) went inside to give them privacy. Shoto wished for her to be there but he didn’t want to involve her directly with his father. 
The father and son sat in silence for a good bit. Shoto rolled his eyes, not expecting anything from Enji except him trying to drag him back home. 
Enji looked directly at Shoto, bowed his head down, and said, “I’m so sorry, Shoto.”  
“I’m sorry?” Shoto said.
“Is that what you’re here for?! A measly apology?!”
“Shoto, I thought about what you said yesterday. I-I didn’t realize that I wasn’t thinking of you...I was only thinking about myself…,” Enji said, quietly. 
A sorry state to see him like that because Enji was always loud and confident but the man that sat before Shoto was truly pathetic. Maybe he was truly sorry. Not that apology would erase the trauma he had inflicted upon his family.
“Now you realize? All my life, you controlled every single thing I did. You drove mom crazy and sent her to the hospital. And now you’re sorry?!”
“I know what I did was unforgivable. I won’t ask for your forgiveness or Rei’s but I want the chance to make things right…,” Enji said, strain in his voice.  
Shoto spat back, “You think I’ll believe your words? Saying things is easy but actually doing something isn’t that simple. I don’t believe you can change.”
“I don’t expect you to believe me right away but know that I want to change. I spent last night reflecting everything I’ve done and I know I’ve wronged many people. I took the day off today to come to you and apologize.”
“Rei doesn’t want to see me at all so I left her a letter instead. I can’t take back what I’ve done but I want to at least do things right from now on,” Enji said, head still hanging down.
He truly was apologetic for his past actions but only time will tell if it was all bark and no bite or not. 
Shoto looked away from Enji, not saying anything else. He felt it was futile and letting out his anger at him didn’t make him feel any better. 
“I won’t force you to come home with me but I hope you will understand that you can’t stay at this place forever. I’ll thank this bakery’s owner. Truly, I’m really sorry. I regret how I treated you and your mother.”
Enji stood up to go into the bakery and Shoto didn’t say a word. He couldn’t believe that Enji would feel sorry. Or ever reflect on his own actions. His head was in a mess, he couldn’t really believe anything Enji said. He grew up knowing his father to be a self-centered man who only saw his own ambitions and never cared about anyone. This ‘apology’ from Enji really threw him off. Shoto could never forgive him but a sliver of hope unexpectedly grew in him that Enji would change. 
Shoto sighed as (Y/N) walked to him. “You okay?”
“No, not really,” Shoto said with a deep sigh.
“I don’t know what you guys talked about but I know you can get through it. You can talk to me, I’m here for you,” (Y/N) said, softly.
Before Shoto could reply, Enji came out of the bakery. “Goodbye, Shoto, miss (L/N). Your bakery is lovely.” 
Enji left and Shoto felt he could breathe again. Shoto turned to (Y/N) and sighed. 
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reyna0w0 · 4 years
You’re Here Again 7
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✏ todoroki shoto © kohei horikoshi
✏ todoroki shoto x fem!reader
✏✏ Chapter 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8
»»—————————————♡ —————————————««
Miku, the girl that hardly showed any expressions. Miku who responded with unfeeling smiles when she didn’t want to answer a question. ‘Goodbye (Y/N)’ The last words Miku said to her. And the last words she wrote in her note. The two words left her mouth like always but at that time, it was with that unnerving, fake smile. It sent chills down (Y/N)’s spine and she had a bad feeling. That day she walked home with the worst feeling in her stomach. Of course, she did because the very next day she left (Y/N) the note at the winged bridge and left the world. 
(Y/N) woke up, sweating, and tears rolling down her face with Miku’s last words ringing in her head. Breathing deeply, she turned on her bedside lamp and poured herself a glass of water. Gulping it down, she looked at the clock which read 3:45 am. She felt a longing to hear Shoto’s low but smooth voice. She didn’t even know why. 
She hesitated to send him a text because it was literally almost 4 am. She didn’t and fell back into bed, trying to fall back asleep. Though, she felt uneasy to fall asleep. All the thoughts surrounding Miku were swirling in her mind. They were so loud and couldn’t be quietened. 
She was inconsolable after finding out what had happened. After her tears dried up, she was unresponsive. She felt numb, unable to make herself do anything. The scenario of Miku saying goodbye played in her mind, again and again, in a loop.
Worried, her parents took her to see a therapist. It took her weeks to begin to respond to the therapist. When she did, her emotions were overflowing. Guilt, sadness, anger, frustration, loss, and most of all the feeling of helplessness. 
