#ricky kronbach
astramachina · 5 months
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Speeding across the country, in somebody else's car Keeping a book of secrets, and taking it too far (x)
Ricky's has got a handful of secrets:
The eyesore of a 'magenta' car he drives is stolen.
His college degree is a forgery.
The blood on his jacket is Definitely His Own.
And he's never forgiven the owners of that old pizzeria for the events of '87. After all, that was his little brother's head inside the jaws of a mechanical monster.
Here's all you need to know about Ricky Kronbach and his terrible, horrible, no good, very bad life courtesy of an extensive list of extremely bad decisions.
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A movie!verse OC (in a "what if the games somehow still happened in the movie!verse but the dates were slightly altered" type of AU; ie the bite of '87 still occurred but rather than Jeremy Fitzgerald getting chomped, it was MCI!Jeremy)
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"He said he could bring Jeremy back." "Jeremy's been gone a decade." "But what if he can? What if it's possible?"
Born September 9th, 1972 to Mary and John Kronbach in Great Falls, Minnesota. As the oldest of two kids he's both stubborn and protective, the former by instinct and the latter by necessity. With John's violent outbursts and propensity to gamble away most of the family income, and Mary's neglect in response to Ricky acting as a "tomboy" from a young age, home life for the Kronbach siblings was less than stellar.
To catch a break, Ricky would get into his allowance and bike down to Freddy's with his little brother Jeremy in tow. It happened often enough that multiple servers and one of the owners' daughters knew them by name. But late one Friday in November of 1987, tragedy came rushing up to meet the Kronbach's when Jeremy, aided by the owner's daughter, requested to see the Bonnie animatronic up close. No one exactly knows how the nine-year-old managed to get his head stuck between its jaws, triggering the springlock mechanism that killed him.
Following these events, John blamed Ricky for the death of his "only son" and unleashed a reign of terror on the teenager that would only end in further tragedy. When questioned about the events that took place during "The Christmas Massacre of '87", Ricky would claim to have been asleep during his parents' murder. At no point does he confide in anyone about the night terrors that lead up to the event—of the 7ft tall, striped marionette that led him towards the knife block on the kitchen counter.
The night terrors continue well into adulthood, even after his suspension from MSU's post-grad program, when he threatened one of his professors and picked fights with several classmates for unspecified reasons. With a criminal record and infamy attached to his family name, Ricky is forced to seek professional help when no one would employ him.
In the Spring of 1996, Ricky meets his career counselor, Steve Raglan, who offers him a night security gig. Ricky turns down the opportunity, and upon exiting the office he notices a magenta Chevrolet that seems familiar. Disconcerted that he can't pinpoint where he's seen it before, Ricky decides to skip town and start a new life altogether, as far away from his past as possible.
"I'm thinking Anaheim. Become an Imagineer. Someone who puts a smile on kids' faces, y'know?"
Strangely enough, in a Denny's out in the Middle of Nowhere, Colorado over a year later, he comes across the same car, the same career counselor, and Ricky is now certain "Steve Raglan" isn't who he claims to be.
"Steve Raglan" knows the name Kronbach, knows about Ricky's past and his impressive academic record, so he makes him one more offer the young man can't possibly refuse: if Ricky helps him finish an old project him and his old business partner set out to create in the 80s, then "Steve" can bring Ricky's brother back from the dead.
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Some picrew references—altho! @/namonaki-arts took these references and brought him to life in chibi form.
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Does this look like a man who'd team up with a serial killer to bring back his dead brother who may or may not have been a victim of said serial killer? Look at him. Does he look like someone with his own trail of dead bodies and stolen cars and also arson? P'shaw.
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astramachina · 4 months
how does pinterest see your oc?
@ap0stle smacked me with a tag and i could not resist myself. however, this is how i found out that there's a huge kpop artist also named Ricky which made this uhhhhh more than a little bit difficult
rules: search the name of your oc followed by the word 1. fashion 2. pantone 3. food 4. mood , and use the first pin (or second OR TENTH...) that comes up in your search
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the "never gonna give a fuck" is particularly good, ngl
hitting y'all with yet another open tag bcs i dunno who all fucks with pinterest
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astramachina · 3 months
OC posting? On main?
I was gonna say "more likely than you think" as if that hasn't been 50% of my deal lately. Anyway, came across a cute picrew and wanted to show off some of the original characters from Driving Through Tunnels (With No Light at the End) now that we've been introduced to most of the auto shop team!
