#ria's works โ€” ๐Ÿ“œ
celestiaras ยท 2 months
โ€งโ‚Šหšโœง โ›[ making a run for it ]โœ
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ft. mysta rias, ike eveland, vox akuma, shu yamino, luca kaneshiro (separate) x gn! readerย  โ€” luxiem, nijisanji en
โ•ฐโ‚Šโœง how difficult is it to escape from them?โ”Š3k words
contains: yandere!! obsessive & possessive behavior, kidnapping & isolation, chains, mention of death, delusions, forced physical affection, overuse of the word โ€œloveโ€, overprotectiveness, probably inaccurate vox lore, possibly ooc, not proofread or beta-read, this is a train wreak of sewn together thoughts
โžค author's note: the image quality is so bad เผŽเบถโ€ฟเผŽเบถ i donโ€™t watch luxiem that much and donโ€™t really write for them as a result, but that should change because they are cuties
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you lost track long ago of how many days itโ€™s been since youโ€™ve been captured, morning and night blurring together since your enclosure had no windowsโ€” it must have been nearly a year since you remember him saying something about your first anniversary coming up. the cold metal cuff around your ankle was just as heavy as when it was first fastened, the chain just long enough for you to reach the corners of the room and the bathroom while being fastened to the leg of his bed. you had every inch of it memorized and explored: the books were worn from being read so many times, the area was spotless without a speck of dust because you kept cleaning the place up, and the most excitement you ever got was from another movie getting added to the streaming service on the television since he didnโ€™t let you have any access to the internet.
just like a bird in a cage, youโ€™ve been locked away and isolated for only your captorโ€™s eyes at night when he comes home from his daily activities. you no longer had any other purpose in the world than to be his to adore and admire, to spoil with material gifts that couldnโ€™t fill the empty hole in your heart, and to be the object of his delusions that you feel the same. the thought of remaining here for the rest of your life as his โ€˜loverโ€ made you shudder and feel sick to your stomach, a thought that you simply couldnโ€™t get used to even though all hope seemed to be lost. you missed your family and friends dearly, already beginning to forget their faces and the sound of their laughter to your horror. you had to escape somehow no matter what the cost may be, preferably alive and fully intact, but you had no idea if their love for you would be greater than their rage when they found you missing.
โ”โ”โ” .ยฐห–โœง mysta rias หšโ‚Š โŠน
โ•ฐโ‚Šโœง once you had a general idea of what you do, you were a bit hesitant to put it in motion since you didnโ€™t have the specifics in mind and terrified that it would all go wrong with how flimsy it was, but you would never be able to leave if you didnโ€™t take courage. however, if you knew that it would have been so easy and that everything went exactly as you planned, you would have done it ages ago. you couldnโ€™t describe the euphoria you felt when the warm rays of the sun kissed your skin and the gentle breeze welcomed you to the outdoors, practically skipping off to make your long-awaited escape. truly, you were a fool to think it would have been so simple when you were up against a genius detective.
โ•ฐโ‚Šโœง maybe mysta let you run away on purpose just so that he could drag you back for the fun of it, would you believe it? running away was the easy bit, the real challenge is staying away. despite his laid-back and careless attitude, heโ€™s quite the sadist who loves the image of happiness draining from your eyes and being re-filled with sheer terror when he finds you in the next country over. youโ€™ll be completely helpless against him as he drags to back to his home, tearing you apart from new loved ones just as he did before. itโ€™s so easy for him to destroy all the optimism of being free and sinking back into the despair of being his. it doesnโ€™t matter how much you try to cover your tracks, how far you run, how much you alter your appearance with an identity change, heโ€™ll track you down because the red string of fate always brings him back to you.
you canโ€™t help but feel cold when he holds you, useless as the feeling of desolation rendered you unable to fight against him. you just let yourself be limp and wallow in how pathetic you are, trying to muffle your cries against his shoulder even though you soaked the orange fabric. he didnโ€™t even bother saying any words of comfort and just patted your head your head with his gloved hands, but you both knew that it was an empty gesture that wouldnโ€™t console you in the slightest. there was nothing he could due to make you feel better when heโ€™s the source of all of your woes, so he doesnโ€™t really bother with it.
