#batman found her in a underground fight ring and help her be come a hero green arrow took her un
autumnsorbet · 6 months
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Artemis crock
Was taken by her dad along with her sister when they were young when Artemis was maybe 3 she reported as missing
Her dad had her in fight rings for villain kids and other times training her him self
Her sister got away but Artemis wasn't as lucky to get away from her father she didn't escape his abuse and other forms of torment he put her through so she was about 13 when Batman came in and broke up the fighting ring along with some other members of the Justice League a few years after they had formed JL
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(12-13) here test subject for the power collars we eventually see throughout the series there still in my au but they were used on children first with different powers and no powers at all to see how people fare wearing them for long periods of time or to miss with Sadly one of those test subjects
In this version of my au Batman took her in a lot of the other children escaped and just went off somewhere that man took her in and sent her to a private girls academy and overtime after reserving her and know that she had a knack for archery and had her become green arrow psychic it was also around this time that the clone Roy project had
been made but in this AU version he's already a bit older and thought he was going to be a part of the Justice League around 18 but like in the show he left an Artemis takes his place he doesn't know that Artemis is Green arrow sidekick cuz sometime later since he gone off and done his own thing in a different part of the world and didn't pay much attention to what the league was doing until they learn to recognize him as his own her
But he still ends up becoming friends with aqualad Robin and kidflash
The dynamic is about the same as it is in the show but he's a few years older
Artemis doesn't get on to the team right away unlike in the show in my au version I have it where she does want to consider joining the team but seeing as everyone kept complaining about how they wanted speedy / red arrow or whatever she decided to step back and not join the team at this point I would have it where around the same time
zatanna starts coming around Artemis does join the team and also around that time speedy does get in to the Justice League but they don't have it where he betrays them right away after finally joining the league some time passes before this happened
I also have it work in this hey you would set in the late 90s-2014 Artemis has severe burns to the left side of her face so she covers it with her hair and this fake mesh face mask thing she puts on but it still doesn't completely cover the scar she has
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phillipreviews · 2 years
Green Lantern is the Deadliest Vampire
DC vs Vampires 003
 *contains spoilers
 The death and betrayal just keep on coming as DC vs Vampires goes into chapter 3 “Trust No One” and there is good reason for it. More and more heroes and villains are being turned into blood suckers by a powerful vampire that still remains a mystery.
 The story kicks off with the JLA discovering the body of the Flash on the beach. As they struggle to think of who could have done this, Batman is making his own investigation as he already knows one member of the JLA is a cold blooded killer.
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 In the city, Rat-Catcher fights for his life with some civilian that is quickly interrupted by Batgirl who knocks Rat-Catcher down, thinking him to be the culprit. But when the civilian bares his fangs and jumps on Batgirl, she quickly changes focus and fights for her life against the crazed vampire. Just when she’s about to be bitten, Nightwing steps in to help, turning the vampire to dust, and both talk with Rat-Catcher about the current vampire plague.
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 While working underground in the sewer, Batman tracks the remains of Zan, the Wonder Twin that Green Lantern turned into a smoothie with a giant green blender in issue one. Jayna joins Batman to help, saying she can feel her brother down here.
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 Above them, Penguin runs for his life from a gang of vampires when Zatanna trips him. Believing he’s found help, Penguin offers to pay Zatanna in exchange for assistance so he doesn’t turn into a “blood sucking freak”. But Zatanna just smiles as she reveals her red eyes and fangs, “Sometimes a girl just wants to eat some junk food.” And there is no doubt that the Penguin has got some fatty blood cells.
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 Wonder Woman stands on the beach where the Flash’s body was found, alone until Green Lantern joins her, reminiscing about the Flash. Wonder Woman quickly wraps the Lasso of Truth around Green Lantern getting the confession she suspected. But old tricky Green Lantern isn’t entirely helpless, he uses his ring to hypnotize Wonder Woman and turn her. I found this to be just a convenient way to get the goddess to become a villain in the story as this power of hypnosis isn’t usually listed as one of Green Lanterns abilities.
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 Black Canary discovers Penguin’s corpse lying in an alley when Robin/Damian approaches her with complete suspicion. The two duke it out, but Black Canary gets the upper hand when she stabs Robin, getting a quick vile of his blood for testing. She isn’t a vampire and she’s hoping he isn’t either. She rushes back to her HQ with Green Arrow awaiting her as he and his team are heading their own investigation as to who the main vampire really is.
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 In the sewer, Batman discovers a piece of Zan’s thumb that brings Jayna to tears, swearing revenge. After examination, Batman uncovers that Zan was cut, not by a steal blade as it leaves traces, but by a blade “made of light.” This now confirms which JLA member was turned. But it won’t matter much as that sneak Green Lantern brings Wonder Woman to the Hall of Justice to tell the entire JLA that Batman killed Flash, leaving the story on a cliffhanger, hungering for more action. Could Batman take down the entire JLA by himself? Go pick up the next issue to find out.
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 -Phillip K.
  Written by James Tynion IV & Matthew Rosenberg
Art, Color & Main Cover by Otto Schmidt
Lettering by Tom Napolitano
Variant covers by Francesco Mattina
Edited by Ben Abernathy
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ohgoddard · 4 years
Truth, Justice, and the Symbol of Peace.2.
Musutafu, Japan
“...its unknown where he has gone to, however all heroes are searching for any remainder..”
“...Endeavor made a statement that he would do anything to find All-Might again, however with the new position as #1 Hero, it would take time…”
“... outpost raided, found several vats of strange creatures soon destroyed by on-scene heroes. Even stranger were the numerous hands found, cut off at the..”
A small *click* sounded behind Izuku’s head, turning the t.v. off. He sits on the couch, head in his hands, weeping. His shirt is wrinkled, his hair unkempt, he looks a mess. On the table in front of him are several snot-filled tissues, half drank bottles of water, and his notebooks. Inko walked around the couch and sat down, putting her arm around him. Izuku didn’t even look up. “Izuku,” she said as he put the remote on the table, being careful not to spill anything. “I know this is a hard time for you, but you can’t stay in all day.”
It has been two days since the disappearance of All-Might. The world is forever changed at his absence, but with him he took the ultimate evil as well. However, a void is felt on both sides by their leaving. But the absence in Izuku’s soul was far larger than any geopolitical one.
“I know you looked up to him but Izuku, you don’t have a quirk. It was always going to be a dream. I guess.. I guess it just happened sooner rather than later.”
He still cried.
Inko hugged her son close, burying her face in his fuzzy green hair. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I can’t imagine how this feels. Just,” she pulled away, rubbing his back, “ please take a walk. It’ll help more than you think.” She stands up, kissing him on his forehead, before walking back into her room. A few minutes later, the crying stopped. Izuku looked up from his hands and wipe them off his pants. His eyes were red, but he could cry no more. Maybe his mom was right. He had no powers. He couldn’t be a real hero anyway. His one inspiration to keep going just disappeared. No one else said anyone can be a hero. Just him. And if he’s gone?
Then the dream goes with him too.