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Ricky (top left)
Jenny (top right)
Roger (bottom left)
Dean (bottom right)
(listen I tried my best to deliver "late 90s" but there's only so many choices when it comes picrew)
Some character rambles under the cut!
Ricky Kronbach - the man, the myth, the legend. Hardly needs an introduction since he's our main guy. Ran into some trouble, stole a conspicuous purple car because of it, and because he could neither afford a new car or a paint job, he tried to proposition Roger in exchange for said paint job. Instead, Ricky got a crash course on how to fix cars, a decent job, and a somewhat stable life in his home state of Minnesota. As of 1998, he's the newest mechanic to join the team. He's a bit of a prodigy when it comes to technology, having gone to university (and then expelled for unsavory reasons) for computer engineering. How that managed to translate to an uncanny ability to fix anything remotely mechanical that he touches is beyond anyone's guess. Ricky's a bit of a sour apple, but no one can really blame him. He plays things close to the vest, and someone must be at least a LVL 50 friend in order to unlock his tragic past.
Jenny - the token girl mechanic at the auto shop, but none of the guys look down at her for it. She can and she will bench press an SUV with her scrawny little arms, and she will also crash people's place whenever they're feeling down with pizza and a six pack. A single child, she's lived a pretty sheltered life. Her parents wanted her to be either a lawyer or a doctor, but ever since she was 5 she would collect Hot Wheels alongside her impressive number of "career" Barbies. She signed up for one class during high school and it was over: there was nothing she wanted more than to work on cars. Jenny's a little put off by Ricky at first since the guy kind of materialized out of nowhere one day, but she soon realized how committed he was to learning the ropes. During his first year at the shop she tended to keep her distance, fraternizing only during Bowling Thursdays, but when weird stuff starts to happen and Ricky begins to grow agitated, she self-appoints herself as Ricky's BFF. Surprisingly, they click extremely well.
Roger - being a man of morals, he saw a desperate kid on the run fighting to survive and he gave him a wrench, the couch in the shop office, and a bite to eat. Jersey accent? Thick. Eyebrows? Thicker. A bit of a hardass at work, but a caring family man when it's time to close up his shop for the day. He's 5'2" and will not hesitate to throw down with someone a foot taller than him if they act stupid. Hardly ever smokes, but will pull out a cigarette when shit gets a little dicey. He's a pretty lenient boss when his mechanics are going through it, and he tends to keep it professional while on the lot, unwilling to overstep. But being older means he's world-weary, and seeing a face he remembers from the news haunting Ricky, a young man no older than his oldest son, he will try to keep tabs on him and make sure he's okay.
Dean - senior mechanic nearly a decade older than Ricky and loves to rub it in his face. So far the most tech-savviest of them all, and also the nerdiest. He's scatterbrained and a gossip, his improv game is off the charts (which makes him a hit at D&D tables), and will try to get beetles to unionize given the chance. His fashion sense is only rivaled by Jenny's, which usually leads to Roger griping at him that, yes, he has to wear his overalls when hitting the bays. Yes, Roger is well aware that he's not the one buying Dean's clothes but for the love of God, kid, think of how much you can save by not getting motor oil all over those fancy threads. Though he might hold his age over Ricky (and Ricky thinks that might just be because Dean sucks at bowling), and is a firm believer in having co-workers be co-workers and nothing more, Dean has and will extend an olive branch in the case where he is needed. In fact, he's lost at least one mobile phone because he lent it to Ricky prior to a mysterious excursion, but he's never asked questions. Dean's been around the block enough times to know when not to ask questions, and he knows when people need to stick together.
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astramachina · 5 months
for the oc asks: hate + mask + midnight for ricky? >:3c
an opportunity to wax poetic about my boy Ricky?! let's freaking go.
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
flannel shirts, specifically the red kind. they used to be a staple of his dad's wardrobe and as a kid Ricky would steal them out of his closet to fend off the Minnesota cold. one said shirt hangs on the back of Ricky's apartment door, and even though the blood on it is long gone, there's still jagged holes in it courtesy of an old kitchen knife. why he keeps it there? who the hell knows. maybe to remind himself to never become his father.
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
oh man. behind the apathetic veneer he's a huge sourpuss, but pull those two layers back and he's just an oddly excitable nerd who wants to make people happy. several folks have attempted to glimpse behind the mask, but so far the only ones to have done so are Jenny, his best friend (whom Ricky considers his little sister though you would never get that out of him), and William.
