#richest man in the world 2019
crimethinc · 1 year
2022 in Review: A Year to Endure
We’ve survived 2022—and with it, the ebb tide following the upheavals of 2019 and 2020. Both in the United States and around the world, this has been a year of challenges and reversals. In the following overview, we revisit how we got here, explore the events of the past twelve months, and review our own efforts to contribute to movements for liberation.
As for our collective, we reach the end of 2022 embattled but unbowed. We began the year with our warehouse in ashes and concluded it by getting permanently suspended from Twitter by Elon Musk—at that time the world’s richest man—at the request of a notorious pro-fascist troll. Yet in response to the fire, our comrades raised tens of thousands of dollars to support us and we were able to go right back into action; likewise, thus far, our suspension from the chief corporate social media platforms has only multiplied the number of people visiting our website and ordering our materials.
We go into 2023 ready for the next round and we hope you’ll be right there beside us.
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mariacallous · 2 years
As a rule, political candidates are not reliable historians of the present. In 2012, while in Minnesota campaigning for reëlection, President Barack Obama recounted his “tussles” with obstructionist Republicans in Congress before indulging in a bit of wishful thinking. “I believe that if we’re successful in this election,” he said, “the fever may break, because there’s a tradition in the Republican Party of more common sense than that.” Not to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t been following along at home, but the fever did not break. Still, Joe Biden struck the same note in 2019, while campaigning in New Hampshire. “With Donald Trump out of the White House—not a joke—you will see an epiphany occur among many of my Republican friends,” he said. But, as President, Biden started to see the light—or the dying of it. In September, he gave a speech, in Philadelphia, asserting that “equality and democracy are under assault.” Last Wednesday, he spoke again, a few blocks from the Capitol. “As I stand here today, there are candidates running for every level of office in America—for governor, Congress, attorney general, secretary of state—who won’t commit, they will not commit, to accepting the results of elections that they are running in,” he said. “This is a path to chaos in America.”
The sitting President’s party has lost congressional seats in nearly every midterm election of the past century. When it first happened to Obama, in 2010, he referred to it as a “shellacking.” This shellacking season, the Republicans have no shortage of issues to run on (inflation, Biden’s abject approval ratings), and an expanding array of systemic advantages (the anti-democratic structure of the Senate, the widening asymmetry of gerrymandering, the suppressive spirit of several states’ post-2020 voting laws). But there’s at least a chance that, with enough Democratic turnout, all of this can be overcome. So some Trumpist Republicans have been flirting with another anti-democratic tactic: tacitly exploiting, or even encouraging, an atmosphere of political violence.
Trump, of course, has long revelled in threats of brute force, both veiled and explicit. After each new incitement, G.O.P. leaders have gone through the familiar cycle: consternation, equivocation, whataboutism, and, finally, full capitulation. The result has been a normalization of political violence: “January 6th was a normal tourist visit” is the new Lost Cause dogma, and Republicans who dissent are reëducated or excommunicated. It’s impossible to predict how all this will end, and it would be irresponsible to draw too direct a line between the rhetorical climate and any individual’s actions. But, obviously, none of it bodes well.
Late last month, in the middle of the night, a forty-two-year-old man entered the San Francisco home of Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, by shattering a glass door with a hammer. She wasn’t there, but her eighty-two-year-old husband was; in the moments before the intruder was arrested, he used the hammer to bash Paul Pelosi’s skull. The next day, Hillary Clinton tweeted a link to a Los Angeles Times article reporting that the assailant had spread “far-right, bigoted conspiracies.” Elon Musk—the new owner of Twitter, the world’s richest man, and, these days, a folk hero of the far right—replied to Clinton’s tweet, linking to a piece from the Santa Monica Observer, a gossip site filled with salacious clickbait, which speculated that the assault was not a political attack but a hookup gone wrong. The Observer later took down the story; Musk deleted his tweet, but he didn’t apologize or issue a correction. “Twitter obviously cannot become a free-for-all hellscape, where anything can be said with no consequences,” he had tweeted on the day he took over the company, shortly before amplifying defamatory misinformation with no consequences. Trump, days later, mused that “the glass, it seems, was broken from the inside to the out, so it wasn’t a break-in, it was a breakout.” According to the police, this is flatly false, but what difference does that make?
The right doesn’t have a monopoly on political violence, of course. Perhaps the most analogous incident in recent memory is the 2017 shooting, by a disturbed gunman who identified with the left, of the Republican congressman Steve Scalise and several others. After that attack, prominent Democrats expressed unqualified condemnation, and sympathy for the victims. After the attack on Paul Pelosi, some Republican officials issued thoughts and prayers; others, such as Ronna McDaniel, the chair of the Republican National Committee, found a way to blame both sides (“This is what Democrat policies are bringing, but of course we wish Paul Pelosi a recovery”). Still others (Senator Ted Cruz, of Texas; Representative Clay Higgins, of Louisiana) treated the incident as fodder for fatuous conspiracy theories, or as a gruesome punch line.
It’s a journalistic cliché, but a useful exercise: imagine that all this were happening in another country. A political leader, the object of years of menacing rhetoric, is targeted; the opposition party vacillates between downplaying the incident and playing it for cheap laughs. This is also a country with more guns than people, and more than ten mass shootings in an average week. And one where, year after year, voting gets harder, especially for poor people and racial minorities. How would you rate that country’s long-term democratic prospects?
Last week, Brazil held a runoff Presidential election between Jair Bolsonaro, the proto-authoritarian incumbent, and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the leftist former President. Gun ownership had spiked under Bolsonaro, and the months leading up to the election were extraordinarily tense. The journalism nonprofit Agência Pública recorded more than three hundred incidents of election-related violence, including at least fifteen murders and twenty-three assassination attempts. Lula won, by less than two percentage points, and supporters of Bolsonaro, who has insisted for years that the voting system is rigged, took to the streets, demanding that the military overturn the result. Bolsonaro stayed silent for two days, and even then did not formally concede; he distanced himself from “the destruction of property” and other forms of protest, but did not tell his supporters to stand down. Once he is stripped of Presidential immunity, he could face charges of mishandling public funds and recklessly endangering his citizens during the pandemic, accusations he dismisses. But he may be calculating that he can benefit from mass unrest, and from the perception that there is no way to hold him accountable without tearing the country apart.
If this sounds like the kind of thing that can happen only in a relatively young democracy, consider that nearly every move Bolsonaro has made is one first used by Trump. “This is a path to chaos in America,” Biden said. “It’s unprecedented, it’s unlawful, and it’s un-American.” Chaos? Absolutely. Un-American? Maybe. ♦
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notjustanyannie · 10 months
“This is the thing people need to understand: followers don’t have a political interest in Andrew Tate – they see him as a spiritual leader, as a messiah. He saved them from the depths of their insecurity and brought them out of whatever it is that they were struggling with. I’ve asked, ‘What threshold of evidence would you accept that Andrew Tate has potentially committed these crimes, if it was presented to you?’ and they said nothing bar Andrew Tate himself saying, ‘I did these things.’ And that’s an incredible amount of power for one person to have over your mind.”
Shea tells me about female teachers who have lost control of their classrooms because boys are asking what they are doing teaching when they should be in the kitchen. He has been in touch with women who say their boyfriends have become abusive after following Tate. He tells me that counter-terrorism experts have warned of a huge increase in the number of referrals about Tate followers, but misogynist extremism doesn’t reach the threshold for anti-extremist action unless it’s connected to the “incel” [involuntarily celibate] movement. Can this possibly be right, I ask, that we don’t fear misogynist, extremist violence, unless those misogynists aren’t getting laid? “Yes,” Shea says. “That is what I’m saying.”
He reveals that they have uncovered in this forthcoming, second film that Tate’s organisation has been training men to groom women, peddling an ideology that centres on enslaving them. “This isn’t just, ‘Oh, women should stay in the kitchen and the gender pay gap is a lie.’ This is advocating the subjugation of an entire gender into slavery. If you imagined an extremist group with a similar ideology aimed towards an ethnic group, you would think this was one of the most dangerous extremist groups in the world.” Tate’s representatives describe these as “false accusations” that “insult the massive community that considers Andrew Tate a life-changing, positive force”, adding that Tate “will not stand idly by while the media attempts to drag his name through the mud”. In Tate’s corner, seemingly promoting him as a free speech warrior, are two of the richest men on Earth: Elon Musk (on X) and Peter Thiel (on Rumble). It is incredibly dark.
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sansaurora9904 · 1 year
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🐶 The puppy/energizer ship but also main dancer ship???
