#rhythm thief secret santa
snaviis · 3 years
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Merry Christmas to @missionmofuen !!!!! I was your secret santa!! ヾ(•ω•`)o I hope you like it!!
thanks to @regu-1 for arranging this !!!
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regu-1 · 3 years
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Happy late New Year and Holidays @r43 / @trick-starr !!
Have Marie enjoying a nice warm drink to combat the cold weather days
(Super Sorry for the long delay and thank you for waiting!!)
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101flavoursofweird · 3 years
My Rhythm Thief Secret Santa 2020 for @wivesbeforelives! They asked for a scenario with the Rhythm Thief characters hanging out with platonic found family, playful bickering and some Raphael x Marie! Thank you to @Regu for organising everything again. Merry Christmas!
Spoilers: For The Emperor’s Treasure.
Set: After The Emperor’s Treasure.
Warnings: Minor references to Jean-François' horrible parenting skills. French translations under the cut if anyone wants to know!
Fast Food Getaway
“Hey, can we get a McDonald's?”
Inspector Paul Vergier gripped the steering wheel between his fingers. He tried to retract the vein throbbing in his forehead. He inhaled through his nose— though it felt like he was inhaling through mustard— counted to ten and slowly exhaled.
“No,” he responded flatly.
“Awww... Why not?” Phantom R whined from behind Paul.
Barring his teeth, Paul said, “Because—“
“Because,” Charlie interrupted, “you have just been arrested...” Charlie shifted in the passenger seat. She glared at Phantom R in the back of the police car. “...And we are taking you to the station.”
Phantom R rattled his handcuffs and protested, “Don’t I get one last meal  before you lock me up forever?”
“We have food at the station,” Paul dismissed. (Emma, donne-moi ta force...)
“I’m allergic to prison food!”
“What a shame your dog isn’t here to share it,” Charlie snorted. “Where did he run off to again...?”
Paul listened closely, but Phantom R didn’t rise to Charlie’s bait. He would never reveal the location of his canine accomplice, or his secret hideout where he kept all of his stolen artworks.
After a beat of silence, Phantom R wondered, “What about Marie?”
“What about her?” Charlie said.
Both Charlie and Phantom R turned to Marie, who was sitting quietly beside Phantom R. Marie, unlike Phantom R, wasn’t handcuffed, for she wasn’t under arrest. Apparently, Marie had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time when they apprehended Phantom R at the Louvre.
Paul wanted to believe Marie was an innocent bystander, but her association with Phantom R was obvious.
Even if they were to question Marie, however, Duchess Elizabeth would never let them accuse her of anything. Paul would rather not incite the duchess’ wrath upon the Constabulary.
So, he would simply drop Marie home with a ‘warning’. From now on, she would only be able to visit Phantom R in a cell.
Paul didn’t think this would deter Phantom R at all. Phantom R was like ‘a dog with a bone’ as Emma would have put it.
“Do  you want a McDonald's, Marie?” Phantom R persisted.
Charlie scoffed. “I’m sure Marie’s tastes are far superior to yours—“
“Zip it, Charlotte. The adults are talking.”
Charlie’s shout almost made Paul slam the break down. Paul shot her a scornful look.
“A-actually...” Marie spoke up. “I’d love to try a McFlurry— if it’s not too much trouble...”
Phantom R gasped loudly. “Are you saying you’ve never had a McFlurry?”
“I’ve never had a McDonald's...”
“Seriously?” Charlie and Phantom R said together.
“It was J... just that I was never allowed them... before,” Marie mumbled. A hush settled over the car for a few moments, with Marie gazing out of the window.
Paul cleared his throat. “I... suppose we could stop at the nearest drive-through.”
“Really?” Marie exclaimed. “Are you sure that’s alright?” (The duchess’ daughter, asking for his permission...)
Paul nodded. He turned left at the next traffic light, mentally adding seventeen years on to Jean-François’ prison sentence.
“Nooo...” Charlie groaned when they saw the huge queue for the McDonald's drive-through. She hissed to Paul, “With every passing moment, Phantom could be planning his escape...”
She had a point. Paul frowned at Phantom R in the rear-view mirror. Phantom R’s hands— still cuffed in front of him— were resting in his lap. He was smiling at Marie. There was no way he would abandon her... would he?
