smackins · 2 years
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Merry Digi-mas to @ri-ships-takari !
I'm your Secret Santa!
You mentioned you're a takari fan, so my first thought was to create something cute and festive featuring the pair's digimon partners! This is a traditional mixed media piece, using a combination of marker, colored pencil, oil pastel, and white posca pen. I hope you like your gift!
(I apologize for being a couple days late, the holidays have been busy on my end ^^;)
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patamon · 2 years
tagged by @komawo THANK YOU SM, I am soooo honoured to be included and I’m so sorry for the delays!!!! And omg of course you fit into the Tumblr community, I can’t believe you would even question this! 
hot or cold shower: hot shower, my self-care practice is to drench myself in a hot shower and question all my choices in life
texting or calling: calling, so I think working from home has really soured my attitude towards texting or any text-related form of communication like emails, chats, etc...I can’t begin to tally the time and energy wasted on the back-and-forths, the typos, the waiting for people to respond, the misinterpretations and misunderstandings, the passive aggressive tension...like honestly, just press the little phone icon on MS Teams and we can resolve this 3-day email chain in 10-minutes, it’s not that hard.
earbuds or headphones: earbuds, got my first Air Pods this year and I’m not going back!!! If you have an iPhone, nothing will make more sense than Air Pods, I promise you.
paperback or hardcover: paperback, there’s something very nostalgic about the feel of a paperback book in my hand. It takes me back to a simpler and more innocent time, where all your life’s toughest questions could be answered in a satisfying concluding chapter of the book you’ve been working through.
More below the cut (because this got kinda long lol)...
matte or gel: I have no idea what this is referring to but my mind went to nails…like gel nails or the….other type idk. So my answer is idk...
12 hr clock or 24 hr clock: 12 hour, 24-hour clock is too complicated for my brain
blue or green: blue, favourite colour 💙 Only reason why I picked Team Mystic in PoGo
sunsets or sunrises: I wish I could say both but am I ever up to actually see a sunrise? 🤣
tulips or orchids: orchids, I grew up with orchids all around me. Even now, there are orchids everywhere in our abode because my mother loves tending to them. It’s actually kinda cute to see her tend to her hobby.
candle light or moonlight: moonlight 🌝 not only is moonlight prettier, but it doesn’t stoke my anxiety and give me constant fear that everything in my home would be burned down lol
sci-fi or horror: sci-fi, me and my anxiety cannot handle horror anything, nope.
pen or pencil: pen, I WANT TO MARK THAT SHIT DOWN IN PERMANENCE! Plus, I love Muji pens
pandas or koalas: pandas, #teambamboo
gold or silver: gold, it pops more when I incorporate gold into any projects I’m working on, silver kinda blends into the background, unless I’m using a dark background but I rare use dark backgrounds.
sneakers or boots: sneakers, comfy and practical 😊
denim or leather jacket: neither because they’re both uncomfortable, but out of the two, I would say denim
pink or purple: pink, esp pastel pink
choco or sour candy: sour candy, I used to hate sour, but the older I get, the more I crave sour things. I don’t know what that means…am I Hydrogen ion deficient or something?
deodorant or perfume: perfume, deodorant makes my skin feel all weird. Maybe I’m allergic
drive-in theater or cinema: cinema, I do miss going to the movies. I haven’t been as often since COVID lockdown and would really like to go back on a regular basis. Also, I’ve never been to a drive-in theatre but imagine it would be too distracting with everything around me. I really want to immerse myself in the movie….that’s why I enjoy going to the cinema a lot
pastel blue or earth tones: pastel blue, favourite colour pt. 2 💙 💙
lemonade or fruit juice: lemonade, goes back to my sour thing
past or future: As cliché as it sounds, I do try my best to live in the present so…neither?
Tagging @tangledupblue, @digitalworldbound, @reliablejoukido, @sluggybasson107, @places-people, @ri-ships-takari, @stoppingtosmelltheflowers, @ahiddenpath, @tohjofalls, @animegenork
and anyone else who wants to do this!
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redthreadoffate · 9 months
Tagged by the ever so lovely @daughter-rhaenyra!!
I would love to read some of your messages!