🐶 Yunho won't hesitate to go crazy for a bit to make her laugh or smile, it just makes his heart warm when she does
🐶 They both give off dance leader vibes (Heyoon's more stricter as she focuses on multiple details while Yunho assists her)
🐶 Her standing next to him is like Seonghwa standing next to him - plus she wears heels constantly so they look the same height
🐶 The two of them shared a room with San until Heyoon got her own room in January 2019
🐶 That didn't stop the members from coming into her room anyway
🐶 Anyways, they're cute as hell
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🐕 The savage duo ship
🐕 They're the ones that roast everyone (Heyoon is the best out of all of them as she has the most brutal responses ever)
🐕 The other members may slip and curse but Heyoon just does it casually, not caring what others think (her members just find it funny and are slightly worried)
🐕 The two of them skateboard in their free time as well. Yeosang taught her all he knew and they have competitions often to see who's better (other members are always present and recording with their phones)
🐕 These two are more on the shy side so they bonded quite well on their own terms. Sometimes they just sit in the same room and listen to each other just breathe which they find comforting
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⛰️ The satan/duality ship, the only romantic ship in ATEEZ
⛰️ They're the parents of Shiber (San's Shiba Inu plushie) and Byeol (San's Siamese cat)
⛰️ Hundreds, upon hundreds, even thousands, of selcas of each other in their phones
⛰️ They even made albums that are reserved for public eye (Twitter, Instagram) and for themselves only
⛰️ They used to room with Yunho until Heyoon got her own room in January 2019
⛰️ In between 2020 and 2021, Heyoon bought herself a apartment in Gangnam that was sold over 2 billion won
⛰️ As soon as she could, she renovated the place to her and San's liking as he moved in towards the end of 2021
⛰️ Despite living in a apartment that was in South Korea's most richest neighborhood, San and Heyoon share a room in ATEEZ's dorm
⛰️ Now, backstory time!
⛰️ San and Heyoon actually were introduced thanks to Yunho's social puppy energy. Despite San not being the amazing dancer as he is in the present, Heyoon still completed his dancing and offered to teach him. Pretty much, Heyoon was his role model for a bit until he realized that he was in love with his fellow band member
⛰️ Confused with sudden romantic feelings, he spoke to Hongjoong and Seonghwa one night about it. The two oldest males comforted him and asked him a lot of questions, giving him advice and options but mostly importantly, the two men told him that it's up to him and Heyoon. Whatever they choose to do they will happily support them
⛰️ So, after their Answer promotions ended and their world tour was around the corner, San decided to man up and take the girl out one evening. He made sure that they went to places where fans couldn't recognize them and reserved a romantic dinner in a nice hotel. Of course, he told the company beforehand and they made sure that the hotel didn't release any information to the public
⛰️ Thus the man ended up confessing his feelings and to his luck, Heyoon accepted! The girl literally told him she did the same thing as he did --- she freaked out, talked to Hwa and Joong about it and got their advice and told the company that she'll confess soon to him
⛰️ And thus they ended up sleeping together after having some glasses of wine (all consented!!!). The next morning when they woke up, they just smiled happily and kissed before getting up, showering and calling the members to let them know
⛰️ Of course since they're ATEEZ, they threw a huge party in their dorms and celebrated by going out to play games, it was the best 48 hours of their lives
⛰️ ANYWAYS, ship edits! San and Heyoon are constantly looking out for them on any platform and saving them under false account names, even sending them to their families, close friends and members! Even their dancers, staff and company ship them!
⛰️ They were spotted on a date on San's birthday on July 10, 2020 where Allkpop, Koreaboo, Dispatch and other sites had pictures of their date. Thankfully they caught on pretty quickly and kept their distance from each other a bit until they were away from prying eyes
⛰️ On July 12, 2020, KQ released a statement and confirmed that they are dating with San's and Heyoon's own written statements. Most fans were happy about it while the shippers were mad about it, sad that their ships aren't real like they thought (Woosan shippers were the worst so San and Heyoon held a live together and explained everything, even warning the fans to not cross the boundaries between an idol and a fan)
⛰️ The moment went viral everywhere and earned them more fans
⛰️ The shippers backed off but they still posted about their ships. If they crossed a boundary, they were warned and documented in case it gets worse and a court was needed to be held
⛰️ ANYWAY, they're cute as fuck and hot as hell, lots of cute and adorable moments and even some moments where sexual tension could be felt by anyone
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🐺 As fans calls it, Heyoon is like his mom
🐺 They're quite a unique ship but they don't have that many on-screen interactions compared to off-screen
🐺 This may be related to the fact that San and Wooyoung are constantly around her (feat Seongjoong being background parents)
🐺 Anyways, Heyoon has a lot of plushies that remind her of Mingi so she always gives him one, in return he does the same (although her's are more bigger and almost the same size as her)
🐺 When they did the health check thing on Wanteez, Heyoon could hear the nurse and Wooyoung telling him to lay down. Thus, the girl got up from her position (she was snuggled into San's side) and went to check what was happening. She was unable to stop him and just gave up, returning to her previous position and sulking like a baby
🐺 She got a lot of kisses and cuddles from San who babied her the entire episode (it went viral on Atiny stan twitter)
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🦊 The sexy duo ship
🦊 If fans call Wooyoung's laugh a hyena laugh, Heyoon calls it the witch laugh
🦊 Besides Yunho, she's the best at imitating his laugh just out of nowhere (sometimes the members think that it's Wooyoung laughing but instead they find Heyoon imitating him)
🦊 Her, San and him are a inseparable trio that just can't be stopped
🦊 Heyoon and San will kick him out if they feel like they need privacy for themselves (this counts for the dates too). Wooyoung will leave them alone cause he understands that the couple need some time together despite being with each other 24/7
🦊 K-Drama lovers
🦊 Heyoon has introduced him to c-dramas and they watch them together anywhere in the dorms or in her and San's apartment
🦊 Wooyoung's mom loves the absolute shit out of Heyoon and has replaced Wooyoung with her, thus Heyoon ended up as Kyunmin's favorite aunt
🦊 Speaking of Kyungmin, she absolutely adores the little boy with her entire heart
🦊 She spoils him a lot with toys, games and food whenever she visits with San and Wooyoung
🦊 Fans used to think they had beef during their trainee days but the two immediately responded and said that it wasn't true
🦊 They just weren't as close as they are now
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202247497caic223 · 1 year
From Iron man to Icarus - how Musk's popularity plunged deeper than the Mariana trench
It is a sunny day in the 1980’s Pretoria, South Africa. In the local school, a young, white boy lies on the floor, covering his head with his hands as the older boys continue beating him. After some time, someone finally calls an ambulance, and he is rushed to the hospital where he has to stay until he has recovered from being nearly beaten to death. Sadly, the incident did not surprise him, he was used to the constant bullying and escaped more and more into his Sci-fi novels and comic books. One day, he says to himself, I will be like them. An Inventor, revolutionizing the world, a hero who is celebrated for his fight against injustice. He starts holding his ground, calling out his white classmates when they smear racist slurs on the cafeteria walls, even though it worsens the bullying. With twelve, he sells his first game to a magazine for $500. At 17 he leaves Africa and enrols in Queen’s University in Ontario, studies there for two years, before he gets a scholarship for the UPenn and graduates in Physics and Economics. In 2002, he sells his Company PayPal to eBay for $1.5 Billion and uses the money to found SpaceX and fund a start-up called Tesla. He has finally made it! He is an inventor, an entrepreneur and people started seeing him as a hero who will make space travel available for anybody! People call him the “real-life Tony Stark” only with an assuredly moral domain instead of selling weapons like the Marvel Hero did. His brand: "Saviour of the human race". By now, you probably guessed that the little, bullied boy is Elon Reeve Musk.
He was incredibly popular, especially with environmental protecting liberals. His revolutionizing electronic car, the Tesla, has become the symbol of “liberal do-goodery” and many eco-conscious people buy it just for this reason. He initially donates exclusively to the Democratic Party, supporting political figures like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, which makes perfect sense as he is one of the largest purveyors of renewable energy tech world-wide. His economic values, his striving towards making the world a better place, align naturally with the values of liberals and the Democratic party.
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The younger generations celebrate him after he starred as a guest in PewDiePie’s Meme-review on YouTube in 2019. He starts tweeting memes daily, editing himself on the body of The Rock and replying to his young followers in the comment section. He turns into a Meme lord, despite being forty-eight years old. In 2021, The Times declares him the person of the year, the New York Post characterises him as “gloriously capitalistic [and] irreverent” and as “the hero we need today”. Forty years after nearly being beaten to death, he became one of the characters he read about as a child. He is the richest man in the world and an inspiration for many aspiring engineers and entrepreneurs. And I admit, I shared their opinions of him, to me he was simple ‘the Tesla guy’ who occasionally popped-up as a new, funny meme on my Instagram feed. But now, only a year after his peak, he is on Icarus-like decent worse than any other he had before.
See, Musk has had controversies before, only that the public forgot and forgave them shortly after they happened. The first backlash comes, as he spreads a massive amount of misinformation on the Coronavirus during the course of 2020. From stating that the panic around the deadly virus is over the top, to alleging politicians of publishing enlarged numbers of death, and even suggesting that people should consider the anti-malaria drug chloroquine to battle COVID. This last suggestion was also made by Donald Trump and Laura Ingraham and resulted in the death of at least one person.
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It was during this period, that he began to lean more to the right-winged political side for example by challenging his followers to “Take the red pill”. The red pill is a reference to the matrix movie and taking it frees the hero, Neo, “from a dream-world imposed on humanity and let him see reality”. A reference which is now a metaphor often used by right-winged conspiracy theorists. Many republicans, including Ivanka Trump, reply with “Taken” and congratulate him on finally seeing the truth.
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 But he did not stop there and went so far as to call the lockdown “fascist”. He believed the safety measures taken by the government desperately trying to slow down the exploding death rates and attempting to relieve the collapsing health-system are “not Democratic. This is not Freedom. Give people back their goddamn freedom.”. The fuss around him died down eventually after he announced in 2021 that he believes in the COVID vaccine and in vaccines in general. A tweet which was received with mixed emotions. Especially Trump-supporters and republicans reacted negatively, disagreeing with his opinion on it being safe or asking if he was being blackmailed or even kidnapped. But alas, all was forgotten, until he created his latest and biggest controversy.
