choisgirls · 7 years
YAAAAS SPOOK MONTH ! so i have a request! the rfa + v and baeran go to a spook house BUT!! the orher members try to scare the couple,i imagine saeran punching saeyoung if he tries lol.
A/N: This may be a little shorter and mainly reactions instead (since ive done a haunted house one;;), but I hope its okay anyway! ^^
-The minute someone’s popping out, he’s screaming-And I mean like, high pitched, ear piercing, his throats gonna hurt tomorrow kind of screaming-He’ll take off running, you’re lucky if he grabs onto you as he sprints away-Sometimes he forgets you, you have to run after him-He feels bad but the first words out of his mouth tend to be, “Why didn’t you keep up??”
-”Haha, I’ve got this, babe!”-He doesn’t have this, not at all-He doesn’t /scream/ but he does let out this short lil screech-Actually jumps behind you and peeks over your shoulder while you just stand there, staring and unamused at the fact you’re now a human shield-”I totally had it. I could’ve protected you perfectly fine, they just… threw me off my groove?”
-She’s the one who will actually step in front of you and throw her hand out-Like those Mum Instincts™ when they hit the breaks and they throw their arm across your chest? Just like that!-A cute little scream bubbles up her throat but she muffles it by keeping her mouth closed, she can’t show the fear or they win!-Holds onto your hand the whole time you walk through the attraction -If she’s not stepping in front of you, she’s got a death grip on your hand when someone jumps out
-He looks just as unamused as you do-Someone jumps out at the two of you and he just gives them a lecture-”If you truly want to scare someone, maybe you should take a look at some psychological fears-”-If one of them actually manages to make you jump, he’s giving them a look of disapproval- don’t scare his MC, that isn’t nice-Really, he knows you can hold your own and knows it’s fake so he isn’t very protective or frightened by it all 
-He’s the one jumping out at you-Seriously, he took off and ran ahead, trying to scare you more than the workers do-Each time, he’s met with your annoyed pout-Until the time he’s more focused on you and doesn’t see that someone came up behind him-Then he screeches and trips over his own feet, scrambling to crawl behind your legs for protection while you laugh at him
-’Smile through the fear, Jihyun, smile through the fear’-He has to keep telling himself this while things jump out left and right-Every now and again, there’s one that gets his heart facing and he squeezes your hand pretty hard -Loves that you’re the one who will peek around the corner for anyone jumping out.-He’s normally ready to protect you 500%, is okay with spooky things, and ready to give you a good prank, but jump scares get to him and he’s apologizing to you for the rest of the night
-First jump scare- punch in the face.-The dude got too close and his instincts just kicked in, therefore his fist connected with the persons nose.-The rest of the workers were afraid to jump out at the two of you- they tried to stick closer to you-Until one got to close to /you/ and /you/ went to throw the punch-Neither of you are allowed to finish the haunted house
*VANDERWOOD: ‘cause i /can/
-”This isn’t scary, MC. Do you know what I do for a living”-”I’ve seen scarier.”-”Gonna have to step up your scream if you’re going to try and jump out at people like that” -Until a clown pops up. A clown with a creepy ass laugh, jumping up from a present box, holding a knife-He’s screaming and throwing you over his shoulder, taking off in a sprint towards the door- he doesn’t fuck with creepy, murderous clowns
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choisgirls · 7 years
OMG!!!! ok ok I want to request the rfa+the trio going to an abandoned house and mc exploring like a boss while they are nervous and wondering how she isn't scared. omg I'm so pumped for Halloween
A/N: its 10pm and after halloween of course i can post a request no one can judge meAlright, so this is more their individual reactions to mc, i hope this isokay;;
 Was he more afraid of the paranormal or was he more afraid ofgetting in trouble for being on private property? Seeing you walk around likeit was nothing was… also terrifying. But also really concerning- he wanted tobe the one who wasn’t scared! So he could protect you, like in the movies! Inall honesty, you take off into a room, wait for him to walk by, calling foryou, and pop out- he runs. Straight out of the house. Also doesn’t forgive youfor days afterwards
 “If anything jumps out, I’ll punch ‘em for you babe,”he says. What does he do? Death grip on your hip the whole time, until you takeoff. He’s calling out for you, trying to find where you went. He’s fine withthis adventure, he’s explored abandoned buildings before with his previousmotorcycle friends, so he isn’t afraid of getting caught…. he’s afraid ofsomething paranormal because then he can’t protect you from things he can’tpunch. MC please just come back
Refuses to go in there with you, that is against the law totrespass. But.. what if.. what if there are scary people in there. Nevermind,she’s coming with you. You keep asking her if she feels that breeze, or if shesaw those leaves move, but you keep forgetting it’s autumn and there’s wind.Isn’t scared at all, but is uncomfortable at the fact you two are on someoneelse’s property uninvited, this is the ~spiciest~ thing she’s done in a while,what an adrenaline rush
 Doesn’t see the point in it at all because? It’s some run downbuilding. What if the structure is unsteady, what if something breaks and youget hurt? Who the hell is he supposed to sue? Says he’s not afraid, and he reallyisn’t. You’re looking around, trying to find some sort of 'ghost’. Aren’tghosts only supposed to come out at night? Or is that only in the movies? Hedoesn’t know, he doesn’t believe in them anyway. He’s just going to follow youaround, taking pictures of how determined you are. They’re all blurry. You tellhim it’s because of the ghost- he doesn’t believe you, though he does get a newphone the next day, just in case
“Dare me to go into this house? Too late I’m alreadyin,” he said. He’s in there, pretending the app on his phone works forthis. You think it’s funny and play along, who knows, maybe the app really doeswork- you never know with him. Quickly becomes a game of who can scare who, anddue to your climbing skills and the help of a fallen beam in the structure,you’re the victor when you drop down in front of him and scream. And whose highpitched scream is that? Oh, not yours. It’s his. As he runs out of thebuilding. He’ll tell you for days that he wasn’t scared, he was just playingalong but you /know/.
MC we really should not be here and we really should not lookfor ghosts. He isn’t a full believer but he’s seen enough late night documentaries,spooky stories on the internet, and weird… unexplainable things to beterrified that /something/ is there. You move quickly, quietly, and likeyou’ve…. done this before. MC what if something is here? What if /someone/ ishere. Would you get in trouble?? Would you get.. ghost… kidnapped? Clings toyou the whole time, but tries to play it off like he just wants to be near youbecause he loves you.
 He’s boosting you over the fence. Breaking in, HELL YEAH.Abandoned building, DOUBLE HELL YEAH. The edgelord in his is crying from joy.But when he finds out you want to look for ghosts he is… less excited. Hethought the two of you were just going to explore and have a nice littleadventure together, be 'cool kids’ and just fuck around, maybe throw some rocksand things- ya know, like you have a problem with authority. But nope,nevermind, it’s about ghosts. He isn’t impressed, in fact, he’s doing things tomess with you. You’re the one who’s a little afraid by the end of it all becausethis asshole’s been throwing things, blowing on your ear, hanging from theceiling to touch your hair, the works.
 Bitches listen, he is a good boy he will not trespass.
I couldn’t even tell you that with a straight face- but hecould, he’s a very good actor. Acted like he was completely against going intothis house and that he was going to ditch you if the two of you get caught.Which he would. But he’d come back to bust you out of trouble, of course. Butyou seemed fearless? Like, this house was spooky and gave him bad vibes- morethan Saeyoung’s house- and you’re just.. creeping around corners, asking ghostsif they were there. He couldn’t help but laugh at the fact you thought you weregoing to get an answer. When a rock flew in his direction, though, he took off.Threw you over his shoulder, and out in a complete flash.
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choisgirls · 7 years
🎃 HELLO IT'S TIME FOR SPOOKY SHIT™ 🎃 How about the RFA + Saeran messing around with a Oujia Board on Halloween and something fucks up like. it just goes *really* wrong. maybe seven is chugging holy water out of a hbc bag and some of it spills onto the board while they're talking to some dickhead spirit?? Idk just go wild
A/N: Please for thelove of god you guys do not fuck with Ouija boards- they aren’t fun, theyaren’t cute, and they can be very serious
That being said, thisfic? Is not that serious towards them cause i like to mess around so thank you forrequesting this because hey im an asshole sorry my bbys :^)
But that doesn’t meanthat oujia’s /aren’t/ serious, please guys, I’m not kidding okay thank you loveyou *kisses your forehead and sends you off with a cookie*
Word count: 4,835HAHAHHAHAHA please kill me, under a cut it goes
Warnings: uh..cussing? but you know me, that’s… to be expected, right?
“You know whatwould be hilarious, MC?” you sighed, turning to look at the red head thatsat at the other end of the table, chin sitting on his hands expectantly asgold eyes shined at you.
“No, Saeyoung, Ido not. What would be so funny?” you instantly felt regret asking thatquestion, because you knew in your heart it was going to revolve around somesort of prank-
“This prank Ithought of to do tonight!” and there it was.
You tilted your headwhile simultaneously raising an eyebrow, with a click of your tongue, yougestured for him to go on with this prank of his, knowing you would be suckedin whether you liked it or not. It was Halloween night, and Saeyoung seemed tohave this kink for pranks- though he’s told you time and time again it’s not akink, it doesn’t qualify as one. You still think he was lying.
“Okay, soeveryone’s coming over tonight, right? What if we break out a Ouija board? Iknow I can get a few of them freaked out enough just with that alone, but wecan hype it up! We can fake a haunting!” if his eyes could turn intohearts, they would have been pounding. You already had a bad feeling about thisprank of his, something was bound to go wrong. You weren’t allowed to mess withOuija boards anyway.. right? This has ‘horrible’ written all over it.
“You know youshouldn’t be messing with Ouija boards, yeah? What if something goes wrong-what if it’s real? Haven’t you seen scary movies-” he cut you off byputting a finger to your lips.
“Sshh, MC. Thoseare just that- movies. They’re made up! Fake! Not real in any way, shape, orform! We’ll be fine~” and with a wave of his hand, he dismissed theconversation, running out of the room to finish setting up some spookydecorations for the party and probably gathering whatever he deemed necessaryfor this prank of his. You turned to look at the other red headed boy, quietlysitting at the table this whole time. Fixing his blue eyes on you, offering asympathetic tug at the corner of his lips before also offering a small shrug.
“You know hewould have done it whether you told him no or not-”
“I’m well aware,Saeran, thank you.” You hid your face in your hands before taking in alarge breath. Nothing you would have said could have changed your mind- youknew this. You definitely weren’t ready for tonight. Nobody will be.
“WELCOME TO HELL!AHHAHAHAHA,” the voice boomed through the house surround sound later thatnight- only moments after everyone had gathered into the living room. The groupjumped slightly at the sudden sound, but the fear quickly disbursed when theyrealized the voice belonged to Saeyoung. With a collective sigh, they turn togive the security camera in the corner an uninterested look. “Hey!”he exclaimed over the speakers, “I can’t believe you all saw through mycharade. It was a perfectly spooky greeting!” He huffed into themicrophone when the rest of the group shook their heads in disagreement to hisperformance.
You gestured foreveryone to relax and take a seat as well as grab a snack from the table infront of them. As they all went for snacks, they were met with Saeyoungknocking them out of their hands. With a quick sweep of his arm, everything onthe table was sent flying in the other direction. You stared in disbelief thatthe work you did for the past day flew to the floor, splattering and deemingitself unsalvageable. Replacing your once delicious snacks, was a large, woodenOuija board- following soon after was the planchette. He was really going throughwith this, wasn’t he? And where did he get that board on such short notice?
“I was thinkingall of us could take the opportunity today to talk to those beyond theveil!” the latter half of his sentence was accompanied by the wiggling ofhis fingers. The rest of the group harboured mixed emotions to the news. Youand Saeran already knew Saeyoung was planning something, so neither of you hadthe energy to even amuse him with a fake emotion, while Yoosung lookedabsolutely terrified, Zen seemed a little nervous at the fact the board waseven near him, Jumin seemed to share the same look as you and Saeran-uninterested. If looks could kill, the one Jaehee was shooting in the redhead’sdirection would have set him on fire immediately; Jihyun mustered up a small,nervous laughter as he went along with the idea. Knowing these reactions wereprobably the best he would get, Saeyoung continued. “Now, everyone, gatheraround! Get close! Let’s do this! Saeran, dear  brother, please hit the lights!” With ascoff, Saeran got up to literally hit the light switch. He smacked it hardenough, you could tell he knew exactly what this prank was and he was not happyto be a part of it. The moment the lights went off, you noticed the fact thatthere were several candles lit- how long were those on fire?
“I don’t see howusing a wooden board would allow us to talk to those who have passed,”Jumin stated, moving closer to the board, putting his fingers on the planchettelike Saeyoung had been gesturing. “Can you even speak to those in theafterlife? That shouldn’t be possible.”
“Oh, Mr. Han.Have you not heard of ghosts? The spirits from beyond? The very essence ofthose who-” Jumin threw his hand up to stop the nonsense pouring fromSaeyoung’s mouth.
“Nevermind. I’llgo along with it. The faster we go through this, the faster you will see thereis no such thing, and the faster we can move on to something else,” hesaid with a sigh. Despite being extremely reluctant to do so, everyone else’sfingers joined the planchette. They knew the only way to get past it was tojust… please Saeyoung by joining in this ritual.