After a quick shower and a change of clothes, Izuku was going to go on that walk his mom told him to do. It was rather late, but he needed to cool his head. As he was walking out the door, he spied the notebook on his table still. He stood there, just looking. After a while, he picked up one and walked out the door. A hobby never hurt anyone, and hero watching was a common enough hobby. 
It was late evening in the city, and the walk was working wonders. The lamplights had the small moths nipping at its light. A calm but crisp wind wrapped it’s way around the streets, brushing Izuku’s hair.  I needed this, he thought, Mom was right. I should focus on normal kid things I guess. He pulled out his notebook and flipped through a few pages, updating the drawings with the correct designs and tweaking the stats as he walked. The sounds of fighting made him stop.
Izuku had passed by an alleyway, and from within the sounds of conflict echoed. Being the never-smart child he is and will forever be, he turned to immediately investigate. The alley was dark and dingy, as they usually are. Under the fire escapes and lights of barred windows wrestled three figures. Izuku saw among them some underground street villains he recognized from his studies. Hothead the fire villain and Freezmont the ice villain! Together they were fighting someone, but Izuku could not see who. He moved so fast, and threw such powerful punches. Hothead shot a blast of flame at the man, missing but showing his body. He was huge, but beyond his outline he was still obscured by shadow. His fist connected into Hothead’s chest and the flame villain went into the ground, knocked out. Freezmont spent no time in trying to run away, but it was no use. The shadowy giant merely extended his hand and otu shot a cord, it wrapped around Freezmont’s legs and tripped him. He hit his head on a trashcan on the way down, sending him to sleep.
At this point, some rain had started to pour. But Izuku didn’t care. He was enraptured with this new figure. He had never seen him before! A new hero perhaps? He instantly took out his notebook and started to write down everything he saw, his predictions of the person’s quirk, even a quick sketch. When he looked up again, the figure was gone. Huh..guess he must have left. He turned around, only to bump into someone.
Looking up, he saw only darkness and two bright lights of eyes stare down at him.
“You have it wrong in your book.”
Izuku was speechless. He could not even move. The figure before him was towering, huge. His voice felt like a subwoofer benign dragged through a gravel factory. A dark blackness was around his entire body, wrapping him. All Izuku saw was his strong chin underneath his mask.
“I--I.. who-” “Let me ask a few questions of my own.” The rain started to pick up, the sound of thunder moving over them.
“One : why were you recording my movements and description. Two: where am I? And three: Where is the rest of the Justice League?”
Izuku stared at him and shook, the cold of the rain getting to him. The giant did not move an inch. “Uhh...I’m Izuku Midoryia, and I like recording heroes in my book. You’re in Japan..uhh.. What's the Justice League? And why was my book wrong? It's not going to be completely accurate I know because it's just an eyewitness and you're a new hero and all so-”
“Stop.” The voice cut Izuku instantly. The giant looked up, as if thinking. “I am going to ask you questions, and I need you to answer correctly.” The giant leaned in. “I’ll know if you’re lying.”
Izuku gulped and nodded his head. “Do you know who Superman is?” Izuku shook his head.
“That's all I needed.” The shadow turned from him, and began to walk away. Izuku stepped forward and shouted, “WAIT!” It stopped. “Why was my book wrong?” The shadow turned to face Izuku and raised one of its mighty arms into the air.
“I don’t have powers.”
At that moment, a lightning flash lit up the alley. Before Izuku was a grey suited man. He wore a yellow belt and held in his hand a grappling gun. Around his shoulders and leading into his mask was a cape and cowl. And on his chest, an insignia of a bat. He shot his hook and flew into the city, swinging on rope to swinging rope until he was out of sight. But that didn’t matter. The sight of him was burned into Izuku’s mind, along with his words.
He doesn’t have powers...Does that mean? Is there still a chance that I..?
He turned and ran home. His mind racing a mile a minute. 
There’s still a chance!
Washington D.C., United States
The Hall of Justice was swarmed with reporters. The police had to install a perimeter to keep them all at bay, but that didn’t stop the helicopters from flying overhead. However, the chaos outside was nothing like the chaos within. While the hall was quiet, there was no less tension.
In the meeting chamber, around a giant table emblazoned with the symbol of the JLA sat its key members, save for one empty seat. Each member was staring at the matter of discussion, the giant muscle man at the end of the table, standing next to Superman.
“Thank you all for coming here today, I know it takes a lot to make it happen.” 
“Cut the chatter Supes, we know what we’re here for,” said the Flash.  “Indeed,” echoed the Martian Manhunter. “Let us dispense with the pleasantries and get to the matter at hand”
Superman sighed. “Alright, i’ll let our.. Guest tell you what happened.” Superman gestured for All-Might to step forward. He took one step, and was instantly wrapped in a bubble of green energy. “Now excuse me for being rude here, “ said the Green Lantern as he floated out of his seat, power ring out. “But why should we believe him, Superman? I’m all for trust, but the coincidence is too uncanny!” Wonder Woman rose from seat as well. “I agree with the Lantern. First Batman goes missing, then he shows up in the same amount of time? It is unusual.”
“Hear hear,” spoke Hawkman comfortably from his seat. All-Might just looked around, puzzled at the reception. He thought they would be more welcoming of him, this is an entirely separate emotion. He didn’t often see animosity from other heroes. Different world, I suppose.
“Hey!” Superman shouted, shooting Green Lantern a look. The green energy around All-Might reluctantly left him, and the members took their seats again. “Look, I know it seems fishy. But that is exactly why he is here. And I talked to him before I brought him here. He at least seems trustworthy enough that I give him my go ahead. Please let him speak.”
Wonder Woman huffed. “Fine. He gets one chance.”
Superman turned to All-Might again, giving a nod of his head to continue. “Well, uh” All Might began with confidence. “I am All Might, and this is not my world. I come from a world where everyone has what you call superpowers. I was fighting one that would seek to control all of it , and has done so before. His name is All For One. During my fight with him, before I could land a finishing blow, he must have somehow activated a portal. It sucked him in and I followed soon after. Next thing I know, i’m fighting him in a different city. Then your Superman here helped me dispatch All For One. He then politely, but firmly, asked that I come with him for questioning. That is why I am here. I do not know of your ‘Bat Man’, though I imagine he is a terrifying presence.”
The Flash snorted, earning him a dirty look from Wonder Woman and Green Lantern. 
“Thank you, All Might,” said Superman as All Might stepped back. “So you see, we seem to be part of an impromptu transfer program as it were. We traded Batman for All Might and All For One.”
“What an exchange,” grumbled Green Lantern.
Superman ignored his comment, continuing on. “We don’t know how Batman could have gotten in a portal, as we don’t know where he was before he disappeared.” 
“How do we even know Batman is in this world,” spoke the Martian Manhunter, “Or even transported by a portal at all? This is hardly the first time he has gone without communication for extended periods of time.” A murmuring of agreements fluttered the table. 
“Because he was supposed to meet me and didn’t. And we know how he is never late.” Superman’s comment seemed to chill the table, which was strange to All Might. Scary and on time? I shudder at his power, not even I can do both. 