In February of 2022, he buys 9.2% of the Twitter shares, a purchase which makes him the biggest shareholder of the company. Soon after the news came out, he started posting polls on Twitter and rambles about ideas on how to improve the platform. While some people are concerned about his purchase and the consequential influence over the social media company, many celebrate him, calling him the next CEO of Twitter and start requesting changes from him. The people celebrating him are once again mostly republican, like the republican congressional candidate Lavern Spicer which even goes so far as to thank Musk under his first tweet after buying the shares for “helping to save western civilization”. The board of Twitter itself is not as ecstatic as his followers and feels threatened by the multi-billionaire. As a result, they create a deal: Musk gets appointed to the board if he agrees to not buy more than 15% of the Twitter shares. Elon does agree and on the 5th of April, Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal announces, that he will officially join the board four days later.
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Elon replies very optimistic, stating that he is “Looking forward to working with Parag & Twitter board to make significant improvements to Twitter in coming months!”. The replies to both tweets are mixed and show a clear separation. While some people simply ask him to install an edit button, the republican followers get louder and many ask him to unban Trump from Twitter, fire Parag and praise him for bringing back free speech to the platform. The other side is concerned about his purchase and look migrate to other platforms such as Tumblr.
But his approval was only a façade that crumbles as he declares on the day of his appointment, that he will no longer join the board. Instead, he publicly ponders in a tweet whether Twitter is dying. And maybe his pondering, as well as many republicans replying it is due to ‘censorship’, resulted in the conclusion, that only he can be the hero that saves Twitter because he makes his first offer to purchase it on the 14th of April. He is willing to pay $43 billion, which later turns into $44 billion, to take the company private. The Twitter board, in an attempt to prevent him from buying the company, turns to the poison pill strategy but without success. After Twitter accepts the offer, he pulls back and pauses negotiations, claiming that Twitter is withholding regarding the number of spam accounts on their platform. Twitter sues Musk, alleging him not only of breaching their contract which would cost him a whopping $1 billion if the judge ruled for Twitter, as well as causing major damage to the company’s internal structure and value. Their complaint criticises how “Musk apparently believes that he — unlike every other party subject to Delaware contract law — is free to change his mind, trash the company, disrupt its operations, destroy stockholder value, and walk away”. Looks like someone is unpopular at the Twitter headquarters. His reaction is as expected. He counter-sues the company under the claims that “[the key metrics] contain numerous, material misrepresentations or omissions that distort Twitter’s value”. This game of cat and mouse continues for three more months, until he eventually buys the company in October. And whilst legal experts hypothesis that he did it because it is very hard to break a merging agreement and the first hearing did not sound good for Musk and his legal team, 2.4 million users liked his first tweet after finally going through with the merge.
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The political direction in his comment section is now unmistakably right-winged, with Councilwoman Inna Vernikov thanking him “for making sure the USA does not turn into USSR”. Many advocate his role as the hero, saving the free speech on Twitter and asking him to reinstate accounts which have been banned for hate-speech and spreading of misinformation in the past. But where did all this talk about Twitter no longer supporting ‘free speech’ and censoring its users come from anyway?
It all started when the platform rewrote its rule after realising that “so-called free speech can actually be used as a weapon to silence the vulnerable and dispossessed” and that sometimes you must censor your users in order to maintain your position as a platform for free discourse. Thus, speech inciting violence against people “on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, age, or disability” were banned. But the ‘absolutely unjustified’ censorship (which is apparently enough to turn the USA into the USSR) does not stop there. In  March of 2021, Twitter announces that they “will start labelling misleading tweets about COVID vaccines and ban users who continue to spread such misinformation” and further introduced a “strike system” which “will gradually escalate to a permanent ban after the fifth offending tweet”.
To conclude the debate, the republican users of Twitter miss their old free speech and have found in the now openly republican Musk the perfect hero to safe them from being banned for spreading misinformation on a deadly virus or making racist and offensive tweets.
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Because the new Twitter owner conveniently does it himself!
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And he does not disappoint their expectations. The rules against spreading misinformation on the ever-killing virus are taken down in November of 2022, making the CEO once again highly unpopular with public health officials and the people who fought at the front lines during the pandemic. But his quest for ‘free speech’, instating himself even more as the new republican social-media leader, and garnering even more outrage and unpopularity amongst non-republicans is not yet completed. On Jan. 6, the second anniversary of the attack on the U.S. Capitol, he reinstates Micheal Flynn who is “one of the most prominent supporters of false claims that [the election] had been stolen by Biden”. He is additionally a prominent believer of the Trump QAnon conspiracy theory and has called Ukraine’s president Zelensky a “Dangerous fool” whilst strongly praising Putin and his Security Council Deputy Chairman for being “bold leaders who have everything at stake in terms of protecting their country”. Yes, protecting their country, because apparently Russia is now the endangered country and not Ukraine, the country they invaded. But everything for free speech, I guess. Musk himself seems to be on Russia’s side, tweeting a ‘suggestion’ on how to end the war which align with Russia’s own requests
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Now, Musk has made a 180 degree transformation and turned from a symbol for the eco-conscious democrat into a full-fletched republican who allows misinformation and reinstates very controversial public figures. However, while he has a strong base of right-wing followers, the public criticism increases steadily, and he has now successfully managed to turn Ukrainian officials and political commentators against him.
During the November of 2022, Musk launched the $8-blue-verification, the inevitable wave of impersonation made him now also unpopular amongst companies and stars who had fallen victim to the predicted havoc.  But there is one group in his orbit that we have not yet looked at: his employees. Or should I in Twitters case rather say ex-employees? After his purchase, he not only fired the former CEO but also 3700 employees, more than half of the entire company. Even more followed after his famous hardcore-email, and the remaining employees are now begging for toilet paper as the stench from the bathrooms is flooding the offices, due to recent financial cuts.
Unfortunately though, the mistreatment of his employees is anything but new. In February of 2022, Tesla was sued after hundreds of complaints were filed by its employees due to experiencing racism and systematic harassment against black workers. Racist graffiti could be found all around the building and one worker “heard 50 to 100 racial slurs a day”. Soon after, investor Solomon Chau files a lawsuit because Musk and his executive directors at Tesla breached “fiduciary duty by enabling a toxic work environment”. He is reported to have a habit of “blowing up at those beneath him”, his humiliating and anger-driven behaviour has even become so common, that Executives would joke how “Musk would devour a worker by erupting at them in anger” instead of eating food. After Tesla executive Peter Rawlinson quit, like because of these temper tantrums, another executive failed to bring him back and was thus fired by Musk.
Somehow Musk even avoided the repercussions of the #MeToo movement as several women sued Tesla for sexual harassment without consequences at the workplace. Male workers took pictures of a women’s backside, sharing it with the rest of the workforce. Female employees were objectified on a daily basis, or touched by male co-workers who then lied about their position to dissuade them from reporting the harassment. But apparently they are all just following their CEO, given that Musk exposed himself to a flight attendant in 2016, asking her for an erotic massage in exchange for buying her a horse, leaving the flight attendant traumatized. After declining the generous offer, he cuts back her shifts and later proceeds to pay her $250.000 to silence her. He now calls the claims wild and a “concerted effort to silence him”.
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And while Media psychologist Jo Groeble speculates that his image could recover, I am of the firm belief and sincerly hope that it won’t. After all this, you cannot help but wonder, if Musk looks back on his childhood and believes that the small, bullied, and beaten boy who fiercely fought against racism, would have been proud of the person he is now. What do you think?  
TL;DR: In the name of 'free speech', Musk legalizes hate-speech and misinformation on Twitter and reinstates highly dangerous political figures on the anniversary of the tragedy which they promoted. All whilst banning journalists, politicians and anti-fascist accounts/organizations because they disagree with his opinions. Apparently, free speech only applies to people who share his opinion. Throwing temper-tantrums and erupting at workers is just as normal as inciting a toxic work-environment, racism, and sexual harassment. In the span of a year, he has made himself unpopular with his employees, democrats, feminists, people of colour, yes, even entire countries if we take a look at Ukraine.
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lindsaywesker · 2 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday!
Red placebo pills work better than blue ones.
Eyebrows evolved to make humans look friendlier to each other.
It takes four seconds for a silence to become awkward.
You retain information better if it is accompanied by a pun.
The Chupa Chups logo was designed by Salvador Dalí.
All ten species of the most venomous snakes in the world live in Australia.
In the 1760s, 33 Cock Lane in London was believed to be haunted by a ghost called Scratching Fanny.
It requires seven to eight trees to provide enough oxygen for just one person per year.
Two-thirds of all the people in the world who have ever lived to be 65 are still alive today.
Psychology says no matter how angry you get, you always end up forgiving the people you love.
Within 200 yards of the flat in Islington where George Orwell had the idea for 1984, there are now 32 CCTV cameras.
The 'coffee break' was invented in 1952 by the American Coffee bureau.
The palm trees in Los Angeles, are the result of a job-creation scheme in the 1930s.
There are more phone calls placed on Mother's Day than any other day of the year.
India used to be the richest country in the world until the British invasion in the early 17th Century.
Human saliva contains a painkiller called opiorphin that is six times more powerful than morphine.
Climate change is making it harder to sleep. On average, you are losing 44 hours of sleep a year due to higher temperatures.
All polar bears are Irish: they’re descended from brown bears that lived in Ireland over 10,000 years ago.