I tag @nocturnalherb16 @trumpkinhotboy @angel-cap @singinprincess @tangledupblue @sluggybasson107 @ri-ships-takari @deathberi @everythingnerdyxoxo @sincerelytan @ashxketchum @imjustdreamingig @properlycolorful
and anyone else who would like to send one :)
(P.S. I was too shy to tag the others but I did so anyway because it's Christmas and almost my birthday and I honestly want to feel happy)
Thank you!! Happy Holidays to everyone!
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samme-wunder · 2 years
@ri-ships-takari I hope you know this comment literally made my day 🥺
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shihalyfie · 3 years
@ri-ships-takari​ replied to your post:
hosoda did say some funky things about the hikari-taichi complex (reference lol: https://wavemotioncannon.com/2017/11/05/mamoru-hosoda-digimon-interview-part-2/) but ya, that was just him welp
also dropping here to say i respect, appreciate (and ngl in a way kinda fear) the fire and sheer frustration you must have had to write such an comprehensive and extensively researched major fact check lol thanks for writing and sharing!
This might be an unexpected thing to say, but thank you for bringing this up, because I have actually seen this interview before but have always been hesitant to bring this up because the contents are a very "elephant in the room" matter; I've never been sure whether it's right for me to be the one to bring it up or whether I should just let it be, but now that someone else finally has I have an excuse to talk about it. So yep, this is the “brocon Hikari” take’s most reliable fallback, the infamous interview where Hosoda basically flat-out admitted that the “erotic” atmosphere between the three and leaning right into that exact sentiment was deliberately invoked in Adventure episode 21. I also think this is why Araki Kae tends to joke about Hikari’s brother complex so much; I take voice actor statements with a grain of salt when talking about the characters, but they do tend to shed some light on what kind of directions they received, and the interview here itself states that it seems Araki picked up on this. For one of her first major appearances as Hikari, at that; hell of a first impression indeed. However, yes, grain of salt (elaboration under the cut).
I cite from interviews a lot, so it's easy to think I don't believe in death-of-the-author at all, but that's not the case; I think when you have a series with such an arcane writing style like Adventure and 02, they provide helpful reference for guiding analysis and the intent behind some choices, but even if we did know the authorial intent behind every creator who worked on Digimon, they’d be likely to contradict each other, especially when you take into account the existing canon contradictions between stuff (and I ironically cite an interview for this, but Seki herself has been open about the differences in the characters between writers). The best you can do is take the 104 episodes and movies we got in conjunction and simply try your best to make a consistent thread of it -- after all, I’m well aware that Hurricane Touchdown gives me timeline contradiction problems because Kakudou wasn’t on it and for no deeper reason than that, but the workarounds are so easy to do that I can make it work. And, for the most part, Adventure and 02 are shockingly consistent about their characterizations given the circumstances, and way more than they tend to be given credit for. So me being in such flagrant disregard of Hosoda’s statements here is not so much because I hate them (I mean, I do, but that’s not the issue here) but rather that the rest of the series simply doesn’t support them. Not even just about the brother complex issue, either:
She doesn’t have special powers or anything like that
We find out later in the series that she very much does, and Hikari’s early ability to see the Digimon was because of her pseudo-ESP abilities regarding Digimon, which are later elaborated on in the rest of Adventure and through all of 02 in contexts that have nothing to do with her brother. 
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In fact, even model sheets based on her later appearances in Adventure explicitly instruct you in handwritten text to see her as a fairly bright and normal (if a bit reserved) girl, which does kind of contradict what Hosoda said here about mature ennui or whatever. Moreover, the notes directly say, in clear words to the point of using the episode number, that her behavior in Adventure episode 21 is to be considered as unusual for her based on the context of her having been sick from a cold at the time. Even notes aside, Hosoda’s movies and Adventure episode 21 are specifically the ones that treat her with that ~ingenue~ while the rest of the series itself does not. And, in the end, in terms of what actually made it into the series, it’s not like Hosoda said that Hikari explicitly has the hots for her brother or something (at least, those aspects are him obviously morbidly joking about it, so they do need to be seen as tongue-in-cheek humor) and more that he confirmed that he wanted to evoke that “atmosphere”, an atmosphere that completely vanishes in Hikari’s later appearances with Taichi. My suspected reason is that Hikari’s character wasn’t intended to be fully fleshed out at the time of her first appearance in Adventure episode 21 because she hadn’t been planned to join the Adventure group at the time (I’m guessing the Digivice tease at the end was just saying “Hikari won’t always be left out, don’t worry” rather than being intended to foreshadow her later outright joining the group), so by the time they got around to wanting to flesh out Hikari’s character as a regular, they went ahead and took a different direction with her. (But that’s just my guess, and is totally in tinfoil hat territory.)