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
he suffers from something he calls "memory nightmares", which is a combination of night terrors and sleepwalking that feel equivalent to sleep paralysis. sometimes he sees Jeremy as he was the night he died, or this spindly 8ft tall marionette silently urging him into the kitchen; sometimes he's stuck in the pizzeria and there are warped glimpses of what happened in '87 but it's always viscerally wrong.
as a consequence, he doesn't do much sleeping (at night, anyway. he will nap during his lunch break at the auto shop), so during his "chill eras" he'll watch reruns of old cartoons or work on whatever program he's trying to code. on his "not chill eras", he has a list of very bad folks he could visit to let off a little steam.
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astramachina · 4 months
Heyyy good morning I've come for your ask game :3
I am curious about: Graphite, American Gothic, and Cricut. Please + thank you ❤️
omg hi good afternoon! thank you got stopping by!!!
i'm gonna go ahead and play along with Ricky from Driving Through Tunnels (With No Light at the End) because it's the most "complete" of my works in progress!
Graphite: what's something decently common that your character does in a unique or different way?
Ricky refuses to use scissors, and would much rather damage his teeth than take the time to go find a pair. For example, in the upcoming chapter 7, rather than cut open his empty tube of toothpaste to scrounge up whatever he can, he just bites and tears at it for a good five minutes until he can rip the tube in half with his hands. Same goes for packaging, paper, zip-ties, etc, even if the endeavor proves fruitless in the end. It's not that he has anything against scissors per se, he just thinks it will "save him time" to just put his teeth to use. (It doesn't.)
American Gothic: what's one relationship between characters in this work that you think people wouldn't expect?
Early on (also in chapter 7), we're introduced to a girl named Jenny. She's a mechanic at the same auto shop Ricky works at, and right off the bat it's obvious that they're polar opposites. She's a relatively sheltered single child who plays the "rebel without a cause" to Ricky's "rebel with a cause", while being upbeat and bubble-gum late-90s chic. They're like that one photo of the all black house right next to the pink and purple house in San Fran. Their first interaction is a very clear-cut "co-workers that don't really interact outside of work" type of scenario, but throughout the 100k+ that need some serious shaving down, Jenny and Ricky become the most ride or die friends anyone could wish for.
Cricut: are there any characters you've had to "cut" from a story? Are there any moments/chapters/stories you've had to "cut" entirely?
I haven't cut out any characters yet, but in the preliminary stages of this rewrite I've circled a handful of scenes that will likely not make it into this current draft. Out context scenes currently on the chopping block: - 70s Night at the gay club - Ricky getting [redacted] by Bill over a workbench - Ricky picking off some creep while at the library (worry not, he will sate his blood-lust somehow)
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astramachina · 4 months
when explaining ricky's and william's dynamic to a friend who knows nothing of fnaf and she randomly says "i can imagine a marionette and puppet master type deal going on" and i'm!!!! BESTIE YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LITERAL YOU'RE BEING RIGHT NOW
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astramachina · 4 months
OC questionnaire !
Tagged by the splendiferous (i say it's a word) @fortunatetragedy!
We're going with Ricky Kronbach for this one because he's freshest on the mind and I really need to finish cleaning up the next chapter of Driving Through Tunnels.
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What is something you want to do more than anything else in the world, but can't, and why?
You have to be at level 50 or above to get any deep, personal lore outta me so I'll hit you with a basic answer: design dark rides at Anaheim. Y'know, live the whole Imagineer lifestyle. The one thing standing in my way is that I fucking hate California... and my university having blacklisted me from pursuing any further engineering degrees. Frankly an over-reaction given that one guy had it coming.
2) Say you have to move to another planet. Which one are you moving to and why?
Acheron. It's technically a moon but I'm counting it because it's capable of hosting life. Why? I don't fucking know, but teenage me would've given anything to have been flipped off by Sigourney Weaver. Xenomorphs might be a problem but it's a problem I am willing to put up with.
3) How do you make grilled cheese?
I'm lactose intolerant. But the last time I made one was for my brother, and I put a slice of Velveeta between two slices of stale bread, smashed it until it was thin enough to fit into the toaster and then set it to 6 because Jeremy liked them crispy. I might have over-crisped it and almost set our house on fire.
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no pressure tagging: @kairahara, @opaleyedprince, @kaizuart because they're the only peeps off the top of my head that i know have an impressive collection of OCs.
your questions are--
If you can steal any one item in all of history, what would it be and why?
