#rgu rip
mskoreodyssey · 1 year
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The Rotating Rose - Version 3
Line-art // Base Colors
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gamesgogirling · 5 months
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revolutionary girl utena picmix haul part 2
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thereminzone · 7 months
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"Oh yeah, Agent 4! Uh, who was that again?"// "That reminds me. that boys name... I've forgotten it now."
This wonderful art got me thinking about rgu side order parallels... I'm normal!!
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Utena's ankle gets hurt (because of Akio) and it represents that Utena is in a vulnerable situation. Anthy supports her (helps her walk) while Akio takes advantage of her. There's also how Utena cannot walk on her own, she doesn't have as much agency. Anthy, again, is supporting her and helping her go where Utena wants to go. Utena is the one deciding where to go, Anthy is helping her get there. Contrast that with Akio's car, how Akio is behind the wheel and Utena has no control while with him. He strips her agency away, doesn't let her make choices. (She wants Anthy to go with them, he refuses). Later he says he'll carry her, (all why she insists she's fine, it's fine, she's uncomfortable and trying to make him stop), which would again take away her agency
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anonymous-gambito · 29 days
"Oh, a 'which Utena character are you' quiz! That sounds interesting, let me fill it out"
A Few Moments Later
(Extreme Cope™ Voice Activate)
"You see, the thing is that I find these 'Which character are you?' internet quizzes to be really inaccurate and they make no sense actually because their method of "discovering" which character you "look like the most" is mostly just by asking random surface level questions that don't really relate to who the character nor you really are as a person at all.
I mean, for instance, just because I really like cats, or I'm a gemini, or because I have some daddy issues, and some italian ancestry, or I only have one "friend", or thought for some time as a teenager that people were only happy because they were too stupid to realize why they should be unhappy, or because I might get angry at or even look down at "naive people" for not knowing fuck shit about me even though the reason they don't know shit about me is because I don't want anybody knowing shit about me, that does not automatically mean–"
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 month
Revolutionary Girl Jerafina- J'veux ton amour, et je veux ta revanche
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Day 8 of @smileformeweek - Free Day
[ ID: Traditionally done art that's colored and edited digitally. It involves the ship of Lulia Fame and Jerafina Tabouli from Smile For Me the game. It is of my AU Roseverse, and a crossover with Revolutionary Girl Utena the anime.
In my interpretation, both Lulia and Jerafina are fat. Jerafina is also a mer-woman, or a siren. I have used a stylised pallete departing from their canon colors. Jerafina is mostly in purples, pinks, orange and yellow with blue and red for her eyes. Lulia is mostly in browns, greens, yellow, red, pink.
It is a parrtial screenshot redraw from Revolutionary Girl Utena. Jerafina is in Utenas position, wearing her outfit and standing up, holding Lulias arm with one clawed hand. Tears drop down her face, which has a sorrowful expression, looking up. Her hair looks like jellyfish tentacles. Some of her sharp fangs jut out. Lulia is in Anthys position, the light glowing in her hand towards Jerafinas chest, where her hand is placed. Dark mascara runs down Lulias eyes and she hangs her head. Her Rose Bride dress flies around her to reveal her high-heeled legs folded back, floating. Her legs have stretch marks.
The background is sharp and dark, in hues of blue. Yellow rays emanate from Jerafina and Lulia. Some glitters surround them. They appear to be slightly glowing. End ID]
Redraw of this:
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[ ID: Screencap from Revolutionary Girl Utena the anime showing roughly the same pose as the above drawing. However Utena and Anthys eyes are closed and they have a serene expression. End ID]
I thought, my version of Jerafina could be Utena because I've always liked a more masculine Jerafina...as well as, she's a fairytale creature, a Siren--- and Utena desires to be a kind of fairytale prince.
As for Lulia being Anthy, well, she's dramatic ASF, she would definitely have a Ton of mysterious stuff going on with her. I think even her being a witch fits. I do think Lulia is much more outwardly expressive than Anthy though.
Anyway, dramatic sapphics!!!!❤️🩷❤️🩷 sorry it's late!
Color pallettes from @color-palettes
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himemeiya · 2 years
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To clarify, there are no wrong answers other than to say she's straight--this is not a place to argue back and forth but it can be a place to state why you believe what you believe! Sapphic solidarity babey. And pls condense any umbrella terms for bisexual under the bisexual option for simplicity's sake. 🥀
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utena-fanmerch · 10 months
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metanarrates · 10 months
alright rguheads which one of us is going to have to check the james somerton video for plagiarism and track down the author(s) of any essays he stole
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rainedroptalks · 8 months
Vindication !
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cyphyree · 1 year
Now that you've finished utena and it's movies, what was your favorite part? Did you think the movie was a sequel? A retelling? Something else? Some scenes in utena are gonna stick w me till I'm in the dirt n id love to know if you had any like that :33
Omgosh!!!! This series 😭😭😭💖 ok bear with me im gonna have a LOT to say affgugyyythh endgame spoilers for Revolutionary Girl Utena the show and movie below
Fave parts of the show (in no particular order)
The third transformation scene when Anthy and Utena go to the arena together, badass, just one of the sequences ever
Utena's dorky lil stretches <3
The poisoned tea and biscuit scene
Badminton with Utena, Jury and Miki, along with Nanami ;_;
Miki's stopwatch. Still parsing out what it means but the animation and soundwork is so satisfying
The entire final act of the last episode wrecked me
Wakaba being there for Utena to help her snap out of her depression
Subsequent Utena vs Wakaba battle that breaks my heart into itty bitty pieces
The exploration of Utena's identity, and how she matured from "pretending to be a prince and the misconceptions of what that meant" to ultimately "being a prince"
Jury's backstory with Shiori and how it was visualized
Fave parts of the movie (in no particular order)
The architecture of Ohtori is so cool
Love the opening sequence, especially when it pans up abruptly to the scene with Utena and her prince in silhouette
The partner drawing session
The dance <3
Chasing Anthy through the weird corridors of Ohtori after Jury's Duel
The farewell between Utena and Touga (how did they make me like Touga and Utena's relationship)
When they escape together from the maw of the castle in an explosion of roses, and the Shadow Girls guiding them and cheering them on turned out to be Utena and Anthy themselves!