So yeah, it’s not that I think Hosoda (and possibly Konaka’s) interpretations are invalid just because they’re guest staff, but rather that between them and the more than 50 other episodes Hikari appeared in, I’d rather prioritize the consistent portrayal across said episodes where she was shown to be a rather independent person, and take the parts from Adventure episode 21 and 02 episode 13 that actually track with that. Plus, if you can forgive me salting a bit, I do have some degree of irritation at the fact that two of Hikari’s most famous episodes, including her important introductory one, are put on such a pedestal just for being by “auteurs” -- I mean, 02 episode 31 is also important for her, but nobody ever talks about that despite that being one of her key moments of character development! -- and moreover I have to admit that I’ve historically had serious issues with both of their ways of handling female characters as well, which only drives my irritation towards it further. I fully admit that my refusal to have Hikari be seen in this light is partially because I don’t want her to be seen in this light either, but you have to understand that I’m going to have a prejudice against putting too much stock of Hikari’s characterization in the hands of the guy who wrote a whole thing about how feminists are the real problem and the guy whom I still hold misgivings against for portraying Sora in a disrespectful light in Our War Game! (which I also think has somewhat impacted fanbase discourse of her as a character rather than how she was actually portrayed in Adventure)...
Anyway, thank you for sitting through all that if you did! And thank you for the kind words; a lot of it comes from issues with things I’ve had to see, but I also was surprised at how many of the relevant misreadings I myself had made prior to recent rewatches, and the Chikara-Hiroki-Yukio thing was one of the reasons I was inspired to make it...
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sluggybasson107 · 3 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @ahiddenpath!!!!
I not so subtly made you a birthday drawing as one of my wips for @campdigimonth!! I found a five-month-old rough sketch of Eimi, and I knew it would be the perfect choice to make into a gift. I changed a lot with drawing a chunk of the Galemon line, but I could have done better (I stink at Digimon XD). I did have loads of fun drawing this (although there were many struggles with Eimi's hair and Ningyomon's pose). I wish I could have done more for you, but this piece took longer than I anticipated, so I'm sorry there isn't much.
I definitely wouldn't have gotten where I am on Tumblr without you! You've helped me so much by inspiring me to try different things (both in and outside of Digimon), along with helping my writing skills improve a lot. I'm so happy we've gotten to know each other, and I can't wait to read your fic Puits d’Amour when it comes out!
Once again, Happy Birthday Hidden!! You're amazing, and I hope the rest of your birthday is fun!! You're so sweet and kind, and you deserve this day to be great!
Also, A BIG THANK YOU TO @ri-ships-takari for being an amazing supporter and helping me critique this drawing to make the piece better!! I appreciate it so much, and it would've never come out as good as it did without her!!
(Image ID under the cut since there's a lot of text on this post)
[Image Description:
A digital drawing of Eimi with her Digimon. Eimi, a female Chosen Child, stands at the bottom left of the frame, facing forwards to the right, and she's cut off at her waist. She holds her Digivice in her left hand, raising it upwards towards her chest. She holds her in-training Digimon in her right hand, which emits a light fog/cloud around it. The cloudy Digimon has two flowers on it and big, bright blue eyes. She wears the uniforms in Digimon Adventure Tri, consisting of a white undershirt with a collar, a red layer bow, and a teal jacket. She has brown eyes and eyebrows, along with red lips. Her brown long hair falls behind and in front of her, with it laying on part of her bow and jacket. Her bangs are not swept aside and cover her forehead. Her two other Digimon are behind her, facing the right and moving towards it. Ningyomon, a mermaid, has her left hand reaching towards the right and the picture cuts it off at her hand. Her hair is grey and resembles a cloud. It's wavy and reaches upwards in curls. She has blue eyes, and her mouth is open in the pose. Instead of human ears, Ningyomon has blue fins placed on the sides of her head instead. She has flowers as a bra and has her tail start at her waist. Her blue tail swerves in front of her and has light blue edges to it. Galemon, a pink dolphin, is right behind Eimi and is moving forward. Her mouth is open, and you can see her teeth. She has a red blush and a blue eye, looking towards you. She has a green 'strap' on top of her, that has two vines on both sides trailing behind her. At her tail, she has two clouds that are visible to the left of Eimi. The blue background has blurred squares and light intersecting lines.