for any normal person, the tears of their partner would shatter their heart to pieces, especially if they were the reason for it. they would apologize, buy gifts, and do anything they could to show their remorse because they love them. mysta loves you too, he loves you so much, but he loved your misery even more. thereโ€™s nothing that he enjoys more than your teary eyes like little crystals brimming over and the cute little sobs you would let out while trying to hide how much he influenced your emotions. heโ€™s sick, so sick, but thereโ€™s nothing that could cure him, not even attempts to snap him out of his cruel ways and make him love you in a healthy manner.
โ”โ”โ” .ยฐห–โœง ike eveland หšโ‚Š โŠน
โ•ฐโ‚Šโœง a man with intelligence, but no remarkable prowess to stop you from leaving. he doesnโ€™t have extraordinary deduction skills like mysta, magic like shu, an influence like luca, or inhuman powers like vox, but he has his own charms that work in his favor and keep you by his side. heโ€™s just soโ€ฆ sweet and gentle. you can feel his love radiating in his actions and his words, almost making you forget about the fact you were being held captive entirely. his kindness is the main hurdle, making guilt pool in your stomach because you feel like you were betraying his kindness when he took care of you and treated you like a queen.
โ•ฐโ‚Šโœง you thoroughly believe that you would have fallen in love with him properly if given the time to do so, but unfortunately, he turned out to be batshit crazy and no amount of bonding is enough to make you completely forget that. once your resolve is solidified that it wasnโ€™t love he felt for you but was instead pure unaltered obsession, putting your plot into action feels more possible. itโ€™s more difficult than escaping from the detective who purposely let you go, but if you manage to outsmart the novelist, youโ€™ll finally find yourself free.
he whistles as he walks down the corridor, holding a silver tray in his hands that has a glass of strawberry lemonade and two decadent slices of cake in your favorite flavor. thereโ€™s nothing like spending time with the one he loves the most and a sweet treat in the mid-afternoon, a little pep in his step to show just how excited he is for this routine that occurs about twice a week. in his satchel, he holds a few novels that he thinks you would enjoy and will be asking for your thoughts about the previous books he gave you as he always does. everything was perfect from the weather to his mood to your love life, he doesnโ€™t think anything would be able to ruin it.
at least he thought there wasnโ€™t anything that could ruin it, unable to explain how far his heart dropped when he couldnโ€™t find you anywhere. he ran about the manor in a frenzy, thoroughly searching through every room and crevice while calling out your name. rushing back to your shared bedchamber to properly examine the scene of the crime where he last saw you, he realized that the chain had been broken somehow. he felt dizzy and ill, falling into an armchair and throwing his head back to try and make the world stop spinning.
he couldnโ€™t believe this was happening after everything was going so well! did he do something wrong? did he upset you or offend you in some way? he racks his brain for anything he might have said or done for you to leave him, so deep in his delusions of true love that he doesnโ€™t even consider the fact that kidnapping you and holding you against your will for about a year would have anyone running for the hills. maybe you would come back on your own, finding it in your heart to forgive him and return to be his again? who is he kidding, youโ€™ll never come back unless he looks for you himself! heโ€™ll go and give you flowers and chocolates, and if you still reject him, heโ€™ll simply persist until you remember how much you love him! heโ€™ll follow you to the ends of the earth to remind you of your relationship with him because the two of you were always meant to be together!
โ”โ”โ” .ยฐห–โœง shu yamino หšโ‚Š โŠน
โ•ฐโ‚Šโœง similar to ike, shu is a very smart and clever person, but unlike the novelist, he has quite a few tricks up his sleeve. for instance, his home is laced with so many traps that are installed by his magic, like a temple straight out of indiana jones to protect his treasure. of course, he is the only one who can enter and exit as he pleasesโ€” the protection spell isnโ€™t just there to keep you in, itโ€™s also there to keep anyone who may be looking for you out. once he detects that someone is in his property, a simple snap of his fingers teleports you somewhere else until they leave. sometimes you find yourself in an abandoned city or the middle of a grassy field without warning, terrified but unable to find help no matter how far you try to run. wherever you are, he always knows the exact location and can summon you back just as easily as he banished you.