Paul pulled up in the McDonald’s car park. “Why don’t you go inside and get the order?” Paul suggested to Charlie. “Then we won’t have to wait so long.”
“And leave you alone with Phantom R?” Charlie drawled.
“I’m perfectly capable—“
“You would never catch him.”
“She’s right,” Phantom R agreed, poking his head between the front seats.
Charlie shoved his head away. “Shut up.”
Marie stammered, “We... we can leave if it’s too much hassle...”
Paul, Charlie and Phantom R exchanged glances with each other. A temporary detente passed between the three of them. They turned to Marie determinedly.
“We’re getting you that McFlurry,” Charlie declared.
“I won’t try to escape while Charlie’s gone,” Phantom R vowed. “Phantom’s honour.”
Paul handed Charlie his wallet.
“Do you want anything?” Charlie asked him.
“A single black coffee.”
Charlie stuck her tongue out in disgust.
Phantom R begged, “Can I get some fries and chicken nuggets—“
Charlie opened the car door and hopped out.
“—in a Happy Meal? PLEASE, CHARLIE!”
Before Charlie could leave, Marie hollered, “Charlie, please can I also have a Happy Meal with fries and chicken nuggets?”
“...For you, yes,” Charlie called. She slammed the door and strode into the McDonald’s.
“Phew...” Phantom R chuckled. “Thanks, Marie.”
Paul turned in his seat, his brow furrowing at Phantom R. “You do realise the severity of your situation, don’t you?” Paul informed him. “You will need to stand trial from your crimes and you could face a prison sentence of up to three years minimum.”
Marie was watching Phantom R sadly. No doubt, she and Duchess Elizabeth would vouch for Phantom R. They would probably pay a reputable lawyer to defend him...
The trial could end in his favour.
Phantom R was young— about Charlie’s age, by the looks of it. He had won the hearts of many Parisians when he destroyed the Hanging Gardens and helped defeat the Chevaliers Diabolique. He could be so much more than a wanted thief...
“Why?” Paul sighed. “Why must you steal?”
Phantom R met Paul’s gaze with surprise. Then he shrugged.
Marie opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but she shook her head.
Why was the duchess’ daughter so attached to this delinquent boy? There had to be something she saw in him... Something that connected them both...
“Open the door, will you?” Charlie had returned, up to her arms in McDonald's paper bags. She kicked the car door until Paul let her in.
“This is a police car,” Paul growled as Charlie shuffled inside. “If I find any damages—“
She dropped a paper cup into the cup holder between their seats. “Drink your coffee, old man.”
Charlie presented Marie with a blue paper tub and a plastic spoon. “Here’s your McFlurry.”
“Th-thank you...” Marie breathed. The others watched as she dug the spoon in and took her first bite of ice cream. She smiled with pure bliss. “It’s amazing,” she said.
“You deserve it,” Phantom R told her. He turned to Charlie. “Did you get the Happy Meal—?” Charlie chucked a red Happy Meal box at him. “Thanks!”
“I’d better not find any crumbs back there,” Paul warned, sipping his coffee.
“No, Sir,” Phantom R said. He struggled to open the Happy Meal box with his handcuffs. Marie helped him.
Phantom R pulled something out of the box. “Cool— they’re doing Spongebob toys!”
“Who did you get?” Charlie asked in a deliberately disinterested voice.
Phantom R held up a plastic pink starfish. “Patrick Star!”
“I’ll have to confiscate that,” Charlie said quickly.
“But he’s, like, my favourite character!” (The most infamous thief in Paris, pining over a kids’ toy...)
Charlie scowled at Phantom R for a moment. Phantom R stuck out his bottom lip.
“Fine…” Charlie conceded with a huff. “I guess you’ll need something to keep you busy when you’re behind bars.”
“Thanks, Charlie!” Phantom R hugged the starfish to his chest. Marie beamed and continued eating her McFlurry.
Folding her arms, Charlie slumped in her seat.
“Why didn’t you get anything for yourself?” Paul murmured to her. Charlie shrugged. Paul rolled his eyes. (Impertinent child...) “If you want a Happy Meal that much, I’ll buy you one.”
Charlie gaped at him. “But—“
“I’d rather that than dealing with your sulking.”
He took another drink of coffee and ducked out of the car. He didn’t think to lock the car behind him.