“Everyonetouching the marker? Yeah? Okay, now clear your mind and relax!” with anexaggerated shimmy of his shoulders, he lets out a deep sigh before his loudvoice boomed through the room again. “Oh dear spirits from beyond, we lendyou our ears! We welcome you to the RFA! Please, come speak with us!”Jihyun shot him a concerned look- almost like he wanted to tell Saeyoung not toinvite these spirits to join the RFA in case they actually agreed, but kepthimself quiet. Everyone else started to fight to keep their doubts quiet, untilSaeyoung let out a loud gasp- all eyes turned to the planchette slightly movingon the board. “We have made contact! Oh great spirit, what is yourname?” Everyone watched with baited breath as the wooden marker started atthe ’S’, moving to the ‘E’, then to the 'N’, ’D’, 'N’, 'U’, ’D’, 'E’, and ’S’respectively. Throwing his hands up, Zen pushed himself away from the table.
“SAEYOUNG YOUASS, YOU CAN’T PRETEND TO BE A GHOST AND JUST SPELL OUT 'SEND NUDES’. This isridiculous!” he grabbed Saeyoung by the front of the shirt, pulling himclose, his eyes boring into the younger mans. “If you’re going to keepmessing with us, we’re just going to leave.”
“Does that meanyou won’t send the ghost nudes?” Saeyoung muttered under his breath,suddenly waving his hands when everyone started to get up, “Okay okayokay!! I was kidding! Please sit back down, let’s actually try now!” Hegestured for you to hand him something- what were you supposed to do, again? Ohyeah- you grabbed the surprisingly heavy bag of Honey Buddah Chips and handedit to him. “FROM THIS BAG,” he proclaimed, “WE MUST DRINK THEHOLIEST OF WATERS IN ORDER TO TRULY COMMUNICATE WITH THE SPIRITS!”
“Why the hell dowe need to drink holy water from your chip bag, Saeyoung?” Yoosung asked,raising an eyebrow while Jaehee crossed her arms.
“Holy water in achip bag seems to defeat its intended purpose…” she said as she judgedand questioned Saeyoung’s faith once again and watched as he put a hand overhis heart- a dramatic action to show his mock offense.
“Honey BuddahChips are little gifts from God. Please, just take the drink!” Saeyounghanded the bag back to you, throwing puppy dog eyes your way, knowing youcouldn’t resist. You sighed heavily before struggling to take a sip withoutspilling it all on you, passing it off to Saeran who was seated next to you.After shooting daggers at the bag itself, he took a sip and passed it on- therest of the group doing the same with their own looks of disapproval. Once itmade its way back to Saeyoung, he chugged the rest of the bag, spilling quite abit onto the board. The both of you scrambled to dry it off.
“Saeyoung, youidiot! That can’t be good! You can’t mess with things like this!” youhissed at him, trying to pat the board dry. You told him not to fuck with theOuija board. You told him you didn’t want a part of this prank- what in theworld did he have planned next? Once you got the board dry, everyone returnedtheir fingers to the planchette and sit in silence as Saeyoung took in abreath, ready to get down to business.
“Spirits… canyou hear us? Is anyone here with us?” slowly, the planchette started tomove towards 'yes’, and Yoosung let out a little screech. “Haha!Success!” Saeyoung cried out, exaggerating a wiggle of his body to pretendhe could feel the spirit through his body. “Oh spirit! Please, tell uswhat you want! Show yourself! I demand you to do so!”
The candles around theroom started to flicker, blowing out suddenly as an eerie green glow  came from the board accompanying a green fog.The temperature dropped suddenly, the room started to feel like static- justlike the sounds in everyone’s ears. Listening to his friends scream at the topof their lungs, Saeyoung sat back and laughed uncontrollably, wiping a tearfrom his eye. “Oh man! We got you good! Okay Saeran, you can cut off thefog machine-”
He opened his eyes tosee the back of Saeran’s head as he ran out of the room in a panic, droppingthe turned off fog machine to the floor.
The fog grew larger,the wind it created now whipping around the room- a neon green twister formingon top of the board as the room started to fill with loud whispers and hushedscreaming. The group all stumbled to throw themselves away from the board,minus you and Saeyoung. You could see the gears turning on his head and youmoved closer to him, trying to pull him away from the growing horror on thetable in front of him.
“Haha…”Saeyoung laughed nervously, his voice growing higher as his sentence continued,“Saeran, this isn’t funny, you can stop now… We agreed that it would bea simple prank… Come on!” You were able to pull him a little ways awayfrom the table, struggling to get him to his feet to run. Everyone else managedto get up and run out the door, pushing past each other and tripping over theirown feet. You heard the door slam shut and you knew it was up to you to get theidiot off of the floor and figure out how to fix this mess.
Suddenly, there was aboom from within the fog, and the two of you watched in fear as a beam of lightseemed to shoot out of the middle, accompanying this beam were louder moans andhigh pitched screeches- figures that appeared to have faces swirled around,some looked pained, others looked threatening. Frantically, you yanked the redhead to his feet, turning to run from the room- you’ll have to do somethingabout this, but your main goal for the time being is to get to safety. Youwould think Saeyoung would be smart enough to follow you- he has secret agenttraining, shouldn’t his fight-or-flight skills be perfected by now? Apparentlythey weren’t. You here a loud thump and turned to see what had happened- he hadbeen knocked to the floor, this now black and green mass with shadow-like facesnow seemed to form a make-shift claw, grabbing him by the ankle and knockinghim down. It seemed to growl in a low, echoing voice, telling him that he wouldgo nowhere as it started to drag him back towards the board. He was panickingand you ran to grab him by the arms, trying to pull him out of this…. thing’sgrasp. He had to kick frantically at the grip on his leg to free himself,almost knocking you over when he gets up- in fact he accidently pushed you outof the way to run from the room, oh what a brave boy he was. The two of youslam the door shut and he leaned against it, sliding down to sit on the floorwith a sigh.
“That.. thatisn’t a joke anymore, MC. That.. that’s real. That’s scary.. an abomination…a…. a job for real life GHOST HUNTERS!” he exclaimed with a beamingsmile on his face- that you immediately smacked off. He held his cheek with apout, “Ow! And what was that for?”
“THAT! Wasbecause you just HAD to prank everyone. You had to mess around with a Ouijaboard, even after I told you that those things aren’t toys! I told you! And nowyou’re still messing around when there’s literally thousands of angry spiritsin there!” your voice grew higher and higher as your anger rose as well.
“Well, MC, it wasjust a-” You cut him off with a raise of your hand, obvious annoyance inyour face.
“If you fuckingtell me 'it was just a prank, bro’, I will not hesitate to open this door andjust kick you back in there,” you threatened. One look at his face toldyou that he decided to hold his tongue and stand back up, scratching the backof his neck.
“Okay… MC, wehave to get rid of this thing though.. What do we do? I haven’t dealt withghosts before,” he looked at you with hopeful eyes.
Why the fuck did hethink you knew what to do with ghosts?
You pinched the bridgeof your nose and took in a large breath. Sure, you’ll figure it out. There’ssomething you could do, right? ….Right?
…Did the internethave the number for Ghostbusters?
You threw your handout, opening your eyes to look at him once you had an idea. “Okay,listen,” you started out, “This started when you dumped holy wateronto the board, then continued to open the veil, yeah? Well, we need to closethe portal! But that means we need to get back to the board, and at this pointthat is impossible… What are spirits afraid of? Can they really hurtus-” your question was cut off when the point of a large knife flewthrough the door, missing your head by mere inches. Your eyes went wide asthree more wedged into the door at once, “Okay, it can hurt us! It candefinitely hurt us! Let’s go- we gotta go! Move move move!” you shouted,pushing him away from the door and kick starting his sprint down the hallwaymoments before the door was completely covered with the points of sharp knives-when did you all get so many knives?
The two of you burstthrough the closest door in the hall- this thing was definitely going to comeafter you. What the hell did he get you into, you’re too young to die.
“If we make itthrough this, Saeyoung, I’m going to kick your ass,” you yelled, gettingready to throw a punch.
“Don’t punchhim!” Saeran called from his hiding spot on the other side of his bed. Hegot up and ran across his bed, getting ready to jump onto Saeyoung- he had firein his eyes and a snarl on his lips. “I’m gonna kill him myself!” Yousighed and stepped in between the two brothers, shielding Saeyoung and calmingSaeran down.
“You can’t killhim-”
“Thank you,MC!” Saeyoung interrupted, giving his brother a bright smile.
“We need him tohelp get rid of this… thing. Plus, if it comes to it, we can just give him toit and hope it leaves us alone.”
“Yeah! Wait,what? MC!” His smile fell as Saeran stifled a laugh. The three of you satthere for a few moments, racking your brains to come up with a plan. You threwyour hands up in the air in sudden realization.
“Guys, if holywater brought the stupid things to us, shouldn’t we use it to get rid ofthem?” you asked, watching their expressions turn from confused to understanding-you could almost see the light bulbs go off above their heads.
“I have my crosson me… I’m sure we could whip up some holy water right now!” Saeyoungsaid, pulling his necklace out from under his shirt. “But I don’t thinkjust dumping a bunch on the board at once will work… wouldn’t it grab us andkill us before we even got close?” As the two of you tried to work outsome sort of plan to use the holy water, Saeran quietly got up and made his wayto the closet, opening it up to pull out his water gun, staring your way untilyou took notice.
“Saeran… you’rea genius!” you exclaimed, jumping up and clapping to show your approval,Saeyoung had to admit it was a pretty smart plan- after all, he and Saerancould use them pretty well. But you and the redhead needed to get yours fromthe other room- not to mention you had to bless a bunch of water for it. Fornow, the three of you had to make do with what you had. He blessed the watercurrently in Saeran’s gun and told him to cover all of you.
With a quick look tofind the mass of spirits down the hall opposite of you, the group sprinted tothe bathroom down the hall- though it took notice fairly quickly. You keptrunning until you hit the closet a little further- you had to find the gun youhid in there.
Saeyoung stopped atthe bathroom, Saeran standing in the hall between the two of you, watching asthe horror moved closer, the moaning and groaning getting louder. Saeyoung turnon the water to the bath, starting to fill it up so he could bless a bunch ofit at once- but he was interrupted by Saeran’s angry growling at the eeriemass. While the steady stream of holy water from the gun seemed to help, theredefinitely wasn’t enough to stop it completely. It started to stretch and creepinto the bathroom- Saeyoung had to calculate the fastest way past it whiletrying to keep himself safe, but he couldn’t let this thing get his brother.This is when his fight-or-flight instincts finally kicked in, good thing, too.He used his acrobatic skills to tumble over some of the tentacle-likeappendages shooting out at him, sliding underneath others and grabbing hisbrother by the arm, meeting up with you a little ways down the hall.
In the mean time, youhad found the gun in the closet, just in time to see Saeran struggling to holdhis own with this mega spirit coming at him. You stumbled over your words,trying to remember what blessing you needed to recite to make the water in thisgun holy- why, oh why, did you tune out Saeyoung every time he did it? With aquick slideshow of his antics in flashback form- back when you watched himbless things like every chip in a Honey Buddah bag one by one, the goldfishshaped bread he had, even a little figurine he got from a cereal box- yourexpression dropped to an annoyed one and suddenly remembered why you tuned himout. Luckily for you, the boys ran by and you took that as your cue to hand itto him and let him do God’s work. Now the three of you were running, Saeyoungwas blessing a toy gun, and you all were heading towards the kitchen- great.
The three of you had alittle bit of time before the mega spirit reared it’s angry head through thedoorway, and you needed some time to figure out the next move. You ducked downbehind the island in the middle of the room, while Saeyoung hid behind the sideof the fridge and Saeran on the other side of the cupboards. There needed to bea distraction, or none of you were getting out of here. You bit your lip, heartpounding, and pushed yourself to stand up and call out to the beast.
“Hey! Ugly!Yoo-hoo, over here! Yeah hi, here! Come get me!” you teased, ducking downagain when one of its limbs shot out like a whip, cracking over your head.Saeyoung took the opportunity to jump out and shoot at it, turning itsattention towards him while you ran to the other side of the island- Saeranshot at it to take the attention away from his brother so he could move aswell. The three of you seemed to be playing peek-a-boo with the creature until youwere all able to shut it in the pantry and take off down towards Saeyoung’sroom, where the last water gun should be.
All at once, the threeof you duck under the bed, yelling at each other in hushed whispers until youfelt the gun poking at your side. You handed it to Saeyoung and watched asSaeran tried to take it from him.
“I’m faster, I’llrun and fill it up!”
“How are yougoing to do that when I DIDN’T GET TO BLESS THE WATER YET, SAERAN?”
“Will the two ofyou PLEASE shut up and get along? We have bigger problems here, any minutethat.. thing is going to be here, and-”
A strong, yet airylimb wrapped around your ankle, yanking you out from under the bed- youscreeched as it lifted you into the air and hung you upside down. The boysscrambled out and watched in horror as it quickly made its way back to theliving room as you struggled and threw yourself around in hopes of escaping itsgrasp.
Saeyoung was frozen inplace- he heard his brother’s frantic voice, but it was muffled. He justwatched this thing lift and take you away- and in his mind, it finally clicked.He brought this thing in here, despite your warning, and now it took you. Hewas beyond pissed off, now. He took off towards the bathroom, his brother intow. Taking his necklace off and tossing it into the now overflowing bathtub,he recited the blessing as if it were a rap song, impressing even Saeran withhis speed and desperation. Saeran didn’t even bother trying to argue with hisbrother about who could handle the second gun- it didn’t matter now. All thatmattered to the boys was getting you back, and they both clicked intoprotection mode. It had to have been taking you back to the living room- backto the portal, and they had to stop it.
Kicking down thealready broken door to the living room, Saeyoung stared straight at the megaspirit, holding both guns against his hips, anger spread across his features.
“In the words ofsomeone amazing, 'HEY UGLY!’” he started out, watching it turn around toface him, you dangling by your ankle still, “Say hello to my littlefriends!”
If the blood wasn’trushing to your head, you would have groaned your way into next week.