You're meeting with someone important for dinner, and it's super last minute. What clothes currently at your disposal are you wearing?
Name one power or ability you wish to never have. Why?
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astramachina · 7 months
William: you're just like my dead ex fr fr he also had a penchant for showmanship
Ricky: i do not
Ricky: *pirouettes off a dumpster to stab a guy*, *takes a ringleader bow before bum-rushing an endoskeleton a whole foot taller than him*, *stands out in the pouring rain with a pathetic frown to emotionally manipulate his serial killer situationship like the protagonist of a bad 80s romcom*
Ricky: ............. >:/
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astramachina · 5 months
happy wip excerpt wednesday?
@fortunatetragedy tagged me and i've sat on the tag all the day because i have nowhere near enough cohesive words to share on The Singularity Project, but i did get some work done on the second draft for Driving Through Tunnels (With No Light at the End) by Fall Out Boy so here's 425 words from chapter 3.
for context, our main man Ricky was coming down from an adrenaline high at a Denny's somewhere in the middle of nowhere, only to get the shock of his life when the career counselor he met with exactly once over a year ago sits at his booth. it would've been a nice if awkward reunion if Mr. Raglan wasn't giving such serious serial killer vibes.
"Radical." "Radical? How old are you again?" "No, you don't get to give me shit when you're the one listening to Frankie Vallie on a mixtape, Steve." "They're classics. Just like my darling Bonnie here," he says, patting the dashboard. "You named your car?" "Am I to believe that you're a programmer who doesn't name his electronics?" Ricky thinks about it. "I had a Walkman I named Johnny when I was a teenager. After John Francis Bongiovi. From Bon Jovi." "I know who Bon Jovi is." "Do you? You seem pretty stuck in the 80s." Raglan makes a gesture with his hands that roughly translates to 'youth these days'. "That was the previous decade. Which was a good decade, mind you. And Bon Jovi has been around since '83." "Whatever, man." Ricky turns his attention towards the bleary outside world, thinking himself in circles. Maybe if he doesn't directly look at the mental block in his head, he might— "I don't normally bring young men home with me." To put it in physical terms, it's like his brain is a CD and the laser just snagged on a scratch. It's a joke, Ricky knows it is, but he can't help himself. "Stick to men your age, huh? Is that why your wife left?" Raglan's head whips towards him so fast it's a wonder he doesn't drive into a ditch. His mouth opens and closes like a robot with corrupted code. I can fix him, Ricky thinks. Then, with more seriousness than is merited, he says, "Family tragedy." Ricky would have felt bad for him if he didn't recognize it for the low blow it was. "Damn. That sucks." The shadows that half obscure Raglan's face transform him like shifting sand, revealing a long-buried structure hidden beneath. "How did your parents die?" The question comes as such a shock that Ricky can't process it for two songs. "How do you know that?" His aim for casual curiosity fails. Nobody knows about that. There is a very good reason why nobody knows about that. "It was on your file." Oh. "Car crash," he lies. "Dark, stormy night. My old man was trashed behind the wheel." Raglan glances at him again, steely eyes unreadable. "I'm sorry to hear that." The tone of his words does not match the look on him. "No one deserves to lose a loved one. Let alone both parents at once." "People die. That's how it goes." "That's how it goes," he echoes, then turns up the volume.
not exactly a tag game BUT if you want to share something, just blame it on me!
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astramachina · 5 months
rare moment where editing is easier than writing something new so second chapter of Ricky's fic is up. i didn't want to keep the old title so i changed that too (this one reflects the story a little better) but yeah uhhh ACFD but now it's Driving Through Tunnels (With No Light at the End) and in beautiful beautiful 3rd person pov.
naming fics like old fall out boy songs let's go
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astramachina · 5 months
thinking about ricky and altho he lived through the 80s and 90s and didn't work for fazent, i would love to shove him into a silly outfit with a sequined vest and top hat. bill would patronizingly pinch his cheeks and he'd hate it. he'd commit arson all over again.
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astramachina · 7 months
It’s not perfect. There’s no one to feasibly peer review your findings without having you fitted for a straitjacket, no real foundation to disprove your biased interpretation of data. You’re less of a mad scientist and more of a crackpot since there’s no way to quantify “I got electrocuted by my jerry-rigged PC and dropped into a digital landscape in which a man’s program designed to mimic human behavior as an attempt to replicate human consciousness chased me out to a lake in which I then drowned in with the help of a ghost child and now that I'm awake I just know what I'm doing in regards to transferring souls into machinery”. That’s just not gonna fly with any scientific board.
did i ever tell you that my guy is a mechanic.
