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Planet Bunnies
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itsapmseymour · 11 months
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Behind the Scenes Peek for Upcoming Cosmic Wonders Short, “Her Letter”
More pieces here~
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borderxflife · 1 year
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[ btw the alice/patchouli rivalry is OUT alice/patchouli friendship is IN!!!! ]
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ipreferfiction · 2 years
If your Jedi ocs had to disguise themselves as a Sith, how convincing of a job would they do?
oh this is a fun one! thanks for the question.
(masterlist of characters)
J'lima: in chapters 1 and 2 she would think she could make a convincing Sith, but she and Lia are very overconfident in their own abilities. they might be able to bluff their way through for a little bit, but it wouldn't work well for long. chapter 3 and beyond, though, she could do it very effectively. she has a lot of anger, and it's easy for her after the fortress to bring that to the surface and channel it. between that and learning Sith lightsaber techniques from Scourge, she could make a very convincing Sith.
Riali: not at all. she just... she's such a Jedi that it's impossible to even imagine her as a Sith. especially since her Force abilities lean way more towards healing than combat, and she's not very good at fighting, it'd be very difficult for her to make a convincing Sith. she hates being mean or rude - she'd probably end up giving herself away within five minutes because she keeps subtly trying to figure out how to improve workers' conditions or something.
Onnara: she's a shadow, so she'd be good at hiding her Force signature and how she feels, so i want to say she could fake it convincingly for a short mission, but she definitely couldn't go undercover as a Sith. the biggest hindrance is that she hasn't actually... met a Sith before she leaves her enclave, so she'd need to be told what she's supposed to act like. on the other hand, she's never met a mainline Jedi before she leaves the enclave either.
Khisren: absolutely. between their time on Korriban (and the Force corruption that happened to them) and their terribly unhealthy way of processing their trauma, they're halfway to falling already, and they have the knowledge to make a convincing play as a Sith.
Mirjal: yes. she was trained in espionage with the Krath, and her time among the Jedi made her even less open about her true goals, so she could absolutely fake being a Sith. she's already faking not being a Revanite.
Anexi: she ends up on the throne of the Sith Empire. i think that counts as an answer.
Ashakaar: no, actually. though they eventually join the Empire, prior to that they're a pureblood raised in a Republic that won't allow them any cultural ties including their language and customs, so they don't actually have the knowledge of how to be a Sith. if they were human, sure, but purebloods have different cultural expectations, and if Ashakaar didn't know any of those, they'd be picked out immediately.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 9 months
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ao3feed-todoroki · 5 months
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A Machine Divine
A Machine Divine, by Derek Paul, is a new steampunk YA novel. When the story opens, teenage Asher and Callie, from the small town of Vana, have both been accepted in university in Riali City.  Asher will study bio and genetics, with the unique abilities of genes in this world. Callie has gifts with animals, […]
The post A Machine Divine appeared first on The Fiction Addiction.
from The Fiction Addiction https://www.thefictionaddiction.com/a-machine-divine/
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azems-familiar · 2 years
Vyl Kivan
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(unfortunately i only have screenshots of him in the consular playthrough i made for him, so we have none of his outfits when he's in the Empire. whoops.)
Vyl is the youngest of the start a war cast, being only seventeen when the class stories begin. a household slave to a Sith Lord whose son is Force-blind, Vyl is sent to Korriban in the boy's stead and told to become a proper heir for the family, his freedom contingent on his success among the Sith. a very young, but very powerful person with the rare gift of Force empathy, Vyl is an innately Light person and struggles with what becoming Sith means, especially as he's picked up by Darth Baras to be used as yet another tool in the Sith's arsenal. he spends much of his story struggling with morality and philosophy and what sacrifices are acceptable to make for freedom, and juggling his desire to run from the Empire and join the Jedi with the ingrained belief that the things he's done in Baras' service have left him unworthy of the peace that defecting would bring him.
by the time he faces down Baras and stops the coup, Vyl has settled into his role as a tool once again, this time of Vitiate and the Hand, but though he accepts the position, he refuses to sacrifice his own morality and beliefs for what others expect from him. he rejects an attempt to recruit him to the Jedi on Ilum, mostly once again out of his constant internal struggle, though he leaves the planet with a young padawan attached to his hip. when he's deputized by the Dark Council to join his friend and unofficial second-in-command of the sphere of Defense, Rheja na'Korriz, on an invasion of the Jedi homeworld of Tython, however, he can no longer continue arguing with himself. he meets Master Orgus Din there once again, as well as master healer Riali Enaran, and this time ends up accepting the offer to become part of the Order and finally free himself from the Empire and the Sith.