Over time, she managed to get herself together but the experience never left her. Every day, she wished she could have done something different and it wouldn’t have ended like that. She started visiting the bridge as a coping mechanism as well. Every day, after the appointment with her therapist, without fail. 
Then she met Shoto there. By the time, she met him, she was already doing much better. But the trauma never disappeared. She learned to be cheerful again but it didn’t mean she was completely okay. She knew she would never be the same again. She had to live with it for she still had people who cared so much about her. She couldn’t worry her parents any longer so she tried her best. Meeting Shoto at the bridge after her sessions was a peaceful routine she appreciated. He was the peace she needed. And he chose to stay by her side after seeing her so vulnerable and defeated. 
(Y/N) didn’t tell much to Shoto. She doesn’t intend to. It was still too much to talk about. It felt like reliving it all over again. 
(Y/N) tossed and turned but couldn’t fall back asleep. She did what she didn’t do earlier. She sent Shoto a text, fully expecting no reply. After all, it was 4:14 am when she sent it. 
Her phone started buzzing. She looked at the caller ID, it was Shoto. She picked and his voice came through.
“Sorry, did I wake you?” (Y/N) asked.
“No. I couldn’t sleep. You too?” Shoto replied.
His voice comforted her. She felt less alone and trapped by her own thoughts. Just hearing his voice turned the storm inside her into a lull.  She wasn’t ready to let him know about her completely. Yet, she longed to know more about him, He was still a mystery despite her asking many questions. Then and again, she never asked too personal questions.
(Y/N) talked to Shoto till she fell asleep while on the call. Shoto smiled and ended the call when she no longer responded. The girl he met on the bridge had many sides to her and he wanted to know more about each and every one of them. He had never felt this way before. He felt like he could express himself better with her even though he always found it difficult to. She had changed him and he wished to help her.
That day, Shoto had seen a new side to her and their relationship had changed once. But it would change once more and many times over. After all, they met for a reason. 
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reyna0w0 · 4 years
Always By Your Side
➵Miya Atsumu x fem!reader
➵ Miya Atsumu belongs to Furudate Haruichi
➵ Oneshot
➵ W.C: 1k
➵ TW: Swearing
»»—————————————♡ —————————————«« 
You smile, holding a box of macarons. You make your way to the classroom. It is after school and pouring outside so you decide to stay till it stops with your boyfriend. You slide open the door, meeting eye to eye with your boyfriend as he is in between kissing a girl. A girl that isn’t you. You feel your world crash down, your heart breaking, and hot tears escaping your eyes. You drop the box of macarons and dash out of there. You run without a destination in mind. You end up outside in the pouring rain. 
You cry your heart out, the rain masking your tears and wails. You actually started to like him after you both started going out when he confessed but he did that to you. Were you not enough? Or did he never feel the same way as you did? It didn’t matter anymore because what they had was all shattered and drowned in the rain. 
You sob loudly and the sound of rain masks the sounds of footsteps nearing you. You don’t notice until you feel a pair of strong arms wrap around you. Your tears momentarily stop. Who was it? 
You hear him speak. It’s Miya Atsumu. Your best friend. Your past crush. 
“I told you he was no good,” He says.
You frown, “I don’t need you to rub salt into my wound, Atsumu. Please, just leave me alone.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Why not? Please, just leave,” You plead.
“I can’t leave you like this,” He hugs you tighter. 
“Who are you and what did you do to Atsumu? The Atsumu I know would make fun of me for being an idiot.”
“I’m Osamu.” 
“Wait what?” You turn around to look at him, leaving his embrace. 
Atsumu lets out a laugh and says, “Your face is priceless, (Name).”
Your cheeks dust pink. “Stupid Atsumu. I’m going to hit you,” You yell as you burst in laughter. 
The laughter dies down and you say, “Thank you, Tsumu. I feel much better.”
Atsumu grabs your hand and leads you to the steps of the school’s entrance. You both are drenched from head to toe. Looks like Atsumu thought it was a good idea to chase after you without an umbrella. Classic Atsumu.  
“So tell me you’re ready to flip the bird at that asshole. I’d punch him but I don’t think I can get away with it,” Atsumu sighs. 
He is definitely ready to beat him up for breaking your heart and making you cry.
“How do you know what happened?” You ask.
“I was also heading to the classroom but you reached first and I saw you run out. So I checked the classroom and found that asshole, swore at him, and ran after you,” Atsumu explains. 
“That dick didn’t even bother saying anything or coming after me. I don’t know what I saw in him,” You grit your teeth.