“We can at least guess with a good amount of certainty that he is in this new world. And from what All-Might has told us, he will not last long. With even the common street thugs being superpowered, it will be tough even for him. As such, I will be researching with Star Labs on how to track where Batman last was.”
Wonder Woman stood up. “And what do we do with him?” She pointed at All Might, who while used to the public spotlight never felt so singled out before. Superman smiled. “Well, I thought you and I could take turns. Keeping an eye on him. Since we both seem to be the only ones capable of being on-par with his power, we stand the best chance of stopping him.” Superman turned his head to look at All Might again. “No offense.”
All Might just nodded his head. “No, I understand. I am a foreign entity at the removal of your comrade. I too would be suspicious if the same were done to me. However, I am not a child. I do not need to be looked over. I fight for peace and justice, just like you all.”
“If it's all the same,” Wonder Woman said, ”we’d like to be cautious.”  All Might nodded, though his feelings were hurt. Usually when I make speeches, people like me. This world is harsh and cruel. 
“Meeting adjourned.”
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gothamcityneedsme · 5 years
Batman au
Finally.  This is from the 3 sentence prompt meme.  Which I am still doing.  Fucking.  This one is the longest I think.  Almost 4k words.  I’m not looking at this anymore.
Trickshot frowned, the light of the computer monitors in front of him casting his features in blue light.  His eyes flickered from screen to screen, but nothing notable was to be found.  Usually that wasn’t a bad thing, necessarily, but they had already been tipped off that someone was on the move tonight, so it was tense, waiting for the pin to drop.  Just watching and waiting, unable to do anything else.
The sound of the door opening behind him was hardly worth him switching his attention away—he could see the person entering on the security monitors anyways.  But, he did call out a brief greeting, “Hey.”
He could see Jonathan wave at him from a subwindow on the monitor on his upper-left, and Trickshot smirked, amused—he had even waved in the camera’s direction, despite the fact that it was the size of a marble, not visible to most.  But, of course, Jonathan could see it.
“Tavon,” he greeted as he stepped closer to the monitors, “I take it no moves yet?  Never mind—you’re still here.  So obviously not.”
“Mn,” Trickshot nodded.
They stood in silence for a little while, watching.  But it was never long that Jonathan would stay quiet, not while they weren’t on a mission at least, “Sooo.  Have you come up with a name for this place yet?  I feel like we really need a name for this base, or center of operations, or whatever.”
Finally, Trickshot looked away from the monitors, raising an eyebrow at Jonathan, “My garage?”
“Yes,” Jonathan snorted as he propped a hand on his hip, “We can’t just call it that.”
“I don’t see why not.  It’s not like anyone else is ever going to be here.”
“We can’t just say we’re ‘going back to Trickshot’s garage’ at the end of the day.  We should say something that sounds cool.”
“No,” he replied, unimpressed, “Why do we even have to say anything at all?  We don’t have to explain ourselves to anyone.”
“Ugh,” Jonathan let out a long-suffering sigh.  Trickshot smothered a smirk.  “I get tired of your dark broody thing sometimes though.  It feels rude to just disappear on people.  It isn’t uncool to say ‘bye,’ you know.”
“Oh, don’t pull the fake ‘I’m-considering-it-but-I’m-actually-not’ tone with me, Tav.”  Jonathan was grinning though as he said it, their usual banter making the time go faster.  It was nice to take his own eyes off the monitors for a bit too, he could trust that Jonathan would notice something pop up even faster than he would if he were looking himself, and so he could take a moment to be at ease.
It wasn’t the monitors that finally alerted them though, but rather the ring of the communicator on Jonathan’s belt. Trickshot could see who it was before Jonathan even brought it to his face, the red heart emoji giving it away rather obviously.  Jonathan, predictably, lit up, quickly clicking to accept the call, “Nexus!  Any news?”
Trickshot lacked super-hearing, so he didn’t really have a chance to overhear, but that was quickly remedied as Jonathan tapped the side, activating the holo-interface of his communicator so that Nexus could presumably speak to both of them.  Nexus’s face came into view, looking only mildly irritated, “I have received a call meant for the two of you.  Since your identities are unknown and your communications are more underground than mine, you’ve forced me to become a relay.  I don’t approve.”
“Oh,” Jonathan’s eyes widened slightly, and he looked far too apologetic for something that was hardly a concern—of course one of the most active heroes on the net was easier to contact, “Sorry about that!  I guess we could open a line or something—”
“No,” both Nexus and Trickshot said at once.
“Stop bullshitting,” Trickshot frowned.
“Fine,” Nexus sighed, continuing as if his complaint hadn’t even been aired, “It was your ex-partner, Trickshot, back in your ‘Crosshair’ days.  I maintain that that was a stupid name, despite how fitting it was for your prior job.”
“Did she say what she wanted?”
Jonathan looked at him in concern.  He wondered if his voice was as tight as it felt.
“No, and I didn’t ask.  I’m not your secretary.  All she gave me was a set of coordinates.”
“Transmit them.  And tell Sequitur that we’re out, it’s up to him to deal with anything that arises.”
“Fine.  But I maintain that I’m not your secretary.”
“Thank you, Nexus!” Jonathan added, quick, just before Nexus hung up.
“I can’t believe you made him hang up on us.”
“You’re still mad about that?”
“Yes!  I’m trying to—”
“Yeah, I’ve seen your contacts list.”
“You can’t talk, you’re gunning for—”
Trickshot brought a finger to his lips and Jonathan immediately grew quiet, his eyes narrowing behind his visor as he turned his focus to their surroundings.
“Five o’clock, 40 meters,” Jonathan whispered, low enough for Trickshot to just barely hear him, “She’s got a cloaking device on.”
But, of course, Jonathan could see through something like that, attuned to even the slight shifts and wavers in the air.
Trickshot glided down to the rooftop, landing with ease, and he turned himself towards where Jonathan had said she was.  “Bolt,” he greeted.
“Don’t pretend to be all cool,” her voice rang out as her form shifted, the cloaking device at her belt being deactivated, “I know you didn’t see me.”
Jonathan landed so that he was slightly between them, but without saying a word.
Lynnick chuckled, “Way to ruin his attempt at mystique, Sentinel.”
“Spotter,” Jonathan corrected coldly.
“Yeah, I’m not calling you that,” Lynnick hissed, emerald eyes blazing in a way that was both familiar and not.  “I was his spotter.”
“Not anymore.”
Trickshot interrupted, not that he didn’t appreciate what Jonathan was trying to do, but they weren’t here to fight (verbally or physically).  “What do you want with us?”
“You,” Lynnick corrected, turning her gaze to him alone, “I didn’t ask for the other guy.”
“Fine, just me,” Trickshot snapped, narrowing his eyes, “What do you want with me?”
“I’ve heard whispers of something I knew you’d care about, so I’d figure I’d do you a favor—for the last time you got me out of a jam.”
“…When was that?” Jonathan’s eyes flicked to him, sparking with uncomfortable uncertainty—he never liked it when Trickshot kept him out of the loop.
Trickshot shrugged, “Sometimes we keep up connections.  Help each other out.”
Jonathan’s eyes narrowed behind his visor, but he said nothing more.  He wouldn’t, not while they were in front of someone else.  Later though, Trickshot definitely hadn’t heard the end of this.