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astramachina · 4 months
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A teenager witnesses the gruesome death of his little brother in 1987. All he remembers are the frenzied screams for help and the looming shadow of a rabbit that stalked him in the men's bathroom. ⏩ A young man walks out of career counseling in 1996, his choice made. The one thing that gives him pause is the presence of a magenta Chevrolet parked outside of Steve Raglan's office. The same magenta Chevrolet he saw the night of Jeremy's murder. ⏸️ Unfortunately for Ricky, he's got what "Mr. Raglan" needs, and there is no extreme he is unwilling to pursue for the chance to bring a loved one back to life. ▶️
Driving Through Tunnels (With No Light at the End) is a Five Nights at Freddy's fanfiction set five years before the events of the movie and asks "what if we sew the events of the games/books into a single, somewhat coherent narrative".
The fic follows Ricky Kronbach, the older brother of one of William Afton's alleged victims, as he tries to uncover the secrets of why Jeremy had to die, why Afton needs his expertise in program engineering, and whose bones are inside the box stashed in the back of the 1975 Chevy. All the while trying to play and win at the psychological game Afton's trapped him in since childhood.
Driving Through Tunnels is rated M for graphic depictions of violence, sexual content, psychological and supernatural horror, and gratuitous amounts of tech jargon. (Check AO3 for full list of tags.)
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AO3 🔪 Fic Tag 🔪 Who is Ricky Kronbach? 🔪 Playlist Masterlist
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astramachina · 2 months
Writerly Questionnaire
i was gonna snatch someone's open tag but @the-golden-comet (ty!!!) hit me with one so here we go. this is probs gonna get long and I apologize in advance.
About Me
When did you first start writing?
I was probably writing two page "sensationalized diary entries" when I was 8, but my first foray into proper "I am writing a piece of fiction" was at around 15.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
Kind of but not really? I do enjoy reading a good romcom every now and then despite never having written one (and not intending to YET), but I mostly read horror and sci-fi which are my two genres of writing choice.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
When I was younger I really wanted to be able to emulate Terry Pratchett's prose, but the more I wrote the more I realized there's no real emulation when it comes to one's own authorial voice, just bits and pieces of all of whom we've enjoyed along the way. Nowadays I don't really care for the idea of comparison, but if it's a must, Grady Hendrix's approach to blending horror with humor is golden.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
98% of active writing magic occurs in my bedroom, at my desk, mostly on my laptop because it's the only piece of tech with a word processor. When I'm feeling feisty, I'll light a scented candle (apple & cinnamon) and instantly give myself an allergy.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
MUSIC. Or taking a shower. Or chillin the backseat of a car with my headphones on. Growing up I had painted the words "movement inspires creation" on my closet door because car rides really were the prime way to summon The Muse.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Oh, absolutely. Sometimes it's more obvious than others! For example, Define Home to Me is a folk horror set in a fictionalized version of the town I grew up in. In The Unbinding, it's all about the familial tension that permeated my developmental years. I love writing modern day gothics for that very reason.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
My characters? Queer. Usually POC. Sometimes disabled in ways that makes them moving through the plot impossible. A lot of the times there's some scathing commentary against colonialism and imperialism, trauma, generational nonsense, and so on. Do they surprise me? Yeah, actually. Like hey what are YOU doing here, this is supposed to be a story about space monsters and weird gas stations out in the American West, ain't nobody got time to study the decay manifested by settlers on my culture, the fuck.
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
UHH probably Ricky Kronbach? He's a fandom OC which means I'm able to play with him while being unbound by cohesive narratives. I can put him in a blender and he'll still manage to flip me off. He's a brat. He's a weirdo. He's everything to me. Non-fandom wise, probably Verne from The Singularity Project. He may be a side-character and a... anti-hero? Kind of? But he has my entire heart because my god he's a hot freaking mess of a human being.
Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
Probably Mike. He's a cool dude and by far the most normal. We'd talk about plants and watch The X-Files in his living room.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Nick Miller from The Unbinding. He may be the MC but boy is a massive dick that needs to get his ass kicked into gear.