โ•ฐโ‚Šโœง he acts as though nothing happened, chatting just like he did before you found out his true colors. you can hardly even tell that he has such a manic love for you, remaining awkward as ever while referencing memes that youโ€™ll never understand since you donโ€™t have any interaction with the outside world. he isnโ€™t half as delusional as the other boys, knowing that his affection for you is completely unrequited and will never be reciprocated, yet he still did it anyway because he just couldnโ€™t help himself. you donโ€™t understand this enigma of a man in the least bit, shrugging his shoulders like he didnโ€™t completely alter the course of your life and give you lasting trauma, but at least he doesnโ€™t force affection on youโ€ฆ which is the bare minimum and you are still set on leaving.
the creaking of the door was enough to make you panic a bit, filling the disturbingly quiet house. you werenโ€™t quite sure where shu was, but if he wasnโ€™t with you, then he wasnโ€™t here at all. this was the first time you had left the room and the first time you were exploring the house since you were unconscious when he brought you in. it looked standard, like your average, run-of-the-mill home that you would see in television shows, and impossible to guess that there was a prisoner inside. as a result, it was pretty easy to navigate the place and you found what you thought was the exit within minutes. you found a set of keys hidden in a living room drawer and decided to test them out in the front door, not knowing of the traps and naively thinking it would be simple.
unable to contain your excitement, you prepared to inset the first one into the knob, but before it even touched it, the sound of alarms like a thousand cymbals blaring through your ears and making you drop everything from the surprise. you had no idea where the noise was coming from nor did you know how to stop it, quickly dawning on you that you fucked up. running towards a nearby window, you attempted to push it up to climb out of it, but it only seemed to make the sound louder. when you saw a neighbor walking by with a dog, you tried banging on the glass to grab their attention, but it was like you were a ghost and they continued on with their day not knowing they were being begged for help. clearly, his magic was surrounding and you were too stupid to remember that, seeing flames of purple beginning to form near you and signifying that he was home to see what the commotion was about. you can only hope that he wonโ€™t be too upset with you.
โ”โ”โ” .ยฐห–โœง vox akuma หšโ‚Š โŠน
โ•ฐโ‚Šโœง how unlucky are you to be the object of the great voice demonโ€™s affections! he rarely ever lets you out of his sight as being a demon in the modern era means that he too must stay hidden from the public eye. itโ€™s suffocating being under his observant eye, something as much as blinking doesnโ€™t go under his radar. since he isnโ€™t human, his senses are heightened with him being to hear so much as a floorboard creaking or smell the blood of you getting a paper-cut from a different room, leading him to be able to just sense your presence no matter where you are since youโ€™re never far from him anyways. you donโ€™t quite understand it, but what you do understand is that it makes escape much more difficult.
โ•ฐโ‚Šโœง heโ€™s just so overprotective of you and you get it, having heard the story of his clan and how he lost them when they were all so dear to him, but itโ€™s no excuse for his extremely possessive behavior. you canโ€™t even remember the last time youโ€™ve been outside and touched grass that wasnโ€™t in his garden. heโ€™s always by your side and never leaves unless you need to use the restroom or something, like a guard dog that doesnโ€™t understand boundaries, yet even dogs could be forgiven for not knowing any better. the only time you donโ€™t feel watched is when heโ€™s asleep, with an arm thrown around you, but unconscious nonetheless.
you were more aware of every shift of his body and every breath he took than you would be if he was really your lover, unable to get a second of rest when being coddled like this. you feared that if you squirmed at all, he would automatically tighten his grip around you, but was pleasantly surprised when you were able to wiggle free. hearing him grunt made your heart stop, but he stayed asleep until you tried to get off the bed and stepped on the ground. hearing him ask where you were going made you sweat bullets, but you just said you were off to get a glass of water.
unfortunately, he decided to get up himself to go get it for you, leaving you sitting on the Alaskan king-sized mattress thinking about your fate. you doubt that youโ€™ll ever get away from him, heโ€™ll just track you down and bring you back. the world is massive, but so is he and you wonโ€™t make it very far. you canโ€™t hide from a demon, not for long enough to sigh in relief anyway. if walking on wood with bare feet was enough to wake him from his slumber, hearing you open a door or window would be enough to have him running.