“I did tell you all that, remember.”
“Yeah, Tsumu. Sorry, I was so blinded,” You say.
“It’s okay. Now shall we go give that dickwad a piece of our mind?” Atsumu grins.
You nod. You are now super pissed. That cheating piece of shit. 
Atsumu gets up and you follow him back to the classroom. The fucker is still there with his ‘girl’. Atsumu glares at her to get the fuck out and she squeals and runs off. That prick stands there like he did nothing wrong.
Atsumu stalks up to him and grabs his collar, “You don’t fucking get to mess with (Name). You better not utter a single word and listen to what she says and then scram. Or I’ll let everyone know what a shitbag you are.” 
Pure malice in his voice, every word seeping out aggressively. He finally looks terrified and finally a little sorry. Atsumu really is menacing when he’s angry. 
He lets him go and steps back. You walk in front of him. 
“We’re over, you’re just an unloyal piece of shit. It was my mistake, I don’t know what I saw in you. I ignored all the red flags and blinded my emotions but now, I see it all clearly. Fuck you and I hope you die in a ditch,” You seethe in anger. 
You turn on your heel and stalk out of there but not before sticking up your middle finger at him. Atsumu follows you. Walking in the corridor, Atsumu laughs, “That was amazing, (Name) I didn’t you had that in you.”
You smile, feeling light after giving the prick a piece of her mind. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” 
“...I want to know everything about you...,” Atsumu says quietly, fumbling with his bangs.  
“What?” You tilt in confusion. 
Atsumu stops. You look back at him, wondering what’s up. His bangs cover his eyes, “...I can treat you much better than him...” 
“Thanks, Tsumu. You don’t have to do this for me,” You say, oblivious to his feelings.
He yells, “No!” 
His brown eyes meet yours. “What I’m trying to say is that I like you...I’ve liked you even before you started dating that bastard.”
You stand there, stunned. You had no idea he felt like that towards you. Granted, you both are extremely close. Close enough for you to call him your best friend but he likes you? It never crossed your mind that he does. 
“You can take your time. I know it’s a bad time to tell you but I don’t want to regret it like I did when you dated the lowlife,” Atsumu says.
He is always joking around and making you laugh. Seeing him so serious is a rarity so you know that he means it. A surge of lost feelings return. It has been a while since you felt this way. You thought you got over your feelings for Atsumu but you were wrong. It all comes pouring back, every moment you spent together. Every time he protected you, stopped your tears, and supported you. 
You feel tears wallowing in your eyes and you run towards him, hugging him tightly. “Will you wait for me to sort my feelings?”
“For as long as you need. I’ll always be by your side.”
You smile into his chest as he strokes your hair, his lips upturned as well. 
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reyna0w0 · 4 years
Stupid Rooster Head
↳ Kuroo Tetsurou belongs to Furudate Haruichi
↳ Kuroo Tetsurou x fem!reader 
↳ Kuroo Tetsurou One Shot
(Y/N) slams the door open, startling the poor pudding head. She groans and makes her way to Kenma's bed, where he is playing Animal Crossing on his switch. 
Kenma's attention returns to his switch, already knowing why (Y/N) is in his room. "Kuroo again?" He says, golden eyes stuck to his switch. 
"Yeah!" (Y/N) groans. 
"He just won't let me be! He always has something to say back to me, no matter what!" she says. 
Kenma sighs deeply. He is already sick of the two of them who can’t stop arguing whenever they’re together. And every time he has to listen to one of them complain about the other. 
"What did he do now?" Kenma asks, turning off his switch since he can't concentrate on playing while (Y/N) is fuming. 
"He had the nerve to answer my question out of turn in class. And guess what? He had the audacity to tell the teacher I didn’t know the answer when the teacher asked why he spoke out of turn! The goddamn smirk he gave me! I wanna punch his face so much! He humiliated me in class! Besides all the arguments we’ve had, that was a really low move! Why does he feel the need to do this?! He infuriates me to no end! How do you tolerate him, Kenma?!” (Y/N) rants, huffing in annoyance and anger.
“I don’t know. We’ve been friends since we were little. Besides, he doesn’t act like that with me. I do feel like wiping that smirk off his face too, sometimes. Although this time, that was a really low move,” Kenma replies calmly.
Kenma’s calmness makes (Y/N)’s anger dissipate. It always does. She flops onto his bed and sighs. Turning to Kenma, she says quietly, “Why does he always act like this?”
“You’re also stubborn and always get back at him without fail,” Kenma says with a smirk.