End Image Description]
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digiweek · 2 years
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What comes after the school year ends and everyone has graduated? A yearbook.
We would like to appreciate those who have participated in Digiweek 2022, whether they participate every single day or only one day. Thank you for walking with us for the second year and, most importantly, to keep the fandom alive. We hope to see you around after a nice break!
@ahiddenpath · @ashandpikachu · @artful-browniebites @bacomon-art-blog · @bettertasting · @beepsbees · @bokura-no-digital-world @ceruleanmusings · @claw-the-somewhat-disapointing @darkened-storm · @demonoflight · @digimental-up · @digitalgate02 · @digitalworldbound · @dnofsunshine @earlgreymon @golemskullz @hallowed-nebulae · @himetsundere @jillz-precious-tearz · @johtotraveler @kiwizoom · @kyria-nico @lemon-pear @mewbimin7 @noctilucentstorm · @neorukixart · @not-too-many-eyes @patamon · @piedrpiper · @piracytheorist · @pumpkijuice @rachie102187-blog · @reliablejoukido · @ri-ships-takari · @rockthistowninsideout @seventeenlovesthree · @sloanerisette · @sluggybasson107 · @sorasfishing · @stoppingtosmelltheflowers · @stuckinthewrongworld · @sznmjun @tangledupblue · @the-east-art · @timelessanimo @uniarycode · @uzunotegaki @vidramon @wool-string
You can check submissions from every participant by visiting their blog directly or accessing the tag #@[username] on Digiweek’s blog as we have tagged each submission with the original poster’s username. If you want to check out certain characters or relationships, we have also updated our tags page!
And don’t forget we’re still doing the post-event survey. Your opinions are important to us.
Kindly note that we only include those who post within June 26, 00:00 GMT+14 (the easternmost time zone) until August 1, 23:59 GMT-11 (the westernmost time zone). We also understand that there might be blogs owned by the same person. However, we consider one blog equal to one participant as it is easier for us to track.
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earlgreymon · 2 years
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when i first made this account in 2020, i was a continent away from home, experiencing one of the harshest lockdown in the world, and struggling to survive my master's studies. watching digimon was one of my solitude, so i decided to jump into the community while channeling my hobby of writing and designing. you know i was never a consistent poster (and had gone m.i.a. too often lol) so i didn’t expect 1k followers. but despite the numbers, the most important thing is i feel welcomed in this old-but-gold community. i also make friends and i hope to cherish this friendship even though maybe later on i will be no longer active on tumblr.
while i'm not the one who celebrates often, i tried to think of something. but with quite a little time, i cannot make something grand. so all i can do now is to share some digimon .png files i’ve used for some of my works. i had invested in cleaning up backgrounds and such, and i know how hard it is to find some good-quality images that are easy to tweak. so i hope this will come useful for the community :)
the pack consist of:
kizuna shikishi
kizuna promotional art without the shadow
adventure village vanguard
tamers dvd box scans
frontier bumper
misc (some shipping stuff)
basically, you don’t have to tag me if you use these pictures, but i’m always happy to see what you have done with these. more detailed rules & credit are in the same folder. click here!
and while you’re here, if you love digimon, please also consider to follow my amazing mates below!
@sorasfishing (wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. beautiful fics on julia's other account @noctisfishing)
@tangledupblue (partner in crime greatness, some great gifs and headcanon, mainly around yamato. sam also has a great agenda to make yamato and ken return to mexico)
@ashandpikachu (amazing edits, always a fan of ayushi's works from day 1! must follow if you love mimato and taiora. sometimes she takes requests too!)
@digitalworldbound (chloe's fics are always great. i always love the innocent, youth feelings. her portrayal of hikari is always spot on)
@stoppingtosmelltheflowers (becky is an amazing digimon writer! must follow if you love takari and koumi)
@dutchforstrangers (a great friend to talk with and captain of taiora discord server, so go visit lynn's for great taiora content)
@elecmon (PLEASE... JOIN SHITTY DOODLE HOURS... YOU WON'T REGRET IT... amazing fanarts, funny posts, don't forget to buy lizmet's commission too! and join tamersona!!)