a natural-born consular, Vyl studies Force healing and other mental arts while with the Jedi, and when Zakuul attacks he puts his experiences to good use by fighting in the war. unfortunately, the Republic loses, and Vyl ends up following his long-term partner, Theron Shan, and becoming one of the founding members of the Eternal Alliance. he's a part of the Jedi enclave on Odessen, a member of Alliance High Command, and a well-known Jedi master.
he's also trans :)
reference sheet done by moonlitalien
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Ella Fitzgerald: La Prima Donna del Jazz
Un'icona della musica afroamericana, Ella Fitzgerald ha incantato il mondo con la sua voce prodigiosa e il suo talento impareggiabile. Nata a Newport News, Virginia, il 25 aprile 1917, Ella ha avuto un'infanzia difficile, segnata dalla povertà e dall'abbandono del padre. La musica divenne il suo rifugio, e il suo talento naturale emerse presto, portandola a cantare per le strade di Harlem già all'età di 15 anni. La vita di Ella Fitzgerald La svolta arrivò nel 1934, quando Ella vinse un talent show al leggendario Apollo Theater. Notata dal trombettista Benny Goodman, iniziò a esibirsi con la sua big band, conquistando il pubblico con la sua voce potente, flessibile e ricca di sfumature. Negli anni successivi, la sua carriera decollò. Collaborò con le più grandi figure del jazz, tra cui Duke Ellington, Count Basie e Dizzy Gillespie, affermandosi come una delle voci più influenti e amate del genere. Il suo repertorio spaziava dagli standard jazz ai brani pop, che reinterpretava con la sua inimitabile scat, una tecnica vocale che la rese famosa in tutto il mondo. Talento e virtuosismo Ella Fitzgerald era una vera virtuosa. La sua voce era uno strumento versatile, capace di esprimere una vasta gamma di emozioni, dalla gioia più travolgente alla malinconia più profonda. Era in grado di improvvisare con maestria, creando melodie e ritmi sempre nuovi e originali. La sua tecnica vocale era impeccabile, e la sua intonazione perfetta. Oltre al suo talento musicale, Ella Fitzgerald era anche una donna di grande personalità e fascino. Il suo sorriso contagioso e la sua energia travolgente conquistavano il pubblico in ogni sua esibizione. Era una vera ambasciatrice del jazz, e il suo contributo alla diffusione di questo genere musicale è inestimabile. I riconoscimenti per una carriera leggendaria Nel corso della sua lunga carriera, Ella Fitzgerald ha vinto 13 Grammy Awards, ha venduto oltre 40 milioni di album ed è stata insignita di numerosi riconoscimenti, tra cui la Presidential Medal of Freedom. È considerata una delle più grandi cantanti di tutti i tempi, e la sua influenza sulla musica jazz continua a essere sentita ancora oggi. Ella Fitzgerald si è spenta il 15 giugno 1996, all'età di 79 anni. Ma la sua musica e la sua voce immortale continuano a vivere e ad emozionare il pubblico di tutto il mondo. Ella è stata una vera leggenda, e la sua eredità artistica rimarrà per sempre impressa nella storia del jazz. Foto di Rialy Radafy da Pixabay Read the full article
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Evento a Palermo per la lingua siciliana- vuoi partecipare?
At 4 pm on the 21st of February, there will be a conference held at the Royal Palace in Palermo for discussing practical ways of preserving and practicing the Sicilia language. AUCLIS, a confederation of 18 Sicilian language organizations, is hosting it.
This is the poster and contact info. Original post: (Sicilian) 21 frivaru, uri 16, cci sirà un cummegnu ô Palazzu Riali a Palermu pâ lingua siciliana. Si voi èssiri prisinti, fammi sapiri e ti pozzu agghiùnciri â lista dî mitati! Vulemu aviri na prisenza granni assai di juvini! (E tutti, si nun si juvini haha) (Italian) 21 febbraio, ore 16, ci sera un convegno al Palazzo Reale a Palermo per la lingua siciliana. Si vuoi essere presente, fammi sapere e ti posso aggiungere alla lista degli invitati! Vogliamo avere una presenza massiccia di giovani! (E tutti, se non sei giovane haha) Please go if you can, this is a massive milestone in the fight for the language and if you can, please record the conference. Many Sicilians who work to preserve the language live abroad and are unable to go in person, it would mean a lot to the diaspora to be able to record and share this online.