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
I'm a very story-centric person, so a lot of the times story comes before the character. I'll have a solid plot and setting and when the time comes for a vehicle to move through said story, I get to work on the character. It's one of the reasons why I only wrote fanfic for so long! I'm bad at creating interesting and unique OCs so a lot of the times they're just some guy (gn), though they do tend to grow and sometimes throw fits when certain events want to take place that do not match their personality.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
Not to me cringe on main but for a good two years I realized that the main love interests in multiple of my projects were 1) dark haired 2) blue-eyed 3) British. I'm still bewildered by this. Other than that, family trauma. LMAO
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.)
Depends on the project! TSP is a very special case in which I see half of the characters as actual real people. Other times I go with "actor faceclaims" so that it makes writing feel like a movie.
My Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
Fuck if I know. I just like doing it. It's this pit in the center of my chest that needs to be put the into word or else I feel like I'm going to explode.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
Give me those deep-dives into lore speculation. Or if it's something on the more risque side of things, I was feel a deep sense of satisfaction when commenters slip into the TMI scale of things.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
As the guy who makes people feel things while reading. Regardless of what feelings those might be.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Foreshadowing (usually accidental) and setting descriptions.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
"It's like I'm reading a movie," is something people have been telling me for well over a decade. Which is mainly the reason why part of TSP's story is visual! I want to try just how well the medium translates through my specific lens.
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
The entire range of human emotion. I recognize that not everything can be (or should even be, for that matter) a banger. Some stuff is shitty, and I will hate, and I will feel unsatisfied, and will make me never want to write again. Other stuff makes me feel like I deserve at least some kind of award, even if the award is "a nice cup of coffee with a lemon loaf". Sometimes I'm proud of it, sometimes I'm not. Sometimes it's fun, and sometimes it's not. Not only is it alright but it is necessary to slip and slide along that spectrum. Which is to say-- I am satisfied whenever I engage in the craft.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Hell yeah I would. I'm my own audience first and foremost.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
I write for me, myself, and I, and actively choose to share that with others. I did my time of trying to write for a wider audience to appeal to the mainstream industry and that just ended up with me hating every damn moment of it, so here I am. Horror and sci-fi aren't as popular as other genres which usually translates to limited reach, but man, those who match my freak will match it, and that is all that matters.
I SAID THIS WOULD BE LONG. not gonna tag anyone's notifs so i'm leaving this baby as an open tag!
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astramachina · 4 months
🔪Driving Through Tunnels Fic Playlists
It should come as no surprise that there isn't a single aspect of this fic that doesn't tie in to music, so here's a masterlist of all current playlists.
— '75 Chevy, B-Side ; a collection of Afton's driving tunes (aka all chapter titles in order; all songs released prior to 1990)
— down the rabbit hole. ; Ricky Kronbach's character playlist
— Drive It Like You Stabbed It ; gen fic playlist ft. more modern tracks
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astramachina · 2 months
OC/WIP ask tag
Stealing @fortunatetragedy's open tag because I've gotten a couple of new followers and I'm hella disorganized when it comes to my projects, so taking this as an opportunity to get a proper list going.
Rules/Premise: Open the floor for questions about your Stories/WIPs/OCs/creative processes, etc.
My askbox is always open! I am neither timely or coherent when it comes to responses but boy howdy do I try. Some of my ongoing hits are:
The Singularity Project: a multi-media webseries. Is it an ARG? Is it Analog Horror? Kind of. While I can't share a lot of LORE bits, I can absolutely talk about the utterly insane process it's been to bring something like this to life. And general story beats, too. Some notable characters that I've talked about before include Cy, Mike, (+the rest of the Mall Rats), and Verne!
The Unbinding of Wicked Things: a gothic horror/dark romance including 21st century ghost hunters and 19th century nobility. And weird monsters. And sentient manors? I'm yet to talk about any of the cast on here so I'm like gunning for the opportunity to do so.
Driving Through Tunnels (With No Light at the End): a FNaF longfic that takes place pre-movie! This is where Ricky Kronbach comes from, my silly little fandom OC who I love to torture very much. I wanted to write a "fnaf book for adults" and this fic ended up being a sort of prototype.
Define Home to Me: a Caribbean folk horror that is part creature feature! (There's so much family drama in this one. The chupacabra is there.)
I'm a writer literally asked me how I go by anything I will ramble on for a kajillion years.
I'm also leaving this as an open tag! If you snatch, please tag me back so that I can see/be reminded of what all you guys have going on! ♡
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