On the set of ‘Jaws’, the shark was named Bruce after Steven Spielberg's lawyer.
Cacozelia is the use of foreign words to make one appear un peu plus cultivé.
In 2002, a NASA intern stole a safe full of moon rocks, sprinkled them on a hotel bed, and had sex with his girlfriend on top of them.
Football World Cup referees have to learn swear words in other languages.
The sign-language equivalent of a tongue-twister is a ‘finger fumbler’.
Inserting a swear-word in the middle of another word, such as ‘abso-fucking-lutely’, is called an Expletive Infixation.
The thermostat knobs in many hotel rooms don't work; they're rigged to save electricity.
Disneyland shut down its gondola rides because too many people were having sex on them.
According to new research from Dartmouth College, people are at their most miserable when they are 47.2 years old.
About a third of the UK population has discussed the weather within the last hour.
Dancing Queen gets 16 times as many Spotify streams as the average ABBA song.
Breakups are hard to deal with because the body and mind goes through withdrawal, like drug addiction, we become addicted to love.
‘Billie Jean’ was about a girl who climbed over Michael Jackson's wall one morning and accused him of being the father of one of her twins.
King George VI's wedding was not broadcast on the radio in case people listened without removing their hats.
Not realising his microphone was switched on, Ronald Reagan once joked that the US was about to bomb Russia.
The harder you work for something, the greater you'll feel when you finally achieve it.
The first iPhone virus was the Ikee worm which infected thousands of Australian iPhones. Its only function was to change the phone’s wallpaper to a picture of Rick Astley.
In 2019, a Danish politician paid for ads on Pornhub. When questioned, he said, "Half the internet is porn and you need to be where the voters are."
In 1923, an American man was killed trying to open a coconut with the butt of his (loaded) revolver and died from a bullet wound to the abdomen.
In 2019, a 31-year-old North Carolina man named Aaron Smith created and launched a new dating app, but there was a catch. He was the only guy on it. He banned all other men from joining.
In 2003, six monkeys were funded by the Arts Council of England to see how long it would take them to type the works of Shakespeare. After six months, they had failed to produce a single word of English, broken the computer and used the keyboard as a lavatory.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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alienios487 · 2 years
1990 wemen with pokies
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1990s - A Century Of Women.
30 Cool Pics That Capture Naughty Ladies of the 1950s.
Category:Female nipples through transparent clothing.
23 Silly 90s Fads That Were Cool Then, But Definitely Aren't Now.
18 Photos Of Weather Girls That'll Give Every Guy A Heat Stroke.
71 CNN Hotties ideas | cnn, hotties, female news anchors.
Jul 21, 2019 · Did the ‘80s make a comeback, or is this weather girl just giving us a taste of the bright forecast she wishes was on the board? Looks like there are going to be a bunch of cloudy days ahead, but with the pop of color this cutie brings, we’ll feel warm and wonderful. Introduction. 1990 marked a breakthrough: for the first time in Irish history a woman, Mary Robinson, was elected the President of Ireland. In May 1994, another historical event saw black women (and men) elected to the South Africa government for the first time. However, when a woman, Tansu Ciller, became Prime Minister of Turkey, feminist.
103 best Pokie images on Pholder | Tarantulas, Celebs and Wrestle With.
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Breasts Throughout History - Famous Breasts | Marie Claire.
RM 2AR4TWG – Fashionable woman or Merveilleuse in a low-cut dress, 1801. She has a Babet straw hat, a low-cut dress tied with foliage, and a kerchief used as a belt under the bust. The Babet hat was taken from a character played by Mme Louise-Rosalie Dugazon in Blaise et Babet, Comedie Italienne. Chapeau a la Babet. Get all the celebrity entertainment news, gossip, photos, videos and exclusives from Australia and around t. Feb 17, 2017 · 16 Women Walked Topless And In Lingerie In A Very Powerful NYFW Show. About. The AnaOno x #Cancerland show at NYFW featured 16 real women who had battled breast cancer or were currently battling.
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Find Older women lingerie stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day. Feb 19, 2019 · At one point during the 1990s, just getting your ears or nose pierced wasn’t enough. People experimented with piercing other parts of their bodies like the tongue, eyebrow, belly button, lips, septum, dimple, labret, monroe, bridge and even nipples and genitalia. Ouch. Extreme piercings eventually faded in popularity like other 90s fads.
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Media in category "Female nipples through transparent clothing" The following 138 files are in this category, out of 138 total. 028- Anonym, c. 783 × 894; 337 KB.... Woman with pigtails wearing a white top-12F 570 × 742; 212 KB. Young woman in gauzy dress posed seated on log c 1,244 × 1,536; 962 KB.
1990s - A Century Of Women.
View 51 NSFW pictures and enjoy Oblivious_pokies with the endless random gallery on S Go on to discover millions of awesome videos and pictures in thousands of other categories. Nov 26, 2016 · Penthouse magazine was the first to publish a woman with hints of pubic hair. Little wisps showed from the woman in the centerfold of the magazine, and needless to say it was a huge step for pubic hair. Soon after, Playboy followed suit and Liv Lindeland became the first Playmate to appear in the magazine full frontal nude, bush and all.
30 Cool Pics That Capture Naughty Ladies of the 1950s.
Kirill. Miami Beach, FL – May 12, 2015 – Favela Beach at WALL was the straight up TITS this week as they hosted a Cheezy & Sleezy wet t-shirt contest that certainly didn’t leave much for the imagination. Naturally, Kirill was in town to make sure the festivities were as raunchy as ever. We have one word to sum up the night: epic. It is generally agreed by naturist organizations that eroticism and blatant sexuality have no place in naturism and are, in fact, antithetical to its ideals. But that is not to be interpreted as a puritanical attitude toward sensuality. At SunSport Gardens the number one rule is there are no rules in the sense that we are not an intentional. Marie Antoinette. It's been said that the short champagne glass known as the coupe was molded from one of her breasts. In fact the glass was designed in 1663, nearly a century before Marie.
Category:Female nipples through transparent clothing.
Young Emma - Emma Watson Photo 38684135 - Fanpop.YouTube Videos of Young Girls Are Still Drawing Plenty of.Young women of a tribe of the Degar, or Montagnard... - Getty Images.Pant. She is an American actress, producer, director, and businesswoman. Aniston began her acting career with novel based television series Molloy in 1990. Jennifer Aniston a Hollywood celebrity, has received Golden Globe awards & got nominated thrice for Golden Globe, other awards such as One primetime Emmy Awards and One SAG Awards.
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A TV host gave viewers an eyeful after she flashed her breasts during a talk show while wearing an extremely racy sheer dress. Jenny Scordamaglia, 28, from Miami, seemed to have no problems.
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brightnshinythings · 4 months
From 2019
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emjeogal · 9 months
Hi again my dear readers and welcome to my first official blog on the course, Entrepreneurial Mindset (GEE 16). The first topic was an introduction to the course and basic concepts that is the foundation of this course. Entrepreneurship is a course that I find interesting. I find it interesting because it actually changed my mind set and how I look at life and the things around me. A close friend of mine way back in 2019 said that " I want to be like Elon Musk, I want to be a businessman and entrepreneur." Well, what an absurd idea, I thought. What really shocked me was that he said, "I'm inviting you to join me on making a business here in our municipality, an online and trendy business." I laughed inwardly and when I saw the serious look on his eye, I said in reply "are you serious?", simply out of curiosity I agreed easily. And that was the start of a change in my mindset and a change in my outlook of life. My friend told me to read books, and so I did, I've read on his recommendation's books such as "Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Kiyosaki", "The richest Man on Babylon by George Samuel Calson", "Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill", "Lean startup by Eric Reis", and many other self-help books. Well, at present, I cannot recall all the details of the books I've read but I know that subconsciously they influence the way I think. I remember even having an existential crisis because of those books, because my goal in life was "Be a top student to apply to a top school, choose a top course to apply to a top paying job" simple but flawed, those books woke me up with saying "are you satisfied enough with how ambitious you are to simply work for 8-9 job for the rest of your life?" No, I've thought to myself at that time. That's why I agree fully on the concept presented on the course introduction that entrepreneurs are change makers or the backbone of the economy for they provide innovation, jobs, and opportunities that benefits not just themselves but also the community they belong. Personally, I like Steve Jobs, I know some of his startup story and journey, and he showed that entrepreneurship or in his case technopreneurship is producing goods not just for the sake of becoming rich but by influencing the world to be better. And he and his company did change the world we live in today. Famous entrepreneurs really live its definition of creating opportunities and pursuing it despite of resources currently controlled. I like their success stories for they are motivational, they show that despite challenges in resources, people lacking belief in their ideas, and many setbacks, they simply didn't give up. Instead of waiting for resources they seek out resources and instead of waiting for opportunities they created those opportunities. Technology based entrepreneurship is one of the fastest growing markets in the world. For they are scalable and impactful. A good business needs to be scalable and impactful. In observation, most of those technology based entrep-businesses are big names that has a vast control and influence in the business world. Take Tesla, Microsoft, apple, and many others, those are brands that almost all people know about. However, it's also good to take note that there are disruptor businesses such as those fast-growing tech-based businesses like grab, Lazada, and many others that only joined the market recently but has a great impact. I personally agree on the concept that entrepreneurship must not be taught like any other subjects, I believe that to learn entrepreneurship is to do entrepreneurship. That would be all for today's blog. See you and keep updated.
