ahiddenpath · 9 months
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This is all the art I shared in 2023! There are a few really cute ones in here, but I remember I had the most fun drawing Ningyomon (the mermaid). I like my human Palmon design a lot, too. And of course the Sorato art for the party!! I love Sora's dress and hair.
Digimon fics that these artworks are from: Puits d'Amour, Tri Integrity Lens
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sluggybasson107 · 3 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @ahiddenpath!!!!
I not so subtly made you a birthday drawing as one of my wips for @campdigimonth!! I found a five-month-old rough sketch of Eimi, and I knew it would be the perfect choice to make into a gift. I changed a lot with drawing a chunk of the Galemon line, but I could have done better (I stink at Digimon XD). I did have loads of fun drawing this (although there were many struggles with Eimi's hair and Ningyomon's pose). I wish I could have done more for you, but this piece took longer than I anticipated, so I'm sorry there isn't much.
I definitely wouldn't have gotten where I am on Tumblr without you! You've helped me so much by inspiring me to try different things (both in and outside of Digimon), along with helping my writing skills improve a lot. I'm so happy we've gotten to know each other, and I can't wait to read your fic Puits d’Amour when it comes out!
Once again, Happy Birthday Hidden!! You're amazing, and I hope the rest of your birthday is fun!! You're so sweet and kind, and you deserve this day to be great!
Also, A BIG THANK YOU TO @ri-ships-takari for being an amazing supporter and helping me critique this drawing to make the piece better!! I appreciate it so much, and it would've never come out as good as it did without her!!
(Image ID under the cut since there's a lot of text on this post)
[Image Description:
A digital drawing of Eimi with her Digimon. Eimi, a female Chosen Child, stands at the bottom left of the frame, facing forwards to the right, and she's cut off at her waist. She holds her Digivice in her left hand, raising it upwards towards her chest. She holds her in-training Digimon in her right hand, which emits a light fog/cloud around it. The cloudy Digimon has two flowers on it and big, bright blue eyes. She wears the uniforms in Digimon Adventure Tri, consisting of a white undershirt with a collar, a red layer bow, and a teal jacket. She has brown eyes and eyebrows, along with red lips. Her brown long hair falls behind and in front of her, with it laying on part of her bow and jacket. Her bangs are not swept aside and cover her forehead. Her two other Digimon are behind her, facing the right and moving towards it. Ningyomon, a mermaid, has her left hand reaching towards the right and the picture cuts it off at her hand. Her hair is grey and resembles a cloud. It's wavy and reaches upwards in curls. She has blue eyes, and her mouth is open in the pose. Instead of human ears, Ningyomon has blue fins placed on the sides of her head instead. She has flowers as a bra and has her tail start at her waist. Her blue tail swerves in front of her and has light blue edges to it. Galemon, a pink dolphin, is right behind Eimi and is moving forward. Her mouth is open, and you can see her teeth. She has a red blush and a blue eye, looking towards you. She has a green 'strap' on top of her, that has two vines on both sides trailing behind her. At her tail, she has two clouds that are visible to the left of Eimi. The blue background has blurred squares and light intersecting lines.
End Image Description]
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missputotyra · 2 years
Digimon x Twisted Wonderland -Octavinelle Rookies
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Digimon Name: Takomon
Etymology:  Tako which just Japanese for octopus
Attribute: Virus
Evolution lines:  Takomon ——> Cephalomon ——-Cecaelimon ——>FalseScyllamon( Names Subject to change )
Family :
Nightmare soldiers
Deep Savers 
Game Changers
A rather Weak looking Digimon ,born from the data a Mobile game and Various Fairy tales . Takomon is a relatively new Digimon . Takomon while relatively weak on and slow is Rather intelligent it seems to be drawn to stronger digimon when it latches on to until they find Floatsamon and Jetsamon to convince them To partner up. Most Takomon get Eaten but the rare Few that don’t continues to form a Bond with Floatsamon and Jetsamon.To get out of dicey Sitautions it uses its Inky Splatter to Blind its enemies
Inky Splatter - Takomon Sprays Ink at the Opponents giving it Time to Run Swin away .