“But he always starts it!” (Y/N) replies defensively.
“You two really are like cats and dogs. You’ve been bickering with him since forever. I don’t even remember,” Kenma says as he scrolls on his phone.
“That stupid rooster-head just loves to annoy me and I can’t help but react,” (Y/N) says.
Kenma’s cat-like golden eyes look at (Y/N) and she says, “What?”
“I mean you used to be the manager of Nohebi and he’s got something against the captain,” Kenma says smoothly. 
“What? That was in the past and is that seriously the reason why he hates me? That’s just petty then,” (Y/N) says in a huff of annoyance. 
“He doesn’t hate you. Also, it’s not just because of that,” Kenma answers.
“Then what?” 
“You should ask him yourself.”
“Please, do you think that chemistry nerd would actually answer me if I asked?” (Y/N) says, pursing her lips.
“You never know.”
“Stop talking so ambiguously,” (Y/N) flicks Kenma’s forehead.
The boy winces in pain, frowning. 
Kenma shrugs and continues scrolling down his Instagram feed. (Y/N) frowns, “Well, I gotta go now. Thanks for listening to me rant. Sorry, I always do this.”
“It’s not a big deal,” Kenma replies. 
“See you tomorrow.”
“Yeah,” Kenma nods. 
(Y/N) leaves his room and Kenma peers out the window, seeing her leave.
“You can come out now,” Kenma says out loud.
Sliding out sheepishly from the closet, the nerd himself appears. 
“Why do you act like that?” Kenma asks. 
Kuroo messes up his hair and sighs. “I don’t know...We always have opposing views but she just drives me nuts…”
“You know she’s not Yuna, right?” Kenma says.
Kuroo’s expression turns sullen, “I know that but she’s way too similar looking. Even though they have completely different personalities. Her attitude is what gets me and I can’t help myself. You know how I was like with Yakkun during the first year. The fact that we never agree on anything really isn’t helping either. I hate how she makes me feel - especially with a face so similar to Yuna’s.” 
“She also reminds me of how little I actually knew about Yuna. I didn’t know her friends or her family. You know how much I admired her and then she disappeared without warning,” Kuroo says, sighing. 
“Still, Yuna isn’t a reason for you to treat (Y/N) like that. You know that she’s really upset about it,” Kenma says to his childhood friend.
“Yeah, I really should stop. She has done nothing to me…,” Kuroo says, messing up his bed-head even more. 
“I think I wanna clear it up with her. Can I call her using your phone? I don’t have her number.” Kuroo asks.
Kenma nods and hands him his phone. Kuroo finds her contact and calls.
“Hey. What’s up, Kenma?” Her voice comes through the phone.
“It’s me, Kuroo. I wanna-” 
Before he finishes his sentence, she cuts the call. 
“Damn it, she hung up on me,” Kuroo mutters under her breath. 
“That’s to be expected. You’re not someone she wants to talk to,” Kenma says, matter-of-factly.
“I know. I need to call back. I hope she picks up,” Kuroo says.
He rings her again and waits. As he’s about to end the call, she picks up. “What do you want?” 
Her voice is laced with annoyance. 
“I just want to clear things up and uh-I’m sorry...,” Kuroo says, “Can we meet, please?” 
(Y/N) doesn’t respond. 
“Did I hear you correctly? Did you just apologize? Am I being pranked right now?” (Y/N) replies bitterly, after a good 30 seconds of silence. 
Kuroo grits his teeth, knowing he’s the one in the wrong, “Yes, I’m sorry. Can we meet at the park near Nekoma?”
“And why should I meet you? We’re hardly friends and I’ve no obligation to hear you out,” (Y/N) spits back. 
Kuroo’s frustration is growing by the minute but he knows he needs to be patient. He really wasn’t the nicest to her.
“Please just hear me out,” Kuroo pleads. 
(Y/N) is surprised that Kuroo hasn’t lost it and started a fight with her like usual. Warily, she decides to meet him. Maybe he really wanted to set things right.
“Okay. Be there in five,” She says, ending the call.
Kuroo deeply sighs, preparing himself to explain why he’s been such an ass to her. He really isn’t painted in the best light. 
“Okay, she agreed. Thank God.” Kuroo tells Kenma.
“Good luck, don’t mess it up,” Kenma says, taking his phone back. 
“Yeah, thanks,” Kuroo says as he leaves Kenma’s room. 
Kenma sinks into his pillow and grabs his switch. The two of them really take a toll on him. He wishes for them to be normal friends so he can have peace of mind for once.