Barely had he taken five steps before Charlie started shouting. Paul spun around. Phantom R was already out of the car— freed from his handcuffs.
Paul’s eyes widened. “How?” he demanded.
Phantom R flashed him a grin and vaulted over the roof of the police car— over to Marie’s side. He opened Marie’s door and lifted her out, bridal style.
“Oh,” Marie gasped, but she didn’t resist Phantom R.
Charlie’s door flew open. “We had a deal, Phantom!” she roared, stumbling out of the car.
Phantom R hummed. “I swore I wouldn’t try to escape while you were gone—“ Charlie lunged at him and he leapt back, still carrying Marie. “—Show’s over, guys! Au revoir!”
“Thanks again for the McDonald's!” Marie sang as Phantom R shot off with her.
“Father!” Charlie yelled. “Don’t just stand there! We need to catch him!”
Paul gaped as the pair got further and further away. “How?” he repeated, scratching his head. “How did he escape from his handcuffs?”
“By using that stupid starfish to pick the lock!” Charlie grunted. She crouched on the ground and grabbed the toy Phantom R had dropped. She threw it into the car. “ Allons-y!  If we’re quick, we can cut them off—“
“—After I’ve finished my coffee,” Paul sighed, returning to the car. He sank into the driver’s seat and picked up his coffee cup. (It hadn’t gone cold, thankfully.)
“Pas maintenant, Charlie.”
The line about Vergier “inhaling through mustard” is a reference to a French idiom “Avoir la moutarde qui monte au nez”, which means “to have mustard going up your nose”. This can mean to lose your temper. “Donne-moi ta force…” translates to, “Give me strength…” “Pas maintenant…” translates to, “Not now…” I think “Like a dog with a bone” is mainly a British expression. I headcanon that Charlie’s mother Emma was originally from Britain, resulting in Charlie’s British accent in the English dub of the game.
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n00dl3gal · 3 years
To Fall Into Each Other- Rhythm Thief Secret Santa 2020
Hi @regu-1! I’m your gifter for the Rhythm Thief Secret Santa! I hope you enjoy this little fic I’ve whipped up, and I did my best to include the robots like you asked. :) Happy holidays!! (I may also post this to AO3 if that’s OK with you)
“Nothing quite like a life-or-death situation to put things in perspective, eh, Fondue?”
Charlie pinched the bridge of their nose before launching another soccer ball into the robot’s face. “Would it kill you to be serious for once, R?” 
Raphael- or Phantom R, at the moment- put on his most nonchalant face possible. A challenge, he admitted, given he was currently dodging another one of Napoleon’s robots. “Oh, most certainly. But if it’ll make you happy, I suppose I can manage for a while.” 
Marie watched the three deal with the intruders. She wanted to help, but both of her partners had insisted she stay hidden. Even Fondue seemed concerned about her joining the fight. It was true she didn’t have any combat experience, but- 
There was a loud clatter as the final robot fell. Marie stood, rushing over to Charlie and Raphael to see if they were hurt. Beyond a few minor scrapes and a torn pant leg, there was no substantial damage. Raphael grinned. “Well now, maybe life-or-death was pushing it. We dealt with that quite nicely, wouldn’t you say?” 
Marie nodded, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “You were amazing as always, Raphael.” Fondue pawed at her skirt and she laughed, bending down to pet him. “You as well, Fondue.” 
Charlie adjusted their hat and picked up their ball. “And no praise for me, I see.” The tone was somewhat sarcastic, but the faint smile betrayed them. On cue, both Raphael and Marie kissed them on opposite cheeks. The effect was immediate. “Ah-h, well, thank you…” 
Raphael took Charlie’s hand while Marie picked up Fondue. “I would’ve been a goner without you there,” he said sweetly. Charlie groaned and pushed him away. Marie giggled.
It’s hard to say when they all fell into each other. Even though they had only known one another for a short time, after all they’d done together, it felt inevitable. 
Marie and Raphael were the first. Even as Phantom R vanished, he wrote to her constantly. Each one was signed with “to my angel.” 
Charlie was unaware until they stumbled across more of whatever conspiracy the Napoleons were part of. They reluctantly went to Marie, who was their best lead on getting into contact with R. 
One thing lead to another, days were saved, dates were made, and all three found that only they understood. Call it fate or circumstance or what have you, but they were happy. 