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warningsine · 10 months
Foxconn’s billionaire founder Terry Gou announced on Monday that he will run for president of Taiwan as an independent in the election scheduled for January 2024.
Gou, the self-ruled democracy’s richest man, has long held political ambitions and stepped down from Foxconn in 2019 in an attempt to secure the nomination of the main opposition Kuomintang (KMT) in the last election.
He failed in that attempt and was also rebuffed earlier this year when the KMT, which is seen as being friendly to Beijing, chose Hou Yu-ih, the mayor of New Taipei City, as its candidate.
“I have decided to join the 2024 presidential race,” Gou told a press conference.
The tycoon will need to collect 290,000 signatures by November 2 to qualify as an independent candidate, and has been holding campaign-style events around Taiwan in recent months.
Foxconn is one of the world’s largest contract producers of electronics and a key supplier for Apple’s iPhones.
Promising ‘peace’
Gou accused the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which has won the past two presidential elections, of leading “Taiwan towards the danger of war” and said their domestic policies also had mistakes.
“Give me four years and I promise that I will bring 50 years of peace to the Taiwan Strait and build the deepest foundation for the mutual trust across the strait,” he said in a plea to voters.
“Taiwan must not become Ukraine and I will not let Taiwan become the next Ukraine.”
Vice President Lai Ching-te – who is the DPP’s candidate – is the current election frontrunner, while the KMT’s Hou is running a distant third behind former Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je of the small Taiwan People’s Party.
Beijing has stepped up efforts to isolate Taiwan internationally and put pressure on its government ever since President Tsai Ing-wen was first elected in 2016.
China accuses Tsai of being a “separatist” and has staged regular military exercises near and around the island to express its disapproval of her administration and assert its claim over the island.
The DPP says the people of Taiwan should be the ones to decide their future.
At a press conference on Friday, Lai stressed the island’s status as a “sovereign country” and accused China of ratcheting up tensions across the strait.
“Taiwan holds regular elections for our president, vice president, legislators, officials, mayors and local government leaders, and they serve the people, so I think this shows that it is a fact that Taiwan is a sovereign country,” Lai said. “This is a fact, this is the truth.”
His comments came as Beijing criticised the United States for another weapons sale to Taiwan – a $500m package including technology such as infrared search and track systems for Taiwan’s F-16 fighter jets.
While the US does not formally recognise Taiwan, which is also known as the Republic of China, it is one of its top allies and chief security backers. Taiwan regularly buys weapons from the US as a deterrent against military action by China.
Chinese President Xi Jinping has promised to restore Taiwan to the “motherland” by 2049 and has not ruled out the use of force to achieve that goal.
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crimechannels · 10 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade Despite economic headwinds that affected Nigeria’s economy, three Nigerians have appeared in the list of richest black people on earth. They are Aliko Dangote, Abdulsamad Rabiu and Mike Adenuga. Aliko Dangote, President of the pan-African Conglomerate, the Dangote Group, tops the list. Here is a list of 17 richest black people on earth 1. Aliko Dangote ($10.8 billion) Aliko Dangote, Africa’s richest person, founded and chairs Dangote Cement, the continent’s largest cement producer. He owns 85% of publicly-traded Dangote Cement through a holding company. Dangote Cement has the capacity to produce 48.6 million metric tons annually and has operations in 10 countries across Africa. After many years in development, Dangote’s fertilizer plant in Nigeria began operations in March 2022. Dangote Refinery has been under construction since 2016 and is expected to be one of the world’s largest oil refineries once complete. 2. Robert F. Smith  ($8 billion) Robert F. Smith founded private equity firm Vista Equity Partners in 2000. It focuses exclusively on investing in software companies. With $96 billion in assets, Vista is one of the best-performing private equity firms, posting annualized returns of 31% since inception. In October 2020, Smith entered into an agreement with the DOJ and IRS, agreeing to pay $139 million for his role in a tax evasion scheme. As a college student, Smith secured an internship at Bell Labs after calling the company every week for five months. An engineer by training, he worked at Kraft Foods and Goodyear Tire before getting his MBA at Columbia University. During a commencement speech, Smith vowed to wipe out the student debt of the entire 2019 graduating class of Morehouse College. 3. David Steward ($7.6 billion) David Steward is the founder and chairman of IT provider World Wide Technology. In the early days, Steward sometimes went without a paycheck and once watched his car get repossessed from the office parking lot. Today he is majority owner of the $14.5 billion (sales) company, whose customers include Citi, Verizon and the federal government. He grew up in the segregated South with seven siblings; his father worked as a mechanic, janitor and trash collector. Steward donated $1.3 million to the University of Missouri-St. Louis in 2018 to create the David and Thelma Steward Institute for Jazz Studies. 4. Abdulsamad Rabiu ($5.6 billion) Abdulsamad Rabiu is the founder of BUA Group, a Nigerian conglomerate active in cement production, sugar refining and real estate. In early January 2020, Rabiu merged his privately-owned Obu Cement company with listed firm Cement Co. of Northern Nigeria, which he controlled. The combined firm, called BUA Cement Plc, trades on the Nigerian stock exchange; Rabiu owns 98.2% of it. Rabiu, the son of a businessman, inherited land from his father. He set up his own business in 1988 importing iron, steel and chemicals. 5. Mike Adenuga  ($3.6 billion) Adenuga, Nigeria’s second richest man, built his fortune in telecom and oil production. His mobile phone network, Globacom, is the third largest operator in Nigeria, with 55 million subscribers. His oil exploration outfit, Conoil Producing, operates 6 oil blocks in the Niger Delta. Adenuga got an MBA at Pace University in New York, supporting himself as a student by working as a taxi driver. He made his first million at age 26 selling lace and distributing soft drinks. 6. Jay-Z ($2.5 billion) Since becoming hip-hop’s first billionaire in 2019, Jay-Z has more than doubled his fortune thanks to his lucrative liquor businesses. In 2021, giant LVMH purchased a 50% stake in his champagne empire Armand de Brignac, otherwise known as Ace of Spades.
Jay-Z sold a majority of his stake in his cognac brand D’Usse to Bacardi in February 2023. His other assets range from a fine art collection including works by Jean-Michel Basquiat, his music catalog and shares in companies like Block and Uber. In 2021 he was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame; He won an Emmy in 2022 for Outstanding Variety Special for his production of the Super Bowl Halftime Show. 7. Oprah Winfrey ($2.5 billion) Oprah Winfrey has transitioned her hit talk show, which ran for 25 years, into a media and business empire. Reinvested, the profits from her show, plus profits from films like The Color Purple, Beloved and Selma (which her Harpo Productions coproduced) add up to an estimated more than $2 billion. In 2011, Winfrey launched cable channel OWN. She sold most of her stake in the network to owner Warner Bros. Discovery in 2020 in exchange for shares in the company. Winfrey bought a 10% stake in Weight Watchers in 2015, though she owns less now. Her sprawling real estate portfolio includes homes in California, Nashville and over a dozen properties in Hawaii. 8. PATRICE MOTSEPE  ($2.3 billion) Patrice Motsepe, the founder and chairman of African Rainbow Minerals, became a billionaire in 2008 – the first black African on the Forbes list. In 2016, he launched a private equity firm, African Rainbow Capital, focused on investing in Africa. Motsepe also has a stake in Sanlam, a listed financial services firm, and is the president and owner of the Mamelodi Sundowns Football Club. In March 2021, Motsepe was elected president of the Confederation of African Football, the sport’s governing body on the continent. In 1994, he became the first black partner at law firm Bowman Gilfillan in Johannesburg, and then started a mining services contracting business. In 1997, he bought low-producing gold mine shafts and later turned them profitable. 9. Michael Jordan  ($2 billion) Regarded by most as the NBA’s greatest all-time player, Michael Jordan won six titles with the Chicago Bulls. His salary during his career totaled $90 million, but he has earned $1.8 billion (pre-tax) from such corporate partners as Nike, Hanes and Gatorade. MJ joined sports-betting firm DraftKings as a special advisor to the board and an investor in September 2020. He also became a NASCAR team co-owner in late 2020. Jordan, who owns the Charlotte Hornets, agreed to sell a minority stake in a 2019 deal that valued the NBA team at $1.5 billion. 10. STRIVE MASIYIWA, ($1.8 billion) Strive Masiyiwa overcame protracted government opposition to launch mobile phone network Econet Wireless Zimbabwe in his country of birth in 1998. He owns just over 50% of the publicly-traded Econet Wireless Zimbabwe, which is one part of his larger Econet Group. Masiyiwa also owns just over half of private company Liquid Telecom, which provides fiber optic and satellite services to telecom firms across Africa. His other assets include stakes in mobile phone networks in Burundi and Lesotho, and investments in fintech and power distribution firms in Africa. He and his wife Tsitsi founded the Higherlife Foundation, which supports orphaned and poor children in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Burundi and Lesotho. 11. Alexander Karp ($1.8 billion) Alex Karp is cofounder and CEO of data mining firm Palantir Technologies, which received early backing from CIA investment arm In-Q-Tel. The company does contract work for government agencies like the Department of Defense, the FBI and the Danish National Police. Palantir went public on the New York Stock Exchange in an unusual direct listing process in September 2020. Karp met Palantir cofounder and billionaire Facebook investor Peter Thiel while at Stanford Law School. Karp managed money before starting Palantir in 2004, and occasionally teaches meditation classes at the company. 12. Rihanna ($1.4 billion ) Rihanna, Barbados’ most famous export, is a billionaire thanks to the success of cosmetics line Fenty Beauty.