@himetsundere (eri's gifs are always smooth, and now she's doing more and more beautiful fanarts too! must follow if you love mimato; her tumblr is heaven)
@seventeenlovesthree (sanni makes amazing fanarts and presents interesting discourses around adventure. also, you love taishiro? follow now. taikoura? even better.)
@izumiyagami14 (summer is the biggest koukari fan here, i can only cherish more of her lovely writings)
@xnananko (debby produces some great taiora fanarts i've ever seen!)
@bossarmadimon (one of the most updated tumblr if you love digimon. also, the taggings are just so neat)
@uniarycode (honest and blunt reactions about things that are going on the fandom. also, great fics.)
@sluggybasson107 (sluggy draws great things! she also assists on organising some beautiful events)
@likeevalikeeve (eve writes some great romance digimon fics. i am in awe. follow for taiora, mimato, and takari.)
@citrus-cactus & @rockthistowninsideout (thanks for frontierfest!)
@crestofenlightenment (follow for beautiful fanarts of jyou! and jyoumi <3)
@pan-kuzu (pan's works are just *chef kiss* you're up for mimato or michi... or both?)
@patamon (consistent in the gifs and some nice fics, massive thank you for them!! also follow @digievents.)
@kenichijouji (also great gifs and icons with very, very beautiful colours)
@ri-ships-takari (ri is very nice to talk to! fics are also great! you know what her favourite pair is, right?)
@stuckinthewrongworld (kelsey's redraw are always amazing! she also makes great tamersonas and fakemons!)
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dutchforstrangers · 2 years
My Fanfic writers appreciation 2022
By now I think most of you following me and reading this know I write fanfictions, but although I am a fanfic writer, I am a really bad fanfic reader... Especially because I'm a veeeeery s l o w r e a d e r . . . :')
But since it's this special day, Fanfiction writers appreciation day, I decided to try to better my life in the upcoming time and start reading more fanfictions. It's stupid I haven't done that sooner, because there's a reason why I came back to fandom and writing: Wonderful fanfics written by amazing writers!
So this post is dedicated to those four fanfics and their fanfic authors that have (unknowingly) gotten my ass back in here <3
x X x
Not Quite Perfect by Most Everyone's Madd Here This fic dates from 2012 and is an older Taiora focused fic (with Mimato in the back). Back in the day, this was one of THE Taiora fics and it has always been one of my faves ever since. The author I don't know... But I want to thank them for giving me a fic to go back to (: -Rated M for sexual stuff...!
Paradigm Shift by Squit Ayumin (@squitayumin) This Taito friendship/Taiora romance/Yamato x Mimi or OC fic and author doesn't need explanations tbh... If you know, you know! This is the writer I get my inspiration from, she is that good with words. That's all. Go read it.
Colors in Autumn by NoctIsFishing (@noctisfishing) Julia stole my heart with her way of writing, her characterizations and this overall incredible fanfic. There are bits that I can read over and over again. I absolutely adore it, just as much as I adore you Juuls! I hope you're doing well, I truly miss interacting with you <3 (also rated M for sexual stuff... it's a pattern)
No Strings Attached by ayushi (@themistymermaid) I have no idea if you know this, but this little fanfic of yours (that's sadly on hold, but I understand and support you!) reaaaaally got me super excited for writing again! The way your sentences flow and how you work towards conclusions is something I admire in your writing a lot, you really have me hooked and that's truly amazing!
x X x
Last but not least a special shout out to all the other fanfic writers and other incredible content creators out there, but especially the fanfic writer ones I have read works (mostly one-shots) from and/or am looking forward to reading more from in the (nearby) future:
@earlgreymon @stoppingtosmelltheflowers @seventeenlovesthree @likeevalikeeve @ri-ships-takari @darkened-storm @snarkyredvelvetlover @tangledupblue @patamon @digitalworldbound @cherrygirluk19
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 years
@ri-ships-takari​ Weeeeeell, if you haven’t watched the stageplay yet, I might have to convince you - and everyone else for that matter - to do so.