“Stop interrupting, Sentinel,” Bolt hissed, “I want to get this over with as much as you want me gone.  So let me say my piece so I can fuck off.”  Jonathan shrugged, prompting her to continue, flipping her braid over her shoulder, “Great.  Specter is planning another raid—yes, I know you’ve been following them. Every superhero has.  But I know you don’t want her dead, and I don’t either.  She’s a good distraction, and she gets my crew out of jams sometimes.  But, she doesn’t like us contacting her, so I can’t warn her.  And fuck if I’m going to be where the shit is going down.”
“What’s going to happen?” Trickshot asked, masking the spiking worry—it wasn’t surprising that it was getting risky for Specter and the rest of her team—there were a lot of people gunning for them.  This could be…bad.
“They’re going to be stopped, obviously. Attacked.  Police, SWAT, whatever else they got out there, I don’t know. All I know is that there’s gonna be a lot of brass and I’m out. And, sure, Specter is good at getting out of things, but she won’t leave her team behind, and I’m sure more than one of them will be along.”
“How did this information come out? What’s your source?”
“I know a guy embedded with the cops. He heard about it and was nice enough to let me know for a few hundred bucks.  He’s never steered me wrong before, and this isn’t a trap for me or anything so the likelihood of him lying is, I assure you, quite low.”  She still remembered his paranoia.  And, he was sure she could go on for longer to disregard all of his concerns about authenticity.  She knew him. He could trust that much. “Specter’s people must have a leak or something too—you just can’t trust people these days.”
Jonathan opened his mouth, probably to object, but Trickshot quickly interjected, nodding, “I appreciate the information.  Tell us when and where and we’ll handle it.”
Bolt grinned, her eyes glimmering, “Oh, a part of me wants to come along just to see how you handle it.  How you’ll get them out.  Especially since you don’t want them to know you like them, right?  A little…well, it’s a little supervillain of you.”
Jonathan stepped forward, fists clenched, “He’s not—”
She scoffed, “Please.  Don’t delude yourself.”
“I’m not.  I wouldn’t stand here if he was.  I know him better than you do.”
Bolt turned, her footsteps sounding softly off of the rooftop.  She stood near the edge now, looking back at them, shrugging, “Tell yourself whatever you want, Sentinel.  Don’t come crying to me when he leaves you.”
With that, she tapped her belt, activating her camouflage, shimmering invisible, the distortion barely visible to him, until she jumped, disappearing below.  The sound of a grappling hook could be heard firing into the next building, but Trickshot couldn’t discern where she was once distance was established between them.
Jonathan could though, his eyes cold on the horizon.
He couldn’t just let the silence remain though, he had to—to address what she had said, he couldn’t let her turn Jonathan against him.  Trickshot quietly affirmed, “I’m not going to—”
Jonathan cut him off, “You don’t need to validate yourself to me.”  He tore his gaze from Bolt, “I know you.”
He didn’t know how to reply.
Jonathan sighed, fumbling with the pouches on his belt to bring his communicator out, and predictably, another call was coming, a little red heart displayed on the screen.  He clicked to accept it, solemnly scanning the information that was displayed in green over its surface.  No voice or video this time, just the information, presumably the coordinates and time that Bolt was referring to.
Jonathan smirked a bit, swiping the message so that Trickshot could access it on his goggles, “I like how he says he’s tired of being our secretary but then tells us that he’s standardized how he’s sending us coordinates.”
“Of course you like it,” Trickshot quipped, a weak smile tugging on the corner of his lips, “You like everything he does.”
“Mhm,” Jonathan nodded, an ease to his stance now that Bolt was gone.  “So, I assume we’re getting there first.  Before they even break in.”
Trickshot shook his head, already running possibilities in his head, “We’ll just run into the authorities that way. We can’t be seen either—they wouldn’t understand our sympathies.”
Jonathan smirked, “Not when they’re trying to catch her too.”
“You and I both know she’s not what they think.  That there’s way more going on here, we just have to figure out what.”
“Or ask.”
“Or ask,” Trickshot relented.  “Either way, we have to head them off before they even get there.”
Jonathan frowned, “We don’t know where they’re coming from, only where they’ll hit.”
“Well, that’s half the puzzle.  Surely with all the pieces we’ve been picking up about them, it’ll be easy enough to figure out.”
“Maybe for you, but I haven’t reached quite the same understand of them that you have,” Jonathan admitted, a bit sheepishly.  “I’m not sure how much help I can be with so little information.”
“You can be plenty help.  You’re my eyes.  Come on, it’s only a few dozen blocks from here.”
“Why do I work for you again?”
They were split up again, Jonathan on a radio tower a few blocks away, placed in the highest vantage point to take advantage of his heightened senses.  Of course, their communicators still kept them in contact, Jonathan able to whisper so that Trickshot could hear him in his earpiece.  He had told him to focus on the area north of the site—it was the least covered by the covert police and hero forces they could see since it was right by the waterway.
They had, of course, kept themselves from being detected by the other forces, which was easy when you knew them all so well.  Better than Specter and her crew would—although they also knew how to hide.  But, not knowing enough (and being limited in their mobility since they needed room to carry things out too) would hold them back from scouting to the extent that he and Jonathan could.
If only, a traitorous thought whispered, You were on her team.
Pushing it aside, he shifted his focus on the streets below, the little alleyways, the gratings that led to the sewers and the underground systems of the city—it was likely that those would be her choice of entrance.  They were still a long way from her actual target, but they needed to catch them first.  Before they entered the snares of the trap.
Jonathan’s voice whispered in his ear, “A shimmer of steel—Archangel’s wings fifty meters to your left.  Alleyway grating pushed up.”
Ah.  Specter’s right hand.  They would be in two separate groups though, two entry points.  Trickshot squinted to where Jonathan indicated, nodding as he caught sight of a brief flash, something no one else would notice, especially not from this far away.  But, since he knew where, he could see.
“Keep looking,” he whispered back, “There should be a second group, that’s where Specter will be.  We need both before we move.”
With a lack of anything else to do for the moment, he kept his eye on the small group of figures in black moving. Archangels wings were even painted black to blend in, but the slightest shimmer of their gears was the tell for Jonathan’s sight.  From this far away Trickshot couldn’t identify the other members, but he was sure they were the profiles he had seen before.  Perhaps a few new ones as well—her group was ever-growing.
“Twenty meters north and thirty meters west from your position—doorway of a building near a streetlamp.  Probably has an underground entrance inside.”
Trickshot smiled, relieved, shifting his attention away from the others who he knew Jonathan would keep track of as well, tapping his goggles to enhance his own vision (although mere tech couldn’t compare with Jonathan), and just as he had thought, there she was.  Alone—a surprise, but not too much of one.
She was sacrificial, he thought.
“You handle the others, try not to fight them.  But we can’t have them fall into the trap.  I’ll talk to her.”
“Don’t get distracted,” Jonathan’s tone was lilting, “Recall that you don’t want her to complete her mission this time.”
“I know,” Trickshot smirked, “I don’t get caught by such distractions so easily.”