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nycskygirl99 · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Polo Ralph Lauren | Men's Riali Driver Loafers.
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cosmic-wonders-series · 3 months
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✨The Other Gentlemen Spirits of The Lepus Solar System ✨
(Aside from Kael’thal)
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itsapmseymour · 2 years
Now that the rooster is bigger, are you gonna update your hug tierlist?
Since this is asked a lot. Very well.
S Tier Hugs -
Cyana (Maximum soft, will tell you everything is okay)
Kevin (happy and healthy, will snap your spine back into place)
Solaria (Always warm, will transmit vitamin D on contact, guaranteed happiness)
Nerva (4 Arms, good dad hug)
Suimi (May fall asleep in hug, now you are bed)
Chie (Fluffy)
Zoey (Bird hug, please give scratches, heck yeah)
Saoirse (Hugged by a 20 Ft mermaid, it’s a near death experience, but worth it)
A Tier -
Acai (Small bean hug, possibly will end up smelling like seaweed)
Sana (Tall bean hug, also possibly will end up smelling like seaweed, and perfume)
Kael’thal (Big Dad hug, however may break back by accident)
Karja (Hell yeah, hugging a shark, just uhhhh, avoid having a visible cut)
Oren (Rad Auncle Hug, will also end in a high-five)
Rei (Risky hug, May hear the sounds of the universe, incomprehensible)
Bah’Rhys (Smells like Coffee)
Lunari (Will likely pick you up, hope you ain’t afraid of heights, surprisingly cold)
Kassio (Big hug, also risk of spine breaking)
Veniti (Will likely float in air)
Hildin (Nice but scruffy hug)
Aukai (Smells like the beach)
B Tier -
Grape (Hesitant, May steal your wallet or plant a slime bomb)
Azuri (Be extra careful, robot bean may get overstimulated)
Aoi (they may refuse it, or shoot you, or may cry)
Braiden (smells like body spray)
Auron (lil old man hug, be extra careful)
Brenmôr (not the best hugger, but Ey, it’s a beefy hug)
Marama (May be a warm hug like Solaria, but too high and mighty for it to be a nice hug)
C Tier-
Mara (She must initiate the hug, cause if you try, you will get set on fire)
Pario and Ainanis (feels like tv static)
Rialis (pointy rocks make it hard to hug him)
Yu’Jin (Ice cold, will likely freeze to death, but that damn smile)
D Tier
Jun’Oal (doesn’t hug, but her guards suspect it’s gotta be a good hug)
E Tier
Agent S (You feel a sense of…guilt as he hugs you)
F Tier
Vacuo (Consider it a final embrace as you become one with the void
G Tier
G (only doing it to let your guard down and stab you)
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ipreferfiction · 2 years
Character Masterlist
more links and characters to be added as necessary. currently a WIP. under a read-more because this covers multiple canons, it's gonna get long
link to baldur's gate masterlist
canon: the darkest hearts aren't bulletproof
(my kotor canon is aligned with start a war, and my Revan and Exile are the ones to feature in that continuity)
Revan Adarii, alias Mica Kasra, whose myriad titles no longer entirely suit her well. A human, she spent her twenties in the midst of war, three hundred years in stasis, and her thirties in an attempt to kill Vitiate a final time - and rescue Alek, her partner.
Mireya Surik, the Jedi Exile and savior of the Order. A human, she helped rebuild the Jedi Order even after her exile, and she helped to orchestrate Revan's rescue on Dromund Kaas and the subsequent attack on Vitiate that left her dead. she has spent three hundred years haunting the man who killed her.
canon: start a war
(combined canon with @spyscrapper)
J'lima Akarr, former Jedi Battlemaster and second-in-command of the Eternal Alliance. a zabrak, she is one half of a singularly powerful Force Dyad, alongside Lia Vhoss, the Eternal Commander.
Riali Enaran, Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order and master healer. a mirialan, she is one of most gifted Jedi healers of her era, though her skills are focused on healing and little else.
Itharil Enaran, former CO of Havoc Squad and current officer of the Imperial SpecOps unit known as Blackout Squad. a mirialan, she's a fierce fighter whose loyalty to the Republic was shattered on Belsavis.