โ”โ”โ” .ยฐห–โœง luca kaneshiro หšโ‚Š โŠน
โ•ฐโ‚Šโœง your prison is a palace dusted with gold, youโ€™re served the finest food on silver platters, youโ€™re decorated with jewels that are worth millions, but the splendor isnโ€™t enough to distract you from the fact that youโ€™re a prisoner. normally, you could only dream of living in a place like this where youโ€™re doted on by a lover and spoiled rotten with whatever you want, yet you would do anything to trade this life for the people he had his men wipe off the face of the earth to have you to himself. it canโ€™t be a paradise when you know itโ€™s stained with the blood drawn by a mafia family.
โ•ฐโ‚Šโœง escape is next to impossible, as expected of the kaneshiro family. hidden cameras watch your every step and guards are lined up in every hallway to make sure that no one aside from their masters gets in or out, armed with weapons that they wouldnโ€™t hesitate to use if necessary. even if they have strict orders not to use them against you for any reason, they are still allowed to use physical force to bring you back and any injuries will be regarded as collateral damage.
your legs dragged across the polished marble floors of the hall since you refused to walk back to your room, carried by two burly men in suits who caught you trying to run away for the -nth time. just like all previous attempts, you were caught within five minutes, which is an improvement to last time yet still not even close to enough to reach the pearly gates of freedom. knowing that youโ€™ll need more then double of that to get out is disheartening, but everyone knows that youโ€™re going to try again. youโ€™ve learned that it really doesnโ€™t cost anything to make a run for it, they donโ€™t even punish you for it since luca loves you too much for that so they just throw you back on the bed before leaving.
there are a few bruises from their rough handling, but nothing too serious. youโ€™d be willing to walk out of there with a broken arm if needed, you just wanted to go home and see the remaining few who werenโ€™t picked off by the mafia again. later that day, youโ€™ll be gifted with new dresses and shoes that shimmer in the light of the grand chandelier of your room to try and convince you to stay, however, there isnโ€™t any use for such items if others couldnโ€™t see it as well. if you keep trying, youโ€™ll make it a little further as you learn from your mistakes, maybe even one of his men will feel pity for you or get sick of your antics and just let you go. youโ€™ll only know if you keep trying.
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160 notes ยท View notes
studiare-con-asteria ยท 2 years
๐šŠ ๐š–๐š’๐š•๐š•๐š’๐š˜๐š— ๐š™๐š˜๐šœ๐šœ๐š’๐š‹๐š•๐šŽ ๐š˜๐šž๐š๐šŒ๐š˜๐š–๐šŽ๐šœ: ๐Ÿบ
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hi! its my first time here submitting smth for ampo, and if you don't know what that is, it's a writeblr event hosted by mika @strawberrystarcake and nico @chaotic-queer-disaster! they have a blog all about it (@.a-million-possible-outcomes), check it out if you want :) anyway the word count here is around 2.3k and it's also my first time writing a story this long so . don't expect anything big or deep, i'm still trying :D i just did this for fun and i had lots of em LOL no tws ^_^
"autumn was a peculiar person. she was secretive. she was quiet. she was the most introverted person i know. but she's still my best friend."
that was via. fifteen years old. she's talking to a new student in school. he thought via was talkative and loud.
"we met when we were around 12 years old, you see. she was a new student here in this school, and being the extroverted kid i was, i marched right up to her and introduced myself, just how i'm doing it to you right now! she started avoiding me but i was very clingy, and so she had no choice but to put up with my nonsense."
the new boy looked very confused and obviously didn't want to be there, but it looks like he had no choice.
"we soon became very good friends!", she continued, "i picked her up every morning and brought her home every aftern-"
"look. i don't have time for this. you're just not my type of friend. now c-"
"oh and she disappears very randomly at times, probably to visit her mother."
he was rather intrigued. just a little bit.