The cosmetics company, which she co-owns with French luxury retailer LVMH, doubled its revenue in 2022. She also has a 30% stake in the Savage x Fenty lingerie line, which raised money at a $1 billion valuation in February 2021. The pop star headlined the Super Bowl LVII halftime show for the first time in 2023, during which she revealed she is pregnant with her second child. Rihanna and rapper A$AP Rocky already have one son, born in May 2022. She released her first new music in five years in 2022 for the movie Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Her song “Lift Me Up” was nominated for an Oscar for Best Original Song. 13. Michael Lee-Chin  ($1.4 billion each) Michael Lee-Chin made a fortune investing in financial companies like National Commercial Bank Jamaica and AIC Limited. The native of Jamaica acquired AIC in 1987, when it had less than $1 million in assets under management. Under Lee-Chin, the Canada-based wealth management and mutual fund business managed more than $10 billion in assets by 2002. But the firm was hit hard by the 2008 recession, and Lee-Chin sold AIC to Canadian financial services group Manulife in 2009 for an undisclosed price. He managed to hold onto a valuable 60% stake in National Commercial Bank Jamaica, which now makes up much of his wealth. 14. MOHAMMED IBRAHIM  ($1.2 billion) Mohammed “Mo” Ibrahim founded Celtel International in 1998, one of the first mobile phone companies serving Africa and the Middle East. He sold Celtel to Kuwait’s Mobile Telecommunications Company for $3.4 billion in 2005 and pocketed $1.4 billion. Since then, he’s focused on fighting corrupt leadership in Africa through the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, directed by his daughter, Hadeel. Ibrahim also chairs the board of Satya Capital, a private equity fund that invests in African businesses, education and healthcare. 15. Tiger Woods  ($1.1 billion) Woods has earned roughly $1.8 billion during his pro golf career, including a PGA Tour-record $121 million in prize money. In 2022, Forbes certified him as a billionaire, making him only the second active athlete ever with that distinction, after LeBron James. Woods reached that rarified air despite reportedly turning down a “mind-blowingly enormous” offer from the upstart LIV Golf tour, a deal that LIV CEO Greg Norman told the Washington Post would have been in the “high nine digits.” Woods has parlayed his golfing paychecks into investments that include two homes on Jupiter Island, a golf-course design business and high-end mini-golf chain Popstroke. Woods and fellow golf star Rory McIlroy announced in 2022 that they had founded TMRW Sports, a tech-focused venture with plans to launch a new golf league called TGL. The superstar is also a partner with Justin Timberlake and British billionaire Joe Lewis in Nexxus, a luxury real-estate venture. 16. LeBron James ($1 billion) James is the first active NBA player to become a billionaire, with Forbes estimating his net worth at $1 billion in June 2022. Born to a 16-year-old single mother, he lived with an assortment of family members, friends and neighbors, plus his youth football coach, before being drafted by the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2003. James has reportedly earned more than $430 million in pretax salary from stints with the Cavaliers, the Miami Heat and his current team, the Los Angeles Lakers. He has raked in upwards of $900 million (pretax) off the court, according to Forbes estimates from business ventures and endorsement deals with the likes of PepsiCo, Walmart and Nike. Key to his billionaire status: James has been more than a pitchman, taking equity in brands he works with, including Beats by Dre and the fast-growing Blaze Pizza chain. His LeBron James Family Foundation opened its first elementary school in 2018 and has pledged to spend more than $40 million to send kids to college. 17. Tyler Perry  ($1 billion) A director, actor, producer and writer,
Tyler Perry is best known for his “Madea” franchise, which has grossed more than $660 million. Perry started out in live theater in the 1990s and became extremely popular before transitioning to film and television in the 2000s. Perry’s wealth comes both from his cut as a producer and from a library dating back to the early 1990s: he owns 100% of the content he’s created. In 2019, he opened Tyler Perry Studios, a 330-acre property in Atlanta with 12 sound stages and custom sets that include a to-scale White House.     #billionaire #Nigerians #wealth #Worldsrichestblackpeople
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mohammadgholami · 1 year
The Untold Story of Bernard Arnault The Richest Man in the World
Join me as we delve into the life and career of Bernard Arnault, the French billionaire and CEO of LVMH, who has been named the richest man in the world multiple times. From his humble beginnings to his rise to success, we uncover the untold story of this enigmatic figure.
hi, this is mohammad Gholami and Welcome to my podcast,
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where we explore the lives of some of the most fascinating people in history. Today, we're going to talk about Bernard Arnault, a man who has made a name for himself as one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet. who is he really? And how did he get to where he is today?
Bernard Arnault was born on March 5th, 1949, in Roubaix, France. His father was a manufacturer and owner of a civil engineering company, while his mother was a pianist and member of an influential family in France.
Arnault attended school at Lycée Maxence Van Der Meersch in Roubaix before studying engineering at École Polytechnique in Paris. After graduation, he worked for his father's company before branching out on his own.
In 1984, Arnault acquired Boussac Saint-Frères, a textile company that owned Christian Dior. He then became CEO of Dior and began transforming it into a luxury brand that would become synonymous with high fashion.
Arnault's next move was to merge Dior with Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy (LVMH), creating one of the largest luxury goods conglomerates in the world. Under his leadership, LVMH acquired numerous other luxury brands such as Fendi, Givenchy, and Marc Jacobs.
Despite his success, Arnault has faced criticism for his business practices and personal life. In 2001, he was accused of tax evasion and spent several years in legal battles with the French government. He has also been criticized for his close ties to former French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
Arnault's personal life has also been the subject of scrutiny. He has been married twice and has five children. His second wife, Hélène Mercier, is a Canadian pianist who he met while she was performing in Paris.
Despite these controversies, Arnault's net worth continues to grow. As of 2021, he is estimated to be worth over $150 billion, making him the richest man in Europe and the third richest person in the world.
Arnault is known for his philanthropy as well. In 2019, he pledged $226 million to help rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral after it was damaged by fire.
So what can we learn from Bernard Arnault's story? Perhaps it's that hard work and determination can lead to great success, but also that wealth and power come with their own set of challenges.
Thank you for listening to my podcast about Bernard Arnault, the richest man in the world. don't forget to subscribe me.
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Mukesh Ambani’s 66th Birthday Today 19 April 2023, Know About His Journey and Achievements
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Mukesh Ambani, the CEO of Reliance Industries, turns 66 today, April 19, 2023. He was born on April 19, 1957, to Dirubhai and Kokilaben Ambani in Yemen. His father Dhirubhai Ambani in the year 1966 founded the Reliance Industries. In 2002, Dhirubhai passed away. Mukesh and his younger brother Anil jointly took over the reins of Reliance. Anil was appointed vice chairman and joint managing director while his older brother assumed the roles of chairman and managing director.
Anil received the financial services units, power generation, and telecommunications through a demerger, while Mukesh regained control of the petrochemicals, oil, and gas units at RIL due to a power struggle between the brothers. Mukesh Ambani identified twins Isha and Akash to take the leadership in retail and telecom last year, and his youngest son Anant for the new energy unit, as part of his succession plan for Reliance Industries Ltd.
1.      Richest Indian
Mukesh Amani became the country's first trillionaire in rupees in 2007. In recent months, Gautam Adani, a fellow businessman from Gujarat, has displaced him as the richest Indian. He did, however, reclaim his position as Asia's richest man in the Forbes Billionaire 2023 list, which was published on April 4. Reliance Industries, with a revenue worth $104 billion market cap with holdings in retail, petrochemicals, telecom, and oil and gas is chaired and operated by Mukesh Ambani.
2.      Net Worth and Education
His net worth is $84.1 billion, ranking him as the 13th richest billionaire in the world. He was born in Aden, Yemen. Here, his father was an attendant at a gas station. He graduated from the University of Bombay (now the University of Mumbai) with a bachelor's in chemical engineering before going on to Stanford University to acquire a master's in business administration.
3.      Family Business
But Mukesh Ambani left the programme in 1981 to work for the family business, where he tried his hand at polyester fibres, petrochemicals, infrastructure, petroleum refining, oil and gas production, communications, and other areas to diversify the business.
4.      Antilla – 27 Floors
The 27-story Antilla, owned by Mukesh Ambani, is among the most costly residences in the entire world. In reality, the skyscraper has 60 levels. His Maybatch, BMW 760 Li, Rolls Royce Cullinan, and other expensive vehicles are parked on the lowest six floors of his Antilia.
5.      Awards and Recognitions
He was named the second-best CEO in the world by the Global Brand Guardianship Index 2023 and was named the fifth-best performing CEO in the world by Harvard Business Review. In addition, Mukesh Ambani was honored with the Businessman of the Year Award in 2010 and the TIME 100 Most Influential People in 2019 and 2020.
6.      Luxury Properties and Private Jets
He is the owner of the Mandarin Oriental, New York, which is a grand and luxurious property as well as Stoke Park, London, UK a 900-year-old hotel.  Mukesh Ambani is also well known for having a variety of extremely expensive private aircraft. He has three private aircraft in total. The estimated cost of the three aircraft—the Airbus A319, Falcon 900EX, and Boeing Business Jet—is Rs.100 crore. Despite his wealth, it is believed that Ambani is a very modest man who loves eating pure vegetarian food cooked at home.