He started to spraythe beast with the holy water, Saeran running in from behind to shoot it aswell. It screamed out in pain, writhing and rolling uncomfortably- dropping youto the floor face first. 'Ow,’ you thought, 'how rude was that?’ By the timethe room stopped spinning due to your now normal blood flow, you saw that theboys both had been lifted into the air- the beat had a hold of them and itsgrip kept getting tighter, it was going to crush them to death. You had to dosomething- you had to end this!
With a deep breath,you pushed against the fog surrounding the board- getting to the board was youronly chance at winning against this monster! You kept moving forward, fightingagainst the wind and you immediately felt your feet raising from the floor. Thecloser you got to the board, the less gravity there seemed to be- but youdidn’t let it stop you. Floating above you was the planchette, you kicked offof the floating table near you to reach and grab it, yet the moment yourfingers wrapped around it, the beast’s attention turned to you- the boys triedto call out only to find the wind being crushed out of their lungs. You heardmore loud screaming to your side, watching the board light up even brighterthan before- as the aura around you started to feel like a vacuum.
'Shit shit shit!’ youthought to yourself, 'I’m going to get sucked into this thing!’
You struggled toswallow the lump in your throat. You had to get to the board and do it fast,which included avoiding getting taken in by spirits… no big deal, right?
Making your way to theboard via some amazing air swimming skills, you grab hold of its side, feelingyour hair starting to be sucked in. Your hair, your side, your whole body hadto struggle to keep itself in place. You got the planchette against the board,success! But this caught the attention of the mega spirit real quick. Keepingthe boys in its grasp, it slithers out another limb, trying to pierce the windssurrounding you and the board. You had to move and fast! It blindly swung atyou, causing you to duck and roll around in the air, fighting to keep thewooden marker against the board. Slowly, you slid it towards the 'Goodbye’,struggling to close the portal in general.
Your grip on the boardslipped, your arm immediately flying towards the portal. You screamed in terroras multitudes of hands threw themselves out of it, grabbing onto your arm andtrying to yank you in to their world. The only thing keeping you grounded nowwas the strong grip on the planchette, but you had to keep moving! With all ofyour might, you move it inch by inch- the hands now grabbing at your legs,clothes, even your face. With hands grabbing at your face, accentuating theangry that it held, you shoved the planchette even closer.
“That’s it! I’mdone with you bastards!” you yelled, “It’s time to go back to Hellwhere you came from!”
With one final burstof your energy, you pushed the planchette completely over 'Goodbye’- the bundleof spirits holding the boys let out an ear piercing, echoing shriek. You couldhear the pain in each and every voice within the monster as it dropped theboys- only to have them levitate due to the energy in the room- and quicklystart to be sucked back to the board one by one. The hands that were onceholding you turned their attention to the returning spirits, letting go of youas the winds pushed you away from the board in general. Once the last spirithad been vacuumed back, the portal closed itself and the three of youimmediately dropped to the floor as well as the furniture with a loud thump.
You guys just laidthere for a few moments, in complete silence, just… breathing. You gotthrough it. This horrifying experience was over, done with. Everything could goback to normal. The three of you could relax.
“You know what wedeserve?” Saeyoung started, “some ice SCREAM!”
“MC, the board.Give it to me. I’m breaking it over his big ass head!” Saeran shouted,pushing himself off of the floor and tripping over his own feet to get to hisbrother. You threw the planchette at him, knocking him in the head before yougrabbed the board and ran over to Saeyoung instead.
“After what I’ve been through, I’m breaking it overhis damn head!”
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choisgirls · 7 years
Hello! So, asks are open for a bit? Hope i wasn't too late to the party... If it's still open how about (general fluffy) headcanons on MC with werewolf! RFA (+ Minor trio if you do them)? If the asks are closed the you can ignore this. Thank you :3
A/N: aaaa they wereopen when you sent it love, no worries ^^ I will do my best here, im sorry ifits short!! but i didnt wanna get repetitive or anything!! and i dont know toomuch about werewolves /heck pls i really hope its okay im Anxiety™/ ^^;
               -Honestly? I can see it
               -But instead of some big, bad,scary werewolf he?? Was like a giant puppy??
               -‘Cause it doesn’t change hispersonality too much in all honesty. Maybe this is why he’s such a puppy inperson as well?
               -You have to watch him though,because he likes to run around and takes off after things like squirrels.Really likes to go (where it’s safe) and play around with you. Fetch? Youbetcha.
               -Seriously is not scary. Not atall. He can try, but nope. He even has puppy dog eyes. Weren’t werewolvessupposed to be scary??
               -The /best/ looking werewolf
               -Like you’ve seen those dogshows?? How they’re gorgeous dogs?? If there was a Werewolf Edition™, hewould win.
               -His red eyes can actually bereally scary in werewolf form, so you try not to upset him. Most of the timethough, he tries to give you “The Beast” eyes. It doesn’t work. Itdoes, however, make you giggle every time and that’s good enough for him
               -He has The Prettiest™ whitefur and he needs you to take care of it for him. Brush, shampoo, anything tokeep up with it. He’ll even let you braid or put bows in his fur, so long asyou take them out. They looked pretty spaced out when he’s in wolf form butonce he’s back to human form the amount of clips and things actually hurts hishead
               -Wolf howls and makes all/sorts/ of wolf innuendos at you while in human form because he knows he cancontrol himself well enough to do so
               -Werewolves can be energetic andreally determined but she just wants to sleep
               -With all the shit she puts upwith all day and going through the transformation she just wants to cRAWL INTOBED
               -So she does. You’re in it too?Too bad. Large wolf cuddles for you. 'Cause uh, she wants to sleep too.
               -Sometimes she’s awake enoughand will feel bad so she curls up like a normal dog at the foot of the bed buthonestly feels much better laying up with you
               -Seriously though it’s herfavourite thing? Whether in her wolf form or not? Cuddling? Cuddle her, MC,please. She’s always a sweetheart? How is this even possible?
               -The Proper One™
               -Honestly, just as classy inwolf form as he is in human form
               -Hear me out, he also has thisdominant way he presents himself. Like, he’s the alpha. Any dogs within acertain amount of miles /know/ it. They can feel it. They can feel it when he’sjust human form as well. There’s just that aura around him
               -But not with you. He’s a bigsofty. At first you were really concerned for Elizabeth but she just rubs onhim? That is the one canine-like being that she will ever enjoy. He stilldemands the high quality of meats to eat in this form too. He has tried at onepoint to use utensils in this form too, he gets frustrated. Also likes if youput a tie on him. Why aren’t any of these werewolves scary wtf did you watchthe right horror movies MC?
               -10/10 will fight Zen in thisform you gotta watch out
               -The type to return to humanform and just walk around for hours after, inthe nude
               -Tries to scare you every time.You can’t count how many times he’s been dramatic in his change or how manytimes he’s tackled you, growling, pretending like he’s going to bite
               -Honestly you’ve learned to justlightly tap him on the nose with a newspaper and he turns into another giantpuppy. Please don’t get him and Yoosung together. They’ll wreck the house.
               -Always wants to play wrestlewith you. Always. But sometimes he miscalculates the fact that he is a lotstronger than you. If he hurts you even in /the slightest/ way, he’ll take offoutside (obviously making sure you aren’t seriously injured first) and won’tcome back until he changes back. Then he’s all apologies, practically beggingyou to forgive him, constantly kissing all over your face
               -On his calmer days, he likes totry and sit on your lap. Has that 'big dog’ syndrome where he thinks he’s a lapdog and refuses to acknowledge that he clearly does not fit
               -Skiddish!!! I’m talking for thelongest time he would physically sprint away from you and you’d find him hourslater attempting to hide under the bed and it being a disaster.
               -I’m sure after a while he’dwarm up to you and just quietly follow you around
               -I’m talking, you’re cooking inthe kitchen? He’s there silently begging. You’re on the couch? He’s againstyour hip just like a normal dog. What is /wrong/ with all of these werewolves.Might as well have been puppies, amiright?
               -No but really he is 10/10willing to protect you. Knock at the door? Growling scary enough you have totell the person that you were watching a scary movie.
               -Belly rubs!!!!!! Will rollaround like /the biggest/ idiot, knocking everything over in the process andsheepishly apologizing later on for not being able to help clean it
               -He tries to constantly growl atyou and bare his teeth, trying to be intimidating so you’ll leave him alonebecause 1. he feels vulnerable and awkward and 2. what if he hurts you withoutmeaning to?
               -Though you’re always hangingyourself all over him because he’s “cute” and he just learned to getused to it
               -Seriously he really likes headpats and behind the ear scratches and will crawl into your lap like his brotherwould until you give him that sort of attention. Fuzzy blankets somewhere? He’scurled up on one. He also likes to sit outside and just howl, it’s likescreaming at the void, but in dog form
               -Honestly will sleep most of thetime unless he’s trying to be alpha male and “protect” you fromSaeyoung
               -Saeyoung just playfully tacklesand sits on him though that poor baby he tries so hard
               -The Most Intimidating One™
               -Would rather be alone because?It’s a sensitive time okay, he can get really grumpy
               -I’m talking growling, fangsshowing, maybe even some of that like… gross angry drool but he’s extremelygrateful when you clean it up off the floor because? Ew that’s gross. Does notwant.
               -He will let you sit with himoutside, though. If he’s sitting outside, it’s a calm time for him, and you’remore than welcome to sit too. Maybe even pet his head a little bit. BUT ONLY ALITTLE BIT. NO MORE.
               -I feel like he would get reallyembarrassed if he changed back in front of you? Like BAM HERE’S ME NAKED, and Ithink as much as he plays it off like he’s cool with it, inside he’s like,“did MC /really/ just see… everything?”
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choisgirls · 7 years
Trick or treating/favorite candy for a spooky request?? Pwease!
Ah, I can answer this real quick for you, love! ^^ ~4
He’s the type to plan out THE BEST route for trick or treating
also the type to leave you behind because you aren’t walkingfast enough
His favourite candy is… all of it. All of the candy. Hedoesn’t even look.
He’ll go with you because obviously he isn’t gonna let you walkalone at night he doesn’t care if you’re old enough to
All of his candy? Goes to you, of course!
He doesnt normally like to hide his perfect face but he mustadmit, wearing a mask is nice because people dont recognize him! He can enjoyhis night with you!
Doesn’t eat candy (“MC! The sugar can make my skin breakout ;A;”) but if he /has/ to splurge, the dork will eat old-lady-bottom-of-the-pursekind of candy, ya know, butterscotch hard candies! Every now and again, he’lleat a simple piece of chocolate
She holds your hand so she doesn’t lose you and waits at the endof the walkway for you to get your candy! What a mum! Such a beautiful mum plssave her
Goes through all of your candy. She wants you to be safe? Sheknows you can just eat your way through it all without looking. Totally doesn’tsteal some for herself
Her favourite candies are the simple chocolates, like plainhersheys or some generic chocolates
Has you trick or treat within his building instead of outside.At night. With strangers. No MC, he wants you protected!
That being said he literally provides everyone in the buildingwith a variety of different candies that he knows are your favourites
All of them are king sized. All of them. He won’t let you eatmore than one or two though. Jumin pls
His favourites are the ~fancy~ chocolates, imported fromdifferent countries. This hoe likes those wine infused ones too, smh
Kind of like Yoosung, makes a plan and maps it all out, but healso starts the /minute/ the sun goes down
Totally the type to pour out all of the candy for a swap meetwith you. He may have gotten the better candy at the time, but if you want it,he will give it to you. For a price. Usually a kiss.
Favourite candies are the ones he eats mixed with HBC, or theones that have a crunch! (Like butterfingers, Crunch, the works)
Just gets dragged along with you but is smiling the whole time
Carries your candy bag until you need it, totally sneaks somesmaller candies from you when you aren’t looking
“What do you mean your bag feels light, MC? I didn’t takeany. Maybe you need to go to a few more houses?”
Loves those fruit chews! Some of them can be a littleoverbearing but he still loves them nonetheless
One Continuous Groan™
Until you’re about 5 houses into the night then he’s hYPED. He’sracing you to the next house.
You dress up? No one knows who you truly are? /AND/ they giveyou candy? What the fuck? Sign him up?
His favourite candies are whatever your favourites are becausehe likes to be a little shit and eat all of them while giving you this lilsmirk
 VANDERWOOD because i cAN:
It’s time to play: “How many times can Vandy make the ‘tch’noise in a night”
Though they offer to hold your bag the whole time. Also such amum, refuses to walk up to the door
Goes through your candy because they’re Paranoid™, being anagent can do that to you and they just wanna make sure you are safe and happy.Does let you eat as much as you want, so long as you don’t make yourself sick!
Favourite candies are probably those chocolates that have fruityflavours like raspberry or sometimes coconut
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choisgirls · 7 years
SPOOK MONTH REQUESTS?!?! 4 YOU ARE A GIFT FROM HEAVEN!!! I'm a fluffy/comedy MONSTER sooo how do you think the RFA + Saeran and Vanderwood would react to going to going to a Halloween party and MC trying to get them to go in a couples costume together?? (I'm sorry I didn't suggest a ghost hunting trip buuuut I think you should write it even if no one requests it ^^) I LOOOVE YOOOUUU!!!!! ^^
A/N: I WASN’T POSITIVE/HOW/ TO GO ABOUT THIS SO I HOPE THIS IS OKAY I’M SORRY ITS SHORT BUT I LOVE YOU (and it was requestedbut i gotta figure out how to get from point a to point b for it :’) )
               -Seriously, he is /all/ aboutthis??
               -The two of you plan a cleverone, or what he thought was clever
               -He dressed up as a magician andyou were an adorable little rabbit!!
               -Kept trying to get you to standin his hat but it never works. You kept falling over.
               -But everyone at the partythought the two of you were absolutely adorable!!