“Ah, leaving the ‘like you’ unspoken, how unlike you.”
“Just try not to harm her subordinates. We’re trying to save them, not make things worse.”
“There’s only two others, I’m sure they’ll be amiable.  I have a good reputation.”
“Oh, rub it in why don’t you.”
They could go on like hours like that, but they both had tasks to complete.  He saw Jonathan glide down from the radio tower, landing soundlessly on the rooftop before running, heading towards where Archangel was. Meanwhile, Trickshot shifted his own attention to where Specter was starting to move, sticking to the shadows, and he would have to catch up to her quickly before she’d phase out.
He leapt between rooftops until he was closer to her, jumping down onto a staircase at the edge of a building.  He allowed his impact to rattle the metal, creating a slight sound, enough to catch her attention.  And it did, immediately her gaze snapping to him, alert and prepared.
He held his hands up, palms out, raising his voice only enough to be heard, “I’m not—”
Specter blinked out of existence underneath him, and before he could even think of where she would go, she reappeared, right beside him, soundlessly on the metal, her dagger up and ready a mere foot away.
He froze, eyes widening a bit, continuing as he carefully kept still, “—Intending to do you harm.  I want to help.”
“You’re…Trickshot.”  Her brows furrowed, green eyes bright in the dark. Slowly her dagger lowered, just slightly, “…Where’s Sentinel?”
So, she knew enough to know that they were rarely apart.  He answered with ease, “Spotter is speaking to Archangel.  And whoever else is here, I didn’t quite see who was on your other team.”
Her eyes narrowed, dagger raised again, “How did you know where we’d be?”
“Your operation has been leaked.  A lot of people are trying to capture you, heroes and police alike.  I caught wind of it and wanted to tip you off before you were in the trap.”
“How did you know where I would be?” she repeated, slowly, although she still didn’t quite seem hostile.  It was starting to hurt, keeping his hands raised, but he wouldn’t allow himself to be seen as a threat to her, so he remained motionless.
“I’ve been observing your group’s actions. Reports, CCTV feeds, anything I could get my hands on.  I’ve only run into you a few times in person, far off, but—” he swallowed, “I made an educated guess.  And Spotter’s eyes did the rest.”
“You’ve…you have helped us, in the past. I noticed how sometimes our path would suspiciously clear, even though we expected a fight on our way out of somewhere—but never have you appeared before an operation.  You’re with them, aren’t you?  The people trying to get us?”
He was pleased she had noticed that much, at least, he hadn’t ever really been trying to hide, “No,” he replied smoothly, “They keep me out of the loop.  I learned of their intentions from a contact—I have not been involved in their planning or their chase of you and your crew.  I have no interest in labelling you as a foe.”
Her dagger lowered, again, this time staying low, and she took a step back (not that distance meant much for a teleporter).  He allowed himself to lower his hands, but he kept them away from his belt.  He continued, “I don’t want you to walk right into a trap.  I know you aren’t what they’re claiming you are—and I don’t know what you are, but I’ve been wanting to know.”
He was usually skilled at reading expressions, but he couldn’t quite parse what emotion it was crossing her face at the moment.  She seemed to be evaluating him, that much was clear and predictable, but he couldn’t discern what it is she saw.  Did she believe him?  Trust him, or at least trust his words?
“…How many are in the trap?”
“I don’t know that much.  But when we were scanning the area, Spotter discerned that three blocks around your target is entirely stonewalled.  They’re all undercover but there’s signs, equipment and practiced patrol routines that aren’t as normal-passing as they’d think.”
“…How much do you know?”
It was easy to respond, perhaps a little too easy to share his information, but he had been waiting for this for what felt like so long, to actually stand in front of her and speak to her, to be a more proper ally to what he felt was right.  Even though he didn’t understand yet, he had seen the sort of things her people had been doing, and none of it was with true evil intent.  “I don’t know what your purpose is.  Or what your target is.  Only where.”
“And still, you warn me?  Without even understanding?”
“How am I supposed to understand with so little information?”
She let out a breath, the barest hint of a laugh escaping her lips, “Good point,” she mused, a corner of her lips tugging upwards, “I suppose that’s too much to ask of anyone when so much is hidden.”
“I want to uncover it,” he said, “I know something is wrong but I don’t know what you’re fighting.”
She stepped back a little farther, shrugging her shoulders, “You have to find that out yourself.  I can’t just tell you.  You have to see it.”  Her eyes glittered, “Sentinel has good eyes.  He might be able to, if you help him figure out where to look.”
He paused, unsure of how to respond to that, frustrated but unable to direct it towards anything.  His fingers clenched slightly.  Finally, he shook his head, “You aren’t still going to go for the hit, are you?”
She tilted her head, “Hm.  No, not with the forces you described.  This one wasn’t that important.  It’s not worth getting captured, or risking my allies. Archangel agrees—Sentinel is someone even we’re prone to trust.”
He tried not to be too obviously relieved, but was sure that some of it bled through his façade, “Good.  I wouldn’t have wanted all my efforts to go to waste here.”
She blinked, scanning him over, seemingly evaluating him again, “I’m sure we would have gotten out of it, but perhaps we wouldn’t be unscathed.  While, clearly, we are now, even if our goal remains unaccomplished.”
“I’m sure you can plan accordingly later. In the meantime, I suggest you figure out the source of your leak.  Someone who knows about your operations leaked it to the authorities, and they leaked it to my source.  So…be careful.”
She nodded, “…Thank you,” she said after a moment.  “…I’m sure we’ll be seeing you again.”
And, before he could reply, she vanished once more, and he didn’t see her reappear.
Jonathan’s voice crackled from his earpiece, “Archangel is headed back through the underground.  Specter gave the order, but even before that she was listening to me. We aren’t seen as foes as much as you thought, Trick.”
“I’m glad whatever they were hitting is unimportant enough to drop.”
“Yeah, I don’t know what we’d do if they just ignored us.  I guess at least they’d be warned?”
“Yeah,” Trickshot agreed.  And as Jonathan chattered on about meeting back up and heading back to base (“Which we really need to rename,” he added), he was left to his thoughts of that scenario.  What would they have done?  Gone back after simply accepting that they had done all they could by informing them? Or—
Would he have followed her?