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digitalworldbound · 3 years
have faith (takari)
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welcome to day two of valentine's drabbles! this one is dedicated to @ri-ships-takari . i admire your talent endlessly. happy valentine's day!
A stray breeze picked up the hem of her school skirt. February’s chill trickled down her spine. The courtyard was filled with a bustle of activity, students buzzing with excitement.
“Have you given anyone chocolate yet?” Miyako’s voice stirred Hikari from her stupor. With a gentle shake of her head, Hikari could feel the nerves bundle in the pit of her stomach. Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip, not wanting to burden Miyako with her worries
Their talk last night still reverberated in her mind.
After relentless pleading, their parents had allowed them to sleepover on a school night. For hours, they were bent over a hot stove, doing their best to perfect their honmei chocolate.
It had been a mess, sugar dusting the top of every counter. Mrs. Yagami had tried to intervene, suggesting strange ingredients and confession advice. “You know, when I was your age, I just walked up to your father and kissed him on the lips.”
“Mom!” a hot blush covered Hikari’s cheeks, Miyako hiding her giggles behind her hand.
“What?” she laughed, waving her hand dismissively. “Taichi gets his cluelessness from somewhere .Your father would not have recognized a confession if it had hit him in the face. I had to take a chance.” With her daughter’s mouth agape, Mrs. Yagami bid them both a good night. Her words hung in the air, heavy between the pair.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry you had to hear that, Miyako.” Hikari turned her face towards the oven eye, gently stirring the melted concoction.
Miyako’s giggles consumed her for a moment longer. Hikari couldn’t resist but to laugh along; her mother was an interesting character.
“Well, I think she has a point.” Miyako muttered, busying herself with measuring out the milk. Hikari’s eyebrows raised in surprise, though she kept her mouth shut. “I mean, think about it,” the older girl continued, “It takes a lot of courage to make the first move. Some boys are just too dumb or too scared to be the one to do it.”
Maybe she was the one too dumb or too scared, Hikari mused, surrounded by her classmates. Her sensei tried tirelessly to calm the class, but they were much too rowdy. Girls giggled with each other in the corner, the boys sitting sheepishly at their desks. For a moment, Hikari was grateful that Takeru wasn’t in her class; she couldn’t bear the thoughts of girls giggling over him.
“Attention, class! The sooner we begin the lesson, the sooner you can enjoy your holiday.”
Finally, a hush settled over their small crowd. Hikari's pulse heightened, the proximity to lunch hour being simultaneously too close and too far.
All too quickly, the teacher dismissed them. They all stood and bowed, Hikari’s knees weak from nerves. It was now or never.
She tugged her bag on her shoulder, seemingly heavier with the gift that was carefully tucked inside. It weighed down on her shoulder, causing her breath to come out in short, quick spurts.
Her feet traced the well-worn path to his classroom, a route she had memorized long ago. Lunch with Takeru had grown to be her favorite part of the day. In the back of his classroom, they would spend their free hour eating from her bento, trying not to blush when their fingers would graze each other’s. On rainy days, Takeru would read to her, his mind too engrossed in his storytelling to notice her staring.
Today, however, Hikari’s stomach was in knots.
The hallway was even more crowded than the courtyard had been. Paper hearts had been plastered everywhere, the perfect backdrop for young love to blossom.
Or the perfect backdrop for Hikari to upheave her breakfast; only time would tell.
She rounded the corner, heart pounding in her ears. Her eyes fruitlessly scanned through the open door of Takeru’s classroom, anxiously searching for his golden hair.
The other students looked up curiously. Hikari had become a regular fixture of their mealtimes, but never had she looked so disheveled. A barrette loosely held back her bangs, a few wisps framing her cheeks.
That was how Takeru found her, all rosy-cheeked and out of breath.
“Hey, Hikari.” He leaned carelessly against the doorframe, as if he knew she was searching for him. “What’s got you so flustered?”
“F-Flustered?” Hikari’s voice was no louder than a whisper. Her fingers unconsciously felt for her face, flush deepening once she realized how warm she was.
Takeru only offered her a lazy smile before leaning in. “Did some lucky guy finally confess to you?”
It was all too much, his lips so close to her own. The nerves in her stomach only tightened. His face remained damningly cool, as if her proximity did nothing to him. It wasn’t fair.