"wait, who takes care of her then?" he asked
"no one" via said simply. she's a very mature being. she's pretty good at taking care of herself"
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๐šŠ๐šž๐š๐šž๐š–๐š— ; ๐šŠ ๐š‘๐šŽ๐šŠ๐šก๐š’๐šŠ๐š— ๐š˜๐š ๐š๐š˜๐š๐šŠ๐šข
autumn was a very peculiar person and she knows it. she liked being called peculiar. it was a compliment to her.
her life was quite simple. gets picked up by via at 7am, brought home at 3pm, and she disappears to who knows where until she is picked up at 7am again the next day.
that was a lie. her life is not simple at all. her life is the opposite of simple. it was hard, tiring, draining and demanding. most people would probably switch lives with her, but trust me. that is not the way to go.
so, what is she? is she a princess? is she a heir? no. she's a heaxian.
she comes from a land called heaxia, some place near japan and taiwan. of course, it's invisible to the naked eye.
heaxians are-- powerful. they get to choose a power to keep for life when they come of age (14) and is assigned to a country. their lifelong goal is to retrieve the eyes of the heax from every country there is.
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๐š๐šŠ๐š‹ ; ๐š ๐š‘๐š˜ ๐šœ๐š๐šŠ๐š›๐š๐šŽ๐š ๐š’๐š ๐šŠ๐š•๐š•
the gods were bored one day, so they decide to play a little game. there is a little pebble, as smooth as glass or marble, as shiny as a silver platter, and as big as a thumb would be lying around on the ground once a year. the gods would drop the gift in every country for a whole 24 hours, and if ever the rock finds a person worthy, it'll show itself. the person in question now has the ability to get powers of their choice, and the game is over.
a 10 year old girl, gab, was skipping around her garden, she saw something shiny. she thought it was a coin at first, but it was far too thick to be one. then; it snapped. "mama! mama! i found the gift! the gift in our country!"
of course, her mother was very doubtful. "how do you know this is real? could this be a copy? a prank? gab. you can't jump to conclusions."
gab felt it. she knew she's found the gift.
that night, the gods, miles and ysabel, visited her dream. "hello gab! as it turns out, you have found the gift! congratulations!" gab was too starstruck to speak. she was standing on a cloud, and it was very bright. it seemed to her that there were castles in the distance. "why am i standing on a cloud?" they both laughed. "this is infinite magical powers we're talking about. anything is possible."
gab chose the power of teleportation which was very convenient on her part. her powers were passed on only to her worthy descendants. to be specific, only around 35 out of around 80 descendants got the gift, which all happened in around eleven decades.
now here's the catch. the gods' game backfired. they didn't think it through. you see, after gab has officially gotten her power, the gods lost power over the stones, which means a whole other race of heaxians could arise just if one more puny little childless human being, as the gods would call us, finds a stone- which could be a big problem, since they never wanted the heaxians to take over the human population.
which brings us back to the present, the 1990s
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๐šŠ๐šž๐š๐šž๐š–๐š— ; ๐šŠ ๐š‘๐šŽ๐šŠ๐šก๐š’๐šŠ๐š— ๐š˜๐š ๐š๐š˜๐š๐šŠ๐šข ; ๐š’๐š—๐š๐š›๐š˜๐š๐šž๐šŒ๐š๐š’๐š˜๐š—
autumn was in her condominium, heading out to another part of the state to search for the eye of australia. for the past three years, she's been in melborne and today, she's decided to go near that one cafe a few blocks away from school. she's been able to search the entire school just last week, and nothing, as she expected
there are two more heaxians in australia- milo and taylor. we're not aware of their location, but we'll find out soon enough.
i haven't told you about autumn's power yet!! well, she had a very hard time deciding on it. when i say hard, i mean a really hard time. it took her weeks to decide because she had too many ideas, but settled on seeing the future. the catch was she only had 10 minutes to visit the future every two weeks. all she had to do was find her inner peace, say where in time she wants to go to, and snap.
