imperhine · 1 day
ghoulettes intervention for aether and his bananas
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from ghost's official account's story
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imperhine · 1 month
remember when ghost posted off stage stuff on their instagram? here's aether and ifrit being silly and holding hands
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imperhine · 2 months
we all talk about how swiss is THE unofficial official boyfriend of the pack. and you're so right for that everyone loves him because how could you not?
but let me also add. aether being everyone's boyfriend. i tried to find these images but couldn't properly link some of them. look at him!! my favorite is rain because of how silly it looks. i remember when copia introduces the band and he looks very proud of his strong ghoul aether, "well built... everywhere"
(rain, swiss)
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(copia, sunshine, sodo/dewdrop)
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(copia again, cumulus, cirrus)
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imperhine · 7 months
navigation (mostly for myself)
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rhine / 18+ / they/any
mostly reblogs, occasionally writing and art
#rh.nectar - fluff
#rh.decadence - smut
rh.aches - angst
#rh.recs - fic recommendations
#rh.capture - pictures + videos
#rh.museo - art
rh.text - text posts
rh.gen - general
rhine.writes - i write stuff
rhine rambles - my own ramblings
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