Rheja na'Korriz, Darth Occlus and head of the Sphere of Defense of the Empire. a human, she is Darth Marr's former apprentice, trained as a Sith from early childhood and fiercely devoted to Sith honor.
Jana Vassi, Darth Nox, head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge and one of two reigning Sith Empresses. a human, she was sold into slavery as a toddler and was only freed when her incredible strength in the Force broke through, but she embraces the power of the Sith eagerly and without hesitation.
Tharel'elshe'reth (Elshe'reth as an agent of the Csilla Secret Police), Cipher Nine. a chiss, she joined the CSP at fourteen and quickly became one of their best agents, and she is one of the best intelligence operatives alive following her time in the Empire.
Nashar Daru, Darth Malgus' daughter and former apprentice, Revanite. half twi'lek, Nashar was trained harshly by her father, coming to resent him even as her power grew, and she gladly joins Darth Arkous when he reveals her long-lost twin sister.
Toqar Miren, Rheja's long-standing bodyguard and periodic romantic partner. a twi'lek with a distinctive half-missing lek, they are a determined Sith of middling power but intense loyalty and skill, currently aligned with the Sphere of Defense.
Khisren Adarii, a struggling Jedi with incredible power and a terrible legacy. a human, she lost a master to the Sith and spent months on Korriban that left her corrupted when she escaped, and she is hiding in an Outer Rim enclave to avoid Council scrutiny.
Onnara Madaras, a heretic Jedi from a strange and isolated splinter faction. a miraluka, she was raised to follow the will of the Force before anything else, which leads her to Odessen and eventually to Arcann, the former Eternal Emperor.
canon: this race is a prophecy
(solo canon)
link to prophecy canon masterlist
canon: hold the hand of the god-child
(shared canon with @spyscrapper)
Ri'en Aruk, Darth Imperius and head of the Sphere of Ancient Mysteries. a human, he was born a slave in a long line of slaves, and though he is Sith, he is considered a heretic by some for his philosophy and actions.
Kedu Iskejarim, bounty hunter and freelancer. a Sith pureblood, Kedu was trained on Korriban and became a lord before he was forced to flee Dromund Kaas and go into hiding, and his career as a bounty hunter is an excellent cover for a supposedly-dead Sith Lord.
Mirjal Dhey, Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order, Jedi Master, and Revanite. a togruta, she is a Cinnagar native initiated into the Krath at a young age, and even after the Jedi took her to train, her loyalty remains to Teta and Yavin.
Veke Dranth, CO of Havoc Squad and Child of the Emperor. a rattataki, she believes herself a loyal servant of the Republic and has always sought to advance its interests, though her unknowing true objectives are far more sinister.
canon: the righteous hand of god, the devil you forgot
(shared canon with @spyscrapper and @sith-shenanigans)
Anexi Karaala, former Jedi knight and Jen'ari of the Sith Empire. a zabrak, she took Vitiate's throne after killing him and attempts to rule a resistant empire with Lord Scourge at her side.
Ashakaar, former Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order. a pureblood Sith born with vestigial eyes, they were raised under Republic laws that disallowed them to learn about their own culture and species - and when they discover their connection to Darth Marr, they eagerly join the Empire for a chance to be a part of a family and a culture they long thought lost to them.
Noar'e, the former Cipher Nine. a twi'lek, she was raised on Nar Shaddaa and picked up by the Empire at seventeen, given a choice between death, Shadowtown, and Imperial Intelligence. she eventually erases herself from all records and joins Darth Nox's personal intelligence network.
canon: this is the road to ruin
(shared canon with @spyscrapper)
Thassil Adull, the Barsen'thor. a nautolan, she and her twin sister grow up the prodigies of the Jedi Order - but she struggles to live up to those expectations, and her connection with the future Emperor's Wrath, Vonyra Dozai, only conflicts her even more.
Velen Chall, Darth Anan. a human-rattataki hybrid, sie was rescued from Belsavis as a child and raised to be the perfect Cipher, until sir Force-sensitivity breaks through and sie takes the Dark Council seat for the Sphere of Intelligence in the wake of its collapse.
Ryora N'e, CO of Havoc Squad. a twi'lek, she was born on Tython and enlisted when her Force-sensitivity showed to avoid the Jedi, and she now loyally serves the Republic.
Sale'dah Suai, the Voidwolf. a twi'lek, eir career as a Republic privateer has brought em to the attention of the criminal underbelly of the galaxy, and eir reigning title as pirate king has only boosted eir reputation.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 9 months
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