               -He’s totally okay with thecouples costumes!
               -/that way he can fend off thewolves/ /even if he IS the wolf in this case/
               -He can wear a charming, royaltylike suit with some wolf ears, that counts right?
               -Even if you don’t identify asfemale, you can still be Little Red. It’s the time to dress up, go crazy
               -He’s completely serious aboutit. He pretend bites you sometimes, hides behind things and growls playfully,even wolf whistles at you when the two of you are at home
               -(I really wanted to make Jaeheeand MC just a pair of giant boobs but i changed my mind, but please just thinkabout that for a moment. Jaehee dressed as a giant tata. thank you.)
               -Doesn’t really dress up butwill for you~
               -Are you seriously making herdress up as Robin. Why do you get to be Batman?
               -She sucks it up for you though,because you seem really in character
               -“ROBIN! TO THEBATMOBILE!” “MC, I’m just gonna walk to the car” “THATWORKS AS WELL!”
               -Thinks you’re a /total/ dorkand is slightly uncomfortable with how tight this outfit is but… you’rehaving fun and the best part about being Robin as that he has a mask as well?No one knows it’s her, she is blessed by blending in with the crowd
               -Elegant costumes for an elegantparty
               -So literally the two of youjust masquerade it.
               -Which honestly he has mixed feelingsabout. The mask could get uncomfortable at times, but hiding behind somethingso simple could hide his identity and he could have simple conversations… itwas nice.
               -However, if others are wearingmasks as well, he’s frustrated because how is he supposed to find you?
               -No he did not remember that thetwo of you matched masks specifically for this reason. All he had to do wasfind the person that has the /same exact one/. Does he do that though? No. Hesits in the corner and pouts until you find him instead.
               -Next time he wants to findsomething else to go as. Maybe as cats. That way you’ll have a bell on and hecan hear you across the room instead
               -HELL YEAH COUPLESCOSTUMES??????
               -He has like 47 planned just forone party. Costume changes!!! You have to talk him down to just one though
               -He wants it to be funny andpersonal to this interests, and hopefully yours as well
               -The two of you dress likezombies, yet wear cardboard cut outs of a dead phone batter symbol, and a deadwifi symbol.
               -You run around the party tryingto scare people. When it doesn’t work, Saeyoung pulls out a signal scramblerand messes with the wifi signal. What an asshole, he’s great
               -Likes art, you, fine art, and/fine/ you *wink wonk*
               -He’s Van Gough, you’re StarryNight!
               -He takes most of the dayrecreating the painting across your face to the best of his ability and youhonestly couldn’t bring yourself to wipe it off?? He’ll have to do it
               -“You’re amazing- like awork of art.”
               -What a lil brat. Cute- but abrat.
               -Over all loves the concept ofthe couples costumes- it can be so creative if the two of you put your mindstogether!
               -The two of you are going as Ashand a pokemon, fucking fight me
               -He doesn’t wanna go in thefirst place, so you compromised
               -“You dress up like Ash,I’ll be a pokemon, and you can have this plushy pokeball to toss at me so youhave a way of getting my attention”
               -He’s a /CHILD/ he throws it atyou and looks away like he didn’t do it
               -This lasts ALL NIGHT LONG
               -He does like threatening peopleto Pokemon Battles though, if they’re really annoying or mean to him he cansick his pokemon (you) on them and that’s great~ he feels so loved~
               -Hates dressing up, he’s had togo undercover for some missions before, just…. isn’t exciting
               -But for you, he will. BUT ONLYIF YOU AGREE TO HIS COSTUME.
               -His name? Wood, Vanderwood. HEWANTS TO BE JAMES BOND, MC
               -It’s the closest he can get tohis actual job so he doesn’t feel too out of his element and technically heisn’t dressing up in costume he’s just… dressing up. Nicely. In a suit.
               -People compliment him on howwell he can hold the fake (HA) gun and look like he knows that he’s doing.
               -Next time, if he absolutely hasto dress up for you, he wants to be Tony Stark, you know, from Iron Man. Justlet him be Stark, MC. You can be Penny.
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choisgirls · 7 years
I've never requested anything before >_
this is late and i am sorry butspook time is all the time~ I will do my best here~
(also boy oh boy im glad youmentioned rituals because i grew up witchy and alongside the normal halloweenactivities every now and again there’s the Samhain celebrations full ofdifferent rituals and spells and i am hYPE, thats the direction i’ll take sincei have another request im working on regarding the ouji so it may not be /all/ spooky,but i will throw some in there since you did ask for spoop!!! im sorry, i reallyhope thats okay;;;;; ;A; if not, i can always take this and re-write some forthose I didn’t make scary!)
WARNINGS: I did mention blood oncewithin this, but there’s nothing too big, but just in case you don’t enjoy alittle prick to the finger, please don’t keep reading!
/it’s a little long so I’ll place itunder a cut!/
“Oh cool, MC, you bought somecandles!” he called, grabbing one and getting ready to light it. Youscramble after him to get it back, explaining to him that they aren’t forburning around the house to look pretty. “Yoosung, I’m doing a ritual- theblack candle represents your life, your decisions, and your experiences in thepast year, while the white one represents the present moment and year to come!You light this black one and reflect on things that helped you become who youare today, how you’ve grown, what lessons you’ve learned, then you say goodbyeto it all and blow out the candle. Then, you light the white one and reflect onhow you can be your happiest every day, and blow out the flame holding hope inyour heart!” you went on to describe the simple ritual to him, watching ashe stared at you with eyes as big as dinner plates. To your surprise, heactually wanted to hear a little more about why you do this, and what otherthings there were to do. He wanted to join you in this one as well! He wantedto think of all the happy times he can have with you for this next year!
He came home and the house did notsmell like it normally did and he was concerned. He called out to you, hopingthat the smell was something you were doing and doing it safely. He found you standing on a chair in the center of the room,hoping some sort of… stick? Maybe? “MC! What are you doing? You could’vefallen!” he swooped you off of the chair, placing you on your feet gentlybut then suddenly started to cough over the smoke in his face- you quicklymoved it to the side. “Ah, sorry Hyun! I just wanted to banish all of theold energy from our house,” you tried to explain as you continued tosmudge the area around yourself. The look on his face said it all- he had noidea what you were talking about. You asked him to walk with you as youfinished smudging the rest of the house, explaining it was a cleansing ritual-with the herbs sage, mugwort, bay leaf, and lavender tired together with yard,you could hopefully dispel any old or bad energy, leaving the house fresh andnew! He understood after a while, but would never attempt to do it on hisown… if it made you feel better, he would absolutely let you do it.
“..MC… can I ask why you’relying in the middle of the floor?” she asked, closing the door behind her.You could often be found throwing yourself across the furniture and laying onthe ground, she didn’t think too much of it until she saw your hands movingaround, then she realized you were meditating and immediately felt bad- shedidn’t interrupt, did she? She sat a few feet away from your head, waitinguntil you were finished to actually talk to you. When you sat up, you greetedher and told her not to worry, you hadn’t even noticed her come in. She seemedto be trying to peek at what was in your hand, so you opened it to reveal asmall opal laying in your palm. You explained that the stone was used as apower stone to help become a conduit of the unconscious mind. When you breathedeeply and allow any and all images, thoughts, sounds, or sensations pass by,you’ll be able to release them from your mind. You even took a handful ofassorted power stones and explained each one to her- you watched her eyes asyou noticed her make mental notes about it all so she could research it in moredepth later. She really wouldn’t be against joining you for one of thesemeditations, the poor woman needs this
“MC, I don’t understand why youwould willingly participate in doing this to yourself. All you’re going to dois scare yourself to the point you will lose sleep, or you will injure yourselfwith worry,” he said as you scrolled through multitudes of rituals youlooked up online, trying to find one you wanted to try out. “Jumin,sweetheart, it’s Halloween. The point is to try and scare yourself,” youtold him, stopping on one you wanted, turning to find him crossing his arms,shaking his head, and turning to leave the room- he muttered a soft “It’sa horrible idea” under his breath as he left the room. At midnight thatnight, you wrote your name on this piece of paper, pricking your finger to puta small drop of blood onto the paper- you light the candle and turn the rest ofthe lights off before knocking on the wooden door 22 times, all before 12:01am.You open the door, blow out the candle, then shut the door again before rushingto relight the candle and leaving the room, keeping the candle lit. You were tothink about your wish and keep close watch of the flame until 3:33am- as wellas watching for drops in temperature and faint whispers- this would mean theMidnight Man was close and you had to be very careful. You had spent so muchtime walking around, you began to get bored, but were too afraid to stop. Aftera while, you heard faint whispers behind you, and you immediately started towalk faster, being aware of the flame in front of you. You started to panic- ohno. This is real, isn’t it. Why didn’t you listen to Jumin? Why did you need totry and freak yourself out? Turning a corner, your flame went out and you werefrozen in place, your heart immediately beating in your ears. Suddenly, youhear Jumin whisper, “Well, did you get the scare you were looking for,MC?” You dropped the candle to the floor, immediately swinging your armsin front of you until you make contact with his chest, which he returned with asoft “oof” and a soft chuckle before pulling you close to hold you.
“Legend says that during thenight, a rift will open between the land of the living and the domain of thespirits,” he said in his best story telling voice- he was dressed in ablack, intimidating robe, trying to scare you the night before Halloween. Hehad a flashlight on under his chin and turned off the power to the whole house-Saeran was pissed. Yet, he stayed for Saeyoung’s story, which he continuedafter his dramatic pause. “Communication can lead to wishes being grantedand good fortune- for the living! The other side demands horrific payment fortheir services, ooooooo~” he wiggled his fingers to emphasize the spooky.You stared at him with an extremely unamused look on your face- you couldn’ttake him serious- even when he asked you to play the game with him. Between 2amand 5am on Halloween, the two of you closed yourselves in a small room, staringat a mirror that you couldn’t even clearly see in the dark.“Okay MC, whenthe rift opens, you should feel the room go cold, that’s when you put your handon the mirror and whisper, ‘I accept’. Then, we’ll see a figure in the mirror-a figure way too frightening to describe. Then you must answer all five oftheir deeply personal questions, you must answer honestly- each one you lieabout, they will take one of your five senses. Each one you get correct, youcan place a death curse on anyone you decide.” You tried to look at himlike he was an idiot but being in the dark made that hard. Suddenly, there wasa soft breeze behind your ear, you raised your elbow a little and jammed itinto his stomach hard enough to get an 'oomph’ from him. You knew he was tryingto just scare you. He chuckled a little, pulling your back closer to his chest,he started to nuzzle against your shoulder until the both of you felt the roomget extremely cold in a flash- the both of you turned stiff for a moment beforeyour adrenaline kicked in and the both of you started to push the other out ofthe way to escape the room. Saeran had to hold back a laugh from his place behind the mirror, where he had a portable air conditioner running silently.
Always willing to see differentparts of you and anything you like or believe in! So on Samhain, you wanted tohelp him with his past in any way you know how- Mandalas! You told him howmandalas are powerful because they reflect balance and wholeness- drawing oneup helps to express yourself and encourage emotional balance as well as helpingto heal yourself! He watched you practice a few, and had him join in. Drawingthe patterns in whatever colour he wanted, with no pressure to make it perfectwas calming. He turned to you, to thank you for showing him this activity, whenhe saw your page and immediately froze. He wanted to laugh but he was also kindof concerned. Your mandala was more.. in the shape of a common demon mask, andhe… he wasn’t sure what that meant- or if he should ask you about it… Hestill hung it on the fridge regardless, but it scares people when they walk by andyou act innocent, which he finds hilarious.
“MC, this is stupid, I’m notdoing this,” he stated with a huff, his arms crossed against his chest andyou tried to drag him outside at around 11:30 pm, October 30th. You found thisritualistic game online and you wanted to see if it would truly work! I mean,if you can deal with him, you could probably deal with some sorta demons thatcome out of this. You search for bare patch of ground, waiting until 11:59pm- aminute before Halloween. He watched as you drew a circle in the dirt largeenough to hold your phone- then you plopped yourself down to the ground. With asigh, he sat next to you and stared at the phone for what seemed like too long.You kept staring, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 11 minutes, the time kept increasingand the whole time he kept trying to break your gaze from the phone, but youwere dedicated to this thing and he gave up. After 15 minutes, your phone litup from a call from a private number- Saeran went to answer once he realizedyou weren’t going to- you had to shoo him away quickly. “You can’tanswer!!!! You can’t, this is supposed to happen! Now, we wait for a text, andmake sure not to take the phone from the circle. It’s supposed to be anothernumber that we can call, then we tell this man our address, and he’ll tell usthat we’ll get a package at precisely 11:59 on November 1st!” you staredat the phone explaining it all, as Saeran just looked at you with an eyebrowraised- looking up across the yard, he saw his brother hiding around the cornerof the house, raising a finger to his lips to keep him quiet. Now he knew thiswas a prank and nothing that can truly hurt you- good. He would playalong.“What’s in this package, MC?” he asked, curious as to just whatkind of story his brother planted into your head. “You find a smalltransistor radio with batteries! You can put in the batteries but youabsolutely can’t turn on the radio until 12:15am, then go to the AM channel111.1 and listen- it says the guy from tonight will be muttering and will giveus a headache but we can’t stop listening. At 12:25 am on the dot, the messagewill stop and soft music will play- and until then, so long as you keep theradio on you and turned on, you’ll experience good luck!” you kept staringat the phone, speaking quickly, trying to get the story out before that textcame in. Saeran had to hide his growing laughter, “Okay okay, so wait.This dumb ritual will give you good luck? That’s what this is about?”“Yeah, but apparently, when the radio’s batteries die, everythingdrastically changes. Like, you’ll feel someone tracking your every move, see afigure in the shadows, hear a sound you can’t place, up until it makes itselfknown and comes to claim its payment!” your voice turned high pitched nearthe end of your explanation, as you watched your phone light up from theexpected text. He sat through the rest of your ritual, watching you one momentand turning to watch his brother with a voice box and his cell phone across theway. He’d allow this to happen, only this time, because you did bring this uponyourself.