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๐šŠ๐šž๐š๐šž๐š–๐š— ; ๐šŠ ๐š‘๐šŽ๐šŠ๐šก๐š’๐šŠ๐š— ๐š˜๐š ๐š๐š˜๐š๐šŠ๐šข ; ๐š๐š’๐šŸ๐š’๐š—๐š ๐š’๐š ๐šŠ ๐šœ๐š‘๐š˜๐š
she has always wondered what would happen if she looked into the future regarding the eyes. would everyone be able to collect all 195 eyes? seeing as they've collected about 1/4 of the eyes in 120 years, it seemed unlikely it's going to happen anytime soon. she's always debated whether she should give it a shot, because she's not even sure if that's possible. although there's no harm in trying, right?
that night, she's decided to do it. she went into her room and locked the door, closed the windows and curtains
"am i allowed to do this? probably not. does this violate a rule of the heax? probably. will i do it anyway? yes of course, for gods sake i need some exciting things in my life."
she needed to find her inner peace. her brain had to empty. her strategy in doing so is imagining herself floating in nothingness. a white place and nothing more. when she felt ready, she did.
*snap*. "take me to the next century."
she felt the sensation of being sucked into a loophole, just as you would feel if you went on a merry-go-round; just exclude getting dizzy. around and round and round again, until she is dropped into what is supposedly the 2090s.
"oh no."
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everything was. magic. everywhere. was magic. teleporting, super speed, invisibility, you name it. as she was going to walk up to a nice looking lady for some questions, she felt a tingling sensation and she was brought back to the position she was in when she first arrived. everyone started clapping and laughing.
"what- what the hell just happe- excuse me? excuse me, yeah you, what just happened?"
"you uncultured and disrespectful child may i add. raine just did her Thing."
"raine? her Thing? what?"
"jesus christ, that's not funny. some kind of comedian you are, aye?
"sorry. where am i again?" she added. "my head's feeling funny." god, that was a horrible fib, she thought.
the lady shakes her head. "honestly, woman, did you hit your head on the way? you're in calagary, canada, where the heax magic is strongest.
"oh. okay. thank you, anyway i best be going, see you."
"wait! where are you going? how do you know wher-" but she was already off.
it was a horrible sight, i can tell you that. chaos everywhere. no control, and no government in sight to stop it all.
you may be thinking of a place with paper planes all over the streets with cars zooming past the speed limit and plastic bags flying all over the air. here's the thing: it's not that kind of chaotic. everything was actually neat when it comes to actual pollution, because ella was always there to help. she's an environmentalist, and she chose the power of tidying up. in a snap of a finger, she can put all the trash in the city disappear into oblivion. gone. disappeared.
of course, just because ella can clean them all up, it doesn't stop her from reminding everyone to avoid littering. every 2 months, with a help of her friend alex, who can make his voice heard by a thousand miles, they have programs about the environment. autumn was fascinated by ella's and alex's determination. back at 1990, people couldn't care less about the environment. "maybe the future isn't so bad after all."
she was wrong. she visited a nearby cafe and observed that the non-heaxians were the laziest asses in the universe. everyone is complaining. "hey yOU! MAKE A CUP O' COFFEE APPEAR! IM THIRSTY!" "ey, get my cup from the counter please? can't you teleport?" noise pollution was booming.
and then she saw a girl, around her age. she looked stressed. autumn was in dire need of explanations.
"uh hey there. question. who's raine?"
she looked startled and took off her earbuds. "oh sorry, didn't see you there. you must be knew here. raine's a popular person here in our country and she has the power to turn back time."
"oh. makes sense. thanks."
she also noticed the girl looked distressed and disappointed.
"no, no i'm not alright. this world is doomed. everyone is relying on these.. heaxians, theyre called? to do the work for them. hell, my sister wont even learn to drive since her heaxian of a best friend can fly her to wherever. everyone is taking everything forgranted. the heaxians can do nothing. our mayor believes that humans have higher power and authority over them. they're used as slaves."