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 16 September 2019
Quick Bits:
Absolute Carnage #3 has more glorious artwork from Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer, and Frank Martin. Even if it weren’t part of a fun story serving as the focal point of all of the various different tie-ins and the horrors of Carnage’s current push, this is a sheer visual treat.
| Published by Marvel
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Aquaman #52 is a big fight with a weird tentacle monster. Great action here from Robson Rocha, Daniel Henriques, and Sunny Gho. Plus some more on Black Manta and a surprise appearance as a cliffhanger. There’s something more going on.
| Published by DC Comics
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Archie ‘55 #1 is the start of another wonderful reinterpretation of Archie in a different time period, from Brian Augustyn, Mark Waid, Tom Grummett, Glenn Whitmore, and Jack Morelli. This one goes into the burgeoning rock music scene, playing up Archie’s love for music, more akin to what we’ve seen before in many Archie comics than Archie ‘41 did. It’s great to see even more art from Grummett.
| Published by Archie Comics
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Batman #79 continues Bruce’s rehabilitation and recovery from his beating. Tom King, Clay Mann, Seth Mann, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles have done a wonderful job during this kind of interlude within the “City of Bane” arc, really grounding the Bruce & Selina relationship, rebuilding it even as Bruce rebuilds himself.
| Published by DC Comics
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Black Hammer: Age of Doom #12 concludes this volume of the main Black Hammer narrative from Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, Dave Stewart, and Todd Klein. There’s an interesting bit here about family and sacrifice as the team comes to terms with what they have to do in order to stop the Anti-God this time around. Also, it’s interesting to see Lex Luthor and Clark Kent as a couple.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Black Panther & The Agents of Wakanda #1 is a great debut from Jim Zub, Lan Medina, Marcio Menyz, and Joe Sabino. This is an outgrowth from the recent Avengers volume and it’s neat to see them acting as an actual team. Interesting mix of personalities, gorgeous artwork, and a very surprising return.
| Published by Marvel
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Blade Runner 2019 #3 takes an few interesting turns as Ash is fired from her job with the police and we get some revelations about Selwyn’s wife and daughter. The action from Andres Guinaldo and Marco Lesko is really well done here.
| Published by Titan
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Bloodborne #15 pushes further the sanity of our protagonist here, showing time and reality seemingly breaking as he’s immersed further into the insanity of the world and comes to the realization of the horrors that he’s committed. This continues to be a very surreal experience from Aleš Kot, Piotr Kowalski, Brad Simpson, and Aditya Bidikar with some interconnectivity to the hunters we’ve seen previously.
| Published by Titan
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Critical Role: Vox Machina - Origins Series II #3 revels in more wonderful humour as the party tries to figure out the nature of the curse afflicting Grog. Matthew Mercer, Jody House, Olivia Samson, Msassyk, and Ariana Maher manage to give this a bit of the feel of the Conan story “The Tower of the Elephant” as they infiltrate a wizard’s tower. But with more gnome tossing.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Death’s Head #3 might just be setting up some of the seeds for Incoming in amongst the action with Death’s Head, Wiccan, Hulkling, and Hawkeye. Either way, this is another fun issue from Tini Howard, Kei Zama, Felipe Sobreiro, and Travis Lanham.
| Published by Marvel
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Excellence #5 introduces us to Monique, as she’s allowed use of magic by Spencer’s father in contravention of the rules lain out. It’s interesting to see this breech and how it’s handled, with Brandon Thomas, Khary Randolph, Emilio Lopez, and Deron Bennett adding a new complication to the mix.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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GI Joe #1 is a great new take on the property from Paul Allor, Chris Evenhuis, Brittany Peer, and Neil Uyetake. It casts the Joes as an underground government movement within an America that is under siege, and possibly about to lose, to Cobra. How different this is becomes apparent in the first half of the book. I love the art from Evenhuis and Peer. 
| Published by IDW
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Guardians of the Galaxy #9 has some rather shocking revelations about who the remaining free Guardians are searching out for help and of who is ultimately the saviour of the Universal Church of Truth. All while seeing another potential future with the universe decimated. Donny Cates, Cory Smith, Victor Olazaba, David Curiel, and Cory Petit are firing on all cylinders here.
| Published by Marvel
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Hellboy and the BPRD: Saturn Returns #2 continues this wonderful tale that helps reinvent the format of the broader Hellboy and the BPRD series, crossing through different time periods on this case, and incorporating some very nice character development for Liz. Mike Mignola, Chris Roberson, Christopher Mitten, Brennan Wagner, and Clem Robins are making this a must read.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Inferior Five #1 is a rather strange debut from Jeff Lemire, Keith Giffen, Michelle Delecki, Hi-Fi, and Rob Leigh. For one, it’s set in the past (not weird in itself, but setting it in ‘88 takes it outside the current sliding timescale). Two, it spins out of DC’s Invasion event from that time period. And three, the reinterpretation of the Inferior Five so far is very understated. They’re not the familiar reject heroes, but rather nondescript kids in a town where something screwy seems to be going on. There’s also a Peacemaker back-up from Lemire, José Villarrubia, and Leigh that further adds to the mystery of what’s going on here.
| Published by DC Comics
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Justice League #32 turns the “Justice/Doom War” up another notch as the League fights on multiple fronts, including a past where they’ve found the Justice Society and the future where the Justice Legion A have become pawns of Brainiac. Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Howard Porter, Hi-Fi, and Tom Napolitano are nicely weaving in though-forgotten and erased by Flashpoint character of DCU history here.
| Published by DC Comics
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Killers #3 pushes even more intense and thrilling action at us from B. Clay Moore, Fernando Dagnino, José Villarrubia, and Jeff Powell. How varied and in many cases disturbing the various agents within the Ninja Programme is interesting. Each of them seemingly making Colin King look downright sane and “normal”.
| Published by Valiant
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Lex Luthor: Year of the Villain #1 is a curious tour of the multiverse, visiting various Luthors across time and space, from Jason Latour, Bryan Hitch, Andrew Currie, Tomeu Morey, and Tom Napolitano. While it’s interesting to see the various permutations, the point of the story only becomes apparent at the end.
| Published by DC Comics
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Middlewest #11 sees Abel throw a temper tantrum after his disastrous meeting with his grandfather, taking it out of Fox and causing a division of their friendship. Naturally, this results in bad things. Skottie Young, Jorge Corona, Jean-Francois Beaulieu, and Nate Piekos continue to work magic with this story, fleshing out the world even further with a child labour kidnapping ring.
| Published by Image
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Once & Future #2 carries on with this reinterpretation of the King Arthur myth, mixing in horror and extreme little England ideologies, for an incredible second issue from Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire. The dynamic between Duncan and his grandmother is also wonderful, great bits of humour as she tries “delicately” to get him to navigate this world.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Outpost Zero #13 is something else. Sean Kelley McKeever, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Jean-Francois Beaulieu, and Ariana Maher deliver an impressive and surprising penultimate issue that helps turn the world upside down. Gorgeous art from Tefenkgi and Beaulieu.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Psi-Lords #4 is kind of the big one as we find out who the four are and what their full purpose was. It’s very well told. Fred Van Lente, Renato Guedes, and Dave Sharpe are crafting an intriguing story here.
| Published by Valiant
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Rick & Morty vs. Dungeons & Dragons II: Painscape #1 kicks off a sequel to what was one of the most fun Rick & Morty and D&D stories I’ve read in some time, perfectly mixing the two properties in an inventive way, from the returning team of Jim Zub, Troy Little, and Leonardo Ito, this time joined by Crank! for the letters and down one Patrick Rothfuss as a co-writer. It’s still excellent. There’s an interesting premise here of how the world has been infected with a D&D addiction and how it all ultimately ties back to Rick.
| Published by Oni Press & IDW
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Rumble #16 gives us three stories from John Arcudi and Joe Sabino, illustrated each by Alex Horley, Matej Stic & Dave Stewart, and Gerardo Zaffino & Stewart. It’s glorious. Really nice exploration of Rathraq’s own time in the stories from Horley and Zaffino, delivering some beautiful and detailed adventure art.