. . .
They were sitting outside Charlie’s favorite cafe, enjoying the mild weather. Charlie took another sip of their coffee. “If my father knew I was dating you two, he’d have a conniption.”
“I could understand me, assuming he knows who I am-“ Raphael started. 
“I’m fairly certain he does. Even if he doesn’t, he would recognize Marie and put the pieces together. He’s a detective.” 
Marie hummed thoughtfully. “Perhaps, but it seems like he’s less hostile lately, from what Raphael has said.”
The boy nodded. “I guess saving Paris from utter destruction is enough to get a pass.” Charlie snorted. “It should, at any rate.”
They fell into a comfortable silence as they finished eating. “Oh, I just remembered! I’ll be performing at the opera house next month,” Marie said casually.
Both Charlie and Raphael froze. “Marie, that’s… a very, very big deal. And you just-” Raphael started, jerking forward in his chair. Fondue whimpered. 
“Forgot to tell us?” Charlie finished, eyes searching her face. 
Marie flushed. “I wasn’t sure when it would be a good time to tell you… I’m able to invite two guests, though. Mother insisted she pay for her own tickets, she said something about getting the ‘best box seats in all of Paris,’ but I find the whole ordeal to be unnecessary. After all, you go to a concert for music, not the visuals, and- oh dear, I’m rambling again, aren’t I?”
Raphael smiled fondly, reaching over to tuck a bit of hair behind her ear. “It’s alright. You’re cute when you ramble.” Charlie nodded. “Heh, attending the opera legitimately, huh? That would-” 
Charlie kicked him underneath the table. “If you make a Phantom of the Opera joke, I’m breaking up with both of you.” There was a mild, mock protest from the other two, but it quickly fell into giggles. Eventually, Charlie sighed. “I would love to go, but I’d probably have to dress up for such an occasion, and I’d rather avoid wearing my… nicer clothes right now.” 
The other two nodded sympathetically. They knew their partner was referring to their assortment of dresses, all of which no longer suited them. Raphael tapped his chin in thought. “I also only have the one suit, and I have a feeling I’ll be pretty recognizable in it.” 
“Oh… I understand,” Marie said quietly, shoulders falling. 
“Whoa, don’t get upset- I got it!” he said, snapping his fingers. “Why don’t we just swap clothes?”
Charlie practically growled. “Be serious for once, Raphael.” 
“I am! We’re about the same size, and you’d be a lot more comfortable in my suit than a dress. Besides, I’ve always been curious about trying one,” he added in a softer tone. “It’ll help keep both of us disguised, too. Win-win-win!” 
Fondue barked once, as if offering his consent. Both Marie and Charlie regarded him and each other. “I think it’s a wonderful idea,” she said quietly. 
Charlie looked around before smiling softly. “So do I.” 
. . .
And later, when the three snuck to the top of the opera house and watched the city from the roof, they knew they made the right choice. Marie’s performance was phenomenal, and not a single person was wary of Raphael. Security did briefly scan Charlie over, but quickly decide the resemblance to any phantom thief was tangential at best. Now they had Paris to themselves, it felt like. 
Raphael kicked his legs over the edge of the building, smiling at his mismatched shoes. “Maybe I should’ve tried the heels, after all.” The pink dress fluttered in the wind by his ankles. 
“Raphael, dear, you’re extremely graceful, but I have a firm suspicion that would kill you,” Marie quickly replied. She rest her head against his shoulder, pulling her jacket closer around her. 
Charlie responded by wrapping an arm around her. “I agree. Even Marie stumbled in hers.” With their free hand, they tugged Phantom R’s coat close.
All three laughed and lapsed into silence as they admired the twinkling lights below. They all knew there was more to Napoleon’s mystery to unravel, that they couldn’t truly relax and feel safe until everything was taken care of. It could be years from now- there was no telling just how far the conspiracy went, just how involved Raphael’s father was. 
But at that moment, looking over the city they saved, with the people they loved, they were content to breathe. 
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queentaiga · 6 years
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I participated in the Rhythm Thief Secret Santa hosted by @sleepybrainiac and @regu-1! My recipient was @nightmareinspector, who like Phantom R and Inspector Vergier! I hope you like it!
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thematchalight · 4 years
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This is my Rhythm Thief Secret Santa piece for @101flavoursofweird !!