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newstfionline · 1 year
Thursday, April 6, 2023
Donald Trump, the attention economy’s most potent stimulus (AP) In the currency of today’s attention economy, Donald Trump is the world’s richest man. His media-engulfed arraignment in New York was an out-of-court Exhibit A. In returning to the no-business-like-show-business metropolis that propelled him to tabloid-fodder fame so many years ago, the former president also returned to the very stage where he thrives the most. Love him? Hate him? Don’t care? Doesn’t matter. Just like during his presidency, he commands notice. Still. Thousands of New York City police officers, the U.S. Secret Service and swarms of journalists deployed across lower Manhattan can all attest to that. The American preoccupation with big, loud storylines was on full display Tuesday as anchors, pundits and sources talked and talked and talked. In the arena of the American attention economy, where the fighting forever rages, Donald J. Trump remains a potent force. Commanding attention has been his world, and politics is a realm of attention. Whether the legal realm, which he has successfully avoided until now, will be anywhere near the same for him may be another reality entirely.
Pandemic pounds push 10,000 U.S. Army soldiers into obesity (AP) After gaining 30 pounds during the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Daniel Murillo is finally getting back into fighting shape. Early pandemic lockdowns, endless hours on his laptop and heightened stress led Murillo, 27, to reach for cookies and chips in the barracks at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. Gyms were closed, organized exercise was out and Murillo’s motivation to work out on his own was low. Murillo wasn’t the only service member dealing with extra weight. New research found that obesity in the U.S. military surged during the pandemic. In the Army alone, nearly 10,000 active duty soldiers developed obesity between February 2019 and June 2021, pushing the rate to nearly a quarter of the troops studied. Increases were seen in the U.S. Navy and the Marines, too.
Community Colleges (The Hechinger Report) Two-year community colleges have had a rough decade, with enrollment down 37 percent since 2010, down 2.6 million. Community colleges are an important part of the higher ed ecosystem, not only offering education at a substantially lower price point—averaging $3,860 in tuition and fees versus $10,940 at four-year public universities and $39,400 at private ones—but also supporting people who are the first in their families to pursue higher ed, with 29 percent being the first to go to college. There are some issues: a hot job market reducing the value of an associate degree is one, but the other is that many community colleges aren’t delivering for students, with four of five entrants planning to get a bachelor’s degree but only one in six getting one.
For McCarthy and Taiwan’s leader, visit marks historic first (AP) The moment will be historic—a U.S. House speaker meeting with the president of Taiwan for a rare visit on American soil, a high-profile encounter designed to boost support for the island government but already drawing blowback from an enraged China. For Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen the meeting Wednesday with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California is the most sensitive stop on her transit through the U.S. and Central America, a whirlwind diplomatic mission that is delicate, secretive and politically fraught. But for the newly elected House speaker it is the start of his foray into foreign affairs. The Republican leader has focused more on domestic politics at home than international concerns abroad. Outspoken, even bellicose, against China, McCarthy sends a potentially provocative nod of support to Taiwan with the meeting. It is the first known visit between a House speaker and a Taiwan president on American territory since the U.S. broke off formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan in 1979, experts said.
Macron and Europe hedge their bets on China (Washington Post) A curious geopolitical conjunction will take place this week. On the same day Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) meets Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen in California, French President Emmanuel Macron is set to land in China on a major three-day tour of the country and meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping. The parallel encounters offer a snapshot of the West’s yin and yang over China: On one hand, a hardening hawkishness toward Beijing’s one-party regime, rooted in distrust of its ambitions and intentions; on the other, a recognition of the need to engage and maintain partnerships with the rising Asian superpower and economic titan, no matter the political atmosphere. Macron goes to China on a complicated mission, keen to enlist Xi in the pursuit of checking Russia’s invasion of Ukraine while hoping to expand and boost ties on the economic front. Macron is also going in force, joined by both his finance and foreign ministers as well as a delegation of more than 50 business leaders from prominent French companies, including nuclear energy group EDF and aviation juggernaut Airbus.
In Ukraine, the grief-stricken bear the pain of war (AP) Mothers burying their sons, children burying their fathers. As the war in Ukraine enters its second year, men and women have been dying in droves on the front lines, fighting off Russia’s invasion of their country. For them, the fight is over. They paid the ultimate price. But it is their parents, their children, their siblings and their spouses who will carry the pain of war, the tears of the nation. The funerals happen day after day, week after week, in villages and cities across Ukraine as those killed on the battlefield return home for the last time.
UN: Ban on Afghan female staffers by Taliban unacceptable (AP) The U.N. said Wednesday it cannot accept a Taliban decision to bar Afghan female staffers from working at the agency, calling it an “unparalleled” violation of women’s rights. The statement came a day after the U.N. said it had been informed by Afghanistan’s ruling Taliban that Afghan women would no longer be allowed to work for the world body. That announcement came after the U.N. mission in the country expressed concern that its female staffers were prevented from reporting to work in eastern Nangarhar province. The Taliban decision is “an unparalleled violation of women’s rights, a flagrant breach of humanitarian principles, and a breach of international rules,” Wednesday’s statement said. The U.N. statement said several U.N. national female personnel have already experienced restrictions on their movements, including harassment, intimidation and detention.
How tiny, cheap smart speakers unlocked the rise of digital payments in India (Rest of World) Abbas Ali, a vegetable vendor in an upscale neighborhood in New Delhi, started accepting digital payments in 2021. But every time a customer paid online, the 48-year-old, who can neither read nor write, would need to call his son to confirm that the payment had been received. Eventually, a fellow vendor suggested he subscribe to a “sound box”—a nifty internet-connected device that reads out payment confirmation messages. The sound box device has been a runaway hit among small Indian businesses. Most sound boxes can read out payment confirmation messages in English and multiple Indian languages, such as Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, and Punjabi. Sound boxes have grown popular in tandem with digital payments. The volume of UPI transactions in the country grew from 20 million in the 2017 financial year to 60 billion by the third quarter of the 2023 financial year, and the value of UPI transactions made in the same period skyrocketed from over $121 million to over $1.2 trillion, the data shows.
China watches Trump courtroom drama: A ‘premium show without paywall’ (Washington Post) The unprecedented scenes of former president Donald Trump’s arraignment in New York and his furious response afterward fascinated the Chinese internet Wednesday, with some seizing the chance to slam U.S. democracy and many more simply binge-watching a “premium show without paywall.” Chinese state media—which generally likes to play up problems in the United States, from school shootings through Black Lives Matter protests to political mayhem that makes democracy look messy—also prominently featured news of the extraordinary 34 felony charges against Trump, who spearheaded a trade war with China during his four years in office. Trump’s arraignment “epitomizes social divide, systemic alienation, and political and cultural decay” in the United States, which is turning into a “Divided Nations of America,” wrote a reporter for the state-run Xinhua News Agency. CCTV, China’s main broadcaster, relayed the latest in its hourly news updates, and all major Chinese outlets sent out alerts on developments. Trump’s remark during his defiant Mar-a-Lago news conference that the United States was “going to hell” trended on Weibo, the microblogging site that is equivalent to Twitter, and sparked suggestions that the United States was on the brink of another civil war.
New images from inside Fukushima reactor spark safety worry (AP) Images captured by a robotic probe inside one of the three melted reactors at Japan’s wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant showed exposed steel bars in the main supporting structure and parts of its thick external concrete wall missing, triggering concerns about its earthquake resistance in case of another major disaster. The plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, has been sending robotic probes inside the Unit 1 primary containment chamber since last year. The new findings released Tuesday were from the latest probe conducted at the end of March. About 880 tons of highly radioactive melted nuclear fuel remain inside the three reactors. Robotic probes have provided some information, but the status of the melted debris is still largely unknown. The amount is about 10 times the damaged fuel that was removed in the cleanup of the Three Mile Island nuclear plant in the United States after its 1979 partial core meltdown.
Violence in Jerusalem at mosque raises fear of more fighting (AP) Israeli police stormed into the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City early Wednesday, firing stun grenades at Palestinian youths who hurled firecrackers at them in a burst of violence during a sensitive holiday season. Palestinian militants in Gaza responded with rocket fire on southern Israel, prompting repeated Israeli airstrikes. The fighting, coming as Muslims mark the holiday month of Ramadan and Jews prepare to begin the Passover festival on Wednesday evening, raised fears of a wider conflagration. Similar clashes two years ago erupted into a bloody 11-day war between Israel and the ruling Hamas militant group in Gaza. The official Palestinian news agency Wafa said that dozens of worshippers who were spending the night praying were injured in the police raid. The Israeli military said one soldier was shot in a separate incident in the occupied West Bank.
South Africa fights to keep phone networks up as lights go out (Reuters) On a recent Friday morning north of Johannesburg, the head of South Africa’s largest telecoms company surveyed the arsenal of backup systems keeping just one of his 15,000 network towers online amid the worst power cuts on record. A diesel generator. Solar panels. A bank of expensive backup batteries, theft-proofed within a block of concrete. “Our costs have gone through the roof,” lamented Sitho Mdlalose, managing director of Vodacom South Africa. As the national power grid crumbles, leaving Africa’s most advanced economy in the dark for up to 10 hours a day, mobile operators are scrambling to ensure their networks stay up and running. At stake: essential voice and data services in a nation where landlines are rare but nearly 80% of residents have access to mobile internet.
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financeknowy · 1 year
The Mind-blowing and Fascinating 7 Richest Persons In The World.
They say you know, "Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth".
Today's 7 affluent persons in the world have indeed shown great diligence in their work and are now enjoying their reward as being in the top 1% of the richest person in the world today.