| Published by Image
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Savage Sword of Conan #9 concludes “Conan the Gambler” from Jim Zub, Patch Zircher, Java Tartaglia, and Travis Lanham. It’s pretty damn good. With a pit fight and a surprise revelation about what this really was. Beautiful, bloody art from Zircher and Tartaglia that really emphasizes the brutality in the action.
| Published by Marvel
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Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Rose Tico #1 gives us a look at the fate of Hays Minor through the lives of Rose and Paige Tico, again from the team of Tom Taylor, Ramon Rosanas, Guru-eFX, and Travis Lanham. Some nice character development here as well as a parallel with Leia.
| Published by Marvel
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Steeple #1 kicks off a bit of a weird one from John Allison, Sarah Stern, and Jim Campbell. It’s wonderful to see Allison doing more art again here as we’re introduced to a seaside town being threatened to be dragged into the sea by the minions of Satan, protected only by a surly parish priest, his dour assistant, and a plucky curate sent to help.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Strayed #2 is a bit heartbreaking as humanity continues to exploit Lou’s astral travel to reach out and destroy new civilizations. It’s rather horrifying as to how truly awful human expansion is here, Carlos Giffoni, Juan Doe, and Matt Krotzer go to some lengths as to exploring their cruelty and depravity, committing countless genocides. And for poor Lou too.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Supergirl #34 jumps head first into the ongoing narratives of “Year of the Villain” and Event Leviathan now that Kara is back on Earth. It’s interesting as to how quickly and seamlessly the story picks up the various threads of Luthor’s offer and the disappearance of Kara’s adoptive parents without skipping a beat. Great art from Eduardo Pansica, Julio Ferreira, and FCO Plascencia.
| Published by DC Comics
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Superman #15 continues the conclusion to the “Unity Saga” with more from the Legion of Super-Heroes and a decision for the fate of Jor-El. Given that we’re now at part 15 of this arc and really 21 of the entire story, it feels a little rushed as to what occurs for Jor-El. 
| Published by DC Comics
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Teen Titans #34 pushes everybody’s buttons and Damian is basically a jerk to everyone while trying to find out who stole Djinn’s ring. It’s interesting how Adam Glass, Bernard Chang, Marcelo Maiolo, and Rob Leigh are guiding this team to a place where it’s anyone’s guess as to why they’re still together.
| Published by DC Comics
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Valkyrie #3 reveals that Jane has a talking horse. Yeah, he talks. Not just flies, talks. And he likes to be called Mr. Horse because he’s fancy. A talking horse. This series has me for life. Oh, also, there’s an interesting trip through many of the less used Marvel afterlives, mostly told in double-page spreads from a bevy of phenomenal artists in CAFU, Ramón Pérez, Cian Tormey, Roberto Poggi, Frazer Irving, and Jesus Aburtov. Did I mention there’s a talking horse?
| Published by Marvel
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Vampirella #3 deals with Vampirella’s mommy issues. Priest, Ergün Gündüz, and Willie Schubert give us more family problems, while giving new context to Vampirella’s arrival on Earth and the genesis of vampires here.
| Published by Dynamite
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The Weatherman vol. 2 #4 sees things get even more complicated as more impediments get thrown in the way and Nathan does a stupid thing. Again. And again. It really is a wonder that he’s stayed alive as long as he has. Jody LeHeup, Nathan Fox, Moreno Dinisio, and Steve Wands continue to work wonders with this series.
| Published by Image
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You Are Obsolete #1 is a fascinating debut from Mathew Klickstein, Evgeniy Bornyakov, Lauren Affe, and Simon Bowland. It has hints of The Midwich Cuckoos and Logan’s Run, but we’re still unsure as to what’s really going on. There’s a nice mystery here, but a lot of this is introducing us to the point of view character, Lyla Wilton. Really nice to see more art from Bornyakov.
| Published by AfterShock
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Other Highlights: Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors #2, Aero #3, Archie vs. Predator 2 #2, Cult Classic: Return to Whisper #4 & 5, Dead Man Logan #11, Elvira: Mistress of the Dark #9, Firefly #9, Five Years #4, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #12, Grumble #10, Guts, High Level #6, History of the Marvel Universe #3, House of X #5, Infinity 8 #15, James Bond 007 #11, KISS: The End #5, Lucifer #12, Magnificent Ms. Marvel #7, Marvel Action: Captain Marvel #2, Red Sonja: Birth of the She-Devil #4, Second Coming #3, Star Trek: Year Five #6, Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Rey #1, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #36, Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #3, Test #4, Titans: Burning Rage #2, Tony Stark: Iron Man #16, Wonder Woman: Come Back to Me #3, Xena: Warrior Princess #6
Recommended Collections: Age of Conan: Bêlit, Assassin Nation - Volume 1, Beasts of Burden - Volume 2: Neighborhood Watch, Doctor Strange - Volume 3: Herald, Fairlady - Volume 1, Fantastic Four - Volume 3: Herald of Doom, Farmhand - Volume 2, The Flash - Volume 10: Force Quest, Head Lopper - Volume 3: Knights of Venora, Infinity Wars: Complete Collection, Lazarus - Volume 3, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Volume 9, Port of Earth - Volume 3, Umbrella Academy - Volume 3: Hotel Oblivion, Welcome to Wanderland, Young Justice - Volume 1: Gemworld
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d. emerson eddy thinks Grodd carrying Turtle around in a little kid carrier is hilarious.
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redrobin-detective · 8 years
Business as Usual
Ok! So I did a little thing based off @timdrakeothy's AU (that I've been calling the Reverse Batman AU) where Bruce is included in the AU and is a smol bb dealing with all these crazy vigilantes. Also tagging @audreycritter for her brilliant contributions to the AU and me borrowing her idea of Jason's origin (which I'll find after posting and link here). Anyway, tiny Bruce trying to boss around ""his"" team is very entertaining for me.
“You’ve probably wondered why I’ve gathered you all here today,” 12 year old Bruce Wayne announces in that resolute, self-assured way that only a child can be. The team of tired vigilantes exchanged amused glances before going back to patching each other up after a rough patrol. They didn’t mean to end up in the boy billionaire’s orbit but one by one, they’d been drawn in first by Damian’s one man war against crime and stayed because of Bruce’s stubborn resolve to save the world. He financed all of their equipment and Batal had been using the cave system beneath Wayne Manor as his base of operations for the past five years since he’d left the League of Assassins and become Bruce’s “bodyguard”. If the kid wanted to think he was in charge, no one was going to stop him. Besides, it was pretty cute.
“Yeah Boss, we have been wondering.” Jason responded sarcastically but the fondness in his tone was evident. He hadn’t expected to be unofficially taken in by a rich kid he’d been trying to rob nor become a partner to the legendary Batal but he was happy here with these crazy nutjobs. Bruce either didn’t notice or ignored Jay’s flippant tone for he pulled himself up onto one of the operating tables so that he could look each of his team in the eye. Those tables were supposed to be for emergency surgery but they mostly ended up being high chairs for their fearless leader.