“Ah, no, not exactly.” Hikari managed. Takeru only raised an eyebrow, head tilting in curiosity. A strange emotion simmered in his eyes, but only briefly. Relief. Hikari was too afraid to allow herself hope.
“Oh, okay then. Would you like to eat lunch, then? I’m starving.”
“No.” she stated, voice more sure and firm. His blue eyes twinkled with mirth, a twitch at the corner of his lips. She studied him for a moment, grounding herself. There was a scar on his cheek, silver and shiny from the whip of the Kaiser. A freckle hugged the corner of his eyes, crinkling whenever he found a joke particularly funny. This was Takeru, her Takeru. The heaviness in her stomach was replaced with fluttering. “I was actually here to give you something.”
Silence stretched between them, Takeru’s mouth opening and closing, a strange sound in the back of his throat. For once, he was at a loss for words.
Hikari quickly fished the small parcel out from her bookbag, shoulders feeling weightless.
She thrust the cellophane bag into his limp hands, a sweet smile curving at the edge of her mouth. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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patamon · 3 years
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Digimon Adventure (1999) Episode 52 | The Holy Swordsman! HolyAngemon
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redthreadoffate · 2 years
likeevalikeeve’s mini-celebration
so i’m celebrating my 1,050 followers (i know it isn’t much compared to others but hey, i can be happy about it, right?)!
*more under the cut
wasn’t supposed to tag mutuals as to not disturb them, but... here we go! @trumpkinhotboy @angel-cap @everythingnerdyxoxo @mimatosstuff @himetsundere @dutchforstrangers @ri-ships-takari @tangledupblue @earlgreymon @ashandpikachu @singinprincess etc. no worries if you don’t want to participate! this is just a little thing. please tell me if you want to be removed!
as a thank you to those who follow me, and especially my mutuals, i will be accepting requests for any of these (i have the right to refuse though):
anthony mackie x reader
ben hardy x reader
chris evans x reader
sebastian stan x reader
tom holland x reader
william moseley x reader
criminal minds
matt simmons x reader
spencer reid x reader
mimi tachikawa
hikari yagami
taichi yagami & sora takenouchi
yamato ishida & mimi tachikawa
takeru takaishi & hikari yagami
jianliang lee & ruki makino
koichi kimura
harry potter
george weasley & katie bell
oliver wood x reader
arthur & ariadne
eames x reader
law & order: special victims unit
sonny carisi x reader
bucky barnes x reader
sam wilson x reader
peter parker x reader
the chronicles of narnia
caspian x x reader
edmund pevensie x reader
peter pevensie & eva skye bellamy (*they’re my grandparents’ names, not mine)
top 30 animanga ships
akatsuki no yona - hak & yona
akkuma no riddle - tokaku azuma & haru ichinose
alice 19th - kyo wakamiya & alice seno
*bleach - ichigo kurosaki & orihime inoue
cells at work! - white blood cell & red blood cell
d.n. angel - daisuke niwa & riku harada
devils line - yuki anzai & tsukasa taira
digimon adventure - takeru takaishi & hikari yagami
*fate series - shirou emiya & rin tohsaka
ghost hunt - naru shibuya & mai taniyama
ginban kaleidoscope - pete pumps & tazusa sakurano
harukanaru toki no naka de - tenma morimura & akane motomiya
kamigami no asobi - apollon agana belea & yui kusanagi
kawaii dake ja nai shikimori-san - yuu izumi & micchon shikimori
*kaze no stigma - kazuma yagami & ayano kannagi
kenka bancho otome: girl beats boys - rintaro kira & hinako nakayama
koi to yobu ni wa kimochi warui - ryo amakusa & ichika arima
koroshi ai - ryang-ha song & chateau dankworth
la storia dell arcana famiglia - liberta & felicita
magic knight rayearth - lantis & hikaru shidou & eagle
mahoutsukai no yome - elias ainsworth & chise hotori
marmalade boy - yuu matsuura & miki koishikawa
shin shirayuki-hime densetsu pretear - hayate & himeno awayuki
shintei tantei yakumo - yakumo saito & haruka ozawa
*spy x family - damian desmond & anya forger
*tenkuu no escaflowne - van fanel & hitomi kanzaki
tesla note - kuruma tanaka & botan negoro
*yashahime: princess half-demon - hisui & setsuna
yu yu hakusho - yusuke urameshi & keiko yukimura
zombie-loan - chika akatsuki & michiru kita
(*super selected)
i will also be doing a top 30 + selected prompts thing, though I’m not going to do it everyday. i realized i’m too ambitious, hehe. so I’ll be doing this during my own free time. what i do need help with is which ships and prompts i should write for first; you can fill this form here.
