#ribin nowd about her but speedy didnt he had already quit being ga side kick
autumnsorbet · 6 months
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Artemis crock
Was taken by her dad along with her sister when they were young when Artemis was maybe 3 she reported as missing
Her dad had her in fight rings for villain kids and other times training her him self
Her sister got away but Artemis wasn't as lucky to get away from her father she didn't escape his abuse and other forms of torment he put her through so she was about 13 when Batman came in and broke up the fighting ring along with some other members of the Justice League a few years after they had formed JL
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(12-13) here test subject for the power collars we eventually see throughout the series there still in my au but they were used on children first with different powers and no powers at all to see how people fare wearing them for long periods of time or to miss with Sadly one of those test subjects
In this version of my au Batman took her in a lot of the other children escaped and just went off somewhere that man took her in and sent her to a private girls academy and overtime after reserving her and know that she had a knack for archery and had her become green arrow psychic it was also around this time that the clone Roy project had
been made but in this AU version he's already a bit older and thought he was going to be a part of the Justice League around 18 but like in the show he left an Artemis takes his place he doesn't know that Artemis is Green arrow sidekick cuz sometime later since he gone off and done his own thing in a different part of the world and didn't pay much attention to what the league was doing until they learn to recognize him as his own her
But he still ends up becoming friends with aqualad Robin and kidflash
The dynamic is about the same as it is in the show but he's a few years older
Artemis doesn't get on to the team right away unlike in the show in my au version I have it where she does want to consider joining the team but seeing as everyone kept complaining about how they wanted speedy / red arrow or whatever she decided to step back and not join the team at this point I would have it where around the same time
zatanna starts coming around Artemis does join the team and also around that time speedy does get in to the Justice League but they don't have it where he betrays them right away after finally joining the league some time passes before this happened
I also have it work in this hey you would set in the late 90s-2014 Artemis has severe burns to the left side of her face so she covers it with her hair and this fake mesh face mask thing she puts on but it still doesn't completely cover the scar she has
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