“And you want to do…. what,now?” he asked, staring at you in disbelief. You told him about this…insane idea you had to play this creepy game to see if it was real. Why you hadthis fascination with trying to do these scary things, he would never know. Infact, he started to think you hung out with Saeyoung too often- he’s rubbingoff on you. You told him about this ritual you found called the “The ThreeKings”, and you were dying to see if it was the real thing- after all, thewarning did say “do not attempt on your own”- so it had to be scary,right? You made him help you set up- three chairs, two mirrors, and a candleset in a specific position according to the chart online. You leave the roomuntouched from midnight to 3:30am, then you take your place at the King’sthrone, candle lit, as you stare straight in front of you into the darkness.Vanderwood stood, leaning against the wall, watching this all go down. Hedidn’t want you to sit alone and have something… actually happen to you-though he knew it never would. It was all fake, just something to scareyourself, and he will be here once again to reassure you that everything wasfine. You told him that until 4:34am, you must stare only straight ahead, andbe aware of if the light on the candle goes out. For almost half an hour, youstared at the spot in front of you- he got tired of it. Kept telling you howeverything was fake, nothing would be happening, and that you were just goingto scare yourself over your own imagination- when your candle flame suddenlyblew out. The girlish scream that followed definitely did not come out of yourown mouth- though you were the one who blew out the candle in the first placeto freak out your “I-Don’t-Believe-In-That-Shit” of a partner, whichyou succeeded in.
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choisgirls · 7 years
Ahhh! I hope you're still doing the Halloween asks bc?? Halloween?? Is my second most fav holiday?? (Dia de los muertos being first 💀😆) Anyways, rfa(v already counts as rfa right?)+ vanderwood and saeran: what kind of family themed costumes would they wear with their fam?
Ooooo! Dia de los muertos is also a good holiday!!! ^^ this onecan be answered simply so here it is, i hope its okay! ~4
either animal themedcostumes or game themed costumes!
Like you’re either theAristocats or you’re Mario and the gang, no in between
He likes to make yourown costumes! That way its full of love and he wants his children to know daddycARES
not competitive????but yes competitive. He makes the costumes as best as he can and he comparesthem to other families and even store bought ones
cries when hischildren are dressed up because theyre so adorable and he loves them so much
Why, you ask? Thecostume shows off his body and it makes him happy
not to mention hethinks his children are the heroes of his life??? Theyre precious and amazingand bring happiness and he just loves them
he’ll even go as the/villain/ while the kids are the superheroes if they want him to
not to mention he canput his acting to good work while he pretends to be beaten up. What cuties heck
homemade costumes forthe win
you cant tell me shewouldnt try to get you and the babies to dress up as different sized coffees
Either decked outcostumes that even /smell/ like coffee, or simple coffee-coloured clothing with a simple label
Taking tons ofpictures of the children and crying, theyre so beautiful, she cant
Push him out of hiscomfort zone, do it MC
THROW HIS ASS INLEATHER PANTS i would fucking d ie pl eas e
The kids love the hellout of it. They run around singing songs, playing their little guitars, evenhave a little boom box to play music as they rock out
he’s constantly facepalming but he truly loves how adorable the rest of his family is. Everyone’ssinging, playing, and having so much fun. He could deal with the leather pantsif he could see the loves of his life being this happy
He is peter pan. Hewill fist fight his child to be peter pan, which makes you wendy. regardless ofgender. you’re a girl? wendy. youre a boy? wendy. youre gender neutral? wendy.
You cant get him outof the tights for weeks after halloween someone please help this family
but hes so cute? Sucha kid? He’s playing with the kids all the time, climbing up on light poles andjumping out of bushes
he even has the redhair, mc, are you positive he isnt /the real/ peter pan??
So extra but /so/cute. Put that creativity to work, Jihyun. Are you ready?
HOME MADE. LARGE.FULLY FUNCTIONING. ROBOT COSTUMES. He has saeyoung help dont let him fool you
Custom costumes foreach person of his family, even down to their favourite colour
Everyone walks like arobot the whole night, they even talk like theyre robots
Honestly cries whenthe kids tell him they wanna wear the costumes all the time?? His work? All thetime?
Okay listen, thekid(s) wanted to do Disney and he Did Not™
but fortunately?? Thekids also liked the villains in the movies
did he enjoy beingdressed up as the villain? not necessarily, but it warmed his heart knowingthat his child(ren) can love and accept someone with a dark past (pls let melove my husband)
and cutie helps /make/the costumes. Hardcore. Making the costumes. Every lil detail. To make hisfamily happy. Fight me.
Cops! And! Criminals!
Because??? The children think its fun?
“Look!” says the youngest, “I have my owntaser!” its vandys. it is the precious taser. cue vandy freaking out
The kids make Vanderwood so proud though because they chaseafter Saeyoung with their batons
Though they’re constantly running from them? Throughout thewhole night? Let Vandy Rest™ please
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choisgirls · 7 years
okay so, how about the RFA + V and Saeran (and Vanderwood if you want) reacting to MC who never celebrated Halloween? like, never dressed up for Halloween or went to houses or Halloween parties. I'm a sad case T~T
A/n: Aw love, im sorryyou never got to celebrate! But, hey! Fun fact! (i think?) In South Korea, fromwhat I’ve learned, people don’t celebrate it too much as well. It’s forforeigners and children. Mostly, from what I understand so don’t take my wordas law for this, they can be offended by the half-naked costumes some adultstend to wear?? ^^;;
(I did a littleresearch on that but I’m not Korean in any way so my word obviously is not lawso if I’m wrong then I am very sorry;;) bUT ANYWAY ENOUGH RAMBLING FROM 4 IMMAPRETEND THEY CELEBRATE IT FOR THE SAKE OF SPOOK MONTH™
               What!!! Oh no!!!You’ve never gotten to trick or treat?? No candy??!! He literally trains youfor this night. He has you come up to the front door, knock, ring the bell, trainsyou to use your cuteness to your advantage to still get candy at your age, evenhas you practice until you can do it all as fast as possible without soundingrushed! Goes over the game plan he’s created to get THE MOST candy as possible-makes you memorize it because!! It’s a team effort MC! He’s finally the masterof a craft and /you/ were the newbie, he’s excited to show off his expertise!(what expertise yoosung- getting free candy??)
               He isn’t too intothe scene since he dresses up as an actor all the time, but it’s sad that youhaven’t gotten to celebrate! He decided to accept an invitation to a Halloweenparty with some previous co-workers just so he could give you the experience! GentlyTalks you into a couples costume and tells you to leave it to him. Once you’reat the party he’s on high alert for anything that may be frightful, or ofanyone checking you out in your adorable costume. He’s a complete gentleman thewhole night, getting you drinks, stepping into conversations if you getawkward- nothing he wouldn’t do for you normally. But you were left to defendhim from the black cat decorations. That’s always fun.
               She doesn’t even/decorate/. She’s always super busy! Then she doesn’t wanna spend all the timeafterwards putting it away… she just normally doesn’t do it. But you haven’tdone anything Halloween-like? At all? She’s breaking out any decoration shecan- that isn’t much, by the way. The two of you go pick out a few differentdecorations, all completely adorable, and set them up around the house. Shedoesn’t mind the set up so long as there’s someone with her willing to takethem down. Pumpkin shaped candle holders around the house, lights in the shapesof ghosts and bats hang around the house, little ghost figurines onbookshelves! No one told them usually you’re supposed to decorate the outsideof the house instead.
               Could probably careless about the holiday in general because he can have all of the candy he couldever want? Even as a child? Also really into being healthy so if hisnutritionist and dentist say no, even little Jumin is turning his cheek. But,he loves to make you happy, so he comes up with something for the two of you todo for this Halloween. You come home to find an entire living room full of anycostume you can imagine. You’re to pick one, knock on the bedroom door,“trick or treat”, receive your candy, and repeat the process- in thatorder, according to Jumin. It goes smoothly, he’s handing you king size candybars, until he decides to be a little shit. You receive a shoe. A couple timeslater, a tie. One time, he simply handed you Elizabeth and shut the door. Hethought those would work as the “trick” portions of, what heconsidered, the game.
               The /MASTER/ ofdress up. You haven’t gotten to dress up for Halloween? He’s dramaticallythrowing himself to the floor, crying out about the cruel, cruel world. Then hesprung right back up to remind you that dressing up is a year round thing, MC,so long as you take it seriously. He takes you to the costume store and runsaround like a child at the playground. He’s putting on masks and jumping outfrom behind things, trying on the most ridiculous costumes for you, even messeswith the fog machine. No one kicks him out of the store- they just don’t care,they’re so used to him. Any and all costumes you even /remotely/ consider, he’sbuying them for you. Demands a costume fashion show later that night- sexiestcostume wins. He won, what the fuck.
               Have you at leastgotten to dress up and pass out candy to the children?? No?? Well then he’s gota job for /you/ my friend. After finding the most adorable costume, the two ofyou pick out mountains of candy to pass out to kids. You questioned if you werereally going to pass out this much, but all he did was chuckle and tell you towait for it. The moment you opened the door for the first trick or treater, sawthe most adorable lil kid (probably no older than say, 3-4? Adorable age), andalmost started to sob. Their cute little outfit, the bright smile and shinyeyes, you wanted to give them all the candy you had on hand. You settled forgiving them a handful instead of just a few pieces. When you closed the doorand turned, he stood there with his arms crossed and an “I told youso” smirk on his face. You shoved the bowl at him and stuck your tongueout at him playfully.
               You’ve never beento a haunted house and you wanted your “strong, scary boyfriend” tohelp you get through it. He sighed but hearing you call him your“boyfriend” gets him every time. So he reluctantly goes. Every littlejump scare leaves you screaming, holding onto him tightly. He was in the middleof a lecture of how this was stupid, all of it was fake, and that you wereridiculous for bringing him here, until this guy broke through the fake wall toscare the two of you. He screeched, punched the guy, and practically scoopedyou into his arms to run to the exit as quick as possible. There’s a picture ofhim mid screech and mid punch. You buy it. He denies it ever happened. Alsotells you that the two of you are never going to one of those again. Bonus: thenext day, Saeyoung popped out of the fridge in a mask and punched him in theface.
               Doesn’t want to doany of the Halloween activities that involve dressing up or going out. Justisn’t his style. Now, binging cheesy horror movies all night and laughing atthem with the one he loves and /NOT/ dealing with Saeyoung, /THAT’S/ his style.So you’ve never done anything Halloween related? Say hello to his horror moviecollection. He’s lined them up from the more ridiculous ones to the ones thatcan even scare him a little. Gotta start off slow, get the really creepy oneslater into the night. He’s laughing at them all while you’re cuddled next tohim, hiding your face against him, screeching most of the time. If it trulyscares you, he’ll turn them off of he’ll make ridiculous commentary on it toshow you it isn’t scary. Lowkey loves that you hide against him when you’rescared. Does not like the fact that he has to walk you to the bathroom in themiddle of the night because he freaked you out.
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choisgirls · 7 years
If you are still open for spooky requests can I request the infamous ghost hunting fic?? I'd love to read what happens with the boys or just Saeran or anyone! I love your blog!
Heya howdy doodle doo!!! 
(that means a lot omg tha NK YO U I LOVE /YOU/)
So, I did the ghost fic more with the previous one (with Jumin and Saeyoung!) But?? You said Saeran??? And who am I?? To turn down my boY 
So this one is… significantly less detailed and definitely shorter than the last one but! I still hope! You like it! ^^ It is still a little long so under the cut it goes (for PC users at least idk about mobile; ^^)
Words: 1,480Theme: RFSpookPairings: *Akon’s ‘Lonely’ playing in the distance*
This was the fourthtime this week that he found things in his room moved around. He never recalledmoving them, and he never saw anyone enter or leave his room. Things were gone.Things have been left behind. He couldn’t figure out what was going on for thelife of him, and it was not only pissing him off, but honestly started to scarehim.
Perhaps the saviourhad been coming by to leave him things? Had she taken notice of how hard he wasworking? Would he finally get recognition for everything he’s been doing toplease her?
Who else would leavehim things like his favourite candy bars? Or a bowl of ice cream? Cover him upwhen he’s asleep at his computer?
Wait- he hadn’t toldanyone about his favourite things.
He never heard anyonecome into his room, either.
Who would bother tothink about bringing him anything, let alone sneaking past him to leave it?
The next day was nodifferent than the others- he would sit at his computer, run his fingers to thebone trying to tack and hack that damn messenger, and sit there until hiswork’s done. He had no plans to pause for sleep, eat, anything of the sort. Hewould work until he could prove himself worthy.
His head shot up offof the desk. Had he really fallen asleep? He told himself he wouldn’t- hecouldn’t! There was too much to do!
But in instances likethese, he would find something nice- something he enjoyed. What would be theretoday?
His eyes wandered andfell onto the half eaten candy bar to his left. When did that get there? Why isit half eaten? He didn’t even like that kind of candy- there’s no way he wouldhave eaten this. Did someone just leave it here while he was sleeping? That wasjust rude… and pretty weird. He could sense that something had been differentthis time than the others…
Spinning in his chair,he looked at the rest of his room to see if anything else was out of place.Different sets of his clothes were strung across his floor, his bed unmade withthe comforter thrown halfway off the mattress. Books were haphazardly stackedon the bookshelf, papers with weird little notes that he couldn’t read werepoking out from in between the pages. It felt like a tornado had blown through,he didn’t like when there were messes like this- there’s no way he would’veleft his room in this state. But who would bother coming in and wrecking hisroom? He was a light sleeper, he would’ve heard it- but he didn’t.