"my mother and father were heaxians. they both died three years ago because they weren't doing as humans would tell them to. they thought that their sacrifice would inspire other heaxians to fight back. it was no use. their death was put in vain. cowards." she stopped, and added "i wish i was born in the past. maybe in the 1990s. lovely place."
she started tearing up. autumn felt the need to pat her back consolingly, and she did. they both smiled at each other.
"i agree with you completely. this is utter chaos. sure, there are peacemakers everywhere and environmentalists, but the true magic of life is gone. words like 'hard work' and 'determination' and 'patience' are washed away in a sea, forgotten."
she couldn't be more relieved to hear that.
"oh, and what's your name?"
"kim. kimberly vega."
"wait what?"
"yeah? w-"
and she felt it again. she was sucked back into a loophole. her head went round and round and round and then suddenly she felt like falling. and then she was back. the lovely 1990s. she has never been more relieved to be back. autumn vega couldn't be more relieved.
autumn died at the age of 82. funnily, she got to visit her town in australia as a spirit, in around the 2080s. it was hilarious watching them all go wild. newspapers, radios, cellphones and televisions all blasting the same questions. "MAGIC EXISTS?????" "WHAT THE HELL ARE HEAXIANS??????" "IS THIS THE END OF IT ALL?????"
she knows how this ends, of course.
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fast-forward. a hundred years later. it's 2090 now, and kim vega was in her comfort cafe with her usual caramel macchiato. a 19 year old, as usual, pissed with the world.
a strange girl suddenly appeared outside her window, she looked younger than her. she looked confused but no matter. kim had nothing to do with her.
ten minutes later, the girl entered the cafe and started walkimg towards her. thoughts like "what does she want with me" and "get off me i dont need friends" revolved around her head in less than 3 seconds.
"uh hey there. question. who's raine?"
crap. she pretended not to hear her. who's raine???? what kind of question is that? kim thought to herself.
sigh. i guess i'll have to answer. and so kim went on about raine and her popularity.
i knew it, she thought. now what do i tell her. suppose i'll tell her the truth, she's going to think ive lost my mind. no harm in doing it though, i don't even know her. and kim started talking about how she hated the future, about her parents, and about how she wished she was born in the 1990s instead.
to kim's surprise, the strange girl agreed with her.
she started patting her back. kim was pretty touched.
"oh and what's your name?"
"kim. kimberly vega."
"wait what?"
"yeah? why? anything wro-"
she couldn't finish her sentence because the strange girl was surrounded by little lights. they looked like fairy lights but she couldn't see the cord. what. is. happening.
in a blink of an eye, she was gone.
"huh. weird. sucks i guess"
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"and that's all i know about autumn. she was very mysterious, you know?" via concluded
"yeah. i know. anyway, best be off now. i've got a story to narrate."
yep. i'm milo, yeah, does that ring a bell? thought i'd like to surprise you.
there are some unanswered questions to the tale, and all we can say is we don't know. how did the humans learn about our magic? wasn't it supposed to be kept secret? and what happened to kim?
you know, sometimes our questions are better left unanswered.
the heaxians will always be remembered, but i'm not sure if it's something to be proud of.
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studiare-con-asteria ยท 2 years
you're lost. in the wilderness. alone. scared.
you don't know what to do. it's dark. you can't seeโ€“ or thinkโ€“ straight
you've come so far, does it have to end like this
you're lost.
you're lost. lost in a way where you know what you want but you don't know how to get there
it may just mess everything up
and if it does? you'll feel incomplete. something's off.
you're lost. you're lost in your thoughts. your choices. your life.
you're struggling. trekking along the rough path, hiking through the steep cliffs, feeling like you want to cry and scream and let everything out because you don't know what to do anymore, you're lost.
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studiare-con-asteria ยท 2 years
I once had an imaginary friend
She was patient, kind, approachable
I would tell her about my hopes and dreams
And I could feel her understand me, as it seems
My parents were always too busy for me
On their phones twenty-four seven, you see
I thought I wasn't good enough for them
So I'd turn to my imaginary friend
She had long brown hair and a big smile on her face
In her pretty pink dress and black little shoes
She would wait for my stories. Wait for me.
She was there for me as my parents could not
My friend, Lily, meant the world to me, I thought
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