Hunting Whirlpool- Only done with Floatsamon or Jetsamon the two Spin to form a Whirlpool to suck in Prey
Digimon Name: Jetsamon ( Jetsa-mon )
Etymology: Jetsam refers to goods Deliberately thrown Off off a Boat. Also Jetsam is the Character Jade is Based on
Level: Rookie
Attribute: Virus
Evolution lines: 
Rookie Jetsamon ——-> Ningyomon(J) ———> Näkkimon————Charybismon ——-( Fusion with Scyllamon ) ———> Abaiamon
Family :
Nightmare soldiers
Deep Savers 
Game Changers
Bio: Jetsamon a seemingly Calmer counterpart to Floatsamon by most Water dwelling Digimon. However For a Rookie it seems to have its own agenda and Habit of collecting Underwater Fungus . Its usally Seen hunting with Floatsamon , trying Corner thier prey in an Ambush tactic
Crashing Cascade- Gripping the opponent in its Jaw it Slams the Enemy into A Hard surface
Jet Maelstrom- It Sprays a Jet of Water from its mouth towards the opponent
Hunting Whirlpool- Only done with Floatsamon or Takomon the two Spin to form a Whirlpool to suck in Prey
Digimon Name: Floatsamon
Etymology: Float,
Flotsam-the wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating on or washed up by the sea. but also people or things that have been rejected and are regarded as worthless. Flotsam is the Character Floyd is based on
Level: Rookie
Attribute: Virus
Evolution lines: Floatsamon ———> Ningyomon(F) ———-> Fossegrimmon ————> Scyllamon ———(Fusion Charybismon ) ——-> Abaiamon
Family :
Nightmare soldiers
Deep Savers 
Game Changers
Bio: Floatsamon is the Rowdier Counterpart to Jetsamon. This digimon is Moodier of the Morimon evolutions . Somedays it Hunts with the Vigor of an intraining but other times its sits in it cave bored out its mind with the idea of hunting. This leads many Digimon to think its Dumber than Jetsamon but really Floatsamon is just more lax that Jetsamon . Changing along with the waves .
Hunting Whirlpool- Only done with Jestsamon or Takomon the two Spin to form a Whirlpool to suck in Prey
Crashing Cascade- Gripping the opponent in its Jaw it Slams the Enemy into A Hard surface
Hammering Maelstrom- it Uses it Tail to Bash the Opponents into submission multiple Times .
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ahiddenpath · 1 year
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I updated my digimon fanfic, Tri: Integrity Lens! Read it on AO3 or FFN!
It's been ages since I updated this fic. I hope you'll welcome it back! Here is the summary, if you followed me after the last update:
Sequel to Growing Up with You (available on FFN). Follows Digimon Adventure Tri primarily through the eyes of OC Anami Eimi and Izumi Koushiro. This story is fantastic for you if you love Koushiro, or if you'd enjoy a retelling of Tri that emphasizes Chosen proactiveness.
Please enjoy this art I did of Ningyomon, Galemon's perfect stage. Making this art brought me a lot of happiness! I love Ningyomon ;_;
I'm so excited, because the first big Tri canon divergence is coming soon! Please look forward to it!
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sluggybasson107 · 3 years
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Do you all remember Ningyomon from @ahiddenpath‘s fanfic Growing Up With You? She’s Eimi’s partner Galemon at her Ultimate level. I stumbled upon her fanart on mobile (with it’s suggested posts feature) and I fell in love with her design! I had to draw her then!
This was originally a warm up, but it turned into a full piece. I did do some minor changes since it was supposed silly sketch. I’ve also never drawn mermaids before, so I hope I did her justice!
Everyone read GUWY here!
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
“The One Scene”
This post posits that most fics consist of one scene that the writer actually wanted to write... plus a plot invented for the sole purpose of leading up to that scene.
So I went through my fics to see how true or false that is for me!  More beneath the cut :D
Growing Up with You
This story wasn’t planned well, like...  Remotely.  However, I did have a scene I really wanted to write before I started!
It’s the scene in the parking lot outside of Odaiba Mansion (where Koushiro/Jyou/Eimi live) during Vamdemon’s siege of Odaiba.  Eimi refuses to tell Phantomon where Koushiro is while Koushiro watches the scene unfold from his bedroom.  He can’t take action, because his parents and Tentomon are hidden and protected in his room by the program Gennai sent him- helping Eimi would expose all of them, in addition to himself.