Kuroo shuffles to the park somewhat reluctantly. Palms sweating, thoughts spiraling. He has to convince (Y/N) that he acts like an ass because she looks like someone he knew. She definitely isn’t going to react well...
Kuroo sighs, shoving his hands into his pockets as he waits for her. (Y/N) shows up, bored expression intact. Though she is more skeptical than anything else.
“So what do you have to say?” (Y/N) shoots immediately. 
“Erm...I don’t know how to explain without sounding like an asshole,” Kuroo says.
“Don’t worry, you’re already an asshole to me,” (Y/N) fires back.
“Uh...yeah, okay. So you remind me of a friend I used to have who I really admired. But at almost the end of my first year, she disappeared with no warning. That and also, we really don’t have anything we agree on,” Kuroo explains, realizing that he sounds like an absolute jerk.
He regrets his dumb actions. They started raging war on each other since the second year and ever since, they have been bickering non-stop.
(Y/N) stood there gaping at him. Was he being serious? This is the reason why he acts like a jerk? Unbelievable. 
“Are you being serious?” (Y/N) asks as he stares at him, dumbfoundedly.
“I can’t believe you. Us arguing over every single thing is because I look like some girl who disappeared on you? You can’t be serious,” (Y/N) says, huffing in anger.
Kuroo has nothing to say that can justify his actions. 
“Are you for real? This is not what I could even dream of hearing,” (Y/N) says, pacing around restlessly,
“I’m aware that it might mean nothing to you but genuinely I’m sorry. I never meant to take it this far and long. I should have stopped sooner. I’m sorry. Someone disappearing on me has nothing to do with you…,” Kuroo says; his last attempt to make things right.
“I literally can’t believe this. I really want to punch you right now. Screw you, I’m out,” (Y/N) says, shoving her hands harshly into her pockets and stomping away.
Kuroo stands there, self-reflecting on what happened. She has the right to be furious with him. 
(Y/N) sulks on her way home. Angry to the core, she really wanted to punch him in the face earlier. The lamest excuse for always getting on her nerves and turning her mood sour since she first transferred. 
The next day in school, Kuroo walks into class. He tries to approach (Y/N) but she ignores him completely. Usually, they are always arguing but now, she isn’t even acknowledging his existence. He takes his seat, already missing the bickering. They always argued so this was new. An empty feeling sinks into his stomach as his classes merge into one big blur.
He tries, again and again, to get her to react to him but she simply refuses to acknowledge him. She really is pissed.  Kuroo sighs, realizing this entire thing is because of him being immature. They could have been normal friends but he had to act like that and now, he misses her. Even the bickering he misses. Maybe the reason why he never let go of the bickering is that it was his one way to talk to her since they really never talk besides that. She’s close to Kenma and Kenma-approved people were never bad people. 
He ruffles his hair in frustration as he makes his way to the gym. Maybe volleyball practice will clear his mind. Kenma is there with the rest of the team. He stares at Kuroo, immediately knowing he messed up. 
Yaku looks at Kuroo and asks Kenma, “What happened to Kuroo? He looks like he got hit by a bus.”
“He messed up big time,” Kenma replies, leaving Yaku confused.
Kuroo snaps back to reality when practice starts. It takes his mind off of the empty feeling and his actions towards (Y/N). 
The week drags on in the same manner. (Y/N) refuses to talk to Kuroo and she doesn’t confide in Kenma either. She still talks to him, of course, but no more of the rants. Kuroo is miserable after finally realizing that truly how important (Y/N) is to him and hating himself for taking it too far.
(Y/N)’s week also drags on. As much as she found his actions so immature, a part of her misses the bickering they always do. After all, when she had first transferred here, her parents had divorced recently. Her home situation hadn't been the most ideal and she had to transfer. At the same time, being separated from her sister, it had all taken a toll on her. Their constant bickering brought back the spunk in her and she became really good friends with Kenma as well. 
She is still pissed about Kuroo humiliating her and his sorry reason why but despite that, she still misses the stupid rooster head.  
Unbeknownst to the two of them who started off arguing, they had started growing fond of one another as their bickering became the norm. The silence of the week really made them understand what they really thought of one another. 
(Y/N) sits in the library, pondering over the boy that drives her mad with anger. Kuroo sits on the bleachers, wiping his sweat, pondering over the girl that he drives crazy. 
The weekend arrives with the two still not exchanging words or even glances. Kuroo resolves to try one last time to be honest with (Y/N) and apologize sincerely. He gets her number from Kenma who hesitantly gives it to him because (Y/N) is his friend and he doesn’t want Kuroo to mess things up even more.