“With Alfred visiting family in England for the week, it’s up to me to maintain order around here. And I’m worried about how this team is being run. Your hearts are all in the right place but I’m afraid there are some things I can’t let continue.” Bruce says with all the seriousness of a reluctant businessman about to fire someone. Damian most certainly does not look amused as he crosses his arms and stares down at the boy he saved almost five years before.
“And that would be?” He asks as Brown leans around his muscular arm to beam down at Bruce, probably because she deems his pout to be another ‘Kodak moment’ as she puts it.
“Dick,” Bruce begins causing the 14 year old, who was in the middle of end of night stretches, to freeze. “I saw on the cameras you were on your own for exactly 39 minutes tonight and it was almost an hour last week. You’re just starting out; you can’t be without back-up out there. If you can’t follow these instructions, I’m going to have to bench you.”
“Come on B,” Dick moans, “I’m trained enough; I can do things on my own for five minutes without Batal breathing down my neck.” Damian sniffed, turning his attention onto his latest partner.
“He’s right, you’re still young and you still need constant supervision out there. If you’re not with me or someone else at all times, you’re not out at all.” Dami said sternly while Dick just deflated, there was no arguing with Batal Almafquda when he was like this. “Good observation Bruce, please continue.”
“Barbara Gordon is still running around as Batgirl,” Bruce continues pulling out a small notepad and observing his notes. “She’s getting better at learning to avoid your patrol routes but I want to put a stop to her activities before she gets hurt. We can’t encourage her behavior, no matter how cute Dick thinks she is.” Dick sputters in the background but Bruce continues on unperturbed, turning to Jason.
“I’m concerned you’re not taking this seriously Jason,” Jay rolls his eyes as the focus turns to him.
“I’ve been doing this for almost 3 years and I’m 18 so you can’t boss me around kiddo.” He says with a flippant shrug, “I don’t even live here anymore so you can’t hold that over me like ya used to.”
“No but I was here when the Joker kidnapped and tortured you for nearly a week because you hadn’t listened to our warnings about how dangerous he was.” Bruce said with too dark eyes while Jason’s face became blank at the mentioned of his abuse. “I’ve lost enough family and I don’t want to lose any more.” This of course brought all eyes over to Tim, who was glaring at the floor with a stern expression and his fists clenched in stress.
“And what did I do Bruce?” He rasps out, trying to get the visions of the sword going through his heart during what should have been a normal patrol out of his head. He recalls the sharp acidic sting of the Pit when Ra’s brought him back to use against Batal. He thinks of his short, terrible tenure at the League of assassin before Damian finally was able to reach through Ra’s brainwashing and allow him to escape. He thinks of his once steel grey-blue eyes that have become stained green, a permanent sign of his failure as a hero. “What other ways did I screw up?”
“You did not eat the fruit roll-up I put in your utility belt,” Bruce replies seriously and the absurdity of the sentence snaps Tim out of his painful reverie. “You haven’t been eating well enough lately; you’ve been working too hard. I told you to eat more fruits and vegetables but you wouldn’t eat the potato chips I gave you and I found the uneaten fruit roll-up still in your belt.” Bruce paused to wag his finger, “this is your last warning Tim or else I’ll make you stay home and let Alfred feed you.” Tim feels a weak laughter bubbling up in his chest not just at Bruce’s naïve earnestness on what counts as a healthy diet but the nonjudgmental care in the younger boy’s eyes.
“Yeah Tim,” Stephanie teases from beside Damian, “eat your fruit roll-up or you’re off the team.”
“Stephanie you need to put more effort into your schoolwork, your English grade dropped to a B- this last quarter.” Bruce adds with a disappointed raise of his eyebrow that is entirely inappropriate on a child who still has babyfat in his cheeks.
“I do plenty of studying! My teacher is a shrew and out to get me and why the heck are you looking at my grades you little gremlin?” Stephanie complained, putting her hands on her hips.
“I do it because I care Stephanie and I want you to get a good education so you can get a nice, well-paying job. So bring your grades up or you and Tim will be studying and eating fruit roll-ups together.” Stephanie grumbles while Tim sticks his tongue out at the girl, his earlier melancholy gone in the face of a chance to make fun of one of his best friends.  
“Cassie, you’re doing great as always,” Bruce says with a smile and a nod while Cass smiles back with that special smile she saves only for Bruce. “And lastly, Damian.”
“Yes?” The Arabic man asks, staring down at his employer in name but his child in every way else.
“You’re approaching the 60 hours without sleep which you know results in confusion, lack of concentration as well tremors and slowed reaction times. Alfred usually can get you to see reason but since he’s not here I’m forced to take drastic measures.” Bruce said seriously, letting his words sink in before he held out his arms to be held. “It’s nearly 3am, much later than Alfred lets me stay up. I was placed in your care during his absence so unless you want to deal with his anger, you’d better put me to bed. And I can tell you that I won’t go easily unless you go with me and ensure I sleep the whole night by staying with me.”
Damian stares down in incredulity at the child before him. Was he being guilted and blackmailed into sleeping? But then he notices Bruce’s pale face and dark circles under his eyes and he remembers that the boy hasn’t slept much since Alfred’s been away. Distance from the butler always made his nightmares that much more potent. This tactic was probably to help him sleep as well as Damian; the older man sighed and rubbed at his eyes. He had a good bit of work still left to do but he was feeling tired and he couldn’t just leave Bruce alone with his demons, threats or no threats.
“Drake, Brown, go over the files we took from Cobblepot’s computers tonight and see if anything sticks out. Cain, please get me that report on Zsasz’s underground fighting ring and then we’ll move in on that. Todd, you’re still on the Falcone murders get me that research but also finish your schoolwork, you’ve got class tomorrow. Dick and Bruce are going to bed.” Damian announced addressing his team as he stooped down to pick up their little leader. At 12, Bruce was getting to be too big to carry but there were some exceptions when the orphan needed a little extra care. He settles the warm, weight against his chest and sighs. “I’ll be going up too. Good patrol but Bruce is right, we are going to be making some changes around here. We can’t allow for any error in our operation, I will not lose any more people.” That said, Damian turned around and stalked up the stairs to Wayne Manor with Dick skipping after him.
“You know you can probably just put him in bed and he won’t notice, you don’t need to sleep with him.” Dick whispered as they passed through the grandfather clock. Bruce was already half asleep in his arms and would likely be completely asleep by the time Damian settled him down.
“We both know he would notice,” Damian responded back, “besides, there’s nothing wrong with giving the children some attention.” He said reaching out to ruffle Dick’s hair. “Now bed or I’ll make you join us. You have school tomorrow as well.” Bruce sighed sleepily into his shoulder as Dick ran up to the second floor and Damian took a moment to stroke the boy’s head. He was such a good-hearted child, so full of hope and a determination to see that no one else should suffer his tragedies. Damian would do everything in his power to make sure that Bruce was given the love he deserved, he deserved better than this life no matter what he claimed. His real talent was not just his brilliance but his ability to attract people due to his earnestness and keep them together as a family. Given the opportunity, Bruce Wayne could change the world. But not tonight.
“Let’s get some rest little one, you’ve earned it.”
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