Eimi’s refusal to throw someone else under the bus to save herself unlocks Galemon’s perfect evolution to Ningyomon.  And a similar conflict (Eimi refusing the “save myself and my feelings” route and feeling betrayed when some of her friends take that option) will resurface in my upcoming Tri fic, which I’m really excited about, because it’s going to cause so much tension among the Chosen.  
This is something I love so much about Eimi.  She’s so honorable and steadfast, but she tends to take it so personally and so hard when people she loves falter where she held firm, even though she knows the cost and the burden, even though it’s caused her so much damage.  Like, she doesn’t “get” that this is her particular strength; she thinks if she can do something, then naturally, everyone else can.  And she also struggles to see that sometimes, taking “the high road,” or the path of greatest resistance, damages the people she hurt herself to protect.  When does doing what she perceives as the right thing become a martyr complex?  It’s such an interesting idea, because I have no clue!
Before I wrote anything with Eimi in it, I knew this concept would play a central role in her characterization.
Seeking Resonance
Definitely didn’t have a “one scene to rule them all.”  This story started out as a fancy essay on my ideas concerning longterm compatibility for romantic partners.  When is too different too different?  When is too similar too similar?  How do lifestyles play in?  Stuff like that. 
As is usually the case, as I went along, I ended up folding inspiration from what was happening in my life into the story.  I explored what it’s like to be healthy and vibrant one day, and to suddenly and dramatically be unable to take care of myself for the foreseeable future the next.  I took a look at caretaker fatigue and unpacking trauma through therapy.  Over time, the story became less about longterm romantic compatibility and more about individuals finding their own unique paths to happiness as adults.
It’s one of my many stories that found itself as it went along, somehow!
Four Years
“HEY LET’S WRITE THE CHOSEN GETTING INTO TROUBLE AS COLLEGE STUDENTS!”  Yep, lots of forethought went into this one...
The Ouija Board
I wrote a 30K fic to make a single joke:
Izzy, in reference to a ouija board:  “If there is a gateway to another world, then I doubt that it’s mass produced by Hasbro.”
It doesn’t work as well out of context, but I still think this is the height of hilarity.  Which is good, I guess, since I wrote a four chapter, 30K fic for the sake of this stupid line.
After August
This is my most planned and thematically unified fic, except for my oneshots/oneshots that expanded into two chapter stories.  It’s so special and important to me, so I really do encourage you to check it out, preferably on AO3 to enjoy some pics and links.
It’s about trauma, support among friends, and the struggle to reintegrate into your own life after a huge change.
There is no “one ruling scene,” because every word counts in this one.
In Conclusion
I’m looking through the rest of my stories, and nothing else has a single moment that influenced the whole story...  But I do remember some really kickass, amazing scenes that would have happened in Insurgence.  I was thinking I might take that down and try to write it as an original story, some day, but I’m not really sure... 
Basically, it looks like I tend to not... actually write this way (writing a whole fic to get to that one juicy bit)!  I generally don’t plan ahead enough for this to be the case (although I am trying hard to improve on this)!  I would definitely encourage folks to write one shots if they have a really, really juicy bit, but they fear they won’t ever write it at all if they have to lead up to it for a long time with less interesting stuff.
Seriously, Kurt Vonnegut’s advice here:  “Start as close to the end as possible.”  Please check out his 8 tenets of writing!  And also, please read his works, although they are emotionally difficult reads.  I’ve never seen a narrative writer do so much with so few words as Vonnegut.
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ahiddenpath · 10 years
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This is Ningyomon ("mermaid monster," very originally).  She's Eimi's Ultimate stage Digimon, and you can read about her over in my Digimon fanfic Growing Up with You.
There's actually supposed to be a lot of intricate, thin golden detailing on her fins, but I had no way to render it with markers.  
It turns out that drawing clouds as hair is the most fun thing ever.  Not sure how much the hair actually looks like swirling clouds, but it was still awesome to sketch out.  Also, of course Eimi's humanoid-ish Digimon has all kinds of curves, lol!  
I'm working on Four Years right now.
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