and, another treat for anyone who wants, send me a “meet cute” prompt + a ship/reader insert (listed above) and i’ll write a super mini-fic about it (3-5 sentences). 
and for mutuals! send me a *🐾* and i’ll tell you my super first thought/s about you.
so that’s it! i know this wouldn’t be a big hit but hey, i tried, right? thank you!
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samme-wunder · 2 years
@ri-ships-takari I hope you know this comment literally made my day 🥺
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shihalyfie · 3 years
@ri-ships-takari replied to your post:
tangentially related but what happened in 2003 to make cd dramas serious
The anime series died.
Okay, really morbid joke aside, this isn’t actually far from the truth. The Adventure mini dramas and Armor Evolution to the Unknown were released as companion pieces to the anime, so they had the air of crack comedy things you could enjoy because the currently airing anime couldn’t go into that kind of territory (although they’re also supposed to be canon too, somehow, so make of that as you will). That said, I did realize I was a bit misleading in that wording; Letter and The Door to Summer are also from 2001, although they also have a bit of an experimental nature to them (Letter is a Hosoda-directed thing obviously made to, for lack of a better way to put it, bait Yamato’s fanbase, and The Door to Summer is a tie-in with Hurricane Touchdown made a whole year after its release as well as possibly an Ojamajo Doremi in-joke). 02 was when the franchise was having its most profitable and prolific period, riding off the precedent Adventure had set and with the confidence of it being a known IP, so having a ridiculous amount of sound material kind of came with the territory, and other than Armor Evolution to the Unknown said drama CDs came packaged with character song albums.
However, most of the drama CDs as we know them are heavily based on the precedent set by the Original Story series, which were released together in April 2003 following the solidification of Frontier being the last Digimon series (at the time). Original Story was very obviously written as a way to get all the respective series’ staff back to elaborate on each of them one more time as an encore after Digimon ended “for real” (again, at the time), complete with effective farewell messages from the characters, so the stories involved make a much harder effort to be canon-compliant and to elaborate on other things that weren’t said outright in the story, with a more serious tone in line with their original series. The drama CDs from the Blu-ray boxes that came afterwards take a lot of cues from them, even the Kizuna one (which is the only one of this batch to not have Kakudou’s involvement in some form, but still has more of the canon- and tone-compliant emphasis than the do-whatever experimental natures of the ones from Adventure and 02′s era). While it’s not uncommon for Japanese franchises to often be dependent on drama CDs for deeper lore, classic Digimon having the level of reliance it does is honestly pretty unusual, and I would say it’s probably because music producer Matsui Shintarou (representative of NEC Interchannel and current runner of the Digimon Music Twitter) pushed really hard for making audio material, so I suspect this was his way of sending off the series at the time when it seemed like we really were never going to have anything ever again.
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sluggybasson107 · 3 years
thank you for the kind words and tag in the fanfic writers meme 🥺🥺 i know i'm kinda new here and new to writing fanfics so i was actually pretty insecure about my writing this week (and dealing with a lot of writer's block with takari week 😭) so it really meant a lot to me 🤧 thank you sluggyy (while i'm here also thank you for all your fun tags all the time?? even for reblogs that aren't mine XD theyre just so fun and full of life and i loVE EM xD bless u)
Ahhh thank you so much Ri!!!! (Is it okay if I call you that?? Do you like being called that??) You're a great writer, and you 100% deserved to be tagged in that post! It's incredible that you're new to writing, yet you make amazing fics! You're so good at describing emotions! The opening to Shimane in Spring is *chef's kiss* perfect. I'm sorry to hear that you have writer's block, and I hope it goes away soon!!
And the part where you talk about my tags gave me so much happiness and emotion that I can't even express it! I always try to add a fun tag, praising the thing I'm reblogging, so I'm glad you enjoy it!
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