Getting a hold of the number, he texts her.
“It’s Kuroo. I got your number from Kenma, don’t blame him, I forced it out of him. I know you probably don’t wanna hear anything from me. All I want to say is that I’m genuinely sorry. This entire time I was being immature and my reasoning for all of this was unjustified and stupid. I went too far in class. I had no right to treat you like that. I don’t ask you to forgive me but I’d like to talk it out at least...This week was the longest and I felt terrible. I miss you. I don’t deserve to say that but I do miss you. Please, if you have the heart to at least hear me out once more, I’ll be waiting at the same park. I’ll wait there all day even if you won’t come. Again, I’m sorry.”
(Y/N) reads the long text Kuroo sent. She still feels a little angry but she feels the sincerity in his words as well. It was true that he helped her feel better about her messy family situation by getting her mind off of it but he really didn’t have to come at her like that. 
Sighing, she decides to meet the fool. Wondering why she’s even giving him a chance. She walks over to the park. The sun is high up in the sky, clouds filling the bright blue sky. A beautiful day for such a bitter reason to meet someone.
Kuroo is leaning against the slide in the park when (Y/N) comes into view. Surprised, he almost falls but he manages to keep himself upright. (Y/N) faces him and says, “I don’t know why I’m here but you got this shot only.”
“Thank you, really thank you for coming. I thought you wouldn’t.”
(Y/N)’s eyes stare right into his and she doesn’t reply. 
Kuroo continues, “First of, I’m really sorry. After collecting my thoughts and everything, I know that I was acting like a complete asshole but I also realized why I did that. I think a part of me resented my friend for disappearing on me like that and that I also missed her. Though, I shouldn’t have treated you like that. I regret that very much but truly, I liked bickering with you a lot more than I thought. We always argued but it was fun, though it may not have been like that for you. I messed up big time and hurt you, for that, I’m really sorry. It may seem empty but genuinely I feel bad. The entire week of you ignoring me was painful but it gave me clarity on everything.”
(Y/N) listens to him, silently. She processes everything he says and sighs. 
“Look, I’m going to be honest with you. I didn’t like what you did at all and most of the time, our arguments may have made me upset. Though, I can’t deny that it did help me feel like myself again. I don’t know why I’m telling you this but I’m going to. My parents divorced so I transferred here because I went with my mom and she got a job here. My sister, Yuna, went with our father.”
“Wait Yuna?”
“Yuna is the girl I’m talking about,” Kuroo says, shock covering his face.
“Wait what?” (Y/N) asks.
“Oh wait, she did study in Nekoma even when we lived away from here,” (Y/N) says as she remembers it. 
“No wonder you looked so similar to Yuna. You’re her sister. So she left because of your parents’ divorce. Why didn’t she tell me anything though?” Kuroo says, looking at (Y/N).
“She has always been closed off. Even though, we are twins,” (Y/N) says.
“Wait but you guys don’t look exactly the same. Similar, yes but not exactly the same,” Kuroo says, confused.
“That’s because we are fraternal twins,” (Y/N) explains.
“Ah, that makes sense.”
“So like my sister is the reason why you been treating me like this? I really deserve better,” (Y/N) says with a deep sigh.
“Aside from all this new information, one thing is true that I was badly affected by my parents’ divorce and transferring but you and Kenma made me feel better. Our arguments and debates brought me back to how I was, along with Kenma’s calm support. So yeah, it wasn’t just the worst thing in the world. There were times when you genuinely hurt my feelings but I think I did the same to you,” (Y/N) says.
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that. Really,” Kuroo says.
“I’m still not forgiving you for the humiliation, okay? Just don’t do that again,” (Y/N) says, a smile creeping up her face.
Kuroo grins, “Yeah. Never again. I’ll work for my forgiveness!”
“And...I missed you too…,” (Y/N) adds quietly.
Kuroo hears it clearly and almost topples her over in a hug.
“You stupid rooster head! Do you want to kill me?!” (Y/N) yells as Kuroo laughs, still hugging her tightly.
“I don’t know why I didn’t notice earlier but (Y/N), I think I like you,” Kuroo says, grinning like a fool.
“W-what?!” (Y/N) says, turning completely red.
“I like you, (Y/N),” Kuroo says again.
“I heard you the first time!” (Y/N) yells as she pushes him away, her face flushed red.
Kuroo laughs and a smile envelops her face, making her shine under the beautiful blue sky. 
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