Today's blog post is going to be telling us about the richest person in the world their age, net worth, residence, and the various companies they co-found or own, and also a good biography about them and also Elon fall from grace as the richest person in the world, so stay put.
First on our list is a man with an inspiring backstory for anyone looking to achieve financial success. check out his success story as the richest man in the world.
Bernard Arnault
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Age:73 Net worth: $201.8 billion. Residence: Paris Spouse: Anne dewavrin 1973 to 1990 (divorced) Hélène Mercier 1991 till date Children: 5 Nationality: France Co-founder/CEO: LVMH (LVMUY)
Source of wealth Arnault has an evaluated net worth of about US$208.1 billion as of March 2023, according to Forbes magazine, making him the richest human on the planet. His family is also recognized as one of the richest families in the world he is the owner, chairman, and chief operating officer of LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, the world's biggest luxury goods corporation.
DID YOU KNOW Bernard Arnault's wife is a professional concert pianist. He also plays too.
Elon Musk
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Age: 51 Net worth: 190 billion. Residence: Texas Spouse: justine musk 2000 to 2008 talulah riley 2008 to 2016 Children: 10 Nationality: South-African Co-founder/CEO: Tesla
Source of wealth Musk said to the conservative satire site Babylon Bee in December 2021, Talking about Tesla and Space X. "Rewarding, too, but massively difficult ... and I didn't sell the stock in the companies." "I built these two companies and it was extremely difficult to build them,"
In early 2020, his riches were just one-tenth of where it is today, with his then-fortune of $25.6 billion ranking him below Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Musk, whose wealth is estimated to be at $240 billion by Bloomberg, hasn't always been at the top of the List.
Tesla, though, has been his basic means for his wealth creation, with the corporation's stock moving up by more than 1,100% in the last five years as investors compesated the corporation for its huge spurts in growth in motor sales. Tesla's revenue accelerated from $12 billion in 2017 to $54 billion in 2021.
Musk's extraordinary leap in riches is connected to his possession stake in electric car maker Tesla, and to a much lesser extent his shares in ventures including Space X and Boring Company.
Jeff Bezos
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Nationality: American Net worth: 125.1 billion USD (2023) Forbes Spouse: MacKenzie Scott (m. 1993–2019) Children: Preston Bezos Residence: Houston co-founder/CEO: Amazon.com, Blue Origin, Bezos Earth Fund, Bezos Expeditions
Source of wealth Bezos is perhaps most Famous as the founder and former chief executive officer (CEO) of Amazon, He remains the owner of the company. Jeff Bezos' net worth was about $126 billion as of March 2023, making him the world's third-richest person in the world.
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wikibiofact · 1 year
Sundar Pichai Net Worth 2023 & Biography: Indian Engineer to Being world’s Top Ranking CEO!
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Sundar Pichai Net Worth in 2023 is of $ 1310 million! making him the richest CEO in the world.
Sundar Pichai is one of the most influential people in technology today. As CEO of Alphabet and Google, he has overseen some of the biggest changes to our lives in recent years.
His influence on how we use technology can’t be overstated, so it’s no surprise that his net worth and biography are topics of interest.
Here, we’ll look at Sundar Pichai’s impressive career trajectory, his vast wealth and what makes him such an iconic figure.
Born in India to Tamil parents, Sundar Pichai had a humble beginning before becoming one of the world’s wealthiest tech executives. He studied engineering at Stanford University and later earned an MBA from Wharton School of Business.
It was during these early days when he developed an interest in computer science which eventually led him to become a part of Google’s team in 2004.
Since then, he has held multiple key positions within the company while also managing its many products including Chrome OS, Android OS, YouTube and more recently Google Cloud Platform.
As a result of his hard work and expertise, Pichai became Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Alphabet Inc., parent company of Google LLC, in December 2019 — a position that made headlines around the globe due to its prestige and power.
According to Forbes’ Real-time Billionaires Listing as of April 2021, Sundar Pichai holds an estimated net worth of $1 billion dollars — making him one of only 18 Indian-origin billionaires worldwide!
In this article you will learn about Sundar Pichai’s incredible journey from humble beginnings to financial success along with all other fascinating details about his life story that make him such an inspiring role model for aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere!
Sundar Pichai’s life story reads like a classic rags-to-riches tale. Born in Chennai, India to humble middle class parents, little did anyone know that this young man would one day become the CEO of Google and have an estimated net worth of $1310 million.
His journey began with his parents’ investment of their savings into his education which allowed him to attend the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur for engineering followed by Stanford University for an MS in Material Sciences & Engineering and then Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania for an MBA.
It was during these formative years that Sundar developed what became his trademark traits: intelligence, ambition and drive. With hard work, determination and resilience he earned accolades from faculty members and gained invaluable knowledge about business and technology — all essential ingredients for success in the future.
With a solid foundation now laid down it was time to move onto bigger challenges; it was time to embark on the path towards career greatness.
After graduating from college, Sundar Pichai was determined to make a mark in the tech industry. He worked at Applied Materials and then McKinsey & Company before joining Google as their first product manager in 2004.
At Google, Pichai began working on products such as Gmail and Google Maps, eventually becoming the senior vice president of product management. His success with these projects led him to be promoted to vice president of product development in 2008.
Pichai’s rise in Google has been incredible; he was appointed CEO of the company in August 2015 and assumed responsibility for all operations across its products and services.
As CEO, he has overseen some major changes including increasing the focus on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies.
He also spearheaded several acquisitions such as Nest Labs, which specializes in smart home devices, DoubleClick advertising network, and YouTube which is now one of the most popular online streaming platforms worldwide.
Sundar Pichai’s rise in Google has been remarkable. Having joined the company in 2004, he has become one of its most influential leaders and is now both CEO and Chairman for Alphabet Inc., parent company to Google. Here are some key points on his journey:
1. He was appointed Product Chief at Google in 2008, leading development of apps like Chrome and Gmail.
2. In 2013, he became Senior Vice President overseeing Android, Chrome OS & Apps divisions.
3. In 2014, he assumed control of all product & design functions across Google’s products & services.
4. And finally, in 2015, he was named CEO of Google as well as Alphabet Inc.’s Chairman Board Member.
Pichai’s leadership positions have given him an opportunity to shape the future direction of technology around the world while also becoming a symbol of success among aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere.
This section will explore how his role as leader has evolved over time and what it means for tech innovation today.
As the old saying goes, “great leaders make great teams” — and no one knows this better than Sundar Pichai. He currently serves as the CEO of Google LLC since 2015, leading a staff of over 118,000 employees worldwide.
His journey to the top started in 2004 when he was promoted to be the Vice President of product management at Google.
Over time he rose through the ranks holding several executive positions including Senior Vice President of Android, Chrome OS and Apps before finally being appointed as CEO in 2015.
Sundar is also on numerous boards such as Alphabet Inc., Apple Inc., HP Inc., and many more that have helped shaped his career into what it is today — an exemplary business leader who has had tremendous success in driving growth for some of the largest companies globally.
With his vision for transformation and innovation, Sundar continually pushes boundaries within these organizations constantly striving for excellence.
As we move onto exploring philanthropy and charitable endeavors from Sundar’s life, it is clear that his leadership skills have been instrumental in pushing him towards greater heights professionally as well as personally.
Apart from his professional success, Sundar Pichai is also well-known for his philanthropic endeavours. He and his wife, Anjali Pichai, donated $50 million to their alma mater Stanford University for “need blind admissions” in 2020.
They have also made donations to charitable organisations like The India School Project that helps build school libraries and provide technology access to students in rural areas of India.
In addition, they are long time supporters of the United Way Bay Area charity organisation which provides basic human services such as food banks and homeless shelters.
Pichai is passionate about giving back to society and has continually expressed this sentiment through various initiatives over the years.
For example, he established a scholarship program at IIT Kharagpur where underprivileged students can obtain higher education without any financial burden.
Additionally, Google recently announced its global initiative called Grow with Google which focuses on providing training resources to small businesses around the world so they can benefit from digital technologies.
This further demonstrates Pichai’s commitment to making the world a better place through the power of technology.
Moving forward into awards and achievements, it is evident how much recognition Sundar Pichai has received for his dedication and leadership within the tech industry.
Sundar Pichai has achieved tremendous success in his career. He is estimated to have a net worth of over $1310 million dollars in 2023, making him one of the richest tech executives in the world.
Among some of the awards and honors he’s received include:
* Being named as Fortune Magazine’s Businessperson of the Year in 2017;
* Receiving an honorary doctorate degree from Loughborough University;
* Named among Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People.
Most notably on December 3rd, 2022 Sundar Pichai received the highest civilian award in India the “Padma Bhushan”.
These accomplishments are just an indication that Sundar Pichai has made significant contributions to both technology and business throughout his career. As such, it comes as no surprise that he continues to be highly respected by many people today.
Moving on, let us take a look at Sundar Pichai’s personal life.
Moving on from the awards and achievements of Sundar Pichai, let’s look into his personal life. He is married to Anjali Pichai and they have two children together — a Daughter, Kaavya, and Son, Kiran.
His wife Anjali works as an engineer at Intuit. Sundar was born in Chennai, India where he grew up with his family before moving to the US for college.
He attended Stanford University and after graduating from there moved onto Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania for his MBA. After completing his education he worked for McKinsey & Company Inc., Applied Materials Inc., and other companies until joining Google in 2004......Read More
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