Raphael, Marie, and Charlie skating together in le Grand Palais in Paris.  It looks like a really fun place to skate, and I’m sure Raphael and Charlie would both do well on the ice!
Thank you again @regu-1 and @sleepybrainiac for organizing this event (:
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knightknightfriendo · 4 years
Merry Christmas, @thematchalight ! It took a little bit of brainstorming, but I think this fits what you were hoping for! 
@regu-1 and @sleepybrainiac thank you for hosting!!
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chimpukampu · 6 years
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Salut @regu-1 I’m your @mlsecretsanta!
You listed Marichat as one of your favorite pairs, and from what I’ve seen on your blog I may have lurked a bit to get to know you better tehee~ you also liked Rhythm Thief? And both fandoms happened to set in Paris? So I decided to merge them to create this AU featuring Chat!Phantom R and Marinette!Marie
Happy Holidays!
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skattig · 5 years
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“Raph!! We’re already late, and now you forget to take off your hat?! Do you want my dad to know you’re phantom R or something?”
Hey @jurikatou ! Happy new year! Sorry it’s a little late, I hurt my hand and couldn’t draw for a bit :x I can’t write fic unfortunately, but I tried to show the family and passing of time you wanted to see :) Hope you like it!
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utopiaseisaku · 5 years
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tis i! your secret santa @knightknightfriendo !! are they holding hands? is charlie pinching ralph? we shall never know ;)
(@regu-1 to confirm upload)
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(they’re holding fondue’s paws, one in each hand)
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heir-conditioning · 5 years
happy crisum @m-multi!! (I am hoping to god I am tagging the correct person in this because several options were coming up kjhgfghj) I was your secret santa in the rhythm thief gift exchange! R/Charlie doesn’t come to me very easy, but this has several ideas I’ve had on the back burner for a while, so I can only hope they all came together coherently enough and that you like it!! ;7; happy holidays!
(also @regu-1 to confirm the gifting!)
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snaviis · 6 years
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merry chrimbobble @fairytaleatheart !!!!!!!!!!! i was your secret santa person yep yep !!!! i tried to do the cafe au settin’ kinda thing but i wasnt too happy with the perspective so i hope you don’t mind that i threw in somethin’ a little extra   っゝω・)っ~☆  
i think i should tag the people tht hosted the SS too? @sleepybrainiac & @regu-1 thank u for the opportunity !!!
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regu-1 · 5 years
Rhythm Thief Secret Santa 2019 Sign-up Dates
Forgot to mention but the Rhythm Thief Secret Santa is being held again this year!
Sign-ups start on November 1st and ends on November 25th.
More information to come later!
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101flavoursofweird · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: リズム怪盗R | Rhythm Thief & the Emperor’s Treasure Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Marie/Raphael | Phantom R, Charlie | Charlotte Vergier/Raphael | Phantom R, Charlie | Charlotte Vergier/Marie (Rhythm Thief), Charlie/Phantom/Marie Characters: Charlie | Charlotte Vergier, Raphael | Phantom R, Marie (Rhythm Thief), Fondue (Rhythm Thief) Additional Tags: Rhythm Thief Secret Santa 2019, Rhythm Thief spoilers, Duchess Elizabeth (Mentioned) - Freeform, Inspector Vergier (Mentioned) - Freeform, Fluff Summary:
Marie and Phantom R watch the fireworks together. Charlie watches the two of them.
Hi, @lemonliquorice-art! I was your Rhythm Thief Secret Santa! I’m sorry this is a little late (it’s still New Years Eve in some places, but still...) and not as long as I would have liked. I started writing an iceskating date for Charlie/Raphael/Marie  and I’m still writing it. It’s long- much longer than this- and I’ll post it as soon as it’s done. For now, please enjoy the Rhythm Thief trio watching the fireworks! 
Thanks again to @sleepybrainiac and @regu-1 for organising the Secret Santa!
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pipqueak · 5 years
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my secret santa for @101flavoursofweird !!! sorry im late eheheheh!!!
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glitch-archive · 6 years
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dancing in the snow
For the 2017 Rhythm Thief Secret Santa hosted by @regu-1 and @sleepybrainiac!!!! I was drawing for @herosubs, I hope you enjoy it! <3 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays y’all
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