What the actual fuckwas happening?
These weird occurrenceswent from nice and helpful to… annoying.
This happened every day for a whole week. He’dwake up with a start, find the candy bar, and see his room torn apart. At thispoint he was getting angry more than anything. Maybe he should set up camerasto catch the person in the act? Yes.. that was a good idea- he would have to dothat.
He spent the rest ofthe day cleaning up the mess and setting up a few cameras to get a view of hiswhole room- then he went to work. He woke up startled again, looking to hisleft to find the candy that had now routinely been there. A quick spin in hischair revealed that the room had been thrashed again- he turned back to thecomputer to look over the camera footage. He watched as the recording ofhimself started to fall asleep, the moment his head touched the desk, thefootage cut out to complete static.
“Are you kiddingme? It didn’t catch anything?”he ran his hands through his hair in frustration. Maybe he’d try again tonight.It produced the same results as before.
He didn’t know whatwas happening anymore. Maybe he wasn’t getting enough sleep? Maybe he wasstressing himself out too much?
He started to seethings. Out of the corner of his eye as he sat, he thought he could see someonelooming over him- when he’d turn, they’d be gone.
Did that lamp justmove? Why is my keyboard shifted to the right? One minute his book is there,the next minute it’s gone.
One day, he had beenstaring at his screen for hours, doing meticulous work. He turned his head tolook over his shoulder- felt like a simple moment, maybe 3 seconds, but themoment he looked back, most of his code had been finished- though it was sloppyand rushed, he had to re-do it all. But 3 seconds? It should’ve taken him therest of the night to finish it- a quick look at the clock revealed that it hadactually been the rest of the night. And, his room, again, had items movedaround.
For days, weeks, hewasn’t sure anymore- he had been timid and jumpy. He was in a panic, he wasterrified. What was happening? He was losing chunks of time without realizingit. Things kept moving with no explanation, he started to hear things that hecouldn’t tell if they were in his own head or out loud.
A light bulb went off in his head- theparanormal.
He jumped from hischair to rush to his books. Ripping one off of the shelf with a few flips ofpages, he stopped to find what he was looking for. Lore on the paranormal-possessions.
There were lots ofbooks like this- he wanted to know about any other realm he could. It allseemed artificial- made up. But.. what if it wasn’t? What if he just wanted itto be false?
He couldn’t help butre-read this chapter, over and over again. Had he been possessed? Had therebeen a ghost moving shit in his room, just to piss him off? To freak him out? Whowas this? What did it want? What was it going to do to him?
Trying his best, hewould shake while he continued his work, constantly looking over his shoulderin fear of something being there. His mind was always racing, his heart runningas fast as his thoughts were. He started to shut himself away, trying to hidein his own room. He felt like he couldn’t get a grip on the whole thoughts inhis head. He kept hearing someone else- somethingelse. Is a ghost a thing? A person? What could he do?
He found himselfon  his floor, curled up in a ball. Hishead hurt from all of the thoughts- were they even his anymore?
He had dreams ofrunning down a dark hallway, running from something. The end of the hallway wasnever reachable. No matter how long he ran, no matter how fast, he couldn’t getthere. There was always something dark right behind him, threatening to grabhim. He could feel a hand run up the front of his throat, its grip digging in.Something was under his skin, trying to break free. He could never make asound, no matter how badly he wanted to scream for help, from anyone willing tolisten. He always heard one single line, whispered in his ear- it sounded likehimself, as if this thing had mimicked his own voice to make matters worse.
He was at his witsend. There was nothing else he could do. He tried different cleansing ritualshe found online, in books, he tried to communicate with it, tried to make ithappy- he even asked his saviour for help.
The best he could dowas drown the pain in the elixir. Bottle after bottle, both the pain and thepanic numbed. He could find himself feeling a little happier- enough to go outto the garden and visit his flower friends. He could get back to work withoutworrying about what was looming behind him. He could think clearly and hear histhoughts- his thoughts, no oneelse’s. Nothing else’s.
The longer he drankthe saviour’s special elixir, the longer everything seemed to return to normal.Maybe she truly was a saviour? Was she truly holy? Who can get rid of such evilspirits that attempted to over take him?
He found himselffeeling more relieved, he even caught himself smiling to himself when he thoughtabout the ordeal he had overcome. He was feeling.. light.
He smiled down at hishands, watching them as his fingers lightly brushed over the letters on hiskeyboard. He closed his eyes for a moment, turning his smile up to thecomputer, where his heart dropped as quickly as his smile did.
There, in large, boldletters across the screen, was a message. One he didn’t type himself.
“Welcome back,Marshmallow boy.”
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choisgirls · 7 years
*NYOOMS IN* GHOST HINTING GHOST HUMTIMG GHOST HUNTING-Hear me out. By some strange turn of events, Jumin's penthouse has become haunted and the ghost taken Elly captive! *gasp* Its up to the RFA to solve the mystery, protect the world, and most importantly, save Elizabeth the III!! ~Tex (did you like my YA blurb format lolololol???)
WORDS: 3,272
THEME: Rfspook! ^^
PAIRINGS: None yall this is a spook but not spook
Why did Jumin assumehe could have a nice, normal dinner with the members of the RFA over at hishouse?
Did he not learn fromthe last time Luciel had come over? Did he truly not remember the heart attackhe almost had when the younger man jumped out of the wine fridge with somecheap plastic mask on? It was a wonder how he managed to sneak the mask intohis house. He had ignored the redhead for a solid month and a half solelybecause he scared the daylights out of his dear Elizabeth the Third jumping outlike he did. But now he’s back, along with the rest of the members, and Juminhad to stay on his toes.
He wanted to simplysit down, ease the tension between the group, maybe talk over some wine…
But now, instead, hefinds himself crumpled on the floor, staring up at a large, confusing, blackmass that seemed to be floating above him. Something within him snapped, he wasunable to speak or process the situation. This… fog had taken Elizabeth the Third-his life line- away from him. Ripped away from him right in front of his eyes.
He had a habit ofbelieving only in the things he could see and explain. This.. this was madness.He couldn’t make any sense of the situation and that was infuriating. His mindwas racing through any and all logical possibilities but.. how could he thinklogically if it was something impossible?
The only reason he wassnapped back to his senses was because Jihyun and touched his shoulder lightly.He turned to see his friend’s face now pale from fear and concern for hisfriend on the floor. A quick look to the rest of the room, he can see everyoneelse was just as pale as Jihyun was. Who wouldn’t after witnessing that?
Now, he was angry. Hiseyes fixated on Saeyoung. It had to have been another prank of his. He pulledhimself off of the floor suddenly, causing everyone to jump at his suddenaction. In the blink of an eye, he has the front of Saeyoung’s shirt balled up inhis fist, his face leaning close enough to be intimidating. Saeyoung lookedback with eyes the size of a dinner plate, throwing his hands up in defense,letting his body language ask for mercy from the taller man.
“Whatever you’vedone, whatever trick you have pulled, whatever CRAZY idea you have UPHERE,” he emphasized by tapping the redhead in the center of the foreheadwith his other hand, “You better RECONSIDER it, and BRING ME BACKELIZABETH THE THIRD.” Who knew Saeyoung could turn even paler than he wasa minute ago? It’s not very often that Jumin Han loses his cool, let alonephysically threatens a person. Saeyoung struggled to get the words out, asJumin’s eyes practically bore into his own, looking for answers.
“I.. I didn’t dothat- I don’t know what that was!” he cried out, starting to pry his shirtfrom Jumin’s grip. Zen ran over to try and help get Jumin to let go, Jihyuntried to pull Jumin backwards at the same time. He finally released his shirtand took a step back, watching as Zen stepped protectively in front ofSaeyoung.
“What do youthink you’re doing? You can’t just threaten someone like that! He obviouslydidn’t take your fur ball! Did you miss the fact that we were all standing herewhile that… that THING just appeared out of thin air?” Zen scolded,throwing his arm out to gesture where the black mass had once been. He had apoint, Jumin knew that. But he couldn’t help but think Saeyoung still had somethingto do with this. After all, the redhead was typically known for his prankingnature and mischievous ways. He wouldn’t be crossed from Jumin’s suspect listany time soon.
“Guys do.. do youthink.. that.. might’ve been.. a ghost?” Yoosung choked out, stillslightly shaking where he stood. Jaehee sighed softly before shaking her head.
“Are there trulysuch things as ghosts? Even then, would they be capable of taking a live catand just.. vanishing?” she asked, looking towards the rest of the group,“Shouldn’t there be a valid explanation for this?”
“Jumin, haven’tyou seen a few odd things have happened lately, anyway?” Jihyunquestioned, tilting his head in curiousity, “I remember you telling methat things have been… off.” Jumin’s eyebrows came together in thought,it took a moment to recall what Jihyun was mentioning, but he rememberedvividly.
“The other day,doors kept moving- not completely closing but not completely opening. After awhile, I chalked it up to be Elizabeth playing with them,” he said. Helooked to the ceiling to recall another instance, “I have been hearingthings like someone walking or small cooing sounds, I also decided that theymust have just been linked to some body guards of mine walking around, callingElizabeth.”
“So… Younever… Saw any body guards though, have you? Did you see Elly playing withthe doors?” Saeyoung finally piped up, slightly jumping at the speed theJumin whipped his head over to lock eyes with him.
“Her name isELIZABETH, and no. I never saw these things. Those are just the logicalanswers,” he replied, narrowing his eyes at Saeyoung, “What are youinsinuating?”
“Well,”Saeyoung started, taking off his glasses and cleaning them with his shirt,“If you didn’t see anything..maybe it really was a ghost?” He put his glasses back on to practicallysee the burning hatred Jumin currently held in his eyes- it made him jump andfeel a little sheepish.
The room exploded intoconversation all at once. Everyone going back and forth, theorizing if it werea ghost or if there were logical explanations for it all- all of the voicesmixing in inside Jumin’s head. The words clash together, every little soundstarted to annoy him. He crossed his arms and hung his head slightly, closinghis eyes and straining to keep them closed. If he could just see all of thethreads.. see where they tangle.. he could calm down and see things clearer-but he couldn’t. He was too… What was this emotion? Upset? He couldn’t tellwhat was real and what wasn’t anymore- he let out a loud groan, to express..whatever he was currently feeling.
Jumin was strung out. Hewas at his wits end. What was in his home; what had taken Elizabeth the Third?
“I have somespare mechanical parts in my car,” Saeyoung announced after some silence.
Jumin, caught up inhis frustration, snapped. “And what, pray tell, is your fuckingpoint?” he spat. Everyone in the room stopped to look at him with wideeyes at his choice of language.
“I… I mean Ican grab them and make some sort of… Ghost communicating device,”Saeyoung offered.
“But what makesyou think it is a ghost? Do ghosts even exist? If so, is it even remotelyPOSSIBLE to talk to them?” with each question, Jumin steps closer toSaeyoung until he’s towering over him, poking a finger into his chest. “Istill think you’re responsible for this,” he growled as Saeyoung gentlypushed on his shoulders to get him out of his face.
“Jumin, I want tofind Elly,” he stuttered once he saw Jumin getting ready to correct him,“I-I mean Elizabeth, just as much as you. Look, I don’t know what the hellthat.. thing, was. I’ve never seen anything like that in person, only movies.But right now maybe.. we should treat it as paranormal? What other choice do wehave?” Jumin knew he was right. He may be.. upset, and it may seemillogical, but now he was ready to believe any crazy theory the younger man mayhave if it meant getting Elizabeth safely back into his arms.
Three glasses of wineand a silent room later, Saeyoung had returned and built a few differentmake-shift machines to talk to this ‘ghost’. It had been an hour, an HOUR, withno response. No voices. No sounds. Absolutely nothing, and it only frustratedJumin more.
“This was acomplete waste of time!” he yelled, getting ready to toss all ofSaeyoung’s equipment onto the floor when he stopped in his tracks. Everyoneturned their attention to a door behind him that seemed to be opening slowly,though no one had entered the penthouse that day, sans those currently sittingat the table. Despite how slow it opened, it seems to throw itself shut,leaving a loud echo throughout the entirety of the penthouse. Jumin slowly satback down in his chair, staring in disbelief at the door. His heart started topound loudly in his chest- he could hear it in his ears. The fear drowned outthe sound of Yoosung’s cries and Saeyoung’s loud ‘I told you so’s. What ifsomething paranormal truly took Elizabeth? What would it want? What could hegive it to get her back?
Jaehee stood up tocatch everyone’s attention. Jumin knew he could count on his assistant to calmthe room and be logical.
“As we have allseen there… is probably something paranormal at work here.”
Maybe he was wrongabout the logical part.
With a heavy sigh, hestands up and brings the attention back to him. Once everyone looks over to him,he takes a few breaths to calm his own breathing before addressing the others.
“Obviously,there’s something at work here. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation, wejust.. need to find it. So, let’s take this matter into our own hands, and setoff on a sort of… oh, what do you call them…” he snapped his fingersonce the light bulb flicked on in his head, “Mission. We’ll all go on amission to find out what’s behind this- and find Elizabeth.”
He and Saeyoung,though he was still suspicious he was behind it, sat down and came up with aplan. They would split off into teams. Jumin and Saeyoung would make a team,Jihyun and Yoosung, and Zen and Jaehee. Jumin wanted to make sure each team hada logical perspective on the matter, and he wouldn’t let Saeyoung out of hissight. Each pair got their own separate part of the penthouse to explore; Juminand Saeyoung chose the portion of the home where the most activity has beenhappening.