I actually love how obtuse and playful and surreal the series is, but in a way that's very intentional and gives you all the puzzle pieces to put together what's happening. After finishing the show I felt like I knew what it was about because the themes were so well visualized…… and then I watched one (1) youtube analysis video that made me realize that my understanding has barely scratched the surface of ANything lol. I was kinda embarrassed about it ngl, but I guess RGU is just one of those shows that do require multiple watches. I really, really do love how it's got multiple layers. I'd be happy if I could create a story that's half as clever and nuanced.
The movie was such an unexpected banger. I was told by a friend beforehand that the movie was a retelling+sequel hybrid. After watching it, to me it feels like an alternate version of the story that runs parallel to the one in the anime. Like…… a metaphor for the intention of the show, does that even make sense? I don't think the events or characters themselves are necessarily "canon" in a literal sense, but the philosophies and underlying character motivations are. I definitely see why everyone's like "oh the movie will clear up the themes of the show!! It's great!!" and I love how it clarifies the show by being 250% weirder LMFAO.
I also thought that the absurdity of "your girlfriend turns into a freakin car you drive towards freedom" was going to take me out of it, and it did at first. I was mostly scared for Utena because um that was a scary process, but tbh for the entire ending I had this huge smile on my face. And it was emotional for me even though it's ridiculous!! And that's because it's emotionally resonant!! And it metaphorically confirms for me that, even though Utena was in despair in the last moments we see her in the show, the endings of both the show and movie are ultimately fulfilling and---dare I say?---happy! Because both of them were wrung through the crucible that tore apart their identities, and they ultimately learned and grew, despite how hard and painful it was!
I'm also just so, so, so glad how lgbtq+ the characters and narrative are, and how neither show nor movie shied away from it (I was nervous that the movie was going to retroactively step back, but no, they made it GAYER). And plus how.... tactful and considerate they were when dealing with and visualizing heavier themes. Even the movie was very frank and intentional when portraying nudity. I appreciate that a lot.
What a masterful show. It's going to haunt me forever probably :)
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lesbiansanemi · 9 months
Lets see how many episodes of revolutionary girl utena I can slog through today before I wanna fucking end it all
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theteaisaddictive · 1 year
now, first of all how the fuck did those guys manage to fish juri’s locket out of the lake in the first place. second of all those are some fucking lengths to go to in order to out juri to shiori
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magioftheseas · 1 year
Yeah I finished the Sailor Moon manga recently. It makes some Choices, but its last arc is unironically the hypest shit ever and honestly the fact that people do not talk about Sailor Moon as the batshit zero chill beautiful despite its messiness work of art that it is...is sexism. Like guys, these girls are brutally murdering the villains in the first arc. Starting chapter 4.
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mollypaup · 4 months
Feeling so insane tonight about anthy's influence on the framing and direction of the show
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colossalsquidz · 6 months
I think my favourite piece of symbolism in rgu will always and forever be the carousel in episode 39. In the intro, you get this awesome shot of Utena and Anthy riding on horses through the sky, and throughout the whole show you’re waiting for that moment to come to fruition.
Horses, of course, are heavily linked to the idea of the prince. Dios is described as a “prince on a white horse,” Touga explicitly states that horses are part of the “prince” persona, Akio and Touga both ride with Utena on a horse when they’re trying to be her prince. And as the protagonist, most viewers will be rooting for Utena to get her own moment of heroism. To break away from Akio’s abuse and become the gallant prince she’s always dreamed of being.
However, when Anthy stabs Utena, this dream is shattered. She says, “You remind me so much of Dios when I loved him. But you can never be my prince, because you’re a girl.” An intentionally cruel jab, rubbing salt in the wound. But also showing Anthy’s mindset, fear of being abused again by someone who wants to trap her in a power dynamic. She loves Utena and believes she is genuinely trying to help her, but still can’t trust her.
This is when the carousel appears. The same motif of the white horse, but this time a crude plastic simulacrum, going around and around in circles. Utena has been sold the idea of the prince as a way to claim autonomy in a patriarchal society, but in the end the “prince” in power only wants to keep everything in eternal stasis. The flying horses in the sky were always a pipe dream, because that’s not what it means to claim power within the framework of this system. A carousel can never advance. A prince can never truly smash the world’s shell, just accumulate power within it.
The nature of the carnival ride and the children’s laughter in the background are also important here, almost mocking Utena in her lowest moment. It reminds me of Akio’s statement that she was merely “playing” at the duelling game, like all this was some childish power fantasy. But we know that’s not true. That’s why Utena is able to pull herself up and make her way to Anthy’s coffin. Dios is the one riding the carousel here, offering Utena false platitudes and beckoning her to accept the way things are, join him in going around and around for eternity. However, Utena’s desire to help her friend trumps her desire to be a hero. To help Anthy has always been her main driving force, and Akio is so cynical that he can’t understand that someone might want to help for purely selfless reasons. Ultimately, this is his downfall.
When the curtain falls and the prince is revealed to be a child on a plastic horse, Utena is disgusted by the farce and accepts the painful reality of her identity being ripped from her and discarded. Because being the prince was never Utena’s goal, it was a means to an end to help Anthy from the very beginning.
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