Jumin explained allthat had been happening in vivid detail for Saeyoung- the footsteps, the doorsopening and closing, the fact that items have been moved even in the slightest.The more he spoke about it, the more he started to lose his grip on anythingthat seemed believable.
Suddenly, the powercut out. He could hear a faint screech from across the home, indicatingYoosung’s fear before hearing Zen yell back to calm down. It was odd that itcut out so suddenly with no storm in sight. Not only had it turned off, but thebackup power seemed to be off as well. They had to continue their search in thedark, at least their path can be illuminated by the moonlight outside.
“Jumin, do youhear that? It sounds like.. footsteps?” Saeyoung whispered, stopping inhis tracks. Jumin strained his ears to hear it as well. It was so soft andfaint, but definitely there. Could it possibly have been one of the others? Thedoor opening and slamming shut in front of the two of them pointed to no.
They ran to the doorand threw it open, looking around to see nothing in there, while a door acrossthe hall behind them did the same thing. This continued down the entire hall,back and forth, doors opening and slamming shut randomly and very rapidly.Jumin felt like he was in some ridiculous cartoon show, running around likethey were. Finally, all of the doors seemed to shut and stay that way, so thetwo of them could stop and take a breath.
“Saeyoung. Whatin the world had just happened. How did all of my doors do that? This is all soridiculous…” Jumin was exhausted, both physically and mentally. Hecouldn’t wrap him head around any of this and at this point, he didn’t want totry. He just wanted Elizabeth back, and Saeyoung could sense that. He wanted tohelp find Elly as much as he could, he couldn’t stand to think that somethinghad happened to her! He guided Jumin into the closest room so he could let theolder man rest a little bit- he could use some time to process it all.
Jumin had just startedto calm a little bit before there suddenly was a book thrown off of a nearbyshelf onto the floor. Before long, there was another flying off the same shelf-then another. Book by book, the shelf emptied, catching the attention of Saeyoungas well. The redhead stepped a bit closer, but found himself having to dodgebooks as they’re thrown at his head.
The redhead hid behindthe taller man as the entire bookshelf emptied itself. They watched in distressas the now empty shelf rocked back in forth- they practically jumped out oftheir skins when the chair behind them also started to move around. Theysprinted from the room, as everything started to shake out of control.
“Saeyoung! Whatare you doing! How are you moving all of my furniture!?” Jumin yelled overthe sound of various items clattering around, watching as Saeyoung’s faceturned from afraid to angry.
“How many timesdo I have to tell you that I’m not the one doing this!” he cried, pushinghis friend backwards into the other room. “Why can’t you just accept thatthere’s something going on here?!” They found themselves in another room,as the door slammed shut behind them. Saeyoung let up on his anger to examinethe door. “It’s uh… it’s locked,” his sentence progressivelygetting quieter due to his concern. “Jumin? Your doors don’t happen touh… lock.. sometimes when they shut, right?”
“No, of coursethey don’t. I wouldn’t subject myself to such a situation- accidentally lockingmyself in a room? Ridiculous. Why?” he inquired, walking up behindSaeyoung and reaching for the doorknob to jiggle it himself, “….It..it’s locked.”
“That’s what Iwas saying. Did you just ignoreme?” he asked. Jumin had, in fact, completely ignored him.
A loud bang againstthe wall of windows caused them to whip around suddenly. There was nothing outthere but buildings across the way and the moon sitting steadily in the sky. Theirview was suddenly obstructed by a black mass as a deep growl was let out intothe room simultaneously. In the blink of an eye, Saeyoung has his arms wrappedaround Jumin’s neck, jumping into his arms, and letting out a girlish shriek.
As fast as Saeyoungwas in his arms, Jumin dropped him to the floor with a loud thunk.
A long, black shapeseemed to snake around the both of their ankles, knocking Jumin to the floornext to Saeyoung- both of them started to thrash and grip the floor trying toresist whatever was dragging them towards the mass.
“Oh my god, we’regonna die! We’re gonna die! And I’m gonna die here with you!” Saeyoungcried hysterically. Jumin growled before swinging his arm in an attempt tosmack Saeyoung for being stupid at a time like this- but he lost his grip andfound himself rapidly getting closer to the mass; he threw his arm out andgrabbed hold of the nearest heavy object. He was scared out of his mind, and quitefrankly was at his breaking point. All of his anger, confusion, emotions in general, just snapped.
“Just what thehell are you?! What do you want? Give me back Elizabeth! I’ll do whatever youwant!” he cried out, looking for something around him that could free himfrom this… things grip. His eyesdarted around while his mind went blank, filling with Saeyoung’s cries andsomber statements.
“Saeyoung! Willyou calm down and help me think! We need to free ourselves. Aren’t you a secretagent? What is your problem!”
“I deal with badpeople, not crazy ass ghosts, dude!”
If Jumin was free tosmack him upside the head, he would’ve.
“Just help mefind something! Anything! To get us out of this!” Jumin looked over tofind a tool sticking out of Saeyoung’s pocket. “There! That.. thing! Inyour pocket! Use that!”
Saeyoung raised hiseyebrow, giving Jumin a completely sarcastic expression full of judgment,“You mean my screwdriver?”
“Is now reallythe time to judge my lack of knowledge on tools? Just use it!” he snapped,watching as Saeyoung struggled to keep his grip on the floor while shoving thetip of the screwdriver between his ankle and this… thing. He shimmied andpried his ankle free before rolling towards Jumin to free him as well. Theblack mass came closer, towering over the two of them- instinctively they threwtheir arms up in defense, getting ready to protect themselves to the best oftheir abilities. Jumin’s eyes widened suddenly- the black mass started to take ahuman-like shape. Was it a person this whole time, and they just weren’t aware?He pulled his phone out and fumbled until he was able to turn on the flashlightand point it at this figure.
The room was silent asthe now illuminated figure had eyes as wide dinner plates and as bright blue ascould be and hair almost as white as Elizabeth’s. Jumin had never seen this…edgy looking person in his life, but Saeyoung seemed extremely uncomfortable.His attention was drawn to the puffy white tail popping out of the arm of thispersons jacket. Elizabeth jumped out of the jacket and pranced toward Jumin,completely nonchalant- almost as if she hadn’t been gone all night with astranger. She was purring, letting out a soft meow every now and then,otherwise the room was silent. The mystery man broke his staring contest withSaeyoung to reach back down to pat Elizabeth on the head before backing uptowards the windows.
“A-ah!Wait-!” Saeyoung called, suddenly there was a gust of wind with enoughforce to make the two men shield their eyes. Once it subsided, there was adevice sitting where the mysterious man once was. The redhead scrambled to gethis hands on it, examining it. It was small, but helped to explain what hadbeen going on. He checked the doors to find little attachments that could openand close them with a push of a button. The weird fog? Projections with a smallfog machine.
Jumin stood now,holding Elizabeth close to his heart and stroking her fur gently while he triedto process the events of this night. Saeyoung explained how everything seemedto have worked but he seemed to be extremely shaken up. Jumin respected that hedidn’t wish to talk about it, but it seemed as if he had seen an actual ghost.
Jumins eyes furrowedtogether as he looked over as Saeyoung. This caught Saeyoung’s attention as helooked back at him, silently quizzing him.
“Saeyoung… howdid those books fly off the shelf and my furniture move?”
Saeyoung and Juminpractically turned to stone simultaneously, mechanically looking back to theroom that previously had everything moving.
The door creaked open.
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choisgirls · 7 years
I'd like to propose Christine Diane and The Phantom for Jumin's costume idea ~HN (please help, work is killing me)
that sounds /amazing/ i like this idea too :’)
(also just stab the work, trust me, i do the adulting)
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choisgirls · 7 years
Can you help me with a small shout out ;;w;; ? I'm craving for request ;;; And I read every single of your writing ☆—☆ they're so awesum ☆—☆
Heyheyhey, of course! ^^ Anything I can do to help! (also he c k thank you that truly means a lot im glad you like them ;u;)guys guys guys! Brand new blog, hot off the presses! Go show my new friend @mysmess-spacestation here some love with some requests!! ^^ ~Admin 404
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choisgirls · 7 years
Good ^^. As for me, I'll rest when I'm d e a d ~
I’ll rest when I’m dead too cause I lied about going to bed i ended up not sleeping >:(
but now im gonna work on TWO FICS AT ONCE because im an ADULT and i can do things like HATE MYSELF and CRY ~Admin 404
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choisgirls · 7 years
Could you write a scenario where RFA + V and Saeran decided to prank MC (because it’s haLLOWEN) by scaring her while she was wandering around 707’s bunker? Sorry for disturbing you. ^^"
A/N: You aren’tdisturbing me, love!!! hhmm im gonna do my best here! ^^ I’m gonna mix it upand do a fic for this because can you imagine all of them trying to do it ~atonce~
Words: 3,830
Pairings: None!
Theme: RFSpook!
Warnings: Um, slight gore mentions? But it’s all costumes, I swear! But it’s here as a warning!
Under a cut due to length!
Of course Saeyoungwanted to have a personal party at his bunker, and of course he had to go allout and completely decorate it for Halloween. I’m talking the dark ambiance,the skeletons, the spider webs you were positive were real and probably droveVanderwood crazy- you were positive he even had his bunker renovated solely forthis party. You don’t remember him having a literaltrap door in front of his door before- password yes, trap door no.
When you arrived tothe front door, you knew better than to stand right in front of it. That doorin the floor was not subtle, not even in the slightest. You rang the bell andhoped he would hear it, considering you could hear his Spooky Mix Soundtrack, Tape 7 (you knew that was its name becausethat’s all he would mention in the group chat for weeks) blaring throughsurround sound speakers. The door seemed to creak open enough to show it haddone it on its own. You sighed, knowing that agreeing to this “party”was already a mistake. You pushed the door open all the way, peeking in andcalling out for Saeyoung. When there wasn’t an answer, you stepped in andclosed the door behind you. You debated turning around and leaving, honestly.
The inside of hisbunker looked nothing like it normally did. It looked like a completely newhouse. You thought he only decorated intensely outside- you were wrong. Youstood in the entryway, taking in the scene before you. The music switched tosomething ominous and a terrifyingly echo of a laugh traveled through thehouse. Saeyoung, what the fuck?
And with that, thescreen turned black and retracted back into the ceiling. You blinked inconfusion and shook your head in annoyance. ‘Why? Why can’t we have a nice,normal get together?’ You thought to yourself. You loved them all and normallyhad fun, but you weren’t the type to scare easily. Not to mention, you wereready from some treats, not this trick.
You moved forward,walking down a hall lined with old portraits. The eyes followed you as youwalked- but you paid them no mind. You figured it was Saeyoung attempting tohide his cameras to watch you. How long was this hallway? You’ve been walkingfor around 5 minutes, this is way too long. You stop and watch as you movebackwards without your feet lifting. You look down to find the floor had beenturned into a moving walkway. You give an unamused look to the closest paintingbefore taking large steps to make it to the end, jumping off of the walkway toventure on.
The room beyond thehallway held nothing but a large standing mirror in the middle of it and a dooropposite the one you came in from. You looked around, turning quickly when thedoor slammed shut behind you. Why would there just randomly be a mirror inhere? What kind of joke was this? Looking behind it, you see nothing and noone. After a few minutes of trying to open either door and trying to find anysort of clue on how to get out, you stand in front of this mirror.
You check out youroutfit- should you have worn a better costume? Did you make it too simple? Yourmundane thoughts were cut short when you start to notice the room filling withfog. The once clear image of yourself was quickly becoming a blur as the mirrorfogged up as well. Suddenly, a hand smacked from the other side of the mirror,dragging down to leave behind streaks- you watched as it fogged back up. ‘Isthat it?’ you thought to yourself, ‘Is it really just some weird projectionscreen? Do they think fog is gonna scare me?’ Words started to scribble out onthe mirror, you read them each out loud as they showed up.
“'Hello, MC. I’mwatching.. you… Would you… like to see… me? Just.. close your eyes.. andstep.. through.. I won’t.. bite…’ Wait- I know that handwriting,” yourealized, shooting a disgruntled look behind the mirror quickly to watch acertain small, blonde boy in a creepy, bloody monster costume jump and squealat your movement.
“MC! You weresupposed to be scared, not scare me!” he whined, “Were you even alittle afraid?” When you shook your head, he threw his hands up inexasperation before dropping them to cross his arms and curl his lip into apout. “That isn’t fair. I looked on the internet for weeks on how do this!I had to ask Saeyoung for help! ….Really, not even a little bit?” Youoffered him a sympathy shrug and had to pat the back of his head gently when hethrew his forehead against your shoulder to pout and cry a little about. Youheard mumbles of 'I’m a man’ and 'I can be scary too’. He sent you on your waythrough the door to move on to the next room. You had to give it to Saeyoung,he went all out in renovating just for this haunted house.
The next room was setup like an old school library- books lined the walls, floor to ceiling. A deskwith a large, cushion chair pushed towards the side of the room. Like theprevious room, the door slammed shut and you assumed it was already locked. Youlooked around, watching for the next so called 'scare’ so you could move on.The lights started to flicker and shut off. The window to the room screeched asthe wind and rain pounded against it. Lightning illuminated the room for meremoments, you knew how this was going to play out, so you stand and wait untilyou see a large, dark figure in front of you. With each crack of light, thefigure came closer and closer, until it was right in front of you and threwtheir arms open, revealing themselves from under their cape, letting out aloud, deep “boo”.
With the flick of yourwrist, you turn on your phone flashlight and find yourself face to face with acertain Jumin Han, with his tongue out between his face vampire fangs, lookingas unamused as you did.
“I will, uh, suckyour blood, MC. Bleh bleh bleh.” he said, bringing his hands up to make aslight 'rawr’ action. You stared at him, dead in the eye, face void of allemotion. He gave a soft shrug before standing up straight. “I made myattempt. I didn’t wish to really participate in this, but we know how Saeyoung canbe,” he elegantly produced a key from the sleeve of his shirt, offering itto you before gesturing to the large door behind him. “Feel free to keepgoing, MC. You’ve got quite a few to get through before we can have our party.I’ll make sure to keep a glass of wine just for you.”
The next room was setup like an eloquent dining room. A table dawned with a crisp white table clothand silver cloche in the middle of it, shiny and inviting. That would be whereyou’d have to go- but maybe they were tricky and did it to throw you off.
You don’t even botherwith the doors, anymore. You know you need to find the key to get out. The fasteryou’re out, the faster this party and go on, and the faster you can make ithome to eat that candy you tried convincing yourself you would share.
Looking through all ofthe napkins that lined different tables, you found nothing- you sighed. Youwere going to have to take it upon yourself to look under the cloche. Who’sroom was this? What was waiting under there?
You lifted it upquickly, already expecting something to jump out at you. Instead, you take alook at Jaehee’s head- bloody, pale, and a fountain pen right through her eye.You blinked, frowning a little bit. Reaching out, you touched a little bit ofthe blood dripping down her face.
Her hand shot out fromunder the table, grabbing onto your leg. You didn’t even flinch.
“Really, MC? Eventhat didn’t frighten you? Hmm. Was it the makeup? Was it not scaryenough?” She removed her head from the hole in the table and popped outfrom under the tablecloth. She was dressed in one of her older work suits.
“It’s hard tobelieve it when it smells like strawberry jam,” you remarked, licking offthe jam from your finger, “Dare I even ask about your costume? You’re in adining room, shouldn’t you be in more.. food related attire?”
“I have to workon paperwork after this party. I figured I’d make my costume realistic to whatmy emotions will be later on,” she answered without skipping a beat. Younodded in understanding and asked for the key to move on, which she was happyto supply if that meant she could go sit in an actual chair rather than crampedunder that table.
The next room held aring of full length mirrors- you had a feeling you knew who’s room this was.
“Zen!” youcalled, standing in the center of them, “Come here! I want to just getthis party going!” You watched as he walked up, in all 3 mirrors, tostrike a pose in his prince costume.
“MC! How did youknow it was me?” he asked, flicking his hair over his shoulder, “Wecan go to the party later! First! Let’s play~” he shot you a wink beforemoving closer to the mirrors, all four of them seemed to be looking you in theeye. “Time to play, Which is the Real Zen! Choose wisely,sweetheart~” he sang. You looked closely at all of them, stepping closerto the one in the middle- you stretched your hand out, reaching for him, whensuddenly his arm flew out of the one to your left, wrapping around your waistand pulling you through to a completely dark portion of the room. You sighedwhen the lights turned on and you found the room completely packed with fullbody, and extremely accurate, wax models of Zen. You knew he was taking theseall home at the end of the day- that is if Jaehee doesn’t get her hands on themfirst.
“I suppose I haveto come find you?” you ask loudly, hearing your voice echo- but were metwith no response. Great. This could take a little while. 'Everyone else triedto be scary,’ you thought to yourself, 'But nnooo Zen has to be overdramatic. Ijust want some pizza.’
Carefully examiningeach figure you pass by, one of them near the door catches your attention.Squinting in suspicion, you walk up to it, eyeing it up and down. You lean inclose as he jumps, throwing his hands out to grab you, yelling a loud 'boo’.You just stared at him, crossing your arms and tilting your head slightly tomatch the frown on your face.
“…MC do youhave a soul, at all. Does anything scare you? Anything?” you shook yourhead as he threw his hands up in exasperation before leading you through thenext door. With a swift bow, he closed the door behind you, leaving you in aroom decked out in children’s decor.
You have to admit toyourself that this room gave you the creeps- but only because it looked sosimilar to your own childhood bedroom… wait.. the.. the stuffed animals onthe bed, the stickers on the wall- this was completely a replica of yourchildhood bedroom. Well, isn’t that creepy. Who would recreate your bedroomjust for this stupid joke?
Out of the corner ofyour eye, the rocking chair started to move and a small shadow darted aroundbehind you. Turning towards the area where the ruckus had been, you ended upface to face with a creepy baby doll, suspended from the ceiling- it started togoo and cry, until the voice box started to die and it’s once sweet voiceturned more demonic. You frowned and yanked it off of its suspended wires,tossing it over your shoulder.
“Just come outalready! I’m so tired of all these stupid-” you started, before you werecut off by your knee giving out suddenly from a hard impact. You whipped yourhead around to find a tall figure sitting on a tiny tricycle, their face lookedporcelain and broken. A creepy, child-like laugh came from the person, as theysuddenly lunged at you, knocking you down and sitting over you. Leaning closeto your face, the creepy laugh continued as the person grabbed hold of the tearin their face, pulling down both sides. All that you could hear is a maniacallaugh, and the ripping sound of this person’s 'skin’. You could see the gluetearing and as the 'blood’ fell to your face, you could smell it was strawberryjam- Jaehee must have helped out there.
“Hi Vanderwood,”you stared completely unfazed by the scene above you. He finished taking offthe glued on mask and wiped part of his face off with his sleeve, shooting youa disapproving look.
“I spent thiswhole time trying to get the damn mask on. Do you know how sticky this is? Theglue and the jam? It’s fucking sticky, MC, this isn’t fun for me,” hespat, getting up and offering his hand to help you up. “I’m starting tothink you’re some sort of robot instead of human, we could use you in theagency,” he mused, crossing his arms and watching as you dusted yourselfoff, sneering at his offer.
“That’s probablythe scariest thing I’ve heard all day, thank you,” you held your hand outexpectantly, “give me the key and I’ll keep going so we can actually eatsomething.” With a roll of his eyes, you’ve got the key in the palm ofyour hand and you’re on your way to the next room.
This room had acomplete wall of screens, and you knew it was bound to be one of the Choitwins- now which one was it?
Deep, creepy laughtererupted from the screens, causing you to sigh for the forty seventh time today.Looking at the monitors, you’re met with the mask from earlier in the night-you definitely know which Choi it was this time.
“Saeyoung, youreally went all out for this party. I can’t believe you  spent all this time even renovating yourhouse-”
“I KNOW NOT OFTHIS 'SAEYOUNG’ YOU SPEAK ABOUT. MC, TELL ME, WILL YOU PLAY A GAME?” hecut you off, yelling into his voice changer. You crossed your arms and mutteredsome choice words under your breath before turning around to address the soundyou were hearing.
In the center of theroom, a single table rose from a secret floor compartment, dawning a clear boxwith a hole large enough to stick your arm in- the other end of the box heldthe key to the next door.
“The game issimple, MC- stick your hand inside the box, and answer a few questions. Youwin, you get the key!” he followed his explanation with a creepy, darkgiggle. You looked at the screens and raised an eyebrow, sticking your arm intothe box.
“And if Ilose?” you asked, watching him clap with glee.
“THEN YOU REALLYLOSE, AHAHAHA!” A locked clamp attached itself to your arm and your eyesfocused on the box as small saws in the side of the box activated and waited tomake their move. You frowned a little bit and turned back to him.
“Are you ready MC?No? Too bad!” he giggled, leaning close to the camera, “QUESTION ONE!We’ll keep it easy on this question- WHAT IS THE BINARY FOR 'SAEYOUNG IS THEBEST’? YOU HAVE FIVE SECONDS!” You stared at the screen, spacing outcompletely- you didn’t know this. If you did, five seconds wasn’t long enoughto recite it. He imitated an annoying buzzer sound before telling you time wasup- the saws in the box moved a bit closer to your arm as you just stared atthem, wondering just how much time this boy had on his hands to make this.
“ROUND TWO, DINGDING! What part of fish-shaped bread do I eat first?” he tapped hisfingers together, expectantly. Hell- you don’t remember! Most of the time, youforget he actually eats anything else besides chips…
“The…head?” you guessed. He’s a sadist, maybe he gets pleasure from ripping offthe poor fish-bread’s head off.
“DING DONG, YOUARE WRONG!” he yelled followed by an evil giggle, “The belly, MC! Thebelly is the best! You know that!” you sighed- you did know that. Whydidn’t you guess that? The sound of the saw got louder as you watched it dropeven closer to your arm.
“ONE MORE CHANCE,MC. OR YOU’LL HAVE TO WAVE GOODBYE TO YOUR ARM! Oh, but wait, you won’t be ableto, AHAHAHA!” Your previous frown deepened- he’s enjoying himself too muchhere. “FINAL QUESTION! What, in this world, makes our very own Jumin Hananxious?” Oh! You knew this! You looked him straight in the eyes andanswered.
“Diagonals insuits,” You answered with confidence, yet he hit the error button anyway.
“YOU’RE CORRECT!But, due to the circumstances, I’m going to deny the fact that you are correct.Say goodbye to your precious hand, MC!” You turned back to the box towatch the saws drop, almost touching your skin. You didn’t even flinch. Youknew he would never actually hurt you. You turned back to the screens, raisingan eyebrow at the redhead as he removed his mask. “Aw, MC! Not even a blink?Seriously? Those are real saws!” he sighed in defeat and turned them off,allowing you to remove your arm and open the other side that held the key.“I worked so hard for all of this and you haven’t been scared once! Not atall! You’re a robot. That’s it- I’ve cracked the code!” With a roll ofyour eyes and a flick of your hand, you waved him off and ventured to the nextroom.
Taking in the decor ofthe next room- it was almost as if you were outside in an actual graveyard. Younotice a ghostly figure walk through the wall- how did they set that up?
You looked above you-a projector, of course.
Opening above groundcoffins, looking at tombstones for any tricks, you searched for the key. Youwere getting real fucking tired of these ghosts screeching and walking throughyou. You felt a tap on your shoulder and sighed.
“I don’t know howyou got the projectors to actually tap me but I’m no longer in the mood forthis shit,” you called before taking a look over your shoulder. You sawSaeran dressed as a skeleton with an annoyed look on his face that rivals yourown- he was holding out his hand to help you off of the ground where you hadsat to think things through.
“Look, I’m not inthe mood either, I just fucking want some pizza,” he said pulling you toyour feet. Yes, finally, someone agrees with you. “Just take this and beover with it, please. Saeyoung will not let us eat until you walk through thatdoor and I’m real close to fighting him.” He held his other hand out toreveal a- dare you say it- skeleton key. You took it and turned, headingtowards the door, when a hand shot out of the dirt of a grave, grabbing yourankle and yanking you to the ground hard, as it starts to try and pull youthrough the dirt itself.
You look up at Saeranwith an unfazed look marking your face, as his expression mirrors yours beforehe kicks the hand off of your leg.
“I forgot to turnthe robots off,” he gave the lame excuse as you put your hands to yourhips, mocking him with a ridiculous imitation of him.
“I forgot to turnthe robots off,” you stuck your tongue out at him before walking towardsthe door again, this time avoiding the graves between. He followed behind,mumbling something along the lines of, 'You’re lucky I just want food,’ and, 'Ishould’ve pushed you into one of those graves’. Someone was hangry, but thenagain, so were you. Please, let the food be on the other side of this door.
Throwing the dooropen, you were greeted with the scent of the pizza that has been promised,amongst various other foods. Your friends stood around the room, welcoming youto the end of the line and congratulating you on your journey. You all spent atleast half an hour eating, describing how their pranks went, and how you seemedto not be afraid of anything. Laughter erupted from your chest, waving offtheir assumptions. You opened your eyes because you felt something crawling onyour arm.
With your heartbeating out of your chest and your eyes as wide as saucers, you slowly lookdown at your arm as everyone looks with you. There, crawling slowly to yourshoulder, was a gigantic spider. You stared for a moment, trying to processyour thoughts.
A loud, shrill screambubbled out of your throat as you swat at the spider to get it off. Yourepeatedly jumped in place, shaking, doing anything you could to make sure thespider was truly off of you. You even jumped into Jumin’s arms, knowing he wasthe tallest and therefore the furthest away you could get from that evil thing.
Everyone ran away fromthe furry thing, hiding behind any object they could. There was a soft gigglefrom under the food table. You watched as a familiar head of mint hair poppedout from under the table cloth, shooting one of his award-winning smiles at allof you. He gently coaxed his eight-legged friend back into his container andstood up, laughing again.
“You guys triedso hard to scare MC.. but you should have stuck to the classics,” he said,now shoving a cookie into his mouth to hide the sly smirk that spread acrosshis face. You looked at him, amazed that Jihyun, this sweet yet devilish man,could scare you. With a spider, of all things.
The good title of the“Undefeated Scare” was ruined. You have been bested by a mint man andhis spider companion. You couldn’t believe it.
Your heart was stillracing, and you could still feel the ghost of the creatures legs running upyour body.
Well, Happy Halloweento you.
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choisgirls · 7 years
Just a lil heads up~
Heya howdy doodle doo!
Just a lil update, I’ve been really busy past few weeks but!
I’m working on a RFSpook request (in fic form~) currently, while simultaneously trying to work on the Jumin Soulmate!AU fic from that lil series i did (that literally only.. has Jihyun at the moment :’) ) /AS WELL AS/ going to work on this Vanderwood one I’ve had planned for a few months. All at once. I’m doing it. Fight me.
That being said, I still have a few RFSpooks to work on, some previous /normal/ requests to work on, uh the rest of the Soulmate!AU’s and the series I wanna start based on my previous “MC killing somebody” HC’s, and I’m gonna get to them soon as possible! 
I just wanted to let you all know that things /are/ getting done, and since I’m scatter brained, my writing posting will totally be out of order with no set theme, rhyme, or rhythm~  ^^ <3
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